The Chatter For March

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NaichApiil 2u14 Euitoi Nancy BiPace Pfau Numbei 18


We have suiviveu !"#$%&''())(" +,-./ To be honest, this wintei's snow piles
cannot measuie up to those many of us iemembei fiom the 19Su's anu 6u's!
Bowevei, the colu fiom the aictic blasts uefinitely got eveiyone's attention. So,
welcome Naich, let us hope the sun shines biightly anu the snow melts slowly
enough to pievent floouing! Thank you, uail Luna, foi this lovely photo of the
Sulphui Temple.

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A Blast Fiom the Past, thanks to Biuce Button whose gianufathei is pictuieu above
In this gieat photo of the Shaion Spiings Tiack Team, eaily 2u
Centuiy befoie the
"new" school was openeu in the 19Su's.

Bave you signeu up yet foi the fiist evei Shaion Spiings "Run 4 The Bills", this Nay
at 9 AN:

A hilly, 4 mile run/walk in upstate New York benefitting Sharon Springs First Responders!
Register at:


Youis tiuly, the euitoi, has ieceiveu a contiact fiom Aicauia Books to wiite a
pictoiial histoiy of Shaion anu Shaion Spiings. The Shaion Bistoiical Society has
giaciously peimitteu me to use theii wonueiful collection of histoiic photos, but it
woulu be gieat to have access to othei photo collections as well. Biuce Button has
also been kinu enough to shaie a few photos |like the one abovej, but if any otheis
have photos to shaie, I woulu welcome youi input. The photos will be scanneu anu
ietuineu as soon as possible!


Beie is a photo of the builuing fiom appioximately 191u which touay houses the
Black Cat. Note the height of the snow!

Latest news:

Pizza Pizza Friday and Saturday 430-730 at Black Cat at least through
April ... wings and Cuban Pork sandwiches too! Editors note: Delicious!
Eat-in or Take-out!
Still open 7 days a week, 11-3 weekdays,8-3 weekends. Oh, and in
addition to Cooperstown and sometimes Syracuse Farmer's Markets, we
are now selling our goodies and more in Canajoharie at the Brotherhood
Country Store on Church Street

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Fukushima Fighter Part 1
By Rebecca Schecter

There is a difference between being paranoid and being prepared. There is a difference
between living in fear and living with more knowledge. Why is it that after one thousand
days have passed since the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started leaking
massive amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean, that we are still
not speaking about the radiation levels in this country? Why is there not more coverage
from all of the major news networks? I do not need to take the time to convince you here
that we have a radiation problem on our hands. Three nuclear reactors went into
meltdown. Three. This actually happened. The fact that there is NOT a daily report on
this matter is enough proof for me that there is a cover-up and that we have a
problem. By avoiding it, pretending it did not happen, and purposely not talking about it
to such an extreme degree, their silence screams the truth. Meanwhile, the President has
done some unfathomable acts, including raising "allowable" radiation limits, and very
recently announced the federal government has approved financing to break ground on a
new domestic nuclear power plant. He will be the first President to do this in over three
decades. All this, just to boil water?! We have a big problem.

Is it totally crazy to think that we should be handling this never-before-experienced
disaster slightly differently instead of assuming that we are not in clear and present
danger? Just because TEPCO likes to play the intentionally negligent game, does not
mean we should follow their lead. That terrible tsunami occurred and twenty thousand
lives were lost. Reactors 1, 2 , and 3 at the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant are still
spewing a plethora of radioactive isotopes out into our planet. Hundreds of thousands of
families have been displaced near Fukushima and can NEVER return to the land where
their ancestors have lived for generations. This may be a harsh winter here, that everyone
seems to love to complain about, but at least we have our homes! Forty-five percent of
the sea lion pups have died this year in southern California and starfish all along the
northwest coast are all just starting to eerily disintegrate. These details do not even touch
the vast amount of organism die-off that is being witnessed! The very, very LEAST we
can do for all of these most unfortunate victims and radiation refugees is to admit that we
currently do have a global radiation problem. That being said, how and where do we go
from here? Can you imagine a time when every township owns a Geiger counter and did
weekly readings? And perhaps even boasted about it when having a better than average
week? Can you imagine if natural food markets were given incentives to carry foods that
helped carry radiation out of our bodies? Can you imagine if every town joined and became a part of the network of global radiation monitors? Can you
imagine local governments sponsoring contests to see if there were any ways to protect a
village as a whole from precipitation saturated with caesium-137? Can you imagine
discovering the existence of a particular tree that has the ability to help deflect radiation
that we could plant all over the place? This may be a stretch, but how could we ever find
out without the proper encouragement?!

I say who better to implement these ideas, other than the people of Sharon Springs, New
York. I can think of no greater town to exhibit such bizarre and outlandish behavior. In
fact, it is pretty much expected of us! Sharon Springs was among the first few local
governments to make a statement and take a position against fracking. How is this life
and death issue any different? We are, in the case of radiation, breathing, drinking, and
eating something that we did not sign up for. The EPA has already reported radioactive
showers in at least eight states including Pennsylvania. Now is not the time to be
idle! Stagnation + radiation = debilitation! So by all means, please do not wait for any
help from the government or media to take matters (and your health) into your own
hands. We are the people! Push our local government to purchase a Geiger counter for a
mere $220 so that we do not have to buy our own individual ones. Even if our special
town currently has a very low count of radiation, now is the time to heal and ready the
body before conditions spiral. Let us support our sustainable natural food lady to carry
preventative healing products. Let us support our local soap lady to produce soap made
with Bentonite Clay (Nature's Kryptonite to radiation!) that helps carry those pesky
radioactive particles right off of our bodies. Let us support our local spa lady to give
radiation detoxification treatments. We are lucky to live in such an incredible town with
all of these beautiful local resources, so let's use them!

I understand that no one likes to be reminded daily of all of our shortcomings, but most
assuredly a different time is upon us. Fukushima is here. This is the time where we must
have active compassion for all of our fellow earthlings and to show that we actually
CARE enough to sacrifice money and time to help make that change. For if we do not
help make that change and make that daily (I will be the first to admit, depressing)
acknowledgement of our existing conditions, survival will be iffy. I feel that by being
proactive and prepping our minds and bodies now, we bring honor to those who have
already fallen ill. Those lives that suffered and were lost do not need to go in vain. The
Japanese children are already showing an up-tick with thyroid cancer and there is grand
apprehension for what is to follow in the next few years. How many more people have to
get cancer and experience long, drawn-out, horrible deaths from this most awful,
preventable catastrophe? The purpose of these words is not to depress you, but to instead
invoke change! Perhaps "Fukushima Fighter" is an incorrect phrase that I have been
using in my daily quest to find all of the answers... we must EMBRACE Fukushima, not
fight it! Sending all of the love and healing that we can muster straight to the source may
possibly be the best way we can help ourselves get out of this mess. Is the world a
different place and forever changed because of the Fukushima nuclear
disaster? Yes. Could it get worse? Most assuredly! More proof that Fukushima Daiichi
needs us more than ever before. Let us not get too distracted in our daily lives to
remember to send some positive vibes to Japan! Let us not give-up on those beautiful
people and for Pete's sake, let us not give-up on each other! Come on, Sharon Springs!
Let us keep our reputation rolling as the town that heals!

Love, Rebekah Schecter, your local sprout girl and seeker of sanity in this most insane world.
Fukushima Fighter Part 2 will focus on some of the foods and supplements that we can take to
prevent radiation absorption, foods that help pull radiation out of the body, and foods to avoid all

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Kellys Brown Butter Frosting Pumpkin Cake
For the pure
2 tsp. vegetable oil
1 medium-large Sugar Pie pumpkin, cut in half from stem to bottom and seeded
You can substitute canned pumpkin pure for homemade, if you like.
For the cake
6 oz. (3/4 cup) unsalted butter; more for the pans
9 oz. (2 cups) unbleached all-purpose flour; more for the pans
1-1/2 tsp. baking soda
1-1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground ginger
3/4 tsp. table salt
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
2/3 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1/3 cup buttermilk
For the topping
1-1/2 Tbs. unsalted butter
2/3 cup pecans
1/2 cup unsalted, raw, hulled pepitas
2 Tbs. firmly packed light brown sugar
1/4 tsp. table salt
1-1/2 Tbs. chopped crystallized ginger
For the frosting
4 oz. (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
1/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
5 oz. (1-1/4 cups) confectioners sugar
Make the pumpkin pure
Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 350F. Brush a 9x13-inch baking dish with the
oil. Put the pumpkin halves in the dish cut side down and bake until tender when pierced with a fork, about
45 minutes. Let cool. Peel the pumpkin and pure the flesh in a food processor until smooth. Youll need 1-
1/2 cups of the pure for the cake. Refrigerate or freeze any remaining pure for another use.
Make the cake
Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 350F.

Butter and flour two 9-inch round cake pans with removable bottoms (or butter two 9-inch round cake
pans, line the bottoms with parchment, butter the parchment, and flour the pans).

Melt the butter in a heavy-duty 1-quart saucepan over medium heat. Cook, swirling the pan occasionally
until the butter turns a nutty golden-brown, about 4 minutes. Pour into a small bowl and let stand until cool
but not set, about 15 minutes.
In a medium bowl, whisk the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, salt, and cloves. In a large bowl, whisk
1-1/2 cups of the pumpkin pure with the granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and buttermilk until very
well blended. With a rubber spatula, stir in the flour mixture until just combined. Gently whisk in the
brown butter until completely incorporated. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans.

Bake the cakes until a tester inserted in the center comes out clean, about 28 minutes. Let the cakes cool in
the pans for 10 minutes. Turn the cakes out onto racks, remove the pan bottoms or parchment, and cool
Make the topping
Melt the butter in a heavy-duty 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the pecans and pepitas and
cook until the pecans brown slightly and the pepitas begin to pop, about 2 minutes. Sprinkle in the brown
sugar and salt and stir until the sugar melts and the nuts are glazed, about 2 minutes. Stir in the ginger.
Remove from the heat and let the mixture cool in the skillet.
Make the frosting
Melt the butter in a heavy-duty 1-quart saucepan over medium heat. Cook, swirling the pan occasionally
until the butter turns a nutty golden-brown, about 4 minutes. Pour into a small bowl and let stand until the
solids settle at the bottom of the bowl, about 5 minutes. Carefully transfer the bowl to the freezer and chill
until just firm, about 18 minutes. Using a spoon, carefully scrape the butter from bowl, leaving the browned
solids at the bottom; discard the solids.

Using an electric mixer, beat the butter, cream cheese, and brown sugar on medium-high speed until light
in color and the brown sugar has dissolved, 2 minutes. Gradually beat in the confectioners sugar and
continue beating until fluffy, 1 to 2 minutes.
Assemble the cake
Put one cake layer on a cake plate. Spread 1/2 cup of the frosting on the layer. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of the nut
mixture over the frosting and top with the second layer. Frost the top and sides of the cake with the
remaining frosting. Arrange the remaining topping in a ring 1-1/2 inches in from the edge of the cake and

1. 0ui Libiaiian, Naiy Ellen Wolfe, is leaving us to caie foi hei new gianuson in
Coloiauo. Bo uiop in to say faiewell befoie the enu of Apiil!
2. The Ameiican Legion will ueuicate a new plaque honoiing the S Ameiican
patiiots who uieu in the Battle of Shaion, }uly 1781. The plaque will be
unveileu at Bowmakei's Ponu uuiing ceiemonies this Nemoiial Bay.
S. Shaion Spiings" own uail Luna whose photogiaphs giace the fiont anu back
pages of this issue, is now the ulimmeiglass Festival Company Nanagei anu
Biew Tayloi will be appeaiing in !"#$%&'( this summei!!
4. The Fenimoie Nuseum in Coopeistown will be featuiing I6"1>#$ J#%(5H K4(
L&2;5( &") M4:24%1 #= 06=( }une 7
thiough August7th.
S. Kate Nillei is uevoting heiself to full time faiming - she anu Runty hau a
gieat auventuie in Febiuaiy attenuing a confeience at the Saiatoga Bilton!
6. A plethoia of baby goats at Beekman Faim this Spiing, will ask }ohn foi
photos foi the next issue
7. Naich 1S
: in 0neonta, Catskill Symphony with em-cees, }osh Kilmei Puicell
anu Bi. Bient Riuge |who has staiteu a new caieei as Piofessoi Riuge!j


6<=>? :@
: Tony Besmonu will talk about the Battle of Shaion Nemoiial.
&B=CD E:
G }ohn Buua on "The Bistoiy of Postcaius".
6<H :I
G Richaiu anu Nancy Pfau, "Foit Niagaia anu the Wai of 1812"
G Ban Renovetz will shaie his memoiies of giowing up in Aigusville.
G Waltei vomSaal to piesent a photo show of Nagnesia Paik
G Petei Nauhs to shaie stoiies of his fathei, Shaion Nauhs.
G Teu Shuait will talk about the Battle of Cobleskill.

The above piogiams will take place at the Community Room. At 7 PN.

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