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How to apply for OEC?

OEC can be obtained at Philippine embassies or consulates abroad or POEA offices in the Philippines (addresses below). Basic requirements from OFWs include the followin ! ". Accomplished OFW info sheet (a#ailable at the #enue) $. Passport stamped with wor%in #isa &. Proof of OWWA membership such as '( or receipt ). Authori*ation letter (if done other than the applicant) Other requirements ma+ include wor% permit cards, air tic%ets, emplo+ment contracts, and others. How long does it take to get an OEC? -ormall+, OECs can be obtained within the same da+ of application, dependin on queues or a#ailabilit+ of attendin consular staff. How much does an OEC cost? 't depends on the currenc+ of the #enue OEC application was made, but is around P".. in Philippine currenc+. Pa+ment mode is a#ailable in cash onl+. Is it possible to apply for multiple OEC? For OFWs who intend to tra#el to the Philippines multiple times durin a short period of time ($ or more in a +ear) it is possible to appl+ for /0EC. 'ssuance of /0EC will be sub1ect to #alidit+ of the wor% pass and OWWA membership presented in OEC application. How to verify if I received the complete OEC document? 2pon receipt from a processin officer, ensure that +ou recei#e four ()) copies of this document. " cop+ 3 for the airline " cop+ 3 for the 4abor Assistance Center (4AC) Counter " cop+ 3 for the 0erminal Fee Counter (located at the Airport) " cop+ 3 to be presented to the 'mmi ration Counter (OFW5s cop+) Chec% the #alidit+ of tra#el at the lower left side of the printed cop+. Where to apply OEC? 'n the Philippines!

POEA Head Office NCR

Blas F. Ople Building Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA Mandaluyong City


La Union

POEA Regional Center for Luzon 3rd Floor, Tabora Building . Burgos St., San Fernando City Tele!a"# $%&'( ')'*+,%-.)33+ E/ail#, poeareu42s! Regional E"ten#ion Unit CAR Benite1 Court Co/pound,

aguio Cit!

Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City Tele!a"# $%&)( ))'*5)&-.))+*)'%5 E/ail# $an Fernando Pa%&anga $atellite Office RO III 3rd Floor, FS David Building McArt3ur 6ig37ay Dolores, San Fernando, a/panga Tel. 8o. $%)+( 5,4*354%.5,4*43%+ Fa" 8o. $%)+( 5,4*'45+ $atellite Office RO I( 9oo/ 4 6ectar Co//ercial Center 8ational 6ig37ay, Brgy. 6alang, Cala/ba, :aguna Tele!a"# $%)5( -3)*&5&) E/ail# cala/ $atellite Office RO ( O;;A <+, =round Floor Ants Building, ;as3ington Drive, :egaspi City Tele!a"# $%+'( )-4*)53+ E/ail#, poea*leg2globalin>.net.p3

Cala%'a Cit! Laguna

Lega#&i Cit!



Regional Center for (i#a!a# 3rd Floor, =e/ini Building &45 M. ?. Cuenco Ave., Cebu City Tel. 8os. $%3'( )4,*&%)5.)4,*&%+, Fa" 8o. $%3'( )4,*&%+4 E/ail#, poearcv& Regional E"t* Unit RO (I '.F S. C. Divinagracia Bldg., @ue1on Street, Aloilo City Tele!a# $%33( 33+*4%+-, 33,*-,44 E/ail# $atellite Office 3.F, Mayban> Building San ?uan St., Bacolod City Tel 8o. $%3)( )3)*&354 E/ail#





POEA $atellite Office '.F AMBA AA Building @ui/po Blvd. corner Tulip Drive, Davao City Tele!a"# $%-'( '5&*&)'5 Tel 8o. $%-'( '5&*&,)%.&,+%.&)'E/ail# rc0/ POEA Regional E"t* Unit Region 3.F Acersyant Bldg. Caus7agan 6ig37ay 5%%% Cagayan De Oro City Tele!a" 8o. $%--( -+&*)5'% E/ail#, POEA Regional E"t* Unit RO I'.F ?ose Co. Building - Eeterans Ave., Fa/boanga City Tele!a" 8o. $%,'( 55'*%5),.55'*)%)' E/ail# reu01a/




POE opens bigger OEC processing center in !anila mall

December 11, 2013 4:04am
&4 +& 3 4+-%

Returning overseas Filipino workers can now avail of better and bigger facilities at t e ! ilippine "verseas #mplo$ment %dministration&s newest processing center in 'anila( ) e Department of *abor and #mplo$ment said t e new overseas emplo$ment certificate +"#,processing center in .' 'anila can accommodate more "#, applications( /0t also saves t em mone$ and time, considering t at ma$ "F1s are ere onl$ on a s ort vacation( )ime saved b$ t em on processing personal emplo$ment documents is time freed for t em to spend wit t eir loved ones,2 D"*# .ecretar$ Rosalinda 3aldo4 said(

. e added t e !"#% ad been tr$ing since %ugust 2012 to process and issue "#,s at t e .' 'anila5s 6lobal !ino$ ,enter( . e t anked .' 'anila management for accommodating t e D"*# facilit$( ) e D"*# said t e new site was constructed and refurnis ed b$ .' 'anila management( 70t is provided wit 10 counters, computers, c airs, waiting area for at least 100 persons, internet connection, and ot er furniture, all free of c arge,7 t e D"*# added( .ince t e "#, processing center started opereations, it issued "#,s to more t an 18,000 "F1s or balik9manggagawa( "t er "#, processing centers in malls include t ose in .' !ampanga, Dut$ Free ! ilippines, and )rinoma 'all, :ue4on ,it$( 7'ore t an ;0,000 "F1s ave been served b$ t ese processing centers,7 t e D"*# said( 'eanw ile, t e D"*# said t e "#, processing in .' !ampanga will soon ave a bigger site, wit construction starting in <anuar$ 2014( ELR, GMA News

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