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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

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Create Section
Generate Lines of Cross Section
The Create Section option allows you to create reference section lines. These are lines in plan at the datum level, and define the position of the sections. Each section (reference line) has a name in the format of <pr ef i x ><n> where <pr ef i x > = a user allocated name, <n> = an automatically increasing number. There are seven available methods for generating section lines:

Single Section (digitise two points in plan). Long Section (digitise a string, two or more points). Parallel Sections (give separation, two points for the first section and a direction). Perpendicular Sections (give a separation, offsets and a reference line). X Axis (give a separation and a major surface. All sections through selected surface are created). Y Axis (give a separation and a major surface. All sections through selected surface are created. XS on LS (give separation and section line). Note:

This option can only be used when in Plan View.


Select Geotech menu Select Section submenu Select Create Section option

The Type of section dialog box is displayed. From this box, select a method in which to create section lines. Each method is described in detail below. Single Section Long Section Parallel Sections Perpendicular Sections X Axis Y Axis XS on LS

Single Section
The Single Section method allows you to create a single section line at a nominated position across the selected layer. Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

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Single section line panel Section name The maximum size of the section name is 10 alphanumeric characters. Section names must be unique. If you enter a section name that already exists, then that section's data will be lost and replaced with the new section. Select OK. Digitise the first point of the section line, followed by the second point. Any of the design entry modes can be used. Once indicated, a line is generated between the nominated points at the default datum level (specified through the Set Up option).

Long Section
The Long Section method allows you to create a single long section, which is a series of single section lines chained together. Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

Long section line panel Long Section name The maximum size of the long section name is 10 alphanumeric characters. Section names must be unique. If you enter a long section name that already exists, then that long section's data will be lost and replaced with the new long section. Select OK. Digitise the first point of the section line, followed by the next set of points. Any of the design entry modes can be used. Once a point is indicated, a line is generated between the previous and next point at the default datum level (specified through the Set Up option). Cancel to finish digitising points.

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

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Parallel Sections
The Parallel Sections method of generating section lines requires you to define a baseline, by indicating two points, against which the parallel sections are created. A third point determines the extent of the section lines. Diagram 1 - Parallel Method

Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

Parallel sections panel Section prefix This is used in the name of the generated sections. Numbering offset Enter the starting number for the sections. The names of the generated sections will be in the format of <pr ef i x ><n> where <pr ef i x > = the prefix entered above, <n> = an increasing value entered as the Numbering offset. For example, if prefix 'A' was used in Diagram 1 with a numbering offset of ' 1 ', then the resulting sections would be named A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 , A6 respectively. Separation Enter the distance between successive parallel sections. Select OK. Digitise the first point of the section line. Any of the design entry modes can be used.

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

Pgina 4 de 7

Digitise the second point of the section line, followed by the approximate finish. Once digitised, and depending on the separation entered, the appropriate number of equally spaced cross section lines are then generated.

Perpendicular Sections
The Perpendicular Sections method of generating section lines requires you to define an alignment line by indicating two points. The section lines are created perpendicular to this line as shown in Diagram 2. Diagram 2 - Perpendicular

Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

Perpendicular sections panel Section prefix This is used in the naming of the generated sections. Numbering offset Enter the starting number for the sections. The names of the generated sections will be in the format of <pr ef i x ><n> where <pr ef i x > = the prefix entered above, <n> = an increasing value entered as the Numbering offset.

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

Pgina 5 de 7

For example, if prefix 'A' was used in Diagram 2 with a numbering offset of ' 1 ', then the sections would be named A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 , A6 and A7 respectively. Separation Enter the distance between successive parallel sections. Left/Right side offset Enter the distance that each section line is to extend to the left or right of the alignment line. Select OK. Digitise the first point of the alignment line, followed by the second point. Any of the design entry modes can be used when digitising these points. Once indicated, the section lines are generated at equal spacing and perpendicular to the alignment line.

X Axis
The X Axis method allows you to equally generate spaced vertical section lines (i.e. North - South) at a nominated interval across the area of the selected triangulated surface. Diagram 3 - X Axis

Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

X axis sections panel

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

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Section prefix This is used in the naming of the generated sections. Numbering offset Enter the starting number for the sections. The names of the generated sections will be in the format of <pr ef i x ><n> where <pr ef i x > = the prefix entered above, <n> = an increasing value entered as the Numbering offset. For example, if prefix 'A' was used in Diagram 3 with a numbering offset of ' 1 ', then the sections would be named A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 , A6 respectively. Separation Enter the distance between successive parallel sections. Select OK. Select the major survey or design model. This refers to the triangulation model over which the section lines are to be generated. Once indicated, a series of equally spaced vertical lines will be generated that cover the extent of the selected triangulation. Note: The last two section lines may not have the same spacing as the others as the last section line is generated at the extent of the model and not beyond.

Y Axis
The Y Axis method allows you to generate equally spaced horizontal section lines (i.e. East-West) at a nominated interval across the area of a selected triangulation model. Diagram 4 - Y Axis

Refer to the X Axis method for a description, as the only difference between the X Axis and Y Axis methods is that the Y Axis method generates horizontal section lines instead of vertical lines.

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Envisage : Geotech : Section : Create Section

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XS on LS
The XS on LS method allows a series of section lines to be generated along, and perpendicular, to a long section line. This method is similar to the Perpendicular Sections method, except that a long section line is used for the alignment. Once selected, the following panel is displayed.

XS on LS panel Section prefix This is used in the naming of the generated sections. Numbering offset Enter the starting number for the sections. The names of the generated sections will be in the format of <pr ef i x ><n> where <pr ef i x > = the prefix entered above, <n> = an increasing value entered as the Numbering offset. Separation Enter the distance between successive parallel sections. Left/Right side offset Enter the distance that each section line is to extend to the left or right of the alignment line. Select OK. Select a section line. ie. a single section or a long section line. Once selected, the line is then used as the alignment line for generating the new equally spaced section lines. If you select an object that is not a section line, then an error message is displayed and you are again prompted to select a section line.

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