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They say that you are only as good as your teacher, and reflecting upon my own e ducation, I would

have to agree. Since making a career based around the field of education, I have experienced a variety of method and practice, different app roaches and styles however, it is teachers who have inspired and encouraged me t hat left me with a fond memory and who helped mold me into the person I am today . Teachers are the people who hold the key to the future, helping students to d evelop and succeed in life. As a teacher of ESL I enjoy assuming this responsibi lity and knowing that I have the possibility to leave something special and memo rable in another persons developing mind. Such a difference can be made by helpi ng another receive an education. Over the last five years, while attending Saint Louis University, I have had the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally by living and teachin g abroad. Spain has been a fantastic opportunity. It has provided me with the a bility to see the world from another perspective, and has broadened my understan ding of new people I meet and the unexpected circumstances I may encounter in li fe. My educational experience at Saint Louis University provided me with the p ossibility to meet people from all over the world, explore the cultural similari ties and differences between us, and gain a better understanding of their tradit ions and way of life. The excitement of learning, living and experiencing another culture has to be ex perienced first hand. I believe that you cannot gain a true understanding of a c ulture and it's people without immersing yourself in it. Having the opportunity to live and work in South Korea would provide me with a real-life study on the country s cultural traditions, language, etiquette, and history, as well as enhance my own transnational competency. Through this experience, I would be able to con tinue my personal and professional development through new cross-cultural exchan ges, as I learn more about the Korean culture and traditions. As an individual who has spent time abroad, I find teaching others the English l anguage to be the upmost rewarding experience. It is a special privilege to be i n a position to help students find their voices, unique abilities and the courag e within themselves to speak a foreign language, as well as to help them succeed academically. It is important for me to have students leave the classroom with more confidence, compassion, and enthusiasm for life and learning. It is gratify ing to help someone achieve their goals and in my opinion, that is one of the gr eatest feelings to be left with at the end of a day. Although I am a native English Speaker, I consider myself to also be a global ci tizen, who enjoys helping others work to become connected and gain a better unde rstanding of themselves and the world around them. Learning languages is an esse ntial building block in the process. It is the number one form of communication . We live in a world that moves at a very fast pace, and as teachers, we have th e power to change lives by giving our students the skills to succeed and develop academically, and the skills to communicate in the world abroad. As an ESL tea cher, I enjoy being in a role that inspires people to think big and do something great! I enjoy working hard to provide a space where students can find their ow n balance between critical thinking and creativity, and participate in a classro om environment that is both exciting and rewarding.

Tobi M. Zidell

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