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Cannonballism By Jason D.


FADE IN: INT. MOTEL ROOM - PRIME TIME The classy decor of the Powhatan Motor Inn impresses an early 1960s mien. TV VOICE (BACKGROUND) Senator, last May in Oregon, you expressed your desire to soften the border along the Missouri Compromise. Do you think now, given recent acts of aggression by the South and certain statements made by Confederate President Kefauver, that such a proposition was ill-advised? Do you think now it would be appropriate to strengthen border security? Though the artifacts of the room are all recognizably vintage, a closer look reveals several brand items that do not ring a bell. A YANKEE MINI-FRIDGE. A PACK OF REBEL CIGARETTES. A BRADY TELEVISION. ON TV: Senator John F. Kennedy prepares to respond to the question posed to him by a member of the debate panel. SENATOR KENNEDY (BACKGROUND) Mr. Morgan, in my judgment that statement has been distorted - uh by Mr. Nixon and others. I merely suggested -PULL BACK to reveal: A man, late-30s, hunkered on the floor over a large map of the southeastern portion of the United States. This is JOZE MORALE -- verminously slender and mustachioed, a human polecat. SENATOR KENNEDY (CONTINUED) --that if we feel that it is in our best interest to keep what few southern trading partners we have left, then it would be proper for us to make certain routes more accessible to them. (CONTINUED)



The polecat pours tequila into a small glass and glances briefly at the television. He lurches forward to scribble down something on the map. CLOSE UP: TV SENATOR KENNEDY (CONTINUED) As far as measures to strengthen the border at such an early juncture - uh -in regards to recent events, I believe it would be imprudent...and uh -Before Kennedy can continue, the live studio audience begins to groan and murmur among themselves. Several people loudly shout and boo. The audiences reaction agitates Joze. He rises to his feet, accidentally knocking over the tequila bottle and emptying its contents on to the map. He shouts something in Spanish. DEBATE MODERATOR I will request that our studio audience please keep their composure and respect the viewpoints expressed by our candidates. Joze turns up the volume on the TV then tries to salvage his soused map without taking his eyes of the screen. FRANK MCGEE With your concession, Senator, I will turn it back over to the panel. SENATOR KENNEDY Yes, Mr. moderator, thatd be fine. Joze grabs a phone and dials. While he waits for the responder, he spreads the map out on the coffee table and dries it off with his sleeve. JOZE (into phone) Yeah. Ya gettin this? (Beat) He cant get a fucking word! Joze speaks in a strong Pittsburgh accent.




MEMBER OF DEBATE PANEL (BACKGROUND) Mr. Vice President, your views on whether it would be appropriate at this juncture to strengthen border security. JOZE (on phone) Sh-sh-sh. RICHARD NIXON I think Kenner -- Senator Kennedy is dangerously wrong to take such a weak approach on this issue. The audience interrupts Nixon with loud approval. Joze clenches. RICHARD NIXON Those of certain political persuasion seem to forget that this war is an unfinished one. And make no mistake about it, a soft border is a welcome mat for rekindled conflict. Now, its time to separate the goats from the sheep once and for all. And we do that with a line -- a thick, black line through the middle. The crowd is boisterous. Nixon sanguine. Kennedy pursed. Joze can neither swallow nor blink. JOZE (into phone, defeated) I think that about does it, Mr. Sledge.

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