Year 2 Science Scheme of Work

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THEME: A. Learning About Living Things

Learning Area: 1. Living Things and Non-living Things

Learning Obje tives

Pupils should learn : to make observation and use the observation to group things into living things and nonliving things

Learning Out o!es

Pupils : make a list of things they see. group what they see into living things and non-living things. record the groups in the form of a table.

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&

Pupils walk around the school compound and list the things that they see. Pupils group them into living things and non-living things.

Observing lassifying ommunicating !aking inferences

"iving things #on-living things


Pupils should learn : to make observation and use the observation to group things into living things and nonliving things

&tate the characteristics of living things i.e.: they need food and water they breathe they can move they grow they can produce young recogni'e humans( animals ands plants as living things.

Pupils give reasons why they say something is a living thing e.g it needs food and water( it breathes( it moves( it grows and it can produce young. Pupils look at the grouping that they did earlier. Pupils redo their grouping based on the characteristics of living things. Pupils watch videos of animals eating( moving( growing and producing young.

Observing ommunicating

haracteristics )ood *ater +reathe !ove ,row Produce young

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Learning Area: , Ourselves

Weeks Learning Obje tives Pupils should learn : that they need food and water to stay alive. Learning Out o!es Pupils : &tate that they need to eat and drink to stay alive. "uggested Learning A tivities " ienti#i "kills Notes$%o abular& #eed /at 0rink &tay alive

Pupils talk about what will happen if they do not eat and drink for a few days.

Observing !aking .nferences ommunicating


that they need to eat different kinds of food to be healthy.

"ist some of the different kinds of food that they eat. Present the list of food they eat in the form of a pictograph and say what this shows e.g. the food that is eaten most.

Pupils list the food that they eat for breakfast or lunch over one week. Pupils present the list of food they eat in a week in the form of a pictograph. Pupils talk about what the pictograph shows e.g( the food that is eaten the most in one week.

!aking .nferences ommunicating Observing

-i##erent )ind .reak#ast Lun h


that we grow and change as we grow older.

5ecogni'e that they need to eat different foods to stay healthy. &tate the kinds of food that : ,ive energy 6elp you grow 6elp you stay healthy

Pupils talk about the importance of eating different foods to stay healthy. Pupils talk about food that : a7 gives energy( e.g( rice( bread b7 helps you grow( e.g( fish( chicken c7 helps you stay healthy( e.g( fruits( vegetables

!aking .nferences ommunicating Observing 8sing space- time relationship

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning Obje tives

Learning Out o!es

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&

1/ 0 11

that we grow and change as we grow older.

0escribe changes in themselves since birth. &tate that they grow in height( si'e and weight.

Pupils look at photographs of themselves since birth to the present. Pupils suggest ways in which they have changed since they were born. Pupils talk about how they might change as they grow older. Pupils compare clothes and shoes which were worn when they were younger to the clothes and shoes they wear now. Pupils compare fingerprints9 footprints among members of their families. Pupils compare records of their weight and height from birth to the present.

!aking .nferences ommunicating Observing 8sing space- time relationship

1hanges Height "i2e Weight 3inger4rint birth

Learning Area: 5. Ani!als

Weeks 12 Learning Obje tives Pupils should learn : what animals need to live. Learning Out o!es Pupils : &tate that animals need food( water and air to stay alive. "uggested Learning A tivities " ienti#i "kills Notes$ %o abular& Pets need &tay alive

Pupils bring some pets or pictures of pets to the classroom. :hey talk about what the pets need to stay alive.

Observing !aking .nferences

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning Obje tives

Learning Out o!es

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&

1$ & 1%

the different kinds of food that animals eat.

"ist the foods eaten by some animals. &tate that some animals : - eat plants - eat other animals - eat plants and other animals

Pupils discuss the needs of different animals. Pupils watch videos of animals eating. :hey list the names of the animals and the food they eat. Pupils visit a 'oo at feeding time to observe what animals eat.

Observing ommunicating

eat plants eat other animals eat plants and other animals

1- & 11

that animals grow. &tate that animals grow in si'e and weight. &tate that animals change as they grow. .dentify baby animals that look like their parents. .dentify baby animals that do not look like their parents. 0escribe in what ways the baby animals are different from their parents.

Pupils are given a set of pictures of animals from baby to adult. Pupils arrange them in order from baby to adult. Pupils match pictures of animals to their babies. Pupils listen to stories accompanied by pictures about animals changing as they grow( e.g( :he 8gly 0uckling. Pupils keep tadpoles to observe the changes from tadpoles to frogs. Pupils record the changes from tadpoles to frogs.. Pupils visit a butterfly farm to observe the different stages of growth of a butterfly from egg to adult.

Observing 8sing space-time relationship

+aby ;dult hanging :adpoles ,rowth

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(

Learning Area: 6. 'lants

Weeks Learning Obje tives Learning Out o!es "uggested Learning A tivities " ienti#i "kills Note$ %o abular&

12 & 13

Pupils should learn : that plants need the correct amount of water for healthy growth.

Pupils : !easure a specific volume of water. Observe and measure the growing plants. 5ecord the observation in a chart.

Pupils grow plants from seeds( e.g( beans. :hey water the plants using different volumes of water. Pupils observe plants growing and measure them. Pupils record the height and the number of leaves of the growing plants.

!aking .nferences ommunicating Observing !easuring and using numbers

<olume seed !easure leaves


that flowering plants produce seeds which grow into new plants.

&tate that plants need water to grow but to much water may kill them. 5ecogni'e that flowering plants produce seeds which can grow into new plants. .dentify seeds and the plants.

Pupils compare the plants getting the correct amount of water to that of getting too much water. Pupils observe a plant bearing fruits( e.g( balsam plant. :hey cut open the fruits to look at the seeds. !atch seeds to plants( e.g( balsam( papaya( rubber( tomato

Observing !easuring and using numbers ommunicating Observing

;mount +alsam plant Papaya 5ubber tomato

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'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning About The World Around 7s

Learning Area: 1. Long and "hort

Weeks Learning Obje tives Learning Out o!e "uggested Learning A tivities " ienti#i "kills Notes$ %o abular&


Pupils should learn : to observe and compare lengths.

Pupils : &tate which ob@ect is longer or taller

Pupils look at two ob@ects to compare their lengths or heights. Pupils look at pictures of ob@ects to compare their lengths or heights. Pupils compare their heights by standing neAt to each other. Pupils suggest ways to measure the length or height of an ob@ect.

Observing !easuring and using numbers ommunicating

"onger :aller 6eight ompare "ength

2% & 2-

Pupils should learn: to measure length using nonstandard tools.

0escribe ways to measure length. !easure the length of an ob@ect using a non-standard tool. 5ecord the length or height of an ob@ect in non-standard measurement in a table.

Pupils measure length or height using non-standard tools e.g( using a straw( a piece of string etc. Pupils record the length or height of an ob@ect in non-standard measurement e.g( two straws long. Pupils compare their heights by using non-standard measurement.

Observing !easuring and using numbers ommunicating

!easure "ength #on-standard 6eight

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(

Learning Area: ,. The Magi o# .atteries

Weeks 21 Learning Obje tives Pupils should learn : about things that use batteries. Learning Out o!e Pupils : .dentify things that use batteries. "ist things that use batteries. "uggested Learning A tivities " ienti#i "kills Notes$%o abular&

Pupils discuss in groups and make a list of things that use batteries. Pupils are given pictures 9 video and are asked to identify the things in the pictures that use batteries.

Observing ommunicating

battery .dentify

22 & 23

how to use a battery

;re able to use a battery correctly. 5ecogni'e that a battery needs to be inserted correctly for it to function. 0escribe how to insert a battery correctly.

Pupils are given a battery and are asked to insert the battery into an alarm clock or a toy. Pupils observe the change to the alarm clock or toy when the battery is inserted. Pupils observe what happens if the battery is reversed.

Observing ommunicating !aking inferences

)unction .nsert lock :oy ;larm reversed

24 & $=

how to make a complete circuit.

;re able to make a complete circuit using a battery( wire and a bulb. ;re able to draw their working circuit and eAplain their drawing.

Pupils draw possible ways of connecting a battery( wire and a bulb to make the bulb light up. Pupils test their drawing by building their circuit. Pupils draw and eAplain what they did to make the bulb light up.

Observing ommunicating !aking inferences

ircuit +attery bulb

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(

Learning Area: 5. Mi8ing Things

Weeks $1 & $2 Learning Obje tives Pupils should learn : that some materials can dissolve in water and some cannot. Learning Out o!e Pupils : ;re able to recogni'e that some materials can dissolve in water. 5ecord their observation in a table. "uggested Learning A tivities Pupils are given materials such as sugar( salt( coffee( flour( pepper and sand. Pupils are asked to add a glass of water to each of the materials and stir .t. Pupils are asked to observe and state their observation. Pupils check their observation by: a7 tasting the solutions b7 filtering the solutions. " ienti#i "kills Observing lassifying ommunicating !aking inferences Predicting /Aperimenting Notes$%o abular& 0issolve &ugar offee )lour Pepper &and 8n-dissolve

Learning Area: 6. 'ush and 'ull

Weeks $$ Learning Obje tives Pupils should learn : that pushing and pulling can change the shape of ob@ects. Learning Out o!e Pupils : 0escribe what they did to change the shape of materials. "uggested Learning A tivities Pupils are given a variety of materials (e.g( plasticine( sponge( dough. Pupils are asked to change the shape of the materials and describe the action they used to do so( e.g. pull( twist( stretch. Pupils say whether each action is a push or a pull e.g( stretching is a pull( sBuee'ing is a push. " ienti#i "kills Observing /Aperimenting ommunicating Notes$%o abular& Plasticine &ponge 0ough

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning Obje tives

Learning Out o!e

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&


that pushing and pulling can make things speed up( slow down or change direction.

0escribe what they did to make things speed up( slow down or change direction.

Pupils are given a toy car or a ball and asked to make it move faster( slower or change direction( e.g( the car moves faster when . push it harder.

/Aperimenting ommunicating !easuring and using numbers Prediction !aking .nferences

!ove Push 6arder )aster &lower hange direction


to make prediction and to test them.

Predict which toy car will travel the furthest. !easure distance in appropriate units. &uggest and give reasons whether the comparison is fair.

Pupils are given toy cars of different si'es and are asked to predict which car will travel the furthest. Pupils test their predictions by making the toy cars move and measuring the distance traveled by each car in standard or non-standard measurement. Pupils discuss whether their comparison is fair (e.g( . pushed the big toy car harder so the comparison is not fair.

/Aperimenting ommunicating !easuring and using numbers Prediction

:ravel )urthest 0istance


5/<.&/ ;"" :6/ :OP. :6;: P8P."& 6;0 "/;5#/0


).#;" >/;5 /?;!.#;:.O#

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning Obje tives

Learning Out o!e

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&


how to make a complete circuit.

;re able to make a complete circuit using a battery( wire and a bulb. ;re able to draw their working circuit and eAplain their drawing.

Pupils draw possible ways of connecting a battery( wire and a bulb to make the bulb light up. Pupils test their drawing by building their circuit. Pupils draw and eAplain what they did to make the bulb light up.

Observing ommunicating !aking inferences

ircuit +attery bulb


Pupils should learn : that pushing and pulling can change the shape of ob@ects.

Pupils : 0escribe what they did to change the shape of materials.

Pupils are given a variety of materials (e.g( plasticine( sponge( dough. Pupils are asked to change the shape of the materials and describe the action they used to do so( e.g. pull( twist( stretch. Pupils say whether each action is a push or a pull e.g( stretching is a pull( sBuee'ing is a push.

Observing /Aperimenting ommunicating

Plasticine &ponge 0ough


that pushing and pulling can make things speed up( slow down or change direction.

0escribe what they did to make things speed up( slow down or change direction.

Pupils are given a toy car or a ball and asked to make it move faster( slower or change direction( e.g( the car moves faster when . push it harder.

/Aperimenting ommunicating !easuring and using numbers Prediction !aking .nferences

!ove Push 6arder )aster &lower hange direction

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(


Learning Obje tives

Learning Out o!e

"uggested Learning A tivities

" ienti#i "kills

Notes$%o abular&


to make prediction and to test them.

Predict which toy car will travel the furthest. !easure distance in appropriate units. &uggest and give reasons whether the comparison is fair.

Pupils are given toy cars of different si'es and are asked to predict which car will travel the furthest. Pupils test their predictions by making the toy cars move and measuring the distance traveled by each car in standard or non-standard measurement. Pupils discuss whether their comparison is fair (e.g( . pushed the big toy car harder so the comparison is not fair.

/Aperimenting ommunicating !easuring and using numbers Prediction

:ravel )urthest 0istance

%2 5evised all the topic that students had learned in the curriculum specification &cience >ear :wo

'AN(T(A "A(N" "). *ENE+( $ M+"(

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