The EXORCIST Key - Black and White

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By Andrew Gerard

Another unique and original pet effect from the close up arsenal of Andrew Gerard. Effect: The performer tells a brief story, Last night some friends and I watched the classic movie The Exorcist and the one scene that keeps playing over and over in my mind is the scene where the girls head twists aro nd! "eaching into his pocket taking o t a normal looking key he explains, #hen I got home after the movie there was this key sitting on my dresser$ its not mine and I have no idea where it came from, is it yo rs% &anding it to the spectator, they reply 'o( The performer holds the key p between his fingers and says Every time I look at it I keep seeing the scene from the movie$( ) ddenly the performers hand begins to shake and T&E &E*+ ,- T&E .E/ )L,#L/ T#I)T)!!! The performer gives the key away to the closest person and says, &ere, yo have it( I dont want it anymore(

This effect has been a well0kept secret for many years now$( If yo are familiar with any of my work yo know that simplicity is always best( This ro tine has many key components in it that I feel make it work so well( Even tho gh this is a key bending effect, nlike my other release, .ey *ccessory, where a key is signed and bent while the spectator is holding it, this effect has a m ch different feel and method to it( /o will notice that yo have received 2 keys and a key ring ( This is all yo will need to perform this( There are 1 main parts to performing this s ccessf lly, they are2

The )tory The )witch The Twist THE STORY

The most val able part of any effect is most often the presentation or story( Too often we pay attention to the work that the a dience doesnt see rather than what they do( 3elieve it or not$ this story is completely T"4E$well almost( *ltho gh the key twist effect has been in my close p presentations for years something happened that changed the presentation forever( I flew into Las 5egas to work as a cons ltant on the T5 series 6I'+ -"E*. starring 7riss *ngel( I arrived late at night and checked into the *laddin hotel where 3anachek, L ke 8ermay, +exter, and 7riss were all sitting in a black room watching The Exorcist of Emily "ose( *fter the movie I went back to my room, thinking abo t the first Exorcist movie( )itting on my bed I noticed the twisted key sitting on the table( I picked it p, looked in the mirror and did the twist, after years, the effect was complete(

This switch I call The +evils )witch for obvio s reasons and is probably the one thing that I was hesitant to give away$ b t its too good not to share, and also totally necessary for this ro tine( The switch happens as yo apparently remove the key from the ring( Lets begin(

Display p siti n: &old the key by the key ring in yo r left hand 9SEE !I"URE #:(

7opyright ;<<= *ndrew >erard

The key to be switched in is held o t in the right hand 9SEE !I"URE 2:( The right hand approaches and takes the key and starts the faked nwinding process 9 nwinding the key off the ring: by rotating the hand together 9SEE !I"URES $% & ' (:( #hen yo are in position ? yo will notice that the key on the ring is in @E"-E7T position to be held by the left hand, where it will stay there held firm, the ring is still in view( 'ow the hands reverse the previo s movements of positions A, B ? 9SEE !I"URES ) ' *+( Except, this time, the held o t key in the right hand takes place of the other key still on the ring( To remove the key off the ring give it a little click on the ring, this so nds perfect and s bconscio sly anno nces the key is off the ring( 'ow sing an economy of movement the left hand with the ring and key hidden goes into yo r left frontCback pants pocket while sim ltaneo sly yo r right hand comes into view aro nd eye level 9SEE !I"URE ,% ' - t.e t./01 .as 1een 0 2ed f r e3planati n p/rp ses:( 'ow to The 3end!

Starting p siti n: &old the key as shown 9SEE !I"URE - ' ##: 9front and back views:( The th mb will p t a gentle press re and the key head will spin co nter clockwise 9SEE !I"URE #4 ' #2:( The key has been bent this way so it c rves aro nd the first finger, and in t rn, being p shed p ever so little, this is the key that sells the bend here, as yo will see the end position 9SEE !I"URE #2: is the exact way yo wo ld hold the key if yo did it for real! * gentle shakingCtrembling of the hand masks any movement at all! @ractice these movements as slow as possibleD peoples attention is on the head of the key, thats where yo sho ld be looking as well(

5erf r0ance Tips6N tes

@ractice the switch while talkingD so yo do not even need to look at it, this is invisible if performed correctly( .eep in mind this effect is happening beyond yo r control, almost as if it happens thro gh yo $ like yo were temporarily possessed!

7opyright ;<<= *ndrew >erard

*fter its over shake o t yo r hands, like yo felt something happen to the m scles, this allows people to think somehow yo bent it thro gh s pernat ral power( T 0ake y /r 7n e3 rcist keys 9if yo choose to give them away: yo will need ; sets of pliers, wrap the ends in tape as to not leave a mark on the head of the key( >rip the head of the key 9SEE !I"URE 8: with the other set start at the top and slowly p t press re on the key t rning it clockwise, move down the shaft little by little as to not stress the key or it will break 9SEE !I"URES 9 ' C:( This performance is not a challenge bend, that is what the key is not signed nor sho ld the effect be immediately repeated, this is a special happening( I have performed this on the "adio and the reactions were -*'T*)TI7! Its almost better the way the host will describe the effect than it is in real life! The +evils )witch may be sed to perform a key0r0ect or bank night ro tine as well( Understand r /tine 0ay scare t.e s':; /t f s 0e ne< 5ick y /r a/dience appr priately% l k .appened t C lin=

3anachek for the s btleties of the gentle shaking which fits the presentation perfectly( +exter for drawing my attention to the hand positioning of the twist( )ome g y named 7olin who was one of the first people I performed this version for, that act ally fainted$((sorry abo t that( Tina my wife, who is everything to me, and always worries my next spectator, will faint( Elvis, my parakeet, for being my little b ddy, big .I))! I . pe y / en> y piece .as 1een s g 7ell% and ne2er s.are it< In T. /g.ts% d t 0e% please perf r0 it

8ndre7 "erard

7opyright ;<<= *ndrew >erard

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