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ABE Level 4 Diploma in Business Management (QCF) Qualification specification Qualifications objective This qualification: Prepares learners to progress

s to a qualification in the same subject area (in particular the Level 5 Diploma in Business Management) or in another subject area (including Honours degrees) Prepares learners for employment or supports their current role in the workplace Gives opportunities for personal growth and engagement in learning This qualification contains a range of units which are relevant to general management and to business. The units are listed below and are all available on the ABE website please pay particular attention to the learning outcomes, which you will be assessed against. No, this is a stand-alone qualification. However, it is in the interest of candidates that they have attained Level 2 qualifications (GCSE standard) in Mathematics and English Language, or can demonstrate competence through obtaining an alternative qualification of similar standard. None. Candidates must pass these three mandatory units: Introduction to Business Introduction to Quantitative Methods Introduction to Business Communication Candidates for the Business Management pathway must pass this optional unit: Introduction to Accounting Candidates for the Financial Management pathway must pass this optional unit: Accounting for Financial Managers Candidates for the Management of Information Systems pathway must pass this optional unit:

Why you should consider taking this qualification

Any other qualification which you must have completed before taking the qualification

Any prior knowledge, skills or understanding which you are required to have before taking the qualification Units which you must complete before the qualification will be awarded and any optional routes

Any other requirements which you must have satisfied before you will be assessed or before the qualification will be awarded The knowledge, skills and understanding which will be assessed as part of the qualification

Introduction to Management Information Systems None. How to: Use practical, theoretical or technical understanding to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine. Analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas. Be aware of the nature and approximate scope of the area of study. Have an informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the area of study or work. The three-hour written external examinations are held twice a year (usually the first week in June and December). ABE manages the entire examination process, from its external centres around the world, to invigilation and marking. Refer to the assessment criteria for each unit. Past papers are available on the members area of the ABE website. Candidates will be marked out of 100 and will be graded as follows: A* 75%+ Higher Distinction A 65% - 74% Distinction B 50% - 64% Merit C 40% - 49% Pass D 30% - 39% Marginal Fail E 15% - 29% Fail F 0% - 14% Unclassified
Candidates achieving a pass grade (C or above) will be awarded the appropriate QCF credits.

The method of assessment and associated requirements relating to it

The criteria against which your level of attainment will be measured Specimen assessment materials Specified levels of attainment

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