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Improving environmental and social performance

Good practice guidance for the oil and gas industry


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Climate Change

Guidelines for implementing ISO 50001 energy management systems in the oil and gas industry (2013) Preparing effective flare management plans: Guidance document for the oil and gas industry (2011) Petroleum industry guidelines for reporting greenhouse gas emissions - Second edition (2011) Addressing uncertainty in oil and natural gas industry greenhouse gas inventories (2009) Oil and natural gas industry guidelines for greenhouse gas reduction projects: flare reduction project family (2009) Oil and natural gas industry guidelines for greenhouse gas reduction projects: carbon capture and geological storage emission reduction project family (2007) Oil and natural gas industry guidelines for greenhouse gas reduction projects (2007)

Fuels and products

Biofuels and water nexus: guidance document for the oil and gas industry (2012) Refinery air emissions management (2012) Petroleum refining water / wastewater use and management (2010) Guidance on the application of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) criteria to petroleum substances (2010) Chain of custody options for sustainable biofuels (2010) Fuel sulphur: strategies and options for enabling clean fuels and vehicles (2006) Clearing the air: strategies and options for urban air quality management (2004) Getting the lead out: downstream strategies and resources for phasing out leaded gasoline (2003)


Ecosystem services guidance: Biodiversity and ecosystem services guide and checklists (2011) Managing biodiversity impacts: 10 tips for success in the oil and gas industry (2010) Alien invasive species and the oil and gas industry (2010) An ecosystem approach to oil and gas industry biodiversity conservation (2007) Key biodiversity questions in the oil and gas lifecycle (2006) A guide to developing biodiversity action plans for the oil and gas sector (2005)



Global Water Tool for oil and gas (2011)

Oil spill preparedness

Oil spill report series (1992 - 2012)
Biological impacts of oil pollution:

Contingency planning for, and response to, marine oil spills:

Guidelines Coral reefs Mangroves Saltmarshes Rocky shores Fisheries Sedimentary shores

Contingency planning for oil spills on water Sensitivity mapping for oil spill response Choosing spill response options to minimize damage Guidelines for oil spill waste minimization and management A guide to oiled wildlife response planning Dispersants and their role in oil spill response Guide to oil spill exercise planning Guide to tiered preparedness and response A guide to oil spill compensation Aerial observation of oil pollution at sea

Social responsibility

Operational level grievance mechanisms: good practice survey (2012) Human rights due diligence process: a practical guide to implementation for oil and gas companies (2012) Human rights training toolkit for the oil and gas industry - Third edition (2012) Indigenous Peoples and the oil and gas industry: context, issues and emerging good practice (2012) Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: Implementation Guidance Tools (2012) Local content strategy: a guidance document for the oil and gas industry (2011) Urban encroachment (2009) Human rights and ethics in the oil and gas industry (2008) Guide to operating in areas of conflict for the oil and gas industry (2008) Guide to successful, sustainable social investment for the oil and gas industry (2008) A guide to social impact assessment in the oil and gas industry (2004) Key questions in managing social issues in oil and gas projects (2002)



Performance indicators for fatigue risk management systems (2013) Vector-borne disease management programmes (2013) Fitness to work (2012) Managing health in field operations (2011) Substance misuse (2011) Managing tuberculosis (2010) Drilling fluids and health risk management (2009) Food and water safety (2009) Health aspects of work in extreme climates (2009) Health performance indicators (2008) Managing fatigue in the workplace (2007) Travel guide (2007) Health risk assessment (2006) Malaria management programmes (2006) Managing workplace stress (2006) Health impact assessments (2005) HIV/AIDS management (2005)


Oil and gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reporting - Second edition (2010)


Partnerships in the oil and gas industry (2006)

IPIECA is the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues. It develops, shares and promotes good practices and knowledge to help the industry improve its environmental and social performance; and is the industrys principal channel of communication with the United Nations. Through its member led working groups and executive leadership, IPIECA brings together the collective expertise of oil and gas companies and associations. Its unique position within the industry enables its members to respond effectively to key environmental and social issues. IPIECA 5th Floor, 209215 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NL, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2389 E-mail: Internet: IPIECA April 2013. All rights reserved.

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