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L angliage PliraSCS (Adaplcd iVoni Proicssonal Prcsenlalions CIJi' 19981 pg.

3X 4-(- 50)

Beginning Saying Helio Good Morning, Good afternoon everyone. How are you today? Expressing purpose My purpose/objective/aim loclay is ... Whal ! want to do today is ... l'm Mere today fo ... Signposting This lalk is divided inlo four main pars: firstly, ... Let me begn with /To start with / Firstly, l'd likc to look at ... Then / Secondly, I ' l l be lalking about ... Thirclly / My next (fourlh) point will be about ... Final ly, I'I I be looking at ... Schetlule My presentation/speech/talk will last/take 10 minutes. Tnviting qucstions If anyone has a question, please eel free o nterrupt at any time. If you have any queslions. please stop me at any time, and I ' l l be happy to answer. Discouraging questions At the end of my talk, Hiere w i l l be a question and answer session. 1 would apprcciate it if you could keep your questions u n l i l t h e n . ' I ' l l be happy to answer any questions you have atine end of my presentation.



S u mm i u g up So, to sum up ... To summarize... To recapitlate / recap ... Let me now sum up. Concluding Let me end by saying ... l'd like to finish by cmphasizing ... In conclusin / In bricf, l'd like to say,. Finally, may I say ...

Viaking a recominc-iuiation So, what I would suggest s Ihat ... 1 \voulcl recommend tlml ... Handouts I ' I I be dislributin Lhe handouts in a few minutes. The handouts are over by the door. Copies o f m y sudes are on the lable by the door. Questions ITyon have any questions or comnients, I'II be happy to answer hem. I f t h e r e are any questions, I ' I I do my besl to answer them. Ifanyone has any questions or commenls to start LIS off ... Closing Thank yon for your attention / time. Tliank your for lisening.
Viscial Aitls

I'd like yon to look at this

Le me show you ... As yon can see ... Have a look at ... Let's have a look at ... Let's look at ... If you look at (he screen, you'll see ... This chart / slide / graph shows ... On the righ / left / top / bottom you can see Adapted from Professional Presentalions CUP 1998( pg. 33, 44- 50)


Oral Presentation Feedback Grid ( Adapted from Profesional Presentations CLIP 1998)



Interesting ending? Summary? Handouts? Message clear? Empathy with audience?

Parpse clear? Material right for this audience Madc interesting? Clear structure? Only 3 or4 main points? Enough preparaion?
G.ood timins

Beginning Interesting beginning? Introduced him/herself? State'd purposed? Questions? Clear?

Good volume? Good speed? Variation in speed? Effective pauses? Enthusiastic? Good intonalion?

Visual Aids

Right number? Waited for audience to read Interesting? Helpful? Not crowded? Clear? Not too many words? Big enough? Lets audience see?

What you should take into account to self-evaluate the quality of any presentation

Body Language Effective eye-contact? Looks at everybody? Preference for looking right/left? Helpful gestures? No physical mannerisms, e.gtouchirg hair, nosel

Questions? Paraphrases questions? Uses questions to crate a bond with the audience? Shows patience? Is open to questions from the audience?

Language Points exprcssed simply and briefly? Rhetorical questions? Dramatic structure? Signposting? Summarzes? Informal language? Nojargon? Uses check-up questions? Uses examoles?

Com muiiica tion


Use Well lo introduce an ncouraging statement Say Yoit're probably righl to acknowiedge anothers enconragement Ask a question \vith Why else lo conlrm one's own opinin Conversaron moels Using the context and the speakers' points of view to explain Ihe meaning of expressions Listenng supporting Summarizing main ideas in Recognizing a fairly long recorded texl. details to support a main (Refer to Inferring what people mean argument Listening strategies page 104) Vocabulaiy Using adjectives with the suffix ahle Analyzing degrees o certainty and nsing different ways to express certainty. Grammar Using indirecl speech wilh

Using Perfect modals in i he passive voice to apeculate about the past Pronuuciatioo Pi'acticng reduction and Practicing reduction and linking in perfect modals n linking in perfect modals in the passive voice (Refer to the passive voice Pronunciaton Activities Unit 9)

a i i

Reatlig Activating background Answering com prehensin knowledge and critica! Ihinking Identifying points o f v i e w quesliuMS (RePer tu C\ln.i reading com prehensin activities page 106) Wrlting Correcting mistakes o avoid sentences fragments Generating ideas with Information questions as a prewriting activity

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