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Barilla Group - Nutrizione e Salute

Bibliografia - Le referenze scientifiche

Keys A, Aravanis C, Blackburn HW, Van Buchem FSP, Buzina R, Djordjevic BS, Dontas AS, Fidanza F, Karvonen MJ, Kimura N, Lekos D, Monti M, Puddu V, Taylor HL. (1967): Epidemiologic studies related to coronary heart disease: characteristics of men aged 40-59 in seven countries. Acta Med Scand (Suppl to vol. 460) 1-392 Keys A., (1970): Coronary heart disease in seven countries. Circulation (Suppl to vol.41) 1-211 Keys A, Aravanis C, Blackburn, H, Buzina R, Djordjevic BS, Dontas AS, Fidanza F, Karvonen, MJ, Kimura N, Menotti A, Mohacek I, Nedeljkovic S, Puddu V, Punsar S, Taylor HL, Van Buchem FSP, (1980) : Seven Countries. A Multivariate Analysis of Death and Coronary Heart Disease. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA and London. 1-381 Keys A, Menotti A, Karvonen MJ et al. (1986): The diet and 15-year death rate in the Seven Countries Study. Am J Epidemiol 124, 903915. Daan Kromhout, Ancel Keys, Christ Aravanis, Ratko Buzina, Flaminio Fidanza, Simona Giampaoli, Annemarie Jansen, Alessandro Menotti, Srecko Nedeljkovic, Maija Pekkarinen, Bozidar S Simic, and Hironori Toshima (1989): Food consumption patterns in the 1960s in seven countries. Am J C/in Nutr 1989; 49:889-94. Flaminio Fidanza (1991): The Mediterranean Italian diet: keys to Contemporary Thinking Proceedings of the Nutrition Society / Volume 50 / Issue 03 / pp 519 526 Lorenzo Piroddi (1993): Cucina Mediterranea. Ingredienti, principi dietetici e ricette al sapore di sole, Mondadori, Milano. Willett WC, Sacks F, Trichopoulou A et al. (1995): Mediterranean diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating. Am J Clin Nutr 61, Suppl. 6, 1402S1406S.

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Barilla Group - Nutrizione e Salute

Kim T. B. Knoops, MSc Lisette C. P. G. M. de Groot, PhD Daan Kromhout, PhD Anne-Elisabeth Perrin, MD, MSc Olga Moreiras-Varela, PhD Alessandro Menotti, MD, PhD Wija A. van Staveren, PhD(2004): Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and 10-Year Mortality in Elderly European Men and Women The HALE Project JAMA 292(12):1433-1439. doi:10.1001/ jama.292.12.1433. Meydani M (2005): A Mediterranean-style diet and metabolic syndrome. Nutr Rev 63, 312314. Fidanza F, Alberti A, Fruttini D (2005): The Nicotera Diet: The Reference Italian Mediterranean Diet. Simopoulos AP (ed): Nutrition and Fitness: Mental Health, Aging, and the Implementation of a Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Lifestyle. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2005, vol 95, pp 115-121 KTB Knoops, LC Groot de, F Fidanza, A AlbertiFidanza, D Kromhout and WA van Staveren (2006): Comparison of three different dietary scores in relation to 10-year mortality in elderly European subjects: the HALE project. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Serra-Majem L, Roman B & Estruch R (2006): Scientic evidence of interventions using the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review. Nutr Rev 64, Suppl. 1, S27S47. Mitrou PN, Kipnis V, Thiebaut Ac, Reedy J, Subar AF, Wirfalt E, Flood A, Mouw T,Hollenbeck AR, Letizmann M, Schatzkin A.(2007): Mediterranean dietary pattern and prediction of all-cause mortality in a U.S. population: results from the NIHAARP Diet and Health Study. Archives of Internal Medicine. Panagiotakosa D., Pitsavosb C., Arvanitic F. (2007): Adherence to the Mediterranean food pattern predicts the prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and obesity, among healthy adults; the accuracy of the MedDietScore. Preventive Medicine, Volume 44, Issue 4.

P. Rubbaa, F.P. Mancinib, c, M. Gentilea, M. Mancinia (2007): The Mediterranean Diet in Italy: An Update. Simopoulos AP, Visioli F (eds): More on Mediterranean Diets. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, vol 97, pp 85113 Sofi F, Cesari F, Abbate R et al. (2008): Adherence to Mediterranean diet and health status: meta-analysis. BMJ 337, a1344. Benetou V, Trichopoulou A, Orfanos P et al. (2008): Conformity to traditional Mediterranean diet and cancer incidence: the Greek EPIC cohort. Br J Cancer 99, 191195. Buckland G, Bach-Faig A & Serra-Majem L (2008): Obesity and the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review of observational and intervention studies. Obes Rev 9, 582593. Jorge M. Nez-Crdoba, Flix Valencia-Serrano, Estefana Toledo, Alvaro Alonso, and Miguel, A. Martnez-Gonzlez (2008): The Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of Hypertension The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Study. American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 169, No. 3 Teresa T. Fung, Kathryn M. Rexrode, Christos S. Mantzoros, JoAnn E. Manson, Walter C. Willett and Frank B. Hu (2009): Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of and Mortality From Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke in Women. Circulation. American Heart Association. Almudena Sanchez-Villegas, BPharm, PhD; Miguel Delgado-Rodrguez, MD, PhD, MPH; Alvaro Alonso, MD, PhD; Javier Schlatter, MD, PhD; Francisca Lahortiga, BA, PhD; Lluis Serra Majem, MD, PhD; Miguel Angel Martnez-Gonzlez, MD, PhD, MPH (2009): Association of the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern With the Incidence of Depression The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra/University of Navarra Followup (SUN) Cohort. Arch Gen Psychiatry; 66(10):1090-8.

Barilla Group - Nutrizione e Salute

Reguant-Aleix J, Arbore R, Bach-Faig A et al. (2009): Mediterranean diet: an intangible cultural heritage. Public Health Nutr 12, 15911594. Trichopoulou A., Bamia C., Trichopoulos D., (2009): Anatomy of health effects of Mediterranean diet: Greek EPIC prospective cohort study. BMJ, 338;b2337 C N Lopez, M A Martinez-Gonzalez, A SanchezVillegas, A Alonso, A M Pimenta,1,5 M Bes-Rastrollo (2009): Costs of Mediterranean and western dietary patterns in a Spanish cohort and their relationship with prospective weight change. J Epidemiol Community Health UNESCO (2010): Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. (accessed April 2011). A.M. Hodge, D.R. English, C. Itsiopoulos, K. ODea, G.G. Giles (2010): Does a Mediterranean diet reduce the mortality risk associated with diabetes: Evidence from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases xx, 1e7 C Pelucchi, C Galeone, E Negri and C La Vecchia (2010): Trends in adherence to the Mediterranean diet in an Italian population between 1991 and 2006. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition A. Menotti, A. Alberti-Fidanza, F. Fidanza (2010): The association of the Mediterranean Adequacy Index with fatal coronary events in an Italian middle-aged male population followed for 40 years. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases xx, 1e7 Anna Bach-Faig, Elliot M Berry, Denis Lairon, Joan Reguant, Antonia Trichopoulou, Sandro Dernini, F Xavier Medina, Maurizio Battino, Rekia Belahsen, Gemma Miranda and Llus Serra-Majem, on behalf of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation Expert Group (2011): Mediterranean diet pyramid today. Science and cultural updates. Public Health Nutr. 14(12A):2274-84

Christina-Maria Kastorini, Haralampos J. Milionis, Katherine Esposito, Dario Giugliano, John A. Goudevenos, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, (2011): The Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Metabolic Syndrome and its Components. A Meta-Analysis of 50 Studies and 534,906 Individuals. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 57, No. 11 Gianluca Tognon & Elisabet Rothenberg &Gabriele Eiben & Valter Sundh & Anna Winkvist & Lauren Lissner (2011): Does the Mediterranean diet predict longevity in the elderly? A Swedish perspective. AGE 33:439450 Marieke P. Hoevenaar-Blom, Astrid C. J. Nooyens, Daan Kromhout, Annemieke M. W. Spijkerman,Joline W. J. Beulens, Yvonne T. van der Schouw, Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, W. M. Monique Verschuren (201 2): Mediterranean Style Diet and 12-Year Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases: The EPIC-NL Cohort Study PLOS ONE | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e45458. Marialaura Bonaccio, Licia Iacoviello, Giovanni de Gaetano, on behalf of the Moli-sani Investigators (201 2): The Mediterranean diet: The reasons for a success. Thrombosis Research

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