Procedure Checklist Chapter 33: Giving A Back Massage

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PROCEDURE CHECKLIST Chapter 33: Giving a Back Massage Check () Yes or No PROCEDURE STEPS Yes 1.

Warms the lotion in warm water. 2. Raises bed to working height. 3. Positions patient comfortably on side or prone; keeps side rail raised on opposite side of the bed. 4. Unties patients gown and exposes back. 5. Washes patients back with warm water if needed. 6. Puts lotions on own hands. 7. Places hands on either side of the spine at the base of the neck; using a gentle, continuous pressure, rubs down the length of the spine and then up the sides of the back. Repeats several times. 8. Does not rub directly over the spine. 9. Next, applies gentle thumb pressure on either side of the spine at mid-back, pushing outward for about an inch. Repeats from the mid-back to the base of the neck in a series of small, outward strokes. 10. Always applies pressure away from the spine, not toward it. 11. Asks patient if the amount of pressure is comfortable. 12. If unable to do both sides of the spine at the same time, does one and then the other. 13. Next, moves to the spots that felt the tightest or that the patient states are tight, and works in small circles, using gentle thumb pressure. 14. Using palm of hand, gently shakes one scapula and then the other. 15. Using horizontal strokes from near the spine across the bottom of the scapula, pushes out all the way across the scapula from the spine. Moves up and repeats until the entire scapula and top of shoulder have been covered. 16. If tender spots are located, applies pressure using the fleshy parts of the fingers in a small circular motion. 17. Begins at the upper shoulder and works down to the lower back, applying pressure in medium-sized circles down each side of the spine with the heels of the hands. 18. Takes care not to apply too much pressure; assesses No COMMENTS

Copyright 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

patient for comfort. 19. Next, using horizontal strokes from near the spine below the scapula, pushes out from the spine across to the ribs and works down across the lower back with heels of hands. 20. With long strokes, gently rubs hands up both sides of the spine from the base of the back to the base of the neck, and then down the sides of the back. Repeats several times. 21. If unable to do a complete back massage, asks patient where he is most uncomfortable and massages those areas. If the patient has general tightness, uses long strokes down each side of the spine and back up the sides.

Recommendation: Pass ______ Needs more practice ______ Student: Instructor: Date: Date:

Copyright 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

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