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Hall of Fame
The luminaries of the analytical instrument business as honored by the organizers of Pittcon 99 Julie Poudrier and Joan Moynihan

Shane Kendrick, Westbound Publications, Inc.

1999 American Chemical Society

Jim Waters, founder of Waters Corp. (second from left), and two employees from the early days of the company with one of their products

Jim Waters
From his earliest memories, Jim Waters wanted to be in business for himself. When he established Waters Associates in 1958, it was not his first venture into

the business world. In 1947, when he was only 22 years old, he had established a company that manufactured IR gas analyzers. (He sold the business in 1955.) Waters once said that big companies couldnt design instruments very well, so we designed products for them. His early products included an airborne hydrometer built for the U.S. Air Force, flame photometer detectors for toxic gases, and a refractometer for process control applications. He sold the refractometer to Mine Safety Appliances (MSA) and continued to work on a version that would make it suitable as a detector for a then little-known technique called liquid chromatography. Waters and MSA marketed the refractometer for LC in 1961. Soon after, Dow Chemical Company approached Waters about redesigning the unit with a 0.1-mL volume flow cell for a new instrument that analyzed polymers using gel columns. Waters built the unit and subsequently produced the gel permeation chromatograph, which became a great commercial success for his company. Waters Associates sales climbed over the next several years, and its reputation among chemists grew.

In 1968, Waters decided to tighten the focus of the business. It had served the process control and laboratory equipment market, but now he wanted the company to concentrate on chromatography with the design of a liquidliquid chromatograph. After discovering that a refractive index detector drifts wildly in a liquidliquid chromatograph, the development direction switched to UV detection and liquidsolid packings. One year later, Waters introduced its first LC system. Waters faith in LC was rewarded when Nobel Laureate Robert Woodward asked for help in purifying positional isomers of a precursor to vitamin B12. Waters accomplished the task and trademarked a tag line for the company: The Liquid Chromatography People. In 1969, Waters invited Millipores president to help with the companys marketing and profitability. Millipores expertise and funding were, according to Waters, invaluable; growth and market share increased steadily. The two companies merged in May 1980, but they went their separate ways in 1993. In 1992, Waters introduced chromatography software; in 1994, the company introduced HPLC columns for drug as-

Courtesy of Waters Corp.

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says and a benchtop liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Waters became a publically traded company in 1995 and acquired the mass spectrometer manufacturer Micromass two years later. All of these actions fueled the growth of the company, and in 1998, Waters reported the 12th consecutive quarter of increased earnings of more than 25%.

Richard Perkin
Richard S. Perkins heartlike that of his partner, Charles Elmerbelonged to astronomy. Perkin was born in New York City in 1906, and by the age of 11, he was making his own telescopes; at 13 years old, he was grinding and polishing lenses. After one year of college, Perkin began his business career in a brokerage firm on Wall Street. Unhappy managing other peoples money (he would later say that success depends heavily on loving the profession you choose), Perkin yearned for a way to incorporate astronomy and business. During an astronomy seminar at Harvard University, Perkin met Charles Elmer, an amateur astronomer more than 30 years his senior. Their mutual interest led to the establishment of a business in 1937 intended to focus on precision optics. The company was founded on borrowed capital in small amounts, but within 30 years, the Perkin-Elmer company was included on Fortune magazines list of the 500 largest U.S. industrial corporations. Initially, Perkin and Elmer were distributors and sales agents of optical equipment, but they also offered design consultation and ultimately developed their own instruments. Their timing could not have been better. Before World War II, the United States lacked an optics industry of any significance. As the traditional European sources disappeared because of the war, Perkin-Elmer began to receive orders from the military in avalanche proportions. The company produced cameras, periscopes, rangefinders, bombsights, and other optical devices, prospering beyond expectation. After the war, the company switched direction and began to manufacture spectrophotometers. PerkinElmer redesigned and improved the IR spectrophotometer and sold tens of thousands of the instruments to corporations, health care institutions, and universities. The company also
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introduced instruments for atomic absorption spectrometry. Their mission was to develop and supply instrumentation that would keep pace with the scientific advances in fields such as atomic energy, solid-state electronics, lasers, and biophysical research. By 1969, at the time of Perkins death, Perkin-Elmer had more than 1.5 million square feet of factory and office space in the United States and overseas. Perkin always believed that the frontiers of science would continue to expand at ever-increasing rates. He is often remembered as someone who demanded perfection in every task and in every product.

Charles Elmer and Richard Perkin in 1937.

Charles Elmer
Born in 1872 in New York City, Charles W. Elmer worked for most of his life as a court reporter. However, his mark on society would be the result of his passion for astronomy. As an amateur astronomer, he filled his home with telescopes of all kinds and sizes and lined his bookshelves with stacks of scientific journals related to astronomy. His chance encounter with Richard Perkin in 1936, which began as the two men lamented the lack of a significant producer of fine optics within the United States, became the foundation of the Perkin-Elmer partnership. Perkin and Elmer established a small optics business in New York City. Elmer preferred to spend most of his time in the Perkin-Elmer workshop, apparently leaving the sales, marketing, and management decisions to his

much younger partner. But he was always on hand for advice and participation in any project. As Perkin drove the companys growth, Elmers good humor was a constant source of inspiration and comfort to employees during good times and bad. By 1941, the Perkin-Elmer company had outgrown its New York and subsequent New Jersey quarters, and the partners decided to move their company to Connecticut. The countryside inspired Elmer, who was more than 70 years old at the time, to adopt yet another hobbymotorcycle riding. Even as the company prospered, the business practices of its owners were both speculative and frugal. Perkin and Elmer were eager to attend every important symposium on astronomy and related sciences, and they met nearly every astronomer in the country. Elmer once drove nonstop to Michigan for a one-hour meeting and immediately afterward drove straight back to Connecticut. (This was Perkins method of operation as well.) From the companys inception until his retirement in 1949, Elmer remained secretarytreasurer of the Perkin-Elmer Corporation. As he read the balance sheets, he often commented on the wondrous sales talents of his partner. And although the fledgling companys rate of growth was steady but modest until 1941, the succeeding war years were profitable beyond the two partners wildest expectations. When the war ended and orders ceased, Perkin took the company into the world of analytical instrumentation. Nevertheless, Perkin-Elmer continued its association with the military, building high-resolution cameras and advanced optical instruments for aerospace research. The Optical Group designed and manufactured a mass spectrometer for the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASAs) Viking Mars Lander, and in 1978, the company received a citation for its achievements in space and astronomical research. Among the many writings and quotations Elmer left before his death in 1954 was one that seemed to best c a p t u re h i s b us i ne s s philosophy: Remember patience, patience is the watchword of the sage, and not today and not tomorrow can total perfection be attained. Those who knew him say that Elmer never stopped trying for perfection.

Courtesy of Perkin-Elmer

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Arnold Beckman

Arnold Beckman
Arnold O. Beckman was both an entrepreneur and a research chemist interested in physical measurements of chemical properties. Beckman was born in 1900 in Cullom, IL, a small town approximately 65 miles from Chicago. It was finding a book in his attic that started Beckman on his chemistry career. The book was a general description of chemistry with directions for carrying out simple experiments with chemicals such as vinegar, soda, and salt. By the time Beckman reached high school, he knew his lifes work would revolve around chemistry. After a stint with the U.S. Marine Corps, Beckman entered the University of Illinois in 1919. He worked with the legendary Carl Speed Marvel on dialkyl mercury compounds; however, after a bout with mercury poisoning, he shifted his interest to physical chemistry and ultimately majored in chemical engineering. After graduation, Beckman headed west to the California Institute of Technology for graduate studies. There, he was exposed to sophisticated methods of physical chemical analysis. Beckman didnt stay at CalTech, however. Instead, he took a job with Western Electrics engineering department, working on developing statistical methods of quality control. It was there that he became interested in electronics. The company manufactured thermionic vacuum tubes and photoelectric cells, and Beckman learned about the latest results in electronics and quantum theory. He returned to CalTech and, after

receiving his Ph.D. in 1928, stayed on to teach industrial chemistry while consulting for businesses. In the lab, he became well-known for designing and building his own equipment. In 1934, Beckman was presented with a problem of measuring acidity for a citrus processing plant. He designed and developed an acidimeterthe forerunner of the pH meter. The instruments popularity among business and academic colleagues led Beckman to believe there might be a market for it. He applied for a patent and launched Beckman Instruments in 1935. In its first year of operation, during the depths of the depression, the company sold 87 meters; the next year, sales totaled 444 meters. In 1940, Beckman turned his attention to developing what became the DU spectrophotometer, an instrument that increased analytical precision and revolutionized chemical analysis. During World War II, the company produced a helical potentiometer (the model A helipot), originally used as an improved component in the pH meter, and the Beckman IR spectrophotometer, for measuring the butadiene content of refinery gases for synthetic rubber production. In 1952, Beckman Instruments went public, securing funds for global expansion and acquisitions. In 1998, Beckman Instruments acquired Coulter Corporation, and together they operate as Beckman Coulter with nearly 6000 employees in 35 facilities worldwide. Its products and systems consist of instrumentation, software, and supplies to meet a variety of laboratory needs from medical research and drug discovery to diagnostic tools. In 1998, readers of Chemical & Engineering News voted Arnold Beckman one of the 75 most influential chemists of the 20th century. This year, Beckman was selected for the Public Welfare Medal, the National Academy of Sciences highest honor.

Courtesy of Beckman Coulter

Wallace Coulter

Wallace Coulter
Probably anyone who has worked in a clinical setting has heard of a Coulter Counter. Developed on the basis of the Coulter Principle and patented in 1953, the Coulter Counter revolutionized the way microscopic particles in fluids, including blood cells, were counted. Automating this process meant that biological cells and indus-

trial particles could be counted and sized at a rate of several thousand per second, whereas the previous method required the lab technician to size and count cells by using a microscope. Wallace H. Coulter was born in 1913 in Little Rock, AR. As a child, he was fascinated with crystal radio sets and electricity, and this fascination led him ultimately to study electrical engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Between 1934 and the end of World War II, Coulter worked as a radio station engineer and announcer, as a member of the Far East sales and service team of General Electric X-Ray Corporation, in electronic development for Press Wireless in New York, and in electromedical instrumentation for Raytheon Manufacturing Company. In 1946, Coulter went to work for Illinois Tool Works and Mittelman Electronics Division of Century Steel in Chicago. In their free time, Coulter and his brother Joe, an electrical engineer, experimented in their Chicago basement. In 1948, using rubber bands, cellophane, and a sewing needle, Wallace Coulter discovered the Coulter Principle of volumetric impedance, which is based on displacement as a measure of volume. Blood cells suspended in a conductive fluid can be counted because the cells will displace their own volume of electrolyte as they pass between electrodes. Additionally, a measurable change in the electrical resistance of the system occurs, and this change can be used as a precise measure of cell volume. After receiving the patent for the Coulter Counter, the brothers began producing the instruments; in 1958, they incorporated into Coulter
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Courtesy of Beckman Coulter

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Electronics and Coulter Sales Corporation. They moved the company to Miami, FL, in 1961. The patent for the Coulter Counter was the first of 74 patents Coulter would receive in his lifetime. He used this first instrument to advance not only hematology but also industrial fine-particle counting, and his research ultimately led to new ways of classifying and analyzing cells. The Coulter brothers also worked to develop monoclonal antibodies, which can be used to diagnose cancer and other diseases, and flow cytometry systems, which use lasers to detect the signatures of cells as they pass through the system. Among the many awards and honors that Coulter received before his death on August 7, 1998, are the John Scott Award for Scientific Achievement (1960), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Morris E. Leeds Award (1980), Florida Industrialist of the Year (1988), the American Society of Hematologys Certificate of Distinguished Achievement (1989), and the Association of Clinical Scientists Gold Headed Cane Award (1989). He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering and was elected a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Mechanical and Biological Engineering (1992).

Chester Fisher
Born in Pittsburgh in 1880, Chester Garfield Fisher founded what would become the Fisher Scientific Company when he was only 20 years old. At that time, he was a recent engineering graduate of what is now the University of

Chester G. Fisher

Pittsburgh and still legally a minor. So, he had friends of his father incorporate the company under a different name. When he turned 21, they turned the company back over to him, and he named it the Scientific Materials Company. In 1926, he renamed the company to its current title in order to distinguish it from other companies with similar names. Fishers inspiration to launch a supply business came from his father. Before Fisher started his company, local industries depended on companies in Philadelphia, New York, or Chicago for supplies. Delays in receiving supplies by mail often left these ordering companies short on needed supplies and, subsequently, kept customers waiting. Fortunately, the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories, an independent testing lab owned by Fishers father, maintained a large inventory of supplies and reagents. Companies caught short while waiting for an order would go to the laboratory and borrow what was needed, replacing the borrowed items when their own orders finally arrived. Although this was a solution of sorts for companies in the Pittsburgh area, it was an inventory nightmare for the testing laboratory. One day, as Fishers father bemoaned the inconvenience of this arrangement, the younger Fisher overheard this conversation and recognized the possibilities in establishing a supply company in Pittsburgh. Fishers company prospered, and he turned to manufacturing just before World War I, winning a contract from the War Department to make a sight for a field gun. The outbreak of war in 1914 meant that Fisher could no longer obtain supplies from Europe, which until then had been the major source of scientific supplies for U.S. companies. So, he established R&D and manufacturing capabilities within his company. In 1917, when the United States entered the war, Fisher helped establish and operate the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service. He also provided the U.S. war effort with a novel expeditionary force laboratory that he designed. The laboratory consisted of a rapid gas analysis system and was packed in wooden crates that opened up to become a lab bench. Fisher sent two of his employees with the laboratory to France to train the troops in gas detection. In 1921, Fisher began a different sort of scientific pursuit: collecting art that depicted the history of chemistry.

His collection is now ho used at Duquesne University and is open to the public. The Fisher Collection also contains a room dedicated to the scientific accomplishments of Louis Pasteur, considered by Fisher to have been one of the greatest scientists of all time. The Pasteur Room displays portraits and etchings of Pasteur, his instruments and apparatus, original documents and notes, and correspondence. Fisher was a founder and president (19311932) of the Scientific Apparatus Makers Association, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a charter member of the Pittsburgh Section of the American Chemical Society. He had the pleasure of seeing all three of his sonsAiken, Benjamin, and James enter the business. Fisher died on May 3, 1965, at the age of 85.

Maurice Hasler
In 1934, spectroscopist Maurice Hasler founded Applied Research Laboratories (ARL) in Los Angeles, CA. The business began as a consulting organization for physics, engineering, spectrography, instrument design (from an early calling card) but went on to develop and manufacture spectrographic instruments, densitometers, and comparators that would make spectroscopy a practical technique for routine analysis. (ARL is currently a part of Thermo Optek.) Hasler was a first-generation American of Swiss ancestry who had received a doctorate in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology. His partner and co-founder of ARL, Roland Lindhurst, was an electrical engineer with a degree from CalTech as well. They got their start in constructing instruments during the late 1930s. At that time, they could not afford to purchase a spectrographtheir take-home pay was $3 per week. So, they built their own instrument and soon were filling orders for the citrus industry. From 1941 to 1946, business arrangements with the Dietert Company of Detroit led ARL to design and manufacture accessory items such as film developers and processors. As with so many other manufacturers of scientific instrumentation, ARL found itself with an unprecedented number of orders for analytical tools during the war years. The fast-expanding aluminum industry, for example, purchased dozens of instruments for its qualitycontrol laboratories.

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Courtesy Fisher Scientific

When the war ended, ARL began to develop new spectroscopic products and expanded its facilities. By 1953, ARL owned manufacturing operations in Switzerland and England that accounted for nearly half the companys total volume of sales. The company directed its attention to X-ray fluorescence and became the leading producer of X-ray spectrometers as well as related electron microprobes and scanning microscopes. While ARL was growing and expanding, Hasler remained at its helm (Lindhurst died in 1954). Sales volume climbed to $2 million a year. However, Hasler was anxious to spend more time in the laboratory (he maintained the title of research director). The answer was to became a subsidiary of Bausch & Lomb in 1958. Hasler, although still chairman of the board, could then turn his attention to science and began to build a research laboratory in Goleta, CA. His dream was realized when the lab opened in 1963unfortunately, shortly before his death that same year. Haslers accomplishments were recognized with the American Chemical Societys Award in Chemical Instrumentation in 1958. He wrote more than 50 scientific publications. His first patent was issued in 1940 and his last patent (A Peaked Monochrometer Having a Sharply Blazed Diffraction Grating) only a few months before his death. His legacy is also represented by the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburghs biannual Hasler Award for major achievements in spectroscopy that offer potential for application.

excelled not only as a student (he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi) but also as an athlete, setting records in track as a freshman and receiving varsity letters in basketball and football. After graduate study at the University of Colorado, Packard took a job in 1936 with General Electric in Schenectady, NY. In 1938, he married Lucile Salter, who he had met at

Stanford. Also in 1938, he returned to Stanford on a fellowship, and there he renewed his friendship with fellow engineering student William Hewlett. With only $538 in capital, the HewlettPackard Companythe name of which was decided with the toss of a coin was founded in Packards garage. Hewlett-Packard was incorporated in 1947, and Packard was named president of the company. Packards man-

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Packard (left) and Hewlett developing their first product in a Palo Alto, CA, garage in 1939.

David Packard
D a v i d Pa c k a r d w a s b o r n o n September 7, 1912, in Pueblo, CO. He studied electrical engineering and received his B.A. and masters degrees from Stanford University in 1934 and 1939, respectively. Packard March 1999 Made to Measure 1 9

Courtesy of Hewlett-Packard

agement style made the company the birthplace of many creative management techniquesopen offices, flexible work hours, and management by objectivethat are now de rigeur for businesses worldwide. Perhaps Packards most visible and visited legacy is the Monterey Bay Aquarium, in California which was funded by the Packard family and for which Packard personally designed some of the wave-generating equipment. His influence also extended to public policy issues. He served as deputy secretary of defense under President Nixon (19691971) and was a trustee of the Herbert Hoover Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, and The Hoover Institution. Packard was named to various Presidential commissions in the 1970s and 1980s. From 1990 to 1992, he served as a member of the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology under President Bush.

William Hewlett
A part-time botanist, a rancher, and a skiing, fishing, and mountain-climbing enthusiast, William R. Hewlett is an avid outdoorsman. Hewlett was born in Ann Arbor, MI, on May 20, 1913. He received a B.A. degree from Stanford University in 1934, a masters degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1936, and an engineering degree from Stanford in 1939. Hewlett met his future business partner while they both were undergraduates at Stanford. While on a camping trip, they realized that their ideas and attitudes meshed and decided that they would form a partnership at some point in the future. Hewletts study of negative feedback led to his development of the audio oscillator that became Hewlett-Packards first product. One of the first customers for Hewletts oscillator was Walt Disney. Hewlett served as an officer in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War II and then headed the electronics section of the New Development Division of the War Department Special Staff, where he was involved in inspecting Japanese industry after the war. Hewlett returned to California in 1947 and was named vice president of Hewlett-Packard. Over the years, he held various positions within the company, including executive vice president, president, chief executive officer, chairman of the executive committee, and vice chairman of the board of directors. He became director emeritus in 1987. Hewlett was influential in many organizations within the electronics industry; he was president in 1954 of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and was instrumental in founding the Western Electronic Manufacturers Association (now the American Electronics Association). In addition to his passion for electronics, Hewletts interests in medicine and education led him to serve as a trustee, director, or board member for various institutions and hospitals, including Stanford University, Stanford Medical Center (then the Palo Alto Stanford Hospital Center), the Kaiser Foundation Hospital and Health Plan, and the Drug Abuse Council in Washington, DC. He has received numerous honorary degrees and is a member of the National Academy of

Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a trustee emeritus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and an honorary trustee of the California Academy of Sciences. In 1985, he was awarded the National Medal of Science by President Reagan. He served as chairman of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation from 1966 to 1994 and as a director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute for 12 years before being named director emeritus in 1998. In 1995, he provided an endowment to support the founding of the Public Policy Institute of California.

Keene Dimick
Chances are that if youre a chemistespecially if youre a chromatographer you are familiar with the name Keene P. Dimick. But Dimick has also made a contribution that is familiar to the general public. Gym-goers probably have at sometime tried out the Lifecycles (or similar exercise bicycles) that are lined up, row after row, in the cardiotheater areas of gyms. The design for the Lifecycle came from this chemist with a bad back. Dimick was born on February 11, 1915, in Bancroft, ID, in the southeastern corner of the state, not far from the Utah and Wyoming state borders. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Oregon State University in 1942. After graduation, he worked as an analytical chemist for a U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratory in California, attempting to analyze strawberry oil. Unfortunately, the research tools at hand were inadequate for the job. Then came an inspiration out of Englanda paper by Martin and James entitled The Analysis of Fatty Acids and Amines by Gas Chromatography. Dimick had found his solution. By 1953, his laboratory had built a gas chromatograph. In 1956, after a talk at a food flavor symposium and a subsequent tour of perfume, essential oil, and flavor companies in New York, Dimick realized that gas chromatography could find applications in a wide range of applications. On returning home to California, Dimick convinced his brother-in-law, Ken Wilkens, a high school art teacher, to spend his summer vacation building production gas chromatographs. They built their first instruments in Dimicks garage, and by fall, they had advertised and sold five of the novel devices. Suddenly, they began receiving a steady stream of orders.

Packard (left) and Hewlett in 1988.

Packard also was active in the California Nature Conservancy, the Wolftrap Foundation for the Performing Arts, and the Business Roundtable; he was fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the Instrument Society of America. He was a cofounder of the American Electronics Association. The Packards were known for their generosity. They donated money for the construction of the Lucile Salter Packard Childrens Hospital and to Stanford University to modernize perinatal and pediatric facilities at the School of Medicine, to help complete a science and engineering complex, and to establish the Frederick Terman Fellowship. Packard retired from his position as chairman of the board of HewlettPackard in 1993 and was named chairman emeritus, a position he held until his death on March 26, 1996.
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Courtesy of Hewlett-Packard

Wilkens and Dimick incorporated on December 14, 1956, as Wilkens Instrument and Research. The company remained at Dimicks home for four years before moving to a rented warehouse nearby. They named their instrument the Aerograph. That first model, the A-90, was a simple instrument, but it sold because it was based on Dimicks philosophy of developing instruments that worked well and were lowpriced. Other early notable instruments were a hydrogen generator, the HyFI (hydrogen flame ionization), and the Autoprep. In 1965, Wilkens Instrument and Research was sold to Varian Associates. After the sale of his company, Dimick was left with low back pain and difficulty walking that he believed were related to long hours spent writing research notes. He set about trying to improve his health. He made several attempts at exercise, including jogging, before finally choosing a stationary bicycle. By mid-1967, Dimick had no more low back pain, and early the following year, the Lifecycle was born. Dimick died on March 26, 1990. He is remembered with an award in his name given each year at Pittcon to a prominent chromatographer.

DC. Three years later, on May 4, his brother Sigurd F. was born in Syracuse, NY. The children of poor Irish immigrants, the family later moved to California, eventually settling in Halcyon, about 50 miles north of Santa Barbara, in 1914. In 1919, Russell enrolled at Stanford University. He wanted to study social sciences, but his reading skills were so poorhe had been basically illiterate

(it is possible that he was dyslexic) until receiving training from a professor at Stanford who was experimenting with phonetics as a learning toolthat he couldnt keep up with any major that required extensive readings. So, he chose physics instead. This subject, too, challenged Russell because he struggled with math. Nevertheless, Russell graduated from Stanford as a physics major in 1925 and returned the

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Sigurd (right) and Russell(center) stand next to large klystron tube in the early 1940s.

Russell and Sigurd Varian

The Varians belonged to a close-knit family, and the history of the brothers is so intertwined that is difficult to separate the two. Russell H. Varian was born on April 24, 1898, in Washington, March 1999 Made to Measure 2 1

Courtesy of Varian

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Russell Varians 1937 notebook entries that were the basis of the klystron tube.

following fall to pursue graduate studies in physics. As his research project, Russell initially decided to determine the Compton shift of copper. Unfortunately, Louis de Broglie, the celebrated French physicist, had already measured the shifts for iron and zinc. So, Russell changed the focus of his research to making measurements of the relative intensities of the Compton shifts. To do this, he had to build a gasfilled X-ray tubea project that took nearly a year, followed by a second year of nursing the tube through numerous breakdowns and redesigns before he was able to complete his photographic work and submit his masters thesis in 1927. Russell planned to go on for a Ph.D., but he first needed to pay off his school loans and provide financial help for his brother. Sigurd had contracted tuberculosis earlier and suffered periods of poor health when he was unable to work, including a year-long stay in a sanitarium that cost $10 per week. In July 1929, Russell went to work for Humble Oil. Although this job lasted only five months, Russells work on a vibrating magnetometer resulted in a patent in 1934. Meanwhile, Sigurd had followed a very different track. After graduating from high school in 1920, he enrolled in California Polytechnic School but soon left because the courses didnt hold his interest. He went to work for Southern California Edison Company in

March 1922, eventually ending up in the Redondo Beach area stringing high-power lines. Sigurds work placed him in the vicinity of an airfield. He became enchanted with airplanes and began taking flying lessons in March 1924. By August of that year, he had saved enough money to buy his first plane. Sigurd performed aerial stunts and earned just enough money to maintain the plane by giving lessons and providing a flying billboard. Sigurds enthusiasm for flying also affected Russell. During one of Sigurds relapses of tuberculosis and subsequent recovery, he and Russell worked on a radio compass for airplanes. They never could get it to work properlya big disappointment to Sigurd. Although Sigurd became an accomplished pilot and instructor, in those days it didnt bring in much money. He went to work for Pan American Airlines, flying in Mexico and South America. During this time, Sigurd came up with a number of ideas to improve the safety of the planes. Russell explored them all, but none led to anything truly useful. Sigurd remained a pilot with Pan American until 1935, when repeated ill health, among other things, forced him to take a leave of absence. He moved back to Halcyon, where he had bought property with his family two years earlier. While Sigurd was living the adventurous life of a pilot in Mexico, Russell had taken a job working on television systems with Philo T. Farnsworth. He remained at this work, off and on due to the vagaries of financial backing, for two years. After his job with Farnsworth ended in July 1933, Russell thought it was time to return to Stanford for a Ph.D. To his dismay, Stanford rejected his application because his math and reading skills were considered unsuitable for a Ph.D. candidate. Disappointed, he tried changing directions by taking teaching courses but never obtained a teaching position. The old urge to try his hand at invention returned, and Russell began working more with Sigurd. The brothers had very different styles of work. Russell often approached a problem intuitively, whereas Sigurd was more skilled at improving an existing product with his mechanical talents. When Sigurd was stymied by a problem, he would turn to Russell, who would then

think the problem through and suggest ideas for making it work. In 1937, Russells notebook entries included an idea for using very high frequency signals for detecting planes and for finding directions. From this came the idea for the klystron tube, a microwave tube that would ultimately be the basis for radar. Russell believed that the system he devised would work, but they needed financial and other support to make the dream a reality. Sigurd approached Stanford University and asked for permission to use the physics department equipment and to consult with members of the department about the tube Russell was designing. They signed an agreement with Stanford in April 1937, and work on the invention began in earnest. By August, the model A klystron prototype had been developed. By October of that year, they had filed for a patent. Research and work continued on additional models of the klystron. Other researchers joined in the work, including Edward Ginzton, then a graduate student at Stanford. Sperry Gyroscope Company negotiated a contract with Stanford to underwrite the research in return for exclusive patent rights. Work continued on the klystron tube in various capacities over the years of World War II, with the Varian brothers, Ginzton, and a contingent of Stanford researchers eventually moving to the Sperry Laboratories on Long Island, NY. During those years, Russell and Sigurd discussed opening their own laboratory in California after the war. At the end of the war, Russell and Ginzton returned to California (Ginzton took a teaching position at Stanford); Sigurd remained at Sperry. In January 1948, word came that several of Sigurd and Russells colleagues were leaving Sperry. The timing was crucial. Despite the end of World War II, the ensuing Cold War tensions meant that there was a continued military buildup; the military was requesting development proposals. Sigurd realized that this would be an ideal time to launch the company, but they would have to submit bids by May. Many of the major decisions about the company had been made earlier; what was left was to devise a name. The Varian name was wellknown because of the klystron tube, and the word associates was added to include the othe r s w h o w e r e i m p o r t a n t t o t h e company. On
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Courtesy of Varian

April 20, 1949, papers of incorporation were filed in California, and Varian Associates was born. Sigurd was named chairman of the board, and Russell was named president. The company started in a small building in San Carlos, CA, but eventually outgrew the space and moved to an industrial park on Stanford property in Palo Alto. During the companys first 10 years, klystrons and other microwave tubes of all sizes were developed, as well as NMR instruments, including the F-6 Fluxmeter and, later, the first variable high-resolution NMR spectrometer. By the mid-1950s, the pressures of work were too much for Sigurds health, and he cut his hours back to part-time. He had bought property in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, and spent his time there. He even set up a small machine shop at the house. Late on October 18, 1961, he was flying shop equipment into the local airport. Unfortunately, his telegram asking the airport to turn on its landing lights had not been received. With no airport in sight,

Sigurd tried to make an emergency landing on the beach, but high waves caught the plane, and he crashed into the ocean and drowned. Russell and his wife, Dorothy, were active conservationists and served on the Sierra Club Conservation Committee. When Alaska gained statehood in 1959, the committee began drawing a list of areas that should be set aside as parks and wildlife refuges. Russell and Dorothy journeyed that year to Alaska to visit as many of the proposed park sites as possible. On July 28the last day of the tripthey were caught in a storm while returning from a boat tour of Glacier Bay. Russell, as was his nature, forgot about his heart condition and pitched in to save the boat, which was caught in a riptide, from crashing into the dock. The effort cost him his life. The loss of the two founding brothers within two years hit the company hard. It was their old colleague Edward Ginzton who resigned his position at Stanford in 1961 and picked up the Varian legacy as chairman and CEO of the company.

Howard Cary (circa 1965)

Howard Cary
Born in 1908 in Los Angeles, CA, Howard Cary graduated from the California Institute of Technology in 1930 with a B.S. degree in engineering. After graduation, Cary went to work for Arnold Beckman and National Technical Laboratories (now Beckman Instruments) in Pasadena, CA. He started as a development engineer and eventually became vice president in charge of development. While

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with National Technical Laboratories, Cary was a leader in the development of modern pH meters and the Beckman DU spectrophotometer, which was released in 1941. The DU spectrophotometer was a great success, but Cary and Beckman disagreed about how to develop the instrument further. Beckman favored a single-beam instrument; Cary envisioned a double-beam, high-end,

scanning-and-recording instrument for cutting-edge research. In 1946, Cary left National Technical Laboratories and, along with George Downs and William C. Miller, founded the Applied Physics Corporation. One year later, the new company released the Cary model 11, which was built with plate steel about 5/ in. thick and weighed nearly 800 8 pounds. In 1954, they produced the

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Cary model 14 the first commercial UVvis recording spectrometer. This spectrophotometer allowed researchers to measure absorbances into the IR region. Cary was a pioneer in the field of spectrophotometers. In the late 1950s, he produced a Raman spectrophotometer that was easy to use and some of the first instruments that could be used to record spectropolarimetry and circular dichroism. He also was well-known as a hands-on manager and developer. Cary was personally involved in sales and on the production line, and he willingly customized his instruments for specific applications. In 1966, Varian Associates purchased Applied Physics Corporation and renamed it Cary Instruments. Cary was cofounder and first president (1951) of the Optical Society of California (part of the Optical Society of America) and served as a member of the board of the Coblentz Society from 1955 to 1957. He was president of the Instrumentation Society of America and on the executive committee of the Western Spectroscopy Association. The Beckman Award in Chemical Instrumentation was awarded by the American Chemical Society to Cary (along with Maurice Hasler) in 1958. Cary was an avid sailor and was known to have tried to sew his own sails at one time. He raced his boat to Acapulco one year and often participated in races on boats belonging to others. According to one of Carys former employees, The most telling thing about him as an individual was his honesty and attention to detail. He was a very prominent individual, and he created a feeling of authority. Yet he was one of the guys, a wonderful fellow. Cary died on December 19, 1991, at the age of 83.

Erhard Mettler
In 1917, Erhard Mettler was born in St. Gallen, Switzerland, to a family of textile business owners. Perhaps inheriting his familys business genes, Mettler started his own company in 1945 after comprehensive training in the field of precision mechanics. His small work force, located in a facility in Kusnacht, near Zrich, successfully developed and produced an analytical balance with a completely new design known as the substitution principle. Gradually, the Mettler
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Erhard Mettler

Instrument Company built up a worldwide distribution and service network for these new mechanical balances, eventually putting an end to most of the demand for conventional two-pan lab balances. Mettler received the title of Doctor of Honor from Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zrich (Swiss Technical University) in 1968, just as he was pushing his R&D forces to take up the development of the first fully

electronic analytical and precision balances. In 1980, Mettler sold the company to Ciba Geigy and retired from active management. (The Mettler group subsequently merged with Toledo Scale in 1989, forming Mettler Toledo.) Although retired, Mettler still follows the development of the company with interest. A former co-worker states, Hes looking ahead, not continually looking back like many retirees do. Mettler is best remembered at the company for his open-mindedness, particularly in the area of technology. Technology was always at the forefront when Mettler ran the company. Those who remain in close contact with him claim he is still interested in modern technology. Today, Mettler and his Californiaborn wife Mary spend their winters in Laguna Beach, CA, and their summers in Hurden, Switzerland, on Lake Zrich. Mettler, like so many Swiss, was an avid skier and mountain hiker. Today, his pastimes include less daring activities, such as traveling and organizing annual family reunions in

Switzerland and, of course, keeping up-to-date on the latest technologies.

Joshua Jarrell
Joshua O. Jarrell, known as J.O., was the founder of Jarrell-Ash. Jarrells introduction into scientific instruments came after World War I when he worked as a salesman for Hughes Owens Company, a supplier of microscopes and other products manufactured by the Spencer Lens Company of Buffalo, NY. In 1926, Jarrell started his own business in Boston, MA, naming his fledgling company the Spencer Lens Company of New England. To help in the new business, he hired Carroll Ash, a technician who had made microscopes and lenses for Spencer in Buffalo. American Optical Company bought the parent Spencer Lens Company in 1933, a move that led Jarrell to incorporate his New England company under a new name, the Jarrell-Ash Company (now Thermo Jarrell-Ash). Jarrell also expanded his business at that time, becoming the New England sales representative for Adam Hilger Limited, a manufacturer of spectrom-

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Richard Jarrell with the 21-foot Wadsworth grating spectrograph.

eters and other products. To maintain the business, Jarrell sent his son, Richard, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to England, where the younger Jarrell learned to service and adjust the companys spectrographs. The Jarrells shipped their first spectrographic instrument in 1942: the 21-foot Wadsworth stigmatic grating spectrograph. Other early company products included a replicated grating (1950) and a direct-reading spectrometer (1954). Joshua Jarrell died in 1950. His son Richard became president and chairman of the board of Jarrell-Ash in 1951, guiding the growth of the company to become a major instrument manufacturer.

he took a job at the Watertown, MA, arsenal, where his work initially was in X-ray diffraction analysis. While at the Watertown Arsenal, he got to know John Sterner, who was undertaking graduate studies in spectroscopy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harry Kelly, who had just finished at MIT. The three envisioned a business in making instrumentation for researchers. Their moment came in 1936. Researchers from DuPont were shown an X-ray diffraction tube built by Baird during a visit to the arsenal. A few weeks later, they wrote Baird and asked how could they get one themselves. Baird, Sterner, and Kelly decided that they would sell DuPont a vacuum tube, thereby launching Baird Associates. Baird quit his job to launch the company. Sterner, however, continued to work at the arsenal and Kelly, who had finished his Ph.D. at MIT, held down a job with American Thermos in Norwalk, CT. Kelly and Stern used the money from their jobs to provide capital for the new company. The company built two tubes, figuring that if they could sell one, they could sell two. In

fact, they never sold the second tube. Meanwhile, Sterner suggested that they also sell spectrographs. From his graduate work, Baird knew the people at the Johns Hopkins University who ruled the diffraction gratings, considered at the time the best gratings in the world. Baird worked a deal whereby he obtained three gratings in exchange for a spectrograph. The gratings were used to build a 3-m modified-eagle-design spectrograph, which was shown at the MIT Spectroscopy Conference in 1937. As a result of the show, a spectrograph was purchased by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and delivered in spring of 1938. The Bureau of Mines spectrograph was actually the second instrument Baird Associates built. The first one was later sold in 1940 to New England Spectrochemical. After the sale, Baird wrote in his diary: Our first spectrograph now has a home. I am not too well pleased with its new owners, for I am sure they will not treat Specky with the proper degree of affection. I could hardly expect them to. To me that instrument represents nearly a

Walter Baird
Born in Long Green, MD, on October 2, 1908, Walter Scott Baird received an A.B. degree in 1930 from St. Johns College, where he was an All-American lacrosse player, and a Ph.D. in 1936 from Johns Hopkins University. In 1934 and 1935, he taught at the Harvard Engineering School. In 1935,

Courtesy of Thermo Jarrell-Ash

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Walter Baird, circa 1965.

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weeks work without sleep. It also represents the feeling that went into this businesssomething which money cannot buy. We sold it because we need money, and Specky represented most of our capital. We also sold it knowing we could replace it with a more perfect instrument. It was Speckys imperfections which endeared her to us, for I knew every inch, every screw. We may build many an instrument, but that one has a soul where all the others only have bodies. By 1940, however, Baird had sold only eight spectrographs. Kelly went broke and exited from the partnership. Generating profits for the company was a struggle. For example, in the early 1940s, the company abandoned wood for steel cabinets. Bairds chief financial officer in the 1950s would later recall that the shift from wood to steel actually raised production costs so high that the company never made a profit on the sale of an instrumentany profits came from the accessories sold with the device.

Baird Associates fortunes changed with the advent of World War II. They won a number of government contracts, and the companys profits grew dramatically. They also received help of a different sort. In late 1941, Baird moved into a building in Harvard Square that was owned by their first major backer. He not only invested directly in the company but also gave them a rental arrangement in which he was paid only a percentage of the profits. They stayed in this building until 1969, when they moved to Bedford, MA. In 1956, Baird Associates merged with the Atomic Instrument Company and was renamed Baird Atomic, Inc. In the 1970s, the name changed again to the Baird Companythe term atomic had been a positive word in the 1950s and 1960s but was a liability by the 1970s. Bairds analytical instrument division was acquired by Thermo Instrument Systems in 1995. According to his son Davis, Bairds passion was sailing. He had grown up sailing on the Chesapeake Bay. While in college, Baird sailed through the Panama Canal and up the West Coast.

In 1954, he bought a 52-ft sailboat ketch, which he named Crows Nest, and spent every summer sailing. He also had a tremendous interest in the American Southwest and was on the board of directors of a business in the Tucson area, which allowed him to spend one or two months each year in Arizona for the last 20 years of his life. Baird died on May 4, 1982.

Arthur H. Thomas
Few companies have as long a tradition as Thomas Scientific. Its founder, Arthur H. Thomas, was born in Beaver County, PA, in 1873. His interest in scientific instruments and apparatus began in 1892 when he joined the Philadelphia firm of James W. Queen & Company, then the leading optical and scientific instrument firm in the United States. They were importers, dealers, and manufacturers of everything from laboratory thermometers to microscopes to drafting instruments to theodolites. After the death of Queen & Companys founder, the business began to decline, and in 1900, Thomas left to begin his own company. Together with J. Edward

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more information than the previous one. Included with the laboratory supplies and products were applic a t i o n s notes, techniques, and procedures; in fact, they were encyclopedic reference books in chemistry, metallurgy, An A. H. Thomas delivery truck (circa 1920). Arthur Thomas, circa 1905. biology, bioc he m i s t r y, Patterson (grandfather of Thomas Supplies that was used by the Army, pathology, and industry. For many Scientifics current president), he startthe Navy, and the Red Cross. During this years, Thomas himself wrote the ed the Arthur H. Thomas Company, imtime, Patterson began to prepare a large text for these catalogs. porting and selling instruments, number of Arthur H. Thomas Company During World War I, Thomas was apbuilding a business that was well-known Specification blueprints for U.S. producpointed by the Council of National and respected. tion of items such as lamp-blown and Defense to their Committee on StanThe first Arthur H. Thomas catavolumetric glassware, which were in dardization. In collaboration with the log was produced and released in short supply. (Before the war, scientists Surgeon Generals office, he prepared 1904. Each new catalog offered had depended primarily on German the List of Staple Medical and Surgical sources for these products.) The blueprints specified high standards of accuracy and workmanship and facilitated the development of U.S. sources, such as Corning and Kimble. In 1915, on the basis of the blueprints, Arthur H. Thomas Company placed an initial order of glassware from Corning Glass Works that totaled $40,000. Delivered in October that year, the order contained the first available Pyrex labware and launched the relationship between Thomas Scientific and Corning that has continued for more than 80 years. Thomas encouraged and actively supported other domestic manufacturClick here to see full size ers, too. An unprecedented order was placed with Henry Troemner of Philadelphia for 1000 analytical balances. About the same time (1915), advertisement Thomas encouraged Max Levy, a maker and to link to of fine rulings for photoengravings, to Electronic Reader Service experiment with a blood-counting chamber to replace those being imported. The Levy Counting Chamber was manufactured and first offered in a Thomas catalog in 1916. Subsequently, other specialties were developed and marketed, such as the Troemner balance, Stormer viscometer, Wiley mill, and the Weber oven. Always very interested in education, Thomas was a trustee and director of Bryn Mawr College and a member

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Credit: Courtesy of A. H. Thomas

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F&M Scientific Corporation: Eugene Bennett, Aaron Martin, and Frank Martinez Jr.
In 1959, Eugene Bennett and Aaron J. Martin left the relative security of jobs

C. Eugene Bennett in December, 1994 with wife Edna.

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Ph.D. in chemistry from Pennsylvania State College (now the Pennsylvania State University). He became a research supervisor in 1958. Although Martin had not worked specifically with gas chromatographs, he recognized the potential of the new technique. At F&M, Martin was vice president and director of research. Bennett received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Michigan in 1954. After serving as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, he went to work for DuPont in 1956. There he was introduced to gas chromatography. At F&M, Bennett was in charge of sales and marketing. In the 1950s, Martinez was a glassblower working at DuPont (which at that time would market analytical and process instruments that had been developed for use in-house). Martinez duties included constructing gas chromatographs. In this capacity, he reported to Martin. Not only did Martinez know how to construct a gas chromatograph, but one of his DuPont colleagues had developed the concept of temperature programming. DuPont did not think that temperature programming was an important improvement and chose not to patent it or pursue commercialization. Martinez, however, saw the opportunity and obtained permission from DuPont to manufacture the chromatographs himself. He founded L&M Scientific Glassware Company, which he operated out of his basement, and soon was receiving large numbers of orders, thanks to an advertisement in Analytical Chemistry. In 1958, Martinez resigned from DuPont to work full-time making chromatographs. When Martin and Bennett decided to leave DuPont to go into the analytical instrument business, they approached Martinez about buying L&M Scientific Glassware. Martinez instead

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Courtesy of West Virginia University Photographic Services

of the Board of Managers of Haverford College. When he died in August 1942, scores of telegrams and letters attested to the high esteem in which he was held by the trade.

at E. I. du Pont de Nemours and gambled their future on a new analytical technique: gas chromatography. Joining up with Frank Martinez, who had left DuPont a year earlier, the three men founded F&M Scientific Corporation in Avondale, PA, in 1959 to produce gas chromatographs. Each brought different skills to F&M. Martin had joined DuPont as a research chemist in 1953, after earning a

Aaron Martin, one of the founders of F&M Scientific.

agreed to a partnership and became president of the new corporation partly because he was the owner of the original company and partly because, according to Martin, he had the most business experience by then. F&M initially sold chromatographs in the United States but soon had a significant overseas business. In 1963, a factory was opened in Amsterdam. Within seven years, the

company grew to 400 employees and had sales of more than $7 million. F&M Scientific was acquired by Hewlett-Packard in August 1965, a move that marked Hewlett-Packards transition from being a producer of test and measurement equipment to being a chemical analytical instrumentation company. After the sale, Martin became the manager of research and engineering in the F&M Science Division of HewlettPackard in Avondale. In 1969, he left to became president of Marlabs, a position he held until 1989. Martinez lives in Florida. Martin has been involved in various enterprises and civic activities, including politics. He sat on the board of 8 or 10 small companies and is an emeritus trustee of his undergraduate alma mater, Franklin and Marshall College. Bennett left Hewlett-Packard in 1968. He received an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and worked at several business ventures, including developing residential real estate, managing a country club, and managing a compact disc manufacturing plant.

Throughout his life, Bennett maintained close ties with West Virginia University, his undergraduate alma mater, and in 1994, together with his wife, established the C. Eugene Bennett Distinguished Chair in Chemistry and the C. Eugene Bennett and Edna P. Bennett Careers for Chemists Program. The endowed chair was for the purpose of encouraging excitement among students as they prepared for careers in chemistry. The Careers for Chemists Program acquaints chemistry majors and graduate students with nontraditional careers in chemistry. The Bennetts also endowed a Chair in Intervention Research in the department of human development and family studies at Penn State. Bennett died on March 6, 1996.

Courtesy of Aaron Martin

Robert Finnigan
Robert E. Finnigan was born in Buffalo, NY, in 1927. He received his B.S. from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1949, followed by an M.S. degree (1954) and a Ph.D. (1957) from the University of Illinois. Finnegan served 10 years with the U.S. Air

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Robert Finnigan in 1975.

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Force after graduation from the Naval Academy. He spent three years as a senior scientist at the University of California Lawrence Radiation Lab, where he designed and built nuclear reactor instrumentation and control systems. When Finnigan joined the Stanford Research Institute in 1962, he was introduced to the quadrupole mass spectrometer, which at the time was in the breadboard working stage. He and a colleague attempted to interest several industrial and instrument companies in sponsoring research and development of a commercial instrument but were unsuccessful in raising support. Finnigan left Stanford Research Institute in 1963 to cofound Electronic Associates Scientific Instruments Division, which was based in Palo Alto, CA. He led the team that produced the first commercial quadrupole mass spectrometer product in 1964. Finnigan met one of the future Finnigan Corporation cofounders as a result of the attempted acquisition of the California subsidiary of Electronic Associates, Inc., by Syntex Corporation. At the time, Finnigan was general manager of the Electronic Associates subsidiary and negotiated with Roger Sant, who was then chief financial officer of Syntexs U.S. operations. Although the acquisition failed, Finnigan and Sant remained friends. Finnigan had been working with another cofounder, Mike Story, on a quadrupole GC/MS system. Still anoth-

er cofounder, T. Z. Chu, was an associate of Sants. Chu was general manager of Varians chromatograph and spectrophotometer divisions. Out of a meeting in 1967 of Finnigan, Sant, and Chu came the decision to found Finnigan Corporation. The plan was to develop and market a commercial GC/MS system. Bill Fies, an important contributor on the technology side, also joined the founding team. The company founders believed that the chromatographic applications of the combined GC/MS system would provide a sizable market for any instruments they developed, and in fact, they were eventually able to sell a number of instruments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for analyzing pollutants in water. This was followed by the development of a system for detecting illegal drug use by athletes. Still later, Finnigans systems became essential for pharmacokinetic studies of pharmaceutical products. Finnigan Corporation went public in 1972 and had several stock offerings during the early 1970s. In the 1980s, the company failed to anticipate the slowing of the environmental market. This failure affected the companys bottom line, so when Thermo Instrument Systems made an offer to buy the company in 1990, Finnigans shareholders decided to sell. Finnigan still serves as a consultant to Thermo Instrument Systems and Finnigan Corporation, and has been influential in various organizations. He cofounded the environmental and occupational health activity of the American Electronics Association and was on the associations board of directors for years. He has served as a trustee of the Forensic Sciences Foundation and as a member of the National Research Council for the Assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the American Society of Mass Spectrometry Board of Directors, and the Advisory Council of the Northeastern Universitys Barnett Institute. He also was the chairman of the U.S. National Working Group on Pollution of lOrganisation Internationale de Mtrologe Lgale. Finnigan currently is a member of the board of directors of three entrepreneurial analytical instrument companies. He says, My own greatest joy, besides my grandchildren, is working with young entrepreneurs, trying to help them through the early problems with their start-up companies.

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