Federalist Paper 1

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New Federalist Paper no. 1 Author(s): Publius Source: Publius, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring, 1972), pp. 98-115 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3329512 . Accessed: 09/01/2014 14:12
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of strong central a clear direcWe like the blessings government: economicfreeztion towardsocial goals, a willingness to counteract a single voice in world affairs. But we are ings and overheatings, centralization's side effects: ineffective administration repelled by inflexible thatbreedsresentment, thatbreedsaleination. bureaucracy or "home rule,"with of decentralization We also liketheblessings its ready response to local demands,its its respectfor diversity, But we are repelledby fretailoredto its constituents. personality or humanneeds. local to meet unwillingness inability quent or Do we have to choose one way or the other-centralization the bitter consider the with whatever we decentralization-taking sweet?Many thinknot, and have spentthe past year working out a of the in and home most both central desirable synthesis government rule.It has been called"The New Federalism." For a time,the synthesis as is likelyto be praisedor dismissed of the and the of the this label "middle road," readyacceptance by men espousingit may be a safe posture.Sooner or later,however, both critics and supporters moreafoot.This will discoversomething be considNew Federalistapproach to governing mightultimately in American ered a usefulnew development politics-and what has been assumedto be the middleof an old road will turnout to be a new road entirely. is not to wrap liberalprinciThe purposeof the New Federalism or in conservative vice versa;thepurposeis to come to clothing, ples for a a need both nationalunityand local divergripswith paradox: a need to sity; protectboth individual equalityat the nationallevel and individualuniquenessat the local level; and a need both to nationalgoals and to decentralize services. establish government The New Federalistsdid not inventthe paradox, but theyhave as "national it, and are usingan approachbest described recognized to deal with it. National localism is as oxylocalism" in trying
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No. 1 NewFederalist Paper


a phrase as "thunderous or "loyalopposition"-the silence" moronic at first to the an appears fight nounitmodifies-yet glance adjective localism on a to national basis is not as as contradictory attempt put it sounds.It shouldnot be surprising thata paradoxical need has a paradoxical forth called response. OldandNew Federalism and Madison was espousedby Hamilton, The "old" Federalism ofthepenname"Publius." incarnation a previous ApproJayunder who maxims of moral a writer was Publius Roman one priately, hammer should that B.C. 1st the in out your "you century pointed itisglowing iron when hot."* theratificafor States inNewYorkandother To drum up support Fathesethree tion of the new American Constitution, Founding of a series witha passionforpseudonymity thers papers published forinternal unionwas necessary national that(1) a strong arguing was neededto enablethe order,(2) a Federalcompact monetary in theworld, felt influence its make to nation (3) thiscomyoung was already that faction" of ominous the lessen "spirit pact would that national and the (4) States, authority finally among stirring of the States-in local sovereignty-the wouldnot supersede rights localin character. matters essentially in theother unlike of "States'rights," The notion points positive in tone as wellas conwas defensive the Federalists' presentation, foran evenstronger need The to this so remains and tent, day. freedom on personal defenseagainstencroachment by a central to them to the soon became Federalists, forcing apparent authority of a Bill with Constitution their amend Rights. original have no need to sell theirpresent-day The "new" Federalists the to manage on the wisdomof a central authority compatriots to and have no inclination or foreign affairs, system monetary has in a nationwhere of faction denouncethe spirit partisanship to the But their dissent. debateand enshrined approach sharpened that own of its a with of central limits Federalists, temper power ofpractice. inthecrucible twocenturies from comes of centralized to the limitation in the approach A sea-change that"States' Federalism-is in new the "new" of is what power-part
will of firstrefusal.Local authority have now become rights rights" and gainan additional to meetlocal needsitself, now regaintheright it once the right to Federal financial help; but it willnot regain right are now more held to neglectthe needs of its citizens.States' rights
accurately described as States' duties; this is a fundamental change in Federalism, removingits great fault without underminingits essential local-firstcharacter, and provides the New Federalists with two of

* The maxim of Publius most applicable to political fund-raising is: "He doubly benefits the needywho givesquickly."

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their causes:thecauseof regaining and thecauseof control, prime fairness. TheCauseofRegaining Control thepastthirty localauthorities often to were Over years, unwilling to or unable and still raise revenues assumeresponsibility, stayin first for wrenched thecenter, Federal toward office. authority power out ofsheer thebeneficial result wasto habit; sake,later efficiency's to meethuman services and extend needson a government upgrade before scalenever contemplated. resultwas to de-humanize to But a concomitant government, citizen from the of his the centers decisions life, separate affecting detailin a system that had and to lose local focuson thesignificant "ThePeople, Yes"-theperson, no. itseyeonlyon thebigpicture. of centralization Thisinhuman element hithome,causing typical toward Government's the samerevulsion paternalism Big stultifying to provide all government's as had earlier existed inability against Damned a and extend security opportunity. by Depression generaFederalgovernment tion whenit did too little, was damned by a did it too more when much-or, accurately, generation prosperous in thewayit was doing ofBillof much kind damned more. Another for from to freedom was called personal protect regulatory Rights of impersonalization, fromthe frustration and from arbitrariness, from distance accountability. Nixon told that "It is notonlywhat we spend President matters," that The "it is the eswe the nation's Governors, way spendit... is to gaincontrol ofournational ofthenewFederalism sence destiny controlto the States and localities." In thisway, by returning are channeled to those increasingly "power,fundsand authority to the closest people." governments ofournational had The objectis to "gaincontrol destiny"-which in recent been steadily decenselective years-through diminishing it often theFederal takesa backseat,though distribution, presence driver a backseat when sits to become necessary. ready control Manyof thoseon the local levelwho talkof regaining it. "Involvement," wantpowerso theycan choosenot to exercise evenold-fashioned "homerule"haveall too often "participation,"
of a few,participation meant involvement only by the ill-equipped In transmitting and the home rule of a local oligarchy. increasing ultimatepower; in national localism does not transmit authority, a new distribution of administrative tralization, power. In thisnew

handing over administration, it does not advocate handing over control of laws for whose execution central government is legally responsible. National localism says to communities, "Do it your

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New FederalistPaper No. 1


way," addingcoolly,"but do it." Withthis more subtle kind of inducement fromthe center, two to in time are our met: control peculiar regaining requirements The personnow on the periphery needs to feel a greater senseof personalpower,not onlyto makehisvote countbut to makehislife at the centerneeds to acquire a count; paradoxically, government sense of controlthat can only be achievedwhen farflung programs are realistically carried out by persons"in the field." Most of those who feel helplessand alienatedtoday are not frustratedso much by the workings of BigGovernment as by theinabilof of kind to in them the enlist ity any government necessary process of control.Correspondingly, oftenfeel powerofficials government less not because theydo not have power,but because theiractions fritter away potencybeforetheyreachthe target. Thus, control-which often parades under a more ominousinducedby but systematically word,order-mustbe gently sounding to avoid the spectacleof government's centralauthority loosingits thunderbolts onlyto be lost in the smog. to the locality? But who determines what power is best returned In thisselective who selectsand why? decentralization, PowerSeeks Its Own Level of the past thirty The successesand failures yearsin theefficient a have led to use of governmental prinpower politicalArchimedes' seeks its level. Power own ciple: If power were allowed to flow "naturally"to its most efficient would do what it has provenit does outlet,the Federal government best-raise revenues,borrow money, handle massive mechanical choressuch as mailing Social Security checks.State and local government would do what theydo best-reflect in administraflexibility and experiment tion, respond to local custom and idiosyncrasy, without being intimidated by the danger of colossal failure.The individualwould do what he does best by doing what is best for himself. The Federal government has often shown itselfto be best at and collecting distributingcash and worst at enlisting and the powerto distribute at the services therefore, services; distributing local levelshouldflowaway from the center. of power seekingits own level,the new Followingthis principle Federalistssubstitute the practicalfor the ideological.Decisionsto decentralizemust be based primarily on the abilityof a particular levelof government to deliver services. These servicesneed not be suppliedby government at all; whenever possible, the New Federalismenlistsor encouragesvoluntary

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and family and othernaturalunitsin the job foundations, agencies, of ordering as society. "Voluntarism," pictured by some centralists the last spasmof do-goodism Helen Hokinson at their local ladies by as an articleof faithin gardenclub, is embracedby New Federalists of powerto the people. Oddly,both viewsare truefrom the return the respective vantagepoints: in a societywhose needsare metby a central authority,the voluntaryagencies are a withering strong vestigial appendage;in a societyseekingto shift power closestto its of "the voluntary point purchase, way" gainsimportance. forless cost, Not only do voluntary better service agenciesdeliver for citizen involvement. In its zeal for tax they are irreplaceable the Nixon Administration for charilessenedthe incentive reform, and watchedthe House of Representatives table contributions press for a tax on foundations; when it became apparentthat thiswas a directconflict withone of theprimary goals of theNew Federalism, the incentivesto charitable the Treasuryabout-faced,returning and opposingmostof theHouse-passed tax. foundation giving The next-to-last self-control stop down the line towardindividual unit. about by the existenceof a family is the social orderbrought in the new One of the earliestdecisions made by urbanologists in an otheradministration-the proposalthatarousedno opposition debated program-hadto do withthe re-establishwise profoundly in many ment of the unityof the welfarefamily.A requirement had lefthome could not be paid unlessthefather statesthat welfare of poor families led to the wholesaledesertion had, not surprisingly, in to their to receive their male heads order enable dependents by the of the first of Federalist was to tenets new One aid. theory public the "discito desertion, and to restore end this economic incentive and love" thatare thetiesthatbind. pline,authority of course,is theopportunity forindividual selfHighlyimportant, of run the a to his In all claims own life. government-for person national an individual and local, State upon paycheckgovernment in additionto charity and theextendedhand dues check-offs, drives, to of a brother-in-law-there is the strongclaim of the individual in his his He tends less to resist deducown own way. spend earnings hima specific service hisearnings tionsfrom whichoffer (local police deducnationaldefense)and muchmoreto resist and fireprotection, tionsto helphisfellowman. more the individual's defends to control The New Federalism right of in of his own income,a rhetorical that assessment any way saying of national priorities, must ultimately be givento a consideration taxation.This is oftendenouncedas drop in the rate of increasing to the greedof the electorate, but tax reduction is consispandering the shareof local control-inthiscase, a person's tentwithincreasing

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New FederalistPaper No. 1


control of his own pocket-book. Whileshowingconcernwithtax reduction sounds"conservative," the applicationof the same principle of furthering more controlof sounds "liberal." The new one's own destinyto welfarerecipients Federalistssay that the Federal government should send out the same checkto dependent families the central everywhere (something does best); the States have the rightto increasethose government benefitsor not, as the local citizenry sees fit (whichthe States do and thenthatthe individual should best,addingflexibility); recipient have the right to spend the moneyas he sees fit(on theassumption that runningone's own life is done most democratically by the individual-not or the social worker). by the nutritionist New Federalismputs priority on the distribution of cash rather than servicesor food and clothing.If the moneyis squanderedon soda pop and floppyhats,the responsibility of government at every level is to educate the person how better to use money to stay healthy,ratherthan to assume control of the welfarerecipient's money"forhisown good." The idea of lettingpower seek its own level appears to elevate to the highgroundof politicalthought. But pragmatism pragmatism is best suited for executingratherthan setting goals. An idealistic is needed before a has reason forbeing;the impetus any philosophy idealismin the new Federalism, the heartof the matter, is the cause of fairness. The Cause of Fairness The Americanexperience overtwo centuries cannotbe dismissed as a seriesof lucky breakshappeningto a resourceful people in a resource-filled land. There had to be a "collectivewisdom of the people" operativein government, makingthe rightchoices more often than the law of averageswould predict.Perhaps this was because the nationwas not outfitted in its infancy withan ideological straitjacket; "the circumstances whichhave stuntedour interest in politicalphilosophy," wroteDaniel Boorstin in a discussion of our phantomgenius of a system,"have also nourishedour refusalto make our societyintothegraven imageof any man'spoliticalphilosophy." If such a collectivewisdom exists and the people are capable of it followsthatthere actingoverthelongtermin the nationalinterest is a nationalchorusof still,small,local voices actingas a collective the mostfairness forthe mostpeople. conscience, seeking This nationalconsciencewas the object of Lincoln'sappeal when he shiftedthe focusof the CivilWarfrom"preserve the Union" to "end slavery;"thisforcecaused Theodore Rooseveltto refer to his

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a as "primarily office as a "bully andFDRtothe Presidency pulpit" of force The need the of moral to moral authority." weigh position thevoiceof action willalways be current anddebatable; political in thedesire to "honor ourcommitments" conscience is heard by ingood andisalso from Vietnam whowish todisengage those order, of thedissenters to whowant heard as the"immoral war"charge withdraw immediately. moral forms around When thenational conscience issues, specific the caseinwhich afflicted with itis often ignorance"-a "pluralistic Nationnot realize ithasbecome the does opinion majority. majority its thephantom this cancrystallize al leaders concern, give majority moral and into national turn its status, policy. judgment legitimate is "in goodconwhat In a proudly diverse, pluralistic society, else. somewhere in one placemaybe in bad conscience science" of the on marijuana, and conflict "Good" mendiffer segregation, a free "national" and fair what determines between trial; press rights in a nation is deterconscience? To theNewFederalists, morality or leadersocial notby government church mined decree, policy, at is most think about moral what is who morality people ship-what ata given ismoral allthink time. no is right willhaveno partof this;whatis right Absolutists current ifall mankind buta working, is against it.Perhaps; matter inthat nation iswhat most ofa nation's conscience definition people oflocal andindividis an amalgam is "only Theresult fair." believe areleft times andmany ual scruples, compunctions strong, regional the outside pale.
This national conscience, on any issue, must clash with local conscience on that issue somewhere,and in the way clash of conscience is resolved is the testof theNew Federalism. if overlocal conscience, ridesroughshod If the nationalconscience and accommodation and gradual it allows no room for adjustment are ignored. of a minority hatredis bredas thebeliefs acceptance, On the other hand, if the nationalconscienceknucklesunderto nationalpolicy local conscienceso as to allow the law to be broken, of a the as is and hatred bred can be permanently warped, rights are minority denied. is theNew Federalism. the rapidsbetweenthose dangers Running of betweennationaland more the delicate treatment Its relationship a theory or fulfill not to satisfy local conscienceis beingundertaken with in a discontent to but a ringing rising response pledge, campaign on an insistence man-madeinequityin society,a healthy,nagging

intangiblecalled "fairness." Long ago, it was felt that an individual could get his fairestshake fromthe governmentthat was closest to him: he could face up to the

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NewFederalist No. 1 Paper


decision orcould could reason another human with maker, being, get backat a localnaysayer But by organization opposition. inrecent it cameto be felt a poorperthat an individual-especially years, no son-could longer treatment thelocaldeck with locally; getfair stacked hiseyesturned for to Washington a newdeal him, against anda fair deal. it is being assumed ofAmericans Today, byanincreasing majority that fairness inprinciple liesinFederal still standards andminimums, butthat fairness liesclosest to home. inadministration Too usually ofburgeoning ofdistance toomany miles years many bureaucracy, haveseparated thegoverned from thegoverning, andtheresult has beentheatrophy ofequity. "There hasto be someone," a political bossof a previous a mancanturn to for said,"that century help. Noneof your mind in the Fairness you-but justice, setting help." ruleshas developed national but in upon government, flexibility the the to fit the individual-can applying rules-bending system most andmost be a function oflocalgovernment. effectively easily learned the of lessons abdication Having longago,localgovernment is nowready foritssecond It candealwith human chance. while the national is limited to dealing with beings, government numbers and files-an enormous forlocal authority in advantage to grips with theurgent of more and more coming requirement for "fairness." people Fairness threads theentire of newFederalist through array proTaxreform, draft welfare reformeducation reform, reform, posals. all emphasize a fair of theburden, a fair chance at opporsharing tunity. to this fervor for andtheideaofcarrying out fairness, Sensitivity the ofa national conscience the of administration urgings bybringing into close with "the ofthe consent government proximity governed" whenever is most that isthe second ofthe cause New effective, great The method Federalists. havechosen to "deliver" by which they fairness ina new result coalition ofpeople know have who may they that understands their needs That will the basis leadership today. lay for what candidate inearly Nixon "a newalignment of 1968called andnotanyartificial construction ofregional, or ideas," ideological ethnic blocs. Ofallthe statements constructed the F. Kennedy, John byandfor onethat will reverberate touched a chord millions probably longest feelaboutunfairness: "There is always inlife," hetolda inequity arekilled conference. ina warandsome "Somemen men are press
in theAntarctic, and someare wounded,and some menare stationed stationedin San Francisco.It is very hardin military or personallife
to assure complete equality. Life is unfair .. ."

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of any Obviously,the cause of fairnessis hardly the property or any faction.Percolating overthe courseof decades, it President of its own, precluding has a momentum the need formuchfurther demand no longer Presidential exhortation. needsthe agreeEquity's mentof the majority, rate whichit alreadyhas; it now needsa faster of progress the nationalconscience. to satisfy There must be a way to bringinequitydown to an irreducible to make life morefair.VisionsforAmericado not differ minimum, or ideologies; the hopesfollowthe pressing so widelybetweenparties for and more needs education, health, security housing, opportunity, of are not now as pertinent The height the hopes personalfreedom. as the need to find the way to make the hopes realisticand the visions realizable. Heredity,health and happenstanceare unfairenough without to the sum total of inequity. at any level contributing government be to the swift, but the American The race may not necessarily to either apathetic people are not preparedto resignthemselves in distant insolence in local office or monolithicimpersonality central control. That is why the New Federalismseeks to fuse two elements:a and a morecompasrespectforconsciencedeeplyexamined, greater in its local of the concernsof the individual sionate understanding application. The New Federalist Approach:Examples One of the centralideas of nationallocalismis to induceor introof fieldswhile or standardsin a variety duce nationwideprinciples criteria local variation and local both above those encouraging control of services.This will not accept the simplenotion of the localitybeingthe tool of the Federal will; centraland local government are both agentsof the national conscience.The patternhas in specific proposals: emerged A. Welfare The proposednationalfamily a floor assistance minimums provide forincometo dependent families but leaveit to the Statesto provide the ceiling.The Federal government and shares pays up to the floor, with the States in decreasingpercentagesas the individualState the lot of dependent families in itsarea. The State can be as improves or even profligate as itslocal citizenry wishesit to be, but responsive to dependents cannotdip below the nationalminimum. To payments appealed to the national conscience put this across, the President with a powerfulvalue judgment:"No child is 'worth'more in one State thanin another."

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NewFederalist No. 1 Paper


localitiesand thebest way to findnew answers in thisfieldis to keep the innovative hand of the Stateand localityin the system. B. RevenueSharing and Grants-in-Aid The example most oftencited of Federalinducement to Statesto meet social needs is revenuesharing, the difficulty whichrecognizes of State taxation and acknowledgesthe betterjudgmentof most fundswithintheirown boundaries. States in spending the Similarly, of of Federal a ran proliferation grant-in-aid programs tangle apron to fifty local initiative. State capitals,checking The Adminisstrings trationsoughtlegislative to consolidate these authority overly-specific grants,givinglocal authoritymore room to maneuverwithin larger general budgets. C. Unemployment Insurance In the President's widercovermessageto the Congressproposing he the to the of increase States amount benefits age, urged paid to "I call the to States act the workers. within next unemployed upon two yearsto meet thisgoal," the President wrote,"thereby averting the need for Federal action." Nationalstandards were not set,but a firm hand could be detectedinsidethe kid gloveand thelikelihoodis that the States will "avert"the need forFederalactionby increasing the benefits an issue was not themselves. Featherswerenot ruffled; joined. The necessarychange will probablytake place by political osmosis. D. Tax Policy All the talk of a threatened an interest"taxpayersrevolt"offers illustration of the of fairness in the American conscience. ing quality The highlevel of taxationwas not only what brought people to the like had been everMithridates, boilingpoint; King they swallowing of doses for their and main a reaction was increasing poison years, sustainedmoan. The sticking was the of revelation resigned, point how manywealthypeople could escape payingtaxesat all. Whether the burden was being shared fairlywas more important to many citizensthan the total weightof the burdenitself.Reactingto this demand for equity, the Administration proposed a limiton all tax certain that effect, preferences-in making everyonepaid at least a of his income to the Federal no matter good portion government, how he was able to take advantageof tax incentives. In theAct that

for its citizens. welfare beyondthe minimum Organized beganin

The Governors who urgedthe completetakeoverof the welfare were concerned withtheirimmesystemby the Federal government diate financial headaches,but misseda basic pointof the plan: Localities differ, in providing and each should retainits own initiatives

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form incometax. as a minimum passed,thisappearedin comparable another national localist clashed this with However, principle of If were in bonds the taxation these bonds. city municipal precept could still get off scot free left tax-exempt,the loophole-seeker of highsocial (althoughall his fundswould be tied up in enterprises bondsweretaxed,evenwithFederalsubsibenefit.)But ifmunicipal at higher dizationof the added coststo the citiesof borrowing rates, of local initiativecontrolof cityfinances-oneof the last vestiges would quickly be drawn to Washington. In this case, the Mayors prevailedand the substancedefeatedthe symbol;localismwas preservedat the cost of a neat, across-the-board displayof tax fairness. E. ManpowerTraining A refinement of the principle of gaining-control-bycan be foundin the overhaulof manpower policy. returning-control to of manpower services administration The object is to decentralize States and metropolitan areas, but past experiencehas shownthat on local government withaccomsudden dumpingof responsibility to the to "involve led has waste,corpoor" panyingfinger-wagging and finallywidespreadpublic rejectionof what ruption,dismay, Here is the New Federshouldbe a necessary, program. regenerative alistapproach: of thefunds 20 percent "First,a Statewilladminister apportioned to it whenit developsa comprehensive manpower capabilplanning over 66 2/3 percentwhen it ity; second, it will exercisediscretion a comprehensive establishes ManpowerTraining Agencyto adminis100 per cent it will administer ter the unifiedprograms; and third, of exemplary whenthe State meetsobjectivestandards performance out itsmanpower in planning service and carrying system." and "exercise In the above, note the use of theverbs"administer" discretionover"; they are ways of not saying "control" as the Federal governmentsystematically yields involvementto local ultimate authorities without responsibility. surrendering F. HumanNeeds is the The New Federalistsbelieve that economic advancement answer of all the the to the and best needs answer only lasting poor At thispointin our history, now to the needs of minorities. Negroes in open housingstatutes findcold comfort whentheycannotafford to buy the homes in neighborhoods now legallyopen to them,or as a principle when a lack of moneyeffecestablished desegregation in manycities. defactosegregation enforces tively

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New FederalistPaper No. 1


Access to good jobs and the training necessaryto get and hold thosejobs is a source of prideas wellas funds;in thelongrun,there is no poweras puissant as buying power. the first was the proposalsof the Nixon Administration Among releaseof 6,000,000 people at or below the poverty linefrom paying Federal income taxes. This was followedby a proposal to extend insurancecoverage to farmworkersand hospital unemployment workers-whoare mainlyminority groupmembers-andto increase the benefitsand extend the periods benefitsare paid if national were to rise significantly. The most far-reaching unemployment to of the proposed national was course, impetus buying power, welfare In effect, it would promptly minimum. double the incomeof of poor families-Negro millions and white.In Mississippi, forexama of four now would receive $90 $1600 ple, family receiving but to in when added about food $750 yearly-no bonanza, stamps as partof thenew anti-hunger not to be lightly dismissed in program, itseconomicimpact. This typeof helpto the poor-whatever their color-would fallfar shortof the goal of genuineeconomic advancement if it werenot to incentives for accompaniedby self-help-as, example,in the manand the release of housebound mothers power training proposals a increased of day careforchildren. through strongly system In this regard,the New Federalists recognizetheymustcome to with a of and of capital.The grips shortage opportunity a shortage of in action Labor's Department Philadelphia,requiringunions to labor contractors on Federally-assisted supplying working projects to show good faithin openingthe workrollsto Negroes, has now been expanded to other cities. Organizedlabor's resistance to this Plan the caused battle fiercest, short,pitchedlegislative Philadelphia in thisarea lastyear. The natural reluctance of New Federaliststo apply national to local areas is overridden in the case of equal job opporpressure the of dictates national and is justified conscience, tunity by by the of unfairness from all the funds raised to patent using people pera segment of the public. petuatediscrimination against "Black capitalism"is an integral part of this overallapproachto economic uplift.Because most men of whatever color are not born this will never be a panacea, but it will become a entrepreneurs, stimulus and a visiblesourceof pride.Through specific smallbusiness investment Federal companies, designedto help minority enterprise, the $500 millionin new capitalfrom sourcesthat publicand private willresultis a good start.
loans will be made available to investorsin black-owned businesses;

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Affairs Foreign The Nixon Doctrineabroad is consistent withits New Federalist at insists on responsibility home: It approach emphasizesfair-share, at the local level, offering Americanretaliatory power as a shield and military aggression, providing supplyassistance againstbig-power toward the "minimum standards"of defensethat our allies need. The Americanpresencemakesitselffelt,but seeks not to take over their local defenses."It means helpingotherfree nationsmaintain in to do forthem thePresident own security," said,"but not rushing a what they can and should do forthemselves... It meansforging of worldstability in whichthe burdensas well as the new structure are fairly benefits shared.. ." H. EconomicAffairs to restore The national government recognizesits responsibility on and has insisted while protecting highemployment pricestability a balancedbudget.In tandemwiththe FederalReserve's money tight amountsto nationaleconomic policy, thisstrategy againstinflation to on a grandscale, but it is accompaniedby deference management of specific-company localism: no wage or price controlsor pattern in the workingsof a free market economy. "Fine intervention is replacedby realistic tuning" forgotten, appeals to theenlightened of industries economic self-interest and unions.Specificguidelines, are replacedby moregeneral admoniabandonedin the mid-Sixties, in tions,but when theseare totallyignored-as happenedflagrantly to affect the construction has acted industry-central authority supplyand demand. as see inflation The New Federalists as just as muchpsychological to influshock and treatment, economic,preferring group therapy thaninterference ence by examplerather by exhortation. L Ecologistics of happiness,"as the President did in an Arts Call it "the pursuit and Humanitiesmessage that startledhis most outspoken nonor "the qualityof life"or "the climateof freedom"-under admirers, whatevercatchphrase,the subject of environmental control and for is in on the American nature's respect ecology rising importance agenda. "The more inroadswe make upon our land and waterand air," CandidateNixon said in a little-noted campaignspeechon conserva"the able life in America."In returning less we are to to tion, enjoy that theme in his first a State of the Union address,he crystallized one that can the most and that New Americans goal agree upon Federalismcan begin froma relative withoutneedingto beginning,


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New FederalistPaper No. 1


the ofbureaucratic reform. gothrough gyrations

carsand Pollutedstreams cross State lines,as do exhaust-emitting limitsto trucks;clearly,national standardsare called forin setting whichfactories and vehiclescan polluteeveryone else's airand water. national answers can be expected-such as tax requirements for

is expressing thenational and conscience, Rising publicindignation

willbe involved, to set their own stanregional groups encouraged

to local needs above the Federal minimum, dards responsive and a

Council on Environmental Quality,as well as Federally-sponsored research. of a massive, However,the accent will not be on the construction From the Federal,anti-pollution start,State,local and bureaucracy.

control a national laid downby a new devices, pollution strategy

effort will be made to enlistbusiness in voluntary efforts strong more The administration lines. of along aggressive anti-pollution control will remain with on new local, pollution emphasis regional, to manin his environment, which will wedgein a widerapproach to world transit from a study ofcreative usesof population planning,

area" "greater metropolitan groupings. Of course, the campaign is onlytheopening against pollution

range fromthe need for urbanvest-pocket parksand modernmass

leisuretimeto the inducement of a broaderappreciation of thearts. A call for cleanup of air and water, back as it does to the hearkening of TheodoreRoosevelt, conservation is non-controversial and appeals

to all age groups; ofsuccess inthese areasofimmediate proof danger willopennewopportunities for action on other fronts.

New Federalism: Principles From the foregoing of national examples, certainrequirements localism emergeto formwhat Edmund Burkewould call "extravagantand presumptuous speculations": 1. The unityof the nationrequires acceptance of nationalgoals and the assumptionof responsibility for achievingthem; these include full and equal employmentand educational opportunity, of protection help forthe helplessabove the survival level,assurance againstcrimeand violence,an economycapable of sustained growth in a stable atmosphere,and enough national strength to create a worldorderthatwill prevent war. 2. The diversity of the people requires leewayforlocal optionon the degreeof supportgiveneducation,the controlof crimeand all other powers "reservedto the States" as long as those reservations are actively used. 3. The freedomof the individualrequiresFederal and judicial

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or private inflicted checks on any unfairness by local government local on and unfairness inflicted enterprise, flexibility by national or of letter Federal the law. policies of Federalism 4. The future to requiresthatpower be permitted of seek its own level of efficient to the level response,flowing that can deal directly and compassionately withhuman government to localities to needs,decentralizing selectively permit developinstitutionscapable of gaining individual involvement. of democracy 5. The creativity local innovation, providrequires of a the of failure and variety experimentation, liability limiting ing can of that be the solutions applied extending possibility discovering successful after local testing. nationally civilization 6. The ethicof Western requiresa relianceon individof neglectedresponsibility to with transmission ual responsibility, without the of but units usurpation government, successively larger and thatweakenslocal initiative of responsibility authority by higher limits freedom. arbitrarily personal 7. The paradox of Federalism requiresa citizento thinkand act on two levels: to contributeto the determination of a national in out conscienceand to involvehimself locally carrying thedictates to exceed themand makethemuniquely of thatconscience-indeed, and traditions. to local needs,customs fitting focuseson person of such a system the rhetoric Not surprisingly, on opporrather than security, than people, on responsibility rather than rather on real rather than wrongs correcting tunity guarantee, an has become relations In new "impose" creating rights. foreign the local and self-determination word Wilson's principle. shining ugly the new Federalists pot withthe replacethe melting Metaphorically, salad bowl. is not as readilycapsuledin cheerlines or sloBecause synthesis or forthe Seventies"has been the "strategy as thesis antithesis, gans of the Thirties.These old criteria to now by political judged up standreadyas everto be used to denouncea falseassumption criteria of both liberaland conservative labels-as, forexample,in the claim in fiscal and a conservative that one is a liberal in human affiars have a falseringdoes not affairs. But the fact that some syntheses mustbe scorned. meanthatevery synthesis The Need forNew Criteria but a werenothing If the nationallocalismof the New Federalists between previously opposing ideologies,it would limp compromise neitherside. But if it succeeds in synsatisfying along, ultimately what is best in both modes,it can createa "side" thatdid thesizing

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New FederalistPaper No. 1


and centralist-localist not exist before.The old liberal-conservative calibrationswill lose meaningwhen applied to a fusionof certain of central elementsof liberalism concern and local and conservatism, consent. The New Federalism offers a considered and different approachto the conduct of governmental based on the applicationof affairs, nationalpride,conscienceand minimums incentives to local through administration in decision-making. and involvement Criticswho understand are trying what the New Federalists to do mustcome up withtheirown new minimum formeasurestandards ment.These mustgo beyond speculating, "Are theyheaded Leftor or the of a The Right?" berating pursuers paradox as "zig-zaggers." need for new criteria to combe find it those who may distressing to react automatically fortable on the left-right scale to every action of government, but unless politicalthinkers are willingto reassess theircriticalstandards, while the they will find themselves zigging of in both the has Seventies philosophy majorparties zagged. This is because the rise of the New Federalistshas not been counteredby a corresponding rise of New Whigs.The amalgamof national consciencewith local involvement is takingplace all along the ideological spectrum,like the progressivism of the late 19th in it roots with both In century, grows parties. early 1968, Richard Nixon and Robert Kennedywere echoingsectionsof each other's was morein sloganthansubstance.* speeches;oftenthedifference The Standardof Success In his own eyes, a New Federalist"succeeds" if he can do well in two arenas.In the arena of the mind,he mustbe able to divinethe national conscienceand not confuseit withthe nationalmood, or the conscienceof only those he knows or reads. To determine his and the balance of nationalpriorities, he mustoverpolicy direction lay his evaluationof the nationalconsciencewithhis own beliefin what is right. As withall government therewillbe a highestimates, low range about how much the nationalconsciencewill demandor permit;the New Federalistwill try to come in at the high,taking moral leadershipwithoutdisappearing fromthe sightof his troops. In thissense,he is an ideologue,at the cutting edgeof a nationalurge to help people help themselves-more more training, opportunity, more reward for initiative, more of a "fair chance" and a "fair share."
* An draft ofNixon's to Human an exposition contained of early "Bridges Dignity" speech "black entrepreneurship." He changed this in the finaldraftto the catchier "black whenHubert soon espousedthe same idea,he could notunacapitalism;" Humphrey lift Nixon's andwound "blackentrepreneurship." bashedly slogan, up using

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In the arena of action, he changesthe simple,direct Federal command-whichhas been subverted, ignoredor watereddown at the local or individuallevel-to a more complex, incentive-laden Federal suggestion, acceptingthe burdenof persuasionso as to be the burdenof centraladministration and instilla sense able to shift of local participation. If he succeeds,he has transmitted a requirein life along withthe abilityto accomplish ment for more fairness that fairness where real people live. And if he fails,in Theodore Roosevelt'swords,"he failswhiledaring so thathe is never greatly, know neither those cold and timid souls who victorynor among defeat." for his dramaticinstinct, the New Federalistcan Unfortunately seldomoperatewiththe flairand panache of a TheodoreRoosevelt. The natureof his approach-the amalgamof national purposeand him in most cases to the softsell, local purposefulness-condemns the counterpunch. the underpromise, Cheer lines and sloganshave their hallowed place in Americanpolitics,and the New Federalist will use them when they serve his purpose, but his generaltone cannotbe stridently confident because the new road is as unfamiliar to the leadersas to the led. Too Far From Concord The yearning of thegoverned to havetheircake and eat it-to reap the blessingof nationhoodand reject the curse of a limitation of freedom-is to new personal nothing politics. Legend has it that Ralph Waldo Emersonleft his home in Concord, Massachusettsto travelto a midwestern meetingof world irritated in the mid 19th century. He grew increasingly federalists one the that the when capital through convocation; speakerproposed of the world be Constantinople, he walkedout, growling, "It's too farfrom Concord." is "too nationalgovernment today feelthattheir ManyAmericans a central farfromConcord." Theiransweris not to take awayfrom what it does best,nor to denythe rule of the majority government norto createa newnationof sullenof nationalconcern, on matters isolated communities. ly local Theiransweris to forgea new concordof nationalpurpose, and individual involvement.Unlike pragmatism, administration which limitsitselfto "what worksis good," the New Federalism what is that a nationalconsciencebe applied to determine suggests

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NewFederalist No. 1 Paper


and individuals to make itwork. be involved good,and thelocalities The timefor an evolution of Federalism has intoa new form ofpolitiitswayintotheforefront come;it has beensteadily edging cal action,with the most diverse The New Federalism support. but deserves-to use its favorite expects no instant acceptance, share" ofserious consideration. phrase-a"fair

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