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Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him

to the cemetery. Malcolm X Respect, Law, Him There is no better than adversity. very defeat, every heartbrea!, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the ne"t time. Malcolm X Time, #dversity, $efeat ducation is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belon%s to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X &uture, ducation, Today # man who stands for nothin% will fall for anythin%. Malcolm X &all, 'tands ()m for truth, no matter who tells it. ()m for *ustice, no matter who it)s for or a%ainst. Malcolm X Truth, +ustice, Matter ,obody can %ive you freedom. ,obody can %ive you e-uality or *ustice or anythin%. (f you)re a man, you ta!e it. Malcolm X &reedom, -uality, +ustice .ou)re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can)t face reality. /ron% is wron%, no matter who says it. Malcolm X 0atriotism, Reality, /ron% (f you have no critics you)ll li!ely have no success. Malcolm X 'uccess, 1ritics, Li!ely ( have more respect for a man who lets me !now where he stands, even if he)s wron%. Than the one who comes up li!e an an%el and is nothin% but a devil. Malcolm X Respect, /ron%, $evil (f you don)t stand for somethin% you will fall for anythin%. Malcolm X 'tand, &all ( don)t even call it violence when it)s in self defense; ( call it intelli%ence. Malcolm X 'elf, 2iolence, 1all ( believe in human bein%s, and that all human bein%s should be respected as such, re%ardless of their color. Malcolm X 1olor, Respected, Re%ardless .ou can)t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his

freedom. Malcolm X 0eace, &reedom, 3nless (f you)re not ready to die for it, put the word )freedom) out of your vocabulary. Malcolm X &reedom, $ie, /ord The future belon%s to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X &uture, Today, 0repare The ,e%ro revolution is controlled by fo"y white liberals, by the 4overnment itself. But the Blac! Revolution is controlled only by 4od. Malcolm X 4od, 4overnment, Blac! ( am for violence if non5violence means we continue postponin% a solution to the #merican blac! man)s problem *ust to avoid violence. Malcolm X Blac!, 0roblem, 2iolence ( believe in a reli%ion that believes in freedom. #ny time ( have to accept a reli%ion that won)t let me fi%ht a battle for my people, ( say to hell with that reli%ion. Malcolm X Reli%ion, Time, &reedom The media)s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to ma!e the innocent %uilty and to ma!e the %uilty innocent, and that)s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X 0ower, 0owerful, 1ontrol 'tumblin% is not fallin%. Malcolm X &allin%, 'tumblin% .ou don)t have to be a man to fi%ht for freedom. #ll you have to do is to be an intelli%ent human bein%. Malcolm X &reedom, &i%ht My #lma mater was boo!s, a %ood library... ( could spend the rest of my life readin%, *ust satisfyin% my curiosity. Malcolm X Life, 4ood, Readin% /ithout education, you are not %oin% anywhere in this world. Malcolm X ducation, #nywhere .ou show me a capitalist, and ()ll show you a bloodsuc!er. Malcolm X 'how, 1apitalist (n all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure. Malcolm X

0ower never ta!es a bac! step only in the face of more power. Malcolm X 0ower, &ace, 'tep Truth is on the side of the oppressed. Malcolm X Truth, 'ide, 6ppressed ,onviolence is fine as lon% as it wor!s. Malcolm X &ine, /or!s #merica preaches inte%ration and practices se%re%ation. Malcolm X #merica, 0reaches, 0ractices .ou can)t le%islate %ood will 5 that comes throu%h education. Malcolm X ducation, 4ood, Le%islate History is a people)s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals. Malcolm X History, Memory, #nimals The /hite man pays Reverend Martin Luther 7in% so that Martin Luther 7in% can !eep the ,e%ro defenseless. Malcolm X 7eep, 7in%, /hite There is nothin% in our boo!, the 7oran, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. 6ur reli%ion teaches us to be intelli%ent. Malcolm X Reli%ion, Boo!, 'uffer (f you have a do%, ( must have a do%. (f you have a rifle, ( must have a rifle. (f you have a club, ( must have a club. This is e-uality. Malcolm X -uality, $o%, 1lub ( believe in the brotherhood of all men, but ( don)t believe in wastin% brotherhood on anyone who doesn)t want to practice it with me. Brotherhood is a two5way street. Malcolm X Men, 0ractice, #nyone .ou don)t have a peaceful revolution. .ou don)t have a turn5the5chee! revolution. There)s no such thin% as a nonviolent revolution. Malcolm X Revolution, 0eaceful, ,onviolent ( have been blessed to visit the Holy 1ity of Mecca. Malcolm X Blessed, Holy, 1ity

/hat is a $i"iecrat8 # $emocrat. # $i"iecrat is nothin% but a $emocrat in dis%uise. Malcolm X $is%uise, $emocrat #merica is the first country... that can actually have a bloodless revolution. Malcolm X #merica, Revolution, #ctually (nte%ration will not brin% a man bac! from the %rave. Malcolm X Brin%, 4rave #ll ( held a%ainst +ews was that so many +ews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the #merican blac! man. Malcolm X &riends, Blac!, #%ainst #merica in its entirety is se%re%ationist and is racist. (t)s more camoufla%ed in the north, but it)s the same thin%. Malcolm X #merica, ntirety, ,orth #merica needs to understand (slam, because this is the one reli%ion that erases from its society the race problem. Malcolm X Reli%ion, 'ociety, #merica Bein% an old farm boy myself, chic!ens comin% home to roost never did ma!e me sad; they)ve always made me %lad. Malcolm X 'ad, Home, 6ld nvy blinds men and ma!es it impossible for them to thin! clearly. Malcolm X Men, nvy, (mpossible &or me, my )X) replaced the white slave master name of )Little) which some blue5eyed devil named Little had imposed on my parental forebears. Malcolm X $evil, ,ame, /hite History is not hatred. Malcolm X History, Hatred History proves that the white man is a devil. Malcolm X History, $evil, /hite ( did a lot of thin%s as a Muslim that ( am sorry for now. Malcolm X 'orry, Muslim ( want to ta!e ,e%roes out of the %hetto and put them in %ood nei%hborhoods in %ood houses. Malcolm X

(f ballots won)t wor!, bullets will. Malcolm X /or!, Bullets, Ballots (f you turn the other chee!, you can be enslaved for 9,::: years. Malcolm X Turn, 1hee!, nslaved ,obody should teach the blac! man in #merica to turn the other chee!, unless someone is teachin% the white man in #merica to turn the other chee!. Malcolm X Blac!, #merica, Teach ,ot one blac! man is prominent in Bra;il. The ,e%roes there are still at the bottom. Malcolm X Blac!, Bottom, Bra;il 'e%re%ation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. 'eparation is done voluntarily by two e-uals. Malcolm X 'eparation, 'uperior, &orced The #merican ,e%ro never can be blamed for his racial animosities 5 he is only reactin% to <:: years of the conscious racism of the #merican whites. Malcolm X Racism, 1onscious, Racial The true (slam has shown me that a blan!et indictment of all white people is as wron% as when whites ma!e blan!et indictments a%ainst blac!s. Malcolm X True, (slam, /ron% The white man, in his press, is %oin% to identify me with )hate.) Malcolm X Hate, /hite, 0ress There is no more apartheid in 'outh #frica than in the 3nited 'tates. Malcolm X #frica, 3nited, 'outh To have once been a criminal is no dis%race. To remain a criminal is the dis%race. Malcolm X 6nce, Remain, 1riminal /hen %hetto livin% seems normal, you have no shame, no privacy. Malcolm X Livin%, ,ormal, 'eems /hite #merica is in the minority. Malcolm X #merica, /hite, Minority .ou can)t hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. .ou can)t hate #frica and not hate yourself. Malcolm X

Hate, .ourself, Tree $espite my firm convictions, ( have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new e"perience and new !nowled%e unfolds. ( have always !ept an open mind, a fle"ibility that must %o hand in hand with every form of the intelli%ent search for truth. Malcolm X Life, "perience, Truth ( believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but ( don)t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn)t want brotherhood with me. ( believe in treatin% people ri%ht, but ()m not %oin% to waste my time tryin% to treat somebody ri%ht who doesn)t !now how to return the treatment. Malcolm X Time, Men, Tryin% The real names of our people were destroyed durin% slavery. The last name of my forefathers was ta!en from them when they were brou%ht to #merica and made slaves, and then the name of the slave master was %iven, which we refuse, we re*ect that name today and refuse it. ( never ac!nowled%e it whatsoever. Malcolm X Today, #merica, Last /e won)t or%ani;e any blac! man to be a $emocrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the $emocratic 0arty is more racist than the Republican 0arty. Malcolm X Blac!, Republican, Both #merica needs to understand (slam, because this is the one reli%ion that erases from its society the race problem. Throu%hout my travels in the Muslim world, ( have met, tal!ed to, even eaten with people who in #merica would have been considered )white,) but the )white) attitude had been removed from their minds by the reli%ion of (slam. Malcolm X Reli%ion, #ttitude, 'ociety ,o, we are not anti5white. But we don)t have time for the white man. The white man is on top already, the white man is the boss already... He has first5class citi;enship already. 'o you are wastin% your time tal!in% to the white man. /e are wor!in% on our own people. Malcolm X Time, /or!in%, Tal!in% 0ower in defense of freedom is %reater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromisin% action. Malcolm X &reedom, 0ower, #ction (t)s hard for anyone intelli%ent to be nonviolent. verythin% in the universe does somethin% when you start playin% with his life, e"cept the #merican ,e%ro. He lays down and says, )Beat me, daddy.) Malcolm X Life, 'tart, 3niverse 'ittin% at the table doesn)t ma!e you a diner. .ou must be eatin% some of what)s on that plate. Bein% here in #merica doesn)t ma!e you an #merican. Bein% born here in #merica doesn)t ma!e you an #merican. Malcolm X

#merica, Here, Born /e who follow the Honorable li*ah Muhammad feel that when you try and pass inte%ration laws here in #merica, forcin% white people to pretend that they are acceptin% blac! people, what you are doin% is ma!in% white people act in a hypocritical way. Malcolm X Blac!, #merica, Here ( *ust don)t believe that when people are bein% un*ustly oppressed that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they can come out from under that oppression. Malcolm X lse, Rules, 6ppression My father didn)t !now his real name. My father %ot his name from his %randfather and he %ot his name from his %randfather and he %ot it from the slave master. Malcolm X

/hen we say #fro #merican, we include everyone in the /estern Hemisphere of #frican descent. 'outh #merica is #merica. 1entral #merica is #merica. 'outh #merica has many people in it of #frican descent. Malcolm X #merica, veryone, 'outh (f, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that)s brotherhood. But if you 5 if you hold a %un on him and ma!e him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that)s not brotherhood, that)s hypocrisy. Malcolm X &riendly, Him, 4un (t)s %ot to be the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet. (f you)re afraid to use an e"pression li!e that, you should %et bac! in the cotton patch, you should %et bac! in the alley. Malcolm X #fraid, "pression, Bullet $o you !now what inte%ration really means8 (t means intermarria%e. That)s the real point behind it. .ou can)t have it without intermarria%e. #nd that would result in disinte%ration of both races. Malcolm X Result, Means, 0oint 4ood education, housin% and *obs are imperatives for the ,e%roes, and ( shall support them in their fi%ht to win these ob*ectives, but ( shall tell the ,e%roes that while these are necessary, they cannot solve the main ,e%ro problem. Malcolm X ducation, 4ood, &i%ht (f it)s lawful to have a rifle club to !ill pheasants, it should be *ust as lawful to have one to !ill wolves or do%s that are bein% sic!ed on little blac! babies. (n fact, it)s constitutional. #rticle ,umber Two of the constitution %uarantees the ri%ht of every citi;en to own a rifle or a shot %un. Malcolm X Blac!, 4un, &act (n the Bible, 4od offered the 0haraoh freedom if he would *ust let the oppressed people free to %o to the land of mil! and honey. But the 0haraoh disobeyed, and he was destroyed. Malcolm X

4od, &reedom, &ree (n the Muslim world, ( had seen that men with white comple"ions were more %enuinely brotherly than anyone else had ever been. That... was the start of a radical alteration in my whole outloo! about )white men.) Malcolm X Men, 'tart, lse (n the past, the %reatest weapon the white man has had has been his ability to divide and con-uer. (f ( ta!e my hand and slap you, you don)t even feel it. (t mi%ht stin% you because these di%its are separated. But all ( have to do to put you bac! in your place is brin% those di%its to%ether. Malcolm X 4reatest, 0ast, To%ether My blac! brothers and sisters 5 of all reli%ious beliefs, or of no reli%ious beliefs 5 we all have in common the %reatest bindin% tie we could have. /e are all blac! people= Malcolm X 4reatest, Blac!, Reli%ious My father didn)t !now his last name. My father %ot his last name from his %randfather, and his %randfather %ot it from his %randfather who %ot it from the slavemaster. Malcolm X &ather, Last, ,ame 0ower doesn)t bac! up in the face of a smile, or in the face of a threat of some !ind of nonviolent lovin% action. (t)s not the nature of power to bac! up in the face of anythin% but some more power. Malcolm X ,ature, 'mile, 0ower The #merican ,e%ro has no conception of the hundreds of millions of other non5whites) concern for him> he has no conception of their feelin% of brotherhood for and with him. Malcolm X &eelin%, Him, 1oncern The blac! man in #frica had mastered the arts and sciences. He !new the course of the stars in the universe before the man up in urope !new that the earth wasn)t flat. Malcolm X Blac!, 3niverse, arth The %oal of $r. Martin Luther 7in% is to %ive ,e%roes a chance to sit in a se%re%ated restaurant beside the same white man who had brutali;ed them for <:: years. Malcolm X 4oal, 1hance, 7in% The Honorable li*ah Muhammad says that we should be separate, all ri%ht, but in this separate state or separate e"istence, the blac! man should be %iven the opportunity and the incentive to do for himself what the white man has done for himself. Malcolm X Blac!, 'tate, Himself The Honorable li*ah Muhammad teaches us that 4od, now, is about to establish a !in%dom on this earth, based upon brotherhood and peace. #nd the white man is a%ainst brotherhood, and the white man is a%ainst peace. Malcolm X 0eace, 4od, arth

The white man made the mista!e of lettin% me read his history boo!s. He made the mista!e of teachin% me that 0atric! Henry was a patriot and 4eor%e /ashin%ton 5 wasn)t nothin% non5violent about old 0at or 4eor%e /ashin%ton. Malcolm X History, 6ld, Mista!e /e are not anti5white. But we don)t have time for the white man. The white man is on top already, the white man is the boss already... he has first5class citi;enship already. 'o you are wastin% your time tal!in% to the white man. /e are wor!in% on our own people. Malcolm X Time, /or!in%, Tal!in% /e Muslims believe that the white race, which is %uilty of havin% oppressed and e"ploited and enslaved our people here in #merica, should and will be the victims of 4od)s divine wrath. Malcolm X 4od, #merica, 4uilty /hat ( want to !now is how the white man, with the blood of blac! people drippin% off his fin%ers, can have the audacity to be as!in% blac! people, )$o they hate him8) That ta!es a lot of nerve. Malcolm X Hate, Blac!, Him /hen we see that our problem is so complicated and so all5encompassin% in its intent and content, then we reali;e that it is no lon%er a ,e%ro problem, confined only to the #merican ,e%ro; that it is no lon%er an #merican problem, confined only to #merica, but it is a problem for humanity. Malcolm X #merica, Humanity, 0roblem .ou have to reali;e that up until about 9?@?, #frica was dominated by the colonial powers. #nd by the colonial powers of urope havin% complete control over #frica, they pro*ected #frica always in a ne%ative li%ht 5 *un%les, sava%es, cannibals, nothin% civili;ed. Malcolm X

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