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Haley Paulson

Chapter 20- Document Project The petitioners of the Hawaiian Memorial claim that the provisional government is illegitimate because the treaty with the Government of the Republic of Hawaii, which proposed to extinguish the Hawaiian nation existence and annex their territory to the United States. They said that the adopted Constitution had never been submitted to a vote of the people of the islands of Hawaii, and was only maintained by force of arms over the people. The memorialists were residents of the islands and the majority, were native born. They stated that they had the right to provide electors of the representatives of legislature and Constitution laws that overthrown the Hawaiian Government. They did not support the Provisional Government or Republic of Hawaii. They desired to be looked at as equals and would be qualified to vote for members in the legislature and express their ways at the ballot-box. They wished to be governed by the United States and not the Republic of Hawaii. Stating that the Declaration of American Independence was in spirit a way to affect their safety and happiness. Albert Beveridge claimed it was the United States duty to colonize the Philippines because the Philippines was in his opinion a savage, bloody rule of pillage and extortion and the people of that land would prefer the just, humane civilizing government. He believed it would be beneficial to the Americans and the Filipinos because as Americans we were raising more than we could consume and making more than we could use. The Filipinos produced what Americans consumed and they consumed what we produced. He believed the Filipino trade would be Americas in time and that there were riches in the Philippines that had hardly been touched by modern methods. He responds to the anti-imperialist argument that America shouldnt govern a people without their consent, by stating that liberty derives its authority from the consent of the governed, only by those capable of self-government. He compared it to Indians allow us to govern without consent and we also govern over our children without their consent. He felt America should save them from nations instead of giving them self-rule of tragedy. Much like a child who needs guidance (government). Common arguments against American colonization connect the Hawaiian Memorial, the letter from J.W.P., and the cartoon Civilization begins at home. Arguments such as why America is trying to expand its territory and say the American form of government will change all savagelike qualities due to its immortal instrument of the Declaration of Independence. However, while America tries to correct other territories, there is corruption and hatred on American soil. The common argument between the three pieces is that America needs to correct itself before trying to expand United States soil to be a bigger country. Imperialists, like Albert Beveridge and his document The March of the Flag perceive antiimperialists as infidels to America. He uses imperialist Jefferson as an example stating that the current occupancy of land is because of imperialist doing because people shouldnt be governed over. Anti-imperialists like the writer J.W.P. see what the imperialist are doing and find honor in their actions. J.W.P. sees the imperialists ignoring solemn duties and responsibilities ignored.

Haley Paulson

Rudyard Kipling was from Britain and was an imperialist he wrote the poem, The White Mans Burden, and it called for America to expand and the burden of bringing what he believed to be civilization to non-Americans. Theodore Roosevelts, The Strenuous Life, is also an imperialistic view saying that either Americas ways of dealing with countries was either to be successful and help national credit or it would be a dark and shameful page in American history. Roosevelt had encouraged Congress, proclaim its purposes, or to take positions which are ridiculous if unsupported by potential force, and then to refuse to provide this force. Majority of Imperialist made their speech/writings geared more towards males because they often wanted America to be seen as strong and the International policeman of the world which showed strength which was a mans role in society as well as honor through war/conquering land. Anti-imperialists arguments were geared towards women because women wanted peace; they were more focused on morals. They were humanitarians. Some men believed America would suffer consequences if women succeeded in politics. Put it in context: From 1898-1904 the arguments of the imperialists prevailed because the War of 1898 to make Cuba free and independent and the United States military occupation remained until 1902. The Philippine War killed 200,000 Filipinos during 1899-1902. Only 5,000 Americans died during that War. Imperialistic view was popular during this era because America wanted to extend its land in a manly way and honorable. After the Philippine War, the Americans realized that war wasnt as the Government said and an anti-imperialist view began after learning of the true horrors that Americas military had enforced. The revealing of imperialistic ways caused them to change the way the Government dealt with International affairs. American Government still wanted to reign supreme but not as violently, but more cautiously.

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