Power Profile - Time Powers

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Time is literally on your side! Time powers can speed up or slow down the flow of time, perceive the future or the past, sidestep into parallel timelines, and even allow you to stop time altogether or change history!

Perception Ranged and Indirect, given their nature) and tachyon force fields providing Sustained Protection or other defensive benefits. Time: The passage and measurement of time as a game value is discussed on pages 1112 of the MUTANTS & MASTERmINDS Heros Handbook, specifically in terms of ranks as measurements of values of time and the relationship between scenes (narrative time) and actions rounds (action time). Many effects in M&M use time ranks. Countering: Time powers can potentially counter each other, either through direct manipulation of the continuum or by applying equal and opposite changes (decelerating time the same amount as someone else accelerates it, for example). This may also allow time powers to counter speed powers, decelerating targets in time by the same amount as they speed up. Other uses of time powers to counter tend to be in the form of indirect tampering with history rather than a direct power vs. power contest, causing a particular effect to un-happen (or to never have happened in the first place). See the Replay power under Utility Powers for an example.

The following are important descriptors for time powers and their effects. History: The sequence of events which occurred in the past. History is not necessarily fixed in a world where time travel and temporal manipulation are possible and, in some instances, a certain vagueness about historical events may conceal temporal paradoxes. For example, a time-traveling hero goes back into the past to investigate historical records of a mysterious stranger involved in a particular key point in history, only to become entangled in those events and discover he is the mysterious stranger who triggered his own investigation into the past! Tachyon: Tachyons are theoretical subatomic particles able to travel faster than the speed of light (from the Greek tachys, meaning swift). Because of their ability to violate causality as we understand it, tachyons are often used as an explanation for temporal powers: characters emit or control tachyons as a means of producing their effects. Tachyons are often treated as an exotic form of energy or radiation, allowing for various other power effects, similar to those found in the Electrical Powers and Radiation Powers profiles. Examples include tachyon-based energy blasts inflicting Ranged Damage (perhaps

Feature effects associated with Time Powers include the following: Chronal Memory: You have the ability to remember other timelines. If someone changes history, your memory contains two versions of events: the current timeline and the original one. These differing


recollections let you know, first, that history has been changed and, second, may provide clues as to how and when it changed and what you can do about it. Chronal Bulwark: You are fixed in time such that when history is changed (see Temporal Tampering, following) you do not change with it. The difficulty is that only you (and others like you) remember the original timeline and you are now unfamiliar with the new world. If you have both this and the Chronal Memory Feature, you retain your traits from the original timeline, but remember both.

the greater continuum. Indeed, if quantum theory is correct, every possible universe may exist within a greater N-dimensional continuum or omniverse. Gamemasters should note that these approaches to time tampering need not be universal. For example, time may, as a general rule, be immutable and immune to casual tampering by time travelers (including the heroes) but certain plot devices can render it mutable, so the villain possessing the Chronos Key does wield the power to change history, unless the heroes can stop him without changing history themselves!

The ability to alter time, especially to change history, has tremendous repercussions, and has been the subject of countless stories and theories. While time tampering and its effects are a common comic book plot device, they can cause considerable headaches for a MUTANTS & MASTERmINDS Gamemaster, if left entirely in the hands of a group of players. Settings generally take one of four approaches to temporal tampering and changing the past: Immutable Time: Historical events are essentially fixed in time and time-travelers cannot change them, no matter how much they try. Either time travelers are incorporeal phantoms, unable to interact with the past (in which case the Time Travel effect is unavailable; characters can only observe the past using Postcognition) or time itself seems to conspire to prevent time-travelers from changing anything other than the most inconsequential events. So, go back in time and try to prevent the assassination of a historical figure, for example, and youll find yourself stymied at every turn: stuck in traffic, trapped in a cave-in, your weapon malfunctioning, and so forth. Resistant Time: History can be changed, but it tends to resist change, trying to snap back to its previous shape and compensating for any changes. So, for example, if you eliminate Adolf Hitler before his rise to power in Germany, someone else takes his place as the demagogic leader of the National Socialist Party and Chancellor of Germany, and World War II still happens largely on schedule, with different details. Changes tend to even out over the long run and it is exceedingly difficult to create significant, lasting change in history. Mutable Time: Historical events are not fixed, and changing them creates a whole new sequence of events. Given the range of variables involved, it may be nigh-impossible to predict the outcome of any such changes, and the lack of resistance may make it difficult for the time-stream to recover from incidences of tampering without outside intervention (which is, itself, another form of tampering). Quantum Time: This is a combination of Mutable and Immutable Time; history can be changed, but the change creates an alternate timeline, splitting off from previous history at the change-point. In the new parallel universe, history takes a different course, but the original timeline still exists somewhere in

Offensive time powers involve manipulating the flow of time in ways harmful or detrimental to targets, whether directly (causing rapid aging, for example) or indirectly (using stopped time to set up harmful circumstances).

Exerting control over a discrete portion of time, you can cause a target to rapidly grow older or younger, even to the point of death (or birth) where they cease to exist! The primary effect of this power is to strip away some of the targets capabilities: reducing physical abilities due to extreme age or youth, perhaps even reducing or removing mental abilities due to infirmity or immaturity. Ultimately, the mechanical effects are similar. If you can shift a targets aging both forwards or backwards, apply 1 rank of the Variable Descriptor modifier. By default, this power only works on living beings you can touch. If you do not need to touch the target, apply Ranged or Perception Ranged. If you can also rapidly age objects, to the point of causing them to break down and decay, apply the Affects Objects modifier as well.
Age Manipulation: Cumulative Affliction (aging; Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Transformed) 2 points per rank.

By stopping (or vastly slowing) time, you can set up a target for an attack: placing an object to drop onto them, for example, or a projectile to hit them. When you restart time again, from the targets perspective, the attack appears out of nowhere. This power is often used in conjunction with Temporal Shift, Temporal Movement, and Time Stop, which also rely on stopping time.
Temporal Ambush: Perception Ranged Damage (objects and hazards of opportunity), Indirect 4 4 points +3 points per rank.

You trap a target in a bubble of stopped (or vastly slowed) time, essentially freezing them from the perspective of the outside world. You must touch the target by default. If you can use this power at a distance, apply the Ranged or Perception Ranged modifiers.


Time Freeze: Cumulative Affliction (time freeze; Resisted and Overcome by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) 2 points per rank.

By stopping time, moving to a different spot, then restarting the flow of time again, you make it appear as if you have jumped from one location to another without crossing the space in between, even though you actually did so outside of ordinary time. The powers rank isnt technically the distance you can go, its the time you have to move while time is stopped for everyone else.
Temporal Shift: Accurate Teleport, Limited to places you can reach physically 2 points per rank.

Defensive time powers take advantage of influence over time to cheat in avoiding attacks, or involve protection from the effects of time and temporal powers.

Shifting just a moment out of phase with ordinary time, you become an immaterial phantom image, able to pass through solid objects, and you are immune to harm. Some forms of Temporal Phase also render you undetectable to anyone existing in normal time. In this case, add Concealment 10 to the power, giving you total concealment from all but specific exotic senses like Time Sense.
Temporal Phase: Insubstantial 4 20 points.

You may also be able to take other objects or people with you when you shift outside of time, in which case, apply the Perception Range and Attack modifiers to this power. This allows you to, for example, snatch something out of someones hand (or off a table, etc.), making it disappear from their perspective, or to move a frozen person from one spot to another, making them jump from place to place like you do.
Manipulative Temporal Shift: Perception Range Teleport Attack, Limited to things you can physically move 4 points per rank.

You can evade attacks by stopping time, moving out of the path of the frozen attack, and re-starting time again, making it appear that you have moved faster than the eye can follow, or simply teleported from place to place. Temporal Sidestep requires some conscious effort on your part (to know when to stop time and move), so it is useless against attacks you cant perceive or that catch you by surprise.
Temporal Sidestep: Immunity 80 (Dodge and Parry based attacks), Concentration, Limited (not against surprise attacks); Reaction Teleport 1 (when attacked) 32 points + 5 points per additional rank of Reaction Teleport.

The ultimate version of this power allows you to rearrange anything in an entire area, setting a whole range of events in motion for when time resumes its normal flow. With the Area modifier, you can shift around any subject. From their perspective, everything jumps to different locations instantly.
Manipulative Area Temporal Shift: Perception Range Burst Area Teleport Attack, Limited to things you can physically move 5 points per rank.

You can open a portal or gateway to a different point in time, allowing yourself or others to step through it and travel to that time. The exact effects of time travel depend on the nature of the setting; see the Temporal Tampering section.
Time Portal: Movement 3 (Time Travel 3), Portal 15 points.

You are a fixed point in time, completely unaffected by its passage or any other temporal effects. This power includes immunity to aging from the normal passage of time. It may also include the benefits of the Chronal Bulwark and Chronal Memory Features (see Features), depending on how time travel works in the setting. More extreme forms of this power include the benefits of Accelerated Healing and even Immortality, giving you a natural tendency to revert back to your fixed state when your condition is changed by damage or injury.
Timeless: Immunity 5 (temporal effects) 5 points.

You can transport yourself (and anything you are wearing or carrying) to a different point in time. The exact effects of time travel depend on the nature of the setting; see the Temporal Tampering section. Apply the Increased Mass extra if you can carry along additional cargo or passengers when you time travel. The Time Portal and Time Travel powers are frequently provided by either vehicles (time machines or time-travel capsules) or headquarters (installations with a time portal of some sort), providing a useful way to regulate them.
Time Travel: Movement (Time Travel) 2 points per rank up to rank 3 (6 points).

Time movement powers involve either moving to different points in time (time travel) or manipulating time to speed up normal forms of travel.


Influence over time is rife with possibilities. The following are some of the useful effects, but Gamemasters should be aware of the considerable potential for temporal power stunts.

Speeding up your own natural healing process, you can recover from injury in moments.
Accelerated Healing: Regeneration 1 point per rank.

no ill effects from anything that happens to them, as they are not really you (but versions of you from other timelines). The close connection between temporal duplicates may call for the Feedback flaw on the power. The potential for duplicates to differ slightly from you allows for differences in game traits. If you can summon a duplicate from the future (or a timeline with more advanced knowledge) the GM may choose to treat this as an Inspiration use of hero points (Heros Handbook, page 21).
Temporal Duplication: Summon Duplicate, Active, Heroic 4 points per rank.

You summon assistance from elsewhere in the timestream. This power can range from the ability to call up soldiers from different points in history, summoning dinosaurs and other creatures of bygone ages, or even calling upon beings from the distant future (cyborgs, aliens, or superadvanced forms of life). The basic power summons a single being as a minion, apply the Summon modifiers from the Heros Handbook to customize the power, including summoning Heroic beings or a Horde of Multiple Minions. Villains with this power may have access to vast armies of temporal minions as a plot device, which is not really worth pricing out as a power.
Temporal Summoning: Summon, Broad Type (beings from history) 4 points per rank.

You speed up your ability to perceive relative to the normal flow of time. Each rank increases your speed of perception by a factor of 10.
Rapid Perception: Senses (Rapid, all senses) 5 points per rank.

You cause time to jump backwards, essentially replaying the recent past in a way that allows events to occur differently for a different outcome. For example, after a victim is struck by an oncoming car, you might replay the moment the victim steps off the sidewalk, allowing you the opportunity to intervene and save them. In game terms, this power is a Feature added to Precognition; you gain knowledge of the future by living through it, and can use that knowledge to re-do certain events, trying to cause them to come out differently. You can do this once per game session per rank in Feature.
Replay: Senses 4 (Precognition), Feature 1 (retcon events) 5 points +1 point per additional Feature rank.

You can sense temporal disturbances and the use of time powers nearby with a successful Perception check.
Time Sense: Senses 1 (Temporal Awareness) 1 point.

You can put time on pause, freezing the entire world and allowing you to move and look around at the tableau at your leisure. You cannot affect anything while time is stopped (for that, see Temporal Ambush). Still, this power allows you considerable opportunity for scouting and surveillance, such as stopping time, walking into a place and having a good look around before walking out and restarting time again. Your effect rank determines how much subjective time you get; with rank 9, for example, you have an hour outside of time to do things, then time returns to its normal flow. The Subtle modifier means no one notices you move when time is stopped.
Time Stop: Quickness (Subtle 2), Speed (Subtle 2), Quirk: Limited to routine actions while active (4 points) 2 points per rank.


You have visions of the future. They are most likely visions of possible futures, depending on how temporal tampering is handled in the series. Gamemasters should see the Adventure Elements section of the Gamemasters Guide for additional suggestions on handling potentially plotbreaking powers like precognition.
See the Future: Senses 4 (Precognition) 4 points.

Shifting yourself sideways in time or summoning versions of yourself from parallel timelines, you can arrange to not only meet yourself but team-up with yourself, or -selves, as the case may be. See the Duplication power in the Summoning Powers profile for additional details. This power assumes your temporal duplicates think and act much like you and are naturally friendly towards you, and that you suffer


You can perceive what happened in the past at a location as if you were there, although you cannot interact or


changed what occurred. As with See the Future, the GM may wish to take this power into consideration when creating suitable challenges for the heroes.
View the Past: Senses 4 (Postcognition) 4 points.

(like the Time Keepers in the Freedom City setting) able to provide necessary interference with those powers at the proper...well, time.

Those with time powers may be strangers in a strange land when it comes to known history, as they are often from future eras, parallel timelines, or realities that no longer exist except in their own memories, making them unfamiliar with many aspects of our world and culture. This complication blends into a Disability when it comes to lacking common knowledge, but is mostly a social problem, causing the character to act out-of-place (or, technically, out-of-time). Likewise, time travelers may be averse to forming close relationships, especially if they expect to leave, rewrite reality, or simply outlive any potential loved ones. On the other hand, a Relationship complication could span multiple timelines and occur over and over!


Because they involve moving, acting, and reacting at a faster pace, virtually all Speed Powers can also be time powers, representing the ability to control personal time flow in relation to the general flow of time. Simply add a time or temporal descriptor to the powers. Time-based speed powers often have the Affects Others modifier, allowing you to accelerate others in time as well as yourself, perhaps even the Area modifier, if you can affect many others at once. Given the relationship between time and space, various Teleport Powers may also be time powers or vice versa. The ability to shift in time implies some type of ability to shift in space, since otherwise the character would be flung off the surface of the Earth or left behind by the rotation of the galaxy; normally this shift just anchors the characters relative position in space, but it could be changeable, granting the power to shift in space but not time (or only a very minute amount in time). Lastly, time and probability make some Luck Powers, particularly those which influence future events, into potential time powers, representing minor tampering with the timeline to bring about desired outcomes.

The power to affect time, and especially to know the future or change the past, can be a heavy burden. Characters with time powers may uphold a personal code when it comes to interfering with the natural flow of history, limiting their choice of actions and taking the high road when it comes to avoiding needless tampering. Another responsibility for time travelers might be fixing history: The characters are aware of some previous temporal change and seek to undo it, which might well be why they are acting as heroes (or villains!) in the present. For an additional twist, the characters may be the ones responsible for causing the original change and now want to undo it, if they can.

Tampering with time can become very complicated, very quickly (depending on what quickly even means in terms of temporal tampering). The following are some of the complications time powers may bring up in a series.

The power to influence time is an important secret in and of itself, and time powered characters may conceal their abilities, or at least the full extent of them. It is fairly easy for a time controller to pose as a speedster or teleporter, for example. In fact, the character may initially be aware of any powers beyond what appears to be super-speed, only later discovering the time-manipulating wrinkle to those powers. Those with knowledge of the future also carry the burden of keeping it secret, lest they unintentionally change the course of history. Cautious or ethical time travelers may have secrets that can literally change the world, if they fall into the wrong hands. Lastly, as mentioned under Responsibility, a time controller might well have a secret regarding a past mistake which changed things, something the character is trying to fix (or atone for) without anyone learning the truth

When your energy blast powers go awry, there might be some collateral damage. When your time powers go awry, all of history might be changed! A temporal accident can range from a change in circumstances for a few to cosmos-wide catastrophe, depending on how the GM wants to play it (and what the possibilities are for temporal tampering in the series).

Given the potential of some time powers, Gamemasters may want to keep this complication available, should it be needed. For time powers that do not rely on devices, vehicles, or other things that can be taken away, there are mysterious temporal eddies (currents, storms, etc.) and possibly higher beings overseeing the orderly flow of time



MUTANTS & MASTERmINDS POWER PROFILE: TImE POWERS Writing and Design: Steve Kenson Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Interior Art: Talon Dunning Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler, Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan Publisher: Chris Pramas Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Time Powers is 2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M,
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