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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

The 100 Best Vintage Shops Online

To all who pursue with unbridled passion their reason for being on this planet, whatever that may be.

by Sammy Davis Vintage

This is a work of nonfiction. Copyright 2013 Sammy Davis Vintage, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this media may be reproduced in any electronic or mechanical form including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system, without expressed written permission from Sammy Davis Vintage. Layout and design by Sammy Davis Vintage First e-book edition March 2013 Disclaimer Sammy Davis Vintage is not affiliated with Etsy, eBay or any of the shops represented here. The names, trademarks and photographs are solely owned by the respective parties and written permission was obtained for use of photography. Shop evaluations, URL links and photographs were recorded from October 2012 to February 2013. Sammy Davis Vintage is not responsible for any nonactive URLs or any discrepancies from that which is represented herein.

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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

Table of Contents
Click page number to go to that section

The Best in Categories

5 6 7 9 46 47

Shopping Made Easy Why Vintage Matters How the Best Were Chosen Vintage Shopping Basics What to Look for in a Profile Vintage Resources About the Author

34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Glittering gems, precious metals and collectible costume jewelry

41 42 43 44 45

Style Steals
Practical pieces and gorgeous garments that wont break the bank

Durable carry-alls for all of lifes activities: work, fitness, travel, school and play

Large Selection
An abundance of sizes, styles and eras for one-stop shopping

Toe-tapping heels, casual boots, playful wedges, elevating platforms and other stylish steppers

80s & 90s

Trendy and definitive looks from the latest decades in the vintage sphere

Cat eyes, aviators, sunnies and other vintage optics for out-of-sight style

The quintessential garments of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

The Best Overall

10 21 27

The 20 best shops from this user-friendly marketplace of artisanal do-it-yourselfers

Swanky cocktail hats, flashy fascinators and distinctive head-toppers with modern appeal

Collectible and wearable pieces of the 19th and early 20th centuries

The 10 best shops from this vast marketplace of visually-appealing, fashion-forward merchants

Glamorous gowns and dramatic dresses of unsurpassed quality and appealing affordability

The 10 best seller-owned websites with supersized selections and customer friendly attention

Chanel, Givenchy, YSL and the many trendsetters of fashions designer elite

Clothing from Hinesite Vintage

Sammy Davis V intage


The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

A Message from the Author

Dear Vintage Lovers, What do you want to do with your life? Thats what I asked myself four years ago as I sat crying in a cubicle at my magazine publishing job. The funny thing is I already knew the answer; I was just afraid to act on it. But on Friday, October 9th, 2009, something in me rose up and said, Enough! No more fear. Each day, we arise with opportunity to do what we love, but for many of us, thats easier said than done. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where a career change seems impossible, scary or both. Therefore my hope is that these celebratory profiles of the 100-plus individuals who do what they love on a daily basis serves as inspiration. I know they inspire me. So much hard work goes into growing and maintaining the excellence represented here. Whether its driving 200 miles to rummage through a dusty attic, hand sewing damaged garments for hours after the kids are put to bed or checking in to ensure a dress arrived in time for a customers special event, the love and care at each step of the way is what make them and their shops the best. Doing your best is the result of loving what you do. Four years ago, I realized I wasnt doing what I loved, so with my heart racing and my stomach turning, I did what I never thought possible: I handed in my resignation. Sammy Davis Vintage was founded soon after to share the benefits of vintage fashion with the world, and this e-book is just another manifestation of this. So thank you for purchasing my e-book and for helping me to go confidently in the direction of my dreams. And for those of you waiting to step toward yours, what are you waiting for? Vintage Love,

Online Vintage Shopping Made Easy

So many vintage stores!!! Since there are literally thousands of online shops across dozens of marketplaces, it can be overwhelming to navigate this specialized world. Plus, with the tools to open a shop more accessible than ever, new ones are born everyday. Where does a gal even start? Well, you can start with this e-book. If youre looking to browse for what catches your eye or are in need of something more specific, like the perfect pair of shoes, these 100 top shops offer the best, saving you the hassle of weeding through the fly-by-night sellers. To resemble how most women shop, this e-book is organized into two sections. The first is The Best Overall, for when youre in the browsing mood. You can window shop through each visually informative profile (which include photos, price key and a decade chart) and quickly determine whether a store will meet your taste or budget. These ranked lists - of Etsy, eBay and independent websites - celebrate the finest shops that offer a wide selection of garments and accessories across most eras. For more on how to read a profile, go to page 9. Next is The Best in Categories for when youre on a mission for a particular era, style or accessory. If youre seeking a new bag, piece of heirloom jewelry or have a preference for designer, these shops (five stores in each category versus 10-20 for best overall) are the cream of the crop representing 12 distinct shopping needs. So when you get that vintage craving - regardless if youre a newbie or a seasoned pro - this is your go-to guide for vintage shopping made easy.
Top Middle Bottom Thrifted & Modern Concettas Closet Bustown Modern


Sammy Davis V intage

-5Why Vintage Matters

First, lets define what vintage fashion is. According to the Vintage Fashion Guild, vintage represents styles that are at least 20 years old. This means a garment or accessory produced in 1993 or earlier is officially considered vintage. If more than 100 years old (from 1913 and earlier), its considered antique. The textbook definition is a great fact to know, but thats not why vintage matters. For the modern woman, vintage matters because it provides style, quality and feel-good benefits that far surpass todays fast fashion. Follow the trends Vintage influences the trends of today. Many designers use past styles to directly reproduce a look or reinterpret the trends of yesterday with a modern fashion twist. For example, the 60s made a comeback this spring when Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors and Moschino designed miniskirts, A-line dresses and Mary Janes in bright colors and pop-art prints. Since the runways are always influenced by vintage anyway, the best sellers stock their shops with those garments that may have inspired todays designer trends. Get more for your dollar A quick glimpse at an Alice & Olivia designer floral dress and youd think it was an original 50s party frock. This mass-produced version is $500 while an authentic dress from the 1950s costs half that. The best vintage sellers offer trends not only less expensive than their contemporary counterparts, but made with superior craftsmanship (often handmade), more luxurious materials (rayon, silk, chiffon) and embellished with hand-done trim and beading. Generally, vintage fashion offers higher quality than what can be purchased today and at a much lower price. Help the planet Calling Captain Planet! Choosing vintage over new clothing will lessen your carbon footprint and reduce the amount of trash dumped into landfills. With only 20 percent of textile waste recycled every year (1), buying secondhand goods, like vintage, is your small part to help improve the environment. Also, since a new garment requires additional energy to produce and ship from overseas, purchasing vintage requires less fossil fuel and thus slows the effects of global warming. Support small business These vintage stores are like the mom-and-pop shops of small town America. Therefore, by purchasing a garment from a vintage seller, your dollar directly supports their familys livelihood. In todays difficult economic environment 223,800 small businesses were lost between 2008-2010 (2) - you can feel good knowing youre helping small business owners succeed. Be part of a special community Are you wearing vintage? is often an icebreaker between vintage lovers because they enjoy discussing their clothing as much as they do wearing it. Connecting with other vintage lovers (in person or online) is much more than just, Wow, that dress looks great! Many of the pieces have a story to tell, like a flapper era dress found in the attic of a former showgirl or a piece of antique jewelry passed down over three generations. Theres always potential for a multi-layered discussion surrounding a garments history, design, where it was found and ways to wear it today. These special moments of connection form a bond of sisterhood unique in the world of fashion.
(1) Environmental Protection Agency (2) US Census

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

(t) (m) (b)

Thriftwares Poppycock! Vintage Vulture Culture Vintage

(t) (m) (b)

Trendsetter Vintage Violetville Vintage Boylerpf Jewelry

(t) (m) (b)

The Kissing Tree Vintage Pure Vintage Clothing StutterinMamas Vintage


Sammy Davis V intage

-6How the Best Were Chosen

Not all vintage is created equal, and neither are the shops that sell it. A lot goes into running a top-notch shop, from an understanding of fashion history and garment care to photography, marketing, customer service and of course the most important, a nose for treasure hunting. So in order to take all of this into consideration, a rating system was developed to evaluate the key elements of selling vintage online: garment quality, selection, presentation, customer service and social media. These elements Fig 6.1 were then weighted for their importance and averaged into a final score that determined a shops ranking on each list. Another key component to selling online is pricing. Although a price snapshot is included in each shop profile, its not a factor in these rankings. Evaluating price is like comparing apples to oranges because there are so many varied clothing types and cost considerations associated with vintage. The web is home to dozens of online marketplaces where sellers can list (ArtFire, Market Publique, Yardsellr, 1stdibs), but Etsy and eBay were the only ones considered because their audiences are by far the largest, which is why the best shops naturally list there. Although each shop was objectively evaluated and ranked, in the grand scheme of things, the differences between the first and last ranking is minuscule. Remember, these are the best out of thousands. In other words, you cant go wrong choosing any of the shops found here.

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

While complete details for each shops ratings were compiled in a spreadsheet (Fig 6.1), that information was not published. But for those interested, Fig 6.2 below should shed more light on how each rating was defined.

Fig 6.2

The QUALITY rating measures the percentage of inventory made from top quality materials like cashmere, silk and rayon. The best shops offer garments with handmade or designer craftsmanship that are presented in clean, readyto-wear condition with only the rarest of imperfections.

The SELEcTION rating measures the total number of pieces offered. The best shops frequently replenish their stock to carry a varied selection of clothing types and accessories from across most eras (20s-90s).

The PRESENTATION rating gauges the visual display of the garment. The best stores have professional quality photography shot from multiple angles in well-lit studios. Photos illustrate an appealing display of the garment on either a model, dress form or mannequin so that you see how it might look on you. The SOcIAL MEdIA rating The CUSTOMER SERVIcE rating examines how evaluates a shops much information is shared about each item and ability to establish the flexibility a seller has for working out issues. The a two-way commuhighest rated stores allow product returns for credit, nication stream via, welcome questions and communicate a willingness to Facebook, Twitter accommodate any concerns. and a blog. Effective social media helps connect you to shop news and updates without having to check back to the store. The best dont just post items for sale but also share vintage related photos, behind-the-scenes details and other engaging information.

(t) (m) (b)

Aiseirigh Vintage Vera Vague Verseau Vintage


Sammy Davis V intage

-7Vintage Shopping Basics

Staple Pieces One of the concerns I hear most from women hesitant to wear vintage is that they dont know how to style it. The reality is that the vintage market offers many basic staple garments that dont require expert styling skills. A black blazer, en All pair of brown leather boots, fitted pencil skirt and a stylish winter coat are just some of the functional staples that can be found in vintage, and most dont look much different than whats being Newman & Hall The Vintage Mistress sold by todays Dear Golden Vacation Vintage retailers. For a Crush Vintage jessjamesjake great selection of Allen Company Decades signature staples check out any of these shops.

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine


ince you cant try before you buy, and the selection is seemingly limitless, it might be intimidating to make that first vintage purchase. But after following these simple tips youll find shopping vintage is as second nature as picking up a pair of leggings from American Apparel (and a lot more fun and rewarding).

Evening Wear When an event calls for elegance and sophistication, a piece of vintage evening wear is a fabulous option. Before the 70s, women tended to dress more formally every day, and therefore the best shops are abundantly stocked with styles that you can wear for black-tie and after-five occasions. Most shops clearly categorize their evening wear, so its not hard to find, but for a more targeted approach, type into the shops search box the descriptors that defined the formal dresses of the past, using terms like: cocktail, party, wiggle, trophy, little black dress (or LBD) and sheath. Designer Labels If youre a designer hound, vintage offers you many of the top names at prices far lower than their contemporaries. You can own the labels youve always wanted but may never have afforded like Missoni, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel or Gucci. Designer accessories are especially smart investment pieces at great deals. For example, a new Classic City Coach bag costs $278 while the exact style from the 70s is normally around $75. For the five best shops offering designer clothing and accessories, see this list.

1. Narrow Your Focus

f youve never bought vintage before, I wouldnt suggest just browsing the racks willy nilly. Its always best to have a specific need in mind. Here are a few suggestions for easily incorporating vintage into your wardrobe by focusing on the following areas: Staple Pieces Easy-to-Wear Accessories Evening Wear Designer Labels

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Easy-to-Wear Accessories Another concern I hear from women about vintage is that its hard to find their size considering the smaller stature of ladies in the past. That concern gets tossed out the window with a vintage bag or jewelry piece, which is easily wearable no matter your body type. Furthermore, accessories dont require the same level of styling creativity as a garment would and can be subtle incorporations into most everyday looks. For a great selection of vintage accessories, visit the jewelry and bags lists.

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Sammy Davis V intage





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-8Vintage Shopping Basics (Contd)

2. Ask Questions and Make Connections 4. Take Your Measurements

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

perating like mom-and-pop businesses, the best shops do a great job developing a oneon-one rapport with their customers. Vintage fashion is their passion, so they love discussing it. Also, owners will frequently become personal shoppers for their best clients by hunting for garments that fit their taste. So theres no reason you should ever hesitate asking a seller your questions. Etsy and eBay are set up for easy connection via an internal messaging system, and independent domains often have their e-mail addresses listed in an About section. Sellers are more than happy to address specifics like the best shipping method, if a piece can be altered and how to wear or care for garments. And to connect further, dont forget to follow a shops social media pages to learn from a community of like-minded fashionistas who have made vintage a part of their daily lives.

erhaps the most important rule of thumb to shopping vintage is to know your measurements because the size label on an older garment is irrelevant. Size labels have changed dramatically over the years. For example, todays size 6 is approximately equivalent to a size 12 in the 60s, and handmade pieces are rarely labeled. When measuring your body, the four most important areas are bust, waist, hips and inseam (for pants). The best sellers always provide these general measurements in their listing descriptions. More nuanced details (like arm length or neck circumference) arent usually provided but you can always request them. Fig. 8.1 illustrates how to properly measure your body. For a comfortable fit, theres one more important thing not to forget: add a -inch to 1-inch to each measurement (bust, waist, hips, inseam). Since vintage garments werent typically made from stretchy materials like Spandex or Lycra, this will allow for natural give and ease of movement.

Fig 8.1

A. Bust: Using a tape measure, measure around the fullest part of your bust, keeping the tape parallel to the floor. B. Waist: Measure around your natural waist where your torso is the smallest. C. Hips: Stand with heels together and measure around the fullest part of your hips, located approximately eight inches below the natural waist. D. Inseam: Measure your favorite pair of pants (laid flat) from the crotch to the hem.

Dresses Cocktail: A dress (less formal than a gown) for evening

and black-tie affairs. This term was popularized by Christian Dior in the 40s.

Wiggle: A dress where the bottom is cut tight around

the legs so it might cause the wearer to wiggle when she walks. This style was popular with Marilyn Monroe.

Rockabilly: A modern fashion term for the sexy 50s and 60s styles influenced by rock music and saucy B-list movie starlets of those eras. Miscellaneous Flapper Era: A nickname for the 1920s time period when young, rebellious women were called flappers. NOS (New Old Stock): Vintage thats never been worn and typically preserved in original packaging or with original tags still attached. Novelty Print: Whimsical, childlike patterns (clown faces, parasols, animals) typically found on 40s-60s daywear designs.

3. Learn the Vintage Jargon

Styles Art Deco: 20s and 30s designs inspired by

architecture using circles, starbursts, geometric lines and asymmetrical angles.

ou dont need a history degree to shop vintage, but it helps to know a bit of yesterdays jargon used to describe garments. While hundreds of terms make up a sellers lexicon, here are the more common descriptors worth knowing.

Cupcake: A specific type of glamorous gown with a voluminous skirt resembling a ballerinas tutu and made from tulle decorated with beading and trim. A popular term for 50s prom dresses. Fit-and-Flare: A figure-flattering dress popular in the
50s with a defined waist (the fit) and A-line skirt (the flare) that gave wearers an hourglass silhouette by visually creating a smaller waist.

abstract prints and futuristic designs.

Mod: Bold 60s fashion that includes miniskirts, colorful New Look: Full-skirt and cinched-waist 50s dresses
inspired by the hourglass designs of Christian Dior.

knee length, the style was most popular in 60s mod fashion.

Shift: A shapeless dress without a defined waist. Typically

Pin-Up: Skin-bearing, figure-flattering 40s and 50s styles inspired by stimulating pin-up photos of celebrities like Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth.

Sammy Davis V intage


The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

What to Look for in a Profile

Whoa Nelly! Theres a lot to take in on these profiles and if you dont know what to look for, you might miss something important. So check out this key (youll only need it once) for a simple explanation of the goodies found on these pages. Color Coded Lists Etsy eBay Independent
C li c k


tage n i V d e r 1 Ado

Wanna see more? The shops URL and active social media outlets are easily accessible here. Click shop to be taken to the shops website either on Etsy, eBay or an independent domain. Click t to follow the shop on Twitter, f to like on Facebook or b to read its blog.



with presented ly s s le w a tire fl d char m. Elegant at n a e ic v r e yle, s superior st

Ranking A stores ranking was determined by averaging the ratings for quality, selection, presentation, customer service and social media (see page 6). Keep in mind that these shops were chosen as the best out of thousands, so each promises a superior shopping experience.

in 2012. oreds story d A s e b ri Rodelle th best desc e, founder assive grow ing on Etsy part-tim owroom sell te and a sh si b e w e n After years w stand-alo fter. She no dored as a rtly therea o es, sh ss rn launched A re o d b e s wn LA wa most pristin resentation e th ly n o in downto g tp ime curatin s to perfec works full-t ssories, which thank r-friendly se u is acce gie. Th lo o p ro th shoes and n t its the A e-tailers bu d istaken for could be m ed as any mainstream race an lish ts (like G n e rm a g g site is as po in us that a h reminds arm of nam personal ch Day of Hope ) whic These sweet touches or op. Gratitude stands behind this sh the best is r e takes to be ll it se t a h w f o devoted on emonstrati . ^ ( $$$ ) and clear d list is th s p to d re why Ado

Price Key This is based on the median price of a day dress (not evening wear) in the shop.
$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$ < $50 $50 - $99 $100 - $149 $150 - $199 > $200

Table of Contents Decades If you have a decade preference, every shops inventory is tallied by era. Each set of X (as defined below) represents the number of garments that were in the shop at the time of evaluation. Finding garments in your favorite time period was never easier.

At the bottom of every page is the Home button. Click to go to the Table of Contents where you can easily navigate to any page in the book.
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X 25 pieces or less X X Up to 75 pieces X X X Greater than 75 pieces

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Sammy Davis V intage

amed to resemble the Italian word etsi, which means oh yes, Etsy has been the affirming answer for millions of vintage shoppers since 2005. This marketplace for do-it-yourselfers was founded to help creatives turn their passions into a business. Shops on Etsy offer products from one of three categories: handmade goods, supplies and, of course, vintage fashion. Etsy offers sellers a consistent design where garments are categorized by clothing type and displayed in an easy scroll grid. Etsys community of over 25 million(3) make it about one fourth the size of eBay, but its this marketplaces pleasing aesthetic, low listing costs and user-friendly features (robust about pages, social media promotion, easy customer communication) which have attracted the greatest number of professional vintage sellers. So to fully represent the cream of the crop behind Etsy, the best 20 shops (versus 10 on eBay and Independent) have been ranked on this list. On Etsy, you dont need to speak Italian to say yes! to the vintage dress.

Th h e Be st S

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Concettas Closet Allen Company Raleigh Vintage Aiseirigh Vintage Rust Belt Threads Dear Golden Fab Gabs Persephone Vintage 1919 Vintage 11 La Poubelle Vintage 12 Revival House 13 JL Vintage 14 Small Earth Vintage 15 Wildfell Hall Vintage 16 Denisebrain 17 Lotus Vintage 18 The Vintage Mistress 19 Vacation Vintage 20 REiNViNTAGE 10 Zwzzy


Left to right - Aiseirigh Vintage, REiNViNTAGE, Lotus Vintage, Raleigh Vintage



- 11 -

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

1 Concettas Closet
This New Hampshire brick-and-mortar tops Etsy for all-around excellence

C li c

2 Allen Company
An unparalleled selection of practical and familiar style staples

C li c





wirls, spins and jumps animate Concettas listings, where models radiate the joy of every garment. You cant help but smile - or perhaps lose your breath - at this gasp-worthy collection, from the unexpected (a 1910s Renaissance-revival dress) to the drop dead divine (a Grace Kelly look-alike wedding gown). The magic begins at a brick-and-mortar store in New Hampshire, where vintage huntress Dana fearlessly founded Concettas after years living the dissatisfaction of working a 9-to-5. Its her unwavering passion for all-around perfection that makes Concettas the best on Etsy right now. ^ ( $$ )

o-fuss apparel and timeless taste make Allen most comparable to shopping J.Crew. Based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, this shops focus on practical, pattern-less pieces means even the oldest of vintage garments (like a 20s black lace and silk chiffon flapper dress) could fool you into thinking they were new. Accessories are effortlessly chic for everyday wearability, like vanilla white leather flats, a tweed handbag or a delicate cuff bracelet. Allens selection of functional pieces, from workday pleated wool skirts and fitted blazers to casual weekend riding boots and snuggly sweaters, are signature staples that every girl should own today. ^ ( $$ )


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Sammy Davis V intage

- 12 -

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

3 Raleigh Vintage
Attracting celebrity stylists for its seamless blend of beauty and grace

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4 Aiseirigh Vintage
Luxury fashion and covetable top-drawer trends from the 30s to the 80s

C li c





ounder Cat didnt let the disappearance of her 25-inch waist after childbirth bring her down. Rather, the stylist turned mom used her former wardrobe of tiny-waist vintage to launch Aiseirigh, which in Gaelic means rise again. A self-professed sufferer of multiple vintage personality disorder, Cat curates luxury fashion across most eras. Find everything from 30s femininity to 80s glam and Cats 4-year-old daughter modeling for the childrens collection. Because no matter your age, a vintage lover lives in us all and, with some help from Aiseirigh, is ready to rise again. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )

aving Taylor Swift as a customer proves the notion wrong that vintage isnt for the mainstream. She recently performed in a purple floral dress from Raleigh, who regularly ships from its North Carolina outpost to star-bound destinations (including new Showtime series Masters of Sex set in the 60s). Founded by couple Issac and Andi, heres where floral frocks, little black dresses and delicate accessories blend the basic and the beautiful, so that no matter the stage of your life, wearing vintage is a performance that shines. ^ ( $$ )


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Sammy Davis V intage

- 13 -

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

5 Rust Belt Threads

Posh party dresses and sleek barware for every hostess with the mostess

C li c

6 Dear Golden
The best of a 10,000-piece collection cared for with motherly love

C li c





on Drapers stylists shopped here, so you can dress and drink responsibly. Having sold 60s-era barware to the Mad Men series, Rust Belt Threads is a destination for the essentials every hostess with the mostess needs for cocktail parties of stylish accoutrements. Whether a Betty, Joan or Peggy, youll find reason to sip a Manhattan tonight: 60s sequin party dresses, 50s chiffon frocks and rhinestone-encrusted gowns pair perfectly with space age silver tumblers. Operating out of Buffalo, New York, founder Amanda collects mid-century marvels because, unlike Don Drapers heart, these pieces are full of love everlasting. ^ ($)

ounder Lauren remembers the day she stumbled upon a clothesline of 40s and 50s dresses for 10 cents each at a barn sale. It was then, at 15 years old, that her vintage collection began. That young girl grew to become the proud mother of a 10,000-piece vintage collection, approximately 200 of which are listed at any given time. Pretty prints and clean lines fill this shop, and with names like The Carnaby Dress, A Heraldic Display and The Last Vicereine, its clear Lauren treats these garments like children. Heres where parenting is of the sweetest kind and why Dear Golden simply shines. ^ ( $$$ )


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Sammy Davis V intage

- 14 -

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

7 Fab Gabs
Elegant bridal, the best of rockabilly and glamour gowns galore

C li c

8 Persephone Vintage
A sharp eye for structured statement pieces and the avant-garde

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p before dawn and home after dusk, founder Julie exemplifies the dedicated life of a vintage seller. She spends 10-hour days on shopping road trips, sweeping the West Coast for accessible and approachable garments. Smashing dresses in evening wear, bridal and rockabilly styles are dug up from closets, estate sales and boutiques off the beaten path. Her boyfriend, Jesse, then alters and mends them to perfection and once ready to wear, theyre shared on Facebook with encouraging lines like, For gals with curves, this little black dress is styled to set them off to perfection! With nearly 500 garments stocked, Julie is a tireless seller more than happy to share the fruits of her labor with you. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )
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he spotlight is no stranger to Persephone, with profiles by national magazines (Glamour, Lucky) and a black and yellow 60s dress featured in Zee Avis music video for Honey Bee. This sweet promotion comes as no surprise. The shop offers collectible avant-garde and structured statement pieces that look straight from Fashion Week and the closets of style insiders. Founder Susan recently re-located from NYC to LA where her fondness for the unique continues, handpicking the names (Mugler, Kamali, Valentino) and styles that make her shop a buzz-worthy destination. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )
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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

9 1919 Vintage
Feminine delights that scream to be worn for a lasting impression

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10 Zwzzy
Whimsical styles for girls who just wanna dress cute

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earing Thats cute! is what every girl wants when stepping out in a new dress, and at Zwzzy, every garment is curated with this mantra in mind. Its non-intimidating approach is apparent with photos of girl-next-door models posing with bowls of tomatoes or better yet, stuffed animals (a reindeer, a goose). The shop is a non-stop smile with an affection for novelty designs, from a 50s rooster print dress to a 70s Mallard duck or 80s Scotty dog print sweater. These memorable garments will tickle and charm, so that dressing in a piece of Zwzzy is a Thats cute! compliment guaranteed. ^ ( $$ )

ooey Deschanels stylist should consider a visit to 1919 Vintage, where garments radiate the quirkypretty personality that embodies this actresss playful, girlie look. A 60s shift dress is decorated with greyhounds, a leather doctors bag carries a funky tribal pattern and a cream sweater is crocheted with a bird hunter. Romantic fit-and-flare dresses scream to be worn for a lasting impression on your next date, pristine pieces thatll have him begging to touch you with the words, Pretty please? At 1919 Vintage, the answer is Yes! because these styles are girlie delights with the power to attract. ^ ( $$ )


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

11 La Poubelle Vintage
Weekday-wearable pieces in adventurous prints and modern sizes

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12 Revival House
Pre-50s treasures sold with a story that lives on with you

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ach piece from Revival comes with a unique story. Founder Chelsea loves sharing the background behind her treasures, like a Civil War era locket with the original owners picture and a lock of her hair or a 20s black lace dress with a subtle hint of perfume still lingering from a night dancing the Charleston. Intent on quality over quantity, Chelsea is a specialty curator of pre-50s garments like Edwardian lace dresses, flapper gowns and deco designs. With a passion for preserving history, at Revival the story is told so that it can continue to live through you. ^ ($)

espite amusingly meaning trashcan in French, dont mistake La Poubelles translation for a literal interpretation of its style. This collection is hardly tossable, but rather weekday-wearable pieces of adventurous prints that founder Laura gathers from estate sales, private closets and secret sources in New York City. Heres where garments of modern sizing and sensibilities are kept in stock (like 70s wrap dresses and relaxed skirts, sweaters and coats), especially since Laura loves food as much as fashion (her Instagram feed is proof !). Contrary to its English translation, this shop is the antithesis of throwing away a good thing. ^ ($)
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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

13 JL Vintage
A 60s fashion flashback inspiring the Jackie-O in all of us

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14 Small Earth Vintage

A world-class collection of earthy prints and catchy accessories from the mid-century

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quick look at JL Vintage and youd swear Jacqueline Kennedy was wearing the garments. The models rouged cheeks, dark features and nipped waist resemble that of the former first lady and make shopping JL a 60s fashion flashback. Silky party dresses, wrist gloves and metallic clutches capture the essence of Jackie-O, plus mod footwear like black and red suede shoes, purple block heels and caramel buckled go-go boots make for stylish stepping into the latter years of the 60s. Whatever your vintage affairs, a little bit of fashion politics never looked prettier than here. ^ ($)

eating out thousands of sellers, Small Earth was one of the select few shops that Etsy chose last year for its Manhattan pop-up holiday store. Founder Karen worked as a childrens book editor before meeting her current beau and co-partner Andy on the streets of New York. He was wearing vintage, and so was she. Now they live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, curating a top-notch collection of earthy prints and catchy accessories, mostly from the 50s and 60s. Their fine eye for mid-century garments for modern people proves that while its a big vintage universe, the very best shine in a very small world. ^ ( $ - $$ )


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

15 Wildfell Hall Vintage

Exceptional 40-60s garments for women with distinguished taste

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16 Denisebrain
Dressing the every woman in vintage for her everyday life

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wo dresses from Wildfell Hall were once owned in the 40s by a known mistress to multiple Pennsylvania senators. Founder Amy picks up these interesting tidbits from her various sources scattered throughout the Northeast. She has a penchant for 40s-60s cotton, rayon and chiffon frocks decorated with classic accents like peplums, lucite buttons and Deco designs in conservative knee to midi-length cuts. Named after Anne Brontes novel, The Tenant at Wildfell Hall (in which the main character has scandalously left her husband), this shop is where a lady can find fashion that speaks feminine freedom. ^ ( $$ )
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er mission statement reads: I dont care your size, age or any other specifics, I think you can look wonderful in vintage. Celebrating every womans potential for vintage style is founder Maggies reason for selling. She personally models all her garments (check her out in a wiggle dress) with effervescence and elegance as if to say, Cmon ladies, you know you want to wear this, too! Day wear and evening wear styled for women with practical wardrobes is Denisebrains sweet spot, proving that like her mission states, I treat people as I want to be treated, and you deserve only the best. ^ ($)


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

17 Lotus Vintage
Top-choice 60s and 70s boho classics for fashion without boundaries

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18 The Vintage Mistress

An unconditional love affair with special day dresses and majestic bridal wear

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tyles are as free spirited as its founder, Adriene, and because of her affections for uniqueness, she opened Lotus to serve all girls with needs for fashion without boundaries. The Long Island, New York brick-and-mortar pulls a selection for Etsy thats light, airy and ageless, just like the Lotus flower (seeds as old as 1,000 years can still bloom). A collection of 70s fox fur and leather fringed vests, 60s gold brocade duster coats, prairie dresses and other boho hippie classics stock Lotus, where a girl can dress like a gypsy without feeling like a nomad of style. ^ ( $ - $$ )

ounder Elizabeth grew up inspired by family. Her snazzy grandmother Mildred lived the flapper era and passed on her wealth of fashion wisdom to Elizabeth. Now she treats customers like family, including bonus goodies in packages and a guaranteed 25 percent off orders of five or more items. Special-day wear (beaded, fringed and chiffon dresses) and big-day attire (wedding gowns under $400) are the Mistresss love affair, but weekend and work uniforms (colorful 70s knits for R&R, fitted 40s suits for the weekday grind) are equally rich. This Mistress is a matriarch of style who, like her grandmother before, loves sharing her vintage fashion roots with you. ^ ($)


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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

19 Vacation Vintage
Simple designs made from only natural fibers for lasting durability

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Wearable pieces not to be confused with the brands of today

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hen Vacation was a brick-and-mortar in Atlanta, it was a cultural hot spot hosting art shows, literary readings and band performances. Now an Etsy-only shop based in Berkeley, California, Vacation remains a popular destination for its collection of investment-worthy garments in crisp colors and clean patterns embodying the durability of natural fibers (no polyester here). Cotton button-downs, wool cardigans and leather handbags can be found next to charming dresses in solid colors. A friends share vintage with friends coupon is included with every shipment because shopping Vacation is style worth sharing. ^ ( $$ )

hen not hunting for vintage treasures, founder Beth is a childrens portrait photographer in North Carolina. The mother of two adorable toddlers frequently shares their photos on Instagram alongside her latest finds, making it hard to decide which is cuter: her boys or the vintage? Most pieces seem to be inspired by the brands of today. A turn-of-the-century lace dress could be straight from Anthropologie, a 50s plaid skirt from the racks of Madewell and 40s bow pumps out of Marc Jacobs. So with wearable pieces like these, you dont have to reinvent yourself to embrace vintage. ^ ( $ - $$ )


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Sammy Davis V intage

s if ripped from the pages of your favorite catalog, these shops on eBay have mastered the art of presentation, so you can easily picture yourself wearing vintage. Founded in 1995, eBay was the undisputed leader of online vintage until Etsys arrival. Today both marketplaces list roughly 500,000 vintage garments at any time although eBay, unlike Etsy, offers a customer-friendly Buyer Protection Service that guarantees your money back if you dont receive a purchase. And with over 100 million(4) buyers worldwide, eBay is still the king of auction-based bidding (Etsy is set price only) and the place to find some of the most established sellers with the largest selections. Most of these leading stores curate a streamlined collection (e.g., Southwest Americana, rock star glam, alternative-indie) and present their fabulous finds on class-A models fully loaded with accessories. With nearly 100,000 pieces sold between them, these 10 shops have modern appeal rivaling most contemporary e-tailers, which is why eBay remains a leader in the online vintage world.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Violetville Vintage Vulture Culture Vintage Hollywood Style Vintage Great Lake Outfitters The Kissing Tree Vintage Twitch Vintage Trendsetter Vintage Crush Vintage American Archive 10 Thriftwares


Left to right - Trendsetter Vintage, American Archive, Twitch Vintage, Vulture Culture Vintage (4)


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

1 Violetville Vintage
A sharp eye for the most desirable styles of the moment

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2 Vulture Culture Vintage

Bohemian beauty that helps rescue homeless animals

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f staring into the blue eyes of model and shop owner Tina doesnt draw you in, Violetvilles better-than-best collection will. Everything is on trend. Even a Victorian era corset feels 21st century paired with black leather shorts and Tinas subtle smile. Behind-the-scenes photos capturing her LA life keep Violetvilles digital feeds buzzing with personality as fun as the garments themselves. In a sea of sellers, its Tinas public persona and her sharp eye for garments most desirable today that sets Violetville apart as the best source for vintage on eBay right now. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )

anting the doggy and the dress in the window go hand in hand at Vulture Culture, where sales help support founder Michelles animal rescue program, ADAPT (American Domestic Animal Protection Trust). Vultures selection sweeps across all vintage eras, serving up styles that feel natural, but still noticeable. A 50s oriental scenic print kimono is brilliant with black jeans, a chevron stripe 60s maxi skirt turns posh paired with a silk blouse and a 70s ombre dyed silk dress simply fantastic as is. Because next to lovable pets, vintage is also a girls best friend. ^ ( $$ )
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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

3 Hollywood Style Vintage

A star-power collection of striking and glittery glam-wear

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4 Great Lake Outfitters

Iconic designers and mid-century classics from a Midwest clothier

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tepping onto the red carpet was never easier than with Hollywood Style, where vintage is every womans modern muse. Whether you want to look pretty for the paparazzi or fabulous for your next night out, heres where a girl can add some star power to her wardrobe. Hollywood is stocked deep in micro-mini cocktail and dance-worthy dresses for showing some leg, plus floorlength sweepers and rock star fur coats for when sophistication calls. So no matter whats playing at the box office right now, a piece of Hollywoods past is always a hit. ^ ( $$ )

here arent many women who can say they own a Mollie Parnis dress. Women of the mid-century know her as one of the finest designers of that time, having dressed multiple first ladies including Jacqueline Kennedy. At Great Lake Outfitters, Parnis is just one of many iconic designers (Teal Traina, Gigi Young, Malcolm Starr) listed at prices far less than original cost. From these noteworthy names to an impressive collection of wearable 20s and 30s garments, Great Lake proves that Whats in a name? is vintage fashion greatness. ^ ($)


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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

5 The Kissing Tree Vintage

Bright, cheery and colorful styles for the young at heart

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6 Twitch Vintage
Contemporary indie styles mixed with a bit of wit

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look through Kissing Tree founder Jessicas Instagram account and youll find her much younger fashion virtuoso: her precious 3-year-old daughter, Cadence, wearing everything from striped maxis to pink rompers. While Kissing Tree isnt childrens clothing, its still for the young at heart with perky styles, brilliant hues and cheerful patterns. Bid-only auctions are updated with fresh inventory every week like star print sweaters and butterfly sequin tops. These garments are sure to elicit a smile no matter your age because Kissing Tree promises fashion that makes you feel young again. ^ ( Auction )

ts vintage fashion with a dry sense of humor at this shop, whose founder, Robyn, lists garments with witty-isms like, Is that a cat on your sweater, or are you just happy to see me? The indie 80s and 90s trends of smirk-worthy novelty tees, broken-in denim button-ups and airy fishtail skirts are Twitchs specialty. A social media pro, Robyns years sharing daily outfits on her blog built up an audience of 19,000 Twitter followers. With lines shared on Facebook like, The sequin blazer of your dreams. Seriously, its up there with Johnny Depp and ice cream without calories, Twitch combines the best forms of feel-good therapy: laughter and fashion. ^ ($)


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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

7 Trendsetter Vintage
Festive sequins, shimmer and shine for the glamour-hungry girl

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8 Crush Vintage
Obtainable, smartly-styled looks that every girl can see herself wearing

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hen founder Yanique moved from Jamaica to the United States, she paved her road to success as an entrepreneur. After earning a certificate in fashion merchandising, she operated a Chanel boutique in Beverly Hills, but after 5 years left to grow Trendsetter full time. Here Yanique offers glamour-hungry girls 60s-80s pieces that are ready-to-wear for admiring stares. She also branched out into a new clothing line called DREAM-ERs, vintage style all-lace dresses designed for ladies of extraordinary height (shes six feet tall!). Trendsetter proves that pursuing your dreams is always the road best traveled. ^ ( $$$ )

f there was a sorority of vintage, Crush would be it. Heres where founder Tina and her team of San Francisco models (Shanice, Kelsey, Kat and Karin) offer obtainable looks styled for today. Every girl can see a reflection of herself in this friendly apparel, whether it be a mens 50s jacket with a fur hat, a 70s graphic print dress with colored tights and heels or a 60s psychedelic pattern blouse tucked into a miniskirt. And with a mission that reads, We love our stylish customers! Crush pledges to give you the very best service. ^ ( Auction )
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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

9 American Archive
The born-free styles of 50s-80s Americana

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10 Thriftwares
Modern trends and laid-back looks move fast at this auction-only shop

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born-free lifestyle is the ethos behind American Archive, where a girl can find a Harley Davidson tee for the back of a motorcycle or an embroidered Mexican mini dress for the dance lawns at Coachella. Archive offers glam too, with sequin-encrusted party dresses, body-grazing jumpsuits and barely-there sheer styles. Listing more than 500 garments via auction or buy-it-now, this shop offers the same consistency in style and design as a contemporary fashion house. Inspired by 50s-80s Americana, Archive is a collection that lets your personal style ring free. ^ ( $$ )

ver 12,000 sales on eBay cant be wrong, and with a self-affirming motto of offering the finest selection on the face of the earth, Thritwares success comes as no surprise. As if every piece was handpicked from the collection of a globe-trotting fashion editor, heres where a world of ready-to-wear trends from the scandalous (see-through crochet dresses) to the sensational (Mongolian fur jackets, color-block frocks and batwing kimonos) awaits. All garments are auction-only and need to be watched closely. Superb styling and fast-action bids make Thriftwares a pageantry of colorful patterns and laid-back looks not to be missed. ^ ( Auction )


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Th h e Be st S

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declaration of independence is their founding doctrine. These standalone sites are some of the webs most veteran sellers, many of whom already established themselves on Etsy, eBay or as a brick-and-mortar before launching independently online. Having built extensive sourcing networks, these seasoned pros know how to acquire some of the most upscale and designer pieces. A customer is always right approach is the prevailing mode of operation, with most stores accepting full returns and even some posting business phone numbers, which youre not likely to find on Etsy or eBay. These indie sellers dont shy from digital connection, demonstrating a commitment to customer communication by passionately sharing fashion insights, garment history and personal anecdotes on their active blogs and social media outlets. Not to be ignored, these top 10 independent shops offer top shelf selections and faithful attention to customer service not seen anywhere else online.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Adored Vintage Bustown Modern Thrifted & Modern Wallflower Vintage Viva Vintage Clothing Black Cat Vintage Some Like it Vintage Spanish Moss Dorotheas Closet Vintage

10 Couture Allure Vintage

Left to right - Some Like it Vintage, Thrifted & Modern, Adored Vintage, Bustown Modern


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

1 Adored Vintage
Elegant attire flawlessly presented with superior style, service and charm

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2 Bustown Modern
A designer-dominated collection for the discerning eye

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assive growth best describes Adoreds story in 2012. After years selling on Etsy part time, founder Rodellee launched Adored as a stand-alone website, and a showroom in downtown Los Angeles was born shortly thereafter. She now works full time curating only the most pristine dresses, shoes and accessories, which, thanks to perfect presentation, could be mistaken for Anthropologie. This user-friendly site is as polished as any mainstream e-tailers, but its the personal charm of naming garments (like Fireworks Over Paris or Day of Hope) which reminds us that a devoted seller stands behind this shop. These sweet touches and clear demonstration of what it takes to be the best is why Adored tops this list. ^ ( $$$ )

ts founder Anessas philosophy, not all vintage is created equal, that makes Bustown one of the best. Hollywood celebs and socialite starlets regularly buy from this house of designer delicacies, making it all the more obvious why Modern is in its name. The most wearable class-A garments are here, like a metallic smoking jacket by Valentino with its original 1993 runway photo or a haute couture Christian Dior coat direct from the spring/summer 1963 collection. Its a discerning eye for the top tier which differentiates Bustown from the rest, making this designer-dominated collection one to be seen. ^ ( $$$$$ )
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Sammy Davis V intage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

3 Thrifted & Modern

Top-shelf vintage in brilliant colors and captivating prints

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4 Wallflower Vintage
A department-store-sized selection with definitive looks from all the eras
ith 2,000-plus garments strong, Wallflower Vintage is a digital department store. Founded as a brick-and-mortar in 1982, this shop promises not only a huge selection, but personable attention. Their about page encourages you to call with any questions, and every garment comes with free shipping in the United States. Whether an extrovert attracted to a 60s patterned mini or an introvert more comfortable in a classic 50s shift dress, you can get your outfit personality fix here. Styles for everyone and attentive service is why Wallflower Vintage stands out in the indie sellers crowd. ^ ( $$ )

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earing a garment from Thrifted & Modern is like flaunting vintage in disguise. Compliments will lead to inquiries of What brand is that? to which you can boastfully reply, Its vintage! These top-shelf styles turn heads because they are both timeless and on trend. Closet-collectibles like a color-block dress, brilliant lime green swing coat or sequin-studded pants are as runwayready as they are wearable for work and play. This eBay success story turned independent also offers a collection of new cutting-edge styles, so you can create a truly vintage & modern look. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )
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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

5 Viva Vintage Clothing

Mid-century delights sure to be loved by the stylishly curious

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6 Black Cat Vintage

Rescued from the closets of women whove led fabulous lives

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un facts and historical insights will grab your attention on Vivas Facebook page. Learn that Mamie Eisenhower was the first first lady to wear costume jewelry at an inaugural ball, or that in the 60s, an Originala brand coat cost more than $3,000 in todays money. After operating as a Chicago boutique for over a decade, Viva launched its digital outpost in 2007 with classic styles for girls who love the 40s wartime, 50s golden and 60s swinging looks. For excellent mid-century delights, Viva is the fashion CliffsNotes for the stylishly curious. ^ ( $$ )

ith words like abandonment, adoption and rescue peppering Black Cats website, you might think its an animal rescue. This isnt far from the truth, considering founder Claudine treats her meticulously managed shop as if it were a shelter for vintage, believing that unless she finds the garments loving homes, theyll end up in a landfill. Heres where you can adopt designer and couture vintage from women whove led fabulous lives, like a dress owned by 40s screen star Betty Grable and garments from the closet of a French heiress. Black Cat isnt just about selling garments but finding loving owners wholl give them new life. ^ ( $$$ - $$$$ )


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

7 Some Like it Vintage

First-class vintage and original reproductions that help domestic violence victims

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8 Spanish Moss
A sacred collection of breezy Southwestern seduction

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ore than a decade ago, founder Veronica was held captive by her fiance and physically beaten for 18 months until he was arrested. A few years later, she found solace through selling vintage on eBay, which inspired the founding of Some Like it Vintage. Based in Toronto, Veronica now curates an extensive collection across multiple eras on a stand-alone site. The shop also carries a new clothing line which reproduces classic favorites from the 20s, 30s and 50s, so that women of all shapes and sizes can wear vintage. With a portion of all sales donated to programs supporting abuse victims, Veronica shows us that garments with a history can help provide a better future. ^ ( $$ )

ith little money and slim job prospects, founders Vincent and Suzanne needed a game plan for survival. This nomadic couple had been spending their days traveling the country in search of artistic, literary and cultural inspiration, but that changed in 2006 when Vincent sold off a guitar amp to buy antique dresses and start Spanish Moss. A collection of late 60s and 70s caftans, crochet dresses and kimonos, plus their new clothing line, American Gold, are inspired by the Southwest and the closet of Stevie Knicks. For music festivals, road trips and sojourns across the desert, Spanish Moss is where styles for the free spirited soar. ^ ( $$ - $$$ )
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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

9 Dorotheas Closet Vintage

Exquisite evening gowns and desirable day wear for any best-dressed list

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10 Couture Allure Vintage

Designer panache shared with nuggets of fashion wisdom

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a-va-voom! The gowns at Dorotheas appear sourced from the wardrobes of sultry vintage starlets. A 40s deep red velvet gown could have been worn by Rita Hayworth dancing to yesterdays big bands or a glimmering satin stunner by Ava Gardner while dining at the Chteau Marmont. This Des Moines brick-andmortar specializes in exquisite evening gowns and accessories with eye-catching details like ostrich feathers, tie-dyed silk or sequin fringe. A bit of Dorotheas even landed in the closet of Vogue last year when its 40s hats were featured in the September issue. Whether on yesterdays stage or in todays glossies, this is a wellcurated closet that deserves the spotlight. ^ ( $$$$ )

ast December, founder Jody set off on a 5-week vintage hunting trip across 12 states. Her journey discovering fabulous finds from small town flea markets and boutiques was shared with 14,000plus adoring Facebook fans. When not road tripping, shes listing classic styles with designer panache, each piece described with a nugget of fashion wisdom; like in a listing for a sequin-encrusted dress: The best beading in the 60s was done in Hong Kong. Its these educational insights and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the life of a vintage seller which proves beauty and education is this shops lasting allure. ^ ( $$$$ )


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Sammy Davis V intage

hile window shopping is a lot of fun, when youre on a mission for something specific, it can be easier to have a more targeted approach. Many vintage shops are set up like department stores with a broad selection, which can be great for browsing but isnt ideal for when you have a goal in mind. Thats why these lists represent the best - on Etsy, eBay and independent websites - for satisfying those pressing wants. The best in each particular category were chosen because of their unrivaled quality and abundantly stocked selections. So whether youre in the mood for an accessory (jewelry, bags, footwear, eyewear, hats), have a preference for a given era (80s & 90s , mid-century, pre-30s) or an extra special interest (wedding, designer, style steals, large selection), your desires wont go unsatisfied because these are the best shops to fulfill your category cravings.

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pg. 34 Jewelry

35 Bags 36 Footwear 37 Eyewear 38 Hats 39 Bridal 40 Designer 41 Style Steals 42 Large Selection 43 80s & 90s 44 Mid-Century 45 Pre-30s

Left to right - Claude Donoho Shop, Flatiron Vintage, Rabbit House Vintage, The Hidden Chamber


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

ntil the 1920s, most jewelry was fashioned from real diamonds, rubies, rhinestones and other precious stones. That all changed when Coco Chanel popularized her own line of less expensive look-alikes, calling it costume jewelry. Dont let the name fool you; these arent cheap trinkets. Costume jewelry is generally bold, fun and splashy and was a staple evening wear accessory in the 50s-70s. It was made to last and, thanks to its durability, is the most widely available form of vintage jewelry today. Fully stocked with costume jewelry, precious metals and gems, these five shops have the best vintage jewels to fit any sized budget.

2 The Hidden Chamber

ewelry from 80 years ago is considered too new for The Hidden Chamber. Specializing in the Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian and Deco periods, this shop stocks 19th century through 1930 jewelry only. Founder Laura explores every corner of Eugene, Oregon to turn up cherished antiques like Victorian lockets with secret compartments, turn-of-the-century Niagara Falls souvenir pins and opulent cross pendants more than 150 years old. You can wear the years without worry because at the Chamber, jewelry has timeless appeal. ^

4 Boylerpf Jewelry
p Sho


Etsy f

urquoise, marcasite, Bakelite and foil glass gold are just some of the luxe materials at Boylerpf, which specializes in pieces with appreciable value. Founder Alicia jumped into the vintage jewelry industry over 18 years ago, calling her career both a passion and poison for the addicting quality of these precious beauties. Her North Dakota shop curates wearable art from 1860 to 1940, like a 20s snake bracelet with rhinestone eyes and a freshwater pearl and amethyst Edwardian necklace. For luxury thats within reach, a piece of Boylerpf can be the shining star of your jewelry box. ^


1 Maejean Vintage

Etsy f

f jewelry were candy, Maejean would have the sweetest selection. Shop founders and sister-duo team Laura and Amanda uncover their favorite pieces of sparkle and shine from estate sales, public auctions and yard sales in Pennsylvania. Even Teen Vogue has taken notice of their delectable delights, featuring the shop last year. Successful treasure hunts unearth hundreds of Art Deco cocktail rings, midcentury bracelet-necklace sets and antique filigree. With a selection too sweet to pass up that comes with discounts for repeat customers, Maejean is the best for vintage jewelry right now. ^


3 Jean Jean Vintage

5 Flossys Treasures
Sho p

Etsy b


ike the pieces she curates, founder Emily Duff is sentimental about wanting jewelry to have another chance at life with a wonderful girl. Duff was inspired to start Jean Jean after seeing how good friend Lauren (founder of Dear Golden) loved her job selling vintage. Uncovering precious pieces from dusty antique malls and attics, Duff has curated a collection of dainty lockets, charming pins, delicate rings and other pieces of fine filigree. Specializing in the 20s-40s with a love for the Art Deco era, Jean Jean is where jewelry for every girl, every day, succeeds. ^


orn in 1917, a young woman named Flossy grew up during the mend and make due eras of the Great Depression and World War II. Today, she lives on in Flossys Treasures as the matriarchal inspiration for this motherdaughter team of founders. Flossys collection is packed with massive cocktail rings, collectible pins (a baby carriage, Geisha girls) and necklaces, bracelets and earrings of midShop Spotted in the century descent. Added to g r T Initial Rin te et L x ny O the mix are rare styles like 0s ^ 3 a gold crown pinky ring nir Bracelet 40s Paris Souve ^ with hanging tassels or an t ID Metal Bracele antique charm bracelet of ^ 60s Sorority Paris landmarks. With three e Cocktail Ring ^ 70s Rhineston generations behind this shop, at Flossys a piece of jewelry is an extension of the family. ^


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he evolving characteristics of the bag closely reflect the advancement of a womans role in society. Before the 30s, most bags were small chain clutches used for socializing and short trips out of the house. When more women joined the workforce in the 40s, designers began offering a greater variety to carry the essentials of her more independent lifestyle. The exemplary shops on this list have the richest selection of top-choice bags for all activities, from work to fitness, travel, education and fun, reflecting how far women have come and why every girl needs a vintage bag for her modern life.

2 Claude Donoho Shop

agabonds take note. Claude is well stocked with a variety of 60s-80s styles for frequent travelers and ethnic design aficionados. A 70s cherry red overnight bag and floral print carpet weekender are just some of the options for a quick stylish trip. For ladies who love the American Southwest, beaded boho, patchwork and woven tribal bags add a splash of cultural flavor to any look. Convenient and collectible, Claudes bags are more than just the average carry-all. ^

4 20twenty Vintage
p Sho



ou wont need perfect vision to appreciate 20twenty. A great eye for top-notch photography sheds light on this shops affection for tribal motifs, like a leather doctors bag adorned with African elephants and a cotton tapestry grocery tote with dancing natives. Reminding us the world didnt end on December 21st, the Mayan calendar is on a 50s tooled leather purse while the Aztecs are honored on a 60s cross body. Whatever the culture, a bit of global inspiration is at 20twenty. ^


1 My Darling Vintage

Independent f

he only shop on this list devoted exclusively to bags, My Darling offers hundreds of affordably priced carry-alls, with most (excluding designer) averaging around $50. Its super easy to shop this well-organized site: everything is categorized by designer, type and color. The vintage styles of Coach, Dooney and Etienne are all here alongside the more unique, like 40s train cases, 60s mod carry-ons and 70s patchwork totes. A smorgasbord of savory handbags, clutches, backpacks and satchels make My Darling a bag lovers paradise that tops this list. ^


3 The Cats Pajamas


5 Verseau Vintage
Sho p

70s Pucci print purse, a 60s telephone bag and a 40s bamboo bird cage are just some of the wow-bags at the Cats Pajamas, where a handbag isnt just an accessory but a statement piece. Selling these jaw droppers since 1980, Pajamas specializes in the hard-to-find, like a 60s wooden box purse, a Victorian steel cut beaded clutch and 20s bracelet wristlets. Every era is represented so that no matter a girls taste, youll find a piece of wow! to carry by your side. ^

erfectionism is a characteristic of those born under the Aquarius sign. Verseau is French for Aquarius, and this shop clearly displays a perfectionist approach to its curation. Founder Theresas discerning eye is reflected in the boutique-ish nature of its mostly 70s and 80s clutches (like a snakeskin in bright fuchsia) and cross-body bags (a Buffalo leather purse from the iconic Carlos Falchi). Fine leathers and dainty bags with distinguishing characteristics make Verseau a source for those with refined tastes. ^



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2 Rabbit House Vintage

4 Honey Talk Vintage

Sho p

t wasnt until the 1920s that footwear would become a fashion statement. Because the average hemline of a womans skirt rose during this rebellious fashion period, attention was drawn below the ankle and as a result, shoe design exploded and birthed distinctive looks for each era. Carefree dancers wore T-strap heels in the 20s, patriotic housewives wore Mary Janes in the 40s and mod girls donned knee-high go-go boots in the 60s. No matter your hemline today, these shops carry the most stylish steppers of the 20th century.




oots for bunnies is the M.O. at Rabbit House where every pair sold supports 19 rabbits rescued by founders Amelia and Imad. This shop is boots-only with over 100 pairs like Western chunky-heeled cowgirls in a rainbow of colors (red, white, butterscotch), Victorianinspired granny boots and knee-high equestrians. With hard-tofind Italian leathers and brands like Justin and Frye, Rabbit House is for the lady who prefers stomping in style. ^

oull be shouting OMG! while browsing Honey Talks NOS (new old stock, or never been worn) selection. Founder Lisa offers dozens of pristine 30s and 40s NOS styles she rescued from a nearby retailer whod been hoarding them in storage. White lace-up Cuban heels, red Mary Janes and green strappy sandals are nearly new, while a diverse mix of 50s-80s clickers (not NOS) are equally cherishable. Curated from a Pacific coast town in Washington, Honey Talk is an offering of footwear every girl can fall head over heels for. ^


1 Pineapplemint Vintage

Etsy b

eplacing the laces on a pair of vintage Sorel rain boots is just another day in the life of founder Kim. She takes mint seriously, arduously working to present Pineapplemints collection of 50s-80s shoes in near-perfect condition. The shop is like a box of Crayolas where youre bound to get any shade of shoe: red penny loafers, blue heels, yellow jellies, fuchsia booties or forest green pumps. Whatever the flavor, this smorgasbord of styles and sizes is number one for keeping footwear fresh for all. ^


3 Pure Vintage Clothing

5 4 Birds Vintage
Sho p

Etsy f

his brick-and-mortar in Tacoma, Washington is a de facto shoe warehouse stocking hundreds of 40s-80s boots, brogues, clogs, boat shoes, loafers and moccasins. As if it inherited a Wild West general store, Pures 100-plus pairs of cowgirl boots are in every height, color and leather cutwork imaginable in offbeat styles, like royal purple suede and patriotic red, white and blue. With most pairs running less than $100, shopping Pure is like finding gold. ^

Etsy f

nly a few vintage sellers can say theyve opened a box of 1890s boots and smelled new, but thats exactly what happened when founder Christy inherited a collection of new old stock (unworn) shoes a few years ago. This footwear bonanza was the catalyst behind Christys decision for adding a shoe department to 4 Birds. And youll be glad she did because 20s shimmering gold T-straps, 30s midnight black oxfords and peacock blue 60s pumps make 4 Birds a conservatory of beauty youll want to dig your heels into. ^



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2 Giant Vintage

4 Vintage Eyeglasses Online

Sho p

he days of four eyes jokes on the playground are over. Wearing glasses is considered cool again thanks to retro-inspired eyewear companies like Warby Parker, films and celebrities who have helped popularize the vintage style trend. Morpheus in The Matrix wore turn-of-the-century pince nez glasses. Horn rims from the 50s have become the definitive eyewear of the hipster fashion subculture, and 60s-style cat eyes have walked the Prada runway. These are the best shops for a pair of authentic vintage eyewear, and, with some stores stocking more than 1,000 pairs, its not hard for those with blurry vision to get their vintage focus.


Independent f

very woman can visualize Tom Cruise from the film Risky Business dancing in his skivvies while wearing a pair of Ray Bans. Sunglasses are Giants business, specializing in shades from the 70s-90s, including those memorable Cruise aviators. This Los Angeles superstore maintains a 1,000-plus collection (starting at just $8!!) that attracts regular shout-outs from Lucky, InStyle and Seventeen. Inspired by pop culture (and hot men in tighty-whities), Giant is the larger-than-life leader in vintage sunglasses. ^

Independent f

amously worn by James Dean in the 50s, Tart glasses are trendy today thanks to modern heartthrob Johnny Depp, whos often photographed wearing the legendary 50s brand on the red carpet and in magazines. While not cheap (selling for upwards of $1,000), Vintage Eyeglasses has dozens of coveted Tarts (totally unisex!) alongside retro frames by Imperial Optical, Shuron, American Optical and Styl-Rite. With its focus on collectible brands, this shop is a secret source for specs of exclusive style with celebrity appeal and legendary quality. ^


1 Vintage Optical Shop


f John Lennon had never worn his fully round Windsor frames, the Beatles may have never taken off, or at least claims the Vintage Optical Shop. This Brooklyn-based e-tailer stocks hundreds of specs and sunglasses from the mid-1800s through the 1980s, including dozens of Lennons favorites. They sprinkle historical nuggets throughout, like why the distinctive brow line glasses famously worn by Malcolm X are so hard to find today. For love at first sight, the Optical shop is the best for vintage eyewear right now. ^


3 Sorocco

5 Vintage 50s Eyewear

Sho p

pretty-faced model (its actually Carrie, the founder) sports Soroccos 300-plus vintage shades and eyeglasses so that you can easily imagine them on your face. She wears the best of 50s-80s opticals and sunnies in unique shapes, sizes and colors like 60s watermelon pink rims, cognac 80s aviators and oversized 70s hexagon lens. All glasses can be exchanged once for hassle-free returns, proving Sorocco is more than just a pretty face. ^

Etsy f

at eyes were introduced in the 50s, but the style didnt become a trend until after Audrey Hepburn wore a pair in 1963s Breakfast at Tiffanys. This specialty shop is notable for its refined collection of 50s and 60s cat eyes, from classic black or tortoise shell frames to its dozens of eye-catching, brightly-jeweled wing tips. Not just for lust-worthy librarians, this distinctive eyewear style out of the 60s is a sexy look that still purrs today. ^



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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

2 Poppycock! Vintage

4 designer2
Sho p

n the 19th century, if a woman stepped out of the house without a head covering, she risked her good standing in society. After World War I, while this strict etiquette relaxed, hats were still considered everyday attire until the 60s when the counterculture youth rejected societal norms. Hats have experienced a resurgence lately, from Lady Gagas shocking headdresses to flashy fascinators inspired by Kate Middletons royal wedding. Whether its a 20s cloche for a casual look or a 60s evening toque for cocktails, these five standout stores have the best hats for millinery fashion with modern appeal.




Civil War era bonnet is prized by founder Ashley who remembers how it buzzed with stories forever lost when she first held it. The passionate history buff launched Poppycock! while still in college, majoring in - you guessed it - history. Believing all hats have a story, she scours antique malls for late 1800s to 1980s head pieces that she models like a modern day Scarlett OHara. Overflowing with showstoppers (feather fascinators, cartwheel hats) and charming classics (pillboxes, fedoras, cloches), Poppycocks 250 hats are waiting to begin a new history with you. ^

rder three or more hats from designer2 and receive a 10 percent discount. Its easy to want more than one, since most 60s-80s headwear is priced between $20 and $25. A treasure trove of more than 350 hats, this mega shop is where every head leaves happy. A pink ostrich feather fascinator, velvet tricolored turban and enough pillboxes to rival Jackie Os wardrobe are some of the thrifty gems youll find in this super-sized stash of affordability. ^


1 The Vintage Hat Shop


his shops encouraging motto of Lifes too short not to wear a hat has reached hat lovers worldwide, including historical reenactors, fashion designers and costumers, with more than 1,000 hats sold to 27 countries. Whether a seasoned hat wearer or a curious newbie, The Vintage Hat Shops parade of 20s-80s frill-less crown toppers are right at home with 21st century fashion. Curating accessible styles for modern sensibilities, this shop gives you the most reason to seize the day and wear a vintage hat. ^


3 Flatiron Vintage

5 Dandelion Vintage
Sho p

Etsy f

t was after marriage four years ago that founder Tova discovered her love of vintage. Keeping with Orthodox Jewish customs, which requires head coverings on married women, she began wearing a vintage hat every day, and as a result amassed a sizable collection. Today, this New York shop offers modern women a sophisticated mix in sleek styles and small sizes. Both versatile and chic, a topper from Flatiron shows why turning heads can also be part of your daily tradition. ^

Independent f

he daughter of antique dealers, founder Carol cant deny the vintage in her blood. Since 1997, this New Jersey girl has stocked Dandelion with premium vintage clothing and accessories, but its the impressive breadth of her 120plus hat collection thats put her on this list. Frequently restocked with 40s-70s hats starting at just $6 and hardly ever breaking $50, heres where the drop of a hat means you might as well pick up one (or two or three!) of your own. ^



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ccording to The Knot, the average cost of a new wedding dress is around $1,100. By comparison, a fabulous gown on this list can be found for as low as a few hundred. But its not just the attractive price that makes vintage an appealing wedding option. Generally speaking, buying vintage offers meticulously crafted handmade dresses of superior quality thats hard to find. Besides, these gowns are practically new, considering a wedding dress is typically worn once and then stored away for safekeeping. For quality that lasts forever and prices that will make you say, I do!, these shops offer the best in vintage bridal.

2 Blue Rose Vintage

4 Very Tres Chic

p Sho


Etsy f


t wasnt until founder Ashley was planning her own wedding that she realized how challenging it was to find a great vintage gown. This reality inspired her to reposition Blue Rose (which had already been operating for a year) as a bridal-focused salon. She now eases the stress of other brides-to-be with a rich selection of wedding wonderment like 30s liquid satin, 60s boho and 50s cupcake gowns. Calling her wedding collection garments that have lived and loved, Ashley offers the finest to wear for your loving union. ^

ust like when hydrogen and oxygen join to form water, this shop is the perfect combination, considering founder Paula previously owned both a vintage boutique and a modern bridal salon. Here youll find dresses of Edwardian beauty, 30s Hollywood glam and understated 70s chic. Paula also offers her own line of handmade designs from repurposed vintage materials, like 50s Chantilly lace or Victorian floral appliqus. With a commitment to both authentic and repurposed vintage, Very Tres Chic marries the best of both worlds. ^


1 Mill Crest Vintage


dress from Mill Crest is just too breathtaking to only wear once. In fact, youll want to get married over and over and over again, just to give it the recognition it deserves. This brick-and-mortar offers hundreds of 20s-50s bridal designs in baby blues, pretty peaches and wondrous whites on its well-manicured site. Top wedding magazines (The Knot, Martha Stewart Weddings) regularly profile Mill Crest, and a prized 50s silk organza dress was recently featured on The Today Show. Known around the world for unsurpassed style and service, Mill Crest is the best source for vintage wedding dreams come true. ^


3 Cherished online

5 Cupids Arrow
Sho p


ou know how you can fall in love with being in love? Thats part of the impetus at Cherished, where these die-hard romantics offer more than 100 dramatic designs in everything from 30s romanticism to 70s Neo-Victorian. This all-in-one bridal shop also offers accessories, wedding gifts (like keepsake albums), phone consultations, full alterations, and if the dress doesnt fit, gowns can be returned within three days. From the collection of a hopeless romantic, this shop of bridal finery is truly worth cherishing. ^

n Oscar Wilde verse inspires the mission of Cupids Arrow: Who, being loved, is poor? Sisters-inlaw Cindy and Dawnette founded this shop of 30s-60s handmade masterpieces, like a 50s Emma Domb designer dress with a cathedral length veil. Fit for queens and princesses, these sweeping glamorous gowns and sweet tea length dresses are promised to be mended and dry cleaned for ready-to-wed perfection. Combing the small town estates of the Pacific Northwest, this Oregon-based shop finds the most-loved vintage for your most-loved day. ^



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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

2 Vintage Martini

4 Timeless Vixen
p Sho

orget Project Runway. Todays aspiring designers can thank Charles Frederick Worth for their careers. The first dressmaker to sew a label bearing his name into the garments he created, Worths 1858 tag was like an artists signature. Other clothiers followed suit and similarly took credit for their creations. But it wasnt until the turn of the century with the advent of Chanel, Vionnet and Fortuny that designers were truly recognized for their talents. With more than 100 years of label love to choose from, these shops offer the best designer classics with names history will never forget.



70s red beaded vest by Valentina and an 80s white mink Christian Dior coat make you wonder, Who was the woman who wore these? I want to know her! At Vintage Martini, you can wear the best designer and couture pieces most likely worn by past socialites and celebutantes. Founded by an ex-costume designer, this Texas boutique has been celebrated with features in Vogue and an appearance on LA Frock Stars. For a taste of designer, Martini is worthy of every womans dream closet. ^

Independent f

or publicists, editors, stylists or any career in which fashion is a priority, Timeless Vixen is where youll find the ideal wardrobe for your 9-to-5. The Beverly Hills showroom is kept stocked with the likes of 60s Christian Dior, 90s Versace and other femme fatale designer pieces. Timeless doesnt shy away from the truly avant-garde (the Norma Kamali pink feather top is a must-see) for statement making style that raises eyebrows even on casual Friday. ^


1 Shrimpton Couture
hen founder Cherie became a go-to girl for styling friends with designer vintage from her closet, she sensed it was something more than happenstance. So with the belief that a womans wardrobe must shout who she is to the world, Cherie launched Shrimpton to offer perfectly pristine pieces to women everywhere. More than 100 designers are easily navigable by garment, color, era and size representing the trends that look straight off the runway. For style thats nothing short of fabulous, Shrimpton Couture is the webs unofficial Bergdorf s for vintage. ^


3 Archive

5 C. Madeleines
Sho p

Independent f

his minimalist site is like being led into a Manhattan 5th Avenue showroom. The highly acclaimed collection (Vogue, Nylon, LA Times reviewed) is a vintage archive of designer musthaves, like classic accessories (Chanel earrings, Gucci handbags) and 60s-90s gowns from Oscar de la Renta, Scaasi, Mary McFadden and more. For those who love designer but can only afford to window shop, a regularly stocked sales section helps all girls satisfy their label love. ^

Independent f

orth Miamis hot spot for vintage shopping, C. Madeleines is a destination for celebrities and fashion insiders looking for inspiration beyond New York City and Los Angeles. As fabulously stocked as the brickand-mortar, this online shop has hundreds of collectible designer mainstays like Galanos, Thierry Mugler and Pierre Balmain and a section devoted strictly to Chanel. For a taste of what Vogue calls the best kept vintage secret in Miami, C. Madeleines is just a mouse click away. ^



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rice is a difficult thing to gauge, and evaluating prices between shops can be like comparing apples to oranges because there are so many varied clothing types and cost considerations associated with vintage. Usually, the higher-priced garments are rarities that possess uniquely exquisite design, condition, material or brand name cach and therefore command a premium. But regardless of these considerations, the five stores on this list offer at least 85 percent of inventory (dresses, outerwear, shoes, accessories) in readily accessible styles for under $50. When price is your number one priority, these budgetfriendly e-tailers are guaranteed to keep cost-conscious shoppers coming back for more.

2 Silly Rabbit Vintage

4 Parasol Vintage
p Sho

Style Steals

inding a 50s gold brocade wiggle dress for less than $50 is usually reserved for flea market and thrift store hunters. But at Silly Rabbit, this dress is only $32 and bonus - it comes with a jacket! More super steals include accessories like a 60s ostrich feather hat for $28 and a 50s needlepoint handbag for $32. With prices this low, Silly Rabbit could be mistaken for running a sales rack 24/7. Thankfully, theres no silly kid tricks here, just great deals for vintage-loving adults. ^


spread in Vogue Italia depicts an angelic model submerged under water and surrounded by flowers. Shes wearing a silk white dress from Parasol, as styled by founder Samantha who frequently works with professional photographers to promote her shop. Samantha might have high-fashion taste, but her prices are more like an online sample sale. Her penchant for the ethereal styles of sheers, silks and crochets covers multiple eras and, without costing nearly as much, could be mistaken for items as seen in Vogue. ^


1 2TryHard

eBay f

f there was a dollar menu for vintage, 2TryHard would have one, where every single listing starts at just 99 cents. It makes you wonder just where this eBay power seller (50,000plus sold) hunts and gathers such delectable 50s-80s wares auctioned at fast fashion prices. Whatever the secret sauce, you benefit with ample chance to find bids within budget. Most garments are won for under $50 with higher quality pieces (fur, sequins, designers) bidding up to $75, proof that one needs not try too hard for great deals at the best shop for style steals. ^


3 Hey Viv!

5 Rogue Girl Vintage

Sho p


ounder Vivian is a spunky vintage maven whos been in the business since 86. Shes always sporting some eye-catching flair, with her mother even suggesting that shes bound to get arrested. Vivs not too concerned replying, Maybe, but Ill be the most colorful gal in the joint. Shopping Hey Viv!, you might get arrested for vintage theft since 95 percent of her stock is under $50. Plus, good news for literary types and chronic exchangers: All purchases include a poem booklet and 30-day money back guarantee for style steals worth having a criminal record for. ^

inding a garment in your budget is easy at Rogue Girl. This Bay-area shop promises 150-plus California-inspired dresses priced to sell, like an all sequin for $50, a nautical cotton for $26 and a mod red and black striped sheath for only $38. With a rich medley of breezy dresses and patterned tops from the 40s-80s, this shops a rogue that wont swindle your wallet. ^



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2 jessjamesjake

4 Tigerlily Vintage
p Sho

hey say bigger is better, and in the world of vintage, a shops size can matter. For the seasoned vintage lover when time is of the essence, the abundance of sizes, styles and eras found on this list can be a one-stop experience where you wont waste time with multiple shopping cart checkouts. These stores have a minimum of 500 garments well organized by style (garments or accessories) and size so as not to overwhelm you. Whether youre seeking a specific trend or look, chances are if you want it, a shop from this list probably has it.

Large Selection

Etsy f


aily visits to Albany thrift stores, weekly estate sale hunts and annual summer road trips are what make jessjamesjake so well-stocked in countless sizes, styles and accessories. Named after founder Jess, her husband James and their dachshund Jake, this shop specializes in garments for all sizes, like figure-flattering wrap dresses, cozy patterned sweaters and an entire section devoted to plus size. A self-professed listing maniac, Jess keeps jamesjakes overflowing with fashion to fit every girl. ^

ts easy to see why Tigerlily is home to such a bounty of beauty. While traveling to estate sales, thrift shops and boutiques across the country with her pilot husband, founder Elle amassed nearly 700 garments of mostly 60s-80s styles. The shop was born from her disillusionment with academia after graduating with a masters from Cambridge. Now Elle majors in unique, classic and trendy vintage that make Tigerlily a destination for large selection. ^


1 GoGo Vintage

Etsy f

o-Go was the term for 60s dance clubs popular within the African American community for their rhythm and blues cover bands that performed top 40 hits. Inspired by these underground dance halls, Going to a Go-Go became a Smokey Robinson chart-topper, and GoGo Vintages massive selection is equally worthy of number one status. Festive frocks, skirts, separates and dazzling accessories from primarily the 50s, 60s and 70s are categorized by size to help navigate around this superShop Spotted in the sized shop. Rock a hand red Heart Heels de jive in a 50s brocade party oi br m E 0s 5 ^ dress, twist and shout in a Dress stick Red Wiggle ip L 0s 6 ^ 60s leopard print bathing ral Mini Dress suit or do a happy hippie ^ 60s Mod F lo uit dance wearing a 70s kimono. Green Bathing S d al er m E 0s 7 Nicknamed a vintage fashion ^ parade by founder Karyn, GoGo tops this chart for the best in large inventory. ^


3 Newman & Hall

5 Rusty Zipper Vintage Clothing

Sho p


ore than 700 pounds of clothing have been donated by Newman & Hall, which gives a garment to charity each time one is sold. Its socially conscious founders Rebecca and Ben recently moved from New York to Florida for larger facilities to house their affordable collection. Prices start at just $5, and most dresses run between $24 and $32. With plans to grow from 1,000 garments to 5,000 by end-of-year, Newman & Hall is a leader of large inventory that fits small budgets. ^


he Guinness Book of World Records should consider a visit to Rusty Zippers 7,000-squarefoot warehouse in Oregon. Heres where more than 29,000 garments (yes, you read that right) are stored for the oldest online vintage shop, founded in 1995 when the Internet was just a baby. A regular crazy ass sale (6,000 garments deep) with wholesale prices and by-the-pound blow-outs encourages multiple acquisitions. While not Guinness approved, this monster selection at bargain basement prices is an unbeatable combo worth putting in the books. ^



Sammy Davis V intage

- 43 ou might think the 80s and 90s are just Bill Cosby sweaters, Flashdance leg warmers and Seattle grunge plaid. But dont let the stereotypes turn you off, considering mainstream brands like Urban Outfitters are heavily influenced by the flavorful designs of these time periods. Although the 80s and 90s are technically vintage, most shops in this e-book arent inclined to stock them, considering almost all clothing in the United States was mass produced overseas by this time, and therefore garment quality is generally lower than prior eras. With model-driven styling and an eye for the most wearable, these are the best shops for 80s and 90s contemporary vintage fashion.

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

2 Lucky Vintage Seattle

4 Trashy Vintage
Sho p

80s & 90s

Etsy f

eattle is remembered for the denim and flannel pairings of the grunge era it helped birth, but at Lucky Vintage Seattle, the 80s and 90s is much more than a Nirvana music video. A brick-and-mortar near the University of Seattle, Luckys selection goes back to the Victorian age, but its their 200 pieces of 80s and 90s that puts them on this list. From body-conscious crop tops and bandage dresses to relaxed velvet maxis and printed harem pants, heres where contemporary style smells like vintage spirit. ^

eBay f

ne girls trash is definitely your treasure. Stocked with more than 500 garments from the days of Saved by the Bell and Blossom, heres where a girl can get crazy with printed leotards, neon orange board shorts and turquoise batwing jackets. But youll find some sensible chic too in fisherman sweaters, high-waisted Calvin Klein jeans and Heathers-style preppy blazers. With a fully stocked selection of the most recent trends, Trashy has the timeless contemporary classics sure to win the hearts of future vintage lovers to come. ^


1 Decades

lack, white and minimalist all over thats Decades for you. Forget printed pants, oversized shoulders and neon brights because this Los Angeles-based shop commemorates the simplicity of the 80s and 90s with predominantly black and white staples. Maxi dresses, buttonup silk blouses and fitted blazers are easy integration into any womans wardrobe, but the shop also speaks to a girls wild Shop side with funky lace Spotted in the jumpsuits, abstract ini Party Dress ^ 80s Micro M print kimonos and silk Lace rt with Antique onesies. With appeal to ^ 80s Tulle Ski Moccasins both minimalists and 0s White Leather 8 ^ maximalists, Decades am Lace Dress is the best for late 20th ^ 90s Sheer Cre century fashion. ^


3 Electricskinny

5 Honey Moon Muse

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eBay f


ne part glam, one part grunge and another part goth, Electricskinny is a trifecta of quintessential 80s and 90s looks. The shop differentiates itself by offering iconic pieces, like crushed velvet dresses, acid wash denim and oversized plaid shirts. But beyond the three Gs (glam, grunge, goth) are more mainstream pieces like polka dot rompers, slouchy cardigans and tie-dye dresses for a well-rounded selection thats full parts contemporary appeal. ^

f the funky-haired model doesnt clue you into Muses contemporary inclinations, perhaps the 90s tie-dyed ponchos, neon-bright tribal tees or Fly Girl body-con dresses will. Founder Marriki (shes the model) launched her monster-size shop of more than 800 garments to help others find one-of-a-kind pieces that express who they are. Wearable for Woodstock-revival festivals or as bold-is-better pieces for any season of the year, Muses perfect presentation and modern styling make the 80s and 90s feel new again. ^



Sammy Davis V intage

- 44 ho can forget the 40s pin-up glamour of Bettie Page, 50s rockabilly of Olivia Newton John (in Grease) or 60s sophistication of Audrey Hepburn? Well the shops on this list certainly havent, and neither should you. The mid-century eras of the 40s, 50s and 60s are arguably the most popular with vintage lovers for their high waists, full skirts and body-grazing cuts that are so figure flattering. This is why the leading vintage reproduction brands (Stop Staring!, Mod Cloth and Shabby Apple) replicate mid-century garments in their collections. For form-fitting silhouettes that compliment all body types, these shops offer the very best in mid 20th century fashion so whether youre a Bettie, Olivia or Audrey, you can find a piece of mid-century magic for you.

The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

2 Anatomy Vintage

4 StutterinMamas Vintage
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he mid-century went mobile when Anatomy closed its Bloomington, Indiana brick-andmortar in favor of a 1976 Scamp camper that hits the road in search of customers. This f mobile pop-up store also offers a generous t online assortment of 40s wartime looks, 50s evening luxury and 60s psychedelic prints thats amusingly categorized to play off its scientific name. So instead of hats, tops and skirts, the sections are named cranium, torso and pelvis and packed with colorful and classic wears that cover every midcentury need your dermis may have. ^

right red hair, a flirty smile and a plethora of colorful tattoos are founder Sarahs secret recipe for modeling the garments she loves. Sarah left the corporate world to rescue vintage and pass it on in better condition than she found it. More than 300 garments of rockabilly and pin-up styles, like halter top bathing suits, hip-hugging shorts and shirtwaist dresses are uniquely categorized by small, medium and large waist sizes. Not afraid of dirty [shopping] situations, Sarah spends hours uncovering her favorite mid-century garments for you. ^


1 Ballyhoo Vintage Clothing

intage fashion is a celebration of personal style, and thats no more evident than at Ballyhoo where the name means extravagant public praise. Their extensive 1,000-plus collection is praiseworthy indeed, with every type of garment listed by the hundreds. This vast selection attracts the attention of Hollywood costume designers who rely on Ballyhoo to help style dozens of feature films including Munich, Taking Woodstock and Across the Universe. With such rich and celebrated stock, Ballyhoo is the leader for mid-century vintage style. ^


3 Jumblelaya

5 The Vintage Studio

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ounder Jennifer lives, eats and breathes vintage. She even admits to dreaming of it in bed after successful shopping trips. The Old Hollywood, New Look and cocktail party styles at Jumblelaya take her to a happy place, and her personal vacations are just another excuse to buy, having purchased dozens of pieces in Paris last fall. With 40s bombshell, 50s party and 60s wiggle dresses always on hand, Jumblelayas passionately pretty pieces are mid-century marvels to be seen. ^


our answer to the perfect mid-century dress is here. The Vintage Studio is a girls dream closet of fancy party dresses for swanky cocktail gettogethers, festive soires and other celebratory occasions that call for elegance. Specializing in the 50s, enchanting evening wear like twirl-worthy gowns and flared tulle skirts will delight all ladies from 18 to 88 years old. For garments you can swoon over, The Vintage Studio is the place for memorable mid-century style. ^



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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

urn-of-the-century fashion isnt just for collectors. Period shows (think Boardwalk Empire and Downton Abbey) have made century-old garments appealing for the modern woman, which is why most shops are stocked for both collectors and consumers like you. This niche commands the greatest expertise from sellers who identify and date rare treasures from the Victorian (18371901), Edwardian (1901-1919) and the Prohibition (1920s) eras. Carrying both vintage and antique (classified as 100 years or older), these shops are the best for curating a variety of rare collectors items alongside the most wearable pre-30s pieces.

2 Vintage Vixen Clothing

ixen is a pre-30s bargain basement with more than 200 garments frequently on sale. For only $24, you can get a piece of Edwardian (silk bed jacket) or Victorian (black fringe shawl), and a Prohibition era drop waist dress is only $32. From an era when women changed outfits numerous times a day, a crisp Edwardian white lace dress works as an all-day outfit, and Gibson girl corset covers or cotton Victorian bloomers will appeal to the collector in you. Vixen has garments of history that, despite inflation, havent caught up with modern day prices. ^

4 Past Perfect Vintage

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ollecting since the 70s, founder Holly spent the beginning of her career exclusively buying garments from the 1920s or older. Now Past Perfect sells a wide range of eras, but its Hollys expertise in these pre-30s pieces which sets this shop apart. Her masters degree in costume design is an asset while combing old money Kentucky estates and antique shows, where she picks up items like Victorian wedding gowns, celluloid hair combs and Art Deco dresses. An exceptionally stocked collection at modest prices is what makes this shops selection too perfect to pass up. ^


1 Vintage Textile

p Sho pair of Buster Brown childrens shoes in mint condition from 1905 would be an antique collectors one-in-a-million find, considering children generally wear out shoes until theyre in tatters. These shoes are just one of the treasures in Vintage Textiles antique storehouse. Not just home to collectors items, many of Textiles 200 pieces are also exquisitely wearable designs, like dreamy 20s tea gowns, ethereal chiffon day dresses and jaw-dropping Fortuny evening wear. Founder Linda spent years as a costume and print designer in Manhattans garment district before launching the New Hampshire-based Textile Shop Spotted in the in 1998. Her expertise American Pouch has been featured in the ^ 1800s Native ress industrys top guides chet Wedding D ^ 1912 Irish Cro like Antiques Roadshow ss ulle & Satin Dre T d ne Collectibles and Price Guide ui eq S 18 ^ 19 to Vintage Fashion. Textiles Tea Gown ^ 1920 Fortuny wealth of museum-quality garments makes it the best source for collectors and wearers of pre-30s fashion right now. ^

3 Vera Vague

5 1860-1960
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ringing garments back from the dead is all part of a days work to founders Anastasia and Victor, who once discovered a trove of nearly-antique rarities in a building that was a brothel in the 30s. Vera Vague excels in styling their pre-30s pieces with modern appeal, like pairing an Edwardian eyelet blouse with tweed shorts, knee-highs and heels or accessorizing a flapper-era Chantilly lace frock with silver chandelier earrings and ballet flats. Saving antique art from landfills is this couples mission, and it promises salvaged styles the opportunity to live again. ^

ntiques Roadshow appraiser Julie teamed with her mother, Beth, to found the shop 18601960, which sells 100 years of fashion excellence. Julie leverages modern media to spread her love of vintage by appearing on television, updating a buzzing Instagram feed and working with films like Titanic and Chicago. Nothing is average here: A 20s dress is decorated with multi-colored wooden beads, and an opera coat is made from shimmering gold lame. From dressing starlets to appraising garments on PBS, this dynamic mother-daughter duo has made 100 years of fashion greatness available for those in this century. ^



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Vintage Resources
Want to learn more? Click these sites for the most comprehensive information from expert organizations, publishers and bloggers in the digital vintage sphere.

Fashion History
Vintage Fashion Guild Glamour Daze Paperpast Yearbook The Vintage Traveler Wearing History Fashion-Era
The go-to resource for label dating tips and fur, lingerie and fabric guides Detailed 20s-60s makeup guides and 20th century fashion history A nostalgic photo archive of catalog fashion advertisements from 1950 to 1979 Vintage finds and fashion history expertise shared by a veteran history teacher Fashion history and sewing projects from a theatre and film costume designer The complete guide to 19th century and 20th century fashion history

Style Inspiration (North America)

Vixen Vintage Vintage Vandalizm Elegant Musings Chronically Vintage Lisa Freemont Street We Heart Vintage
Gorgeously photographed outfits and vintage enthusiasm from a 40s fashion lover Rockabilly fashion and 50s inspiration from a curvaceous New York City model Practical vintage looks and 20s-50s sewing tutorials from a talented seamstress Mid-century fashion, beauty and recipes interpreted with a side of historical analysis 40s beauty tutorials and retro style advice from a popular YouTube vlogger A curation of inspiring 20s-70s fashion, cinema and art photography

Online Magazines and Publications

Queens of Vintage Vintage Life Magazine Collectors Weekly Vintage Explorer The Vintage Bulletin
A free online magazine of cultural, decor and fashion articles updated daily The UKs popular print magazine for vintage fashion, beauty and lifestyle In-depth historical features on pop culture, fashion, art, design and technology A bi-monthly UK print magazine offering fashion news, opinion articles and events The industrys community blog for sellers, collectors and hardcore vintage lovers

Style Inspiration (UK & Australia)

Diary of a Vintage Girl Esme and the Laneway Retro Chick Vintage Vixen Tuppence Hapenny Vintage
The totally vintage lifestyle from a talented model, actress and writer in London Personal vintage-inspired dining and shopping trips from a cheery Australian Lipstick reviews, travel suggestions and self-love tips from a vintage media maven Frequently updated outfit posts from a free-spirited 60s and 70s vintage lover Vintage recipes and sewing projects served with a delicious dose of inspiration


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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

Sammy Davis
C li c

Amelia Ozimek
Contributing Editor
C li c


ammy is a vintage fashion expert whose informative website and popular videos bring the wonders of vintage fashion to the contemporary woman by showing them where to buy, how to style and how to sell vintage clothing. Sammys involvement over the past decade has grown from selling vintage clothing out of the trunk of her car at The Brooklyn Flea to operating A Little Wicked, a New York City vintage boutique. Sammy has worked with many industry leaders including Goodwill, Salvation Army, Housing Works, The Manhattan Vintage Show (the largest vintage show in the US) and Artists and Fleas. She also serves as a vintage fashion spokesperson and has been featured on the Nate Berkus Show, My Fox NY, USA Today and the book Wearable Vintage Fashion. She has also written for AOL, StyleList and been featured on all the leading vintage fashion blogs. Sammy has a magazine journalism degree from Temple University, where she cofounded the universitys only campus magazine. Shes written for, and has reported for SELF, Glamour and Life & Style magazines.


melias interest in vintage began as a young girl rooting through family members closets. Hearing that a dress was worn when her mother first started dating her father or that her grandmothers jewelry collection included 20s treasures thrilled her senses and inspired her to begin wearing vintage clothing. After graduating from West Chester University magna cum laude in 2005 with a degree in English, she began working as a high school English teacher at a private school in Pennsylvania. A few years later, she decided that her busy career as a teacher wasnt fulfilling enough. She needed a creative outlet. So on November 22nd, 2010 she founded New Old Fashion on Etsy to share her love for garments of the past. What began as a part-time passion project is now her full-time job. Last year, she left behind her 7-year teaching career for the passions of growing her shop, stocking it with sturdy everyday basics like hand knit pullover sweaters, warm wool skirts and built-to-last leather boots and bags. When not hunting for treasures amongst Pennsylvanias many vintage shops, flea markets and thrift stores, Amelia is renovating her 1800s home with her husband and their Shiloh Shepherd puppy.



Clothing by Carla & Carla Vintage


Clothing by New Old Fashion Vintage

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The 100 Best V intage Sho ps O n l ine

Special Thanks
Countless individuals have inspired me to step confidently toward my dreams. To these vintage trailblazers, I share a special thanks for never ceasing to remind me of my inner strength. Thank you. Elizabeth Hine of Hinesite Vintage Brande Wilkerson of Victory Vintage Boutique Bianca & Robyn Moreno of A Little Wicked Carla Rey of Carla & Carla Vintage Pamela Castillo of Market Publique

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Sammy Davis V intage

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Connect with Sammy for one-on-one expert advice for all your vintage fashion needs!
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.... or whatever your heart desires.

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