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Rocket Boys Digital Scrapbook To review, further extend your understanding, and demonstrate your interaction with and

insights about Rocket Boys, you will be working with a group to create a digital scrapbook. First things first: 1. Assign roles; these will rotate waterfall style (director gatekeeper task tracker director, etc.) a. Director (sets agenda and assigns tasks for the day) b. Gatekeeper (keeps everyone on task, reminds people of duties, makes sure everyones ideas are heard, records any working issues that might need to be addressed for the next day to run more fluidly) c. Task Tracker (records what was completed that day and what the steps should be set for the next meeting) 2. Plan out your work schedule. You have seven class periods to work on this; utilize your time wisely! 3. Create a Google Doc folder for your group to store all the pieces of your scrapbook (either Word Doc or PowerPoint) and share it with Ms. Mulson. Please label it with your class, title of assignment and last names. Ex. 8X-Rocket Boys Digital Scrapbook-Mulson, How, Fricke and Young What you need to include in your digital scrapbook: 1. Fact pages on: Coal mining, the Space Race, Life in the 1950s, Coalwood, VA, and Homer Hickam (5-10 facts for each topic with an image) (5 points each)REMEMBER: USE CITATION TRACKER! 2. Dictionary of 10 key phrases and words from the text i. Explain what they are and why they are important to the text. ii. Include pictures and diagrams for each of the key phrases you choose. (3 points each) 3. Make a detailed timeline- include dates and explanations of why its important. Must have at least 15 key events (1 point each) 4. Include a diary from someone other than Sonnys POV- the point is to see an event from the lens of someone else! You may use Mom, Dad, Jim, Quentin, or any other character. Must have at least one entry completed by each person in your group. (10 points each) 5. Create a cover page for your project that has a relevant word, phrase or illustration from the text, as well as the title of the novel and the author. Cover also must include proper heading on the page: a. Your names b. Your class (8X, 8Y, or 8Z) c. Date 6. Bibliography: any information from sources other than the novel will need to be MLA documented. Other key information: Points: CONTENT (Group) 100 points 1. Fact Pages: 25 points 2. Dictionary: 30 points 3. Timeline: 15 points 4. Diaries: 30 points EFFORT (Individual): 20 points 1. Participation in group (10 pts) 2. Self-reflection (10 points)

Scrapbooks need to be clear, colorful, creative and demonstrate critical thinking about the reading!
FORM AND PRESENTATION (PROCESS): 20 points 1. Cover: 5 points 2. Bibliography: 5 points 3. Group work notes: 5 points 4. Creativity, neatness, and effort: 5 points

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