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Grade 11 Unit 12 Listening

Supervisors name Student teachers name Students level Unit Skill Class Teaching time : Vu Van Nhut : Bui Thi Ngoc Huyen : Grade 11 (Advanced) Pre-intermediate level : 12 Hobbies : Listening : 11D3 : Period 2 (Morning)


This lesson aims to help students to Learn vocabulary items concerning leisure activities; Gain knowledge of activities and sports that are good for health; Develop some listening skills


Language: . Vocabulary items related to the leisure activities; . Vocabulary items with difficult pronunciation. Skill: Listening skills: . Listening for specific information; . Taking notes;

III. Relevant previous knowledge

Students have finished Reading Skill in Unit 11.

IV. Anticipated problems and solutions

Problems: Students may . Have difficulties in recognizing vocabulary items with difficult pronunciation . Not understand some new vocabulary Solutions: . Giving some vocabulary and highlight useful expressions; . Preparing difficult pronunciation part for students to listen before they do their tasks.


Approach & teaching aids

Communicative approach BB, chalk, textbook, handouts

VI. Teaching procedure

A. Classroom procedure (1) 1. Greeting 2. Checking attendance

Grade 11 Unit 12 Listening

B. New lesson
Teachers activities I. WARM-UP: Miming (8) - Asks Sts to work in 2 groups - Give instructions Students activities - Work in groups - Follow instructions Content Instructions: One representative from each group at a time comes in front of the class, pick the paper randomly and try to show other members what he/she is doing without saying a word. Each team has only 2 mins in total.

- Keeps the score - States the topic of the listening lesson: Leisure activities and sports II. PART 1 (Listening to a talk) (14) 1) Pre-listening: Presenting vocab - [explanation + L1 + eg] - Take notes

- [reading aloud]

- Listen and repeat

1) to take care of sb/sth = to do what is necessary for sb/sth to help or protect them: He is old enough to take care of himself. - Andrew - Houston - little garden - tired

2) While-listening Task 1: Tick the information you hear - Asks Sts to work individually - Plays the tape

- Work individually - Listen and complete the task

What activities are mentioned in the talk? 1) doing housework 2) going fishing 3) listening to music 4) painting 5) being with friends 6) working far from home 7) going to the park with his family 8) lying on the sofa 9) chatting on the Net 10) gardening 11) going out for dinner

- Lets Sts compare their answers with - Work in pairs their friends - Feedbacks Task 2: Like or dislike - Gets Sts work individually - Work individually - Plays the tape again

Decide which activities Andrew likes and which ones he dislikes Answers: Likes: 10, 5, 7, 8, 3 Dislikes: 1, 6

- Feedbacks III. PART 2 (Listening to a conversation) (17) 1) Pre-listening: Presenting vocab - [situation + explanation + eg] - Take notes 1) to gain weight /gen wet/= to become bigger and heavier: I was gaining weight during the Tet holiday. 2) muscle /msl/ (n) c 3) efficient /f()nt /(a) working well and producing good result: efficient muscles

- [gesture + L1] - [explanation + example]

Grade 11 Unit 12 Listening - [example]

- [reading aloud]

- Listen and repeat

4) beautiful sights /bju:tflsats/ 5) to damage sb/sth /dm/ = to harm sb/sth: Working too much can damage your health. - gaining weight - worried - Dick - cycle cycling - strength - efficient - muscles - heart 1) Why is Dick worried? Hes gaining weight. 2) What is Toms suggestion? He suggests Dick cycle regularly. (See Appendix) Answers: 1) strength and energy 2) efficient 3) heart 4) fresh air 5) beautiful sights 6) damaged 7) quickly Sentence connectors: . Moreover . Also . Besides . Furthermore

2) While-listening Task 1: Question Answer - Asks individuals to answer each Q - Feedbacks Task 2: Fill in the blank - Gets Sts to work in pairs - Feedbacks on BB

- Answer Qs

- Work in pairs - Write answers on BB

IV. POST-LISTENING (6) - Asks Sts to re-talk about benefits of cycling based on some ideas in their previous task

- Follow instructions

Fill in each blanks with no more than three words Benefits of cycling: . Helping to increase your (1) .. . Giving us more (2) muscles and a strong (3) . . Enabling you to enjoy the (4) and (5) . Notice! Your muscles may be (6) .. as a result of doing exercise too much and too (7) . .

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