""Mufon Ufo Journal

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Pounded 1967 $1.50


QSL Created by Al LaVorgna, MUFON Amateur
Radio Net, Hicksville, N.Y. (WA20QJ).
(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155 In testimony before Congress, scientist Barry Commoner stressed
RICHARD HALL the importance of asking the right question: "In general terms there are
Editor three ways that a presumably scientific analysis may arrive at a faulty
conclusion: (a) The question addressed by the analysis is inappropriate-
ANN DRUFFEL ly stated; (b) the data employed in the analysis are inaccurate; (c) the
Associate Editor analytical procedures are faulty. The first of these faults is particularly
LEN STRINGFIELD serious since it is likely to result in the use of inappropriate data and
Associate Editor analytical procedures as well."
When we ask, "Are UFOs extraterrestrial?" ("or other dimension-
MILDRED BIESELE al?", etc.) we are stating the question inappropriately, invoking selec-
Contributing Editor tive data, and slanting our analytical procedures. The question that
needs to be asked is, "What are the stimuli or referents of UFO re-
WALTER H. ANDRUS ports?" The correct answer to that some 90% of the time is conven-
Director of MUFON tional objects or phenomena, so we need to further refine the ques-
tion by adding '". . .that describe phenomena of appreciable size and
duration, "high strangeness," and remain unexplained after competent
Co-Chairmen, investigation and careful screening against possible familiar or known
Humanoid Study Group objects (e.g., meteors, advertising aircraft)." No UFO report should be
considered an accurate datum until it undergoes this process.
Religion and UFOs
In this issue
ROSETTA HOLMES By Mildred Biesele
By Robert E. Morgan
Landing Trace Cases
By Larry W. Bryant
UFO Propulsion By Paul Dong
Staff Writer By Ann Druffel
BOOK REVIEW ("Tujunga Canyon Contacts") 13
NORMA E. SHORT By Barbara Mathey
DENNIS HAUCK By Isabel Davis
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is By Lucius Parish
published by the Mutual UFO DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE 20
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas.
Membership/Subscription rates: By Walt Andrus
$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.;
$16.00foreign.Copyright 1981 by
the Mutual UFO Network. Second
class postage paid at Seguin,.
Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNAL Permission is hereby granted to quote from this
3579 to advise change of address are determined by the editor, and do not neces- issue provided not more than 200 words are
to The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, sarily represent the official position of MUFON. quoted from any one article, the author of the
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas Opinions of contributors are their own, and do article is given credit, and the statement "Copy-
78155. not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the &
right 1981 by The MUFON UFO JOURNAL,
staff, or MUFON. Articles may be forwarded 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas" is included.
directly to MUFON.
By Walter Blaney

(NOTE: Walter Blaney is a profession- As the craft approached closer,

al magician who has often appeared on I then saw there was fifth craft in
national TV on such programs as formation following the other four
Johnny Carson, Dinah Shore and Mike from behind. This craft was a bright
Douglas.) red light, and had no comet-like tail
behind it. The red light was pulsating
My wife and three daughters were very fast, much like a fast heartbeat,
spending the summer in Guanajuato, going bright, dim, bright, dim. It ap-
Gto., Mexico, where my wife was peared much different from our usual
studying Spanish at the University of red flashing warning light as seen on
Guanajuato. They had rented a small most conventional aircraft, and the
house atop a mountain next to the flashing rate was much faster, much
city. I had joined the family for a like opening and closing one's fist as Walter Blaney with Merv Griffin
week's visit, and we had just spent the fast as possible.
day sightseeing around the area, re- While the craft were directly over- light craft (and not around the red-
turning to the house at dusk. head, at the best possible viewing light craft). At a steady pace, there
It was at 8:10 p.m., Sunday even- point for me, the red craft passed up appeared small green and red (and
ing, August 6, 1967, that I was just the other four craft to assume the lead perhaps other colors as well) lights
outside the house, leaning against a position. The interesting thing here is that popped into view at a small dis-
fencepost, looking at the beautiful that its acceleration was phenomenal. tance behind a white light. They
mountains, watching dusk turn to It passed up the other craft in the time moved in a forward manner, passing
nightfall, seeing the brighter stars it takes to snap one's fingers. . .it liter- up the white light, then vanishing at
begin to appear. As I happened to be ally zipped ahead of the others. It a small distance in front of the white
looking at the horizon to the south- stayed in the lead position the rest of light. It finally occurred to me that
west, I saw coming over the mountain the time as far as I was able to observe if the white light were at the center
ridge in the far distance what I them as they went on out of sight over of a saucer-shaped craft, and if the
thought to be some jet airplanes com- the northeast horizon. smaller colored lights were around
ing toward me. I fly a lot, and am still I believe I saw the craft for about the perimeter of the saucer, and if
no expert on judging altitudes of one full minute, from horizon to hori- the saucer were slowly spinning, and
craft, but I would guess these craft zon. After they passed overhead, I if the saucer were on its side as it
were perhaps flying at 10,000 to thought to call to my wife and chil- passed over me, then I was observing
20,000 feet. I noticed that they also dren, and they ran out in time to see each light as it came around into view
seemed to be flying at a much faster them about the last 40 degrees of the from behind, passed up the center of
speed than anything I had observed pass. Since it was just dark, I could the craft, and disappeared out of sight
before. not see the craft themselves, but only as it went around the other side of the
As the craft came closer and the light which they emitted. craft. If my assumption was correct, I
closer, I could see more and more of Now here is a most unusual as- was not able to see how many lights
what they were. The first thing ap- pect. As the craft approached, and were around the perimeter of the sau-
parent was that there were four very were closer, about 30 degrees up in cer, so could not accurately estimate
bright bluish-white lights in formation, the pass to 30 degrees from the end how many revolutions per second each
abreast of each other, and I could de- of the pass, I could see many smaller craft was turning. If I were to guess,
finitely tell by their movement that colored lights appearing and disap- from what I recall seeing, I would say
they were four craft, each separate pearing around the craft. about two or three revolutions in 5
from the others. Streaming way out These smaller lights were very seconds.
behind each white light was a long confusing at first, and I didn't know During the whole pass, there was
phosphorescent bluish-white comet- if I was seeing many smaller satellite no sound whatsoever from the craft.
like tail, shimmering much like an craft or what. Here is what I saw oc- I recall hearing a dog barking down
artist's conception of a comet. curring around each of the four white- (Continued on next page)
(Mexico, continued) UFO's, I of course believe in what I guns ready in case we would need
saw, and know them to be craft far them, and were in a great state of ex-
the mountain side in town at the very advanced from anything the general citement. The light got very bright,
moment the five craft were directly public knows about as far as conven- yet there were no roads, railroads or
overhead, and it dawned on me that tional aircraft are concerned. But I airports anywhere for miles around.
I heard nothing from the craft at all. also know it is easy to be fooled by The light seemed to stop, then head
The atmosphere was 100% clear with what one sees, and I have seen unusual back away from us, then come closer,
no pollution. Since I was on a moun- "lights" before, as have so many citi- then back away again, etc. After sev-
tain top, I was away from any city zens, and have been tempted to say eral minutes of this, I tried lining up
light, so viewing was exceptionally "I have seen a flying saucer." the light over a fencepost, and I no-
good that night. Once when driving on the high- ticed it never went to the right or the
And finally, I was not the only way to Dallas from my home in left, only directly toward us or away
observer of these UFO's. In Spanish Houston, I saw many cars stopped from us. As I watched further, I no-
they are called OVNI's, for "objeto along the road about 6 pjn. with pas- ticed it kept appearing slightly and
volando ni indentificado" . . .objects sengers all out looking at a strange slowly higher and higher above the
flying not identified. Apparently the and bright white light in the sky, top of the fencepost I was using as a
craft came in over the ocean at Tamp- hovering almost motionless. After a sighting bar.
ico, hovered there a few minutes, went few moments, it was apparent that As time went on, and the minutes
to the airport in Mexico City and it was a meteorological balloon, with passed, we realized that what we were
hovered there, made a long sweep in- the sun catching it just right for a few seeing was the planet Mars, which was
moments to reflect a brilliant light in- very close to the earth at that point in
land when I saw them over Guanajua-
to our eyes. As the sun lowered, one time. We were observing it as it ap-
to, and passed on to Veracruz, hovered
could see it was a large balloon. peared in the sky at dusk, as it came
there, then back over the ocean again.
The most interesting "sighting up through the atmosphere. The
The newspapers in Mexico were full
experience" I had was way out in west slight strata of haze would cause the
of headline stories for several weeks
Texas, on the flat prairie, 30 miles light reflected off the planet to dim
after the sighting. All reports described
away from the nearest town, and far or increase, according to the haze
the craft almost exactly as I have de-
away from the nearest ranch house. thickness, which also accounted for
scribed them. Thousands of Mexican
It was at the rim of a large cavern the change in color. As a light source
people observed them. In Vera Cruz
known as Devil's Sinkhole. My best brightens it appears to come closer,
and at the airport in Mexico City, the
friend, whom I had known since col- as it dims, it appears to recede. If it
red-light craft descended from the
lege days, and I had driven out there brightens very fast, there is the illusion
formation to hover close to the
to inspect the sinkhole, as we were that it is approaching one at a very
ground, observe, return to the forma-
tion, and the formation zipped away. amateur spelunkers. We had just fin- fast speed, and conversely if it dims
In the reports it was mentioned that ished a cookout supper, it was dusk, quickly. We were able to watch Mars
the ability of the'craft to accelerate and my friend was telling me about the rest of the night as it traveled
and decelerate, and to change direc- a strange occurrence that happened across our Texas sky.
tion was phenomenal. to him the night before, near his By profession, I am a magician.
If these craft are of this world, ranch some several hundred miles By philosophy, I am a realist. I am
and perhaps some secret possession of away. A strange light appeared in the looking for what is real in everything
a major world power, it seems unlikely sky approaching him at incredible that I see. A magician must first under-
that they would be flying around such speed as he drove down the highway stand what is real, in order to think of
populated areas for all to observe. One toward it. As it came closer and closer, a clever way to perform his tricks in
more strange note is that upon my re- he turned his truck around and headed order to give an illusion of overcoming
the other way. Then the light stopped, reality, which thus produces a great
turn to the USA I found that no one
went back in the other direction, then and fun entertainment form. And so
had read or seen on any news media
came at him once more, then turned I have been interested in UFO reports
any report of this exceptionally good
and went on away out of sight. for years, knowing that so many re-
sighting by so many thousands of peo-
I was thinking what a thrill it ports were of phenomena easily ex-
ple, all reporting substantially exactly
would be if we could see such a sight plained, such as the two I have men-
the same descriptions of these OVNI's,
while we were out on the prairie. And tioned above. Many reports are of well
or UFO's. If I am right that this story
just at that moment this very thing meaning citizens who actually have
was indeed not reported in the USA,
happened. From way off in the dis- seen strange lights in the sky, etc. I
I find this fact incredible.
tance there appeared all of a sudden a also knew that probably a very small
light speeding toward us at incredible percentage of the reports were accu-
speed, getting brighter and brighter, rate reportings of qualified individuals
I was lucky to have a very good changing color slightly as it came, who knew what they saw was not any
view of the craft as they passed direct- from bluish, to yellowish, to reddish, readily explainable light or sky phe-
ly overhead. Once having seen these etc. We jumped behind trees, got our
By Mildred Biesele

On the back cover of Alien comb," plus press coverage of the that area took Ryzman to Brisbane
Honeycomb by John Pinkney and "expose" and an urgent plea for the and to a fortuitous meeting with a
Leonard Ryzman (Pan Original Paper- Journal to set the record straight on young woman who happened to have
back, 1980), the publishers blurb: this story before it is spread any "a piece of a UFO" and was willing to
"When the richly-colored UFO farther. divide it with Ryzman. Later he visited
exploded over a vast, empty property First a word about the book in the place where the fragment had been
in Queensland, Australia, its compo- general terms. Although anyone who found on the isolated ranch of Mrs.
nent pieces were scattered for more tries to keep informed on the inter- Jean Fraser near Greenbank, 20 kilo-
than three kilometres. Most of the national UFO front must be aware of metres south of Brisbane. Mrs Fraser
wreckage — strange, intricate, eerily continuing activity "down under," was kind enough to give him two
beautiful — is now held by the United Alien Honeycomb gives a sprightly larger pieces of the material that she
States Air Force in maximum security survey of recent events in Australia had stored in her barn.
vaults. But a few pieces of the craft and New Zealand. I was particularly The substance was a honeycomb
were retrieved by private investigators. interested to read about the numerous of hexagons bonded to a hardened
These pieces contain unknown ele- sightings surrounding the Valentich woven backing, the larger piece mold-
ments and configurations that will disappearance in 1978. However, ed into a curve on one end. The struc-
present science with new, fundament- Chalker in his review of the book ture of the material made it very light
al problems. The nature of those re- criticizes the authors for a number with high insulation value and great
mains now raises disturbing questions of factual errors, and in their discus- tensile strength. Whether it was "eerily
for mankind." sion of U. S. cases they are a little beautiful" is hard to judge from the
Bill Chalker, NSW-Australian careless with detail. And Dr. Bruce photographs.
MUFON Representative and coordi- "MacCabee"? With all the publicity I do not think that a ruse or a
nator of the Australian Physical Evi- that attended Dr. Maccabee's investi- hoax was intended when Pinkney and
dence Study Group, sends us his re- gation of the Fogarty-Crockett film, Ryzman leaped happily to the conclu-
view of the book, a laboratory analy- they should have a record of how he sion that what they had was the rem-
sis of the material in the "alien honey- spells his name. nant of an object from another world.
The book begins in Los Angeles ' Rather, I think they were blinded by
(Mexico, continued) where co-author Leonard Ryzman their enthusiasm and encouraged by
nomena or conventional aircraft from meets "an engineer who had been as- those they consulted who should have
our planet. What was it these people sociated with the Apollo program," cautioned them to use restraint. They
were actually seeing that could not now an "executive in the aircraft in- concluded that the only analysis they
be explained by any of the sciences dustry ," who asks if there is any truth could trust would be one underwritten
we know about? to the rumor he has heard about a by the United Nations, and they sent
I believe the sighting I had in UFO explosion over Queensland, leav- a letter to Secretary-General Kurt
Mexico in 1967 was one of the latter. ing fragments that have been recover- Waldheim notifying him of their find,
I saw unusual craft, flying in the air, ed. Ryzman replies that he doesn't offering the pieces to him and asking
manned by an intelligent being, or at know of any such event, but he will him to establish a committee to study
least directed and controlled by an find out what he can about the story. UFOs which could then test and eval-
intelligent being. And the craft were His source of information will be his uate this remarkable substance "that
able to perform in a far superior man- friend John Pinkney, a journalist and could be the key, and the beginning
ner to any known conventional craft broadcaster in Melbourne who has of the unlocking of the door, to the
in our world society. If they are man- been active in UFO research since the mystery of the unidentified flying ob-
made, then someone here has the jump 1950's. ject."
on everyone else by a long, long way, When Ryzman returned home to Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
and I can't think of why and how it Australia, he and Pinkney began to Dick Smith, a skeptical Sydney mil-
could be kept a secret so long, or search for information about the UFO lionaire, sent an investigator out to in-
why they allow the craft to be ob- explosion, thumbing through Pink- terview Mrs. Fraser and to pick up
served more and more each year. I am ney's voluminous files and going some more samples. These were sub-
thus led to a conclusion that they through stacks of old newspapers at mitted to Dr. T. S. Hickie, Senior
must come from a world other than the public library in Melbourne. A
our own. lead suggesting a 1975 explosion in (Continued on next page)
Lecturer in the School of Textile By Robert E. Morgan
Technology at the University of NSW (MUFON Field Investigator)
in Sydney. Dr. Hickie burst the bubble
with a very mundane analysis of the On the morning of Sept. 13, 1980 red and green, blue and white. The
alien honey comb: at 02:30 hrs (CST) Herb Van Gundy, object was moving to the north very
". . .This analysis showed that the 19, and three other persons were sleep- slowly.
filaments consisted largely of silicon ing in a large tent at Hamilton Pool 26 Herb also saw three thrusters on
and calcium, with a medium amount miles northwest of Dripping Springs, the underside, (like nozzles on a rock-
of aluminium, a small amount of mag- Tex., when they were awakened by a et), black on the inside and grey at the
nesium, trace amounts of iron and scream by one of the girls. The tent rim; nothing was coming from them.
titanium and possibly very small traces was lit up with a faint yellow glow. The underside was a greenish grey
of potassium, sulphur and chlorine. Herb thought that one of the logs color, not reflection from lights. The
The elements identified and their pro- from the fire outside had rolled over object hovered for about 10 seconds
portions indicate that the material of and this is what she had seen. He went and the humming sound started to
the filaments of both fabrics is a glass outside but the fire, was out. A loud make a pulsating hum. Herb said that
similar in type to one commonly used humming sound caused him to look it sounded like the object was about
in the manufacture of fibreglass. Note up, and at an altitude of 125 ft. was to stall. It then started to move to the
that there were no unknown elements a triangle-shaped object with two north and the humming sound was
present in the materials examined. . . lights at each tip, yellow and white, continuous again. It moved over the
"It is concluded that the materials hills and went out of sight, but the
submitted for analysis are woven fab- sound could still be heard for a while.
comb is suggested by Chalker. He says
rics in plain and sateen weaves and Total sighting duration was about one
woven from multifilament fibreglass. that in the 1950's and 1960's two Lib-
erators and a Canberra bomber crashed minute.
They have obviously been in a fire and About 30 minutes earlier they had
are covered with carbonaceous matter. in the Greenbank area. He adds, "Hon-
eycomb is widely used in aircraft fuser heard a loud explosion like a cannon
"It is highly likely that individual being fired. The girls were in the can-
layers of the plain woven fabric have lage shells, wing skin panels, flying
control surfaces, engine structures and yon and saw sparks from above the
been thermally set into the forms nec- ledge. Herb heard the noise but did
essary to fabricate the 'honeycomb' cowlings, tail structures, doors, hatch-
es, floors, interior trim and furnish- not see the sparks from the tent.
type of material. Weather: National Weather Ser-
"For your information, fibreglass ings."
I am not at heart a debunker. I vice in San Antonio, Tex. Calm and
yarn has been manufactured in quan- Mild. Temperature in the low 70's.
tity in many countries throughout the feel a trace of guilt and regret in turn-
ing thumbs down on a book I enjoyed Visibility good. Ceiling none. Clouds
world since production of commercial moved in over the Hill Country later
grades began about 1938." and whose authors were appealing in
their bubbling enthusiasm. In fact, it that morning. Witness said he saw no
This does not come as a surprise clouds at the time of sighting. The sky
to anyone who has read the book is with some dismay that I find myself
with Phillip Klass, described by the was clear with very little wind.
warily, watching for any real evidence
to connect the material with an ex- Melbourne newspaper that quotes his
_ploding UFO. Mrs. Fraser observed a (negative) reaction to the book as
UFO over her ranch in 1966, and "America's leading UFO private in- Gayle McBride of MUFON-North
about a week later "a classic saucer vestigator"! Carolina has suggested a column devot-
nest" was found where it had appar- But, I have to admit it. The "alien ed to answering reader questions.
ently landed. (She saw it go down.) honeycomb" is full of holes. Since we have all manner of "experts"
No explosion was seen by anyone in Editor's Note: Another important on tap - either on the Journal staffer
the area. Widely dispersed fragments consideration is that various honey- among the MUFON specialists — we
of the honeycomb material were comb materials have been used for will be glad to accept her suggestion.
found 2 years later, first by Mr. many years in earth-orbiting satellites. Address your questions to Questions
Fraser and then by officers from Even if witnesses did observe the Column. Questions of general interest
Aberly Air Force Base when he noti- crash of a fiery object that left honey- will be published along with the best
fied them of his find. Several officers comb debris, the most probable ex- answers we can provide, with the
came out to join the search and took planation would be a satellite decay name, city/town, and state of the
pieces of the material, which they (burning out in the atmosphere with questioner. (If you do not wish to
could not identify, back to the base fragments falling to earth). Unless have your name published, please say
with them. evidence is advanced in contradiction, so.) Others will receive a private reply,
What seems to be a likely explana- this seems to be the most likely ex- also giving the best information avail-
tion for the presence of the honey- planation. able.
A Matter of Condition
By Larry W. Bryant

The world of UFO research is fill- will linger as long as the UFO subject Assuming that this Unit's organization-
ed with "if-onlies." // only, for ex- itself. Just who are those principals, al history and charter, like similar re-
and what role did they actually per- cords of other Army agencies, are
ample, a UFO would stay grounded
maintained as "permanent files," I re-
long enough for us to acquire the nec- form? The trail leads back to a routine quest that, under provisions of the
essary empirical data. // only the so- Freedom of Information inquiry dis- U. S. Freedom of Information Act,
called "crashed saucer" accounts could patched on September 6, 1980, by re- you provide me with copies of all
be further corroborated and then pre- searcher Richard Hall. In addressing government records pertaining to the
his letter to the Army's Assistant Chief Unit, such records to include the fol-
sented in the appropriate public fo- lowing information:
rum. If only the U. S. Freedom of In- of Staff for Intelligence, Hall sought
formation Act (FOIA) had been in copies of all Army records pertaining (1) The relevant Tables of Distribu-
force back in the early fifties. to the Defense Intelligence's Agency's tion and Allowances;
The latest of these exercises in June 2, 1980, teletype message de-
(2) The Unit's organization chart/
what I call condition awareness centers scribing a Peruvian air force UFO en- staff directory for each year of its ac-
on the recent revelation that the U. S. counter. tivation;
Army Counterintelligence Corps oper- In reply on September 25th, the
ated (clandestinely, of course) an "In- Director of Counterintelligence ex- (3) Its standing operating procedure
terplanetary Phenomenon Unit" in the plained, "We regret to inform you that (including all revisions thereof);
Pentagon. no record system is maintained within (4) Its Mission and Functions Manual
First discussed in the September the offices of the Assistant Chief for (including all revisions thereof);
1979 issue of the newsletter Just Intelligence . . . to catalog, process, in-
Cause, this controversial, apparently dex or otherwise evaluate UFO in- (5) Its operating budget;
UFO-related operation has become as formation. This agency has not been
(6) Its periodic Historical Reports as
much of a mystery as the whereabouts a recipient of subject message." The submitted to the Army's Chief of
of certain hard-core UFO-encounter next paragraph of the Director's reply Military History;
cases that never made it into the files states: "Please be advised that the In-
of the USAF Project Blue Book. In- terplanatary (sic) Phenomenon Unit (7) Its legislative-liaison reports and
deed, the more the Army tries to of the Scientific and Technical Branch, evaluations;
down-play its role in official UFO re- Counterintelligence Directorate, De- (8) Its project 'case files.' (If these
search, the more reason we have for partment of the Army, was disestab- case files no longer exist, or are in the
looking deeper into that role, especial- lished during the late 1950's and never custody of some other Federal De-
ly if we are to learn anything from the reactivated. All records pertaining to partment/agency, please index them
lessons of the CIA-UFO expose'. this unit were surrendered to the U. S. by title/date/subject/file number, and
identify their departmental transfer
Air Force Office of Special Investiga- record.)
What's in a Name tions in conjunction with operation
Of course, one can speculate for- 'BLUEBOOK.' " After waiting patiently for over a
ever on why the Army chose to label month without a reply, Hall sent a
its UFO research project the "Inter- Now You See It, Now You Don't postcard reminder to the Adjutant
planetary Phenomenon Unit." If you That explanation runs into troub- General, who, a few days later, told
can accept the premise of the Roswell le when you recall that the OSI record- him that his inquiry had been referred
Incident's crashed-saucer account, in keepers have disavowed any know- to - you guessed it - the Assistant
which the retrieval operation and sub- ledge of the alleged records transfer Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI).
sequent coverup were engineered by (see Just Cause, Sept. 1979). How Finally, on November 29th, he re-
the Army air force, then the obvious can such historically valuable records ceived this carefully worded demurrer
answer becomes, "Why not label it as these escape permanent account- from the Director of Counterintelli-
'Interplanetary . ..'?" ability? That question was uppermost gence:
At any rate, unless the principals in Richard Hall's mind when, on Octo-
involved in the Unit's mission and ber 1, 1980, he sent the following re- The unit was formed as an "in-house"
project by the Chief of the Scientific
functions come forward with detailed quest to the Army's chief records man- and Technical Branch, as an "interest"
answers, it's likely that this mystery ager, the Adjutant General: (Continued on next page)
By Paul Dong
item for the ACSI. It was never formal- Fireworks are anticipated when
ly organized or reportable as such. It
(MUFON Field Investigator)
Stanton T. Friedman meets in a for-
had no investigative function, mission
or authority. The transfer of any re- mal debate with Philip Klass at Trinity
On November 13, 1978, the Peo- University, 715 Stadium, San Antonio,
cords, if they formally existed, oc-
curred through the Office of the Ad- ple's Daily on its 6th page internation- .Texas, on Sunday, February 22, 1981,
jutant General, DA, during the late al sub-column published a title, UFO-
at 7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium.
1950's. The establishment of the De- An Unknown "World Puzzle," written This debate was arranged by Dr.
fense Intelligence Agency (DIA) ab- by Mr. Heng Yen which was later
sorbed the functions, mission and Michael Hart, a Trinity University
broadcast on radio. astronomer, who hosted the University
personnel of the Scientific and Tech-
nical Branch, and institutional memory A year later, on September 21, of Maryland extraterrestrial life con-
recalls the transfer of the unit files to 1979, the Peking Guang Ming Daily ference titled "Where Are They?"
the U. S. Air Force "Bluebook" office. published Chou Sing Yem's "Do Considering the fact that Dr. Hart is
No transfer record exists in the files Flying Saucers Exist?" report, and
of this office. a UFO skeptic, he is to be commended
it was announced by the New China for setting up this significant debate,
Stalking the Smokeless Gun News Agency. In the same year, a since it will give the San Antonio area
physics student of Wa-han University residents an opportunity to be ex-
As the story of the "Interplane- in Hupei province named Cha Lok
tary Phenomenon Unit" continues to posed to the leading professional UFO
Ping wrote to Aerospace Knowledge lecturer versus a man whose major
resist unfolding, we're left with more Magazine and requested his country-
questions than we began with. If we "claim to fame" in UFOlogy has
men to launch a study of UFOs. When been as a debunker. (Both Stan and
accept, at face value the Army's con- his letter was published, many readers
tention that the Unit amounted to no Phil receive copies of The MUFON
responded. Their "China UFO Re- UFO Journal.)
more than an intelligence analyst's search Organization" had thus been
whim, then we can move on to con- About 3 years ago, Mr. Friedman
formed with hundreds of members in lectured at St. Marys University in
temporary pursuits. If, however, given over 26 provinces and major cities.
our acquaintance with official ufo- San Antonio. Both MUFON head-
They also issued a hand written bi- quarters in Seguin and MUFON of
logy's underground existence, we monthly magazine named UFO Re-
yield to our instincts, then we can't San Antonio will be cooperating with
search. UFO research had begun but Ms. Lisa Burrows and Dr. Hart of
help concluding that the U. S. military it obtained no support from the
intelligence community still maintains Trinity University in publicizing this
government. splendid event. We look forward to
the key to the Unit's mystery. In early 1980,1 joined China UFO
We know, for example, that cer- visiting again with Phil Klass and mak-
research and supported the "UFO ing him welcome to south Texas.
tain Army-originated UFO records lovers." I had written many UFO arti-
are included in the Central Intelligence cles and published in magazines to
Agency's package of FOIA-released help the people in China understand
UFO documentation. Do some of more about UFOs. Now the China FUND FOR UFO RESEARCH
those records reflect the files of the UFO Research Organization (CURO)
"Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit"? The Fund for UFO Research (Box
has become official and as a unit under 277, Mt. Rainer, MD 20822) has re-
We know also that, despite claims the China Academy of Social Sciences.
to the contrary, the U. S. Defense In- ceived nine proposals as of November
This news was announced to the world 1, with two additional ones pending.
telligence Agency easily can marshal — by the New China News Agency on
and has marshalled — its resources to- . New proposals just re-
December 4,1980.
ward active investigation of UFO- ceived include an educational slide pre-
One of the Peking editors of As-
sighting reports. Will the current FOIA sentation and a UFOCAT computer
tromomy Monthly had said to me:
litigation of Citizens Against UFO study of correlations among the data.
"Your articles really helped."
Secrecy vs. DIA produce some of the Results of all funded projects will be
I am a consultant of CURO. For
elusive files of the "Interplanetary publicly reported. Contributions to
those Americans who wish to help
Phenomenon Unit"? support research projects can be de-
these New China UFO studies, please
// only the key persons would ducted from your Federal income tax,
contact me at P. 0. Box 2011, Oak-
consent to come forward with the and you will receive, news of all Fund
land, CA 94604. CURO mostly needs
answers to those questions! activities.
UFO photos.
China will also have its first The
Journal of UFO Research magazine an article about the Mutual UFO Net-
which will come out on March 1, work, Inc. (MUFON), a biography of
1981. For those who wish to publish Walter H. Andrus, Jr., International
their UFO articles, data, or advertising Director, his statement concerning
please write to me. In its first issue is UFOs, and a photograph.
By Ann Druffel

Controversial Entity Photos from California — Part I

Recently in Pasadena, California, however, connect these "dreams" with On January 8, 1979, Bailey told
a most unusual UFO event occurred. his 1951 UFO adventure until after his me about his November 1, 1978, en-
The percipient is a Baptist minister, two hypnotic regression sessions, held counter with the creatures and added
Rev. Harrison E. Bailey, who is well- with Dr. W. C. McCall on May 18, that he had successfully photographed
known to me and respected in his 1977, and September 28, 1977. Dur- them! The 2-month delay in informing
community. I have, since 1975, been ing these sessions, fuller memories me was caused, he stated, by the fact
investigating and documenting his re- about the encounter and abduction that the experience had been so upset-
port of an encounter and abduction were disclosed. ting to him that he had not been sure
by two UFOnauts in an Illinois woods, In October 1977 Bailey began to just what to do. As I heard his full ac-
on September 24,1951. have severe financial worries, due to count and viewed the 12 photos he
Rev. Bailey's original UFO ex- the fact that his government disability had taken, I could understand his re-
perience is lengthy and highly detailed pension was abruptly cut off. The luctance.
and for that reason cannot be covered "dreams" about the two entities,
in this column. Some of the facts re- which heretofore had occurred only The Episode
garding it have been published in occasionally, began to recur with On November 1, 1978, Bailey re-
FATE Magazine 1 and precise descrip- alarming regularity and were usually counted, he suddenly awoke at 1:00
tions of the prolonged investigation, accompanied by sleepwalking epi- a.m. to see two brownish, disembodied
with accompanying documentation, sodes. Many night he walked for miles heads against a bare window shade at
have been sent to MUFON, to CUFOS, all over Pasadena and surrounding the foot of his bed. They were illumi-
and to selected researchers nationwide communities and often times was re- nated faintly by the glow of a 40-watt
and in Europe 7- turned to his home by sympathetic bulb which he customarily kept burn-
We refer here, however, to a re- police. The sleepwalking episodes ing in his bathroom. He lay still for
cent incident involving two UFO en- invariably occurred between 11:00 about two or three minutes hoping it
tities, apparently two of the same p.m. and 1:00 a.m. was his imagination or perhaps the re-
type creatures who engineered Bailey's During these "dreams" the en- sult of medication which a doctor had
abduction 29 years ago. tities reiterated their original 1951 prescribed for sleepwalking. His head
On November 1,-1978, according message. They demanded that he in- hurt and his eyes burned. He went into
to Rev. Bailey's recorded statements, form the U.S. government and the the adjacent bathroom and washed
he was awakened from a sound sleep American populace about UFOs — his face. As he returned to bed, the
by the two creatures, who first appear- that they were friendly toward the faces were still framed in the window
ed as disembodied heads against the human race and wished to land un- shade. Frightened, Bailey turned on all
window shade of his studio apartment. hindered. Nagged by their repeated the lights in his small studio apart-
The heads were human-sized, dark inquiries, Bailey began to argue with ment, about 400 watts total.
brown in color and had distorted fea- the entities during the "dream" epi- The entities spoke with him about
tures. Normally, the sight of such an sodes, protesting that they should one half hour, repeating their message
apparition would frighten any witness contact persons with more influence, and dictating a long, complicated
out of his skin. However, particular preferably scientists. statement which they demanded he
circumstances preceded this" startling When I discussed these "dreams" write down. Twice during this time he
incident. These will be explained here with Bailey in the spring of 1978, he asked them if he could take their pic-
in order that the reader can better un- stated they were so vivid that they tures with a One-Step Polaroid camera
derstand Bailey's subsequent, reasoned actually seemed real. I suggested he which he had purchased a couple of
actions. buy or borrow a camera and try to months before and which he kept near
As early as 1965, Bailey experi- photograph his "visitors" when they his bed. It is important to note that,
enced vivid "dreams" in which he saw appeared next. In this way he could although the camera had a built-in
and talked with the two entities he determine whether or not the dreams
had encountered in 1951. He did not, were reality. (Continued on next page)
(Entity Photos, continued)

flash mechanism, Bailey apparently

did not realize this and to the best
7 r
of his memory none of the necessary
flash bars were in the original box.
The entities finally consented for
Bailey to photograph them, saying
that they must first "de-energize."
Bailey did not know what they meant,
nor had any notion of how long it
would take them to accomplish "de-
energizing." He waited about a minute
and then took two photos of the
heads. Then the entities asked him
for something "to get behind."
Two Hallowe'en masks were lying
on Bailey's bookcase. He had planned
to attend a Hallowe'en party that
evening at his church but had been too
tired. He lay the two masks on the
small table directly under the window The Hallowe'en Masks (©1979 by Harrison E. Bailey)
shade and continued taking pictures.
During the entire photographic
session, which Bailey estimated lasted
about 7 minutes, the light on his floor
lamp dimmed and flickered on and
off, but he cannot relate the times of
flickering to any particular photo.
As he photographed the masks,
which now stood upright on the table
against the window shade, he noticed
that gray-white appendages had ap-
peared, dangling out from the bottom
of the masks. Their texture and color
were like "light gray eggs," and they
took the form of thin, misshapen legs
and feet and a miniscule torso. The
heads of the entities now seemed hid-
den behind the masks; the eye holes
were black instead of empty. (See
Although frightened, Bailey was
also enthralled. He took five photos of
this aspect of the phenomenon. Sud-
denly one of the entities jumped from
the table and sprang through the open
bathroom door. Bailey managed to
snap a photo as the creature was
framed in the doorway, apparently
P. ,..
beginning a spring upward. Bailey **
followed the creature, but by the time o
he reached the open doorway the en-
tity had disappeared. In the bathroom,
Bailey saw whirling globes of colored
light near the ceiling, and other dim-
mer balls of light were floating nearer Purported Entity Photo (©1979 by Harrison E. Bailey)
the floor. Bailey accidentally brushed
against one of these. It brightened and the apartment, especially at night, and reminiscent of the "limbs" in Bailey's
whirled, and almost instantaneously spent the next few weeks at the home photos.
there were four globes of yellowish of a friend. Rev. Bailey, in my considered
bright light whirling around in a opinion, is an honest and rational man.
circle. Each individual globe was a few Follow-Up In my four years of documenting his
inches in diameter. Bailey photograph- 1951 encounter I have never found
When I saw the pictures 2 months
ed these before they shot out of sight any discrepancy in his statements, and
later, I realized the incongruities and
through the ceiling. The ceiling at this many facets of his complex account
questions they posed. My husband
instant seemed to disappear and Bailey were verifiable at the source.
Charles and myself took three dozen
had a heady feeling that he was look- Are we seeking only "acceptable"
comparison photos both with Bailey's
ing out into space. photos to prove the UFO phenome-
camera without flash and with our
This inexplicable happening dull- non? Or dare we venture into the un-
own Konica with flash. None of
ed Bailey's reactions. Back out in the known? Can we begin developing ways
Bailey's photos could be duplicated
living room he saw the second entity of analyzing the "impossible"?
with his Polaroid under the lighting
jump from the table, starting an up- (Next month, the search for a
conditions he stated were available to
ward spring. He photographed it as it source to analyze Bailey's photos and
him. The only photos we were able to
hurried through the doorway (See the startling evidence that these pic-
duplicate, even partially, were the full
photo.) He took another picture as tures depict a real, but paranormal
light pictures of the masks, but this
a second group of swirling lights event.)
had to be done with flash equipment
stayed long enough for him to aim
and our own Konica. Of course, the
his camera. They then disappeared NOTES AND REFERENCES
dangling limbs could not be replicated.
through the ceiling as the first group
We could not think of any material, 1. FATE Magazine, April 1978, "Har-
had done. rison Bailey and the Flying Saucer
or combination of materials which
The phenomenon seemed com- Disease", Part I, and May 1978
could replicate the peculiar, flexible
pleted, but Bailey took at least one Part II, by A. Druffel
texture depicted by the white ap-
other photo in the bathroom in hopes
pendages. Bailey stated that the 2. Documents including -
of catching some unexpected occur-
whitish material, whatever it was, "Preliminary Report: Harrison E.
rence. He was left bewildered and ex- Bailey, Sept. 24, 1951," 12 pp.
was not in the apartment when the
alted, but does not remember return- "Transcript of Interview May 6,
creatures appeared, neither was it left
ing to bed. The next morning when 1975,"17 pp.
behind at their departure. We decided "Transcript and Accompanying Notes
he awoke, he remembered that he
to leave this, and other phases of re-- on Bailey Case," May 18, 1977, 49 pp.
had had another "dream" about the
plication, to others more expert than "Notes and Transcription of Second
entities. He rose and was amazed to Hypnotic Session: Bailey Case," Sept.
see his handwritten pages and the 12 There are, of course, several para- 28, 1977," 32 pp.
Polaroid photos scattered near his "Update on Harrison E. Bailey Case:
normal implications in Rev. Bailey's Regarding Claim of Photographing
bed. photos, as follows: Two Entities on Nov. 1, 1 978," 1 6 pp.
Perusing the pictures, he realized 1. The difference in lighting of
that the "dream" had been real, but the 12 photos suggests that the light
the pictures were as strange as the oc- source varied considerably, from under
currence itself. They were not like any
pictures Bailey had ever seen. Some
200 watts to over 1000 watts. Shad- Editorial Comment:
ows in the "full-light" photos also
were completely dark, others had show that the unexplained light source
A Skeptical View of
dim images accompanied by panels
of brilliant orangish light, others show-
moved from left to right behind Bai- the Bailey Case
ed clearer, but shadowed shapes. The
2. On at least two of the shadow-
strangest of all were the photos of the The Harrison Bailey case is ex-
ed pictures, part of the overall image
Hallowe'en masks with their staring seemed double-exposed or otherwise tremely complex, and Ann Druffel is
black eyes and gray-white "limbs". to be commended for her extensive
perfectly duplicated, while other areas
These pictures were in full light; the in the same pictures were single- investigation which is still continuing.
colors were bright and true. This Any complete "Case Study," how-
imaged and both clear and fuzzy.
series of five also showed dim yellow ever, must also consider negative evi-
3. The "appendages" of the en-
globes of light which, in successive dence.
tities suggest that the creatures "fash-
shots, made apparent movement from The other side of the story is
ioned" their own humanoid shapes.
the window shade into the bathroom. (a) Bailey's long record of activities
Ectoplasm, as described in psychic
Bailey was astounded. He did not and claims and (b) the nature of the
research literature, is typically whitish
know what to make of the pictures. hypnotic regression that led to the ab-
or grayish-white, and in some mani-
He put them in a safety deposit box at duction story. Bailey's record in-
festations (photographed) appears
his bank until he could figure out what cludes —
quite dense and of a flexible texture
was best to do. He developed a fear of (Continued on next page)
Mark R. Herbstritt

(Skeptical View, continued) abruptly suggests to the witness that
he describe an imaginary abduction.
1. Bizarre public behavior dating (Ironically, Bailey himself openly ac-
back to the 1950's. In 1975, he was knowledges fantasizing because he was •onomy
found suspended from a tree in asked to do so.)
Pasadena under circumstances that
police found "highly suspicious"; he
Under hypnosis, Bailey is asked to Notes
reconstruct the times of various e-
claimed that "Nazis" had placed him vents. When he is asked to "look at his
there. (Pasadena Guardian, Oct. 15, watch" and state the time, he o-
bliges. At one point when asked
2. Various statements about his whether he is wearing a watch, he dis-
medical history that he attributes to Mercury - Early in the month it can be
tinctly says, "no". At another point, seen low in the Southeast just before
his doctors alleging several specific he says, "I have a watch." Later, when
illnesses and medical anomalies sup- sunrise, but by the 31st it is in superior
asked, "What time does your watch conjunction.
posedly resulting from alien contact. say now?" he replies ". . .about 2:30
Many of these claims were explicitly Venus — It rises about 2V£ hours be-
or 3:00" . . .and later, "7tf figure a- fore the sun and is low in the South-
disconfirmed in the medical records, bout 5:00 o'clock." Here and else-
and no evidence was found to support east at sunrise.
where in the transcripts, it is clear that Mars — In Sagittarius, it is low in the
such claims as that his internal organs the witness was repeatedly prompted
and his teeth had "aged" abnormally. Southwest at sunset and sets about 2
and was obligingly suggestible. This
3. His insistence that the pictures hours later.
prompting, especially, casts serious
taken in his room were made without Jupiter — In Virgo, it rises at about
doubt on the entire hypnotically de-
flashbulbs, yet they show typical re- midnight and is high in the South at
rived abduction story —
flective patterns off of shiny surfaces sunrise.
exactly like those obtained with flash- Saturn — In Virgo, it rises at about
Hypnotist: OK. Harrison, I want you to
bulbs. do a little experiment for us. I'm going midnight and is high in the South at
In 1979 Bailey, a self-styled minis- to ask you to just use your imagination. sunrise.
ter, issued a rambling statement pur- I want you to imagine that you were The Geminid meteor shower oc-
taken aboard. . . . (Tape transcript of curs December 10-13.
porting to contain "messages for
May 18, 1977, hypnotic session, p. 11) Moon Phases (E.S.T.):
Earth," the message content indicat-
ing Christian spacemen (just as Adam- In most respects, Bailey's story and New Moon, Dec. 7 at 9:35 a.m.
ski's spacemen spoke "cosmic philoso- behavior are not typical of the classic First Quarter, Dec. 14 at 8:47 p.m.
phy" and Dan Fry's spacemen spoke 1950's "contactees." Rather, they sug- Full Moon, Dec. 21 at l.:08 p.m.
technical jargon, reflecting their own gest another hypothesis (other than Last Quarter, Dec. 29 at 1:32 a.m.
beliefs). actual abduction or conscious dishon- THE SKY FOR JANUARY 1981
Medical data on Harrison at the esty): A mildly brain-damaged, men-
Northwestern University Medical tally confused person who wants and Mercury — Early in the month it is too
Center dated Nov. 18, 1966, showed probably psychologically needs caring close to the sun (superior conjunction
that he had "mild cerebral damage" attention, and who may or may not being on December 31) but by the end
(Ann Druffel report, March 13, 1979). have had a UFO encounter. Under this of the month it can be seen low in the
It is not widely known that in the hypothesis, the disconfirmed medical southwest after sunset.
1967 Herb Schirmer abduction case, claims and the dubious photographs Venus — It rises shortly before the sun
psychological testing showed a classic can be interpreted as less-th an-con- and is very low in the southeast just
brain damage pattern that fit exactly scious attention-seeking devices to before sunrise.
with a pre-existing head injury. maintain contact with a caring and Mars — In Capricorn, it is very low in
(Source: Dr. David R. Saunders, supportive investigator (a phenomenon the southwest at sunset, and sets short-
psychologist, former member of the familiar to investigators of purported ly after.
Condon Committee, Colorado UFO adepts in parapsychology research). Jupiter — In Virgo, it rises shortly be-
Project.) UFO investigators continue to un- fore midnight and is in the southwest
Then there is the hypnosis. Even derestimate the role of human psy- at sunrise. In the middle of the month,
if we did not know as much about chology, when overpowering emotion- it passes l . l degrees south of Saturn.
Bailey as we do, the techniques of al needs lead people to engage in "un- Saturn — In Virgo, it rises shortly be-
hypnotic regression used do not in- conscious fabrication" in order to get fore midnight and is in the southwest
spire confidence that an objectively attention and to feel some sense of in- at sunrise.
real experience is being described. dividual importance. ' - Richard Hall Moon Phases (E.ST.):
At the precise point where Bailey, New Moon, Jan. 6 at 2:24 a.m.
under hypnosis, is not recalling an First Quarter, Jan. 13 at 5:10 a.m.
abduction, the hypnotist — up to Full Moon, Jan. 20 at 2:39 a.m.
this point asking neutral questions — Last Quarter, Jan. 27 at 11:19 p.m.

BOOK REVIEW a teaching process, etc. Druffel thinks confines of a material world."
The Tujunga Canyon! .Contacts, by the next steps will be philosophical Rogo, although agreeing with
Ann Druffel & D. Scott Rogo (Pren- and cosmological. To her philosophy Druffel on many points, comes to a
tice-Hall,1 Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., means a study of being. Will UFOs different conclusion. He begins by re-
1980,264 p.,$9.95). teach us about the nature of "being"? marking that many researchers no
Between God and man, accord- longer believe in the "nuts and bolts"
A tireless ufologist, author of ing to all monotheistic religions, are theory. UFOs are "partially immateri-
many articles on various aspects of spirits, called by many names, among al," they "change shape at will,"
UFO research, here joins forces with, them "angels" and "demons." These "sometimes seem sensitive to the
a professional parapsychologist, also spirits can materialize temporarily. thoughts of the viewers," are "natu-
a writer, to investigate "an actual ep- UFO entities seem to be similar to ral mimics" and "bad mimics." He
idemic" of close-encounter cases in a angels and demons, invisible spirits notes two important clues to their
localized area This is a deep and who are able to fashion bodies at will. identification: they are "partially
thoughtful study requiring concentra- In the Tujunga cases there were be- physical and partly ethereal at the
tion and commanding respect. The nevolent and malevolent entities, dif- same time" and (from Keel) "as our
complex material is well organized. fering in appearance and attitude. aeronautical technology has improved,
The Shaw-Whitley incident was • Another part of the phenomenon UFOs have changed shape according-
the primary case. Sara Shaw and Jan is that some abduction reports reflect ly." Like Druffel, he sees that "UFOs
Whitley, while living in an isolated personal details in the life of the wit- are always a step ahead of the re-
cabin near Los Angeles, were awaken- ness. Druffel thinks this "detail re- searchers." They are symbiotically
ed by an oscillating blue light. When flectivity" can be explained thus: linked to our planet, our culture and
it vanished they found 2 hours had The "mother ships" are "manifesta- our minds. A close encounter is often
passed. Twenty years later, under hyp- tions of UFOs as they really are," the prelude to a lifelong ordeal of con-
nosis, they discovered they had been but the entities inside them are "balls tinued alien contact or psychic attack;
abducted. A few years after the ab- of energy or light," which create their it can result in "paranormal fallout"
duction, Jan was living with a new appearance and that of their craft as and "poltergeist victims."
roommate, Emily; the young women the witness would expect, psychically Here Rogo, author of "The Pol-
were often visited by "alien pres- taking details from the mind of the tergeist Experience," establishes a
ences." Friends of Emily — Lori and witness and projecting them into the connection between UFOs and pol-
Jo — experienced still other encoun- encounter. tergeists. Poltergeists are violent tele-
ters. Jan apparently was the source of Druffel believes that the entities kinetic or psychokinetic displays that
the "contagion", which spread from were attracted to the Tujunga women occur when a family (or a member)
her and Sara to Emily and then to because they were all interested in cannot deal with psychological stress.
Lori and Jo. metaphysical studies and other mind- The close association between some
Thus the investigation uncovers expanding activities, and because some UFO sightings and subsequent pol-
more puzzles than solutions. One mys- were engaged in a gay (non-procrea- tergeist activity tends to indicate that
tery is a "cancer cure" that Sara was tive) life-style. these two phenomena have a similar
convinced she had been told about. As Here Druffel says "deep inquiry cause. UFOs may be projected at
the hypnotic regressions are related, into personal aspects of witnesses' times of psychological stress.
with direct quotations from tapes, dif- lives is unbecoming and, to an extent, Rogo thinks UFOs may come
ferent facets of the abductions and en- unnecessary. The search for truth can- into existence in either of two ways:
counters are skilfully compared with not justify violation of privacy." That as the product of a mass psychic ef-
those of other cases. This makes for is a kind and tactful ethic, but this re- fect generated by an entire culture,or
comprehensive and interesting treat- viewer thinks that such inquiry, con- through the psychic abilities of an in-
ment, and allows the reader to follow ducted by a qualified psychiatrist, is dividual mind. His theory amalgamates
the thoughts of the researchers. exactly what is needed. This valuable Jerome Clark's idea that UFO experi-
The differing conclusions of the information is almost always lacking ences are rich in symbolic content and
authors are fascinating. I admire their to the researcher, who usually knows merges it with Vallee's concept of a
tenacious pursuit of this tangled enig- little of psychiatry himself. The tricks control system that can work on an
ma! the subconscious can play on the con- individual or a cultural level. The
Ann Druffel gives us her back- scious mind are obviously evident in origins of Rogo's theory were develop-
ground thinking on UFOs. She re- many cases, but have seldom been ed by Clark in "Earth's Secret Inhabi-
views the changes in the UFO phe- clarified by proper psychiatric evalua- tants" (with D.S.R.). Rogo adopted
nomenon, always a little ahead of the tion. Clark's ideas and elaborated on them.
investigators, a progression that has In summary, Druffel thinks UFOs These postulated the existence of an
given rise to theories about UFOs be- and their occupants, part of God's intelligence, called X, or The Phenom-
ing a system — for control, for expan- creation, are superior to man intellec- enon, that generates the UFO mystery.
sion of consciousness, for carrying on tually and in not being "bound by the
(Continued on page 15)
BOOK REVIEW and abbreviations related to UFOs; presented, all of those included cer-
tainly belong he re.
and a 14-page bibliography.
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UFOs, Reading the Encyclopedia is like Perfection is not for mortals, how-
edited by Ronald D. Story, Consulting wandering through Aladdin's cave. ever, and there are some omissions
Editor, J. Richard Greenwell. Double- Here are articles on angel's hair, the among this wealth of information. I
day Dolphin, New York, 1980. 440 pp. Condon report, the swamp gas episode; miss some of the early names in UFO
Cloth $24.95. Paper $12.95. opinion polls, orthoteny, and the history. I would like to have seen an
Tunguska meterorite. Soviet studies article on UFOlogy in Japan, and one
This is a landmark contribution to are described, and South American at- on skyquakes. But there are cogent
UFO literature, far and away the best titudes toward UFOs. All the famous reasons for these gaps: the pressures of
thing we have had for a long time. It Projects are here: Blue Book, Saucer, time and available space under which
assembles more information on UFOs, Sign and Grudge, Twinkle, Magnet, the editors must have worked, the fact
UFOlogists, and UFOlogy than has Second Storey; CIA and FBI involve- that some invited contributors must
ever been made available in a single ment. There is an excellent article on have failed to respond, and the scope
volume before. UFO shapes, and another on colors. and complexity of UFOlogy itself in
To begin with it is a good-looking Radar sightings, pilot sightings, and the third of a century since Arnold's
book. The publishers have given it a sightings by astronomers are summa- sighting. And in the face of what is
handsome cover, suitable to its serious rized. There is a useful listing of all al- here, to cavil at the omissions is down-
character. The type face is legible, the leged sightings by astronauts (one does right greedy.
page format clear and uncluttered. not have to agree with all of James Objectivity should be a primary
Furthermore, the proofreading is Oberg's opinions as to what the astro- goal in a work like this on a subject as
above average for these days; typo- nauts "probably" or "presumably" full of controversy as a cactus is of
graphical errors are not numerous. saw). thorns. Even in writing about disputed
The 300-odd entries, from the The major UFO organizations in topics and figures it is possible to let
AAAS symposium to the Zeta Reticuli the U.S. and abroad are described (no the facts speak for themselves (as Story
connection, are rich and varied. They encyclopedist, no matter how diligent, has done in his biographies of Daniel
are .divided about equally into sighting could cover all of the hundreds of Fry and Howard Menger, for example).
cases, biographies of individuals promi- groups that have risen and vanished Unfortunately, the editors have
nent in the field of UFOlogy, and topi- since 1947). Peripheral topics like ani- not been entirely successful in elimi-
cal entries on different aspects of the mal mutilations and the Bermuda Tri- nating bias. I do not know how much
subject. Almost all the biographies are angle are considered (although the al- of this is their fault. But it does seem
accompanied by a photograph of the leged Bigfoot-UFO link does not ap- strange that the entry on ball lightning
subject and by a position statement, pear). should have been assigned a writer
either written by the subject or taken Theories are well covered; articles who subscribes fully to the plasma
from his or her writings. (Incidentally, include the space animals theory, the theory of the nature of UFOs. Some-
the biographies raise a fascinating extraterrestrial hypothesis, conspiracy times prejudice bursts out in polemics.
question: Why are so few women theories, the secret weapons theory, Kevin Randle ends his article on hid-
prominent in UFOlogy? There are on- ancient astronauts, and propulsion den bodies in crashed saucers' as fol-
ly a handful of them in the Encyclope- theories. lows: " ... the story is Scully's, dug up
dia, and this is not sex discrimination Those who want to examine and fed to UFO buffs who want to be-
by the editors. A psychological exami- UFOs from the viewpoint of other dis- lieve." This is intemperate language
nation of possible reasons for the over- ciplines will find articles on their psy- and has no place in a reference work.
whelming predominance of men in this chological, psychiatric, and sociologi- The same angry note occurs at the end
field would be of considerable interest.) cal aspects. Various effects of UFOs of Randle's article on the Allende let-
Except for a few entries presum- are treated — physical traces, E-M ef- ters. He seems to feel that the reader
ably prepared by the editors, all con- fects, physiological effects. will be taken in by the story if he,
tributions are signed by the writer, Several of the best articles are con- Randle, does not cram his own judg-
there are lavish cross-references, a tributed by Consulting Editor J. Rich- ment down the reader's throat.
good many black-and-white photo- ard Greenwell, such as those on the A more serious form of bias, be-
graphs relevant to cases, and eight extraterrestrial hypothesis, the Con- cause less obvious, is the omission or
pages of color photographs (including don report, and the reliability of UFO minimizing of relevant facts about a
stills from the Great Falls, Montana, witnesses, to name only a few. topic or case. The treatment of the
and Tremonton, Utah, films). Four In the biographies, all shades of Heflin photograph is far from even-
appendices add further to the book's opinion are represented, from arch- handed. No mention is made of Heflin's
interest: A chronology of important skeptic Donald Menzel to arch-contac- widespread reputation for integrity -
political, military, and scientific events tee Frank Stranges. The sighting reports surely a relevant datum. The pictures
in UFO history from 1947 into 1978; are a good cross-section of cases. Al- are labeled inconclusive by APRO, and
a list of UFO magazines, with ad- though each of us might like to see hoaxes by Blue Book and by Sheaffer
dresses, by countries; a list of acronyms some of our personal favorites also re- (Continued on next page)
(Encyclopedia, continued) jointly by the mind of the witness
and the materializing ability of X.
in his postscript, citing the evaluation Comments On "Hangar 18"
Abductions happen when the Editor,
by Ground Saucer Watch. He does not
victim is in a state of psychological After reading Barbara Mathey's
seem to be aware that GSW's methods
need, and when the unconscious movie review on "Hangar 18"
of evaluation have themselves been crit-
mind needs to impart an important .(MUFON UFO Journal, Sept. 80), I
icized. Some indication should have
message to the conscious mind. X find that I have some behind-the-
been given of this disagreement about
relies on a prototypical experience scenes information to her question of
the case.
which it then molds individually to whether or not the story is based on
Referring again to the hidden
best communicate a vital message in a true incident or a combination of
bodies article, Randle does not even
symbolic form to the witness, a pro- cases.
mention Leonard Stringfield's investi-
cess similar to dreaming. X extracts Back in March 1977. the produc-
gations into this enigma. Stringfield is the conflict from the witness's mind
a serious researcher of long experience, tion managers of Sunn Classic Pictures
and projects it back to him in objec- contacted a number of selected UFO
and to ignore his work entirely is — no tified form.
matter how contemptuously Randle researchers around the country to do
Rogo also suggests that The research on various UFO related top-
personally views the hidden bodies Phenomenon might use an alternate
story — to give a distorted picture. ics, mainly where, if it exists, is the
modus operandi. It might not always military holding UFO hardware, and
Not all the bias is exhibited by materialize the abduction drama into
skeptics. When Robert Ellsworth, Jr., who has the inside facts about what
three-dimensional space, but may on has been going on.
describes George Van Tassel as "an occasion directly imprint it on the
American individualist of strong char- UFO researcher Leonard String-
mind(s) of the witness (es) through field, I, and several others were asked
acter in the classic mold of the wea- some mechanism akin to telepathy.
thered pioneer ..," one feels that he i s ' to sign a contract to do exclusive re-
This is illustrated by one of the Tu- search on those questions for Sunn
treating that gentleman with more ten- junga Canyon cases.
derness than Van Tassel's record de- so they could produce a nonfiction
Clark and Coleman say the sym- film based on the facts showing how
serves; and Ellsworth's long article on bols in the abduction dramas are ba-
Orfeo Angelucci is almost reverent. the military has captured a UFO and
sically archetypal in nature. Rogo,
Fortunately, the position state- kept this information from the public.
however, thinks the abduction is some-
ment appearing with each biography I, for one, signed the UFO Consulting
times structured around individual
enables the reader to determine whe- Agreement and supplied Sunn with
symbols in the witness's mind. He ap-
ther the author of a given article is like- various UFO crash information from
plies this theory to the Hill case, pro- my files.
ly to be writing lop-sidedly. ducing an interpretation that is novel
These criticisms do not change my Then something went wrong. The
but makes sense. He then applies the
opinion that the Encyclopedia is a fas- original production crew bailed out of
theory to the Sara Shaw-Jan Whitley
cinating, useful, and unique addition the project and according to my con-
case, again with most interesting re-
to the UFOlogy bookshelf, and that tact at Sunn, another film company
we owe the editors congratulations for was going to make the movie. (Scotia
In summary, Rogo says he has not
their remarkable achievement. It will Films, New York - - Ed.) Rumors
solved the Shaw-Whitley case, but has floated that a government agency had
not be surpassed until its own second explained its many aspects, including
edition. impressed upon Sunn Classic it would
why it happened. He maintains that be in their best interest not to produce
his theory "demonstrates that the (Continued on page 17)
(Tujunga, continued) UFO mystery cannot be divorced
X beams projections into our world; from the mind or the culture that such as "floating" and mind control.
it knows our minds and provides us perceives it." It is not a psychological comparison
with "visions" that have certain phys- "Some Personal Conclusions" by of the abductees themselves, which
ical qualities. Saia Shaw follow. In this chapter the might be revealing.
Applying these ideas to the ab- witness states that almost all the The book also includes photos,
duction syndrome, Rogo believes that theories presented by the investigators drawings by the witnesses, a map of
a contact, probably psychic in nature, are possibilities. To her the experience the Tujunga Canyon area, and an in-
can be made under certain conditions as relived through hypnosis was very dex. It is not a simple book. The in-
real, but she does not know its mean- terwoven complexities of the related
between The Phenomenon and an in-
dividual mind. These UFO dramas ing. cases are, as Ann Druffel says, almost
In the Appendix there is a com- overwhelming. Nevertheless it is high-
would be highly personalized in na-
parison between the Sara Shaw and ly recommended, both for the clear
ture, since the mind of the witness
the Betty Andreasson cases, stressing reporting of the unusual and unclear
is acting as a channel through which
the common features. These are events material and the careful reasoning of
the event is occurring. Abductions
the witnesses say happened to them, the authors. - Barbara Mathey
really do occur, but are produced

DIRECTORS 2602 Belaire Dr. 10706Meadowhill Road
Montclare Silver Spring, MD 20901
Wilmington, DE 19808 (301)593-8685
We are publishing this list, and will up- (302)999-7287
date it periodically, in order to encourage MASSACHUSETTS
cooperation and coordination not only a- FLORIDA SANTANGELO, Joseph
mong the various elements of MUFON, but INDERWIESEN, Frank H. (acting) 20 Boyce St.
also with other groups. As a matter of cour- 39 Interlaken Road Reading, MA 01867
tesy, anyone investigating a case in a given Orlando, FL 32804 (617)944-2456
state is requested to communicate with the (305) 295-3034
MUFON leaders in that state to avoid dup- MICHIGAN
lication of effort and harrassment of wit- GEORGIA WRIGHT, Dan R.
nesses. If other groups supply similar lists, GREER, Robert E. (acting) 113 Sandstone Creek, No. 17
we should also try to coordinate investiga- 4334 Greenwillow Way Grand Ledge, MI 48837
tions with them in a team effort and share Conley,GA 30027 (517)627-9497
all information. No phone no. available
FIDELER, David (Assistant)
HAWAII P.O.Box 1479
None at present Grand Rapids
No phone no. available
PLANZ, Edward J. MASON, Don (acting) MINNESOTA
1119BrookhillRd. 113 E. 45th,Space 8 ENGBERG, Robert E.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Boise, ID 83704 P.O. Box 80143
(205)553-0064 (208) 376-4374 St. Paul, MN 55108
(612) 646-7331
None at present STURM, Leonard W. MISSISSIPPI
1835 W. Fairview Avenue BERRYHILL, Gus D. Jr. (acting)
ARIZONA Decatur, IL 62521 1712 Riverside
SPAULDING, William H. (217)428-7182 Clarksdale, MS 38614
13238N. 7th Drive (601)627-2030
Phoenix, AZ 85029 INDIANA
(602)942-7216 TUCKER, Charles L. MISSOURI
Box 228 ARMSTRONG, Willard P., Ph. D.
ARKANSAS Nappanee,IN 46550 545 Florence Avenue
LEET, William D. (517)278-5945 St. Louis, MO 63119
1304 E. 48th St. (314)863-9177
Texarkana, AR 75502 IOWA
(501) 772-3200 LUNDBERG, Forrest R. MONTANA
1104 36th St. JENNINGS, Jack A. (acting)
NORTH C A L I F O R N I A DesMoines, IA 50311 1002 S. 3rd Ave.
CERNY, Paul C. (515)277-5926 Bozeman,MT59715
P.O.Box 1072 (406)586-9585
Mt. View, CA 94042 GRABER, Gary (Assistant)
(415)941-5051 Ft. Dodge, IA 50501 NEBRASKA
(515)233-3162 UNDERBILL, Glenn
TAYLOR, Marvin E. Jr. (Assistant) Physics Dept.
20811 BriarwoodDr. KANSAS Kearney State College
Sonora, CA 95370 FOUCH, Stanley J. Kearney, NB 68847
(209)532-3116 9714 Ensley Lane (308)893-2401
Leawood, KS 66206
EPPERSON, Mrs. Idabel E. NEVILLE, Robert
343 N. Citrus Ave. KENTUCKY 825 Deluchi, Apt. 88
Los Angeles, CA 90036 Reno. NV 89502
MONROE, B u r t L . Jr.
(213)938-0593 P.O. Box 23447 (702) 825-8098
Anchorage, KY 40223
COLORADO (502) 245-8084
4430 Gladiola St. PALMIERI, David (acting)
Golden, CO 80101 DELHOM, Michael A.
(303) 279-4682 3201 Kaliste Saloom Rd., No. 107
Lafayette, LA 70508 NEW J E R S E Y
(317)981-6918 GOODSTONE, Arthur M.
KOLBE, Frederick (acting)
Brynwood Apts. 3-23
125 Christie Hill Road MAINE Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Darien, CT 06820
None at present (201) 679-5426

NEW M E X I C O TENNESSEE (Letter, continued)
CAUDELL, Richard HACKCTT. Djvid K.
14312 StalgrenCt.,N.E. 6500 T r o u x d a l e R d . a fact-based film on truthful re-crea-
Albuquerque, NM 87'123 Kno.\ville,TN 37921 tions of alleged UFO crashes.'Appar-
(505) 299-6157 ; ' (615)584-6547 ently, the original project was termi-
LEVINE.Gary A N D R U S , Walter H. Jr. Then in 1980, "Hangar 18" is re-
C.P.O. Box 1485 ('International Director) leased. Some of the events described
Kingston, NY 12401 103 Oldtovvne Road in the film closely resemble some of
(914) 339-t096 Seguin, Te\;is 78155 the data that I gave Sunn Classic 3
( 5 1 2 ) 379-9216
NORTH C A R O L I N A years ago. After a number of frust-
MORTON, Henry H. Jr. H E R N . C . Neal rating calls to them to get to the bot-
lOOCovington St. 4329 Irvin Simmons Dr. tom of this matter, their research de-
Wadesboro, NC 28170 Dallas, T\ 75229 partment told me none of the UFO
(704)694-3441 ( 2 1 4 ) 358-4863
data they paid for back in,1977 was
Me BRIDE, Mrs. Gayle (Asst) SCHUESSLIIRJohn I . used in the making of this picture.
P.O. Box 46 ( D e p u t y Director, Administration-) They started with fresh material and
Winston-Salem, NC 27102 P. 0 Bo.\ 58485 this film is supposedly pure fiction
(919)969-6476 Houston. TX 77058 from beginning to end. Or is it?
NORTH DAKOTA T.Scott Grain, Jr.
WILBUR, Lee (acting) UTAH Fort Matilda, Pa.
1010 19th St. N.E. B I E S E L C , Mrs. Mildred M.
Jamestown, ND 58401 2017 Lincoln Circle Editor's reply: Sunn Classics also con-
(701)252-0567 Salt Lake C i t y , IT 841 17 tacted me, Walt Andrus, Larry B r y a n t ,
( 8 0 1 ) 277-1)686 and others at various stages of re-
MOVERS, Larry VERMONT searching a UFO movie. Originally it
1546 Huguelet None at present was to be a general documentary. At
Akron, OH 44305 that stage, 1 signed a contract and pro-
(216)794-1842 VIRGINIA vided material on a number of CE-II
S C H W A R T Z M A N , David W. •cases. Gradually, Sunn Classics saw
OKLAHOMA 163-4 Montague St. N. W. .
IRBY, William L. Washington, DC 20011
"sensation" value in the "crashed sau-
5733 E. 47th Place (202:829-9063 cer" stories and focused on them.
Tulsa,QK74135 Meanwhile, Scotia American Produc-
(918)627-2969 WASHINGTON tions, New York, was working on a
GUSSNER. Paul C. (acting) rival documentary (with Todd Zechel
OREGON 10128 Rainier Av., So.
None at present Seattle, WA 93178
as research director). I did consider-
(206)772-2593 able research in the National Archives
for Scotia. Later, Scotia also began
HIPP, Robert M. (Cdr/USNR) WEST V I R G I N I A seeking "sensation," and Sunn Classics
7241 Paxton St. S P I C K L E R , Theodore negotiated with them to take over the
Harrisburg, PA 17111 RD No. 4, Box 180
film altogether. I do not know the ex-
(717) 273-1434 Wheeling. WV 26003
(304) 242-2474 act deal that was struck, but do know
that Scotia acquired the Sunn Classics
RHODE ISLAND WISCONSIN research files. The Scotia film, also
RUBIEN, David E. (acting) ANDERSON, Ronald M. tending toward fiction last I knew,
Woodsia Road 527 East Garden St.
never was completed.
Saunderstown, RI 02874 Chippewa Falls, WI 54725
(401) 294-9474 (715)723-1729
WYOMING Sept. 25, 1980 CR: P. Guttilla,
SOUTH CAROLINA CHABRE, Virgil P. (acting) UFO sighting reported
ROBERTS, Donald B. (acting) 811 Ridge Ave.
Rock Springs, WY 82901 Three realdenU of Hunter's Camp Road, Jiat north of
607 Saluda Ave. Uw Pleasant View Nursing Home, notified the Sheriff!
Columbia, SC 29205 (307) 362-6230 Department at»:» p.m. yesterday that they uw flve
(803) 2564005 unidentified Hying objects.
The UFOs, according to the residents who preferred
MUFON not to be Identified, were flying "lower even th» the
helicopters that come through here once a week" and
circled back and forth around towen supporting klgh
SOUTH DAKOTA tendon wiraa across the road from their home.
BREWER, David L. (acting) 103OLDTOWNE RD. The described the UFO» as having flashing Ughts
Box 722 ud •Mfci"»g ao f^iry* gtfp4 for aa initial "sound like
SEGUIN, TX 78155 Mairplaaecraimng."
Pine Ridge, SD 57770 Two ends an were sent to the scene and were called
(605)867-5651 bask • seeaad Urn* whan the nsidenta aald the UFO's

(Director's Message, continued) inally presented at a special session of
the Fifteenth AIAA/ASE/ASME Pro-
Joe Gurney, Willard and Carol Arm- pulsion Conference, June 18 • 20,
strong, Rosetta and Dick Holmes,
1979, under the title "Propulsion Con-
SPECIAL BOOK OFFER Clarence Dargie. Clifford Palmberg, cepts for Galactic Spacecraft."
David Schroth, John Schroeder, Irene Tom Adams, our MUFON author-
MUFON Director of Investiga- Alexander, Leo Wicklinski, and Au- ity on animal mutilations, just re-
tions, Raymond E. Fowler, is mak- gust W. Hearst. leased his quarterly magazine "Stig-
ing autographed copies of his new Tommy R. Blann, Lewisville, mata" number 11. This is the Project
book Casebook of a UFO Investiga- Texas, submitted a xeroxed copy of Stigma Report on the Continuing In-
tor available to Journal readers at a NASA publication titled "Field Res- vestigation into the Occurrence of
20% discount off the list price plus onance Propulsion Concept" by Alan Animal Mutilations. The 1981 sub-
75 cents shipping/handling charge. C. Holt to MUFON, which he felt may scription price for quarterly editions
The new book is a memoir that ex- be of interest to some of our Journal is $5.00 and may be obtained by writ-
amines clandestine government in- readers who are interested in UFO ing to Project Stigma, P.O. Box 1094,
terest in UFOs, the crashed UFO propulsion methods. It is an unclassi- Paris, TX 75460 U.S.A. Individual
controversy, and many other top- fied pamphlet dated August 1979 pub- copies are $1.50.
ics, and shows how a trained in- lished by NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Interest in the Bigfoot creatures
vestigator separates genuine "un- Space Center, in Houston, Texas. The has brought another publication into
knowns" from IFOs. He is also of- number' of the publication is JSC- print "BIGFOOT CO-OP" as of Dec-
fering his earlier books at discount. 16073. Mr. Holt is a member of ember 1980. The purpose of this bi-
Casebook of a UFO Investiga- MUFON, VISIT, and served as the monthly publication is a cooperative
tor ($8.75 + 75 <t) $9.50 moderator for the Workshop on Ad- effort organized for the purpose of
The Andreasson Affair ($7.25 vanced Propulsion at the 1980 disseminating news of Bigfoot type
+ 754) .$7.95 MUFON UFO Symposium in Clear incidents, and to pool their resources
UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors Lake City, Texas. The abstract pro- with those who are interested in sub-
($6.75 + 75<t:) $7.50 vides a clue to the contents of this scribing to the publication. The an-
13-page report: nual subscription is $6.00, from BIG-
Order from the author, Wood-
FOOT CO-OP, 14602 Montevideo
side Planetarium, Box 19,Wenham, A new "propulsion" concept has been Drive, Whittier, CA 90605.
MA 01984. developed based on a proposed reso-
nance between coherent, pulsed elec- Dennis Stacy, MUFON Director
tromagnetic wave forms and gravita- of Publications, recently had a five-
tional wave forms (or space-time met- part series of articles published in the
rics). Using this concept a spacecraft San Antonio News starting on Nov-
"propulsion" system potentially cap- ember 23 and concluding on Novem-
(Parish, continued) able of galactic and inter-galactic
travel without prohibitive "travel ber 27, 1980, under copyrighted title
they have returned from a system "Texas Strange," which he hopes to
times" has been designed. The "pro-
"thousands of lightyears" away. pulsion" system utilizes recent research syndicate. He has been researching un-
As with all such reports (especial- associated with magnetic field line usual events in Texas for many years.
ly those involving hypnotic regres- merging, hydromagnetic wave effects, This was the first major exposure to
sions), one never knows how much can free-election lasers, laser generation of
megagauss fields, and special structural
his investigations in the Lone Star
be accepted as fact. The book's au- state. The titles of the five articles are
and containment metals. Research re-
thor, Frank Johnson, seems convinced quired to determine potential, field (1) The Curious Coffin, (2) South
that the account is valid. It is certainly resonance characteristics and to eval- Texas Big Bird: Fact or Fancy,
a fascinating story, with a great deal uate various aspects of the spacecraft (3) Texas Bigfoot Seen But Never
of information about the supposed "propulsion" design is described.
Captured, (4) Is Spaceman Buried
planet Janos. With reports as detailed in Tiny Texas Town? (5) Livestock
Mr. Holt shared this paper with
as this one, a point is reached where Mutilation Mystery Defies Experts.
MUFON on July 6, 1979. It was orig-
one must consider which is more fan- Each article occupied a half page or
tastic, a literal interpretation of the greater in the newspaper and created
story or the hypothesis that it is all a considerable interest for readers of
product of subconscious fabrications. MUFON the San Antonio News. Mr, Stacy au-
I highly recommend THE JANOS thored the report of the 1980 MUFON
PEOPLE as a refreshing and novel 103OLDTOWNE RD. UFO Symposium in Clear Lake City,
addition to UFO literature. It is pub- SEGUIN.TX 78155 Texas, in the July 1980 issue of The
lished by Neville Spearman Ltd., The MUFON UFO Journal. He has also
Priory Gate, Friars Street, Sudbury, had five articles published in the
Suffolk, England. The price is approxi- Japanese newsstand magazine "UFOs
mately $11.00. and Space."
Lucius Parish

in Other's words
The Anderson, S.C., UFO sighting groups, etc. However, Duplantier is to
by Jerry McAlister is featured in the be commended for making the at-
December 9 issue of NATIONAL EN- tempt to provide such a reference SERVICE
QUIRER. Some of the investigations source. Both booklets are available
into this case seem highly question- from Duplantier at 17 Shetland Street, The UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
able, at best. Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2M will keep you informed of all the lat-
The December 16 issue of THE 1X5. TREASURE TROVE is $1.50 est United States and World-Wide
STAR reports on China's growing in- per copy; RESEARCH DIRECTORY UFO activity, as it happens! Our ser-
terest in UFOs. A special commission is $2.95 per copy. vice was started in 1969, at which
has been set up by the Chinese govern- UFO Research (S.A.) Inc, is an time we contracted with a reputable
ment to investigate about 100 sight- i n t e r n a t i o n a l newspaper-clipping
Australian organization offering a
bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
ings in that country. Dr. J. Allen Hy- variety of publications which have
find UFO reports (i.e., little known
nek has accepted an invitation to visit probably had little circulation in other photographic cases, close encounter
China and confer with the researchers parts of the world. Among the items and landing reports, occupant cases)
studying the subject. available are A REPORT ON OB- and all other UFO reports, many of
One of the most fascinating "con- SERVATIONS OF UFOs BY AIR- which are carried only in small town
tactee" stories of the post-1947 period CRAFT CREW MEMBERS IN AUS- or foreign newpapers.
is the tale of Samuel Eaton Thompson. TRALIA (25 pages; $3.00 Australian) "Our UFO Newsclipping Service is-
Until now, Thompson's claims have - A REFERENCE CATALOGUE OF sues are 20-page monthly reports, re-
been virtually unknown, but Jerome INTERESTING CASES REPORTED produced by photo-offset, containing
Clark summarizes them in the January the latest United States and Canadian
UFO newsclippings, with our foreign
issue of FATE. Kenneth Arnold inter- FOR UFO STUDIES IN 1978 (13
section carrying the latest British,
viewed Thompson on two occasions pages; $2.00 Australian)-AN INDEPTH Australian, New Zealand and other
and the tapes of those interviews form REVIEW OF AUSTRALASIAN foreign press reports. Also included is
the basis for Clark's article. There are UFO RELATED ENTITY REPORTS a 3-5 page section of "Fortean" clip-
numerous parallels with later "Venus- (110 pages, spiral-bound; $12.00 Aus- pings (i.e Bigfoot and other "mon-
ian" stories by Adamski, Menger, and tralian). The preceding publications ster" reports). Let us keep you in-
others, but Thompson seems to have have been compiled by Keith Baster- formed of the latest happenings in
been the first to describe this particu- field. Other reports are available, as the UFO and Fortean fields."
lar type of UFO being. Clark's article well as information on two periodi- For subscription information and
should be read for the data, rather cals, UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA sample pages from our service, write
than his conclusions and speculations, NEWSLETTER and THE JOURNAL today to:
but it is well worth your attention. OF THE AUSTRALIAN CENTRE
The No. 10 issue of UFO UP- FOR UFO STUDIES. Prices given in-
Route 1 - Box 220
DATE is virtually all rehash, plus at clude surface-rate postage. The or-
Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
least one article that seems to be out- ganization's address is GPO Box 497,
right fiction. Caveat emptor. Adelaide, S.A. 5001, Australia.
Canadian researcher Gene Duplan- THE JANOS PEOPLE is another to the family by the UFO occupants
tier has brought out two new booklets book dealing with a specific UFO ab- reads something like a real-life "Bat-
of interest, FLYING SAUCER duction case — but with quite a dif- tlestar Galactica." The beings claimed
TREASURE TROVE and UFO RE- ference. A British family of three to be interstellar refugees, searching
SEARCH DIRECTORY. The first pub- adults and two sniall children were al- for a new planetary home after their
lication lists sources for cassettes, UFO legedly taken on board a large space- world had been rendered lifeless by
detectors, catalogs, photographs, and ship in June 1978. As in other cases, the destruction of one of its natural
various other UFO and space related their conscious memories of what satellites. Their flagship and its at-
items. The second, as the name im- they experienced were blocked by tendant fleet is now somewhere with-
plies, is a 27-page listing of UFO or- hypnotic techniques of the UFO oc- in the solar system. The people of
ganizations and publications. Since it cupants. Later, they recalled much Janos believe their ancestors original-
is virtually impossible to have an up- of what had happened, sometimes ly came from Earth, which is why
to-date listing of this sort, there may spontaneously and also with the help (Continued on page 18)
be some errors, defunct publications/ of regressive hypnosis. The story told

MUFON's 12th Annual UFO Stevens, Traverse, Big Stone, and "This is the first contract awarded
Symposium will be held July 24, 25, Grant. Mr. Myers, a mechanical engi- by the Fund for UFO Research," said
and 26, 1981, in the Kresge Auditori- neer, has a B.S. in chemistry and pre- Chairman Bruce Maccabee, a U. S.
um on the campus of the Massachu- sently has a very active research group Navy physicist, in a press release. (Dr.
setts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) functioning in and around Morris. This Maccabee is MUFON's State Director
in Cambridge (Boston), Mass. "UFOs: will be the nucleus for his field investi- for Maryland and a Consultant.)
The Hidden Evidence" has been select- gators team. The UFO Study Group of Greater
ed as the theme for the first MUFON Miss Sally Ann Sheridan, 1423 St. Louis, P.O. Box 6612, St. Louis,
symposium to be held in the Eastern Pebble Beach Lane, Yuma, AZ 85364, MO 63125, is to be commended for
Region, hosted by Joe Santangelo and is the new State Section Director for the publication of their first two quar-
MUFON of Massachusetts. Miss Joan the large county of Yuma, Arizona. terly newsletters dated September
Thompson, one of the members of the Sally recently received her masters 1980 and December 1, 1980, titled
program committee, has provided a degree in education and teaches in "The UFO Enigma." Under the direc-
preliminary program of featured the public school system. She will be tion of the Editor, John E. Schroeder,
speakers and the subjects they will an asset to William H. Spaulding, the editorial committee is composed
present: Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an over- State Director for Arizona, by provid- of Steve Erdman, David Schroth, and
view and status of the UFO phenome- ing representation in southwestern the Secretaries of the four committees
non; Ted Phillips, UFO landing-trace Arizona. Mr. Dan Wright, State Direc- of the UFO Study Group, the Investi-
cases; Ron Westrum, Sociology of tor for Michigan has appointed Mr. gators Committee, the Parapsychology
UFOs; Rev. Barry Downing, religion Ron Jenner of Augusta as State Sec- Committee, the National Committee
and UFOs; Bruce Maccabee or Dick tion Director for Kalamazoo, Calhoun, on Animal Mutilations, and the Saint
Hall, Fund for UFO Research; Bud Branch, and Barry counties. Ron, who Charles UFO Committee. Cindy Scheel
Hopkins and A. Clamar, hypnosis is 34 years of age, is a graduate of has provided the typing. The following
and abductions; Peter Gersten, CIA/ Western Michigan University with a people head up the individual commit-
Government involvement; Lt. Col. major in behavioral psychology and tees: Parapsychology - Clifford Palm-
Lawrence Coyne, the 1973 helicopter minors in sociology and social work. berg, UFO Investigators - Leo Wick-
sighting; and Stan ton T. Friedman, MUFON would like to recognize linski, Animal Mutilations - Steve
crashed saucers and the Roswell In- the outstanding work being done by Erdman, and St. Charles UFO — Bruce
cident. This well-balanced group of the "Fund for UFO Research, Inc.," Widaman. Mrs Irene Alexander was re-
speakers consists of six who have pre- based in Mount Rainier, Md. On Nov- cently elected President of the UFO
viously lectured at MUFON symposi- ember 21, 1980, they awarded a Study Group of Greater St. Louis suc-
ums and will be complemented by $2500 grant to underwrite the appeals ceeding John E. Schroeder. Dr. Willard
four new faces at the podium. Each litigation in a Freedom of Information P. Armstrong is Chairman of the Board
of the speakers is well known for their Act lawsuit against the Central Intelli- of Directors of UFOSG and also
contributions in helping to resolve the gence Agency. The legal action, begun MUFON State Director for Missouri.
UFO enigma. two years ago by Ground Saucer MUFON is extremely proud of
Roy Kenneth Tellef, Jr., 4319 Watch, Inc. (GSW), seeks copies of the accomplishments of UFOSG, since
San Roberto No. 3, Anchorage, AK 200 known documents on Unidenti- this was one of the first organized
99504, has volunteered to serve as a fied Flying Objects yet to be made groups that made up the original Mid-
State Section Director for the Third available by the CIA. The documents west UFO Network when it was
Judicial Division of Alaska. He plans were identified from references in founded on May 31, 1969, later to
to recruit field investigators in the nearly 1,000 pages of material pre- be renamed the Mutual UFO Network.
Anchorage area to assist him in filling viously released by the Agency under John Schuessler was their first presi-
this important segment of our forty- court order, as a result of the GSW dent and now MUFON Deputy Direc-
ninth state. Robert E. Engberg, State suit. tor of Administration. Many of the
Director for Minnesota, has approved New York attorney Peter A. original members presently occupy
the appointment of Dennis A. Myers, Gersten, who represents Citizens key positions and have provided lead-
102 South Oregon Avenue, Morris, Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), an ership direction during the ensuing
MN 56267, as the State Section Di- Arlington, Va., based public interest years. Just to name a few, they are
rector for the Minnesota counties of group, is undertaking the legal effort. (Continued on page 18)

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