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1952 Humanoid Case (See Story, page 9)

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Carl Sagan takes his lumps in this issue, as well he might, for
Seguin, Texas 78155
talking about things of which he knows little.. .a "talent" that has
RICHARD HALL paylayed him into being the premier U.S. pop scientist. I have three
Editor basic mental pictures of Sagan: testifying in the 1968 Congressional
ANN DRUFFEL UFO Symposium as if UFOs posed a threat to his special pleading
Associate Editor for funds to support radio telescope searches for extraterrestrial life
(I was in the audience); ridiculing the 1973 Pascagoula, Mississippi,
LEN STRINGFIELD case to a group primarily consisting of NASA personnel at Goddard
Associate Editor Space Flight Center (I was in the audience); and arguing from
MILDRED BIESELE theory to debunk UFOs on a national TV program, until it came time
Contributing Editor for another guest to talk — Lt. Col. Lawrence Coyne whose
helicopter had nearly collided with a structured UFO over Ohio in
1973 — at which point Sagan clammed up. His almost visible
WALTER H. ANDRUS message was, "Don't disturb me with facts, my mind is made up."
Director of MUFON
DAVE WEBB In this issue
By Bill Chalker
MARK HERBSTRITT By Quentin Fogarty
ROSETTA HOLMES UFO AND OCCUPANTS (Prospect Heights, Illinois) 9
Promotion/Publicity By Ted Bloecher

TED PHILLIPS CALIFORNIA REPORT ("Open Letter to Carl Sagan")....... 13

Landing Trace Cases By Ann Druffel
UFO Propulsion LETTERS 16


Staff Writer By Lucius Parish
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and
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The popular Larry King Show on

February 7 carried a 3-hour program
on UFOs with a panel consisting of
Richard Hall, MUFON UFO Journal
editor, Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, Fund
for UFO Research Chairman (also
Maryland State Director for
MUFON), and Don Berliner, inde-
pendent researcher and Fund execu-
tive committee alternate. The pro-
gram is carried nationally by 228
radio stations and has an audience
averaging 6 million people, more on
Friday nights since it is aired from
midnight to 5:00 a.m. (E.S.T.) After
3:00 a.m., King changes the format to
"Open Line America" and accepts
calls on any topic. The UFO program
was arranged by popular request,
according to the producer.
The first hour consisted of an 1. to r., Bruce Maccabee, Larry King, Don Berliner, Richard Hall (Photo: Fred Whiting)
interview with the panelists, then
phone calls were taken for two hours. NOTICE TO MUFON
seen formations of round objects,
In order to accept as many questions INVESTIGATORS
many (including Kenneth Arnold)
as possible, King prods the callers to
at below mountaintop level, he re- Financial support is now avail-
get to the point and the guests to
torted, "You fellows are full of mal- able from the Fund for UFO re-
give concise answers. During the
arkey." search for clinical or laboratory tests
two hours 58 calls were taken, or an
The show format, though it keeps related to CE-II or CE-II1 physical or
average of about one call every two
the program moving at a brisk pace, medical/physiological evidence cases.
minutes. The calls came from 24
unfortunately doesn't allow time for The Executive Committee of the
states. About 9 callers mentioned
more complete discussion or rebut- Fund, located in the Greater Wash-
personal UFO sightings, and most
tal on a particular point. Neverthe- ington, D.C., area, has authority to
were of above average interest. Wit-
less, activities of both MUFON and expend up to $1,000 for "prompt
nesses and others with information
the Fund were publicized and the preliminary investigation" of any
or help to offer were invited to write
addresses were given repeatedly. new case that promises to have scien-
Serious UFO groups oriented toward tific yield.
Although some skeptical questions
scientific investigation seldom are If you obtain physical trace evi-
were asked, the caliber of questions
able to reach national audiences. We dence, witnesses with UFO-related
and questioners was high (including
are grateful to Larry King for this injuries, or similar data that lends
a sprinkling of professionals such as
opportunity. itself to scientific testing or docu-
scientists, professors, and military
officers.) Only one caller was out- mentation, call Publicity Director Fred
right hostile: a retired Navy Com- Whiting (703) 683-2786 and in his
mander from Reston, Virginia, who absence leave a message on his an-
said he was a former assistant to the swering machine. Someone from
Director of the Central Intelligence the Fund will contact you by tele-
phone. The Executive Committee
Agency. He claimed that high alti-
tude flights of the U-2 "spy plane"
MUFON can confer by telephone, and if it
caused the 1947 UFO wave. After agrees that the case warrants it,
1030LDTOWNE RD. money can be forwarded within a
responses that the U-2 wasn't built SEGUIN.TX 78155
until much later (in fact, not until short period of time to assure prompt
1955) and that 1947 witnesses had analysis or documentation.
By Bill Chalker

(Bill Chalker is scientific consultant for the stuff of uncritical media report- Type VI: Physical trace of prob-
the Australian Co-ordination Section of ing. I am calling for a concerted able spurious, hoax, or doubtful origin.
the Center for UFO Studies, Director of attempt to change this situation. We NEI: Physical trace with paucity
UFOR-NSW, and MUFON Representative should be directing our all-too-limited of related information.
for NSVi-Australia. Following is an ex- resources to reports that offer a high Other: Physical trace which by
cerpt from a paper he presented at probability of gaining access to valu- its apparent nature prevents any
UFOCON 4, Artarmon, Sydney, NSW, able information that is of use to confident categorization.
.Australia,. October 13, 1979. Edited by . science. Concentrating on this sort
Mildred Biesele.) Each type will be broken down
of data will enable us to gain a much
Without question, the study of into the features that characterize it
clearer picture of what is involved. If
the UFO subject has been made very and case details will be summarized.
upon detailed enquiry the "physical
difficult because of the strong tidal (The number of examples in each
attributes" of the phenomenon are
forces of controversy that have punc- category will be given parenthet-
not amenable to standard scientific
tuated its contemporary history. It is ically, but in the interests of space
methodology, then the process of
the nature and extent of the phenom- only one or two examples from each
reappraisal, consolidation, and docu-
enon that has bred this situation. will be given here.)
mentation is required to determine
Accordingly, we have an intriguing the appropriateness of new lines of Type I Events
dilemma. On the one hand we have enquiry. But until we have tried the
a strong measure of public accep- concentric rings (3):
path of quality documentation and
tance for the possibility of UFOs, 1965, Eton Range, Qld - 46'4"
investigation of physical evidence,
and on the other a sharp polariza- circumference, 3'2" ring
the controversy that surrounds the
tion of lack of interest on the part of width
subject of UFOs will continue.
the scientific community. One reason Let us now consider the Austra- 1972, Tooligie Hill, SA - 45" cir-
for this problem is the paucity of lian contribution to the question of cle, ringed by 2' wide trench
hard data which falls within the physical traces of UFO activity. For 3 or 4" deep. 24" wide
domain of the current scientific para- many years this writer has been band of flattened wheat
digm. accumulating data related to the sub- surrounding trace.
The UFO evidence is character- ject, and a fascinating body of ac- elliptical "nests" (3):
ized by vast extremes in quality of counts has been drawn together. 1969, Glenorchy, Tas - 18' x 12'
evidence. Within this paper is em- This paper is a first attempt at ration- burnt grass
bodied a call for reappraisal, con- alizing the accounts into some sort 1976, Penrich,NSW-100'x45',
solidation, and documentation. of order. long grass swept in out-
Through this study of the Australian ward direction
Physical Traces
accounts of physical traces and evi- irregular shaped trace (2):
dence for UFOs, it has become abun- From diverse sources, some 237 1969, Windsor, SA - diamond
dantly clear that a fresh approach is accounts of physical traces were un- shaped with smaller sim-
sorely needed. We have an accumu- covered. Six basic types of events ilar shaped trace at one
lation of evidence ostensibly related were defined, along with necessary end. Associated imprints.
to accounts which describe UFOs categories of "Not enough Evidence" depression (1):
interacting with the environment (NEI) and "Other." 1966, Bourkes Flat, Viet - 3' wide
and producing tangible evidence of Type I: Physical trace with pro- impression 5" deep with
their presence. One would expect to bative UFO correlation (13.9%). sandy soil cleanly scooped
be able to take this extant evidence Type II: Physical trace with pos- out
and gain a clear, unambiguous picture sible UFO correlation (19.4%). circular nests (6):
of the nature of the phenomenon. Type III: Physical trace of ap- 1966, Tully, Qld - 30' clockwise
Unfortunately, this has not been the parent/possible natural origin, pos- trace of reeds, later 2' x 10'
case. sible UFO correlation (1.7%). oblong and 12' and 8' cir-
Accounts describing an extra- Type IV: Physical trace with pos- cular nests found in close
ordinary range of detail and quite sible unusual phenomenological proximity.
often hard evidence have often gone correlation (11.4%). agitated debris (2):
uninvestigated. Many accounts re- Type V: Physical trace of probable 1978, Echiica, Viet - traces in drive-
main anecdotal, while others remain or apparent natural origin (16.5%). way, dirt and gravel blown
human physical effects (3): animal effects (2):
imprints (1):
ca. 1932/33, Nambour, Qld - blis- 1969, Bungawalban, NSW - cows
1971, Lynchford, Tas - 6 irregu-
ters and "tightness" avoided area
larly spaced indentations
in head imprints (4):
in elliptical trace
1978, Euchuca, Viet - headache 1969, Renown Park, SA - 3 im-
precipitate (1):
animal effects (5): prints 2" in depth, 5' from
1973, Gawler, SA - "nylon" angel
1963, nr. Moe, Viet - animals re- approximate center of
hair report
acted violently, cows avoid- trace area
other (10):
ed site over which UFO 1973, Old Junee, NSW - ca. 6 pod
1970, Kedumba, NSW - circular
hovered marks 4" diameter spaced
burnt patch of timber,
1978, Euchuca, Viet - dogs, sheep at regular distances
strange smell, missing
reacted precipitates (3):
imprints (7): 1970, Collins Cap, Tas - "angel
no date, North Qld - fragment
1972, Murray Bridge, SA - 3 hair"
unconventional allow
small pits other vegetation/terrain effects (6):
1976, Penrith, NSW - 4 plate-sized 1958, Lake Gardner, SA - fire, Type V Events
"pod-marks" in straight ground soft and hot
Migratory spider web, "fairy rings,"
line 1969, Flinders Park, SA - dug up
slime mold, sooty molds, etc.
precipitate (1): grapevines
1976, Nemingha, NSW - white other (21): Type VI Events
precipitate over car 1972, Bents Basin, NSW - car
1968, Golburn area, NSW - arm
other vegetation/terrain effects (6): caught fire
wound, hoaxed pictures,
1974, nr. Goulburn, NSW - area 1975, Lake Sorrell, Tas - lumi-
contactee tale
200 yards wide all burnt nous mist
1973, Edmonton, Qld - "cat-
1978, Cowra, NSW - ground bum- Type III Events woman" saga, "Girlie"
ing at base of light beam 1950, Dorrigo-Bostobrick, NSW and her alleged "home"
other (13): "fairy ring" 20' to 25' in
1954, Dandenong, Viet - mag- For the purposes of this paper,
netized fence, "drained" listings are not provided of the cate-
1974, Maitland, NSW - 2 circles
torch, etc. gories NEI and "Other." The reader
ca. 9 ms. in diameter
1966, Bourkes Flat, Viet - "light is referred to the source document
1975, Cygnet, Tas - black fungal
bent," related fatality? upon which this is based for details
of all accounts referred to here, "A
Type II Events Type IV Events Sourcebook of Australian UFO Re-
concentric rings (1): lated Physical Trace Events and
concentric rings (1):
1977, Leitchville, Viet - 8m. wide Similar Phenomena." Full docu-
1977, Port Neill, SA - 4.3m.
38cm circular band mented details are supplied of all
doughnut ring
(church property) events of Types I through VI as well
elliptical nests (3):
elliptical nests (1): as NEI and Other.
1971, Lynchford, Tas - 30' x 15'
1969, Bungawalban, NSW - 60' x This preliminary study has high-
grass/blackberries with
15' flattened saccaline lighted the cross-section of data that
spiral pattern in center
irregular shaped traces (2): has become available to the UFO
irregular shaped traces (2):
1969, Renown Park, SA -15' wide researcher in the area of possible
1975, Narrogin, WA - rectangular
area with 4' x 5' rectangular physical evidence for UFOs. We have
oats impression 49' x 25'
area, scooped out area a body of accounts, albeit small, that
with 28' radius arcs on 2
1974, Strathalbyn, SA 2' diameter clearly refers to physical traces with
corners strong probative UFO correlation.
depression 8-9" deep in depressions (2):
center of 12" patch. These documented events are com-
1970, nr. Boggabri, NSW - 6' de- plemented by similar accounts where-
circular "nests" (12): pression 6" deep with 7
1969, Tully, Qld - 29'6" clockwise in the UFO correlations are not as
smaller holes and white
rotation, 12' clockwise strong. These combined accounts
1971, Christmas Ck, Kempsey, (Types I and II) give a picture of
circular nests (8):
NSW - 2' x 12' and 1' x 19' apparent interactions with the en-
1973, Bordertown, SA - 7 circular vironment, ostensibly produced by
burnt nests anticlockwise impressions
human physical effects (3): UFOs, that is largely consistent with
in oats, largest nest 14' wide
1959, nr. Cooktown, Qld - death, the world picture that is only now
1974, Nth Parramatta, NSW - cir-
severe physical effects being tentatively drawn.
cular impression with
1974, nr. Grafton, NSW - fatal car black silver substance,
smash, "healing" limb on tree snapped off (Continued on next page)
(Australia, Continued) CIA Document
Type IV reports, although some-
times similar to those of Type I and
II, cannot be entirely reconciled with AIR FORCE "PUZZLED" BY SOCORRO
these categories. Indeed, in some
accounts we seem to have phenom-
ena which may fall outside the tradi-
tional framework of UFO experience. By Richard Hall
It is apparent that much further
work is required to reconcile these
Type V reports stand as a tribute A newly released CIA document ment recently discovered by CIA in
to the infinite variety of unusual published in 1966 indicates that the no way impunes (sic) the integrity of
natural phenomena which lie in wait U.S. Air Force considered the 1964 that (prior court-ordered) search.
for the careless, the uncritical, or the Socorro, N.M., sighting "the best- Nevertheless/we file tHis recently
gullible researchers. documented case on record" and uncovered document with the Court
Type VI reports (hoaxes, etc.) were "puzzled" by it. The otherwise in the interest of complete and full
caution us to approach remarkable unremarkable 16-page document disclosure," the brief said. The brief
events with due caution. Careful came to light in January 1981 in- explains that the document was not
investigation and documentation directly as a result of the GSW vs. CIA indexed "on either of the two auto-
techniques will aid in preventing lawsuit now in Appeals Court, ask- mated index systems which existed
these sorts of cases from finding ing for release of additional CIA in the CIA's Office of Central Refer-
currency with the community at large. documents on UFOs. A copy was ence at the time of the FOIA search
Type III cases may seem a contra- released to lawyer Peter Gersten in this case."
diction. Natural phenomena pro- who supplied it to the Fund for UFO The article in question was au-
duced by UFOs? There is a small Research, which recently granted thored by Major Hector Quintanilla,
body of data both here and overseas $2,500 toward the costs of the appeal Jr., then Chief of the Air Force Pro-
that suggests that whatever is the litigation. ject Blue Book UFO investigation.
stimulus for UFO reports may inter- In October 1980 private research- For the most part, it is a highly
act with the environment and pro- er W.H. Banks of Oakland, California condensed history of UFOs from the
duce characteristics that plague us in — apparently aware of the article's Air Force perspective sounding like
Type V accounts. Could the UFO existence — made a specific Freedom a rehash of the notorious "fact sheets"
produce such things as "fairy rings," of Information Act (FOIA) request of the 1960's. About the last % is a
etc? To my surprise, a few cases did for it and indicated that it had ap- reasonably straightforward account
surface which seem to lend support peared in an in-house CIA publica- of the April 24, 1964, landing case
to this hypothesis. I invite construc- tion. According to the U.S. Attorneys (except that it omits mention of the
tive comment on this point. representing the CIA, the request two humanoid figures near the
I close this preliminary study in was specificaPy worded enough that "craft").
the manner in which it began: with a a new search located it, inappro- "Diagnosis: Unsolved"
plea for a reappraisal, consolidation, priately listed under "Intelligence-
Espionage." Although the CIA pub- Under the sub-heading "Diag-
and documentation. Recently the
nosis: Unsolved," Quintanilla says:
Australian Physical Evidence Study lication itself, Studies in Intelligence, is
There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora
Group (APESG) was formed to be a classified SECRET, the U.S. Attor-
saw an object which left quite an im-
focal point for groups and indivi- neys said, articles in it may carry pression on him. There is also no ques-
duals interested in promoting the various classifications or be unclas- tion about Zamora's reliability. He is a
aims of high quality scientific docu- sified. (How anyone would know serious police officer, a pillar of his
they existed is another question.) church, a man well versed in recog-
mentation and research of physical
nizing airborne vehicles in his area.
evidence for UFO reports. I urge After clearing it with the Air Force,
(He) is puzzled by what he saw, and
you to give it your most earnest the CIA released the document to frankly, so are we. This is the best-
support. Banks, GSW, and Gersten, now rep- documented case on record, and still we
resenting Citizens Against UFO Se- have been unable, in spite of thorough
crecy in the appeal. investigation, to find the vehicle or other
stimulus that scared Zamora to the point
Apparently concerned that the
of panic.
belated release might affect the out-
come of the appeal, the U.S. Attor- Quintanilla goes on to describe
neys filed a Supplemental Brief in the extensive check that was made in
the Court of Appeals and notified trying to explain the object as a
Gersten, explaining the circumstances conventional or experimental craft
of its finding in detail. "The docu- (confirmed by the present author
(Socorro, Continued) A KLASSICAL ENCOUNTER
who has seen the complete Air Force
file on the case). He refers to analysis By Quentin Fogarty
of soil samples by the Air Force (© by Quentin Fogarty)
Materials Laboratory, a fragmentary
report of which is in the Air Force
files. However, he also states: "Labo-
ratory analysis of the burned brush Introduction In July last year, I visited the
showed no chemicals that could have Early on the morning of December United States and spent some time
been propellant residue." No such 31, 1978, an Argosy freight aircraft, at the home of Dr. Maccabee in
analysis report is in the case file. carrying a television film crew, en- Silver Spring, Maryland. While he
Earlier, in describing facilities countered a number of unidentified was there he agreed to meet two
used by the Air Force for analysis of flying objects off the east coast of super skeptics of UFOs, Philip J.
"physical specimens," Quintanilla New Zealand's South Island. The Klass, and Robert Sheaffer. The follow-
mentions Battelle Memorial Institute, film crew — cameraman David ing is my perception of that meeting.
Libby Owens, Corning Glass, among Crockett; his sound-recordist wife The Encounter
others. Where are the reports of Ngaire, and this reporter — cap-
tured several of the bright objects on There they sat, the master and
such physical analyses? Certainly the apprentice; the super skeptics,
they are not common public know- film. This film became the basis for
an investigation by an American the debunkers of the "new nonsense."
ledge. Which organization analyzed On my right, Philip J. Klass —
the Socorro brush samples and where optical physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee,
on behalf of the National Investiga- author, writer, confessed skeptic,
is the scientific report? A partial and elder statesman of all things
answer may be suggested by a letter tions Committee on Aerial Phenom-
ena (NICAP). The organization, which rational.
to me from Dr. James E. McDonald On my left, Robert Sheaffer —
dated September 5,1968, from which has been conservative about such
matters in the past, was prepared to science writer, lecturer, skeptical UFO
I quote in part: investigator — angling for the master's
endorse this film as showing a genuine
...a woman who is now a radiological
unidentified flying object. crown, attentive, watching, and listen-
chemist with the Public Health Service ing.
in Las Vegas was involved in some By March 1979, twenty distin-
special analyses of materials collected at guished scientists and experts in the On the other side of the room,
the Socorro site, and when she was fields of radar, optics, and physics myself — hopeful of a fruitful dis-
there, the morning after, she claims that who had seen the film were unable cussion — and Dr. Bruce Maccabee,
there was a patch of melted and resolid-
to explain the sighting in conventional expecting fireworks. He wasn't to be
ified sand right under the landing area. 1 disappointed!
have talked with her both by telephone terms. Among the distinguished group
and in person here in Tucson recently, was Professor J. Allen Hynek, founder I had agreed to the meeting,
and am asking (her) to do some further of the Center for UFO Studies keen for an intelligent and reasoned
checking...She did analyses on the plant- (CUFOS). He declared: "The New approach from the other side. What I
fluids exuded from stems of grease-
Zealand evidence clearly suggests didn't know was that to a super
wood and mesquite that had been skeptic there is no such thing as an
scorched. She said there were a few some phenomenon that cannot be
organic materials they couldn't identify, confirmed in ordinary terms." (continued on next page)
but most of the stuff that had'come out
through the cracks and blisters in the
stems were just saps from the phloem primary source of Air Force informa-
and xylem. Shortly after she finished the under heavy fire from the news tion, then it is quite possible that the
work, Air Force personnel came and media and Members of Congress for
took all her notes and materials and told CIA was misled as far as USAF-
her she wasn't to talk about it any more.
insisting that police UFO witnesses originated UFO information. Quint-
were fooled by a satellite and the anilla's confession in a CIA publica-
Dr. McDonald was a highly re- planet Venus. They had first seen a tion that Socorro is unexplained and
garded atmospheric physicist at the structured, large-diameter object il- "puzzling" must be understood as
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, luminating the road at close range emanating from a rather complete
University of Arizona. that then flew off into the distance skeptic whose approach was to pin
Quintanilla's article, written as it and was seen hovering as a point an explanatory label on each and
was for a SECRET CIA publication, source of light — in addition to the every UFO sighting that would ac-
is surprisingly uninformative and planet Venus which also was visible. count for it in conventional terms.
undoubtedly is an accurate reflec- The state of communications be- The newly released CIA document
tion of his own negatively biased, tween the Air Force and the CIA on mainly suggests that his "faith" was
low-key investigation. In that same UFO information in the 1960's is somewhat shaken by the Socorro
year — 1966 — Quintanilla came unknown. If Quintanilla was the report.
i (Klassical, Continued) pressed by the New Zealand case. I on to his present course of ridicule
intelligent and reasoned approach. knew that he had been correspond- and character assassination.
There is only scorn, innuendo, sar- ing with Maccabee for several months
casm, and character assassination. and the sheer volume of this corres- It's the character assassination that
The tape-recorders rolled, and pondence suggested that he had a I find particularly offensive. In a letter
the meeting began. great interest in this "non-impres- to me, Klass accused Bill Startup (the
It became obvious fairly quickly sive" case. Why? pilot) of having suicidal tendencies
that Mass, in particular, wasn't really "Because it has assumed such and Geoff Causer (the radar operator)
interested in my side of the story. All great importance in Bruce Maccabee's of being derelict in his responsibilities.
he wanted was confirmation of his mind, in Hynek's (mind), and the He also suggested they were "playing
own interpretation of the events. So, UFO movement here," he replied. games" for the benefit of the others
when I told him something that "As I said, if I was asked to select an onboard the aircraft. In other words,
didn't fit in with his preconceived impressive UFO case this would not he was saying that Startup and the
notion, it was time for "really Mr. be one that I would select. But Bruce co-pilot, Bob Guard, were setting us
Fogarty," and "come on Mr. Fogarty," and the others have selected it and, up — creating a UFO incident for the
etc. like Mt. Everest, it is, per- benefit of television news crew. What
The following gives some indica- force, I must spend time on it. Let me a load of drivel! Obviously Klass
tion of Klass' attitude throughout assure you that I would rather be out works to the theory that if you throw
our meeting. I believe the transcript on my sailboat." enough dirt around, some will stick.
is accurate, but there were times A little later in the evening, Klass In letters to Maccabee, Klass has
when the raised voices on both sides again mentioned this desire to be described Guard as "sleepy" and me
of the room tended to drown out elsewhere, rather than "wasting his as "stupid." So we have "Suicidal
what was being said. (Key: Philip time" on the New Zealand case. We Startup," "Irresponsible Causer,"
Mass, PK; Quentin Fogarty, QF). were discussing Maccabee's involve- "Sleepy Guard," and "Stupid
ment and Klass mentioned that Fogarty." Klass was to repeat some
PK: My current theory, as I explained to
Channel O should have hired a of these unfounded, clutching-at-
Bruce (Maccabee) is that what you saw was
Santa Claus and his reindeer... "real" investigator (a skeptic like straws accusations at Maccabee's
QF: ...but that is so stupid, such a stupid himself), rather than a UFO-propo- home that evening. In fact, he some-
thing to say... nent (like Maccabee). I pointed out times got so lost along his rocky road
PK: ...I've asked you for your hypotheses, that on the basis of his reasoning of conspiracy and fantasy that Sheaffer
you have refused or declined as if extraterres-
(i.e., that a pro-UFO investigator had to lead him back to reality.
trial craft is a dirty, vulgar word...
QF: Not at all. What I'm saying is that you must come up with a pro-UFO re- As the evening progressed I be-
seem to be locked into the extraterrestrial port), then an anti-UFO investigator came heartily sick of Klass' holier-
theory thing. It does not have to be... must come up with an anti-UFO than-thou attitude, and just after
PK: ...well, can you give me three other report. He thought about that for a midnight I reached boiling point.
hypotheses to consider and I will entertain
moment and replied that he had Sheaffer, who had kept a relatively
them I assure you. Give me three!
QF: As I said, I do not know what it was... really meant that the channel should low profile throughout the meeting,
PK:, give me three hypotheses... have hired both a skeptic and a was trying to edge Klass towards the
QF: ...alright, maybe it was Santa Claus proponent. He then stated that soon door. I couldn't let the opportunity
and his reindeer, maybe it was, umm... after the sightings he had been ap- pass. I had suffered a lot at the hands
PK: ...a ghost? of the so-called experts with their
proached by the American Broad-
QF: Yeah, that is one more you have given
me. You are better at coming up with idiotic casting Company to go to New instant pronouncements, and I had
statements, so you make another suggestion... Zealand to investigate the sightings no intention of letting Klass slip
PK: ...then you give me your three most for them. Naturally Maccabee and I through my fingers unscathed. I be-
likely hypotheses. were keen to know why he had not rated him for his public statements
QF: The most likely hypothesis is that it
taken up ABC's kind offer. He told in the first few days after the sight-
was a bright light, secondly that it is an
unexplained bright light, and on the basis of us he had made plans to go skiing ings, when he was quoted as saying
what Dr. Maccabee has found, it remains and he didn't think the case was the film may have shown Venus or
unexplained and cannot be explained in con- important enough to interupt his could have been a hoax, and for his
ventional terms. That does not mean it is vacation. subsequent crude attempts to be-
Santa Claus and his sleigh, it does not mean it
little the credibility of the witnesses.
is a ghost, it does not mean it is a leprechaun
(an earlier Klass suggestion), it does not How Klass must rue the day he I pointed out, in language that can't
mean it is an extraterrestrial spacecraft... decided to go skiing instead of de- be repeated here, that he and others
bunking. I'm sure that if he had gone had caused the witnesses and their
to New Zealand he would have families great distress with their un-
And on, and on, it went. found a plausible and conventional founded comments.
There was one question I had to (to him) explanation for the sightings.
ask Klass in view of his comment to But he didn't go and now, unable to Needless to say, when Sheaffer
me in a letter that he was not im- refute the facts, he has been forced did manage to steer a slightly red-
From the Humanold Study Group Archives-ll


By Ted Bloecher
(© by Ted Bloecher)

Probable Date of Sighting: May 1952 in any way she could. An exchange
Time: 10:52 p.m. (2252 Central Day- Investigators: Ted Bloecher (prelim-
inary); Captain Robert Runser, for of letters followed over the course of
light Time). the next two months and a first-hand
Locale: 308 West Willow Road, Pros- the Center for UFO Studies.
HumCat Classification: Serial #0184, investigation was arranged through
pect Heights, Illinois. the Center with the witness, while
Witness: Mrs. Ann L Sohn, house- Type A (entities seen inside UFO).
she was in the Chicago area for the
wife and former nurse. Introduction summer. We are indebted to Cap-
Duration of Sighting: Three to five tain Robert Runser, of the Center for
On May 11,1974, Mrs. Ann L Sohn,
minutes. UFO Studies, who conducted his
Closest Proximity: Approximately a suburban Chicago housewife and
former nurse, wrote to Dr. J. Allen inquiries over a period of weeks
100 feet. during the summer of 1975, the
Hynek, Director of the newly organ-
ized Center for UFO Studies, in results of which form the basis for
(Klassical, Continued) this report.
Evanston, Illinois. In her letter, she
faced and angry Klass to the door described a close observation of a Mrs. Sohn wrote to Dr. Hynek
there were no handshakes. The hang- UFO as it hovered over a lot adjacent that her sighting had occurred in the
ing judge of urology stepped out to her home in Prospect Heights, late spring of 1955, but after check-
into the warm, muggy early morn- Illinois, some 20 years earlier. Through ing with her former neighbors in
ing air probably wondering out loud several windows around the circum- Prospect Heights, she determined
at this little whippersnapper from ference of the object she could see that the ground in the vacant lot over
Down Under who had dared to three human-like figures operating which the object had hovered was
stand up to him. what appeared to have been "con- broken for the building of a new
I had hoped for a reasoned and trols." She watched for about 5 min- house in October of 1953; she there-
intelligent discussion. Instead, I was utes, until the object abruptly and fore concluded that the most prob-
treated like a child who had been silently departed toward the north. able date for her sighting was May
caught trying to steal the cookies When her husband, who worked 1952.
from Klass' cookie jar. On reflection nights at the Chicago Tribune, came A search of microfilm copies of
I can now see that Klass and his ilk home the following morning, Mrs. the Chicago Tribune was made in an
have no choice but to retain their Sohn told him about her sighting. effort to locate the newspaper article
anti-UFO stand. It is their raison "He immediately called my atten- that reported the Round Lake sight-
d'etre. Although they argue that tion to a front-page article," she ing, but that search was confined to
the phenomenon is not worthy of wrote Dr. Hynek, "where two dif- 1955; no search was made for 1952,
study, they spend inordinate amounts ferent families in Round Lake, Illi- for in a letter to me dated June 23,
of time trying to explain it away in nois, had sighted the same about 11 1975, Mrs. Sohn wrote the follow-
prosaic terms. Their crusade has also p.m." Round Lake is 19 miles north ing:
given them a degree of notoriety, it northwest of Prospect Heights — You mentioned your having some one check
has made them public figures. If the direction in which the object had the Chicago Tribune of that time in your
they were to accept the reality of the vanished. library. I hardly believe you'll find it there, as
my husband worked in the Press Room at the
phenomenon they would quickly No f ollowup of Mrs. Sohn's UFO Tribune and he always brought home the
slip into obscurity. Public exposure sighting was undertaken at the time Final 5-Star (Edition), of which only a min-
is a drug. Klass and his fellow crusa- but one year later, in early May, imum were printed, to be released in Chicago
ders, like all publicity junkies, need 1975, the Center sent me a copy of Loop. None of these Finals went anywhere, to
their regular dose. The fact that they her letter. I wrote to her on May my knowledge, except the Loop. The paper
was the same except for last minute news, and
must publicly vilify innocent people 12th, to inquire further about her went to press about 5 a.m.
(i.e., UFO witnesses) in order to observation, and received her reply
keep themselves in the spotlight by return mail, in which she ex-
does not concern them one iota. pressed her willingness to cooperate (Continued on next page)
(Occupants, Continued) ject hovering over the vacant lot the central window, the occupants
It was Mrs. Sohn's belief that the next door. The bedroom window seemed to be looking out of the
copies of the Tribune that were on faced the north and the lot was to the windows, in the direction of the
microfilm in the library were not east of her home. There was a screen witness; the third figure, in the win-
likely to be the Final 5-Star edition on the window and Mrs. Sohn pressed dow to the right, was seen in profile
that had carried the news of the her face against it to more closely and stood motionless, appearing to
Round Lake sighting on its front observe the object, most of which study a panel of dials or instruments
page. Nonetheless, the Round Lake she was able to see except for the on the wall before him; he remained
newspaper story apparently made extreme right portion, which was motionless for the duration of the
its way into one of the early paper- obscured by the corner of her house. sighting.
back books on "flying saucers," for The object, about 30 to 40 feet in Mrs. Sohn tried to awaken her
in her letter to me of May 23rd, she diameter, was self-luminous and son by nudging him but he remained
wrote the following: hovered absolutely motionless about fast asleep. Her father was asleep in
100 feet (or "two telephone poles") another part of the house but she
My brother showed me a book he had pur- above the lot for a period of from 3 to was unwilling to yell out to him and
chased, sometime within the-year (of the
sighting), where it mentioned the UFO sight-
5 minutes. It made no sound. From reluctant to leave the window for
ing in Round Lake, and the date. I will press beneath the object, toward the left or fear that when they returned, the
him further'(to see) if by chance he still has "front end," emerged a cloud of object would have departed. Her
the UFO books he was buying at the time. steam or vapor that drifted slowly husband was, of course, at work.
Although I believe I've asked him before, and along the bottom toward the right,
he said no. But it may have been more of a
As Mrs. Sohn wondered what to
case of "brush off" at the time. If I do get any of
giving the UFO an appearance of do, the figure in the window at the
his books, I will read and see if I can find the sitting atop a cloud. Mrs. Sohn was left made a sharp motion with his
article and will forward the information to unable to tell where the vapor came right hand, as if he were pushing
you. from, seeing neither pipes nor any forward some type of lever; as he did
A search of all available early other type of opening. Because the this, the vapor underneath the UFO
books on "flying saucers," from Scully object was above the level of the increased. Almost at the same mo-
through Keyhoe to Gerald Heard, window, she could determine that it ment, he pulled backward on an-
has failed to uncover Mrs. Sohn's was round and not cigar-shaped. other lever with his left hand, and
elusive reference to the sighting at Along the side of the obj ect was a the color of the vapor changed from
Round Lake, Illinois. If any reader of row of about 15 square windows white to green, with flecks of orange,
this report can throw some light on and just below the windows was a then to orange with a few remaining
the matter, that would be most use- line which Mrs. Sohn described as a streaks of green. Immediately follow-
ful, as a record of the Round Lake seam, where the top and bottom ing this, the figure in the central
sighting would properly date and portions were connected. At the top window pushed a lever forward with
corroborate Mrs. Sohn's own UFO of the object was a dome which his right hand and the entire ship,
report. Her 1952 sighting, published appeared to be made of plastic or except for the darkened windows
here for the first time, has been plexiglass. The entire object glowed and the dome, turned a brilliant
with a bright white light except for reddish-orange color, and departed
prepared from Captain Runser's pre-
liminary report of his extensive in- the windows, most of which were in a shallow climb to the north at an
vestigation of 1975. dark, and the dome, which had a "intense speed," with no apparent
pale bluish cast similar to "the color acceleration. It shot away at such a
The Sighting of the blue haze of a distant land- phenomenal velocity, Mrs. Sohn said,
On an undetermined date in May scape." Mrs. Sohn's impression was that it was out of sight within a
1952, Mrs. Ann Sohn put on a pot of that the dome was illuminated by second or two. It made no sound, left
coffee and looked at the clock. It was the reflected light of the rest of the behind no vapor, and emitted no
10:50 p.m. She walked into the rear UFO. Two faint vertical objects, like vapor trail in its wake.
bedroom of her one-story ranch- poles, were visible inside the dome. The three occupants were dressed
style home to look in on her chil- (See cover for artist's rendition by similarly, wearing what Mrs. Sohn
dren, David and Lois, to see if they Ted Jacobs.) described as a kind of jumpsuit or
were covered and to check the win- Not all of the visible windows coverall with hoods or headpieces,
dows. It was a pleasant evening and were dark: at the far right, or "rear showing only the face, and appear-
the air felt so refreshing that she sat end," were three windows lit from ing to be part of the suit. She therefore
on the foot of her son's bed to gaze within by an intense white light. The saw no hair nor ears on the men. The
out of the window at the stars. The remainder of the windows were dark, white light from the interior was so
sky was very clear. except for some dim blue reflection intensely bright that it was difficult
After about a minute, Mrs. Sohn's from the glow of the UFO. Inside of for her to make out features on the
attention was drawn by a bright light each of the three illuminated win- men's faces; nor could she see the
toward the right, and she was amazed dows Mrs. Sohn saw a "crewman."
to see a brightly-glowing, round ob- In the window at the left, as well as (Continued on page 12)
0 I I I 4 1 » I I
Ono Inch euuflli approximately C.9 mllil
Round Lake, toward which ©HAND MtHALLV t» CO.

the UFO departed

Prospect Heights, Home of

Mrs. Ann Sohn

METTB Center for UFO Studies

,•1 House 1 House _ ,, , ,

f Immediate TLocale
, of Sighting,
^ | Prospect Heights,
ly | Illinois
, \ Direction &
Telephone \ of |
Pole \ Departure ^<
1 \ *
0> 1 \ ^
n Position of ! 1*
w Mrs. Sohn at ' /" "N. K^
window. | / ^ \ ^

O Sohn g «, — Ay,.
•6 Home ^ *. LS House House
co - «* Vacant *C
i 1 „ *, Lot 4 "" '
#308 g* 7
West Willow* , 1

Willow Road

(Occupants, Continued) her house was blistered, although registered nurse. She likes to read
the trim on the rest of the house but never read much about UFO's,
hands of any of the "crewmen," as appeared to be unaffected. The main with the exception of a book by
they were visible only from the upper siding on the house was aluminum Major Donald E. Keyhoe and one by
chest and shoulders. She saw no and was not affected. George Adamski. Mrs. Sohn's mem-
other occupants inside the object 4. During the previous year, Mrs. ory and powers of observation are
and the only other thing she could Sohn's neighbors on the east side of excellent and she was very coopera-
see inside besides the figures was the vacant lot had planted a row of tive in answering all questions."
the panel of instruments in front of evergreen trees along the property Two Similar
the figure at the right. He appeared line adjacent to the lot; all of these Contemporary Events
to be further back from the window trees died following Mrs. Sohn's
Several month later, in August
than the other two and never moved sighting.
1952, at least two other events took
an inch. Because the object departed While she did not associate any
place, each having certain aspects of
towards the north, Mrs. Sohn assumed of the effects with her UFO sighting
remarkable similarity tq^Mrs. Sohn's
Jhe.north end was the "front," and at the time, Mrs. Sohn began to
close encounter. The summer of
she was puzzled why the three wonder about them as time wore on.
1952 was, of course, a major wave
"crewmen" were in the rearmost During her observation, she had not
portion of the UFO. been aware of any heat or other
• At Seat Pleasant, Maryland,
similar effects, nor did she see any-
Aftereffects a Washington, D.C. suburb, about
one descend to the ground — al-
9:30 p.m., Mrs. Suzanne E. Knight,
There were several aftereffects though this could have happened in
then about 19, heard a buzzing sound
that were noticed following Mrs. the area immediately east of her
outdoors. Looking out her kitchen
Sohn's experience but she did not house, which was not visible from
window, she saw an object hovering
immediately connect them to the her position at the window in the
above the street light across the
appearance of the UFO. Their cause rear of her home.
street; it was shaped like an airplane
may or may not have been due to the The area of the sighting is resi-
fuselage, dull silver in color, with thin
close proximity of the object. dential, characterized by one-story,
white smoke coming out the rear end. On
1. During the previous summer ranch-style homes which are set back
a small mast at the front was a small red
(1951), the owner of the lot planted about 50 feet from the street. The
light. Through a row of large square
garlic on the property. During the lots are about 122 feet wide by 186
windows, brilliantly lighted, she could
following spring, much garlic had feet deep, and the land is level.
see something like a row of cabinets with
grown up among the usual weeds in Palwaukee Airport, a small private
slanted tops and, to her left, in "the
the lot. Mrs. Sohn had, in fact, just field, is about 4 miles northeast of
front," a helmeted man looking straight
picked some garlic prior to her UFO Mrs. Sohn's former home. At the
ahead. He never moved a muscle all the
sighting. Very shortly after her ex- time of her sighting, a NIKE base
while he was in view. No controls or
perience she sent her son next door was located a few miles west of
instruments 'were visible, and he was
to get another garlic bulb, and he Prospect Heights. The Great Lakes
seen only from the upper chest and
was unable to locate any. Mrs. Sohn Naval Air Station is situated 6 miles
shoulders. Beneath the fuselage was a
examined the lot herself and was to the east, and Chicago's O'Hare
kind of gondola with more windows,
amazed to discover that all of the Field is 8 miles south-southwest.
showing what appeared to be rows
garlic was gone; in addition, the Mrs. Sohn, a widow at the time of
of little seats. Mrs. Knight tried in
weeds had dried up and were lying the 1975 investigation, spent win-
vain to call the newspaper; when she
on the ground in the area over which ters in Florida with her son's family
got back to the window, the "man"
the UFO had hovered. The circle of and summers in the Chicago area
was gone and the gondola had dis-
dead weeds was about 25 feet in with her daughter and her family. In
appeared. Then the interior lights
diameter; weeds at the front and responding to my initial inquiries,
went out and the object began to glow
rear ends of the lot were normal. Mrs. Sohn was always helpful and
red, as if red-hot, and to rock from side
2. Shortly after her sighting, all cooperative. During Captain Runser's
to side. She left the window again,
ten of Mrs. Sohn's rose bushes on on-site investigations, she was no
this time to call her relatives, but the
the east side of her house, adjacent less willing to provide all the assist-
object had departed when she got
to the vacant lot, had died. They ance she could. The experience which
were all coming along nicely, with she has so carefully described must
the rest of the spring growth; Mrs. be added to the growing list of • On August 25, at 5:30 a.m.,
Sohn prided herself on the care of unexplained UFO events witnessed William Squyres was driving to work
her roses and she could not account at close range.. at a radio station in Pittsburg, Kansas,
for their loss. In his preliminary report, Cap- when he saw an object hovering 10
3. On the day following her UFO tain Runser describes Mrs. Sohn as feet over a field off the road to his
sighting, Mrs. Sohn noticed that the follows: "She is an intelligent, edu- right. He stopped his car and got out.
painted trimming on the east side of cated woman, and was trained as a The UFO was hovering with a slight
By Ann Druffel

An Open Letter to Dr. Carl Sagan

Several months ago, a small group We were all aware of Carl Sagan's Grab your earmuffs, Dr. Sagan. The
of Los Angeles researchers were penchant for acting the role of "UFO static begins.
visited by a production assistant for expert" and, in that role, negating Sagan began the December 14th
"Cosmos," a new TV series featuring and clouding the UFO issue. We program with his best mellow voice
Dr. Carl Sagan. "Cosmos" was at that rejoiced with the young gentleman's and perky manner, discussing the
time in the throes of production. good fortune at being associated possibility of extraterrestrial life, of
Our members, being from different with "Cosmos." However, we also which he has always been a propo-
scientific fields and professions, were took the time to ask him if Sagan nent. Suddenly, he launched into
delighted to learn that Sagan had (and/or his producers) were think- the subject of UFOs, warning his
been given this chance to use his ing of including a segment on UFOs viewers that they must regard UFO
talents in a program which would in their "Cosmos" plans. claims with rigorous and skeptical
make science palatable and under- Rather reluctantly, he said that scrutiny, keeping in mind that what
standable to a fascinated, far-ranging Carl had plans on that order but that is important is not what the witnesses
public. he was not aware of the details of claim, but rather what can be sup-
One thing worried us, however. those plans. Further discussion re- ported by hard evidence. Extraor-
vealed that he did not know of dinary claims, he cautioned, require
Sagan's sardonic attitude toward the extraordinary evidence.
(Occupants, Continued)
UFO subject. He seemed surprised Sagan might have borrowed these
rocking motion and was silver-grey that any group having members whose statements from those who, for the
in color, about 75 feet long, similar in interests ranged from acoustical re- past 33 years, have been batting
appearance to two deep platters placed search to immunology of cancer their heads against stone walls, sift-
rim-to-rim. There were several large would regard Carl Sagan as defi- ing through the maze of UFOs, con-
square windows in the mid-section, cient in any aspect of science. It took fused statements, and incomplete
through which movement could be us a few minutes to explain why we documentation in order to glean the
seen against a blue light; through regarded Carl Sagan as a rather few cases that do present extraor-
another square window at the front (to violent foe of UFO research, who dinary evidence that something ex-
his left), Squyres could see the head had not even accepted the fact that traordinary is going on — that UFOs,
and shoulders of a man, staring motion- reputable scientists were entering whatever they are, do exist.
less straight ahead. The object then the field in large numbers. Our dis- So far, so good. Sagan had not said
departed abruptly, disappearing in a cussion ended with the following anything unacceptable as yet; but in
vertical ascent in a matter of seconds. warning to Sagan's young assistant. the very next sentence he reverted
It made a sound like "a covey of "Tell Carl Sagan that if he tries his to unreasoned skepticism. As a spotted
quail," and left a backwash of wind 'expert act' regarding UFOs on "Cos- leopard, Carl still had the markings
that depressed the grass in the area mos" and does as bad a job as he has of his breed. Acting the role of "UFO
over which the object had hovered. done heretofore on the subject, that expert" to the fullest, he stated flatly
The Air Force lists the Squyres' case he's going to get a lot of static!" that he thought the UFO subject had
as "unexplained."2 more to do with religion arid super-
"Cosmos" began its series a while stition than with science.
NOTES His voice droned on, each sen-
ago, and people were enthralled by
1. NICAP case file, investigated in 1968 by its superior production -qualities — tence adding proof that Carl Sagan
Ron Andrukitis, of the Washington, D.C. exquisite scripts, inspired photo- evidently has done no original re-
NICAP Subcommittee, and .published in graphy, thorough research, delight- search on the UFO subject and,
NICAP's UFO's: A New Look (1969), pp. 26-27. worse still, continues to reject all the
ful topics, flashes of gentle humor,
2. Project Bluebook case file (in HSG files), work done by his fellow scientists.
investigated by OSI Special Agent G.E. Swine-
and its personable host performing
in his best Saganish manner. "Cosmos" Perhaps he is not even aware of the
hart, 5th Office District, USAF. This case has
been published in numerous books, most was a gem to be anticipated and growing piles of scientific papers on
recently and completely in Dr. ]: Allen Hynek's appreciated: the subject.1 The sheer numbers of
The Hynek UFO Report (Dell, 1977), pp. 200- Until Sunday, December 14,1980.
203. (Continued on next page)

(Calif. Report, Continued) FACT: Many scientists regard quenched by the loss of energy, time
the Hill case as a good example of a and personal funds which we throw
errors of fact he made during the close-encounter report encompassing year after year into a seemingly
next 5 minutes made me wonder the so-called "abduction scenario" bottomless pit. The few meager tri-
whether these errors are due to poor within it. It is, therefore, regarded in umphs we enjoy are attained at the
research by his assistants, by inac- the field as a close encounter of the expense of our health, our families'
curate writing, or by his own pre- fourth kind. As for his remark about welfare, and our personal bank ac-
judices. Whatever — they are errors "UFO enthusiasts," Sagan did not counts.
and, as such, will be listed here: define what he meant by this term, However, if Sagan equates UFO
and therefore I cannot judge this researchers and investigators with
1. ERROR: Sagan stated that in particular statement with proper ob- the term "UFO enthusiast," it now
the Betty and Barney Hill case, both jectivity. All I can say is to state as makes sense why he regards the
witnesses saw, from their car, alien dispassionately as possible that UFO UFO subject as "having to do more
creatures within a large UFO which researchers and investigators who have with religion and superstition than
had been following them." - studied the Hill case recognize that with science." In his own way he
FACT: According to an in-depth this is probably the first documented attains a weird kind of logic, on this
study of this case2, no alien creatures example of a so-called CE-IV. point at least.
were seen by Betty Hill in the first, However, since the term "UFO We have digressed enough from
conscious part of the Hill sighting. enthusiast" has a definite sardonic our discussion. Back to Sagan's
Barney viewed the alien entities and patronizing ring, let us digress a "Cosmos" errors.
through binoculars only after he moment and attempt to discover 5. ERROR: In discussing the "star
alighted from his car and approached why Sagan used it. In a way, it is map" associated with the Hill case,
across a field toward the huge, similar to the term, "UFO buff," Sagan asked offhandedly why any-
hovering object. which is widely used by other skep- one would take it seriously? He
tics such as Phil Mass and Robert answers his own question by stating
2. ERROR: Sagan indicated that Sheaffer. "Buff," as defined by Web- that some of the same (undefined)
the Hills consciously remembered ster, means "a fan or enthusiast." "UFO enthusiasts" have widely pub-
the craft blocking the road and the Researchers are not "fans" of UFOs. lished a similar map — that is, a
creatures approaching, preventing They are, rather, investigators, hun- configuration of actual stars — bear-
them from driving on. ters, and trackers of the elusive ob- ing a marked resemblance to Betty's
FACT: After Barney viewed the jects. They would like nothing more map.
creatures in the craft, he jumped than to dispose of unidentified flying FACT: Reputable scientists, in-
frightened into the car and began objects once and for all! There is no cluding Dr. David Saunders and
driving away. A series of beeps were satisfaction in the chase, only in the Stanton Friedman, have laboriously
heard by both witnesses and an odd, completion. concluded, by more than one set of
tingling drowsiness came over them. Sagan's term "UFO enthusiast" proofs, that the Hill map seems to be
rwOOSome time later, the beeping seems equally inaccurate. "Enthu- an adequate replication of the position
siast," according to Webster, is "a of certain planet-bearing stars in our
Some time later, the beeping sound person filled with enthusiasm." "En- nearby area of the galaxy.6 In that
was heard again, and they found thusiasm" means "to be inspired," particular part of our galactic neigh-
themselves 35 miles south of the "Belief in special revelations of the borhood, all the stars depicted in
encounter site. They had no conscious Holy Spirit," "religious fanaticism," both the Hill and researchers' maps
memory of the aliens in the road.3 "inspiring zeal or fervor," and are recorded by astronomers as the
3. ERROR: Sagan stated that when "passion." type which would be logically ac-
the craft and creatures blocked the None of the above synonyms companied by planets, and that one
road, the time lapse set in, prevent- and meanings correctly describe the planet for each star would logically
ing the Hills from remembering what dispassionate objectivity displayed have a proper ecological environ-
happened next (until the memories by the majority of UFO researchers. ment for the emergence of intelli-
were recovered through hypnotic Many of us are pressured by curiosity gent life as we know it.
regression.) to investigate a neglected but appar- 6. ERROR: Sagan, in pointing
FACT: As pointed out above, the ently all-pervasive phenomenon. Even out that some stars on Betty Hill's
amnesia experienced by the Hills set those persons whose profession in- map were not even catalogued until
in between the two series of beeps.4 cludes religious pursuits are objec- years after she allegedly viewed them
4. ERROR: "Virtually all scien- tive in their study of UFOs. Zeal and on the alien map aboard the craft,
tists who have studied the Hill case," fervor, likewise, are sadly lacking was holding this map for visual em-
continued Sagan, "are skeptical of it, among us; we are much too tired phasis. However, instead of pointing
but 'UFO enthusiasts' regard it as a and frustrated by repeated failures to the group of three stars about
. classical example of a close encounter to be zealous about our work. Any which he was speaking, Sagan pointed
of the third kind." fervor we might feel is quickly to the two stars in the Zeta Reticuli
(Calif. Report, Continued) 1981 UFO CONFERENCES
1981 UFO Conferences Second heel UFO Study Group and MUFON-
system — two close-together stars London International UFO N.C. Speakers include Allan Hendry,
which have been long known to Congress, May 24-25. Tom Deuley, Richard Hall, Wayne
astronomers. The three stars he was Speakers include David Haisell LaPorte, George Fawcett. Informa-
verbally describing were on the other (Canada), Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee tion: Gayle McBride, P.O. Box 46,
side of the map graphic and were (United States), Bertil Kuhlemann Winston-Salem, N.C. 27102.
totally ignored by him during this (Sweden), Stuart Campbell (Scot- MUFON UFO Symposium, July
entire discussion. land), Charles Bowen (England). 24-26
7. ERROR: Sagan made reference Exhibition, documentary film, dis- Kresge Auditorium, M.I.T., Cambridge
to the "navigation lines" which had cussion panels. Sponsored by British (Boston), Mass. Theme: "UFOs: The
allegedly been seen by Betty Hill UFO Research Association. Informa- Hidden Evidence." Hosted by
between the "stars" on the map tion: BUFORA, 6 Cairn Ave., London MUFON of Massachusetts. Speakers
aboard the UFO, and which had W5 SHY, England. include Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Ted
been replicated onto the duplicate APRO UFOHIO '81, June 5-7. Phillips, Ron Westrum, Dr. Barry
map by Marjorie Fish, the researcher Marriott Inn-Airport, 4277 West Downing,-Budd Hopkins, A. Clamar,
who did the original work on the 150th St., Cleveland, OH 44135. Peter Gersten, Lt. Col. Lawrence
Hill map. He stated, "If some other Theme: "The Case for Aliens." Ten- Coyne, Stanton T. Friedman. Infor-
set of lines is substituted, the eye is tative speaker list: Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, mation: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd.,
suddenly biased against seeing any Stanton T. Friedman, Dr. Daniel Seguin, TX 78155.
similarity between the two maps at Harris, Dr. Peter Van Arsdale, Dr. Center for UFO Studies
all." Suiting action to the word (this John S. Derr. Sponsored by Aerial Research Conference,
time), he showed two sample maps Phenomena Research Organization. September 25-27.
in which different lines had been Information: APRO, 3910 East Klein- Theme: "The Scientific Examination
drawn between the "stars." dale Rd., Tucson, AZ 85712. of the UFO Phenomenon." At a
FACT: This illogic is unworthy Tarheel UFO Training Chicago-area hotel, to be announced.
of a man of Carl Sagan's intellectual Conference, June 20-21. Speakers to be announced. CUFOS
capacity. When trying to prove that Location, time, fee to be announced. has issued a call for papers, deadline
two leopards were members of the Emphasis on training of investiga- June 30,1981. Information: CUFOS,
same species, biologists of old did tors, with general information for P.O. Box 1402, Evanston, IL 60204.
not try to confound their research by attending public. Sponsored by Tar-
dying one leopard's pelt so that the
spots showed pink, while the other not. In the UFO field, he picks and gave the distinct impression that
leopard was permitted to remain his chooses — as far as his limited UFOs were not worthy of more than
natural color. Evidently, whatever knowledge of the subject will allow passing mention. I would hope that
was responsible for the Hill exper- — only those statements, innuen- these few flashes of "static" are not
ience induced Betty to see certain does, and incomplete facts which fit the only public reaction Sagan
lines drawn between different spots his thesis, his thesis being that "UFOs receives. I would hope that receiv-
of light (stars). Researchers into the are bunk." ing static from many sources —
meaning of this "map" had to work 9. ERROR: Sagan stated the Hill scientists, researchers, and lay lis-
with the sketch Betty provided them. encounter is touted by UFO research- teners alike — Carl Sagan will begin
Scientists and other researchers have ers as "the best attested case of UFO to take a second look at UFOs. Since
no right to change essential facts, close encounters." he is obviously a man of intelligence
merely to prove that an observation FACT: Although the Hill en- and sensitivity, a logical appeal to his
cannot be true. counter is considered a classic case, sense of fair play might yield positive
8. ERROR: Sagan stated that the it is only one of hundreds of such results.
stars in the Fish map were "picked reported, documented encounters,
and chosen" from a large number of all of which seem to present some NOTES
available stars, hinting that this was evidence that something unexplained 1. Too voluminous to give representation
deliberately done in order to obtain is happening. Although no close here, but for example: see THE PROCEEDINGS
a match with the Hill map. encounter HI or IV by itself presents
scientific papers on UFO technology.
FACT: Sagan did not mention proof positive, the total of all such 2. THE INTERRUPTED JOURNEY, by John
that the stars chosen by Marjorie cases, reported by reliable and sane G. Fuller, The Dial Press, New York, 1966
Fish were all the potential planet- individuals, does present overwhelm- specifically pp. 15-16.
bearing stars within a certain dis- ing evidence that the phenomenon 3. op. cit, pp. 16-17.
is real. 4. op. cit., p. 17.
tance of earth. The researchers who
5. "The Zeta Reticuli Incident," 32-page re-
produced the "match" with the Hill Sagan dispatched the entire UFO print of original December 1974 ASTRON-
map worked only with the facts question within 5 minutes. Slough- OMY article and subsequently published
available to them. Carl Sagan does ing off the subject so summarily, he articles.
often absurd and metalogical. The merely demonstrating an unfortu-
Letters only conclusion one can reach is the nate bias.
Correction UFO occupants look humanoid but In conclusion, I have no a priori
Editor, don't think humanoid. This makes bias against the extraterrestrial
I write to thank you for giving so no biological sense, since there is hypothesis I have just found that
much space to my modest book considerable evidence that thought this explanation simply doesn't fit
UFOs — The Greatest Mystery.. .The processes are probably genetically the evidence and stories about UFOs
only shortcoming of the review (No. programmed. I have either read about or investi-
152, October 1980) was the very gated. I would also remind Mr.
So just how do UFO abductors Hopkins, and readers of this reply,
pardonable one of not realizing that
in this country, if not in yours, Hilary behave? As I point out in my recent that a theory can only be considered
anthology, UFO Abductions, they truly scientific if it can be experi-
is a name given to boys as well as
communicate through absurdities, mentally tested. Any other theory is
girls, and I have to say that I am a Mr.
space-time incongruities, and sym- merely a lapse into metaphysics. In
and not a Ms.
bols. This also just happens to be the my UFO Abductions, I outline how-
, Hilary Evans
way that our own dreams speak to my theories about the nature of the
London, England
us. This couldn't all be merely coin- UFO abduction syndrome is, in fact,
(Editor's reply: Mr. Evans has received cidence and indicates that "alien" testable. I wonder if promoters of
our apologies. He has a new book beings are somehow linked to our the extraterrestrial hypothesis would
scheduled for publication this year minds. While investigating (with be willing to do the same?
entitled Intrusions: Society and the Ann Druffel) the abductions and D. Scott Rogo
Paranormal. He also expressed appre- contacts which constitute the "Tujunga
ciation for the global outlook of the Canyon Contacts," I was struck by
Journal, something we hope to ex- how often the reports we were gain-
pand on and has granted permission ing from our witnesses resembled Editor,
for reprinting his article on abduc- human dreams — and usually con- After reading this article I must
tion cases which will appear in the tained symbolic reflections encap- ask myself if Mr. Hopkins is the Don
April issue.) sulating their own psychosexual Rickles or Bennett Cerf of the UFO
concerns and conflicts. This hardly media before I can even begin un-
fits in with the idea that they were ravelling this crazy-quilt article.
Paraphysical Controversy How many close encounters has
abducted by alien beings from an-
Editor, Hopkins had? Has he had any CE-
other planet! I note too that Budd
In his report, "The Extraterres- III's? From the way Mr. Hopkins
Hopkins totally ignores this vital
trial-Paraphysical Controversy: A presents his view I assume he's had a
piece of data — upon which the
Communication" (No. 153, Novem- "CE-IX" — the abduction and return
unraveling of the Tujunga Canyon
ber 1980), Mr. Budd Hopkins takes of Hopkins was so entirely success-
Contacts rests — in his report. I
me to task for my views on the ful that he's returned as a walking-
certainly do not deny that there
Paraphysical (vs. Extraterrestrial) talking cryptogram, who, being so
exists a technological aspect to the
nature of UFO occupants and ab- expertly enciphered, cannot locate
UFO mystery; anyone who does
ductors. I would like to briefly his own key!
must be very naive indeed. But any
respond. Mr. Hopkins concludes " will
ultimate explanation for UFOs must
Are we entitled to set limits for be easier for us to invent and polish
take into consideration the very
how UFO beings behave? Mr. Hop- earthly, though 'paranormal' or even
human and psychological elements
kins believes not and this is a per- quasi-religious 'explanations' for
of this mystery.
fectly acceptable stance to take. But I what we observe than to understand
think a case could be made for the I would also like to comment on the technologies, values, and
opposite position. UFO occupants my concept of "The Phenomenon" methods of another world." Prior to
usually resemble us; this is especi- which Mr. Hopkins blatantly mis- this conclusion Mr. Hopkins makes
ally true of the beings who often represents to his readers and tries to it abundantly clear that he may him-
engineer UFO abductions. They also equate with Vallee's concept of a self be inhumane, untouchable, above
have a technology which seems to "control system." Contrary to what our concepts of good and evil, and
be an extension of ours — that is, Mr. Hopkins suggests, there is has placed himself atop the pillar in
they apparently use metal and fly nothing metaphysical about my use the Center of the "Cosmic Control
their craft in an intelligent manner. of this term. I am merely postulating System," and qualified himself a
These factors might lead one to the existence of an X-factor in the representative of the "clockwork-
suggest that these beings should universe — nature unknown — gone-awry" mechanism itself!
think and behave something like us as which produces the UFO mystery. Timothy Lee King
well. They should at least think ra- The term "The Phenomenon" is (Note: The letters above were sub-
tionally and laterally. But they don't. totally neutral. By reinterpreting the mitted by Associate Editor Ann
Interactions with UFO occupants are nature of this agency, Mr- Hopkins is Druffel, author of "California Re-
(Letters, Continued) selves on the day that humans typical of UFO sightings. Surely the
realize that we are their equals as Exeter sightings or that of Lonnie
port," on behalf of two of her col- solid, sentient lifeforms. On that day, Zamora would have been fairer
leagues.) perhaps we will have matured choices.
enough to go out into a galaxy teem- Further, Sagan banishes UFOs
Editor, ing with sentient life without giving from the realm of science altogether
Budd Hopkins' article is a breath in to our old disgusting habits of by stating they belong more to the
of fresh logic and a reminder that groveling before gods and chasing realm of religion and superstition.
ultimately we must understand the witches and demons. We are capable We would do well to remember,
UFO phenomenon in terms of of intelligence! however, that science is not a single
human intelligence, not human I don't pretend to have access to entity. It is a collection of intellectual
superstition; in terms of scientific that handbook of Alien Visitors from tools used by man to discover the
reasoning, not magical short-cuts. a Distant Galaxy either, that would truth about himself and his world.
We need to rethink and inter- say when extraterrestrials would With these tools he can investigate
nalize a fact which we know, at least come on down and shake hands. To any subject, even those considered
in the periphery of our thinking: make conclusions from a non- religious. After all, surely no one
When confronted with advanced existent handbook on Alien Nature today believes that science and reli-
science from another culture, is an error in scientific investigation. gion are irreconcilable opposites?
humankind almost invariably con- Thank you, Mr. Hopkins, for remind- We can perhaps forgive those,
cludes that the supernatural has ing us all of this important fact. like Carl Sagan, who speak from
arrived, wielding wondrous miracles incomplete knowledge. But what
and awesome punishments. The Diane Tessman
St Petersburg, Ha. about those active UFO researchers
r>araphysical conclusion presents who refuse to consider any theory
similar faulty thinking: nuts and bolts other than their own? Budd Hop-
UFOs, with extraterrestrials at the kins in his article "The Extraterres-
helm, are not capable of the tech- Rebuttal to Sagan and Hopkins trial — Paraphysical Controversy: A
nical gymnastics reported. Para- Editor, Communication," (No. 153, No-
physical proponents also apparently Despite those who deny the vember 1980) attacks the para-
conclude that if an encounter in- validity of UFO reports, the subject physical theory without, however,
volves telepathy, psychokinesis, or remains as mysterious and as supplying any evidence for the ex-
evidence of other psi abilities, it does worthy of scientific investigation traterrestrial theory which he
not involve biological extraterres- today as it was 30 years ago. Nothing champions.
trial beings. is known for certain. Those who Hopkins states that those who
Paranormal aspects to cases can push one explanation at the expense advocate the paraphysical theory
be explained in terms of beings with of others do so by examining bits claim that UFOs do not behave as we
minds advanced beyond our minds and pieces and ignoring the overall expect alien visitors to act. He is
by a few hundred or thousand years. picture. partially correct in retorting that we
We humans are beginning to under- In a recent episode of "Cosmos" have no way of knowing how extra-
stand our psychic abilities in ration- entitled "Encyclopedia Galactica," terrestrials would indeed act toward
al, scientific terms and this under- Carl Sagan took a cursory look at the us. It is not illogical, though to expect
standing may eventually lead to UFO phenomenon and determined them to act rationally. UFOs, for the
developing these abilities. There is it to be without substance. Arbitrarily most part, do not display rational
no hocus pocus involved in this step choosing the abduction of Betty and behavior. After having supposedly
forward for humanity, nor is there Barney Hill as being one of the best traveled untold light-years to Earth,
anything magical about beings who cases, he then implied that their they spend their time buzzing air-
have developed these abilities al- experience was either a hoax or an craft, performing acrobatics, and
ready. hallucination. From this single in- frightening our people. They act like
There is no guidebook which cident he concluded that UFOs are mischievous children, spirits, or the
says that they cannot be from other unworthy of serious attention. products of the unconscious mind.
stellar worlds simply because there Dr. Sagan obviously chose this
The evidence for either theory is
might be paranormal aspects to case because it may very well have
inconclusive and it's really not that
some cases. Why must humankind been hallucinatory. Also his criticism important what one believes UFOs
immediately jump back into the old that almost any stars may be made to
are. What is essential is that one
habit of assuming that advanced conform to the map observed by
keep an open mind and examine all
technology is evidence of super- Mrs. Hill is valid. (Not according to
the facts. That's what true science is
natural beings? Dr. David Saunders, Walter N. Webb,
all about.
It seems very reasonable to as- Stanton Freidman and others. —
Kim L. Neidigh
sume that the beings inside UFOs Editor) However, the Hill abduction
San Antonio, Texas
will walk up and introduce them- is certainly not the best nor the most
(Director's Message, Continued) CUFOS Board of Directors, con- who have made the organization
cerning major changes in the organ- what it is today.
type of UFO questions from the
ization of the Center for UFO Studies
"call-in" audience. These men are to
necessitated by financial considera- Financial problems have been
be commended for their brilliant
tions. One of the most notable cost obstacles to all UFO organizations
fielding of questions and the scienti-
reductions involved the closing of throughout the years. NICAP, once
fic confidence which they instilled in the largest and most active, suc-
their offices at 1609 Sherman Ave.,
the audience. Larry King announced cumbed due tofinances,poor manage-
Suite 207, Evanston, IL 60201 and
the address of MUFON on seven
transferring the administrative offices ment, and external pressures. Jim
occasions during the 3-hour program.
to the residence of Dr. and Mrs. J. and Coral Lorenzen, at AFRO, recog-
We have been literally flooded with
Allen Hynek in Evanston, Illinois. nized these problems many years
favorable mail from people interested
The mailing address of CUFOS is ago and took preventive steps to
in joining the Mutual UFO Network
P.O. Box 1402, Evanston, IL 60204. keep their overhead costs from be-
and subscribing to the Journal.
Allan Hendry, CUFOS Chief Investi- coming excessive. CUFOS is now
The third edition of MUFON's
gator now living in Stone Mountain, rectifying their financial position so
Field'Investigator's Manual, to be that they may continue to be a viable
Georgia, will be removed from the
available early in 1982, will be up-
payroll of CUFOS effective March 1, organization. When CUFOS was
dated to include state-of-the-art tech-
1981, as well as the office secretary, organized and first announced in
niques such as photo analysis by
Estelle Postol. Basically, Dr. Hynek 1973 on the Dick Cavett TV show,
computer enhancement, and hyp-
will head up the scientific and inves- MUFON was and still is the only
notic regression as tools for UFO
tigative activities, whereas Mr. major UFO group to volunteer bur
research. Specialized sections will
Timmerman will manage the busi- cooperative support to the Center
be revised by the authors of the
ness aspects. Ms. Paula Harris in for UFO Studies. Dr. Hynek and
second edition published in 1975.
Boulder, Colorado, plans to coor- John Timmerman fully recognize
This announcement is an invitation
dinate the CUFOS investigators this fact and are endeavoring to
to members to submit material which
under the direction of Dr. Hynek. remove the stigma that gives one the
they feel would be appropriate for
Mrs. Mimi Hynek will edit the annual impression of "a one-way street,"
inclusion in the new manual. Dr.
JOURNAL OF UFO STUDIES instead whenever material is submitted to
Richard Haines and Wayne Laporte
of Dr. Elaine Hendry. Further details CUFOS.
have already submitted material that
of the reorganization will be pub- A reduction in personnel in the
will be used. Dr. Haines has special-
lished by the Center for UFO Studies, CUFOS office obviously will not
ized in pilot UFO sightings, there-
Associate Newsletter and IUFOR in resolve this problem. UFO enthu-
fore he plans to prepare a new
the magazine "Frontiers of Science." siasts around the world write to
sighting report form and a section in
All mail destined for John Timmer- MUFON with personal requests for
the manual devoted to this phase.
man should be sent to CUFOS, P.O. information that a staff of a dozen
All proposed papers and revi-
Box 1621, Lima, Ohio 45802. could not fulfil. We are thus sym-
sions should be mailed to MUFON
Having operated MUFON since pathetic to the problems faced by
by September 1,1981, so the editor,
1969, your Director is very cogni- CUFOS. In behalf of MUFON,
Raymond E. Fowler, MUFON Director
zant of the financial limitations of a CUFOS, and I am sure APRO as
of Investigations, and MUFON may
not-for-profit corporation in the field well, we appeal to all of our mem-
edit, produce, and publish our new
of UFOlogy. Since MUFON's incep- bers and subscribers to recognize
manual. We still have a small supply
tion, the administrative offices have our limitations for services. It is
of our current manuals which are interesting to note that the most
been provided rent-free to the or-
readily available at existing prices.
ganization, by the Director which demanding people are non-members
Obviously, the new manual will cost
included the heat, air conditioning, who want to write books, articles,
considerably more than our present
and lights. Our payroll consists of research projects, and produce motion
manual due to inflation during the
two people, an office manager/sec- pictures, television or radio pro-
past 5 years. The MUFON Field grams.
retary and a part-time clerk. Every-
Investigator's Manual has been Some readers have noted that
one else in MUFON is a volunteer.
adopted as the standard in many the APRO Bulletin has not been
The organization could not exist
English-speaking nations. The Cen- current for many months. Due to
without the fantastic fine work of
ter for UFO Studies has distributed Mr. Lorenzen's full time job and the
these volunteers throughout the
our manual since its inception to poor health of Mrs. Lorenzen, neither
world, who treat their personal ex-
CUFOS investigators. has been able to devote the time
penditures as an avocation. We could
not afford the luxury of a suite of required to publish the bulletin or
We have been advised by Dr. J. offices and remain viable from a perform the numerous functions of
Allen Hynek, Scientific Director, and financial position. We are indebted
John Timmerman, Chairman of the to the wonderful people in MUFON, (Continued on next page)

Lucius Parish

in Other's words
An article in the January 27 issue The 1981 UFO ANNUAL, from tion. Zecharia Sitchin, author of THE
of NATIONAL ENQUIRER quotes the publishers of UFO REPORT, is 12TH PLANET, has a new book out
various UFO investigators on the made up almost entirely of articles from St. Martin's Press, THE STAIR-
possibility that some UFOs are ac- reprinted from past issues of the WAY TO HEAVEN. Ronald D. Story's
tually living creatures of pure energy magazine. Nothing new, if you're a UFOs AND THE LIMITS OF
which have been dubbed "zeroids." regular reader of UFO REPORT. SCIENCE is scheduled for March
The February 3 issue of the What was originally called TRUE release from William Morrow. Also
ENQUIRER features Bob Pratt's re- FLYING SAUCERS & UFOs, which coming out in March from Macmillan
port on November 1980 sightings of then became TRUE UFOs & OUTER is Greta Woodrew's ON A SLIDE
UFOs in northern Missouri and SPACE, is now TRUE OUTER SPACE OF LIGHT, dealing with alleged
Kansas. & PARANORMAL WORLD. What- communications from extraterres-
James Oberg's "UFO Update" ever they call it, the #21 issue has trials. What promises to be an ex-
column in the February issue of very little of interest in it. One pos- ceptionally interesting book is Dr.
OMNI rehashes the stories surround- sible exception is an "encore" article Harley D. Rutledge's PROJECT
ing astronauts' sightings of UFOs by the late Edward Ruppelt, ori- IDENTIFICATION, to be published
while on various space flights. Little, ginally published in TRUE over 20 by Prentice-Hall in a "Reward" paper-
if anything, here that you haven't years ago. back edition in April, with a hard-
read elsewhere. The March issue of FATE has cover edition slated for July. Also set
Part 1 of George Barley's article, for July release is Budd Hopkins's
(Director's Message, Continued) "Crashed Saucers and Pickled Aliens." book, INVISIBLE EPIDEMIC, dealing
Earley casts a skeptical eye at the with UFO abductions cases. This
former years. Allen Benz, AFRO reports of crashed alien ships being will be published under Putnam's
staff librarian, is currently soliciting transported from the southwestern "Marek" imprint in hardcover.
the help of influential people in states to Wright-Patterson Air Force
UFOlogy, who are members of Base in Ohio. He contends that it
MUFON, CUFOS, and formerly would have been virtually impos-
NICAP,"to assist APRO in leader- STAMP DONATIONS
sible to accomplish such a task by air,
ship roles. This may be a difficult A stamp collector makes dona-
rail, or highway in the late 1940's or
task for Mr. Benz, because some of tions to MUFON to support foreign
early 1950's, when some of the re-
these people have been subjected to exchange of UFO information in pro-
trievals allegedly occurred. Part 2 of
some very unfortunate and degrad- portion to cancelled foreign stamps
the article will appear in the April
ing experiences when they were that we provide to him. The program
issue of the magazine.
members of APRO many years ago. continues to be highly successful, and
An article dealing with the "new
Jim and Coral have contributed we acknowledge recent stamp dona-
wave" of UFO theories is featured in
immensely to the field of UFOlogy, tions from the following members/
the March issue of AMAZING. It
especially in the 1950s and 1960s contains a few errors, along with subscribers:
with their books, that helped to keep Larry W. Bryant, Arlington, Va.;
quotes from some UFO theorists
interest alive. 1981 may be the year Cynthia Hind, Zimbabwe, Africa;
whose ideas are questionable, at
when the Board of Directors of APRO Anders Liljegren.Norrkoping, Sweden;
recognize the advantages of coop- Barbara Mathey, Los Angeles, Calif.;
A brief look at recent and forth-
erating with CUFOS and MUFON, W. L. Moore, Dewey, Ariz.; Grey
coming books of possible interest:
so as to present a united front to not Woodman, Clinton, Iowa; and A.U.M.,
T.B. Pawlicki's HOW TO BUILD A
only the worldwide scientific com- Austin, Texas.
FLYING SAUCER has been published
munity, and UFO researchers every- in a "Reward" paperback edition
where, but also to the few vocal Additional stamp donations have
($6.95) by Prentice-Hall. Erich von
debunkers who obtain unwarranted been received from Christopher
Daniken's latest work, SIGNS OF
publicity. This is a public invitation Centi, Jamestown, N.Y.; Diane Tess-
THE GODS, and Margaret Sachs'
to the Board of Directors of APRO to man, St. Petersburg, Fla.; and A.
reconsider their isolationist attitude Thorpe, Culver City, Calif.
recently been released by G.P. Put-
and establish a cooperative rapport nam's Sons. THE UFO CATALOG Send cancelled foreign stamps in
with MUFON and CUFOS in the by Milt Machlin is out from Quick any quantity to Richard Hall, 4418
best interest of UFOlogy. D Fox Publishers in a paperback edi- 39th St., Brentwood, MD 20722.

"UFO's: The Hidden Evidence" the deadline for reservations will be Texas, area to accept a very signifi-
is the theme for our twelfth annual announced in the Journal. Symposium cant employment opportunity in the
UFO symposium to be held July 24, reservations also include the Hayden Odessa/Midland, Texas community.
25, and 26,1981 in the Kresge Audi- Planetarium show. In the past few months, Stan has
torium on the campus of the Massa- done a fantastic job in helping to
chusetts Institute of Technology . The Center for UFO Studies has revitalize the MUFON-Metroplex
(M.I.T.). Joe Santangelo, Regional announced the dates for their second organization. We hope that this en-
Director, and MUFON of Massachu- UFO Conference to be devoted to thusiasm will be extended into his
setts will host our first symposium in the scientific examination of the UFO new assignment as State Section
the Eastern Region. Program Chair- phenomenon. It is scheduled for Director for the following west Texas
man, Miss Joan Thompson, has an- September 25, 26, and 27,1981, and counties: Ector, Midland, Upton,
nounced the names of the featured will have a Chicago-area hotel as the Crane, Andrews, Winkler, Martin and
speakers and their subject matter. headquarters. CUFOS had their first Ward. Stan's new address is 2762
The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. J. conference on the state of UFO re- Brentwood, Odessa, TX 79726.
Allen Hynek, an overview and status search in 1976. We have been ad- Rev. G. Neal Hern, State Director
of the UFO phenomenon; Ted Phil- vised that APRO has moved the date for Texas, has appointed Lewis J.
lips, UFO landing-trace cases; Ron for their 1981 UFO Conference in Willis, Jr., 3917 Roma Court, Rock-
Westrum, sociology of UFOs; Rev. Cleveland, Ohio, up to June 5,6, and wall, TX 75087 to fill the vacancy
Barry Downing, religion and UFOs; 7, to be held at the Marriott Inn- created by Stan's reassignment. Lou
Dr. Bruce Maccabee or Richard Hall Airport. By spreading the dates and will be responsible for Dallas, Rock-
will make an announcement con- the regional area for each confer- wall, Kaufman, Ellis, and Collin
cerning the Fund for UFO Research; ence, we hope that each may be a Counties. Mr. Willis is currently con-
Budd Hopkins and Ms. Aphrodite successful event. By being the only ducting a Field Investigator's train-
Clamar, hypnosis and abductions; major UFO organization conducting ing course utilizing MUFON's manual
Peter Gersten, C.I.A./Government annual UFO symposiums, MUFON for members in MUFON-Metroplex.'
involvement; Lt. Col. Lawrence Coyne, has established a fine tradition that On February 6,1981, "The Larry
the 1973 helicopter experience; and others would like to emulate. King Show" emanating from the
Stanton T. Friedman, crashed saucers Dr. Mohamad Abdo Yamani, Mutual Broadcasting System studios
and the Roswell Incident. Minister of Information for the in Washington, D.C., was devoted to
government of the Kingdom of Saudi the subject of UFOs. Carried by over
Several workshops and films have Arabia, has accepted our invitation 200 radio stations in the United
been scheduled simultaneously with to be our representative in this influ- States, it is the nation's most popular
featured events to provide a well ential middle east nation. Dr. Ya- radio-talk show. After your Director
rounded program. Workshop speak- mani earned his doctorate in geolo- initiated the contact for the show, it
ers presently scheduled are Mrs. gy from Cornell University in Ithaca, was placed in the very capable hands
Cynthia Hind, MUFON Foreign Rep- N.Y., and has authored a UFO book of our MUFON people in the Wash-
resentative for Zimbabwe in Africa; printed in Arabic. MUFON's Inter- ington, D.C., area who could partici-
Dr. Hauser representing MUFON- national Coordinator, Michael Sin- pate as a panel in the MBS studios
CES in West Germany; and Ray- clair, has recently met with our rep- with Larry King as moderator. Fred
mond E. Fowler on field investiga- resentatives in Switzerland and West Whiting made the final arrangements.
tions. A flyer containing the reserva- Germany. He will share the benefi- To obtain maximum benefit from
tion details will be included with the cial results of these meetings with this nationwide exposure, it was de-
MUFON UFO JOURNAL for the Journal readers in a forthcoming cided that Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Chair-
convenience of people planning to issue. He has made tentative plans to man of the Fund for UFO Research;
attend. The package price to attend visit our representatives in London Richard H. Hall, Editor of The
all sessions will be $20. Through the and Paris, to coordinate UFO research MUFON UFO Journal; and Don Ber-
facilities of M.I.T. they are offering a and cooperation in Europe. liner, aviation writer, would make a
special price for meals, hospitality, Stanley C. Ferguson, one of very diversified panel to handle any
and a banquet, which requires an MUFON's first State Section Direct-
advanced reservation. Details and ors, has moved from the Dallas, (Continued on page 18)

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