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NUMBER 159 MAY 1981

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We are pleased to confirm that there are MUFON members out
there who pay attention, read and think. Their responses to various
Journal articles have appeared in recent issues, and will be
Editor incorporated in this and future issues increasingly whenever they

add new insight or perspective on a given topic. A Journal, above
all, should be a forum for exchange of ideas and information.
Associate Editor We will continue to feature factual articles, discussions, and
LEN STRINGFIELD reviews as before, but the give and take of critique and debate is an
Associate Editor important element in truth-seeking. UFO skeptics, debunkers, or
"demoters" certainly are welcome to participate in rational
MILDRED BIESELE discourse. We hope they will do so, since the Journal is not for
Contributing Editor "believers" only.

Director of MUFON

Humanoid Study Group In this issue
Promotion/Publicity By Peter Delin
By Cynthia Hind
Religion and UFOs
LUCIUS PARISH By Willard D. Nelson
By Ted Bloecher
By J. Richard Greenwell
Promotion/Publicity MESSAGE FROM THE AIR FORCE? 18
By Paul C. Cerny
Landing Trace Cases
By Lucius Parish
UFO Propulsion By Walt Andrus

Staff Writer

Editor/Publishers Emeritus
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By Peter Delin

(Reprinted by permission of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, South Australia
Division, 141 Rundle St., Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia, from an October 30,1971 UFO Symposium. Copies of the condensed papers
of the symposium are available at $A 10.00 each.)

Scientific thinking has been information established by Descartes. difficult to believe that the other is
with us for a relatively short time, So one characteristic one might being entirely honest. The skeptic is
historically speaking. During that reasonably expect to find in scientists accused of bolstering up a system in
time it has been responsible for is a tendency towards skepticism. which he has high status, of pan-
fantastic changes in the mode of Since a position of skepticism is one dering to the repressive demands of
living of a considerable proportion that is relatively easy to take up, governmental authority, of protecting
of the world's population. But this without special training, it will not be his neat little, tight little, ship. The
proportion is not as great as we who surprising if we find that it also char- believer is accused of not really be-
are the most affected tend to suppose. acterizes those people who have little lieving, but jumping on some sort of
Furthermore, only a small proportion scientific training or aptitude, but financial bandwagon, of striking back
of those whose life is affected by the who, for reasons related to their per- at the scientific system he has not
products of science are in any im- sonality structure, wish to think of been allowed to join, of being a
portant way infected with scientific themselves as being scientific. deliberate agent for chaos. The
thinking. Whether for the reasons sug- atmosphere becomes full of personal
A number of things follow from gested or as a result of some other criticisms ranging from pig-headed-
these observations. Firstly, given process it is clear that there are some ness through stupidity to insanity.
that the scientists represent such a people, and particularly people with Part of this acrimony springs
minority view, it is surprising that .scientific pretentions, for whom from mutual lack of comprehension,
we accord them as much reverence skepticism is a personality character- but part of it is justified, in that there
as we do. Secondly, and for the istic. Similarly, there is a class of are nuts on both sides. Some of the
same reason, it is surprising that people, who tend not to be scientists, skeptics are clearly more than a little
they so obviously see themselves as for whom credulity appears to have obsessional. Some of the believers
representing the sane, "normal" become a habitual mode of response. are clearly classifiable as paranoid
viewpoint. Thirdly, they must always These people seem to attempt, like schizophrenics. Unscrupulous people
be on the defensive against more Lewis Carroll's White Queen, to be- do jump on bandwagons and capi-
popular alternative ways of viewing lieve at least one impossible thing talize on the credulity of others. Gov-
and handling the universe; for each day before breakfast. ernments do try to exercise control
instance the magical and mystical I have been speaking as if these on the beliefs of the public, and
viewpoints. two types of people were discrete cat- sometimes they use scientists in this
Many different and conflicting egories, whereas they are probably at endeavor. This last point brings me at
philosophical positions have been the two ends of a continuum. There last to UFOs. However justified may
stated in the attempt to make explicit is however, a tendency for the people be the conclusions of the Condon
the distinction between scientific and who represent the two extremes to be report (University of Colorado UFO
non-scientific thinking. Both the highly vocal, not to say vociferous, in Project report, 1969—Editor), there
scientists and the philosophers are response to each other. The area of is little doubt that it was conceived
unclear about the processes involved their dispute tends to be one in which and executed with a strong bias to-
in discovering and demonstrating a phenomenon is being recognized wards reaching negative conclusions,
phenomena. On the other hand, the by one and denied by the other. The and that the governmental institution
processes of organizing and collating dispute itself tends to become highly of the investigation and selection of
information about the universe once acrimonious, with all sorts of per- its personnel was intended to pro-
one has attained it are relatively well sonal comments and accusations duce this bias.
established. This situation is a source being leveled at each side by the If one does succeed in taking a
of strong motivation towards skep- other. viewpoint midway between those of
ticism about new phenomena. An- That this is so is not surpising. the believers and the skeptics some
other source of motivation towards Each side finds the behavior of the
skepticism lies in the tradition of other incomprehensible in common-
resistance to authority as a source of sense terms, and as a result finds it (Continued on next page)
(Psychological, Continued) similar faults of reasoning, biased
interesting points of similarity be- "Governments do try to exercise observation, and capricious assign-
tween the two emerge. Both show a control on the beliefs of the public, ment of a priori probabilities, and
tendency to confuse and amalgamate and sometimes they use scientists displaying similar evidence of strong
observational and theoretical issues. internal motivation unrelated to the
Thus the statement that an observa-
in this endeavor." subject matter under discussion but
tion was made of a lenticular form- predisposing them to the point of
the phenomenon it is supposed to be
ation moving in a particular way is view they take up.
evidence for. This reasoning is as
not the same as the statement that an Science may have made enor-
zany as anything the most cranky
extraterrestrial vehicle was observed. mous strides in recent years, but we
believer is likely to come up with.
are still a long way from being in a
An interesting comparison can in
Evidence and Theory position to assign confident a priori
fact be made between psychical re-
probabilities to occasional pheno-
The reasonable grounds for be- search claims and those made in
mena. We may never be in a position
lieving or disbelieving the two state- relation to UFOs. And it is one which
to do this. This being so, any claim to
ments are quite different. Again, the ought to give some pause to the
have observed a new phenomena
believer may be putting forward a skeptics. If one tabulates claims for
must be judged in a way independent
theory which has a very low intrinsic spontaneous psychical phenomena
of our immediate ability to make it
probability, for instance that the earth in relation to the qualifications of
cohere within the structures that
has been under observation and those making them, excluding all
have already been elucidated. What
guidance from outside for a period of those claims which fall down on
this amounts to is that the credibility
millennia, but the skeptic trying to grounds of internal consistency, one
of witnesses must be assessed by the
explain away an observation is often finds that the most detailed claims
same sorts of techniques as might be
putting forward a rather extraord- come from those people whose cred-
used in a court of law, with the same
inary theory, for instance that three ibility as witnesses is lowest. If one
scrupulous separation of the witness's
astronomers could spend several does the same in relation to UFO
report from his interpretation of that
hours observing the planet Venus, claims one finds that the most de-
and thinking that it was a flying tailed reports come from just those
It is in fringe areas like psychical
object. The fact is that a position of people whose status as observers of
research and the investigation of
skepticism is one which requires aerial phenomena should be highest;
UFO claims that our ability as a
some justification as does a position pilots, astronomers, meteorologists,
species to make sense of our uni-
of belief, and there seems often to be etc. Similarly, if one carries out a
verse is under test, and it is my belief
as capricious a basis for the skeptic's content analysis of the claims that are
that if we are unable to prevent our
disbelief as for the believer's cred- made by observers of psychical
psychological weaknesses from
ulity. In exactly the same way as the phenomena one finds that the bigger
muddying the water we will fail that
credulous person sometimes seems the sample one takes the more diff-
to go out of his way to find extra- erent types of claim one can recognize.
ordinary things to believe in, the A similar exercise carried out into
skeptic often seems to be trying very UFO claims leads to a much more
hard to find things to disbelieve. restricted collation of categories.
A good example of this occurs in
relation to E.S.P. In this area skeptics
These are observations that the con-
scientious skeptic should include in
Many UFOs
often try to deny the phenomena by
suggesting that they run counter to
the theory with which he backs up his
In China?
PEKING (Kyodol-What is
established laws of physics. In fact the A long history of interaction with commonly known in other
countries 'as an unidentified
only thing the evidence clearly sug- people expressing belief and disbe- flying objects (UFO) have been
gests in this area is that sometimes lief in fringe phenomena ranging observed by the Chinese people
on more than 100 occasions,
people appear to demonstrate access from faith healing to the possibility of according to a Shanghai
to information that is difficult to faster than light space travel has con- SI magazine.
account for their possessing. This
does not seem a very extraordinary
vinced me that the extremely cred-
ulous and the extremely skeptical are
*\s The Nature Magazine said
people, in IS provinces, cities
and autonomous regions have

claim. Very much weaker evidence brothers under the skin, displaying 8 sighted the UFOs, most of them
round-shaped pans or balls
emitting silver glare in the
faintly suggests that, for instance, the daytime and orange light at
inverse square law for the propagation "... the extremely credulous and night. is not being obeyed. The the extremely skeptical are brothers
skeptic seems prepared to accept this under the skin, displaying similar
weak evidence in order to give him- faults of reasoning...."
self grounds for being skeptical about
By Cynthia Hind
(MUFON Field Investigator)

(Note: The CE-III case of Meagan proper turn-up for the book!" her nursing exams was because she
Quezet, Mindalore, nr. Krugersdorp, Dr. Levinson had told me at this was subject to epileptic attacks,
South Africa, was reported in stage, that he had become extremely which are now kept under control.
MUFON UFO Journal March/April interested in the case. He offered to An interesting sidelight to this is that
1979 and October 1979.) regress Megan and/or Andre, I have spoken to a doctor and appar-
during the weekend in his spare ently the one drug given for epilepsy
It was my intention to have time, without charge. However, both does produce a side-effect of hallu-
Meagan further regressed by Dr. subjects were adamant that they had cination! 1 passed Dr. Levinson's
Bernard Levinson of Johannesburg no intention of allowing him to do so, report on to one of our own
and also to try and persuade her son, although Meagan did promise me MUFON experts, Grey Woodman,
Andre, to undergo hypnotic regres- she would "think about it." M.D. (Psychiatry). Following is the
sion, and with this object in view Andre was even more "anti." He complete, unabridged reply received
I again visited Johannesburg in had changed schools as he was now a from Dr. Woodman.
late 1979. senior and the Quezet family (partly
I want to thank Mrs. Hind for the oppor-
Accompanying me on the invest- due to pressure and bad publicity tunity to comment on the hypnosis of
igation was Walter Pople, Chairman after the UFO incident) had moved Meagan Quezet.
of CONTACT, Durban, South Africa to another home. Andre was now at a Firstly I would like to say that the tran-
Catholic Senior School run by script has been edited and some of Dr.
and Chief Research Scientist in Marine Levinson's questions have been eliminated:
Biology with the Anti-Shark Measures priests. He had been given a silver
perhaps to listen to the unedited tape would
Board in Durban. Pople is an M.Sc. in cross attached to a heavy chain and have been rather better. But within the para-
Zoology (distinctions), and a neuro- he fingered this constantly while meters of what is available I would like to
physiologist. speaking to Walter and myself. make the following comments.
"The brothers have told me that it My first observation is that there seems
Meagan was generally coopera- quite a discrepancy between the consciously
tive at this session, although there is all the work of the devil," he said.
recalled description by Meagan and the hyp-
were times of non-cooperation, and Although we discussed the mat- notic recall. Dr. Levinson appears to have
Pople soon gained her confidence. ter further, both Pople and I felt there done an excellent job in avoiding leading
To such an extent indeed, that she was no point in pursuing our request questions, but of course at the expense of a
further at this stage. host of detail that the woman might have
sent Andre and her younger son, been expected to be able to produce. For in
Gary, to stay with Pople during the During the playback of the tape,
the conscious state she shows herself to be
school holidays. Unfortunately, at one time Meagan says "I can't go intelligent and observant (e.g., noticing that
neither of us could persuade Meagan away. I've got children. I don't think the man's eyes were translucent and in eval-
nor Andre to undergo hypnosis. my husband would mind, but what uating the fact that their white suits only
about my child?" looked pink from the reflection of pink light).
With Dr. Levinson's permission, Thus my feeling is that if her hypnotic
At the point where she referred description is an hysterical fantasy than I am
I played the tape recording of the to her husband, Andre looked up indeed surprised that she has such a paucity
earlier hypnotic regression to anxiously at his father. Then he stood of detail in her description of the events.
Meagan, something she had not up quickly and went to sit beside Rather it seems to me that Meagan had a
heard before. I omitted Levinson's him, as though comforting him. Both great deal of anxiety about the whole event,
final summing up. from her initial refusal to enter into hypnosis,
Pople and I noted the reaction. to her meeting with the hypnotist and during
Meagan's reaction was com- I have since written to Meagan the hypnotic session itself. It does seem that
pletely unpredictable. on two occasions but have received Dr. Levinson used none of the well known
"It's a lot of nonsense," she said. no reply. I feel she was disillusioned techniques for distancing the patient from
"I never went inside the craft." with the bad press, the ridicule, the what appears to have been a very anxiety
"How then do you account for provoking situation—whether real or fant-
hostile reporting and wants to put asied. If such techniques had been used and
what you said?" I asked. (In the tape the whole incident behind her. combined with open-ended but focused
she referred to the craft interior and As far as I could ascertain, there enquiry I feel more would have been learned
her fears while inside.) were no after-effects, apart from some of the details.
She laughed. "Well, it sounds like nightmares that Meagan reported.
me but how do I know it isn't faked?" But she did confide to Walter Pople
As the British would say, "A that the reason she did not complete (Continued on next page)
(Africa, Continued) CASE: Danie van Graan, Loxton, The craft left 4 outer marks and a
Assuming for the moment that Meagan's Cape, South Africa. CE-III. 31st center mark. Nothing grew in the
anxiety was occasioned by a real event which July, 1975. (UFO REPORT, issue center mark for a period of 2-3 years,
frightened her a good deal, was not in fact March 1978) despite good irrigation. A sample of
reassured by the hypnotist, then this would this soil showed a high alkaline con-
account for her extreme separation anxiety I have» received a letter on the
tent. From the marks, the craft would
(under threat of being kidnapped) and the 10th February, 1981 to say that Danie
few details of the events and environment appear to have been approximately 9
van Graan died of cancer on the 4th
recalled—very different from the hysteric's meters in diameter.
January of this year. For those who
need to dramatize herself. At the time of the incident, van
The New York Police Department has a are not familiar with this case, I will
Graan was 67 years old, fit and
full time officer who uses hypnosis in helping report briefly. Van Graan woke early
healthy, a thin, wiry farmer who had
witnesses to recall details of observed crime. on the 31st July, and went down to
As he has said recently, "A witness who is no record of serious illness.
examine his sheep kraal (enclosure).
looking down the barrel of a gun is a very It was a cold and misty morning.
poor observer of detail." Thus also, one Over the past 18 months, there
would expect with a witness to a UFO event. Loxton is partially surrounded by a 3
have been no reports of any partic-
There is no doubt that a hypnotic subject meter earthen wall.and as he topped
ular significance from Southern
unfamiliar with UFOs can come forth with this, van Graan saw, about 185
remarkably elaborate descriptions of UFOs— Africa. My colleague, Sgt. C. Powell, of
meters away, what he took to be the
that has been documented. On the other the SA Police, stationed at Uitenhage,
aluminum roof of a caravan. Govern-
hand the quality of information obtained Cape, has sent me a few "light"
from alleged UFO contactees, obtained under ment prospectors had been working
reports from his area and I have
hypnosis, is likely to be affected by the in the area (uranium was present)
added two of some significance from
value/belief systems of the hypnotist. and van Graan assumed it was these
I submitted the transcript to two friends, Zimbabwe. •
people in their caravan.
both practicing hypnotists in the medical field
As he approached, he realized it
(one a physician); the first felt the questions DATE: 9th December, 1979.
were too leading and agreed with Dr. was not a caravan, but an oval-
Levinson's opinion that the material was an shaped object with 3 visible straight WITNESSES: Mrs. J. Brittain (52)
hysterical fantasy; the second felt that the legs. (Later, it was obvious that there and R. Doak (44) E. Sutler (63)
questions were not at all leading and the were 4 legs on the outside perimeter
encounter "could well have happened." The REPORT: A nocturnal ball of light
of the object and a center leg) As van
first frankly rejects the idea of UFOs com- was noted moving across the sky at
pletely; the second describes himself as a Graan drew closer, he observed 4
23:00 hours. The brilliant white light
"hard-nosed skeptic but willing to occupants, and at 5 meters, he could
turned to green. Moved from the
be convinced." see them clearly. They were small
From the literature of CE-III's, it does
east to the northwest. One of the
"pale and thin" with long faces, slant-
seem a common experience that the con- witnesses described the light as a
ing eyes, and high cheek-bones
tactee is left with a very firm post-hypnotic "streak." Sighting lasted 30 seconds
injunction from the "space folk" that they will coming down to a sharp chin. They
to 1 minute.
not remember the encounter, that this is wore cream-colored overalls with
broken by the hypnotist only with the hoods attached. The hoods were CONCLUSION: After thorough
greatest difficulty. In one unpublished case of hanging down and the hair was fair. examination, insufficient evidence
my acquaintance the full uncovering of the Suddenly, they became aware of van allowed no conclusion. Possibly
repressed material took some 20 sessions.
It would seem, therefore, that Meagan Graan (as though he had triggered meteorite.
Quezet was considerably frightened by her off an alarm) and they looked up in
experience, that her anxiety in the hypnotic unison. At the same time, van Graan DATE: 14th January, 1980. Then on
session was real and accounted for her poor heard a "tck" sound and a brilliant 15716717th Jan., 1980.
recall and description, and the injunction she beam of light hit him. Blinded, con-
was given that she would not remember was WITNESSES: G.F. Rautenbach (76)
real and was not materially breached by the fused, and nauseated, he moved out
F. Rautenbach (25) Miss S.M. du
present hypnotic session and that much more of the light of the beam and the craft
Preez (22)
repressed material is likely to be in her un- took off immediately at a 45° angle,
conscious mind, which perhaps could be REPORT: Bright white light, slightly
nearly hitting a windmill on his land.
elucidated by further sessions. Let us hope larger than a tennis ball, travelling
Van Graan showed me a small
that the opportunity will present itself to through the sky from south to west.
Meagan and Mrs. Hind.—Grey M. Woodman piece of glass (sand solidified on site)
Rautenbach Snr. also noticed a
M.D. which he picked up immediately
strange mark on the surface of the
afterwards and despite the cold of
road outside his house.
the morning, was still warm in his
hand. (I have been trying to obtain CONCLUSION: Could have been
access to this for analysis, but van satellite (known to be in that position
Graan would not part with it. I have on the 14th of January). The mark on
now written to his widow asking for the road appeared to be an oil leak
a loan of the "piece of glass.") from Rautenbach Jnr's car.
(Africa, Continued)


Falls Salisbury

Fort Rixon
e Bula\ayo



DATE: 28th March, 1980. the clouds; the light was similar to a get some air when she saw the light.
searchlight. There was no smell. It hovered and then moved off
WITNESSES: D. Cora (Chief cotton- (There were 4 friends with Mr. rapidly in a northwest direction. Pat
ginner at Banket, Zimbabwe) Martinn). Hesketh (a well-known Zimbabwean
Orlando Martinn (Foreman of the artist) was awake when the light
CONCLUSION: The cloud was
Rhodesia Wattle Company in appeared in the frame of the win-
Inyanga, Zimbabwe) low on the night of the 28th March,
and stars only intermittently visible. dow of her room in the hotel. It was
REPORT: The light in the sky was No aircraft activity in either area at very bright and reminded her of a
first seen at approx. 20:00 hours. that time. Object Unknown. "frosted light bulb." It moved rapid-
Cora drew his son's attention to it. It ly across the frame of the window
was hovering at the time just above DATE: October 10th, 1980. and soon passed out of sight.
some trees at the bottom of their CONCLUSION: No aircraft (known)
garden. At one time, Cora noted WITNESSES: Carol Baron (13) in
Fort Rixon, near Bulawayo, in the area at the time. Satellite
sparks (orange in color) emanating would not have "hovered." Unknown.
Zimbabwe. Pat Hesketh at White
from one side of the object and a
strong smell of "soldering acid." The Rhino Motel, near Bubye River,
Zimbabwe. DATE: Between 15-20th December,
light was in position for about 2 1980. (Our nearest investigator is
minutes when it moved off rapidly. REPORT: Both women, unknown checking into this report at the
Martinn reported the light at the to each other and in widely apart moment.)
same time, where he noted it hover- areas, reported noticing a brilliant
ing in a stationary position before it light in the sky at 3:30 a.m. Miss
moved up into the clouds. A beam of Baron was feeling ill and had gone
light from the object shone up into onto the front porch of the house to (Continued on next page)
By Willard D. Nelson

"One of the most perplexing people, approximately 15 miles the truck, they left the work area by
aspects of abductions is their curious from Heber and only 7 miles from 6:10 p.m., and in a few minutes they
absence of corroborative witnesses the Walton abduction site. Our sighted the glowing, jewel-like shape
and^ physical trace evidence." friends showed us the area in their hovering among the trees. Dumb-
These recent words in a book review four-wheel-drive vehicle, including founded, they watched as Travis ap-
by Dennis Stacy seem .all too true, the stretch of road above Heber proached the UFO and was struck by
yet the Walton case defies easy where Walton was supposedly re- a blue beam of energy or light. The
explanation as psychological. There leased by UFO entities after his 5- others panicked, escaped in the truck,
are the seven witnesses, including day disappearance in 1975. We but soon regained their senses and
Travis, who have all passed, so far as talked UFO's as we drove from returned, only to find Travis and the
I know, the law enforcement lie Heber toward Black Canyon Lake UFO missing. The correspondence in
detector tests, verifying the pre- on a rutted dirt road. One of our time with local interruption of TV
sence of a UFO, if not the abduction. friends spontaneously mentioned a reception is notable. Forest Lakes
Some investigators still hang up on local woman who had said that Estates and Heber are about equi-
the abduction, maintaining that Tra- television reception had "gone out" distant, 7 miles, from the Turkey
vis could have been stumbling a- on the day of the abduction. If true, I Creek abduction site. There is no
round in the woods, out of his mind recognized this as a significant phy- cable TV, so all reception from distant
for several days until he came to just sical event which I had not heard Phoenix depends on the height and
outside Heber, and that the abduc- before about the Walton case. quality of one's antenna.
tion story was a confabulation of the The woman' referred to is well As described in The Walton Experi-
hypnosis., not as knowled- known for her real estate business in ence, the Navajo County Sheriff drove
geable of the case, consider the the area and not likely to be making from Heber to a higher place to achieve
whole episode to be a made-up statements without foundation. She radio contact with the County Seat in
story, or that it was some misiden- prefers to remain anonymous in this Holbrook during his investigation.
tified natural phenomena, or that article. "Yes,"she said when I con- Heber is in a hollow. However, both
Travis—at least— was subject to an tacted her later. "I remember it Heber and Forest Lakes Estates would
"as yet unidentified psychological because it made me mad. I was be within line-of-sight reception (or
process." trying to watch the 6 o'clock news disruption) from a radiation source
It is refreshing, then, to be able to and the picture went out for about on the Rim.
offer what may qualify as physical 20 minutes, right after 6:15. At first I have written to the Navajo and
trace evidence to supplement this we thought the power had gone off, Gila County Sheriffs Departments
famous case and add credibility to but we checked that. A lady in Heber requesting information about inter-
the UFO sighting itself. later told me that she lost the picture ruption in communications on that
During the 1980 Christmas hol- too, and they have a different power day in 1975. Considerable time has
iday, my wife and I visited a family company, so it wasn't a power passed and they have not responded.
who lives atop the Mogollon Rim of outage." Later, when the local ex- The' Police Department of the City of
Arizona in Forest Lakes Estates, a citement about the UFO and the Payson, 35 miles from Forest Lakes,
small community of a hundred-plus Walton disappearance broke into graciously responded, stating that
the news, the two ladies wondered if their records do not go back that far.
(Africa, Continued) television interruption' might have Law enforcement agencies are re-
been connected to the UFO. They quired by FCC regulation to retain
WITNESSES: Several residents of had no idea that electromagnetic records of interferences in communi-
Colesberg, Cape, South Africa. effects sometimes accompany UFO cations, according to a friend who is a
events. radiation specialist. He says that any-
REPORT: A "cloud-like" object, It remained for me to check the
emitting a brilliant light with a hazy thing radiating electromagnetic
timing. According to Walton's own waves in the TV spectrum of fre-
funnel reaching the ground. Officials description of the affair in The Walton
claim it was a small thunder cloud quencies (from about 75MHz) with a
Experience (Berkley Medallion Pa-
obscured by mist and dust. Residents perback, 1978), the seven men quit
deny this. Sky was cloudless and no their cutting work in the forest at 6
wind about. p.m. on November 5,1975. Loading (Continued on next page)

From the Humanold Archives-Ill
By Ted Bloecher
(© 1981, Ted Bloecher)

Date of sighting: Thurs., April 8,1954 igating agent not identified in report the FBI; IV: Summary of Informa-
Time: 4:30 p.m. (1640 CST) -tb). tion, 16 April 1954 (consisting of a 3-
Locale: 3121 N. Sheridan Rd., HumCat Classification: Serial No. page report prepared by an~unident-
Chicago, Illinois 0231, Type B (entity seen getting ified Army Intelligence investigator).
Witness: Mrs. Lelah H. Stoker off/on UFO). (Continued on next page)
Duration: 30 minutes
Closest Proximity: Uncertain, but Background
probably no more than 500 feet. During the Fall of 1974, Richard Hall Project Starlight Director
Investigator: Counter Intelligence, and I had the opportunity to ex-
Fifth Army, Chicago, Illinois (invest-
Addresses Scientists
amine a number of CEIII reports
(Walton, Continued) from the U.S. Air Force "Project
Blue Book" files. The Blue Book Ray Stanford, director of Project
signal stronger than the received TV material was at that time being stor- Starlight International (an instru-
signal, could cause the observed inter- ed at Maxwell Air Force Base in mental approach to the physics of
ruption. It was described by the real Montgomery, Alabama; we submit- UFOs), and a MUFON state section
estate lady "as though the station went ted our requests for the case files director in Texas, was an invited
off the air but the set remained on," through the U.S. Air Force Office of speaker in the general physical
implying a snowy screen and static History, in Washington, D.C. The sciences section at the annual meet-
hiss for sound. case files were then flown up from ing of the Louisiana Academy of
It is tempting to speculate that Maxwell AFB for our examination. Sciences, Friday, February 6, 1981.
UFOs radiate microwaves in the We looked at more than three Invited by Dr. Csaba P.
"hovering mode" since many stories dozen case files, and secured photo- Keszthelyi, general physical scienc-
suggest it, but the effect is usually copies of most of them. Many of the es program chairman, Stanford gave
noted only locally. The radiation cases are well known, but among the a paper illustrated with 86 trans-
specialist suggests that such effects lesser-known reports is that of Mrs. parencies, entitled: A Preliminary
could propagate for up to 150 miles if Lelah Stoker, of Chicago. It is one of Study of Luminous, Magnetic, and
the source was high enough and seven "Unidentified" humaniod Shock-Wave Phenomena Recorded in
strong enough. I know of no cases cases included among the official Association with Anomalous Aerial
where this has been reported. Nor do UFO reports and is of special inter- Objects (AAO).
all hovering UFOs interfere with TV. est for that reason; in addition, it is An abstract of Stanford's paper is
The "range of influence" in the pre- an observation made in a densely reproduced herein because it may
sent case appears to be at least 7 miles. populated, urban locale. To under- interest MUFON readers:
If radio amateurs in the area had score this unusual feature, we in- "A study of optical and
"repeaters" on the air at the time (the clude a photocopy of a report from a electronic recordings of anomalous
two meter amateur band is about 145 Florida newspaper, describing a aerial objects (AAO) has indicated
MHz) they should also have noted similar report from the same Chi- possible cause-to-effect relation-
interruption, as would police and cago lakefront some 11 years after ships between luminous, magnetic,
citizens band radio opertors. Since I Mrs! Stoker's observation. This latter and shock-wave phenomena associ-
believe that this information could case, so far as is known, was not ated with the objects. Optical images
lend credibility to the incredible investigated at first hand. and correlation of magnetic effects
Walton experience, I appeal for con- The official report of Mrs. Stoker's with radio frequency disturbances
firmation .from any such sources. sighting is reprinted here in its entir- suggest magnetohydrodynamic .
Perhaps radio amateurs of the ety, and consists of four documents: action (MHA) adjacent to AAO."
MUFON NET know of amateurs in I:Project 10073 Record (a brief sum- Stanford reports that the
the Heber area. mary sheet of the case); II: Letter of presentation was well received.
Even if this TV interruption event 26 May 1954, from Col. Roberts P. Questions from the floor afterwards
cannot be authenticated, the spon- Johnson, Jr., to Commander, ATIC; indicated, rather than blind
taneous manner in which the story III: Letter of 26 Apreil 1954, from skepticism, an intelligent interest in
arose tends towards self-authentica- Major Clare T. Jensen to Navy Intell- further understanding the matters
tion. igence, OSI (AF Intelligence), and discussed.
(Humanoid, Continued)

I. Summary Cover Sheet

1. Date-Time Group: 8 April 1954/2230Z (Greenwich Mean Time)
2. Location: Chicago, Illinois
3. Source: Civilian
4. Number of Objects: One
5. Length of Observation: 30 minutes
6. Type of Observation: Ground visual
7. Course: Varied
8. Photos: No
9. Physical Evidence: (unchecked - tb)
10. Conclusion: UNIDENTIFIED
11. Brief Summary and Analysis: See Case File. Lady observed a saucer. Saucer landed and little green man got out, walked
around and climbed back into his saucer and took off. UNIDENTIFIED.
II. Letter from Colonel Johnson to ATIC Commander
Letterhead: Department of the Air Force, Headquarters, Washington, D.C., The Inspector General,. USAF, 5th District, Office of
Special investigations Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
In reply refer to: 5D 24-21-138 26 May 1954
Subject: UNKNOWN SUBJECT (stamped)
Unidentified, Flying Object UNCLASSIFIED
Belmont Yacht Club Area
Chicago, Illinois
To: Commander, ATIC
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Attn: ATIAA-2C
1. Attached hereto for your information is one (1) phqtostatic copy of letter. Headquarters Fifth Army, dated 26 April 1954,
which forwards a Summary of Information relative SUBJECT.
2. The above material was furnished to this District Office by the District Commander, 24th OSI District (IG). Chicago,
3. Attention is invited to the fact that the information contained in the attached enclosure has been derived from a source
other than USAF; therefore, in accordance with paragraph 8b, APR 205-1, dissemination of the information contained therein
must not be made outside of USAF Channels, and such information contained therein will be safeguarded in accordance with
provisions of AFR 205-1.
1 Inc. /s/ Roberts P. Johnson, Jr.
Photocopy, 5th Army Ltr Colonel, USAF
Dated 26 Apr 54 w/Incl District Commander
cc: Dir OSI w/o Incl
(stamped on bottom)
ODD DIR 5200.10.
(In ink) 5D-F-8118 54MC-176793

m. Letter from Major Jensen to Navy Intelligence, OSI & FBI

1660 East Hyde Park Boulevard
Chicago 15, Illinois
ALFGB-CI 26 Apr 1954
SUBJECT: Unidentified Object
TO: District Intelligence Officer, 9th Naval District, Room 903, U.S. Custom House, 610 South Canal Street Chicago 7, Illinois

District Commander, 24th District OSI, USAF, 343 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 4, Illinois
Special Agent in Charge, FBI; 1900 Bankers Bldg., Chicago 3, Illinois
The inclosed Summary of information, subject as above, is forwarded for your information.
For the Assistant Chief of Staff, G2
1 Incl Clare T. Jensen, Maj GS
Subject as above Lt. Colonel, GS
Chief, Counter Intelligence Div

IV. Summary of Information

Preparing Office:' Fifth Army Regional Office 16 April 1954
1660 East Hyde Park Blvd.
Chicago 15, Illinois
Subject: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT Code for Individual Paragraph Evaluation:
Of Source Of Information
Usually reliable.. .B Probably True.. .2
Reliability not Possibly True.. .3
known..... F Truth Cannot be
Judged.... 6

SUMMARY OF INFORMATION This agent subsequently inter- unidentified matter would become
viewed Mrs. Lelah H. Stoker, apart- entangled with the trees; however,
On 12 April 1954, pursuant to ment 706,3121 North Sheridan Road its form was now small and resem-
information received by this office, Chicago, Illinois, concerning her re- bled a piece of newspaper 2 to 3 feet
this Agent contacted Mr. Arlie R. ported observation on 8 April 1954. in length. The human-like form,
Neal, Engineman 1, Service Number In substance source imparted that now alighted on the ground and
286-410, Chicago Coast Guard Sta- she had returned home from the described as being short but natural
tion, Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, library about 1630 hours on the stature and dressed in a green one-
concerning an alleged parachute- aforementioned date and in a sober piece suit with a simple tight-fitting
like object skimming over the water- frame of mind saw from her apart- head and chin headdress, walked up
front, seen and reported by a Mrs. ment window a very brilliant white and down the frontage behind the
Lelah H. Stoker, 3121 North Sheri- parachute-like object with a sus- low stone wall and blended with the
dan Road, Chicago, on 8 April 1954. pended human-like form skimming grasses. Source commented that her
At 1645 hours Neal stated Mrs. over the water in all directions at an observations are very similar to
Stoker reported by telephone the altitiude level with her window and those illustrated on pages 112, 177,
aformentioned mass with a sus- at a distance of about 3000 feet, and 209 of the book entitled "Flying
pended human-like form hovering traversing within the purview of a Saucers Have Landed," by Demund
over the water in the vincinity of the 45-degree angle. (sic) Leslie and George Adamski,
Belmont Yacht Club (3200 north) at Source commented that because which subsequently was given to
an estimated altitude of 200 to 300 of her doubt she asked two apart- her by her son, a prominent Chicago
feet and at-an approximate distance ment tenants, Mr. and Mrs. William engineer and reportedly a former
of 2000 to 3000 feet off-shore. With- Baruszak, apartment 703, who were Army-Navy Intelligence Liasion of-
in five minutes, Neal, accompanied awaiting the apartment elevator, to ficer. Previous to this occurrence,
by other coast guardsmen, proceed- confirm her observations, which source stated she disbelieved in
ed by seacraft to the area, arriving they reportedly did for about five "saucers'' and therefore had never
there about 20 minutes later. On the minutes. Source then notified the read nor become interested in them.
northward trip they scouted the area US Coast Guard at 1645 hours. How- •According to the source, the e-
about a half-mile off shore until they ever, as the searching seacraft near- vent lasted approximately 30 min-
reached the 4500 block north and ed the area the object descended utes, and when after the seacraft
then returned, following a course and became condensed in size until passed, the foreign structure again
about 1500 feet off shore. Search it landed on the shoreland (3050- became enlarged, rose to its former
was negative. On the following day, 3100 north) among the sporadic level, and hovered over the water
Neal stated that Mrs. Stoker again foliage, thus becoming less conspic- until the suspended airman reenter-
telephoned to inquire whether any- uous and detectable.
thing was learned. (B-2) Source's first belief was that the (Continued on next page)
(Humanoid, Continued)

ed the structure. In a matter of sec-

onds the aircraft departed with a Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel, Saturday, March 6, 1965
tremendous burst of speed eastward
and without noise. During a tilt of
the mass, source observed two nar-
Brooksville Story Prompts Report
row parallel bar-like formations on
the underside of the spherical um-
brella which were protected by the
Tourist Sights Twin To Robot
peripheral caves of the form (sic). By RONALD WEST
Due to the structural nature and Other than that. Keck
Scnttnel Staff said the creatures were
setting of the buildings extending NEW SMYRNA BEACH - A about identical.
eastward, source commented that any Chicago tourist yesterday reported "I'd say the one I saw
slight noise is grossly amplified and to The Sentinel he had seen a robot- was about the same size,
therefore was surprised that the type creature very similar to the 5-feet tall and stocky, just
strange object was so soundless. one supposedly sighted by a like the one in Brooksville,"
Brooksville man earlier this week. Keck said.
Unless the matter was given some
importance, source was of the o- Harvey Keck, a retired milkman, "HE ALSO had dark tan
stopped by The Sentinel's bureau flesh, the same glass dome
pinion that the above witnesses
here yesterday after reading the helmet and his eyes were
would not reveal their knowledge report in Friday's edition about the farther apart than normal.
and observations of the above oc- landing at Brooksville. He was en He even had the same
currence. (F-3) route to Miami. pointed chin as this one in
On 13 April 1954, two attempts Florida.
KECK SAID he had seen a crea- "And that description of
were made by this agent to inter- the saucer was right on the
view Mr. and Mrs. William Boruszak, ture which fitted the description of
the Brooksville robot .about a button. About six feet high
apartment 703, 3121 North Shrei- and the same four-legged
month ago. landing gear."
dan Road, Chicago, Illinois, con-
"I saw something just about like The supposed sighting
cerning their witnessing of the a-
this man and the same type of near Brooksville had been
bove event. During the first attempt, saucer while walking along the reported by John F. Reeves,
made by telephone, Mrs. Boruszak shores of Lake Michigan on an a former longshoreman
manifested a hostile attitude and isolated stretch about sunrise one from Brooklyn.
insistantly (sic) denied she knew morning," Keck said. HIS REPORT, and two
anything of the Thursday evening "I didn't report it, because I fig- pieces of paper which the
occurrence without ever being told ured everybody would think I was robot was said to have left
by this Agent exactly what was being crazy or drunk," the Chicago man behind him, have been
referred to. Although Mr. Boruszak explained. turned over to officials at
was not avialable for immediate MacDill Air Force Base at
"I TOLD MY WIFE about it, but Tampa.
comment during the second inter- she never has believed it. She MacDill officials have
view, at her home, Mrs. Boruszak keeps telling me I dreamed it up. said a routine investiga-
admitted then that she and her hus- Then when I read about this fellow tion would'be made.
band were awaiting the apartment in your paper, I thought I better When Keck was asked
elevator when Mrs. Stoker asked tell somebody about it." if he planned to report his
According to Keck, the only dif- sighting to the military,
them to look out her window. How- he told The Sentinel, "No,
ever, because of their haste, source ference between the creature he I don't want to get involved
denied entering Stoker's apartment saw and the one in Brooksville was in .this thing.
the camera angle. Keck said the
and paid little attention to the matter. robot he saw didn't have any "I JUST happened to be
She further stated that she remem- camera. passing through here on my
bers nothing of what she might have way south and I read it in
He also said his creature didn't the paper and thought you
seen and did not recall if her hus- write anything on a slip of paper newspaper folks might
band entered the apartment. Source and leave it behind him, as the one want to know about it.
commented that Mrs. Stoker must or in Brooksville was reported to "I wouldn't have said
might have been using binoculars; have done. anything but/ the resem-
however, (she) had no reason for blance between this robot
her comment. Source remarked she and the one I saw was so
remarkable, I thought I
knew nothing of Mrs. Stoker other should report it to some-
than that she resides in apartment one."
706. She inquired whether Mrs.


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Stoker was trying to make an issue of exactly where the shore line was he and "squirlish" (sic). Squirlish is
the affair or to gain publicity. (F-6) estimated the distance of the floating used by Mrs. Boruszak to denote
On 15 April 1954, Mr. William R. and bouncing object to be about 100 one who is talkative. (F-3)
Boruszak, vice-president, Western yards off shore. At his time he re- AGENT'S NOTE: Mrs. Stoker
United Dairy, 1451 West Grenshaw, garded it as an inflated experimental impressed this agent as being a wo-
Chicago, who resides in apartment balloon and described it as being a man of apparent leisure, culture, and
703, 3121 North Sheridan Road, large oval-like white pancake (cleft) greater than average financial means,
Chicago, was interviewed concern- mass; too large to be a kit (sic - kite?) devoted to intellectual research and
ing the unidentified object reported and no markings to signify it was a knowledge. As a youngster she as-
by Mrs. Lelah H. Stoker on 8 April weather balloon. Because of his serted she had a governess for four-
1954. In substance source stated that previously mentioned presumption teen years, and graduated from high
at approximately 1630 hours he and he paid little heed to it and does not school at the age of twelve. Continu-
his wife were awaiting the apart- recall whether it had any suspen- ing on she subsequently attended
ment elevator when Mrs. Stoker sions. Source asserted had he not the National Park Seminary, Wash-
entered the hallway and asked them been in a hurry and given more ington, D.C., for two years prepar-
to look out her window at some- thought to the event he would have atory medical missionary work in
thing which appeared . peculiar to returned to his apartment to acquire China. She claims fluency in several
her. Source stated he did not enter his binoculars. Little is known of languages: Chinese, Hindustani^
the apartment but made his observa- Mrs. Stoker other than she is believ- Greek, Italian, Latin, German,
tion from the doorway. Though ed to be a travel agent, appears to be French, Russian and some basic
source was wearing glasses for his quite intelligent and considered by
nearsightedness and did not know Mrs. Boruszak to be slightly erratic (Continued on next page)
By J. Richard Greenwell

This concerns Richard Hall's now in Washington, D.C., and avail- Furthermore,".. .personnel stationed
article "A Radar Case in Point" able on microfilm. at (radar) sites reported seeing red
(No. 154, Dec. 1980, p. 9-10), which I would like to take this oppor- and green lights," making this event
refers to the UFO radar events ob- tunity to add some of my own a radar-visual sighting, despite the
served by military personnel in the comments to Mr. Hall's review. The. fact that a commercial aircraft was
Panama Canal Zone, March 9-11, Air Force case report states that, unable to obtain an airborne visual
1958 (not March 9-13 as mistakenly during the first event (1959-0210 confirmation.
stated by Air Force captain Vernon hours, March 9-10), involving two During the second event (1012-
D. Adams). I am puzzled by the objects first detected by search radar 1412 hours, March 10), a single
statement that the case report was 3,000 feet apart, "an attempt was object was tracked moving away
obtained recently by civilian UFO made by members of Radar Site, from an approaching T-33 jet aircraft
investigators through Freedom of Flamenco Island, to observe the ob- (which had been sent up to investi-
Information Act litigation.* This case jects by searchlights. When the light gate) at 1,000 miles per hour. Its
report, based on information pro- touched the objects, they travelled movement was described "at times
vided by the U.S. Army to the U.S. from an altitude of two thousand to be evasive action."
Air Force, was declassified on May feet to ten thousand feet in five to ten Mr. Hall does not refer to the
13,1968, and a copy was obtained by seconds" (about 500 to 1,000 miles third event (0400-0536 hours, March
University of Arizona atmospheric per hour). 11), but this again involved radar
physicist James E. McDonald on •The rapid ascent and physical and visual sighting, came from a Pan
May 26, 1970, from Project Blue properties of the targets was con- American Airways pilot at 0400
Book files then at the Air Force firmed when ".. .the Track Radar, hours; he described the object as
Archives at Maxwell Air Force Base, which was locked on targets broke larger than his DC-6. It is important
Alabama. Unless it was taken out for the Track Lock and was unable to to note that he could not have been
some reason, the case report should keep up with the ascent of the ob- influenced by the sightings of the
be included in the Blue Book files jects. As Track Radar can only be previous two days because these,
'The report was released separately by the locked on a solid object.. .it was being military events, were classi-
Army-Editor. assumed that the objects were solid." (Continued on next page)

(Humanoid, Continued)
knowledge of others. She has cross- in England under Lord Chamberlain. career in public life. About the sight-
ed the ocean fourteen times and Numerous lectures have also been ing itself, a number of questions may
made extensive travels through the made on the above subjects in the be raised, but the most significant
Northern Hemisphere. During United States and Canada. one concerns the reported reduct-
World War I, according to the source, Classified CONFIDENTIAL ion in size of the UFO once it had
she worked for the Morale Clinic, UPAR 380-5 Para 13 landed among the bushes on the
Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, and (stamped) UNCLASSIFIED lakefront beach. Is this a description
later organized and headed the De- we can take at face value, and if it is,
partment of Psychiatry, Jefferson Only information derived from what are the implications of such a
Barracks, during World War II Army sources is included in detail.
with noted psychiatrists. Al- the above summary. Regarding the investigation, one
legedly she has received wide ac- (Reporting agent is unnamed - tb) may ask why it was the Army Intelli-
claim for her writings and lectures gence and not the Air Force who
on such topics as Child Psychology, conducted the inquiry. The fact that
Russia and Communism, her private Conclusion
Air Force and Navy Intelligence, as
religious collection of "The Black This is an unusual UFO incident well as the FBI, were given copies of
Madonna," and her authoritative- made by a fascinating and impres- the Army report, should not be ig-
ness on Cricket and Cricket Lore. sive witness: one wishes to know nored. Based upon the information
She has appeared in articles of more about each. It might be poss- compiled by the unnamed G2 agent
American newspapers, namely two, ible to find useful biographical in- who interviewed Mrs. Stoker, it
the Chicago Tribune and the Detroit formation about Mrs. Stoker in the would be hard to disagree with the
Times, has appeared on television, Chicago library, since she appears to Air Force when they concluded that
and spoke for the conservative Party have had such an active and varied this UFO incident is "Unidentified."
(Radar, Continued) even if they were — and then coin-
cidentally locking-in on two other
fied and unpublicized. Several Hawk balloons at 1Q,000 feet — which also
radar tracks of the object occurred were not there and could not be ETH Hypothesis
until 0536 hours. During the period tracked on track radar even if they Editor,
of these tracks, while the Pah Amer- were. In regard to Mr. Campbell's an-
ican DC-6 approached, the Hawk Colonel Hoffman decided that alysis of the ETH hypothesis (No. 156,
radar site personnel were asked if it the second event could be attributed Feb. 1981), I follow him up to the
(the DC-6) was the same track as to "false targets," despite the fact that point that it is based on the assum-
picked up previously. The answer the object was tracked taking 1,000 ption that alien intelligence exists, but
was negative. mile per hour evasive action when depart from his line of reasoning on
Although there was ground- approached by a military jet aircraft, the grounds that he has accepted
radar, ground-visual, and air-visual and despite the fact that "interro- assumptions and theories that rule
components in these events, Colonel gation of scope operators has indi- out this existence whereby it is just as
Gordon C. Hoffman, in his October cated that returns were strong and easy to rule in by acceptance of other
30,1958, analysis of this case report, easily distinguished from cloud assumptions and theories.He states
prior to its deposit in the filing formations." One may wonder if the that "there is no evidence that in the
cabinets for posterity, concluded that term "false targets" is not simply a whole Universe there exists any in-
balloons and "false targets" were more genteel way of saying "un- telligence other than the human race
responsible for the events. identified flying object." (does he mean on earth?)" and yet
The first event could be attributed But even more surprising was does not present any evidence to the
to balloons because the targets "... Colonel Hoffman's complete omission contrary.
were more or less stationary except of the third event, which, besides As for the assumption that aliens
for the altitude changes," and that radar tracks, included a very definite would now have found us, it may also
".. .the radar could have broken lock airborne visual observation of the be true to assume that they really
on a balloon at relatively low altitude object by a professional civilian pilot hadn't lost us. In other, words, our
and then locked on another at higher who could not have known about existence may have always been
altitude which would have given the the previous military sightings and known at one time or another—no big
impression that a rapid ascent of the radar tracks. deal. But, I really am tired of hearing
target had occurred." This ignores Also puzzling is the final assign- that they cannot get here from there
the case report's own statement that ment of the case report. It was origi- and invoke all of Stanton Friedman's
the balloon possibility had already nally carried as "Unidentified" in the fine arguments as rebuttal, plus ask
been investigated at the time and it typed "Conclusions" box of the case the man, "according to whose theo-
was determined that no balloons report's Record Card, but subse- ry?" Certainly not according to phy-
had been airborne. Furthermore, quent handwritten changes were sicist Alan Holt who believes that vast
there was no wind at the time, and made: "Unidentified" was crossed distances can be crossed in the twin-
the objects were not "more or less out and replaced by "False Targets," kling of an eye by magnetic reson-
stationary" — their flight was des- and a check mark was placed next to ance. If a human of the twentieth
cribed as a "steady, slightly circular the "Possibly Balloon" space. The century can think of it, why not an
path over the vicinity of Fort Kobbe, final typed statement in the "Com- archetypal alien?
Canal Zone." It also contradicts the ments" box, which read: "However, As to attacking the way UFOs
case report statement to the effect there is insufficient data to confirm behave based on the ETH assump-
that the track lock was broken after this analysis (balloons and false tar- tion, I see nothing inconsistent in their
the upward movement of the objects gets) — the sightings were consid- behavior with such a hypothesis.
began, and that track radar can only ered UNIDEN." was also crossed Sightings, landings, sample collecting,
be locked on a solid object. out by hand.
And if all this were not enough. I have often wondered why this (Continued on next page)
Colonel Hoffman's "analysis" ignor- particular report has not been re-
es the fact that two objects were on viewed in the UFO literature, and I scientific circles known as "fudging
track radar when the ascent occurred. welcome this opportunity to com- the data"), is irresponsible, regard-
He talks of losing track of a low ment on it. It is a limited number of less of how learned or esteemed
altitude balloon and locking on a cases like this one which intellect- such individual may be, or how
higher altitude balloon. However, in ually forbid me to close the door on important the organizations they
order to accept his proposition, one the UFO question. However much represent are.
has to envision the track radar mys- one may wish to find conventional I hope that others more know-
teriously breaking track locks on explanations for nettlesome UFO ledgable in radar technology, in-
two balloons at 2,000 feet — which events, inventing solutions which cluding perhaps Mr. Philip Mass,
were not there in the first place and are inconsistent with — or even can throw some light on this inter-
could not be tracked by track radar contradict — the reported data (in esting case.
(Letters, Continued) ibility rating." Mr. Campbell fails to a host vehicle equipped with satel-
assign a source to the alien object lites to explore a single quadrant at a
human abductions, and examinations and leaves the entire matter in time, in which case there would
see"m all perfectly reasonable, but why limbo. likely be only 100-200 planets cap-
the caution in contact? Since Mr. Three paragraphs are devoted to able of life support, and probably far
Campbell is accepting so many other the opinions of some quoted and less with intelligent life. In a later
assumptions of his choosing, let us unquoted scientists on the extreme statement he says "Any beings cap-
make one of our own and test its improbability of the existence of able of crossing the vastness of space,
validity. If they really have made intelligent life forms elsewhere in or space-time, will have a highly de-
contact and the government bureaus ours or other galaxies. All without a veloped intellect and culture." If this
are aware of this, there may be as shred of supportive evidence of the assumption is made, then it is also
many reasons to treat this event as top type he insists on for UFO evalua- logical to assume that their increas-
secret, all of which has been delin- tion. There follows a lengthy explan- ed fund of knowledge would provide
eated in many UFO books and pub- ation of how a series of accidents them with a life span far in excess of
lications. We may seem a little savage caused the evolution of such a unique ours, and his point of the time span
to them (examine our behavior) and species as homo sapiens, including is moot.
they may feel very cautious abqut the giant meteorite extinction of the This article seems to be implying,
contact with us and probably would dinosaurs. Here again, we observe in a somewhat confused manner,
divulge little we could fully under- the acceptance of a recently advanced that if you are unable to prove or
stand. After all, how much interest do theory with naught but the most disprove the origin of these objects
we have in contacting aboriginal ethereal assumptions to back it up. and/or aliens, then they do not exist.
tribes, especially those intent on He then continues with the state- I refuse to accept this approach, nor
waging war and would love to steal ment, "It would be rash to claim that do I subscribe to the practice of
our guns as the American Indians did we are unique, but equally rash to attempting to postulate their origin.
to repel our territorial invasion. claim that we are not unique." Again Much undue criticism could be
Would we repel their territorial inva- he repeats the process of attempting avoided by spurning attempts to
sion given a chance to steal their to make a point and then concluding turn speculation into theory regard-
guns? with an ambiguous statement which ing their source. Simple acceptance
Our scientists are glutted with further reduces his credibility. of their existence in our sphere and
theories and theory junkies are crav- Under the heading "Do Aliens appropriate efforts to ascertain their
ing for answers. I would like to see us Exist" Mr. Campbell concludes that origin would serve our purpose
paying a little more detail to the since we have not been the personal admirably.
process of discovery and sifting and recipient of alien vistation, then Cliff Henderson
analyzing facts rather than all these aliens do not exist. Let us remind Sunnyvale, Cali£
theories. For instance, I have a Hollow him that 200 years ago many south
Earth Theory you would just love. sea island natives watched large
You see, ifs based on Newton's Witness Effects
ships passing their tiny homelands
mistake concerning the gravitational at a distance, ultimately concluding Editor,
formula, but...well who is going to that since they were the sole inhabit- MUFON, in its endeavors to im-
listen? Maybe if I could bend the ear of ants, these objects were giant fish. prove ufology and accelerate solu-
that alien who just landed over there... This type of assumption is typical of tion of the UFO enigma, might take a
William Hamilton Mr. Campbell's reasoning. look at what can be called the "sub-
Glendale, Ariz. An attack is then levelled at the jective" approach. It is not impossible
Editor, that valuable discoveries will result
fuel requirements of an interstellar
Mr. Campbell (No. 156) attempts from follow-up investigation, study,
journey, quoting Marx' figures on
to lead us down the primrose path of research and analysis of UFO effects
anti-matter. Any consideration of
doubt and dilemma with his evalua- upon witnesses, abduction victims
the use of exotic fuels or more highly
tion of assumption and hypotheses. in particular, as regards physical,
efficient propulsion systems by an
He states "By 'assumption' I mean physiological, biological, emotional,
advanced society are relegated to
the taking for granted of statements sociological, mental, and theological
the category of drastic assumptions.
which are unsupported by any evi- aspects and changes. Other than the
We are then treated to a critique
dence." He then guides us through a remarkable contribution of the Betty
concerning the massive number of
standard UFO sighting chart, elim- Hill/Majorie Fish 3-D Zeta Reticuli
craft required for an exploratory
inating sources one by one, until he map, I am aware of no achievements
mission, the number of launches
is left with only a single possibility: in this respect except to prove that
necessary, the immensity of the time
An alien object. He then goes on to the event occurred, the subjects
required and the relative impossibil-
state that any attempt to relate the were kidnapped and examined, and
ity of exploring one million planets.
alien object to an alien intelligence the appearence of the ufonauts and
Perhaps Mr. Campbell is not
should be assigned a "very low cred- their craft.
familiar with the technique of using
(Letters, Continued) long existing question intelligently opinion that the U.S. government
through research and scientific inves- intelligence agencies are incapable of
Leonard Stringfield, Leo Sprinkle, tigation. conducting a sustained technical re-
and party, performed a superior Arthur E. Lawless search and development program in
service in the case of the three Boston, Mass. secret seems disturbingly common
Liberty, Kentucky, women, proving these days and deserves some rebut-
that they were abducted, examined, tal.
and injured, but who has delved into Project Redlight Regarding the Manhattan Project:
the potential of the subjects' contri- While it may be true that some
butions to UFO truth? The same scientists suspected that "something
Congratulations on the recent im-
must be said of the Hills, Hickson big was up," this is quite a different
provements in your publication.
and Parker, and many more cases in Having been a subscriber for about matter from knowing exactly what
which we have let slip away insight 5 years, I have one major criticism. It was going on and obtaining gov-
of the subjective elements. It is likely seems to me that we are very often ernment confirmation. As long as the
that with the addition of the subject- government kept a tight lip about that
promised follow up articles to various
ive approach we will learn the origins reports, but they are very seldom project it remained effectively un-
of these craft and beings, their mo- published. I will, therefore, supply known. We suspect something big is
tivations and objectives, and differ- one of my own. up with UFOs too, but until we get
ent dimensions if such there be. I found the "Project Redlight" complete confirmation, it remains in
Bill Leet story in the NET NEWS column of the epistemological limbo.
Arkansas State Director September 1980 issue very inter- The SR-71 spy plane was de-
esting, first because I probably knew signed, constructed, and flown over
Symposium "Insult" Soviet territory for many years in
"Matt Archer," although I can't place
Editor, who it might be. In addition, I had a complete secrecy despite the fact that
As a new member reading your few similar experiences at about the large numbers of people were in-
article on the Smithsonian UFO same time as his. I gained no know- volved in that project. The stealth
symposium in the October issue ledge of the flight testing of a UFO, bomber was "revealed" because it was
(No.152), I felt a need to respond to however. no secret in the first place since it
the insult (and it was) by Mr. I contacted a friend who had been depends on demonstrated technol-
Schaeffer's remarks. In the 2 or 3 stationed with the Air Force there to ogy from the SR-71 combined with
meetings I have attended not once see if he could comment on the our well-known expertise in electron-
has witchcraft, astrology, ghosts, validity of the story. His reply was that ic countermeasures. Soviet intelli-
etc., ever been mentioned. I myself he has no knowledge about the gence analysts are quite capable of
as well as many other members do contents of the story, but he did not figuring out that two plus two equals
not "study" fairies, werewolves, arrive there until sometime later. To four.
Big Foot, Loch Ness monsters or further quote from his reply," Finally, the cryptography secrets
other exotic "pseudosciences" as asking others who were (there), they of World War n are only now coming
he suggests. (Maybe we're missing also say NO." to light. A good poker face combined
out.) Harold A. Magee with the Alice in Wonderland tactics
Instead we "study" such "strange" Livermore, Calif of intelligence agencies can keep both
things as micro-processors, and com- the enemy and the public confused
puter uses for information gathering, for decades if necessary. Anyone who
storage and comparison. We also Editor's reply: We are aware of missing thinks otherwise should study mili-
have seen interesting films, discus- "follow-ups" that were promised, and tary history.
sed investigative techniques and never received. In the future we will Terry Hansen
preparations for the upcoming sym- try to do better...or stop promising. Minneapolis, Minn.
posium at M.I.T. in the summer.
Maybe Mr. Scheaffer should attend a
meeting as an unbiased observer (if Retrievals Carl Sagan & UFology
thafs possible). Editor, Editor,
As to his remark of "which to J. Richard Greenwell's critique I was delighted to see the Open
throw out, UFO's or physics", I say (No. 153, Nov. 1980) of Leonard Letter to Dr. Carl Sagan which ap-
throw out neither. Keep physics and Stringfield's "The UFO Crash/Re- peared in the March No. 157 issue
try to determine why a phenomenon trieval Syndrome" dearly reveals the and I congratulate Ann Druffel for her
defies our "known" laws of physics. reviewer's general ignorance of the challenge to the blatantly inaccurate
What should be thrown out are stu- copious evidence for government Cosmos episode entitled "Encyclo-
pid remarks made by people of in- secrecy regarding the subject of UFOs
telligence (supposedly), that insult and would not ordinarily merit much
others who are really trying to solve a comment. However, his expressed (Continued on page 19)
(Director's Message, Continued) MESSAGE FROM THE AIR FORCE?
By Paul C. Cerny
fornia' with the number 1-408-737- (MUFON Western Regional Director)
9553. This is a cooperative arrange-
ment between CUFOS and MUFON
to provide additional west coast ser- Being a science fiction fan, along was presented on the TV viewing
vices. Like the MUFON headquarters with my intensive interest in the over- screen for only about 10 seconds:
telephone number in Seguin, Texas 1- all UFO phenomena, I took particular "The United States Air Force
512-379-9216, and the National UFO note this summer of what I observed stopped investigating UFO's in 1969;
Reporting Center in Seattle, WA., as a brief insert on the popular "Ga- after two years, they found no evi-
none of these are toll free numbers so lactica 1980" program. About 5 min- dence of extraterrestrial visits and no
remember the "I" prefix when utes before the program ended each threat to national security."
dialing. Sunday evening during the summer This message was inserted into
Through the courtesy of MUFON months, the following brief statement the last portion of the program, usual-
member Paul Dong in Oakland, Calif., ly before a commercial. The intent was
your director received a copy of the tained for our members who renewed obviously to inform the general public
new magazine titled "The Journal of promptly. For those subscribers who of the past and present government
UFO Research" published in the did not renew, they in essence re- position with regard to the phenom-
People's Republic of China. Several ceived two free copies. With the rapid ena.
prominent American UFOlogists co- escalation of printing costs and pos- Within the last few years there has
operated with the magazine's U.S.A.- tage, it is not economically sound to been speculation that the government
Editor, Paul Dong, by providing per- give two free copies as a means of is, on a limited basis, planning, or has
sonal biographies, photographs, in- enticing a member/subscriber to re- already ventured forth with small seg-
formation about their respective UFO new his or her membership. We can ments of information through the
organizations, and position state- no longer afford this luxury. Under media to pacify the constant demand
ments for publication in the first the new plan each member will still of the public over this controversy. I
edition dated March 1981. It was an receive three renewal notices, how- for one am curious as to the public
honor to help initiate the first UFO ever, two will be sent prior to the reaction to this televised statement on
magazine published on the China expiration date shown in the address, this particular program. Reaction of
mainland and to welcome our new and the third containing a red check others directly involved in UFO in-
friends from the People's Republic of will be enclosed with the issue for the vestigation should be more interest-
China. Mr. Dong plans to visit China month of expiration. ing. I am also curious how many other
starring late in June in conjunction The membership expiration date stations across the country used this
with his work as their U.S.A. Editor. is part of the stenciled address on the insert in the "Galactica 1980" pro-
May we extend a grateful thank front of the Journal. The notation gram. Persons who observed this
you to Walter Werner for publishing "5/81" would indicate that your mem- should notify MUFON Headquarters.
an unsolicited full page ad on the 1980 bership. expires with the May 1981 Actually, the approximate 10-
MUFON UFO Symposium proceed- issue. If a member renews prior to the second interval was so brief, it may
ings in a recent issue of a West expiration date upon receipt of the not have been noticed by most people.
German UFO magazine. Mr. Werner first reminder, this will in no way One could barely read the message,
is Executive Director of CENAP. His effect his/her renewal date, since it after realizing it was there, before it
mailing address is Eisenacher Weg 16, will be simply extended one year was terminated and the program re-
6800 Mannheim 42, West Germany. from the previous expiration date. If a sumed. It would be interesting if
For the past 2 years we have member has not renewed after three MUFON members reading this would
experimented with a membership reminders, his/her address stencil confirm any viewing of this or similar
renewal program by inserting a Jour- will be pulled from the file and the messages inserted in space programs
person will no longer be a current in their sections of the country.
nal renewal application in the copy of
member. It is imperative that our The observation described here
the Journal that coincided with the
foreign members take advantage of was presented on KGO-TV, Channel
membership expiration month. Con-
the two early reminders by sending in 7, originating here in San Francisco.
sidering the length of time that it takes
their dues so there will be no inter- I called the program manager's office
for a second class magazine to arrive
ruption of their monthly Journals. We at KGO-TV and inquired about the
at the far corners of the Earth, we
feel that this new membership renew- Air Force televised statement. I was
followed with two additional issues,
al arrangement is superior to the told the film, put out by M.C.A. Pic-
each containing a Journal renewal
method employed during the past tures, a division of TV International,
form so that our members could
two years. Please help MUFON and was put in the production by the film
maintain continuity in their monthly
magazine. Continuity was thus main- yourself by responding to the early
reminders. (Continued on next page)
Lucius Parish

In Other's Words
Although I am a bit late in ly a combination catalog and refer- firm advocate of the "read-anything-
reporting on this particular item, I ence guide to UFO literature, so it is and-everything" school of thought, I
highly recommend an article by of interest on two accounts. Bob suggest that you give Steiger's book
Richard Wolkomir, "Close Encount- Girard has done a commendable job a perusal and form your own judg-
ers in New Hampshire," in the in attempting to list most books, ment about his ideas. It is available
February issue of McCALL'S. It is an booklets, pamphlets, etc., which by mailorder for $2.50 (plus 75«t
excellent account of the UFO events have been published during the past postage & handling) from: Berkley
which have taken place in and 34 years. There are some errors and Book Mailing Service, P.O. Box 690,
around Hillsboro, New Hampshire omissions in the catalog/guide, Rockville Centre, NY 11570.
since 1977. but it would be virtually impossible A few corrections and additions
The March 31 issue of THE STAR to provide an error-free listing of for items appearing in this column in
contains an excerpt from a new book this sort. This is certainly a far better the March 1981 issue of the Journal:
by Greta Woodrew, ON A SLIDE bargain than some of the other bibli- The book by Milt Machlin from
OF LIGHT. Mrs. Woodrew. claims to ographic attempts which leave Quick Fox Publications has been re-
receive psychic communications much to be desired in terms of titled UFO and is now available in a
from extraterrestrial beings. A fea- thouroughness and which are far large softcover edition. Dr. Harley D.
ture on the activities of CAUS higher-priced. Rutledge's book, PROJECT IDENT-
(Citizens Against UFO Secrecy) ap- The latest Brad Steiger publica- IFICATION, is now apparently slat-
pears in the April 14 issue of THE tion dealing with UFOs is a paper- ed for release by Prentice-Hall in
STAR. back entitled THE STAR PEOPLE. both softcover and hardcover edi-
The May issue of IDEAL'S UFO In it, Steiger details his research into tions in June. The title of Budd
MAGAZINE contains little of inter- the reports of various people who Hopkins' book on UFO abduction
est, being largely rehashing of famil- claim to have a direct link with cases has been changed from
iar material. extraterrestrial intelligences. He lists INVISIBLE EPIDEMIC to MISSING
The second catalog from Arcturus a number of unusual characteristics TIME. It is still scheduled for July
Book Service (263 N. Ballston Avenue, which seem to be common to those release from Putnam's under their
Scotia, NY 12302) is now available whom he terms "Star People." These "Marek" imprint.
for $2.75 per copy ($3.50 for over- reports may seem "far-out" and un-
seas airmail delivery). This is actual- acceptable to some, but since I am a

(Air Force, Continued) (Letters, Continued)

maker. Whether this was at the request pedia Galactica." She did a fine job in Andrus that APRO would do well in
of the Air Force or simply was added straightening out the falsifications reconsidering their isolationist atti-
by the film company, I have not been made by the arch skeptic, Carl Sagan. tude by establishing more coopera-
able to find out. I was also told that I'm pleased that other lay listeners tive and mutually rewarding rapport
one probable reason was to discourage were just as disgusted with that with MUFON. However, I would take
inquiring phone calls to the station pseudo UFO expert as I was... this a step further. I'd like to see a
and film company relative to UFO's. Being a new member of Mas- merging of the two organizations for
To me, it still seems to smack of sachusetts MUFON I find your Jour- the benefit of UFO research and to
government influence to discourage nal extremely timely and most ob- provide greater strength in combat-
public interest in the UFO phenom- jective in its evaluations. Having been ting the false charges leveled by
ena. associated with APRO for nearly professional debunkers.
three years I can concur with Walt Fred R. Chaffee


The February and March issues of "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind"; Fund for UFO Research. Peter is
the MUFON UFO Journal contained Loren Coleman, "Mutilations"; Ray- already deeply involved in the Cash/
an announcement for the 1981 mond Fowler, "Investigative Techni- Landrum UFO medical case of De-
MUFON UFO Symposium to be held ques"; Barry Greenwood, "Govern- cember 29,1980 near Dayton, Texas.
July 24, 25, and 26 in Kresge Audi- ment Secrecy"; Dr. Bruce S. Macca- He heads up the Department of Ra-
torium at the Massachusetts Institute bee, "Photoanalysis"; David Webb, diology at Methodist Hospital in
of Technology (M.I.T.) composed to "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind"; Madison, Wise.
provide the pertinent details on and Walter Webb, "Investigative One of MUFON's long time mem-
speakers, workshops, films, ticket Techniques." On the international bers, who has attended several
prices, advanced registration, trans- scene, Mrs. Cynthia Hind from Sal- MUFON UFO Symposiums, has a-
portation to M.I.T., housing, reserva- isbury, Zimbabwe, in Africa will give greed to serve as State Section Di-
tions, and a registration form. Please us an update on the major UFO cases rector for Medina County in Ohio.
make checks payable to M.I.T. and in Africa. Dr. Hauser of MUFON-CES Steve Toth resides at 955 Guilford
send to the Office of Special Events, from West Germany will report on Blvd., Medina, OH 44256 and is also
Room 4-237, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA the six very successful scientific MU- a member of two Ohio UFO groups
02138 to arrive no later than July 6, FON-CES symposiums conducted in —F.S.I.C. in Akron and C.U.P. in
1981. For additional symposium inf- German-speaking nations of Eur- Cleveland.
ormation, please write to Miss Joan ope—Germany, Austria, and a por- Recognized as one of the world's
Thompson, 60 Garden St., Cam- tion of Switzerland. leading authorities on UFO landing
bridge, MA 02138 or call Joe or Diana It is a distinct honor to welcome trace cases, a speaker at the 1981
Santangelo at (617)944-2456. Even Major Donald E. Keyhoe, U.S.M.C. MUFON UFO Symposium, and a
though there are other UFO Con- Retired, to the Board of Directors of member of the MUFON Board of
ferences being scheduled during MUFON. Major Keyhoe, as an author Directors, Ted Phillips would like to
1981, MUFON is the only organi- and Director of NICAP for 13 years, take this opportunity to advise his
zation to conduct annual internation- has been a living legend in the friends and colleagues that his new
al UFO symposiums for 12 consecu- field of UFOlogy. He has accepted address is Route One, Box 23, Reed
tive years. It seems that others would the very appropriate position of Springs, Missouri 65737 and tele-
like to emulate the outstanding tra- Director of Government Affairs. We phone number (417) 272-8375. Peter
dition that MUFON has established. are indeed happy to announce that Tomikawa, Continental Coordinator
Plan now to arrange your vacation Robert J. Gribble, Director of Phen- for the Far East, has returned to Japan
so as to attend this prestigious -and omena Research, P.O. Box 1807, after completing 9 months of inten-
enjbyable meeting. Your Director is Seattle WA 98111, has agreed to sive management training at Dis-
looking forward to renewing friend- become MUFON's State Director for neyland in Anaheim, Calif. Mr.
ships and meeting many new mem- Washington State. Bob has done a Tomikawa will head up the mar-
bers in person. remarkable job of publicizing his keting, advertising and public Vela-
Mr. Edoardo Russo, Foreign Re- "National UFO Reporting Center" 24- tions departments for the new Dis-
lations Officer for Centro Ufologico hour telephone "hotline" number of neyland in Japan scheduled to open to
Nazionale in Italy, has advised that he 1-206-722-3000 throughout the the public in 3 years. We will an-
and Mr. Massimo Greco of Brescia, U.S.A. Retiring after 30 years from the nounce Peter's new address and
Italy, will be attending the 1981 Seattle Fire Department, Mr. Gribble telephone number in Japan when he
MUFON UFO Symposium in Boston has dedicated himself to UFOlogy and his family get settled and secure a
and has volunteered to present an through his UFO hotline. The ma- permanent residence. "
illustrated lecture on a most contro- jority of the significant UFO sighting Tom Gates, Paul Cerny, Jim Mc-
versial "repeater-abductee" case. reports received are forwarded to Cambell, Dr. Richard Haines, and Dr.
Since the speaking and workshop MUFON for investigation. Peter Sturrock have installed a new
program has been completed and is Peter Rank M.D., a physician- UFO telephone "hotline" with an
ready for printing, Mr. Russo will radiologist, has volunteered to serve answering service for the San Fran-
become an alternate workshop speak- MUFON as a Consultant in Radio- cisco Bay Area and northern Cali-
er. logy. Dr. Rank's mailing address is 406
The workshop leaders and their South Blount St., Madison, WI53703.
subjects include the following well- He is also a member of CUFOS and is
known UFOlogists: Ted Bloecher, one of the Board of Directors of the (Continued on page 18)

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