Job Satisfaction of Employees.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO

There is a multitude of reasons for an employee to remain within a given company. High pay, excellent benefits, job security, and the ability to retire within a company are among the most sought after components of the perfect job. Unfortunately, any one of these attributes alone is not enough to outweigh the problem of low perceived job satisfaction. It is no longer acceptable by the workforce to merely make a wage. Salary is a significant element pertinent to job satisfaction, but it is not by itself enough to decrease or increase job satisfaction. The relationship between an employer and an employee must provide both with the means by which a need to be fulfilled in their respective roles. Job satisfaction fills this need for both sides of the equation. If employees are satisfied in their roles it is assumed that their output quantity is greater and that their quality is higher. The employer must also be satisfied with the employee. These are accomplished by first recognizing that needs of the employees. The employer feels they have an advantage since there are many employees from which employer choose to fill a particular job. Job satisfaction is a two way street and involves participation. For this to happen, a relationship must evolve between the employer and the employee. Job satisfaction is therefore distinct from other organizational constructs.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO

Job satisfaction, a workers sense of achievement and success, is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for ones efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with ones work.


Frequently, work underlies self-esteem and identity while unemployment lowers self-worth and produces anxiety. At the same time, monotonous jobs can erode a worker's initiative and enthusiasm and can lead to absenteeism and unnecessary labour turnover. Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-respect, self-esteem, and selfdevelopment. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state that often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal to the employer. For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity the quantity and quality of output per hour workedseems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on the

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relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of job loss, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline.Tangible ways in which job satisfaction benefits the organization include reduction in complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination.


Organizations can help to create job satisfaction by putting systems in place that will ensure that workers are challenged and then rewarded for being successful. Organizations that aspire to create a work environment that enhances job satisfaction need to incorporate the following

Flexible work arrangements. Training and other professional growth opportunities. Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker opportunities to put his or her signature on the finished product.

Opportunities to use one's talents and to be creative. Opportunities to take responsibility and direct one's own work. A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity Up-to-date technology Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion

Probably the most important point to bear in mind when considering job satisfaction is that there are many factors that affect job satisfaction and that

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what makes workers happy with their jobs varies from one worker to another and from day to day. Apart from the factors mentioned above, job satisfaction is also influenced by the employee's personal characteristics, the manager's personal characteristics and management style, and the nature of the work itself. Managers who want to maintain a high level of job satisfaction in the work force must try to understand the needs of each member of the work force. For example, a person who does not pay attention to detail would hardly make a good inspector, and a shy worker is unlikely to be a good salesperson. As much as possible, managers should match job tasks to employees' personalities. Managers who are serious about the job satisfaction of workers can also take other deliberate steps to create a stimulating work environment. One such step is job enrichment. Job enrichment is a deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope, and challenge in the work itself. Job enrichment usually includes increased responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement. Large companies that have used job-enrichment programs to increase employee motivation and job satisfaction include AT&T, IBM, and General Motors Job characteristics such as pay, promotional opportunity, task clarity and significance, and skills utilization, as well as organizational characteristics such as commitment and relationship with supervisors and co-workers, have significant effects on job satisfaction. These job characteristics can be carefully managed to enhance job satisfaction. Of course, a worker who takes some responsibility for his or her job satisfaction will probably find many more satisfying elements in the work environment.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO WORKERS' ROLES IN JOB SATISFACTION:

If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job satisfaction. Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and other recognition. Develop excellent communication skills. Employers value and reward excellent reading, listening, writing, and communication skills. Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organizations and often result in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards. Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is ability to work well with others to get the job done. Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and the

their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively. See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one

does can lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to one's existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO JOB SATISFACTION AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS:
When a person comes to work, he brings with him his total personality, his attitudes, likes and dislikes, his personal characteristics and these, in turn, influence the satisfaction he derives from his work. As work is one of the necessary aspects of the total life experience of an individual, it becomes important to examine how his personal characteristics influence his job satisfaction. Personal characteristics here refer to such bio-social variables as age, marital status, education, length of service etc.

The relationship between age and job satisfaction could be complex. Generally one would expect that as the person would grow older he would get greater satisfaction with his job particularly because of the experience and, therefore, the ease with which he would be able to perform it.

Marital status:
Generally one would assume that with increasing responsibilities placed on an individual because of marriage, he would value his job little more than an unmarried employee. But the results seem to suggest that generally marital status has nothing to do with job satisfaction.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO Education:

Most studies show no relationship between job satisfaction and education. However, it is reasonable to assume that the more educated would be more frustrated in routine jobs.

Years of experience:
A person goes by a general understanding; perhaps a person who is just starting his career would be more satisfied with it because of initial enthusiasm which might wear off after a while. However, as soon as he reaches a period close to retirement, his satisfaction should again increase because of the lack of alternative.

Measurement of Job Satisfaction:

Measurement of job satisfaction has come to acquire the same fate as the measurement of intelligence. Since there is no agreement on a specific definition, generally questionnaires are developed to measure satisfaction with various aspect of work and the resultant behaviour or score is called job satisfaction. Today as intelligence is defined as what is measured by intelligence test, job satisfaction can also be defined as what is measured by job questionnaire. According to Locke (1969) such an approach describes that a certain relationship works but tells nothing as to why it works. Researchers have been found to be more interested in choosing the unit of measurement from the several available but little by way of a definition of job satisfaction has

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been attempted. One would assume the acceptance of a definition of job satisfaction as a precursor for the choice of the unit of measurement. Despite these numerous attempts in the past, the earliest of all the known scales of measuring job satisfaction is that by Hoppock (1935). He developed essentially four items, each one with seven alternative responses. But Hoppock takes the average of the four items (range 100-700) for developing the satisfaction index.


Job satisfaction or dissatisfaction will reflect in employees behaviours in many different ways. We shall see a few of them here.


Conventional wisdom says that job satisfaction should be related to job performance. A happy employee is expected to be a productive employee too! Studies have established that the correlation between these two variables are rather modest. The magnitude of correlation between job performance and job satisfaction is unexpectedly low. However, it should be considered to be a conservative lower bound estimate in the light of problems with job performance measures. Supervisor ratings have been used in most studies as the job performance measure

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO Withdrawal Behavior:

Many theories hypothesize that people; who dislike their jobs will avoid them, either permanently by quitting or temporarily by being absent or coming in late. These withdrawal behaviours have been given more attention than any other in job satisfaction research. Mitra, Jenkins, and Gupta (1992) noted that many researchers consider absence and turnover to be related phenomena that have the same underlying motivation to escape a dissatisfying job.


Correlations between job satisfaction and absence are usually quite small. Occasionally, researchers have found correlations that are larger. For example, Tharenou (1993) found a -0.34 correlation in her study. She used complex statistical procedures to test for the direction of causality. Interestingly, her results suggested that absence that is under the employees control might cause job satisfaction rather than the opposite. Her explanation is that people who are absent make negative attributions about their employers to justify their behaviour. In other words, to rationalize being absent, a person might focus on the negative aspects of work, such as unfair treatment. This could affect job satisfaction in a negative way.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO Turnover:

Most theories of turnover view it as the result of employee job dissatisfaction (Bluedorn 1982; Mobley, Griffith, Hand, & Meglino, 1979). People who

dislike their jobs will try to find alternative employment. Studies have been reasonably consistent in showing a correlation between job satisfaction and turnover (Crampton & Wagner 1994; Hulin, Roznowski & Hachiya, 1985). Furthermore, it seems certain that this correlation is causal, i.e., job dissatisfaction leads to turnover.


Assuring job satisfaction, over the long-term, requires careful planning and effort both by management and by workers. Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to a stimulating, challenging, supportive, and rewarding work environment is vital. Because of the relative prominence of pay in the reward system, it is very important that salaries be tied to job responsibilities and that pay increases be tied to performance rather than seniority. So, in essence, job satisfaction is a product of the events and conditions that people experience on their jobs. "If a person's work is interesting, her pay is fair, her promotional opportunities are good, her supervisor is supportive, and her coworkers are friendly, then a situational approach leads one to predict she is satisfied with her job" Very simply output, if the pleasures associated with one's job outweigh the pains, there is some level of job satisfaction.

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Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that persons parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction; some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of promotion systems within the company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships and job itself. The happier an individual is within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation although it is clearly linked. Job satisfaction is a very important attitude which is frequently measured by organization. Job Satisfaction refers to measuring the level of job satisfaction of the employees in an organization as it is very essential to know how far an employee is satisfied with his job. Employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the job will reflect in many ways such as quality and quantity of output absenteeism, turnover etc. Employees attitude relating to job satisfaction and job involvement plays a vital role in organization behaviour and practice of Human Resource Management.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:

Management needs information on employee satisfaction in order to make sound decisions both in preventing and solving employee problems. Effective behavioural management that continuously works to build a supportive human climate in an organization can help produce favourable attitudes. Employees attitude relating to job satisfaction, job involvement plays a vital role in organization behaviour and practice of Human Resource Management. This project work focuses on the attitudes of employees in ABN AMRO Bank towards their jobs and ways to use this information effectively to monitor and improve job satisfaction.

Objectives of study:
To study the job satisfaction experienced by employees and also to know whether employees are satisfied with co-operation from superiors and subordinates. To determine the employees perception and their attitude towards their job. To determine how consistent employees are in the job To estimate employees job satisfaction level.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO SCOPE OF THE STUDY:

As a job satisfaction plays a major role in enhancing productivity and this study confines to find out the degree to which they are satisfied with respect to various factors like work, pay, promotional opportunities, supervision and cooperation from workers which form the critical components of employee job satisfaction.


Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction that may include self-respect, self-esteem and self-development. To the worker job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state of mind that often leads to positive work attitude . A satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative and loyal to the organization. For the organizations, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity, the quality and quantity of output per hour worked seems to be a by-product of improved quality of work life of the employee and the organization. Job satisfaction is extremely influential to any organization. It alone can be determining factor affecting employee efficiency, productivity, absenteeism, as well as turnover. Job satisfaction is a two way street and involves participation of both employee and employer

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO METHODOLOGY OF DATA COLLECTION:

It is the means by which data is collected and analyzed. The type of research used for the study is descriptive. The data is collected by using both primary and secondary source.

Primary data:
The primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. Interviews were also conducted in order to clarify certain points. These interviews helped to get a clear insight into the subject.

Secondary data:
Secondary data was collected from books and records maintained by the personnel department, and also from published books, literature, internet etc.

Sampling technique:
A sample of size 50 was selected who form majority of the employees in ABN AMRO Bank.

Tools and techniques of Data Collection:

Structured questionnaire and personal interviews were used to elicit information from the employees. Questions were asked on a five point Likert scale.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO LIMITATION OF THE STUDY:

An extensive research on the subject could not be undertaken because of time constraints. Data collected may be subjected to bias as employees may not reveal confidential information. The study will be limited to the extent of available data. The study is only based on secondary data. Many investors are all price takers. The assumption that all investors have the same information and beliefs about the distribution of returns. Banks are free to accept deposits at any interest rate within the ceilings fixed by the Reserve Bank of India and interest rate can vary from client to client. Hence, there can be inaccuracy in the risk free rates. The study excludes the entry and the exit loads of the statement of financial analysis.

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Chapter 1- This chapter covers the introduction of job satisfaction, its features, importance, need, purposes and other activities.

Chapter 2- This chapter outlines the research design adopted, statement of problem, research methodology, objectives, scope of the study, sources of data, data collection instrument, limitation of study and chapter scheme.

Chapter 3- This chapter studies the profile of ABN AMRO BANK and its structure.

Chapter 4- This chapter is an analysis of relevant data and interpretation of the same. Chapter 5- This chapter gives the findings of analysis. includes suggestions and conclusions drawn from the above analysis.

Bibliography and annexureBesides various chapters, the study provides Bibliography and attaches certain information, questionnaire.

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Introduction of Banking Industry

Without a sound and effective banking system a country cannot have a healthy economy. The banking system of any country should not only be hassle free but it should be able to meet new challenges posed by the technology and any other external and internal factors. The evolution of banking dates back to the earliest writing, and continues in the present where a financial institution that provides banking and other financial services. Currently the term banks generally understood as an institution that holds a banking license. Banking licenses are granted by financial supervision authorities and provide rights to conduct the most fundamental banking services such as accounting deposits and leading loans. There are also financial institutions that provide certain a banking service without meeting the legal definition of a bank, a so-called non-bank. Banks a sub set of financial service industry. Tech banking is considered as the mantra in to days banking scenario. ATMs networking, telephone banking, on line banking etc; have become a reality today in the international and domestic banking arena. Plastic money (credit and debit cards) is being preferred over actual cash. Mergers and acquisition among the banks has been found as an effective tool in strengthening the financial sector. There has been a major thrust in the business activity of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs). Traditional SCBs were prime leaders for working capital loans and the term loans financed by financial institutions. Now banks are providing term loans while financial institutions are venturing.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO SERVICES TYPICALLY OFFERED BY BANKS:

Although the type of services offered by a bank depends upon the type of bank and the country, services provided usually include: Directly take deposits from the general public and issue cheque and savings accounts. Led out money to companies and individuals. Cash checks. Facilitate money transactions such as wire transfers and cashiers checks. Issue credit cards ATM and debit cards. Online banking. Storage of valuables, particularly in a safe deposit box.


For the past three decades Indias banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit. The most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only metropolitans or cosmopolitans in India. In fact, India banking system has reached even to remote corners of the country. This is one of the main reasons for Indias growth process. The first bank in India, though conservative was established in 1786. From 1786 till today, the journey of Indian Banking System can be segregated into here distinct phases.

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They are as mentioned below: Early phase form 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks. Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991 prior to Indian Banking sector Reforms. New phase of Indian Banking System with the advent of Indian Financial and Banking sector Reforms after 1991.

The modern banking system of India started with establishment of the first joint stock bank. The General Bank of India in the year 1786. After this first bank, Bank of Hindustan and Bengal Bank came to existence. In the mid of 19 th century East India Company established three banks, The Bank Of Bengal in 1809, The Bank Of Bombay in 1840, and The Bank Of Madras in 1843. These banks were independent units and called PRESIDENCYBANK. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and a new bank IMPERIAL BANK OF INDIA was established. After independence the IMPERIAL BANK OF INDIA was nationalized with a new name STATE BANK OF INDIA by passing State Bank of India act 1955. The RESERVE BANK OF INDIA as a Central Bank was nationalized in the year 1935. Several new banks as Punjab National Bank, Bank Of Baroda, Canara Bank, India Bank, Bank of India etc were established after independence. On July 19, 1969 14 major banks were nationalized. At present the number of nationalized banks are 20. Several Foreign banks were allowed to operate as per the guidelines of RBI. At present the banking system can be classified in following categories:

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Reserve Bank of India. State Bank of India. (And its has seven associates) Nationalized Bank Of India (20) Regional Rural Bank.

2. Private Sector Banks

Old Generation Private Banks. New Generation Private Banks. Foreign Banks in India. Schedule Co-operative Banks. Non-Schedule Banks.

3. Co-operative Sector Banks

State Co- operative Banks. Central Co- operative Banks. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies. Land Development Banks. Urban Co- operative Banks. State Land Development Banks.

4. Development Bank
Industrial Finance Co- operative Of India. (IFCI) Industrial Development Bank of India. (IDBI)

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Industrial Credit & investment Corporate of India. (ICICI) Industrial Investment Bank of India. (IIBI) National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development. (NABARD) Export Import Bank OF India. (EXIM Bank)

All the types of banks have a centralized control of RBI. All the banks have to follow the guidelines of RBI. Government used banks to provide credit and loan to weaker section. This lead to a serious crisis of unrecoverable debt. At the end of 1990 banks were saddled with NPA (Non Performing Assets) as a bad and unrecoverable debt touched to Rs.75, 000 crore. Foreign Banks in India stated to lure customers by good services. These banks were more automated, providing faster information, kept flexible working hours and introduced 24 hrs ATMs. Today Private Indian Banks as well as Nationalized Banks are offering better services and attempting to get on to the path of comprehensive automation. The banking section will navigate through all the aspects of the Banking System in India. It will discuss upon the matter with the birth of the banking concept in the country to the new players adding their names in the industry in coming few years. Currently, overall, banking in India is considered as fairly matured in terms of supply, production range and reach even through reach in rural India still remains a challenge for the private sector and foreign banks. Even in terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, India banks are considered to have clean, strong and transparent balance sheets as compared to other banks in comparable economies in its region.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO CHALLENGES & FUTURES IN BANKING INDUSTRY Mergers in the Banking, NPA, New Technology, Electronic Cash Transfer:
After the nationalization of Banks, increasing adoption of technology, continuous mergers in the banking, modernizing backroom operation in the banks and competition by the more customers focused Private Sector entrants. This competition forced older and nationalized banks to revitalize their operation.

But along with the continuous growth and modernization, there are several challenges confronting the banking sector. The main challenges faced by the banking sector are the deployment of funds in quality assets and management of revenues and cost. The problem of NAP (non- performing asset), overall credit recovery system still exists. There is a continuous reforms and modernization is in process.

Nationalized Banks are also attempting to get on the path of automation. Strong Banks will acquire the weaker banks. The member of foreign banks operating in India has increased significantly and there of total has also increased. In the year 2007 estimated foreign banks account was 15.2 percent of the total net profit of Commercial Banking in India.

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ABN AMRO is a prominent international bank, its history going bank to 1824. ABN AMRO Rank 11th in Europe and 20th in the world based on their tier 1 capital, with over 3,000 branches in more than 60 countries, a staff of more than 1,10,000 full time equivalents and total assets of EURO 2,012.5 billions (as per 31 Oct 2008)

ABN AMRO is an international bank with European roots and a clear focus on consumer and commercial banking, strongly supported by an international wholesale business. Their business mix given us a competitive edge in their chosen markets and client segments. GLOBAL (STRATEGY) BUSINESS UNITS {(S) BUs}:

ABN AMRO implements their strategy through a number of (Strategic) Business Units {(S) BUs}. Each of these units is responsible for managing a distinct client segment or product segment, while also sharing expertise and operational excellence across the group.

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These (S) BUs are:

1. Commercial & Consumer Clients, which serves almost 20 million-consumer client and clients in the small and medium sized enterprise sector worldwide. ABN AMRO is among the leading players in these segments in its three markets (the US Midwest, Brazil and the Netherlands) while targeting other high growth regions through its Business Unit New Growth Markets.

2. Wholesale Clients, which provides integrated corporate and investment banking solution to more than 10,000 corporate, institutional and public sector client in nearly 50 countries.

3. Private clients, which provides private banking services to wealthy individuals and families, and has EURO 135 billion assets under administration as at 31 Oct 2008. 4. Asset Management, which is one of the worlds leading asset managers, operating form over 20 locations worldwide and managing EURO 184.6 billion worth of assets as at 31 Oct 2008 for private investors and institutional clients.

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5. Transaction Banking Group, which is ABN AMROs product organization covering all payments and trade in bank for their retail, private clients, commercial and wholesale markets.

6. Grouped Shared Services, which was established to create cost savings through consolidation and standardization, GSS focuses on further exploiting new market solutions for support services with the aim to achieve better products and services for their clients at lower costs.

7. Group Functions, whose basic functions are governance, which is facilitating the implementation of Managing Board policy throughout the bank; standard and policy setting, which is the parameters within which the BUs work; and sharing its expertise with all (S) BUs.


Teamwork: It is the essence of their ability to succeed as a trusted preferred supplier of financial solutions to their clients. ABN AMRO overriding loyalty is to the good of the whole organization. They learn from each other and share their skills and resources across organizational boundaries for their clients benefit and their own.

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Respect: They respect every individual. They draw strength from equal opportunity and diversity, at the time supporting personal growth and development. They value and they all benefit from the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual.

Integrity: Above all, they are committed to integrity in all that they do, always everywhere.

Professionalism: They are committed to the highest standards of professionalism, they pursue innovation, and they deploy imagination, they are open to new ideas and they act decisively and consistently. They are determined to deliver outstanding quality so that their relationships with their clients will be long lasting and close.

UNIQUE DELIVERY The ABN AMRO Group is well positioned to capitalize on their focus on the mid market segment. Success requires a combination of local and international capabilities: Local Relationship. An Extensive & competitive Product Suite. Efficient Delivery. Sector Knowledge (In the case of corporation) International Network.

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ABN AMRO is one of the few banks in the world that can deliver on all of these, in many cases uniquely. ABN AMRO Holdings has listing on the following Stock Exchanges New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Amsterdam Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Irish Stock Exchange Canada Stock Exchange Bendigo Stock Exchange STRATEGIES OF ABN AMRO: ABN AMROs strategy is to build on leveraging their advantages as a Group to create the best value for and with their clients. It is summarized in the following 5 points: Creating value for their clients by offering high quality financial solutions that best meet their current needs and long term goals. Focusing on: o Consumer and commercial clients in their home market and in the selection growth markets around the world. o Selected wholesale clients with an emphasis on Europe, and financial institutions. o Private clients. Leveraging their advantage in products and people to benefit all their clients. Sharing expertise and operational excellence across the Group.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO ABN AMRO BANK INDIA
ABN AMRO Bank (India) has an 81 years long experience of the Indian business scenario. Traditionally known as a strong Diamond Financing Bank, it has turned into a bank providing a comprehensive range of services with a difference. Traditionally known as a strong diamond financing bank, ABN AMRO today offers unparalleled suite of client services in India.

By leveraging our global reach and drawing on the expertise of our team of research, sales and trading, equity capital market and M&A advisory professionals, we have led many of the biggest and most innovative landmark transactions in India for our Corporate and Institutional Clients.

In addition, they also offer a broad range of transaction banking products, fixed income and foreign exchange products and services including sales and trading, fixed income origination, derivatives, structured lending and commodity financing. For Business Banking clients, they offer top quality services in trade finance, business loans, supply chain management, credit facilities, payment and cash management- solutions that help small to medium size businesses enhance

cash flow, boost overall business efficiency and capitalize on new opportunities. Through a diverse range of product offerings including personal loans, credit cards, savings accounts, financial planning, investment and insurance services,

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ABN AMRO meets the everyday financial needs of over a million Personal Banking clients in India.

In addition ABN AMRO has Van Gogh Preferred Banking which represents a new standard of relationship banking which has been exclusively created to offer an enhanced level of service to demanding individuals. Van Gogh Preferred Banking services offers a wide range of wealth maximization opportunities offering new standards of freedom, access, advice and service.

At ABN AMRO Broking they offer world class research, timely advice, extreme ease of use and swift real time transaction systems for their clients. Private Banking Services in India offers our select and premium clients a comprehensive range of quality Portfolio Advisory Services along with a sophisticated execution platform. They aid in enhancing their wealth with premium services including investment advisory, non-discretionary portfolio management, investment funds, international estate planning and trust.

Asset Management in India is among the fastest growing asset managers with just two years of operations in the country. Backed by the favourable market conditions and a strong focus on the business they have an ever-increasing and widening distribution and aim to emerge as a leading player in the Indian asset management industry. Leveraging our Group's comprehensive research and diverse range of investment products, they offer their clients investment options in fixed income, equities, money markets and structured products.

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The Microfinance program of ABN AMRO, the largest amongst its peer foreign banks in India, is aimed at delivering credit to their target community of rural poor woman through intermediaries called microfinance institutions. They today service 26 MFIs across 16 states in India with over 390,000 customers receiving micro financing small loans of USD 200 or less. uraim is to reach a million customers by 2009. During the annual Sustainable Banking Awards ceremony held by Financial Times of London, ABN AMRO India was named the Sustainable Bank of the Year in the Emerging Markets category - both in the Asia region as well as globally.

Mission of ABN AMRO Bank

"ABN AMRO's mission is to create maximum economic value for our shareholders through a constant relationship focus on the financial services needs of our chosen client segments and a strict adherence to our financial targets. We are operating in three principal customer segments, whereby the objective is to maximize the value of each of these businesses as well as the synergies between them. Excellence of service to our clients and leadership in our chosen markets are of paramount importance to our long-term success. The Bank's corporate values play an integral role in the fulfillment of our mission."

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT:

The Human Resources function is strongly entrenched in the Business Processes of the Bank. The Bank believes in a transparent and open culture as regards its HR Practices. The HR Department provides service to its internal customers in the areas of Recruitment, Career Development, Compensation & Benefits, Payroll, Leaves, Training, Transfers and Internal Employee related communication. These services are provided across 23 cities to over 3500 employees by a dedicated HR team of over 30 professionals. Some of the programs that are offered to their staff are illustrated below. Online HR: At ABN AMRO an online suite of HR tools & policies is the foundation of an open & fair work environment. Their online HR processes such as Performance Management, Leave Management, HR Policies, Compensation and Employee Benefits are available at the click of a mouse button, 24 X 7.

Industry best Rewards Programs: They offer best in industry rewards to promote their organization's philosophy of "Pay for Performance". Whether you join us as a Private Banker or as a Sales Officer, you will have the opportunity to maximize your earnings.

Employee Engagement: "Your Views - Our Future", is our guiding principle when it comes to listening to our employees. Through our nation wide network of engagement councils, we make sure that our employees cherish every moment of their time at work.

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Education Assistance: If you want to pursue higher education during employment, the Bank offers full sponsorship as part of educational assistance program to its staff.

Learning & Development: They offer a wide range of training programs which employees can attend to fulfill their personal development requirements. Employees enjoy the benefit of attending regular training programs on areas ranging from leadership to soft skills. Online training platform offers our employees the opportunity to address their own development needs in a self-paced learning environment.

Knowledge & Talent Sharing: If employees want to explore overseas career options? They offer employees challenging job opportunities in different businesses within the country as well as overseas. Such options are offered on short term as well as long term basis.

Recognition Programs: ABN AMRO is performance driven organization that believes in recognizing employees who go that extra mile to help business. Through their recognition programs they recognize special achievements at all levels, including local, national and international platforms.

Fun at Work: Enjoy fun at work with our extensive network of forums that are run by the employees - for the employees. From an evening of snacks to movie shows and

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gala nights, our employees take control when it comes to creating the magic of working at ABN AMRO.

Creativity & Innovation: Bank nurture creativity and innovative thinking at the workplace. At ABN AMRO they empower employees to think about ways of doing things differently.

Multi Branch Banking (Anywhere Banking) service is available to customers of networked branches of the Bank. Under this service, the customer of one branch will be able to transact on his account, from any other networked branch of the Bank. Services available in Multi Branch Banking: Cash deposit Cash payments Transfer of funds Statement of account for a given period Balance of enquiry Making stop payment of cheques Other Value Added Services such as Centralized Telebanking, SMS Banking and PC Banking would also be available at these networked branches.

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Products of ABN AMRO Bank:
1. Small scale industrial finance

2. Facility for SME Borrowers

3. Credit scheme Personal loan Bullion Banking Credit Card Agricultural loan Bill finance Bank guarantee Export Finance Interest rate Channel credit Corporate loan

4. Deposit Scheme: Star Flexi Recurring Deposit Scheme NRI Deposit Scheme NRI yield enhancing scheme Under a new initiative, the bank has launched a redesigned savings bank product and redesigned current bank account product in selected cities.

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Multi-city cheque facility:

Available in eligible Current Deposit Accounts with minimum average balance of Rs.50000/-. Multi-City cheque book facility payable at par at the Banks Multi Branch Banking (MBB) centres, available at all MBB Centres.

Presently, available to high net worth Corporate Current Deposit Accounts (including Partnership and Proprietorship Accounts but other than Banks and Individuals), at branches which are part of MBB network only.

Charges Rs.2/- per cheque leaf. Eligible customers using continuous stationery to continue with the same with requisite modification in the continuous cheque stationery.

SERVICES: Star Cash Management Scheme Depository Services Safe Deposit Vault Safe Custody Service Technology products/services Government Relief bond

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Analysis and Interpretation

Analysis means breaking down the complexity of the structure with simpler elements and putting these elements together in new combinations and patterns. So as to discover new relationships or new factors. This can be achieved only by viewing data from different angles by representing the data adequately. Analysis plays an important role in research in one form or the other from the very beginning. In the selection of the problem from a wide field of knowledge. To examine the source of data. In the determination of various methods and so on.

Interpretation: Interpretation refers to the stating of what the findings depict, what they mean, their significance and helps in drawing the answer to the original problem. Interpretation of the analyzed data requires considerable skill and experience. It is a purely subjective process. Hence, interpretation calls for a critical examination of the results of ones analysis in the lights of the limitation of his data gathering. There are various methods of research. The researcher has chosen the mode of descriptive research. The data was gathered from the structured interview keeping the objective of the research in mind.

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TABLE 1 Job satisfaction directly proportional to retention and productivity


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 60% of respondents strongly agree that proportional to retention and proficiency 40% of respondents agree that the job satisfaction is directly proportional to retention and proficiency job satisfaction is directly

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GRAPH 1 Job satisfaction directly proportional to retention and productivity

0% 0% 0% Strongly Agree


Agree 60%


Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: From the above analysis it is observed that job satisfaction is directly proportional to retention and proficiency. Only when the employee is satisfied with his job he can perform better and feel responsible towards the work.

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TABLE -2 Requirement of training in different areas


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 40% of respondents strongly agree that training is required in different areas other than existing job profile. 40% of respondents agree that training is required in different areas other than existing job profile. 16% of respondents disagree about the statement. 4% of respondent strongly disagree about the statement

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GRAPH -2 Requirement of training in different areas

Response 4% 0% 16% 0% 40% Agree 40% Strongly Agree

Undecided 0%


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: With the changing trend and boredom it is crucial that employees are trained in different areas. 80% of the respondents feel that they should be trained in different areas other than existing job profile. So job rotation and job enrichment can be introduced for various levels in the organization.

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TABLE -3 Role of favouritism


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 40% of the respondents strongly agree that favouritism does not have any role to play in the organization. 40% of the respondents agree that favouritism does not have any role to play in the organization. 16% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 4% of respondents strongly disagree about the statement

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GRAPH -3 Role of favouritism

0% 0% 17% 41%


Strongly Agree

Agree 42% Undecided 0%


Interpretation: Favouritism demotivate employee and result in poor job satisfaction levels... Since majority of respondent feel that is no favouritism for any employee we can infer that management understands the employee well and encourage only the merit and not otherwise.

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TABLE -4 Organizational involvement in training


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 20% of the respondents strongly agree that organization takes extreme care in training process. 50% of the respondents agree that organization takes extreme care in training process. 20% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 10% of respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH -4 Organizational involvement in training

Response 0% 10% 20% 20% 0% Agree Strongly Agree





Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: It can be inferred that the organization has a consistent and effective method of imparting training to the employees on going programme. This gives employees an opportunity to learn more skills.

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TABLE- 5 Recruitment round


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 20% of the respondents strongly agree with the recruitment rounds for selecting the best candidate. 20% of the respondents agree with the recruitment rounds for selecting the best candidate. 10% 0f the respondents have undecided about the statement. 40% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 10% of respondents strongly disagree about the statement

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GRAPH- 5 Recruitment round

Response 0% 10% 20% 0% Strongly Agree

Agree 40% 10% 20% Undecided


Strongly Disagree

Interpretation From the above analysis majority of the respondents say it is necessary that comparison of work is necessary in the organization because career growth is based on performance.

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TABLE 6 Information about policies and happenings


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly disagree





Analysis: 34% of respondent strongly agree that they are informed about all policies / happenings of the organization. 28% of the respondents agree that they are informed about all policies / happenings of the organization. 20% of the respondents have undecided about the statement. 10% of respondents disagree about the statement. 8% of respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH 6 Information about policies and happenings

Response 0% 8% 10% 34% Strongly Agree



Undecided 28% Disagree

Strongly disagree


Since majority of respondents agree that they are well informed about the changes happenings within the organization as well as changes in the policy of government. It can be inferred that organization practices good communication system to ensure transparency in all their dealings.

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TABLE -7 Opportunities to present problems


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 50% of the respondents strongly agree that they have opportunities to present their problems to the organization. 20% of the respondents agree that they have opportunities to present their problems to the organization. 10% of the respondents have not decided about the statement. 14% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 6% of the respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH -7 Opportunities to present problems

Response 0% 6% 14% 10% 50% Agree Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: Over 70% of the respondents have claimed that they get an opportunity to present their problems to the superiors which clearly indicates a healthy interpersonal relation between the superiors and sub-ordinates. It is inferred from the above that the employer employee relationship in the organization is cordial.

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TABLE -8 Participation in decision making


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree






Analysis: 20% of the respondents agree that they are involved in decision making process 50% of the respondents disagree with the statement. 30% of the respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

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GRAPH -8 Participation in decision making

0% 30% 20% 0%

Strongly Agree


Undecided 50% Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: Participation in decision making increases job involvement reduces ambiguity and conflict. From the above analysis it is inferred that employees suggestions are not taken into consideration while taking decisions in the organization.

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TABLE 9 Adoption of best methods of work


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 40% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization adopts best method of work as early as possible. 20% of respondents agree that the organization adopts best method of work as early as possible. 10% of respondents have undecided about the statement. 16% of respondents disagree about the statement. 14% of respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH 9 Adoption of best methods of work

0% 14%


Strongly Agree 40% 16% Agree




Strongly Disagree 20%

Interpretation: ABN AMRO Bank has invested in required computer hardware and software to offer superior service to its clients as well as make the work interesting. The above analysis substantiates this observation.

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TABLE -10 Promotion on merit


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 20% of the respondents strongly that the promotions are made on merit in the organization. 60% of the respondents that the promotions are made on merit in the organization. 20% of the respondents have undecided about the statement.

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GRAPH -10 Promotion on merit

0% 0% Response 0% 20% 20% Strongly Agree





Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: It has been a challenge in the area of Human Resource Management to reward employees with promotions on the basis of merit or length of the service or both. ABN AMRO bank have followed a balanced approach for promotions.

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TABLE 11 Adequacy of salary


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree






Analysis: 14% of the respondents strongly agree that their pay is enough for providing necessary things in life. 30% of the respondents strongly agree that their pay is enough for providing necessary things in life. 20% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 36% of the respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH 11 Adequacy of salary

Response 0% 14% 36% Agree 30% Undecided Strongly Agree


Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: It is observed that majority of the employees are not satisfied with their compensation package which is a vital factor in ensuring job satisfaction.

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TABLE -12 Team Spirit


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 40% of the respondents agree that there is high team spirit in the group work. 20% of the respondents have undecided about the statement. 15% of the respondents disagree with the statement. 10% of the respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

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GRAPH -12 Team Spirit

0% 0% 10% 40% 30%


Strongly Agree


Undecided 20% Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: Good interpersonal relations among peers promote team spirit in the organization. It is seen from the above analysis that the majority is equally divided about the team spirit among peers. A fifth of total respondent were also found to be undecided.

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TABLE -13 Satisfaction with welfare facilities


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 10% of the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the organization. 50% of the respondents agree that they are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided by the organization. 10% of the respondents have undecided about the statement. 30% of the respondents disagree with the statement.

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GRAPH -13 Satisfaction with welfare facilities

0% 0% 10% 30% Response

Strongly Agree

Agree 10% 50% Undecided


Strongly Disagree

INTERPRETATION: It is observed that majority of respondents, are satisfied with the welfare activities provided by the organization.

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TABLE 14 Comparison of work


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 40% of the respondents strongly agree that comparison of work is necessary in organization. 24% of the respondents agree that comparison of work is necessary in organization. 24% of the respondents disagree with the statement. 12% of the respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

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GRAPH 14 Comparison of work

0% 12% 40% 24%


Strongly Agree


Undecided 24% 0% Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: From the above analysis majority of the respondents say it is necessary that comparison of work is necessary in the organization because career growth is based on performance.

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TABLE 15 Performance appraisal results in individuals growth


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 70% of the respondents strongly agree that present appraisal system is helpful for the individual growth. 30% of the respondents agree that present appraisal system is helpful for the individual growth.

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GRAPH 15 Performance appraisal results in individuals growth


0% 0% 0% 30% Strongly Agree Response

Agree 70%



Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: Performance appraisal is the process of measuring quantitatively and qualitatively an employees performance against the background of the work environment and about his potential for a better job. From the above analysis it is clear that present appraisal system is helpful for the individual growth.

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TABLE 16 Preference for joining another organization


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree










Strongly Disagree






Analysis: 20% of the respondents agree that they prefer to join another organization. 10% of the respondents have undecided about the statement. 50% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 20% of the respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH 16 Preference for joining another organization

0% 0% 20% 20%


Strongly Agree 10%





Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: Majority of the respondent do not indicate any preference for quitting the organization, but 30% preference for quitting the job is alarming situation.

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TABLE -17 Opportunity for growth


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree
















Analysis: 20% of the respondents strongly agree that they have good prospects or advancement in their job. 50% of the respondents agree that they have good prospects or advancement in their job. 30% of the respondents have undecided about the statement.

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GRAPH -17 Opportunity for growth

0% 0% 0% 0% 30% 20% Response

Strongly Agree






Interpretation: A progressive organization facilitates growth of its employees in order to accomplish its objectives of profit maximization and growth. Being a huge organization ABN AMRO Bank has provided enough opportunity for the advancement in the career of an individual employee. The above analysis confirms to this observation.

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TABLE 18 Supervision


Number of respondents


Strongly Agree











Strongly Disagree





Analysis: 32% of the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the general supervision in the department. 30% of the respondent agrees that they are satisfied with the general supervision in the department. 20% of the respondents have undecided about the statement. 10% of the respondents disagree about the statement. 8% of the respondents strongly disagree about the statement.

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GRAPH 18 Supervision

Responses 0% 8% 10% 32% Strongly Agree






Strongly Disagree

Interpretation: From the above analysis it can be observed that majority of the respondents find general supervision in their department is satisfactory. This confirms the inference of the above table.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION
It is found that all the respondents in the organization strongly agree that job satisfaction is directly proportional to retention and proficiency It is found that 80% of respondents strongly agree that training is required in different areas other than existing job profile. It is observed that majority of the respondents strongly agree that favouritism does not have any role to play in the organization. It is observed that majority of the respondents strongly agree that organization takes extreme care in training process. It is observed that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the recruitment rounds for selecting the best candidate. It is found that majority of respondents agree that they are well informed about the changes happenings within the organization. It is found that nearly 80% of the respondents strongly agree that they have opportunities to present their problems to the organization. It is found that employees suggestions are taken into consideration in decision making process. It is observed that the organization adopts best method of work as early as possible and provides the best service to its valued customer. Majority of the respondents strongly that the promotions are made on merit in the organization. It is found that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with their compensation package which is a vital factor in ensuring job satisfaction.

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It is seen that the majority is equally divided about the team spirit among peers. A fifth of total respondent were found to be undecided. It is observed that majority of respondents, are satisfied with the welfare activities provided by the organization. It is found that majority of the respondents feel that comparison of work is necessary in the organization because career growth is based on performance. It is observed that all the respondents strongly agree that present appraisal system is helpful for the individual growth. It is observed that nearly 30% of the respondents prefer to quit the organization. Majority of the respondents strongly agree that they have good prospects or advancement in their job. It is found that majority of the respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the general supervision in the department.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

Participation in decision making increases job involvement reduces ambiguity and conflict. If the employees are invited to participate in decision making within the organizational guidelines this would make employees feel better. Reinforce a team concept, praise the entire team effort. Build a learning organization where knowledge and skills are shared freely among the employees. Attract and retaining employees has become the biggest challenge in all organization. So organization has to follow some HR policies which help in retaining employees. Use concept of We and Our. This gives people a sense of ownership in what they are doing as a group.

Finally all the organization must try to obtain a win- win situation by providing attractive work environment to their employees, for their mutual benefit.

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A study on job satisfaction of employees in ABN AMRO CONCLUSION

The term job satisfaction refers to an employees general attitude towards the importance of job satisfaction is that the people are satisfied with their work then there is an improvement in both quality and quantity of production. Three important factors which determine job satisfaction levels are personal factors, job factors and the organizational factors.

Changing business environment has posed many challenges for service sector. In any service organization consistent quality of service can only ensure increased customer satisfaction which will lead to growth of organization. Banking being a service industry quality of the service depends on motivation and morale level of the employees. This is an important challenge for commercial banks. As their competitor is by technology and outsource ancillary services.

The researcher has undertaken the study job satisfaction of employees of ABN AMRO Bank, Bangalore and found that employees are mostly satisfied with their jobs. The study used a questionnaire with five point scale including different dimensions like supervision, promotion opportunity, compensation, work environment, attractiveness of other offers, welfare facilities, favouritism and nepotism, interpersonal relationship, team spirit etc.

The researcher concludes that the organization is poised to offer superior services to its clients.

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