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Powerpoint lectures MECH 213, 2007 edition.

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Powerpoint format lecture J. Jeswiet 2007 The contents of this lecture are the sole copyright of J. Jeswiet, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Unlicensed use of the contents of this lecture outside MECH 213 is illegal. Inquiries should be addressed to: J. Jeswiet, Mechanical Engineering, McLaughlin Hall, Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6 Fax: 613-533-6489

Lecture 6

Queens University, Mechanical Engineering

J. Jeswiet


Gday everyone.

Topics: Surface Roughness II A brief overview of current trends in metrology


Surface Metrology

surface behavior (performance)

surface creation (manufacture)

surface texture

surface texture

surface measurement and analysis (for functional correlations)


Ra, Rt, Rmax, Ry 1000X 100X

ISO 4287, BS 1134, ANSI B46.1, DIN 4768 DIN 4786 ISO 4287, BS 1134, DIN 4768 DIN 4768 ISO 4287, BS 1134, DIN 4768 ISO 4287, DIN 4768 DIN 4762 ISO 4287, DIN 4768

Ry Rt Rmax 3rd order surface


Ra Rz (DIN) Rz (ISO) Rmax Rt Ry Rq Rp Ssk Kku

Roughness average Mean peak-to-valley height Ten point height Maximum peak-to-valley height Vertical height between max/min Maximum roughness depth RMS of roughness average Maximum peak height Skewness Kurtosis

Rudimentary statistics:
ie: no. of students frequency Histogram

Probability Density Function, PDF

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% Mark achieved

Interpretation: a probability density function can be seen as a "smoothed out" version of a histogram.

For Surface Roughness we look at amplitudes of peaks, so we call the PDF an Amplitude Density Function, ADF Amplitude Density Function, ADF , p(y):

Rq: Root Mean Square Average Rq is calculated by taking the root mean square the series of measurements of deviations from the centreline. Rq is the standard deviation, , of Ra

Reference: page 19 of ISO 4287

Advantage? Rq is more sensitive to high and low peaks, and gives more weight to higher peaks. For a Gaussian distribution of heights, Rq = 1.25 Ra. Amplitude Density Function, ADF , p(y): standard deviation surfaces (a) & (b) Rq of (a) > Rq of (b) (a)


Rz: another surface parameter TenTen-point height, Rz:

the average of the five highest and the five deepest valleys within the sampling length, measured from a line parallel to the mean line.
R9 R5 R1 R7 R3 R2 R4 R6 R8 R10 l, sampling length

Rz =

(R1 + R3 + R5 + R7 + R9 ) (R2 + R4 + R6 + R10 )


ISO 4287, DIN 4768

Compare Rz to Rt.


Rz =

(R1 + R3 + R5 + R7 + R9 ) (R2 + R4 + R6 + R10 )

R1 R3 R5 R7 R2 R4 R6 R8



TenTen-point height, Rz:

l, sampling length

Rt and Rz: can be used for a surface that has subsequent metal removal operations such as lapping and honing, shows how much material can be removed before the part size reaches a limit, can be affected by dirt or imperfections. Rz: average of maximum values.

The R parameters do not give any information about surface irregularity shapes or spacing. For that we can use SKEWNESS and KURTOSIS which are statistics functions.

Skewness of data; measure of asymmetry of data. ISO 4287, page 23. .

Skewness is described by:

Sk =

1 Rq3

y 3 p(y)dy

Sk = 0; Gaussian distribution
negative skewness positive skewness


DESIGN: ok as a Bearing Surface



Negative Skewness: A concentration of the material near the top of the profile signifying a plateau like surface

Kurtosis: Kurtosis; Kurtosis measure of sharpness of peak distribution (Greek for hump); or a measure of the sharpness of the probability function. or Kurtosis: the degree of peakedness of a probability function near the mode Coefficient of Kurtosis, K:

K =

1 R q4

y 4 p(y)dy

KURTOSIS Gaussian Distribution: K = 3

A sharp amplitude distribution curve indicates large, sharp peaks and valleys; valleys kurtosis > 3. A broad, flat amplitude distribution indicates many small, rounded peaks and valleys in the profile; kurtosis < 3.

Bearing ratio curve: Abbot - Firestone curve.

(a) (b)

0 25 50 100, %

Bearing ratio
(a) 25% of surface is carrying, bearing the load. (b) 50% of the surface is bearing the load.



Some details about surface roughness measurements:

c , the filter cut-off length is used to differentiate between the roughness and waviness.
The cut-off length should be at least 2.5 times the peak-topeak spacing of the profile roughness. This means that at least two peaks and valleys are found in each cut-off length. If a profile is assessed over a length equal to 6 times the cutoff length, as shown, an adequate number of peaks & valleys is included in the data.

Standards organizations have set up a number of preferred traversing lengths. c = 0.8mm (0.030 inches) is the most commonly used cut-off length for engineered surfaces

So what will you see in laboratory 201?

An example of output from the equipment in a laboratory

INFORMATION ABOUT THE LAY ON DRAWINGS direction of surface roughness.


More Surface Roughness Tolerancing for drawings For ForISO ISO--metric metric

lay symbols:


The latest in Surface Metrology

Scanning Laser Microscope

Triangulation Laser Sensor X/Y Positioning Tables

Anti-Vibration Table

25 m Spatial Resolution (X & Y) 12 m Vertical Resolution (Z)


Techniques now exist which allow the observation of very small variations. For instance, optical methods have been successfully applied to soft materials such as paper:

scanning conoscope probe [SCP] of paper with two crossed grooves left by a ballpoint pen

Measured textures (UBM)




St 37 - 2 K

X 5 CrNiMo 18/10

42 CrMoS 4

100 Cr 6


Visual & Statistical Inspection

Inspections Performed using Surfrax and Matlab

The End for Surface Roughness Lectures

On Onto tothe thenext nextlecture lecture

Thank Thank you you for for your your attention attention



Filtering: waviness, roughness

Trace leveled with the mean set to zero

Waviness Roughness removed

Roughness Waviness removed

Laboratory 201 Metrology:

As-Measured Profile turned surface

Stylus moves back and forth


Metrology is now significance to the Electronics, Optoelectronics & Biomedical Industries. Master CD with sinusoidal profiles

Advances in Metrology have occurred with the evolution of Manufacturing Technology in: new production techniques and new measurement techniques. techniques

Size matters:
In Nanotechnology, the overall dimensions of an object decrease dramatically and the importance of the surface relative to that of the volume increases. increases ie: in a nanocrystal, a 1000 atom cluster has roughly 25% of its atoms at the surface, therefore the properties of the solid are strongly influenced by the properties of the near surface.


Characterizing a surface in terms of depth regimes: and in the the Biomedical Industry

WPIs SLM measuring an experimental runway pavement at NASA Wallops Space Flight Facility
Courtesy Chris Brown WPI


Texture measurement (UBM)

measurement range: sampling interval: stylus:

500 x500 m 2 m 5 m radius.

Supplementary information


Quick Review

Average Roughness Ra, AA or CLA is

where l is the sampling length and y is the ordinate of the profile


n where Ym = mean Y

The shape and relative size ot the stylus can have an effect upon the readings:

The stylus can also become dull and have an effect upon the readings:


Effect of Tip Radius

1.014 1.012 Relative Length 1.010 1.008 1.006 1.004 1.002 1.000 Ruler Length (um)
from Mark Malburg/ Chris Brown, WPI

As Measured (2 um radius)

Numerical 5 um radius

Surface measurement conditions

scanned region stylus radius sampling interval maximum range for z-axis nominal resolution for z-axis 500 x 500 m 5 m 2 m 50 m 50 nm

Thermal spray coatings EMPA - Thun, Switz.



normal (1.4mN) force conic section (90 degree) spherical tip (5m)

Conventional profile measurement


Sampling internal: Vertical resolution: Tracing length: Filtering?

(88nm) (1nm) (0.56mm)


10m 100m

Some comments about design and surface roughness: or why should designers worry about it? it friction and wear between two unlubricated surfaces increases with surface roughness. smooth surfaces reduce the danger of seizure between unlubricated surfaces. if a surface is too smooth it may not sustain an oil film. if a surface is too rough the sharp peaks will break through the lubricating layer.


Instruments used for full profiling

Type I - profiling (mostly z=z(x)), contact, contact stylus: (e.g., Mahr/Federal - Perthometer, Taylor Hobson - Talysurf) Type II - profiling nonnon-contact (mostly z=z(x,y)) scanning laser: horizontal: triangulation, focus (e.g., UBM) vertical: confocal (e.g., UBM, Olympus, Zeiss), interferometric (e.g., Zygo, Wyko, Phase Shift) gray scale, structured light. Type III - scanned probe microscopy AFM, STM (e.g., Veeco (Digital Instruments - Nanoscope),

It turns out that not all industries use the same parameter
Cummins; American engine manufacturer

German car industry


Parameters used by French car industry

With the drive to produce 3 D surfaces for specific functions there is now an interest in developing standards for 3 D roughness profiles. Fractals are an example of a technique that can be used to quantify 3 D surfaces.


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