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Name : Rachmah Rizky

Student Number : 1306368785

Faculty & Class : Faculty of Engineering & K. 208

1. Title of the Article: Verging on Absolute Zero

2. Author(s): Heather Catchpole

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article. The concept about absolute zero in physics is not something outlandish to read or to learn on, moreover it is pretty easy to understand. It is not a light topic to be discussed with but very informative even for young people who have such interest in science. The article is also quite popular on the internet.

4. Explain briefly in six to ten sentences what the article is about. Generally, the article talks about how far the scientists have made their own path to reach the goal of reaching the absolute zero which is nearly practically impossible. In the opening, the author explains about the meaning of absolute zero and what will happen to a matter or atom if it is taken down to temperatures closer to zero. It seems that the goal has been turned into such a trend for neo scientists to create an experiment because it triggers their curiosity and to develop our technologies in behalf of people and knowledge. Although, in some sentences, the articles mentioning several odd or bizarre terms in science or physics which we may have never heard before, it does not diminish the purpose to inform the readers or even slacken the information. The article also mentions and explains briefly, some in order, the story of the development for reaching the zero degree, about the

technology that can be invented along the discovery of this matter. Catchpole specifically supports the article with a lot of scientists opinions and discoveries but not-too-scientific description which, in some cases, usually confuse the readers. In whole total, the article mainly discusses about the scientists efforts to take down a matter into absolute zero, and it comes to the smallest particle which is the atom. 5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article? The main purpose of the writer is to inform the readers, especially those who understand and have knowledge in physics or science, about the attempts that have been made by others in getting closer to absolute zero which is nearly impossible. By reaching it, it would be a great leap to start inventing even better or new technologies. Perhaps the author, aside from informing the readers, tries to make a good understanding regarding the topic and to lead other people to also take interest in science especially physics. 6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review. Science is the root of the invention of most recent technologies in this era. Although the scientist are only a hairs breadth away from that goal, it is always a good start to create a leap and moreover to discover many other things, not only in physics, but in every knowledge that people have.

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