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PEDAGOGICAL REASONS The following weekly scheme was designed for an advance 5 Bestari class in urban school.

In this scheme of work, lessons will includes entertainment aspects in class for example showing them a video of David Backham story. As teachers, we might experience the need or temptation to pit our wits against popular culture, to challenge student perceptions of what good entertainment is, to raise the bar and broaden their horizons. Some teachers, therefore, object to the use of a Hollywood blockbuster as an activity for a unit of work. However, some really successful schemes that have been developed tap into popular culture and students enthusiasm for it. By starting with a fairly familiar, engaging stimulus, we can indeed raise the bar in other areas, challenging students in terms of skills and independence. In this scheme, I also includes a lot rhymes, chants, song and interactive games. Therefore, this scheme takes students through some key skills and concepts, from more individual skills, such as creativity and character creation, to cooperative tasks on physical control and ensemble, atmosphere and stage chemistry. So it is a great scheme for students that are into verbal linguistic and interpersonal characteristic and subsequently would benefit from consolidating and rebuilding some of their skills. It is an opportunity for pupils to begin to do a skills audit, allowing the pupil and teacher to identify strengths and weaknesses and set targets for the next weekly scheme of work. Each session is planned to last about an hour, but the learning episodes can be adjust and pick and choose from the activities to suit their needs. Teaching spaces should be adaptable for whole-class teaching, circle time, group activities areas and a performance area.

Main features in Curriculum Specification

Curriculum specifications for the English language syllabus have been prepared as separate documents for each year of the primary school. Each document serves as a guide to teachers with regard to the skills to be acquired by learners, the content or topic that is to be dealt with, and the vocabulary and grammar items that pupils must know in order for them to use the language.
The features of the Curriculum Specifications are set out in three columns as below; The first column is the LEARNING OUTCOMES column. These are skills and attitudes to be acquired by pupils and are drawn from the syllabus. The second column is the SPECIFICATIONS column. Here, the larger Learning Outcomes are broken do n into manageable skills and sub-skills for teaching and learning. These specifications represent important aspects of the learning outcomes to be acquired in Year 5 SK.

To help teachers further, these specifications have been categorized into 3 levels ranging from the more basic to the more advanced. Level 1 outlines the basic skills to be achieved by all learners. On completing their tasks successfully, learners then progress to Level 2, and then to Level 3.
The third column is entitled EXAMPLES / ACTIVITIES / NOTES. These notes are directed at teachers and they include explanations, teaching points and examples of activities to help pupils achieve the skill specifications.

Aims, Objectives and Focus of the English Language Syllabus

The English language syllabus for primary school aims to equip pupils with skills and provide a basic understanding of the English language so that they are able to communicate, both orally and in writing, in and out of school for the betterment in competing in this globalisation era.

Meanwhile, the main objectives are by the end of primary school, learners should be able to:


listen to and understand simple spoken English to be able to function in common everyday situations;


speak and respond clearly and appropriately in common everyday situations using simple language;


to read and understand different kinds of texts (from print and electronic sources) for enjoyment and information;


write (including e-mail) for different purposes using simple language; and


show an awareness and appreciation of moral values and love towards the nation.

The English language syllabus at the primary school level specifies what is to be taught from Year 1 SK through to Year 6 SK. It comprises and focuses on the four language skills which are the listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as the language contents. The language contents are the sound system, grammar and vocabulary.

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