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Founded 1967 $1.50


Mutual UFO Network, Inc.



Ed/ted by: Raymond £. Fowler

(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155 Let's keep some perspective. on the nature of the UFO
problem. Despite the high interest in — and high potential payoff of
— abduction and crash/retrieval cases, they represent extremes
(rather than the "norm") and no totally convincing evidence has
emerged to warrant acceptance of either as fact. Both do demand
ANN DRUFFEL continued close monitoring and investigation. CE-II cases,
Associate Editor especially, constitute the core of the mystery. Supposed links of
UFOs with Bigfoot, cattle mutilations, etc. remain to be proven, and
uncritical assumption of such links does nothing to advance
Associate Editor
scientific UFOlogy. Comments to the contrary are invited.
Contributing Editor
Director of MUFON

Humanoid Study Group In this issue
Promotion/Publicity By John F. Schuessler
By Richard Hall
Books/Periodicals/History THE GERMAN HYPOTHESIS . . 6
By Foster Morrison
GREG LONG By Willard D. Nelson
Staff Writer LETTERS 14
Landing Trace Cases (Plus other news and features, including CRITIC'S CORNER, p. 12; IN
Medical Cases
Staff Writer
ROBERT WANDERER The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under .
Columnist Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donors
NORMA E. SHORT may deduct contributions from their Federal income tax. In addition,
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DENNIS HAUCK estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of
Editor/Publishers Emeritus Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.
The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
published by the Mutual UFO not necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributors
Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas. are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON.
Membership/Subscription rates: Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may
$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.; be in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about
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The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and the
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas statement "Copyright 1983 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
78155. Texas" is included.
By John F. SchueSsler

Flying discs, spheres, and cigars GRAY COLOR

have been reported nearly continu-
ously for the past 35 years. However,
during the past decade an ever-
increasing number of triangular and
diamond-shaped objects have been
seen in the skies, adding a new
dimension to the UFO mystery.
During the 1980 Christmas holiday
season, three people encountered a
large, glowing, diamond-shaped object,
hovering over a dark east Texas road.
The injuries they suffered are now LIGHTS
familiar to UFO investigators around
the globe. Nevertheless, the object ROUNDED CORNERS
remains unidentified. (The Cash-
Landrum radiation injury case - Ed.) Cleveland, Texas, UFO; May 22,1982
A similar object was sighted near
Cleveland, Texas, on May 22,1982. Jon Deputy McDonald saw the two lights on the ground."
McDonald, a deputy sheriff for Liberty just over the trees he immediately The night was warm and humid
County, was on routine patrol just a few flashed his spotlight in their direction, and the sky was partly cloudy; but the
miles from the location of the earlier he figured the lights were on a low flying forest was very still. In fact, he didn't
incident when he observed two bright airplane. Nevertheless, he got out of the hear the normal sounds of the crickets
lights just over the top of the tall pine car for a look around; but the lights and small animals. The object, too, was
trees. sunk out of sight below the treetops. silent as it glided overhead.
Officer McDonald explained how Soon the lights reappeared. He Officer McDonald switched off his
stolen cars were being driven from said "They would just come up and go spotlight and stood in the darkness as
Houston and abandoned in that dark down. I mean, stairstep itself down and the huge diamond-shaped object
wooded area. At 10:57 that night he was stairstep itself back up. I shined my moved on to the southwest. In a few
alone in his patrol car when his UFO spotlight on it and the lights went out." seconds he heard a whine and the
encounter began. The surroundings The officer was on one side of the object just took off. That was all. When
were familiar. He was at the pipeline pipeline and the object was on the other asked to describe the sound, he said "it
crossing on Gladstall Road, a favorite — about 500 yards away. At that point sounded like a, not a turbine, but it
dumping spot for stolen cars. Because he could see red lights in a diamond would have to be something nuclear
the pipeline is the only open area in the formation, with one blinking red light in powered."
dense woods he checked to see that the the center. Its flight path was from the Fortunately, the officer had an
area was closed to traffic by a heavy northeast to the southwest, directly interesting experience without ill
wire fence. To his left he could see the over the officer's head. He said it was effects. When he reported the
red blinking lights atop some towers; about 1,000 feet in the air and closing experience to the dispatcher via the
but just beyond the towers appeared rapidly. police radio, he was told to submit an
two very bright white lights. When the object went overhead he official Offense Report. Officer
The east Texas Piney Woods is still shined his spotlight on it. "I could plainly McDonald gave his permission for this
relatively unspoiled; covered with trees see it," he said. "It was in a diamond report to be made public; suggesting it
and dense undergrowth. The human shape, y'know, all four corners were might be helpful to others in future
population is sparse and the nights rounded; but it was in a diamond sighting situations.
dark. An officer on patrol must know shape." He went on to describe the
the location of homes, businesses, and color as grayish; like a dirty galvanized
other man-made items. When an steel — "a dirty, dirty gray." And it was (Editor's Note: Mr. Schuessler's report
unusual light is spotted the officer is large. "I'd say you could fit ten cars into included a copy of officer McDonald's
immediately alert. Therefore, when the square it would form if it was placed official "Offense Report".)
"UFOs: A Scientific Challenge"
By Richard Hall

The 14th Annual MUFON UFO

Symposium, with the appropriate
theme of "UFOs: A Scientific
Challenge," will be held July 1-3,1983,
at the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel in
Pasadena, California. Pre-registration
reservations should be sent to MUFON
of Southern California, P.O. Box 2723,
Sepulveda, CA 91343, with checks
made payable to "MUFON of Southern
California." Pre-registration for all
sessions is $17.50. (For additional
information, see'Director's Message, p.
Based on the turnout in San
Francisco, Calif., 4 years ago, an
attendance of 1,000 or more is
anticipated for this year's symposium;
Pasadena is adjacent to Los Angeles
which has long been a center of
organized UFO investigation and Bill Hassel, Symposium General
research in support of the National- Chairman
Investigations Committee on Aerial
Phenomena (NICAP), Center for UFO William L. Moore, author of "The
Studies (CUFOS), and MUFON. Roswell Incident"
Pictured here are Bill Hassel —
physicist), symposium chairman, and
other organizers, along with some of
the speakers. Topics to be covered
include Southern California UFO
sightings, UFO propulsion, E-M effects
on v e h i c l e s , p i l o t s i g h t i n g s ,
crash/retrieval reports, Government
cover-up, cattle mutilations, and UFOs
on the international scene; (Speakers
and titles are included in the Director's
Message.) A variety of displays and
informal caucuses will round out the
We suggest you make your
reservations now for what promises to
be the outstanding U.S. UFO
Conference of the year.

1030LDTOWNERD. Ann Druffel, Journal columnist
SEGUIN.TX 78155 J. Allen Hynek, PhD, Scientific and author of "The Tujunga
Director of CUFOS Canyon Contacts"
The Journal is a publication of, by,
and for MUFON members or
subscribers as a forum for exchange of
information, views, and commentaries.
Your participation is invited. All news,
information, or articles should be
submitted in typed and double-spaced
form. Author guidelines are available
upon request.
Maximum article length, with rare
exceptions, is 12 manuscript pages
(about 4 Journal pages). Shorter
articles (about 500-750 words) are
always welcome, and may be published
as "Comments," "Notes," or
"Responses." Letters to the Editor,
commenting on any material published
in the Journal, should be under 500
The "Data Mart" column is a
service to members/subscribers other
than businesses who wish to request or
exchange information or offer UFO-
1983 MUFON Symposium planners, I. to r.: Vince Uhlenkott, related items for sale. Brief notices are
Treasurer; Walt Greenawald, Program Development; Jerry Hiers, published free of charge, either with
Publicity. your address or, if you prefer, with a
reply code so that MUFON can
forward responses to you.

What would you like to see more of
or less of in the Journal? We won't
know if you don't tell us.
For the rest of 1983 we will be
conducting a member survey to
determine your interests, and after
analyzing the results we will report on
them and make the changes you
suggest insofar as we can consistent
with MUFON and Journal policies.
Do you have a favorite column or
regular feature? A special interest in
certain aspects of the UFO problem?
Do you want more sighting round-ups,
reviews, analytical articles? Do you
favor more dialogue1 between UFO
proponents and skeptics? What
information is most useful to you? What
columns or features are of least interest
to you? Let us know via a post card or
letter addressed to:
Member Survey, MUFON, 103
R i c h a r d F. Haines, PhD, Paul C. Cerny, IM. California Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155.
experimental psychologist State Director
By Foster Morrison

In attempting to evaluate the UFO should be subjected to such an analysis, overconfident liberals. (Now guess
phenomenon we find very little of the which ought to be revised on a regular which does which.) Even if one is not in
precise data most scientists are basis as more data accumulate. either of these groups, it would be wise
accustomed to using. All we really have The hypothesis to be outlined here to take the message to heart.
are a lot of complex, but ill-defined would not win the accolade of "most The rest of this essay will construct
events out of which we can extract no likely" from very many experts at the a more plausible scenario based on the
numerical values of aything. present time. If a comprehensive common theme of Genesis and UFO's,
Contemporary management science Decision Analysis were done, several Nazi Secret Weapon? It will not be
has provided a means of coping with very different stories might outrank the claimed that this is the current most
such situations, which are typical of variations of The German Hypothesis. likely explanation of the UFO
those faced by businessmen, There are, however, some good phenomenon, even in the not too
executives, and bureaucrats, as reasons for doing the analysis at the humble opinion of the author.
opposed to the carefully controlled essay level. For one thing, it has been However, this is a serious effort to
world studied by scientists in their clean done at least twice before. The first try construct a far more plausible story
rooms and laboratories. The was UFO's, Nazi Secref Weapon? than the ones in either of these books,
methodology is known as Decision Written and published by Canadian far and one whose likelihood is not
Analysis. rightists, the little book suffers from negligible by any means.
In principle, Decision Analysis is sloppy composition -and shoddy
just the application of probability scholarship. There is no documenta- Space Technology
theory. The mathematics involved is tion to speak of, except some reprinted The UFO phenomenon to some
about 200 years old. Anybody can learn newspaper clippings. Little distinction people seems a violation of the laws of
the basics, but most people never reach is made between hard fact and physics. Most, if not all, of the basic
this level in their formal education, not speculation. Despite its flaws, the physics and mathematics for the NASA
even the heavily schooled lawyers and publication does serve the purpose of shuttle and Project Apollo date from
fine arts PhDs. Engineers and scientists raising some interesting questions. the nineteenth century or earlier. It
use the theory all the time, usually in a Some people would say "frightening," took two generations and more for the
highly developed special form such as which is always interesting. technology to catch up. As it is, the
least-squares regression. It is the stock- The second effort is in the form of a Shuttle is an unwieldy, Rube Goldberg
in-trade of all those social scientists who novel, Genesis. Almost too much of the combination of a reentry vehicle and an
use numbers more than eloquence, no peripheral UFO baggage is taken into airplane, that pushes existing science
matter their ideological bent. this book. The central character of the and technology close to the breaking
This essay will not attempt the story is a villian of such Olympian point. One might call it a triumph of
construction of a rigorous decision proportions as to dwarf any historical technological machismo over Murphy
theory analysis of the UFO person or even hypothesized extraterr- (and his Law), now that we have seen it
phenomenon. Instead, the methods of estrials. He is an American named does indeed fly. In stark contrast, the
A. Conan Doyle, as demonstrated by Wilson from the corn belt, far more typical UFO outperforms dirty, noisy
his character Sherlock Holmes, will be versatile than Leonardo, who vastly shuttles and military interceptors
applied. What this means is that a story excells Stalin at political intrigue and effortlessly and even quietly. Shuttle
will be created out of a sequence of makes all other scientists seem and space colony enthusiasts hate
vaguely related events. The story could insignificant. UFOs so much that they simply refuse
then be tested for possible validity by As a work of literature, Genesis is a to recognize their existence.
Decision Analysis. "pot boiler" novel, but it is intended to Most books on relativity tell about
There are good reasons why this present possible historical facts as a the curvature of space and time. But
will not be done here. The first is that dramatization. A big improvement over space and time are not merely curved,
the author, though an applied UFO's, Nazi Secret Weapon? is that in some sense they are not real, as
mathematician, is only familiar with the author has documented his sources useful as they may be to most
decision theory, but not facile with it. thoroughly. The message of the two engineers. Space and time are not
This problem can be solved by works is much the same, though the absolutes. Mathematics calls this being
obtaining expert consultants, if audiences and purposes diverge widely. non-holonomic; the jargon of relativity
someone could find the money for their One is trying to cheer up discouraged
fees. The entire UFO phenomenon racists and the other to warn (continued on next page)
Hypothesis, Continued who wanted peace and just enough
// we are to explain UFOs in material goods to sustain his quest for
says they are not invariants. terms of physics we under- scientific truth. He became a symbol of
Experiments have shown that if a stand to some degree, it seems protest against the Nazi treatment of
number of (very, very accurate) clocks essential to assume they are Jews.
make round trips through different If indeed relativity and a unified
environments they will record different
capable of generating field theory have the practical military
elapsed times. Things as common as artificial gravity fields.... and economic values of leading to UFO
e l e v a t i o n s show t h i s same technology, it would make the most
mathematical property in the context of concluded incorrectly that UFOs sense f r o m the v i e w p o i n t of
classical, Newtonian physics.' Very violate our basic concepts of physics. counterintelligence to denounce them
precise elevations must be corrected Instead high accelerations prove that as "Jewish physics." To publicize such
for gravity variations because the UFOs use gravity forces. One may a possibility might have jarred Einstein's
surfaces of equal potential (such as a hypothesize a fifth force, not now mind into action again. After he was
still pond) are not exactly parallel or known to terrestrial physicists, but this about 40, in 1919, he never
concentric. Space'and time are not just does not solve the problems of how to accomplished very much. And there
curved in the world of high speeds and generate or control the force and adds also were (and are) many very bright
strong gravity, they are even ill-defined. an unnecessary assumption. younger physicists, to whom Nazism
The theory of relativity provides the was an anathema, and they would have
correction equations to make sense out German Breakthrough? been strongly motivated to work on the
of the numbers we read from our rulers For The German Hypothesis to be • problems. Confusing the issue with
and clocks under all conditions, tenable, it is virtually essential to personal attacks on Einstein and his
whereas classical physics is good assume that a team of German racial and religious background was a
enough for our workaday world. scientists devised a very successful good strategy and it dovetailed so
If we are to explain UFOs in terms unified field theory and probably in the perfectly with NSDAP (National
of physics we understand to some time frame of 1933-1939. The German Socialist German Workers' Party)
degree, it seems essential to assume technical expertise was surely the ideology that it would arouse no
they are capable of generating artificial world's best in that period, though suspicion.
gravity fields, much as we produce other European nations and America One may ask how German
magnetism with electric currents. Here were not far behind. We do know that physicists could make such a
is where our science is fatally deficient. gravitons (the particles that transfer breakthrough without it being
Einstein and many others have tried to gravitational energy and momentum) duplicated in the past 50 years or so.
come up with a unified field theory. The and photons (the particles that transfer Frequently scientific discoveries are
results have been very disappointing, to electromagnetic energy and made almost simultaneously, but not
say the least. But a completely success- momentum) do interact. always. In Marco Polo's time China was
ful theory would, supposedly, tell Einstein predicted the curvature of the equal of Europe in everything where
us how to generate a gravitational field light by gravity and this has indeed been it did not surpass the West. By the
from an electric current or other form observed. Perhaps this interaction is nineteenth c e n t u r y China had
of energy. Presumably we could cancel enhanced by resonance of the regressed while the West had made
out the earth's gravity and accelerate frequencies of photons and gravitons enormous progress in the sciences and
very quickly in any direction. Perhaps and that makes gravity manipulation technology. Recent successes of
there would even be a way to convert quite practical. Such a phenomenon Chinese scientists show us that bright,
mass to energy without the massive would create havoc with the geometric creative people were still being born in
equipment and radiation hazards of our elegance of relativity theory as China, but that the society had become
present nuclear power plants or fusion currently conceived, but quantum so ossified that it stultified them.
projects. mechanics has done that already on the Opportunities in other areas of
The very high accelerations atomic scale. There are no other science and the awesome Einstein
demonstrated by UFOs imply very physical processes where the behavior personality cult have served to deter
strongly that the gravity force is being of electromagnetic radiation (i.e., people from following his leads or
used. Only gravity could accelerate a photons) does not depend critically on questioning his hypotheses, as a
vehicle and its contents, including frequency. photon-graviton resonance would
passengers, without setting up the large Some may object that the Nazis require. What is more, graduate and
force gradients that would tear them deprecated Einstein and his work and professional schools tend to drive out
apart. Because all our familiar aircraft would be the last ones to expand upon creative people in favor of mediocre
use Newton's second law and it. Here we must differentiate between workaholics, who are better at memori-
mechanical pressure (ultimately political rhetoric and technical -zing trivia than thinking. Creative people
derived from microscopic electro- expedience. For one thing, the media are likely to be eccentric, undisciplined,
magnetic forces) to propel themselves had built up Einstein as a folk hero, a
and their cargoes, most people have brilliant, but eccentric, lovable man (continued on next page)
Hypothesis, Continued endless wave of anti-Nazi books and least some of these would be moved to
TV programs, this glaring contradiction the Antarctic and the Amazon region
and lopsided in their intellectual is never mentioned. Lack of and then, perhaps, to a colony on a
development, as was Einstein, himself. consistency, however, is scarcely a vice p l a n e t r e v o l v i n g about some
Nazi sympathizers, on the other unique to Nazi politicians. convenient star.
hand, would have been strongly We Americans always have been If one can conceive that this might
stimulated to debunk Einstein and told Hitler wanted to conquer the have happened, and that is asking for a
would go over his work with a fine-tooth world. That seems to be a typical very open, imaginative mind, then
comb, if they had adequate capabilities. exaggeration, but he did state explicitly speculation about Hitler's role is now
In the process they could well have he wanted Germany to become a appropriate. We have been so
succeeded in extending and improving powerful imperialist state, a position saturated with propaganda about
his work rather than totally discrediting from which Britain was slipping at that Hitler's crimes against humanity that
it. If they could get that far, the military time. All Germans then, no matter their .we fail to notice some real peculiarities
implications would be obvious. Genesis political persuasion, were saturated about his career. His rise to power and
suggests a conventional technological with history and aware of Oswald success was meteoric and reached a
model for flying discs, though it Spengler and his ideas. Another fact is peak in 1939. Then he wrecklessly
mentions anti-gravity as a possible that the Nordics were (and are) launched his country into a hopeless
propulsion method. becoming a smaller and smaller war and it and much of the rest of
One may wonder if Hitler ever was minority in Germany. They were the Europe were devastated. It is too easy
aware of the flying disc project. The losers in a demographic derby, as are to say that Hitler was crazy. Such
existence of such an effort is well their WASP cousins in contemporary statements explain anything and hence
documented in Genesis and less so in America, whites in South Africa, and explain nothing. A more realistic
UFO's, Nazi Secret Weapon. The crux Jews in Israel. An expanded, evaluation is that age and stress caught
of The German Hypothesis lies in imperialistic Reich would have up with his frail, war-damaged
whether the disc was a genuine UFO accelerated this process, we can be constitution and his physical and
type of craft or we have a case of an sure. So, what's another little mental health deteriorated.
historical coincidence of UFOs contradiction? But why did he allow the war to
appearing while Germans are working We do know the Nazis took their start in 1939? Germany's submarine
on a totally crackpot aircraft design. racial theories seriously enough to set fleet, its only answer to Britain's and
The existence of "foo fighters"suggests up special facilities to produce ideal America's powerful navies, was
that the German disc may have been human specimens through selective obsolete even then and the V2's,
viable. Genesis postulates that der breeding. As students of the Aryan missiles, and jet fighters on the drawing
Fuhrer was ignorant of the whole conquest of India, they must have boards were years from production.
process, which was carried out under known that caste systems ultimately Germany would have needed vast
Himmler's aegis. fail. The best wgy to produce a true technical superiority to hope to match
Another viewpoint suggests taking super race, instead of the imaginary one the far more massive productive
Nazi ideology seriously and discounting of political propaganda, would be in capacities and manpower pools of
Nazi rhetoric. The NSDAP lauded the relative isolation, pot in the middle of an France, Britain, the U.S.A., and the
Nordic subrace and was down on slavs imperialistic state, where commerce U.S.S.R, Her allies were Italy, Hungary,
and hostile to Jews. Anthropologist and political intrigue soon submerge and Bulgaria, all of little value. Not only
Carlton Coon has shown that most of class, caste, society, and culture. A did Hitler start a massive war ill-
the population of Germany is of the victorious Third Reich undoubtedly prepared, he mismanged it so badly
Alpine subrace. Earlier studies have would have set up for its chosen a that some of his generals tried to
indicated a very strong correlation of special colony isolated from the turmoil assassinate him in 1944. Near the end of
Nordic with Protestant and Alpine with of central Europe, but the long-term the war, for example, he made the
Catholic. Nazi propaganda insisted the viability of such a Utopia is dubious as Luftwaffe use the new Me-262 jet fighter
non-Jewish Germans were "pure long as it is a dependency. as a fighter-bomber instead of a much
Nordic," but the party experts hardly The new disc technology, needed superior interceptor. Not only
could have believed it themselves. The however, with its ability to bore did he not want to win the war, he did
majority of Germans were (and are) . wormholes in space and time, opened not want to delay defeat.
basically Alpine, much like the despised up vast new possibilities. Why not take One can speculate that Hitler
Czechs, Poles, and Russians. the best and leave both Germany and escaped with his hypothesized chosen
Not only were the Alpine types a its enemies behind? Now I suspect that few or stayed behind to assure that he
majority, but they .were the grass roots most German Nordics, like their kin program remained a secret and that
support of the NSDAP. Nazism also elsewhere, were appalled at Hitler, Germany was thoroughly demolished.
was very unpopular in the Nordic Nazism, and all else that is illiberal and Would he abandon his faithful
foreign nations of Scandinavia, the anti-intellectual. There must have been, supporters, and maximize Itheir defeat,
British Isles, and North America. Hitler however, a minority of fanatical
himself was an Austrian. Despite an supporters among this minority. At (continued on
Hypothesis, Continued won't take it seriously. These people,
The cheapest and most effective though not really stupid, are as
to pursue an ideologial dream? part of any security system is a stubborn as the proverbial mule; you
Although a skilled politician, Hitler was flow of information that is high have to hit them between the eyes with
certainly a "true believer." He was an in volume and low in a sledge hammer to get their attention.
ascetic, like Gandhi, not the type of The German Hypothesis indicates that
high-living grafter that fills our elected coherence. Whatever the source World War II was started, expanded,
offices. Could he cynically leave his of UFOs, they are doing an and deliberately lost to distract the
devoted Alpine followers to the tender excellent job of this. attention of the majority of the human
mercies of the Soviet Army? Certainly! race .from the true directions of
As a fanatic he would have put aside obviously is spying, and perhaps even National Socialist scientific and social
every consideration except the success some piracy. Human abductions and programs. This strategy would permit
of his ultimate project. The situation in cattle mutilations indicate they may be the Nazi colony to expand its technical
Europe would keep the world into molecular biology and are lead tremendously, while the vastly
distracted for years while the New Man somewhat ahead of us, as Genesis wealthier U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. would
in the New Germany was busy at other suggests. waste their time and money on dead-
things. After Germany was defeated, ends such as chemical rocketry.
everybody tried to outdo his neighbor Best Estimate Lots of speculations can be made
blaming it all on their former leader. The On this side of the fence what is about certain details of the UFO
hypothesized cynicism would have happening? The best estimate is that experience. UFO's, .Nazi Secret
been well justified. the intelligence community is keeping it Weapon?, in fact, makes the
According to both Genesis and all a secret from elected officials and (undocumented) statement that these
UFO's..., the escape to the South Pole that no President or Congressman has German exiles have contacted
did not go undetected. Did Admiral been able to learn more than you have. extraterrestrials and are collaborating
Byrd probe for Nazi exiles down there, There are two motivations for this kind with them. Genesis speculates that the
who retaliated with a show of force over of behavior and it's not clear which is apparent aliens are short Paraguayan
Washington, D.C.?This is too specific a dominant in this case. The inner core of Indians, captured and robotized by
series of events to analyze without the intelligence community may harbor brain implants. Either or both of these
intensive research, some of which Nazi sympathizers, who would not like speculations might be true.
might require classified or otherwise to see the noble experiment disturbed. Now that you have swallowed The
unavailable materials. Instead, let us There also is bound to be a strong fear German Hypothesis hook, line, and
analyze some typical UFO behavior of retaliation if a threat were to develop. sinker, we may proceed to predict
patterns that indicate a terrestrial Underground research and security future developments. UFOs will
source with a critical edge in science, facilities have been built by the U.S.A., continue to monitor earth very
rather than an extraterrestrial much as Germany did during the Third carefully. Even if interstellar travel has
civilization h u n d r e d s or even Reich. That is where the UFO action opened up vast, new frontiers, it will be
thousands of years more advanced must be, if there is any within the U.S. a long time before the colony has grown
than we are. Government. enough to feel secure from a potentially
For one thing, UFOs take keen A massive retaliation of unknown hostile home planet. Would the colony
interest in secret military bases. This proportions might accompany the ever invade Earth? If inhabitable planets
has been reported repeatedly. A launching of a conspicuous American are as rare as some scientists think, it is
society so very far ahead would be program to duplicate UFO technology. a distinct possibility. Or most
content to read Jayne's annuals about The UFOs are not as easy to spy on as inhabitable planets may already have
our destructive toys. UFO encounters the Soviet Union, so the intelligence formidable societies.
are always incredibly bizzare. A highly community keeps walking on eggs. For Provided that living space is still
advanced alien culture would be cool, the same reasons the "spooks" must not too scarce in the Universe, the
rational, and detached, even if cooperate, willingly or not, with the colony may be content to let us proceed
somewhat curious, and could avoid UFO effort to remain incredible. If on our path of wiping out most life on
detection completely. The apparently elected officials and most of the upper- Earth, and ultimately ourselves, with
exotic behavior seems to be intended to middle class became convinced of the environmental destruction and perhaps
keep the scientific community and the reality and hence importance of the nuclear war. We can be sure any
bourgeoisie (including Soviet UFO phenomenon, the debate would UFOnauts have read The Global 2000
apparatchiks) blissfully incredulous. move out of the shadows and into the Report to the President, even if Ronald
The cheapest and most effective part of limelight of the democratic process. Reagan has not. We may be left as a bad
any security system is a flow of The results of this are totally example of the results of democracy
information that is high in volume and unpredictable to the "spooks," to the and egalitarianism to instruct future
low in coherence. Whatever the source UFOs, and to your author. generations in their evils.
of UFOs, they are doing an excellent Fortunately, even if a politician or
job of this. The mission of the UFOs scientist reads.this article, he (or she) (continued on next page)
By Willard D. Nelson

Bob Wanderer stated in a letter a weak-minded dupe. It is the very but they didn't want, actually, to try to
after reviewing my "Viewpoint on the contradictory and anomalous nature of focus the subject any more than he
Andreasson Affair" that our positions the UFO phenomenon that drives me wants to be a "believer" for fear he
seem .fairly close and that we both are to study and consider the nature of would be considered stupid.
dubious of that case. I am only "partly reality itself. And I would be the last to Dr. J. Allen Hynek's editorial in
dubious," mainly because of the use of try to tell others what the whole thing is International UFO Reporter (Nov.-
hypnosis to obtain the story. Actually I all about or how they should think Dec., 1982) outlines the many feet of
am very open to the whole thing, about it. That would be presumptuous film that ended up on the cutting room
including the fact there may have been and egotistical. floor, which could have gone to make
a real UFO and real entities involved. As for the article on the NOVA the show that Wanderer says couldn't
Maybe this is because, as I've become "The Case of the UFOs" (No. 178, Dec. be made. The editorial also discredits
acquainted with the UFO phenomenon 1982), Wanderer's position is that the the Persinger "explanation" for such
the past 10-15 years, I believe that real show which the UFO movement would UFO events as Travis Walton's or
UFO events occur. I think he by like to see made cannot be made Deputy Val Johnson's — a theory I
contrast, believes real UFO events do because the standards of TV introduced to Mr. Wanderer in order to
not occur — which makes him a documentaries are such that it wouldn't give him something to chew on, to see
"skeptic" and me a "believer." be considered since it would not be how he would behave. My own
I would wear my believer's badge sufficiently focussed and easily additional objection to the NOVA show
with honor even though the NOVA understood. To that my. response is a is only a logical one. It concerns the
show used the term in a derogatory loud "Bull--, Mr. Wanderer!" The scene showing the compressive rock
sense. The term does not mean that I'm producers may have had that thought fracture experiments. The electric
sparks appeared during the rock
Hypothesis, Continued far we have been tantalized with fracture. "Real" UFOs are not seen at
feathers. Freedom of Information suits the . same time . as an earthquake,
Even if you consider The German are not going to dislodge anything although there are known to be large
Hypothesis an outgrowth of an significant unless they happen to trigger diffuse earthquake lights sometimes
historical accident, some of the the unlikely event. A Federal judge, and associated.
deductions of this essay remain highly some rather flaky people now hold Harley Rutledge's letter to APRO
plausible. The nature of the game being these jobs, might freak out and spill it (APRO Bulletin V. 30, No. 11) agrees.
played by the UFOs and the intelligence all. He says, "Having lived in the vicinity of
community with each other and with As a UFO investigator, you are the New Madrid fault for 20 years and
the general public has only one increasing the likelihood of the fluke. having directed a long-term scientific
explanation. Even advanced aliens Do you want to open up a Pandora's field study of UFO phenomena, during
might be concerned if the U.S.A. or Box out of which may flow aliens, which I observed some 150 UFO lights,
U.S.S.R. developed UFO capabilities. economic and social upheaval, and I do not believe that any of these were
Obviously the "spooks" know a lot perhaps even revenge-minded Nazis? If produced by insects or earthquakes —
about UFOs and do not want any part you are a UFO investigator, you have nor~ were any of the seven craft I
of it to feed into the political process, for more curiosity and imagination than observed."
the reasons given previously. It is more good sense. And if I can pop the lid It's an interesting theory, but the
than a concern that stock in North before you, I will. NOVA show stated rock fracture as the
American Rockwell would plummet source of UFO lights. That is not even
because the firm's technology is REFERENCES what Persinger is saying. He points to a
potentially obsolete. Only an addled Berry, Adrian, The Iron Sun: Crossing the six-month or longer lag that he thinks
Universe Through Black Holes (Warner Books,
socialist ideologue would come up with occurs in his hypothetical UFO
an explanation like that. Calder, Nigel, Einstein's Universe (Penguin connection between earth stress and
Unless there is a fluke event, Books, 1980). eventual earthquake. His mathematical
where both UFOs and "spooks" lose Coon, Carleton S. The Races of Europe analyses are based on a lag. I'll bet I'd be
control for too long, civilian researchers (Greenwood, 1972). able to prove anything about anything if
Harbinson, W.A. Genesis (Dell Publishing Co.,
will continue to be stymied by lack of I were up on my multivariant statistical
resources. There has been no UFO Macvey, John W. Interstellar Travel (Avon analyses. As for Persinger's additional
activity escalation sufficient to perturb Books, 1978). work connecting the conscious content
the smugness of the scientific Mattern. and Friedrich, UFO's, Nazi Secret of UFO experiences with the supposed
community or the middle class as a Weapon? (Samisdat Publishers, Ltd!, no date;
available from publisher at P.O. Box 11132, (continued on next page)
whole. Let's recall the mule analogy. So Station "E", Buffalo, NY 14211, $4.95).
By Walt Andrus

In a combination sales promotion encounters of the first, second, and

and UFO public education event, we third kinds.
had our first opportunity to utilize our The public exhibit also provided
new portable display exhibit boards at the first occasion to display MUFON's
the elegant Sunrise Mall in Corpus new 4 ft. x 6 ft. banner. Made of wool
Christi, Texas from February 15th felt, it has white letters and logo on a
through the 19th. A personal royal blue background with gold border
appearance by Scott Carpenter, the and accessories. This banner will be
former astronaut and the display of a used at all annual MUFON UFO
12-foot model of the Space Shuttle Symposiums, starting with Pasadena,
preceded MUFON's exhibit by 2 California, as a prominent backdrop
weeks. Continuous visual aids were an behind the speakers lectern.
attraction to visitors to the shopping Since favorable UFO public
mall and our exhibit. In addition to the education is one of MUFON's
four display boards (both sides) objectives, photographs have been
exhibiting 8 x 10 inch photographs and included ' in this article showing
drawings of close encounter cases of construction details of the display
the first, second, and third kinds, one boards and exhibit layout as ideas for
board was devoted to hoax photos.Jens our members who may wish to utilize
flares, and objects frequently them. MUFON is personally indebted
misinterpreted as UFOs. to Sherman J. Larsen and the Center
The most popular attraction was for UFO Studies for their novel
the continuous showing of UFO construction ideas to build individual
programs, movies, and documentaries boards that are not only portable for
on a closed circuit VHS video display, transportation, but selfrstanding and
provided through the courtesy of Video may be assembled in 5 minutes after the
Concepts. Some of the VHS tapes photographs have been attached. Our
featured were "UFOs Are Real," "The display consists of six boards (both
UFO Experience" by KPIX-TV in San sides), however only four were used in
Francisco, "Chariots of the Gods," Corpus Christi.
"The UFO Incident," and the question- It may be extended to any number
able NOVA series, "The Case of the of boards without any revision in
UFO." Between videotape shows, design.' Aluminum tubing for legs and
slides of UFO photographs were extruded a l u m i n u m channeling
projected on a screen depicting close provides the frame and strength for
each board. Angle brackets are used
Comment, Continued for the corners to attach each board to
the upright legs with appropriate auto
electrical events, I have no comment. hose clamps. One-half inch thick
Now that Wanderer has made a celotex, 3 ft. x 4 ft. in size, and painted
commitment to the "pine long" solution white on both sides was used for the
to the great Loch Ness Monster basic boards. The time for construction
mystery ( No. 176, Oct. 1982), I wonder is no small task, considering the
what he thinks about the 1,500 hours of number of extruded aluminum
sonar-grams with multiple contacts channels that must be cut and fitted,
made by the latest study, reviewed in a and the drilling and insertion of 240 self
recent New Scienfisf ("The Biology of tapping screws in the bracketry for six
Loch Ness," Vol. 97, No. 1345,17 Feb. boards.
1983)? Apparently the scientists are not Plans are being made to have both
ready to close the books on it as soon as the UFO exhibit display boards and the MUFON UFO Symposium in Dallas,
he is. beautiful MUFON banner at the 1984 Texas.
By Robert Wanderer

How to Avoid Being "Abducted"

Are you concerned that you and attempts. Only three didn't come up lives" hypnosis.
your loved ones might be "abducted" with a "past life." We hear of cases where people are
onto a UFO by "aliens"? A fascinating The second group heard a more hypnotized, allegedly to find out what
new study suggests a simple way to neutral tape about "past .lives," saying "really" happened on some occasion,
avoid such a calamity: If you do not that "you may or may not drift back to and suspecting that "something
believe "abduction" is possible, you will another lifetime." Of these 20 subjects, strange" may have happened. It
not be "abducted." 12 reported on a "past life" and nine of sometimes turns out that they think
At least that's the interpretation I those on more than one. Eight of the 20 they were "abducted" onto a UFO. Are
make, adapting the results of a study of reported none. there ever any cases where people are
"past lives" hypnosis to the problem of The third group heard a tape about hypnotized expecting to have some
UFO "abduction" stories. I consider "a bunch of far-out therapists on the exotic story revealed such as a UFO
that "abduction" stories and "past West Coast have come up with yet "abduction," where they tell under
lives" stories involve essentially the another crazy kind of therapy" and hypnosis that they weren't "abducted"
same procedure: you are hypnotized, advising the subject that "you might but actually had a perfectly normal
asked (explicitly or implicitly) to tell a accidentally, by chance," experience experience? Are there hypnotized
story (about being "abducted" or about another lifetime. Of those 20, only two subjects with such expectations who do
a "past life"), and then your reported a "past life," only one reported not get what they expect?
*> '
mind" (or whatever term more than one, and 18 had none. Dr. Baker, in the article reporting
you prefer) produces the requested Baker concludes that "it seems on his study, cited other cases going
story. clear that the suggestions made prior to back to Bridey Murphy in 1956 which
The study was conducted by the induction and regression attempts show "how easily human subjects will
Robert A. Baker, a psychologist at the had a significant influence upon the role play extreme regressions on
University of Kentucky. He recruited past-life reports." demand." In all these studies, he points
60 students who had been hypnotized I suspect something very similar out, "the power of suggestion seems
in classroom exercises and were goes on in "abduction" cases developed paramount. If a hypnotic subject is told
considered good hypnosis subjects. under hypnosis. You report some he will go back to another lifetime and if
Each person came individually into "missing time," some time you can't the hypnotist expects him to do so and
a room containing a comfortable cot account for. You wonder whether demands that he play such a role, it is
and was told they were participating in a something strange happened, you've difficult for the subject not to comply."
study or relaxation, where they were to heard that people sometimes report Hypnotists in "abudction" cases, please
lie down and listen to a tape recording UFO "abductions" in such note.
on "past lives regression." Three circumstances, and you go under
slightly different recordings were used, hypnosis wondering/expecting/believ- Reference: Robert A. Baker, "The Effect of
Suggestion on Past-Lives Regression," American
each with 20 students. After hearing the ing in some mysterious unknown. And Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 25:1, July 1982, pp.
tape the subject was hypnotized and then, the story you "expected" comes 71-76; summarized in Psychotogy Today, April
regressed into a "time machine" going out under hypnosis. 1983, p. 25.
back down through the years before As Dr. Baker concludes:
birth. They were asked to describe "Past lives regression phenomena,
themselves and their surroundings rather than being examples of the
there. After intensive questioning, each 'reality' of reincarnation, are instead the STAMP PROGRAM
subject was returned to the "time result of suggestions made by the
machine" for a second and then a third hypnotist, expectations held by the We acknowledge contributions of
attempted excursion into the past. subjects, and the demand characteris- cancelled foreign stamps from M.
One group heard a tape telling tics of the hypnoidal relationship." Kislosky, Georgetown, Pa.; Greg Long,
about a "new and exciting" therapy Replace "past lives regression" Kennewick, Wash.; and Audrey
using "past lives," and suggesting that with "UFO abduction," and "reincarna- Patrick, Kennett Square, Pa. Proceeds
the subject "relax, let go, and do as I tell tion" with "extra-terrestrial aliens," and from the project are applied to
you" to journey back to another life. Of you've got a provocative thesis about international exchange of UFO
these 20 subjects, 17 reported on a UFO "abduction" stories. It would be information. Send stamps to Richard
"past life," and 15 of those reported interesting if someone would test that Hall, 4418 39th St., Brentwood, MD
more than one "past life" in the three thesis, similar to the study of "past 20722.
By Walt Andrus

More than 50 original extra-

terrestrial models were entered in the
"Make your Own E.T. Contest"
sponsored by the Mutual UFO
Network in Beverly, Massachusetts.
These models were on display during
the Ideas Exchange Fair where
MUFON scientists studied them and
judged them on the basis of originality,
detail, and appropriateness of the
environmental conditions on the home
planet for supporting each newly-
invented life form. Mrs. Marge
Christensen, MUFON State Director
for Massachusetts, was the coordinator
for the Ideas Exchange Fair at Beverly
High School on October 30 that
attracted 650-700 visitors. The
MUFON judges were David Webb,
Bob Sampson, Jules Vaillancourt,
Barry Greenwood, Joan Thompson, MUFON judges, I to r: Dave Webb, Joan Thompson, Barry
and astronomer Jack Eddy from Greenwood, Bob Sampson, Jules Vaillancourt

judges pictured, and congratulations to a complimentary copy of the Journal

Kevin for his unique "E.T." model and along with information about the goals
orginality in depicting life and living and purposes of MUFON.
conditions on a fictitious planet. And don't forget, MUFON is a
We should all be proud, because nonprofit, tax exempt organization.
these young people are going to be the Your contributions (other than
scientists of the future! membership fee) are deductible from
Federal income tax for U.S. citizens.o

M U F O N needs a l a r g e r
membership/readership in order to be Research Analyst to compile,
more effective in pursuing our goals of analyze, and summarize information
UFO research and public education. about reported UFO "abduction" cases
We suggest that State MUFON in order to determine patterns — or
organizations, and individual members inconsistencies — and to facilitate
as well, consider gift subscriptions to future research. May be college
the Journal, for friends, relatives, student, librarian, abstractor, or other
Kevin Christensen, 1st prize, libraries, or your doctor or dentist for with strong verbal and analytical skills.
Grades 9-12 waiting room reading material. State Successful applicant will be provided a
Prizes included a copy of the 1981 organizations should encourage their modest budget for supplies, typing, and
MUFON UFO Symposium Proceed- members and consultants to take out development of a card catalogue;
ings held at M.I.T., complimentary additional subscriptions as a means of guidelines will be provided. Submit a
tickets to Sack Thesters, "E.T. Phone supporting MUFON and disseminating letter outlining your interest and the
Home" bumper stickers, and "E.T." information. skills or experience you could apply to
posters. In the 9-12 year old category, Also, if you know someone who this project (deadline July 1, 1983) to
Kevin Christensen (son of David and may be interested in becoming a Richard Hall, Secretary-Treasurer,
Marge Christensen) won the first prize. member or subscriber, send us their Fund for UFO Research, Box 277,
A special thanks is extended to the name and address and we will mail them Mt. Rainier, MD 20712.
LETTERS unsubstantiated eyewitness impress-
ions as "gospel," instead of what they
1973. Recent additions to the system
have improved that figure by another
are (impressions) has obviously learned thousand feet. The FAA also could
nothing from the last 35 years of have contacted those targets
UFOlogist Sheaffer Replies UFOlogy. And yes, it sometimes is representing light aircraft by radio.
necessary to interrupt long-winded Rutledge didn't pursue this prospect;
Editor, story tellers on radio shows, because he merely wondered how many of his
In his article (No. 178, Dec. 1982) the actual time available on such shows 158 UFOs could have been aircraft
Virgil Staff quite adequately makes the (minus commercials, news, etc.) is in lights!
point that he did not like what I said on fact extremely limited. Second, he claims that I have
KGO radio last year. However, I was When someone is telling you about "persisted" in "persuading" a heavily-
encouraged to see that he was unable a sighting which occurred 30 years ago, referenced member of his field team to
to point out any specific errors in what I and can't even say what date it . "impugn" him. I met the latter in Atlanta
said. I do occasionally make errors occurred, and .I have no star tables, by accident, where he initially offered
when I speak, as do most of us mortals, weather records, airline schedules, unsolicited doubts about the emotional
but either I made none on that day, or if etc., in front of me, the chances of atmosphere affecting many of his
I did, Mr. Staff did not find them. making any intelligent evaluation of that experiences with Rutledge in the field.
Mr. Staff starts right off on the incident in the next minute or two are Once he learned I was planning to do a
wrong foot by spelling my name wrong, nil. Everyone's time would be better review of Project Identification, he
which MUFON's editors apparently did spent by going on to the next call. While backed off, not wanting to hurt his
not bother to check. He then claims •Mr. Staff apparently doesn't realize the friendship with Rutledge. Thus, I
that I was host to the Jim Eason Show necessity for a great deal of specific published nothing in Fate about our
»that afternoon, which is incorrect. Mr. information before evaluating a UFO conversation! Of what "antics" am I
Eason hosted the show that day, as is sighting (he says it makes no difference guilty?
his custom; I was the guest. whether or not the-date is known!!!), I I stand by my pan of Project
Furthermore, I am astonished to see would hope that MUFON does. Identification. The book promised a
that Mr. Staff would say that "until Robert Sheaffer "first scientific .field study" with
recently, there has been a paucity of San Jose, Calif. extensive use of instrumentation and
data for evaluating the work of Mr. (Editor's comment: Why does Mr. the insights of a PhD physicist. Instead,
Scheaffer (sic)." Sheaffer think that an "instant the reader got an amateurish
My book The UFO Verdict has evaluation" is what is expected of him "skywatch" with a startling lack of field
now been available for two years. It has on a radio show? Is it not more equipment use, no photographs of the
been' reviewed right here in the important to try to determine from the 41 "Class A" UFOs, subjective
MUFON UFO Journal. ("Offensive caller's "impressions" whether a estimates. in place of systematic
and inexcusable": McCampbell; "An simple, natural explanation is triangulatibn and assumptions about
insult to the intelligence": Andrus.) applicable, and if not, to work the intelligence of a UFO phenomenon
Tsk, tsk. I've fared far better, however, backward from that point and try to pin personally attuned to one Harley
in reviews in real scientific publications down an exact date so that real Rutledge.
such as The New Scientist and Sky and investigation — as opposed to Allan Hendry
Telescope, where my book was skeptical assumption — can be Tucson, Ariz.
recommended highly). undertaken?)
I was an invited speaker at the 1980 "Space Aliens" Talk
Smithsonian UFO Symposium in Reviewer Response To Author Editor,
Washington, , D.C., which received In reference to Mr. Lucius Parish'
much attention nationally. In addition, Editor, statement (No. 179, Jan. 1983) referring
my writings have been published in Harley Rutledge (No. 179, Jan. to the Dec. 14th issue of the National
magazines such as Omni, Astronomy, 1983) has made two allegations about Enquirer, about the "nutty possibilities"
Official UFO, Frontiers of Science, my negative review of his book. Both of space aliens talking through
Fate, and others, and have been are totally invalid. hypnotized clients and the
discussed in practically every major First, he stated that I was endorsement, I wonder what basis he
UFO publication. I cannot imagine "befuddled" about there being no radar has for his statement. Seemingly, to my
where Mr. Staff has been these past few capabilities to deal with over Cape knowledge; he has witnessed none of
years. Girardeau, Missouri. Sorry, Harley, but these hypnotic sessions nor reviewed
In fact, I see no statement you should have checked with the some 50 hours of video and also 50
attributed to me which I would care to Memphis Air Route Traffic Control hours of casette.
deny, or change even if I could. The Center across the state border. They Although I know this seems a
Jimmy Carter UFO was undoubtedly did have radar coverage of non- "way out" form of communication, I
Venus, whether Mr. Staff likes it or not. transponding targets over your home
Anyone who insists in taking town down to 6,000 feet, even back in (continued on next page)
Letters, Continued in his published works does not imply Department of Commerce, Mr. Eugene
that he thinks the story is necessarily Pawlikowsky, (202) 377-1362.
cannot help but remembering a true, or that he expects his readers to James Oberg
reproduction of an article that was in believe he is attesting to the accuracy of Dickinson, Texas
the New York times way back when the the story in question. I do not think
telephone was invented. The New York that's cricket. N.Z. Radar Case
Times was calling Alexander Graham I am flattered that Moore admits
Bell "nutty." my research has "consistently Reference Bruce S. Maccabee's
The article went something like demonstrated an access to information "open-letter" (No. 178, Dec. 1982)
this: "There is a man by the name of (in many cases Soviet) which is not relative to statements made by me on
Alexander Graham Bell who is trying to generally available to the rest of us." the NOVA UFO program, he is correct
take the American public on the 'nutty' That is what most reviewers wrote that it was 7 minutes after Capt. William
idea of being able to talk over a wire. about my book Red Star in 'Orbit Startup first asked the Wellington
Anybody in their right mind would (Random House, 1981), although center about unidentified radar blips
know this was an impossibility. But if it THEY meant it as a compliment. I before he mentioned having a TV crew
were so, what earthly use would it be?" would modestly attribute that not to on board, as I promptly acknowledged
Jiles Hamilton any inside information or surreptitious to Maccabee on Oct. 23, 1982.1 regret
Daytona Beach, Fla. guidance, but to uncommon diligence that age is taking its toll of my memory
and resourcefulness. cells.
(Editor's Comment: Mr. Hamilton Yet Moore's point about footnotes But -the facts are, as Maccabee
enclosed newspaper clippings and sources is well taken. The main knows, that traffic controller Geoff
identifying himself as a "licensed source of my information has been Causer did not call the pilot (Startup) to
hypnotist" in Florida who accidentally Charles Sheldon's Soviet Space warn him of unknown radar-blips in the
stumbled across alleged "alien . Programs and the issues of Spqceflight vicinity of Startup's aircraft until the
communications" through routine magazine (published by the British pilot chanced to ask. As the controller
hypnosis performed on people with Interplanetary Society in London). I explained to Maccabee in a telephone
personal problems. The "aliens certainly do aver that I have had access conversation on Jan. 14, 1979, barely
voices" allegedly used the voice boxes to no classified data or analyses — my two weeks after the incident, he had
of his subjects to communicate work is totally original and I'm damned been informed by the man he replaced
information. People knowledgeable proud of it. that Startup had a TV crew on board.
about "trance states" and "multiple Regarding the dispute over Further, that he had been monitoring
personalities" are invited to comment.) CUFOS's alleged violation of Soviet the disappearing-reappearing blips
copyright on the "Gindilis Report" re- because he "was expecting him
Journalistic Standards publication: I am entirely accurate on (Startup) to ask me." Then the
Editor, that count. The USSR signed the controller laughed.
A basic difference between Bill International Copyright Convention in When Maccabee asked if the
Moore's journalism and mine has 1973, routinely violates it internally, but controller had ever before seen such
indeed been identified in his response keeps a stringent eye on Western oddly behaving blips, Causer, informed
(No. 178, Dec. 1982) to my article. My transgressions (although it has, Maccabee: "Yes I have. I think if you'd
feeling is that the selection and admittedly, never sued anyone so far). check with most of the radar
uncritical repetition of secondary There is a loophole, sanctioned by controllers at Wellington, we've all seen
sources does indeed constitute tradition, in which government official anomalous propagation, or unidentified
endorsement and I believe both internal use of translations is tolerated returns from time to time. We haven't
journalistic ethics and legal standards so long as no commercial value accrues taken too much notice of them. It was
are closer to that view (that's one to the material (the National Technical only because of the interest shown by
reason Moore is being sued by at least Information Service, or NTIS, is this particular flight and by the previous
one person about whom he merely authorized to sell certain translations sightings on the 21st of December, you
repeated some offensive nonsense.) but the Soviet government receives its know. There was a lot of interest
I believe to claim otherwise is to cut). shown."
abdicate an author's responsibility to Publishing the Gindilis Report for The controller also told Maccabee:
verify the accuracy of his material — sale is clearly illegal; what I wrote is "The thing with all these (radar) targets,
but of course one does have to trust entirely true. Perhaps Moore's off-base with the exception of one I spotted later
other people, yet when that trust is accusation is just "yet another example in the evening, they were erratic. You
shown to have been misplaced (as in of [his] well-known penchant for couldn't track them in the accepted
Moore's case), one should take one's making pronouncements from on high sense. They showed no afterglow."
lumps like a man. without bothering to first check his (When monitoring craft-like objects,
Paraphrasing Moore's attitude as facts" (the words he ironically used to the last position appears brightest, with
expressed in correspondence with me, describe my own statements!). For
he claims that merely repeating a story v e r i f i c a t i o n , check w i t h t h e (continued on next page)
Letters, Continued

each successively previous position

appearing less bright.)
As Capt. Startup himself reported
in his own book (p. 98): "Geoff (Causer)
had been watching the curious radar
images down the coast for almost half
an hour. They were erratic, though,
appearing and disappearing in random
fashion, and he did not consider them
to be solid objects. "(Emphasis added.)
Inasmuch as Startup at no time
changed course to try to avoid a
possible mid-air collision with the blips
reported to him, I must conclude that
he shared controller Causer's opinion.
Although Maccabee has published
numerous papers and articles on the
New Zealand case, including several in Joe Santangelo, Director of MUFON Amateur Radio Nets and
the MUFON UFO Journal, he has not Eastern Regional Director of MUFON. For information about the
revealed what the controller told him on nets, contact Mr. Santangelo at 20 Boyce St., Reading, MA 01867.
Jan. 14,1979, which would indicate that
the Wellington radar blips were caused that a general dosage level can be Letters to the Editor are invited,
either by anomalous propagation assigned..." commenting on any articles or other
conditions, a malfunction of the radar's (3) Regarding assumption of material published in the Journal.
moving target i n d i c a t o r , or a monoenergetic source, "It is therefore Please confine them to about 400
combination of both. Perhaps this key misleading to assume that words. Articles of about 500-700 words
omission indicates that advancing years monoenergetic rays of any kind are the will be considered for publication as
are taking a toll of Maccabee's memory principal determinant of the patients' "Comments" or "Notes." All
cells as well as my own. symptoms." submissions are subject to editing for
Philip J. Klass Dr. Rank reveals that "there were length and style. Please type and
Washington, D.C. no well-documented changes in the double space all articles.
blood..." According to Table 1, which
accompanied Stowe's article, this
Cash-Landrum Radiation would indicate total body exposure of
Editor, less than approximately 50 rem,
As one who is actively studying the insufficient to account for the reported
Cash-Landrum case, and who has diarrhea, vomiting, hair loss, and non-
corresponded with Dr. Peter Rank on healing ulcer. However, if the
numerous occasions, I must express witnesses managed to ingest additional
my amusement at Paul Stowe's radiation, and apply still more to their
"Technical Review of Radiation hair (while somehow avoiding total
Evidence in Cash-Landrum Case" and body exposure), perhaps this case
Dr. Rank's response. (No. 178, Dec. would make some sense.
1982). As it now stands, there appears to
Dr. Rank begins his review of the be no rational support for the
article by congratulating Mr. Stowe for speculation that Cash-Landrum
"the depth of his knowledge and the represents a genuine radiation
thoroughness of his analysis....! would exposure case, much less a "UFO"
agree totally with Mr. Stowe's case. I would strongly urge MUFON to
analysis..." He then proceeds to reject encourage the witnesses to take a
many of Stowe's assumptions and properly administered polygraph
conclusions: • examination (perhaps on F. Lee
(1) Regarding assumption of total Bailey's television program "Lie
body exposure, "This is by no means Detector"), to assist those of us who
clear." are searching for the truth in this case.
(2) Regarding Stowe's estimate of Gary P. Posner, M.D.
200-300 rem exposure, "I do not believe St. Petersburg, Fla. UFOs as "Pop Culture"
Director's Message, from p. 20 year's symposium theme is "UFOs: A for Missouri and adjoining States will be
Scientific Challenge." held in St. Louis, Missouri, on
is still available from MUFON for $5.00 Two new Research Specialists Saturday, August 20 and Sunday
plus $1.50 for postage and handling. were recently appointed. They are morning, August 21, 1983, in
The 1983 M U F O N UFO Thomas C. Billingslea, Route One, Box conjunction with the annual picnic
Symposium will be held on July 1,2, and 636, Ore City, TX 75683 in Electrical sponsored by the UFO Study Group of
3 at the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel, Engineering, and Michael G. Barrows, Greater St. Louis on Sunday afternoon
1401 South Oak Knoll, Pasadena, 2008 McKinley St., Philadelphia, PA August 21st. A copy of Mr. Adams'
California; telephone (213) 792-0266. 19149. Mr. Billingslea has a B.S.E.E. letter of March 18, 1983 was sent to
The toll-free number to make hotel from Texas A & M University and Mr. each of the following State Directors:
reservations in the U.S. is 1-800-325- Barrows has a B.A. in Sociology. Forrest R. Lundberg (Iowa), Stanley J.
3535 (In Missouri 800-392-3500), MUFON of North Carolina has Fouch (Kansas), Leonard W. Sturm
Eastern Canada 800-268-9393; and announced that their 7th Annual (Illinois) and Burt L. Monroe
Western Canada 800-268-9330. Room MUFON UFO Conference will be held (Kentucky).
reservations per night are $57.00 for a on June 11-12, 1983, at the Nature Powell and his committee are to be
single and $67.00 for double Science Center in Winston-Salem, commended for this ambitious project,
occupancy. American Airlines is the N.C. Speakers presently committed that is part of a program to organize the
Official Carrier for the 1983 MUFON are Dr. Willy Smith, Paul B. Norman State of Missouri into a strong
UFO Symposium in Pasadena/Los (Australia), George Fawcett, and investigative team. The new third
Angeles, California. To take advantage Bernard Haugen. For f u r t h e r edition of the Field Investigator's
of American's special Meeting Service information, please contact the Manual will be an integral part of the
Desk call toll-free 800-433-1790 for U.S. Chairperson, Mrs. Gayle McBride at prescribed training. Required reading
and Canada, and in Texas call 800-792- P.O. Box 46, Winston-Salem, N.C. of Obseru/ng UFOs prior to the training
1160. They will advise you how to 27102. We have invited Mrs. Gayle course is being considered, plus several
qualify for American's money-saving McBride and Henry Morton to consider other books. Your International
fares and discounts. the possibility of hosting the 1985 Director is now planning his vacation to
The featured speakers and the MUFON UFO Symposium in North attend both the training course and the
titles of their papers are: Mrs. Ann Carolina. Mr, Morton is the State- annual picnic. Preliminary plans are
Druffel, "Southern California's Director for North Carolina and Mrs. also being made to meet with the
Straight-Line Mystery in UFO McBride is the Assistant State MUFON groups in Memphis,
Sightings"; Alan : C . Holt, "UFO Director. Tennessee, and New Orleans,
Propulsion: Pulsed Radiation and "UFOs: Past, Present and Future" Louisiana, following the St. Louis
Crystalline Structure"; James M. is the theme for the Scientific Bureau of session.
McCampbell, "UFO Interference with Investigation (SBI) 1983 UFO Ray W. Boeche, State Section
Vehicles and Self-Starting Engines"; Symposium to be held August 12, 13, Director in Nebraska, has advised that
Richard F. Haines, PhD, "A Review of and 14 at the Ramada Inn, 1228 the University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Selected Aerial Phenomenon Sightings Western Ave., in Albany, NY 12203. and the Nebraska Association for the
from Aircraft from 1942 to 1952"; Hosted by the SBI of Northern New Study of the Unexplained will again co-
William L. Moore, "UFOs: Uncovering York, Dan Lowenski is the symposium sponsor a conference at the University
the Ultimate Answer"; Paul C. Cerny, chairman and Pete Mazzola will be the of Nebraska on November 11, 12, and
"The Continuing UFO Deception and master of ceremonies. Pete was so 13, 1983. In november of 1982, the
Confusion Syndrome"; Peter A. impressed with the format of the 1982 name of the conference was "Exploring
Jordan, "Cattle Mutilations and the MUFON UFO Symposium in Toronto Unexplained Phenomena," featuring
Imagined Culprits: A Psychological that he has structured their symposium Dr. Roy Mackal, Dr. J. Allen Hynek,
Perspective"; and J. Allen Hynek, PhD, in a similar fashion. The speakers will be Ray Boeche, and Linda MoultonHowe.
"UFO Activities Around the World." volunteers and should submit their Dr. Hynek, Linda Moulton Howe, and
The host committee has advised completed papers by April 30th. Tom Adams have confirmed their
that the price of individual sessions Advanced tickets for each of the five invitations to speak for 1983.
varies between 3 and 7 dollars, totaling sessions on Saturday and Sunday is Milos Krmelj, Representative for
$25.00. Pre-registration is a bargain at $6.00 or a package price of $25.00 for Yugoslavia, has recently mailed copies
$17.50 versus the entire symposium the entire symposium. Advanced of the UFO/Fortean magazine
price at-the-door of $23.00. With a tickets may be secured from The SBI, ODISEJA (ODYSSEY) Numbers 30
student identification card, the student P.O. Box 193, Staten Island, NY 10312. and 31 that is edited by Mr. Krmelj. He
price at-the-door is $15.00. Pre- Hotel reservations are to be made has plans to publish an English edition
registration reservations should be sent directly with the Ramada Inn (518) 489- in the near future with Government
to: MUFON of Southern California, 2981. permission. Milos has rewritten and
P.O. Box 2723, Sepulveda, CA 91343, R. Powell Adams, State Director published several featured articles and
with your check made payable to for Missouri, has announced that an
"MUFON of Southern California." this "Investigative Group Training Session" (continued on next page)
(Compiled by Walter N. Webb, MUFON Consultant in Astronomy.)

Shower Duration (Approx.) Peak (Approx.) Hourly Rate (Avg. Yr.) Radiant* (Constellation)
Quadrantids Jan. 1-6 Jan. 3 ,40 Bootes
Lyrids Apr. 19-24 Apr. 22 15 Lyra
Eta Aquarids May 1-8 May 4 20 Aquarius
Delta Aquarids July 15-Aug. 15 July 28 20 Aquarius
Perseids July 25-Aug. 18 Aug. 12 50 Cassiopeia
. (Near Perseus)
Orionids Oct. 16-26 Oct. 21 25 Orion
Taurids Oct. 20-Nov. 30 . Nov. 2 15 Taurus
Leonids Nov. 15-19 Nov. 17 15 Leo
Geminids Dec. 7-15 Dec. 14 50 Gemini
Ursids Dec. 17-24 Dec. 22 15 ' Ursa Minor

*Note: Shower meteors become visible some distance from their radiant points. Therefore, the observer should scan the entire
sky when searching for such meteors. Bright fireballs can appear at any time and are not necessarily associated with meteor

Director's Message, Continued Scotland/England; J. Allen Hynek Kansas City, Missouri. He has offered
(CUFOS) USA: Bertil Kuhleman his best wishes from Finland to all of our
utilized photographs from the MUFON (URD) Sweden; and Walter H. Andrus, journal readers.
UFO Journal in his publication for the Jr. (MUFON) U.S.A. Peter A. Hill is the The work of the Steering
benefit of their subscribers. In the present chairman of PICUR. The next Committee of the North American
Cash-Landrum Case, he illustrated the PICUR meeting will be held in August in UFO Federation will be completed by
article with photographs from the conjunction with the Third July 1, 1983, per John F. Schuessler,
Journal, he prepared the text from International UFO Congress in the Chairman. The success of the 1982
material published not only in the United Kingdom, August 27,28, and 29, UFO Summit Conference in Toronto,
MUFON UFO Journal, but the 1983, sponsored by BUFORA in Bucks, Ontario, dictates that a follow-up
A.P.R.O. Bulletin, CUFOS, and England. Michael Sinclair, International meeting be held in Pasadena,
National Enquirer by Bob Pratt. Coordinator now residing in London, in California, on Monday, July 4,1983, in
Kenneth Arnold's photo from the cover MUFON's representative to the conjunction with the 1983 MUFON
of the Journal illustrates an article PICUR meetings. UFO Symposium at the Huntington-
about this famous pioneer. His current Ilkka Serra, MUFON Representa- Sheraton Hotel to take final action on
address is: Milos Krmelj, Mildnskega 6, tive for Finland, has forwarded two the implementation of the federation,
61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Yugoslavia. copies of the "Annual Report 1981" by adoption of bylaws, specific business,
"Project Rainbow Circular — The UFO Research of Finland, and election of officers if appropriate.
L e t t e r " was i n i t i a t e d as a published in English. Twelve of the 14 In order that the travel plans of
communication supplement to the pages are devoted to investigated UFO representatives and attendees will not
work of Provisional International sighting reports from 1974 through be disrupted, the meeting will be
Committee for UFO Research 1981. The annual report replaces the confined to a half day (8:00 a.m. to noon
(PICUR) to organize all UFO groups former quarterly report and is used in or 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). The Steering
into one world-wide federation. It is their "exchange program." The staff of Committee has already been advised
basically a newsletter to relate the the publication is composed of Lasse by individual correspondence. UFO
progress being made in UFOlogy in the Ahonen, Editor-in-Chief; Ilkka Serra, groups or organizations that were
reporting nation, and to adress Gosta Malm, and Kalevi Pusa, . unable to be represented in Toronto
problems confronting PICUR between Translators; Olavi Kivinieni and Kari A. and desire to be part of the new North
international meetings. The following Kuure, Board of Editors. The address American UFO Federation, should
Rainbow-members, organization of The UFO Research of Finland is: SF - advise the Steering Committee
r e p r e s e n t e d , and N a t i o n are 17950 K y l a m a , Finland. I l k k a Chairman, John F. Schuessler, P.O.
participating in this round-robin conducted a workshop session at the Box 58485, Houston, TX 77058 as soon
newsletter: Per Anderson (SUFOI), 1980 MUFON UFO Symposium in as possible, i d e n t i f y i n g your
Denmark; David Haisel (UFOCAN) Clear Lake City, Texas, and also organization and representative.°
Canada; Peter A. Hill (BUFORA) attended our 1973 symposium in
Lucius Farish

In Others' Words
In the only recent NATIONAL
ENQUIRER article on UFOs, Brad
Steiger tells of his childhood encounter
with a small humanoid. The event
always carries the highest
recommendation. Copies of the
Catalog may be obtained for $11.95
from The Sourcebook Project, Box
occurred in 1940, Steiger says. 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057.
However, if memory serves correctly, Zecharia Sitchin is one of the The UFO NEWSCLJPPING SERVICE
the details of this particular incident outstanding writers on what has come will keep you informed of all the latest
United States and World-Wide UFO
have changed considerably since to be known as the "ancient
activity, as it happens! Our service was
Steiger first wrote about it. For those astronauts" subject. His second book, started in 1969, at which time we
who are interested, the article is in the". THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, contracted with a reputable
ENQUIRER'S March 29 issue. continues his research into the history international newspaper-clipping
The "Anti-Matter/UFO Update" and mythology of the Near East. bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
column of April OMNI deals with the Abundantly illustrated and containing find UFO reports (i.e., little known
Minnesota case in which a woman died an extensive bibliography and an index, photographic cases, close encounter
of cold and starvation while waiting for a the book is now available in a and landing reports, occupant cases)
and all other UFO reports, many of
UFO landing. paperback edition. It may be ordered which are carried only in small town or
William R. Corliss' second volume from Avon Books, Mail Order Dept., foreign newspapers.
in his "Catalog of Anomalies" series, 224 West 57th Street, New York, NY "Our UFO Newsclipping Service
TORNADOS, DARK DAYS, 10019. The price is $3.50, plus 50f for issues are 20-page monthly reports,
ANOMALOUS PRECIPITATION, postage and handling. Sitchin's first reproduced by photo^offset,
AND RELATED WEATHER PHENO- book, THE 12TH PLANET, is also containing the latest United States and
,MENA, is now available. The contents available from this address, for $2.50 Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
our foreign section carrying the latest
are broken down into nine categories, (plus 50$). Both books are highly British, Australian, New Zealand and
covering such topics as unusual clouds, recommended. other foreign press reports. Also
falls of animate and inanimate objects, Brad Steiger's latest book, THE included is a 3-5 page section of
giant hail, rain from cloudless skies, SEED, continues his "Star People" "Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
dark days, tornados, whirlwinds and theme, presenting his theories and other "monster" reports). Let us keep
other atmospheric phenomena. For speculations on possible ancestors you informed of the latest happenings
those who are familiar with the late from the stars, as well as reptilian forms in the UFO and Fortean fields."
of life which may either have come from For subscription information and
Morris K. Jessup's writings on the
sample pages from our service, write
seeming link between UFOs and outer space or originated here on today to: '
unusual sky events, there is much to Earth. THE SEED is available from
consider in this Catalog. As with all the Berkley Book Mailing Service, P.O. UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
volumes in this series, there are five Box 690, Rockville Centre, NY 11570. Route 1 — Box 220
separate indexes, as well as numerous
illustrations. Anything from Corliss
The price is $2.75, plus 75<P for postage
and handling.
i Plumerville, Arkansas 72127

UFO alert as mystery light passes over Berks

Evening Post earlier In the evening. have radio contact with, If western On tonight, bat that may well
THE Thames Valley was on UFO
red alert last night. But NATO air traffic control staff it Other key alrbases In the Thane* not be what was spatted."
Air force bases throughout the the US air strike base it Upper Heyford Valley scanned the sky for the object. . _ Mrs Patricia Horrlgtn, of TamnU
confirmed they had had reports of a RAF Brlze Norton air traffic control- Hill, Hungerford, ssldi "I thought 1
region scanned the skies after a sighting earlier In the day. ler Corporal Candellln said they were was going mad.
glowing white object was spotted Berkshire villagers reported the unlble to pick up the object. "We were going to watch a science
west of Reading. fiction programme on the television
Battle radar at a US Air Force base
object, which was moving slowly west.
Astronomers at the Royal Greenwich
Sightings and I was going to hang the washing
tracked the mystery object In the night Observatory at Herstmonceuz In Sus- a He said the Oxfordshire base knew of
barrage balloon that had slipped Its
out. I saw a brilliant light In the sky. It
*ky. sex confirmed there should be nothing moorings was very, very bright and at about 9pm
"We are picking op a primary In the western sky except for Venus: at Stratford and was beading I saw It moving, growing yellow and
' target", said a USAF air traffic con- south, Cut the timing of the balloon's dimmer."
troller. USAF Upper Heyford air traffic con- progress did not tie In with the Read- USAF Upper Heyford said they
But the UFO disappeared from the troller Sergeant Byrd Cormier said: "A ing sightings. received several telephone calls Iron
sky above Reading at about 9.15pm. primary target means that the light Is Squadron Leader Haves at RAF Ben- people claiming to have seen the UFO,
"I thought I was going mad, said a bouncing back off something out there. son In Sooth Oxfordshire said: "There buj despite the sighting on tbelr battfe
Hnngerford woman who reported the "This Is a primary target bat we have Is nothing on the radar. Oar almanacs were unable to say what Ike
slowly-moving bright white light to the not been able to Identify It, and do not Indicate That Tenai wwU a* In A*


After many months of preparation, American Airlines — Your Official Carrier To

the third edition of the MUFON Field
Investigator's Manual (edited by
Raymond E. Fowler, Director of
Mufon International
Investigations) is now available. It U.F.O. Symposium
consists of 20 sections prepared by
authorities in each of their respective
fields of expertise. MUFON is indebted Pasadena, California
to the following people for additional July 1-3, 1983
sections in the new manual: Michael
Hough (Australia) for Section 2 of XI
titled "Lightning Strikes as the Cause of.
Some UFO Ground Traces"; Richard
Niemtzow, M.D. and John F.
Schuessler for Section XV, titled
"Evaluation of Medical Injuries from Call toll-free and save:
UFO Close Encounters"; Stephen
Clark for Section XVI on "Hypnosis as (800)433-I790i
an Investigative Aid"; Thomas P. In Texas, call (800) 792-1160
Deuley, for Section XIX, titled S.T.A.R. File #55624
"Radiation Survey of Landing Cases";
and Walter H. Andrus for Section XX
on the topic "The Challenge to
UFOlogy by the Mutual UFO Network.
Updated revisions of existing
Sections have been contributed by
Fred Adrian, Joan Jeffers, Bruce
?$l' ^:^or^S^:-
Maccabee, and William H. Spaulding in All it Likes is one ail I to as special meal selection, pre-reserved the same great Scr\ ice Irom the lime
"Photographic Evidence"; Ron American > s|x-cial Mix-ting Services seating and car renul reservations vou make vour reservation until you
' Desk and \ourconvention inivel wor- And distribute your tickets direciK to arrive at lour destination. Because
Westrum for "The Field Investigator's ries are over. Vue'll confirm your flight you or through your Travel Agent nuking business travel a pleasure is
Code of Ethics"; Richard F. Haines, reservations. Tell you how to quality
for American's money-saving fares.
Let us show you what our best
means to the convention traveler. Call
one of ihe things we do beM. Call today
toll-free (800) 433-1790, in Texas,
PhD, for Aerial Sighting Reports (Form Help you uiku advantage ot'discouiiLs our Meeting Servians Desk 8:30- 5:00 (800) 792-1160.
and oilier special considerations such Monday through Friday. You'll receive
11); T.P. Deuley for Residual Radiation
(Form 10); Fred Meritt and Walt
Andrus for Computer Input (Form 2);
Walter Webb for updated "Bright
Planet Location Charts"; P. Wayne
Laporte for "UFO Apparent Size at
Arm's Length Chart"; and major
revisions by Ted Phillips in "Field
Investigation of Alleged UFO Landing
Sites." The new manual contains 161
We're American Airlines. Doing what we do best.
McDonald, PhD.) Investigator training courses, utilizing
pages, 8'/£ x 11 size, in a standard three- Since t h e M U F O N Field the new manual, may now expedite
ring binder format. The third edition of Investigator's Manual (copright 1983) is their plans.
the MUFON Field Investigator's an essential tool, the price to current A very fine supplement to
Manual is dedicated to J. Allen Hynek, MUFON members is $6.00 plus $1.50 MUFON's new manual is the book
PhD, for his untiring efforts to bring the postage and handling. For all others Observing UFOs by Richard F. Haines,
importance of the UFO phenomenon (non-current members), the price of the published by Nelson-Hall in Chicago.
to the scientific and academic manual is $10.00 plus $1.50 for postage This outstanding trade size paperback
communities. (The second edition was and handling. State Section Directors
dedicated to the late James E. who have been planning Field (continued on page 17)

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