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An introduction to this series of talks / articles under the title Pleasing Madrasah Reforms can be read at the end

of this article. Along with this introduction there are the following charts that provide more information on the talks / articles; 1. An introduction to Pleasing Madrasah Reforms 2. A Chart (Series 4) that lists the titles of the 10 Six Minute Talks with the corresponding Talk Number. These Scripts or Articles could be read or downloaded from or from 3. A Chart (Series 3) that lists out the series of talks that covers the subject Muslim History or Islamic History. This interesting subject is covered in two approaches. One set of talks (Talk Nos 114 & 116) are an outline of what happened, and The second lot of talks (Talk Nos 117 to 119) is a description of the reaction of the Muslim world or the Muslim Populace to the changes or the social tribulations that were taking place right throughout this history. 4. A Chart (Series 2) that lists out the 16 Talks (or Episodes) under the series Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD These Scripts or Articles too could be read or downloaded from ScribD Notes to these talks or to these scripts/ articles


The main objective of these talks (and therefore the scripts of these talks), is to stimulate thinking. Sensible, rational and logical thinking. So, my message, think, think & think! Be sensible, be rational and be logical.

Dear Friends,

Alhamdulillah, I have this great opportunity of sharing what excites me from doing contemplative research on the Aayaths of the Quran. For the last few weeks I am discussing a rather interesting topic which I have titled Pleasing Madrasah Reforms I am now discussing Part 4 In short I am discussing about the quality Birr which is described in the Quran and which many have translated to mean piety. In Aayath No 177 of Surah Baqarah, Allah lists out the points that constitute Birr. I am now discussing point 2 or the belief in the Aakhirah. This is a huge topic, because to learn the true meaning of Birr we have to seek out all what I refer to as the connected Aayaths and then work out the message by using our AQL. That is what I am trying to do. At the end of Talk 3, I was discussing the Aayaths that describe Iblees who later on becomes an outcast and is cursed by Allah, and where Shaithaan spells out his mission to lead mankind astray. In reading the Aayaths of the Quran it appears that there is only one Iblees, but there are many Shaithaans. This probably means that all those who rebelled or rebel against Allah are referred to as Shaithaans whether they are man or jinn. So it looks like Iblees from his exalted status as a Malaaikah has been cursed and demoted to the status of a Shaithaan. There is also indication that Iblees is the main Shaithaan and all others who are rebellious are referred to as Shaithaans especially because they get drawn in to being under his authority. So we ask the question, how would Shaithaan lead us astray or make us follow him? This question is also answered by Allah. Remember Shaithaan can only do what Allah allows him. Through these Aayaths Allah is informing us of the 3 main strategies of Shaithaans. Let us now read them a little more thoughtfully. Strategy One (17:64) Incite whoever you can, from them, with your voice Strategy Two and rally against them your horsemen and your footmen, Strategy Three and share with them in their wealth and their children, and make promises to them

So it looks like devious plan of Shaithaans would fall in to one of these three devious schemes. How do we recognize them? 1

Remember when we continue to read we find that Allah has given Shaithaan authority over those that get incited by his callings (17:65) As for My servants, you have no authority over them,

So it is the Mukhlas or the ghibaadhies of Allah over whom Shaithaan has no SulTHaan or authority, but then we must remember that Shaithaan has authority over those who respond to his callings Frightening isnt it? And the most frightening aspect of those under Shaithaans authority is that they would be entangled in an ever growing web of evil, but the victims would feel that they are really involved in careers of goodness. They would be utterly deceived in to believing that they are being virtuous in thought and deed. So now, my most pressing question is, how do I recognize these schemes of Shaithaan? How do I identify them? Another way of trying to find out is to think What is Shaithaans role? and What would be the obstacles facing him? What would he do? Dont you think it is interesting to try to think what Shaithaan would do? Do we not all learn that we must try to think as to how our opponent would think? So let us look at things like how a military defense strategist would. Interesting no? Let us see how man is to seek guidance and then try to work out the crucial points in this flow, and figure out the crucial points at which Shaithaan would try to attack or sabotage. Let us study what I would refer to as the landscape. Let me list the points. 1. Man arrives on Earth and lives here for a short period of time, maybe 60 to 70 years. 2. This period of time is for testing. [067:002] He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;-

3. There are basically two paths that man can follow; a. Look around him, be convinced that the many phenomena and processes surrounding him have to have been created, controlled and sustained by some majestic and powerful being and realize that there has to be a purpose. So he devotes his life in searching for knowledge about God and also the purpose of mans life on earth. b. Look around him, be excited by the many phenomena and processes that surround him and then desire that all these phenomena and processes work in his favor. His life is spent in self-glorification which he seeks through desirable worldly materials and rising social status. He actually begins to believe that God is pleased with him and he also begins to believe that God is now working for him, in his favor.

4. For the seeker of the truth, God has sent down the Kithaab and the Quran as the recitation of that Kithaab. The seeker must seek guidance from the Quran and this guidance requires constant interaction with the Quran. 5. The Quran instructs the seeker to use his God given faculties in reading the Quran and to reflectively contemplate on the Aayaths of the Quran. For this reflective contemplation or ZIKR God has bestowed man with many faculties or tools, which God describes as the Samgha or hearing, the Baswr or perceiving, the Afidha or spiritual feeling, the Qalb or heart, the Swudhoor or chest and the AQL or intelligence. 6. The Quran also describes those who are distracted. They would read all the Aayaths of Allah whether in the Quran or what is pointed out to us by the Quran, as material for their worldly advancement and self-glorification. They would wrongly use or misuse or even not use the faculties that God has bestowed them with for reflective contemplation or for the ZIKR of all the Aayaths of the Quran. So those 6 points in brief is what I would describe as the landscape. So thinking as a military defense strategist, what should I anticipate Shaithaan to do? Let me again list them. 1. Shaithaan has to stop or prevent man trying to work out as to what all the processes and systems working so wondrously around him are pointing out to him. Shaithaan has to make man think, Oh, all these wonderful systems and processes surrounding me are so, how can I utilize them or put them in to so that all my desires are fulfilled. If my desires are being fulfilled does that not mean that God is with me? Does that not mean that God is favoring me? 2. The second (probably the most important point) is that Shaithaan would want to prevent man from processing the Aayaths of the Quran through his Samgha, Baswr, Afidha, Qalb, Swudhoor and his AQL. Shaithaan would want man to read the Quran and then interpret it for worldly usage, because that is how Allah describes the losers. If man read the Quran and then processed the Aayaths through his faculties then he would benefit from the virtues of the Quran. The Quran in 17:82 describes the benefits it provides to the Mumin and the loss it confers on the Dhzalimeen or the unjust. We reveal the Qurn, which is cure and mercy for the believers; and it adds nothing to the unjust but loss.

3. As we deduced in the earlier Aayaths, Allah confers authority or SulTHaan to Shaithaan over those who are incited by his voice or his whisperings. The Quran also indicates that those under Shaithaans authority are both those from Mankind as well as the Jinn. 4. So thinking as a military defense strategist, I would think that not only would Shaithaan prevent man from processing the Aayaths of the Quran through his faculties, but he would marshal those under his authority to explain the Aayaths of the Quran to people in such a way that people would stop using their God given faculties for the Aayaths of the Quran and in fact would even begin to think that we should not use these faculties for this purpose. Thinking as a military defense strategist I would also think how can Shaithaan and his troops do this? 3

It looks well-nigh impossible. But then a good strategist does not dismiss potential ambush sites as impossible He tries to think out or even out think the strategies of the enemy and is always alert watching out for the signs. 5. When Shaithaan has got man to work for desires, prevented man from processing the Aayaths of the Quran through the faculties God has given him, and then even got man to work under his authority to increase this type of thinking or mindset, then Shaithaan has to get man involved in evils which would make appear beautiful to man and make him think that he is being virtuous and that God is fully with him. 6. So Shaithaan gets this man to build on his wealth on his social status and as he keeps on climbing, this man begins to now in turn marshal everything within his grasp and within his ownership in to this evil empire that is growing around him. In short Shaithaan would work in 3 steps Step I - Incite man to work for his desires. Step 2 - He would then bring them under his authority and marshal them as his forces and Step 3 - He would then incite man to in turn marshal all his wealth and his children into the devious, speculative and ambitious plans that he now shares with Shaithaan. Now is this not what Allah is describing to us through this very enlightening Aayaths? Let me read this Aayath, again I would be reading it in 4 phrases so that the meaning becomes very clear. (17:64) Entice whoever you can, from them, with your voice and rally against them your horsemen and your footmen, and share with them in their wealth and their children, and make promises to them - and Satan promises them nothing but delusion -

In many other Aayaths of the Quran Allah describes to us the ploys of Shaithaan. Why are we not reading these Aayaths and more important why are we not processing the instructions in these Aayaths through these faculties that Allah has blessed us with. Think think think and try to work out why we are not reading and processing these Aayaths and also who are those people who are instructing us not to? Revealing isnt it? (Pause) Frightening isnt it? So now, returning to the main point. The Quran informs us that there are 2 ways of understanding Birr. The first is what is read and preached and the second one is what is understood by reading whilst using our AQL. So now we are trying to understand Birr by reading the Aayath that describes Birr, and then processing the many points that are indicated to us through our AQL along with reading the many other connected Aayaths. We are now trying to work out belief in the Aakhirah or the hereafter. 4

What the Quran is indicating to us is that if we read the Quran and the Aayaths or the Signs that the Quran is pointing out to us, by using our special faculties, especially our AQL, then we have to come to the conclusion, or the better word the conviction that there is a life hereafter. There is an Aakhirah and everything we see in this world should be pointing out to us this Aakhirah or the Yauwmil Aakhirah. As far as I can discern, all this evidence or these Aayaths that point out to Aakhirah or the Yauwmil Aakhirah can be classed in to many categories, however I shall discuss just 3 of these categories; In other words by looking at all the amazing systems and processes surrounding us and then by reading the and looking at what the Aayaths point out to us whilst processing this information through our faculties, we should be able to be convinced that there is a life after death or an Aakhirah and therefore be convinced that there has to be a Yauwmil Aakhirah. I am classifying all this observed and Quran pointed out evidence in to 3 broad categories. Category 1 and its evidence; We look around the world and observe the many wonderful and amazing systems and processes working for our benefit and realize that all this cannot come together without some great and majestic power and magnificent design. Everything is synchronized everything works in concert and everything works for our benefit. So there has to be a planner, a designer, a creator, an evolver, a sustainer and so on and so on. This has to be God. But then with this realization comes many questions; 1. We cannot see or interact with God in a perceptible manner, in a manner that satisfies us. Why is that? 2. If God has planned, designed, created and is sustaining all these amazing countless systems and processes, then there has to be purpose. What is that purpose? Whilst grappling with all these questions the realization also dawns on us that 'Yes we are going to see God or Yes, we are going to be in His presence and we are going to see the fulfillment of the objectives or the purpose of all this creation, the systems and the processes that surround us Then the realization also dawns on us, that we too are part of that purpose in fact it appears that we are at the very center of that purpose and also that that purpose has to be fulfilled whilst we are alive on Planet Earth. That purpose or the purpose of our lives cannot be accomplished after our death. So Yauwmil Aakhirah is the day on which we realize as to whether we have accomplished the purpose of our lives and remember that by the time we reach the Aakhirah our lives would be over. The Aakhirah is our hereafter or our life after death. So the evidence and study of this evidence and the conclusions we reach is what I would refer to as Category 1. Category 2 and its evidence; The evidence and the processing of evidence from this category require more intense thinking than for the earlier category. I call it more intense because now you have to deeply engage all your God bestowed faculties contemplating as to what the message really is. I read you Aayaths from the Quran about what happened to Iblees. I also read Aayaths from the Quran about what Shaithaan (formerly Iblees) takes on as his role, and Allah gives him the OK, he now has authority over those who respond to his incitement or enticement. 5

Allah provides us with many Aayaths that help us identify the schemes of Shaithaan and to keep away from them. When we begin to contemplate on what Shaithaan is doing and we try to identify and recognize his traps and his network on earth, our thoughts go through many thought grappling processes. Suddenly we realize that Shaithaan is beautifying our evils. Now that is a big clue. What would be the beauty in a deed? Finally it comes down to virtue. The more virtuous we think a deed is the more beautiful it appears to us. So we begin to think What are those amals or the deeds that we are performing that we think are full of virtues? And then we suddenly begin to realize. Now that realization puts your mind in to huge turmoil. It takes quite a few months to sort out these thoughts and for the mind to settle. Now we realize that all this time what we were thinking was virtuous, was really evil. Evil garbed in virtue! The logic behind this reasoning process would all be based from the Aayaths of the Quran. You keep on reading and re reading the Aayaths of the Quran. You keep on checking and re checking the meanings to these Aayaths. You check through so many translations and web sites that explain the grammatical nuances of each word. And then step by step your vision, the ability to discern evil that is disguised as good, becomes clearer and clearer. So many things that we thought were virtuous is actually seeped in evil. Then it follows that many things that we thought were offensive or not what Allah wants, is what we now realize is the real virtue. People do not like what you are doing and what you are trying to explain to them. This takes you by surprise. Because you think that people would be interested in this insight. But then when you try to explain, people give you answers that immediately remind you of the retorts that Allah explains to you, through the Aayaths of the Quran and these retorts, though taking you by surprise actually strengthens your beliefs and your perception of what is actually good and evil. It is a contrast of emotions. On one hand you are not happy that people are not wanting to see what you are showing them, and on the other hand their rejection gives you that elation that the Aayaths in the Quran are making more sense. That emotion is really very reassuring. Then you begin to think that there are so many people generating so much evil, immersed in so much evil and apparently they are being rewarded with material wealth and status in society. Then you begin to think that those few who avoid this environment of sin and are trying to seek out the message in the Aayaths of the Quran, they are being humiliated and are not even having access to the material wealth of the World and then you begin to realize the wisdom of all this. There is great wisdom behind this amazing setting which Allah has arranged. And then you realize, Allah is most just There has to be justice. Then you realize that all of us are going to be tried in a great Court and that Court would be the Day of Judgment. 6

This is how we are convinced about the Aakhirah, through learning about Shaithaan and then detecting his schemes and then wondering at how so many people are caught in Shaithaans trap and then realizing that those sins they are now engulfed in has to have its reckoning, and that reckoning would herald in the Aakhirah or the hereafter. Category 3 and its evidence This is again the evidence collected by a curious thinking mind. We see the world, we see all its amazing phenomena and processes and then we realize that everything in this world is temporary, speculative and delusional. Everything simply everything! It is at this stage that you begin to try and find things that are not temporary, speculative and delusional and that leads you to seeking GOD. Then you begin to realize if everything surrounding us is temporary, speculative and delusional then there has to be a world or a life where everything is permanent, everything is orderly to an extent that there is no speculation or deception and then you begin to think then that world is where we are going to after our death. So how would that world be? Why are spending limited time in this temporary, speculative and delusional world? There has to be a purpose and then this conviction of the truth of the hereafter or Aakhirah keeps on getting strengthened. This would be the brief introduction to what I have termed Category 3 and its evidence Insha Allah in next weeks talk I hope to elaborate on this point which I have termed Category 3 and its evidence Again, Insha Allah I hope to continue this rather absorbing topic through future talks and articles. Let me recap what this topic is really about. We (red) read an Aayath that indicated that Birr or what is commonly translated to mean piety can be in two levels. The first level is what is preached and the second level or the true level would be the Birr that we understand through reading the Aayaths of the Quran, understanding the Arabic and then processing this Arabic meaning through our AQL. Now the Quran also indicates that to process the Aayaths through our AQL we would have to also read and process the other connected Aayaths. So we looked up Aayath No 177 of Surah Baqarah which actually lists out the many points that constitute Birr. We counted 16 such points and also realized that these 16 points could be broadly classified in to 6 categories. So now we are in the process of taking each point and then seeking out connected Aayaths to that point and then trying to process all this information through our AQL so that we could, Insha Allah, figure out the true meanings to these points. Now those who preach are those who pass out of Madrasahs. So I have this thinking, if this type of seeking can be part of the Madrasah curriculum, maybe we would then begin to have Seekers or Learners passing out of Madrasahs than Preachers Now that would be a much desired social necessity, wouldnt it? 7

I sincerely pray and hope that all of you benefit from these talks as much as I benefit from preparing and then presenting these talks to you. May Allah Taaalah guide us all and accept us all. Jazza Kalla Khairan. Assalamu Alaikum
Imtiaz Muhsin Colombo Sri Lanka You Tube Channel - HaneefanMusliman


An Introduction to Pleasant Madrasah Reforms

Over the last two to three decades we have been noticing amongst Muslims, a surge in religious zealotry. This is a global trend, the causes and effects of which has been the topic of an enormous amount of interest and research. The Religion of the Muslims is just over 1400 years old and for almost 1300 years, the Muslim populations, as a body, operated under a series of empires. We have heard of the sprawling empires of the Ummayads, the Abbasids, the Mongols, the Mughals, the Saffavids (or the Persians) and the Ottomans, (to mention the better known ones). With European Colonization these empires just faded away and then disintegrated in to a number of separate countries. The World could not be blamed for assuming that that was the end of Muslim togetherness But then suddenly we are observing the emergence of vibrant Muslim communities all over the world, youthful in character and demonstrating a rather paradoxical mix of both secular rationale and religious dogma So the World asks the perplexing question, What happened? or What is happening? How is it that the Muslim World that has been empire centered for over 12 centuries, is suddenly metamorphosing into a myriad of locally driven societies or communities each being energized by the others? What is even more perplexing is that every one of these millions of globally spread local communities, hold certain tenets of Islam as non-compromise-able, whilst there is that unwritten understanding amongst all of them, to criticize whilst being accommodative of differences in other areas within the teachings of Islam. So we find many groupings even within the same village community being recognized as Wahabi, or Salafi, or Tablighi, or Deobandhi, or Braelwi and so on. Similarly groupings may identify themselves with a Madhab or even a Tareeqath. All those grouping agree on the fundamental teachings of Islam whilst they also agree to disagree on a range of other teachings. So we ask from where is all this unity or all this diversity generated or sustained or even driven? Muslims all over the world take pride in announcing that Islam is superior to other religions in the fact that there is no priest class or priesthood in Islam. The thinking is that duties of religious teaching and inviting cannot belong to a class or a grouping of people. These duties are incumbent on every Muslim. However, the bare fact is that Islamic society is heavily driven by Moulavies, Alims, Mufthies, Mullahs and Imams. This can be easily observed at any Masjid which is the center of every Muslim society and community, and the religious traditions draw heavily from these personalities. In the absence of a structured church like organization within the Muslim community, it is the personality or the charisma of these Moulavies that attracts the following. So even though Muslims take pride in saying that there is no room for a priestly class within the Muslim community, the society is heavily dependent on the preachings from the Moulavies and Alims. Now is this a good thing for the community? The number of Madrasahs and Moulavies passing out of Madrasahs has been rapidly growing over the last 2 to 3 decades. What is the curricular of these Madrasahs? 1

Is it geared to the needs of the community and the future of the community? Do the teachings produce preachers or seekers? These are a few of the many questions that have to be asked and answers sought. Let me briefly run through the building blocks of these talks. I first read Aayath No 44 of Surah Baqarah which instructs as follows; (2:44) Do you enjoin Birr on people And forget your own selves, and you keep reciting the Kithaab? Do you not use your AQL? Now in this Aayath Allah is drawing our attention to 4 points. Let me describe those 4 points (in my words) Allah tells us that 1. We are preaching Birr, 2. We have forgotten ourselves, 3. That we are reciting the Kithaab, and 4. Why do we not use our AQL? If I break that up further I can detect two things that we are doing and two things that we are depriving ourselves of. The two things that we are doing are that; 1. We are preaching Birr and 2. We are reciting the Kithaab The two things that we are depriving ourselves of are; 1. We have forgotten ourselves 2. We are not using our AQL And what is implied in this Aayath is that due to the deprivation we dot understand the reality of Birr and also we are unable to practice or attain the true status of Birr or the true benefits of Birr. So I now realize there are two types of Birr. One would be the preachers Birr, a sort of a pseudo Birr. The preacher is in fact fooling himself as well as fooling others. The second form of Birr would be the seekers Birr or the learners Birr where he would use his AQL while reciting the Kithaab. The preacher tries to give benefit to others. Neither he nor others would benefit. The seeker tries to gain wisdom from the Kithaab. He as well as those with him would benefit. So now I am trying to find out through reading the many connected Aayaths from the Quran as to what AQL and Birr really mean, and I hope that Madrasahs would benefit from this research.

Let me read 2 Aayaths from the Quran that would provide us more insight in to what AQL really means and what using our AQL actually entails. S Yusuf (12:1) Alif Lm R. These are Aayaths of the Book that makes clear. (12:2) We have sent it down, as an Arabic Quran, so that you may use your AQL. S Al Anbiya (21:10) Surely, We have sent down to you a book in which there is ZIKR for you. Do you not use your AQL? (Afalaa ThaghQiloon?)

Let me list what we read from these Aayaths; 1. Allah points out to a Kithaab and a Quran. How we understand this is that the Quran is the recitation of the Kithaab. 2. The Kithaab makes clear 3. The Kithaab contains Aayaths 4. The Kithaab contains ZIKR for us 5. The Quran is in Arabic 6. It is in Arabic so that we would use our AQL Combining all these points we see that the Kithaab contains Aayaths in Arabic and that we must make ZIKR of these Aayaths whilst using our AQL. Then the Kithaab becomes clear. The Kithaab becoming clear would also mean that the Quran becomes clear and also that the Aayaths become clear. I think to myself that the operating system of the AQL is in Quranic Arabic. So now we learn that we must, especially in this case, read with understanding in Arabic the Aayaths of the Quran that describe Birr, and use our AQL so that the reality or the Haqqeeqath of Birr would become clear. In Aayath No 177 of Surah Baqarah, we find a more elaborate description of Birr. In that Aayath I could count 16 items that constitute Birr. [002:177] It is not Birr that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is Birr - to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your wealth, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves;

to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing.

Now from what I read, these 16 points can also be classed in to 6 categories as follows; There are 5 points that could be categorized as Beliefs There is one point that could be categorized as Spending wealth for love of Allah There are 6 points that could be categorized as People to spend on Then there are 2 points which we could categorize as Swalaath & Zakat Then the point on fulfilling contracts could be categorized as Muamalaath or worldly dealings Then there is the point of Swabr which could be categorized as Qualities of a Mumin So to find out whether we are preaching Birr whilst using our AQL or not let us go through the Birr Aayath, by discussing these categories, one by one.

Series 5
The Talks Numbered # 151 onwards is a series on Pleasing Madrasah Reforms The titles are as follows: Talk No #151 #152 #153 #154 #155 #156 #157 #158 #159 #160 Talk Number & Title Some Puzzling Mismatches Seeking Allah Attributes of Allah Combinations of Dual Attributes Some interesting factors that lead to Al Yauwmil Aakhir Allah grants Shaithaan Conditional Authority Evidence for Al Yauwmil Aakhir Lessons from the story of Yusuf (AS) Is GOD Just or Unjust? Why should WE be Forgiven? Comments

Series 4

The Talks Numbered 125 to 134 are a series of Six Minute Talks presented in the month of Ramadhlaan (2013). The titles are as follows: Talk No 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Talk Number & Title The Muslim Shaithaan How did the Prophets Earn? The Swudhoor Scoldings the Prophet Received Understanding Allahs Justice Arabic language of the AQL Pretending to be Mumin Jinns and Insaan The Mu'min Comments

Series 3 Note on Talks on History of Muslims

As Muslims it is necessary that we are aware of the History of Muslims over the last 1400 years. It is necessary for us to realize the winds of change over these last 1400 years especially since Muslim Populations have been through quite some turbulent times. I have covered this vast area in 5 talks. (This is insufficient) The first two talks were on the history and the next three talks were from another viewpoint. I discuss the response of the Muslims due to the many changes that were affecting their lives their religion and thus their culture. These Talks are numbered and titled as follows: Talk No 114 116 117 118 119 Topic The History Series The Effects of 1400 Years - Part 1 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2 The Muslim Response Series The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the Caliphates of the Khulafaa Ur Raashidheen The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the beginning of the Ummayyads The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events in the Period of the Muslim Empires Date Broadcast Jan 25th 2013 Feb 8th 2013 Feb 22nd 2013 March 29th 2013 April 5th 2013

Series 2 The Talks numbered 054 to 071 is under a series titled Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD
The details of the scripts of these 16 Episodes (Talks) are as follows;
Talk No Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Talk Number & Title 054 Ilm Knowing Allah 055 Rationality - The Foundation of Islam 056 Is Man Special? 057 Ar Rahmaan - The Beneficent 058 Nature or GOD? 059 Our Relationship with GOD! Sub Series: 060 Is this what we are created for? (Is this what we are created for? Part 1) Sub Series: 061 What do we see on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 2) Sub Series: 062 Who are WE? Where do we fit in? (Is this what we are created for? Part 3) Sub Series: 063 Our benefits on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 4) Sub Series: 066 What makes us 'Stand Out'? What makes us 'Special'? (Is this what we are created for? Part 5) Sub Series: 067 Who is in charge? (Is this what we are created for? Part 6) Sub Series: 068 What ALLAH Teaches Us, About Himself (Is this what we are created for? Part 7) Sub Series: 069 Our Special Faculties How they should be used, How they should not be used! (Is this what we are created for? Part 8) Sub Series: 070 The TWO Paths 071 Is this what we are created for? A review of Parts 1 to 8 from the Sub Series Is this what we are created for? Date Broadcast th Dec 9 2011 Dec 16 2011

Details of Picture on Cover Wellawatte Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Parasangaswewa Mosque (a remote village) in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Mutwal Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Akbar Mosque in Slave Island, Colombo, Sri Lanka Mosque in Matara, from the Southern Province of Sri Lanka Beach Mosque at Kalmunaikudi in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka A Mosque in the Kurnegala District, Sri Lanka Maradana Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Colpetty Jummah Mosque, in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque at Natpidimunnai, in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Devatagaha Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka A Mosque in a rural village in the Ampara District, in Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque in Oluvil a village in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Dhanakawewa Jummah Mosque in a remote village in the Anuradhapura District in Sri Lanka Mosque at Madhavakulam in the Puttlam District, Sri Lanka A Mosque by a river in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka

Dec 23 2011 th Dec 30 2011 th Jan 6 2012 th Jan 13 2012 Jan 20 2012 Jan 27 2012 Feb 3 2012



Episode 8


Episode 9

Episode 10

Feb 10 2012 Feb 17 2012 Feb 24 2012 Mar 2 2012



Episode 11


Episode 12


Episode 13

Episode 14

Mar 9 2012


Episode 15 Episode 16

Mar 16 2012 Mar 23 2012



Please Note
1. I have had the great privilege, (since Aug 2010), of presenting talks on the weekly Radio Program Culture of Islam [Friday 5.30 to 6.00 am, Radio Sri Lanka - FM 97.4] 2. Since these are Radio Talks, I refer to, or address the audience as listeners 3. I am well aware that the audience to these talks would consist of people belonging to a variety of faiths. So as to make people of all faiths feel included, I very often use words and names that are common to all religions. 4. For these reasons, I use the name GOD, as well as Abraham, Moses, Jesus etc as well as the names Allah, Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), Moosa (Alaihis Salaam), Easa (Alaihis Salaam) etc 5. Muslims by habit usually say Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam, when the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned, and Alaihis Salaam' when the name of a Prophet is mentioned. However, in these series of talks I have reduced the use of these prayers & sayings to the bare minimum. 6. Muslims, also by habit, use a number of Arabic prayers or sayings, such as Alhamdulillah, Insha Allah and so on. Again, I have reduced the use of these prayers or sayings to the bare minimum. 7. Sometimes I have to write Arabic words in the English script. I have devised my own way of writing Arabic in English, as follows;

th TH

s Ss SW


H h


The dates or the schedules of these talks can be viewed on the Facebook Page ( The Scripts of these talks can be downloaded from ( ( Author Imtiaz Muhsin) The audio files of these talks can be downloaded from YouTube (YouTube Channel Imtiaz Muhsin) The YouTube Link to this talk is at

All Praise and Thanks is due to Allah and Allah alone Alhamdulillah!

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