JD - Senior Sales Engineer

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JOB DESCRIPTION Position: Senior Sales Engineer (Pre-sales) / Consultant (in Australia) Com an!

: A manu"a#turer o" long-$aul %D& o ti#al transmission "or t$e ser'i#e ro'i(er mar)et

The Sr. Systems Engineer (pre-sales) is the primary technical resource for the regional Sales manager. Responsible for actively driving and managing the technology proposition and evaluation stage of the sales process, wor ing in con!unction with the sales team as the ey technical advisor and product advocate for the "ompany#s product portfolio. The Systems Engineer must be able to articulate technology and product positioning to both business commercial and technical customers. $ust be able to establish and maintain strong relationships throughout the sales cycle maintaining senior level relationships.

*e! res onsi+ilities an( a##ounta+ilities % Responsible for development and delivery of technical product presentations & demonstrations $anaging and interpreting customer re'uirements - spea ing with customers to understand, anticipate and meet their needs (rticulating to customers that a product or design solution best satisfies their re'uirements in terms of reliability, scalability, price and delivery Supporting mar eting activities by attending trade shows, conferences and other mar eting events (ble to respond to functional and technical elements of R)*s&R)+s (ble to convey customer feature re'uirements to corporate +roduct ,ine $anagement teams (ble to travel throughout the sales region -evelop and grow long-term relationships with customers +roducing customer orderable 'uotations +rovide after-sales support services ,iaising with other members of the sales team and other technical e.perts +roviding training and producing support material for other members of the sales team

Personal ro"ile , S!stems Engineer Personalit!: /ou will be self-driven with a positive outloo and comfortable in dealing with senior company e.ecutives. /ou will be reliable and determined with e.cellent communication s ills able to see things from another person#s perspective. 0ell presented and businessli e and sufficiently mobile and fle.ible to travel as needed within the region.

S e#i"i# Jo+ S)ills % E.perience in optical and transmission systems engineering with a strong nowledge of telecommunications especially -0-$ transmission systems E.ceptional presentation s ills for both technical and non-technical audiences Telecommunication 1etwor +lanning (long-haul, metro, access) +ossess a strong ability to turn concepts through the design cycle including solution development and cost modeling (n articulate communicator, with e.cellent writing and social s ills and an analytical approach to provide appropriate solutions to whichever tas s are presented E.perience with large multi-national and tier one telco#s and *S+#s with strong senior level relationships

Com uter s)ills% $ust be adept in use of $S 2ffice 3444 or later, particularly E.cel and 0ord.

-uali"i#ations an( Re.uirements% *deal candidate must be self-motivated with a proven trac record in system engineering and possess a strong nowledge of -0-$ technology. The candidate must also be comfortable in the dynamic atmosphere of a young technical sales organi5ation with a rapidly e.panding customer base. $ust possess strong presentation s ills and be able to communicate professionally in written responses to emails, R)+6s and when submitting reports. $ust also be organi5ed, analytical and able to eliminate obstacles through creative and adaptive approaches. 748 years relevant e.perience in vendor sales engineering E.perience and familiarity of the "ompany#s products desirable

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