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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University
Pre-Instructional Planning:
Leigh Marcischak – Introduction to Educational Technology
Guiding questions that will provide the framework for the lesson. (Respond to each question.)
Who will you be teaching? (Identify student grade level as well as academic functioning level and specific needs of individual

I am the current Academic Support teacher at Washington Park Intermediate School. I teach sixth grade
students who are considered “bubble” students. In other words, these students are just below or above basic
or just below or above proficient. They are normally “average” achieving students with much potential.
However, they lack motivation or self-control to focus on necessary skills. I work with small groups on research
based curriculum and materials.

Who (if anybody) will assist with the presentation of this lesson, and what will their role be?

I will be the sole facilitator for this presentation. The lesson may be observed by school administrators.
However, no assistant or additional instructor will be present.

What is the long range goal(s) that is tied to this lesson?

The long range goal for this lesson is for students to identify and describe different author’s purpose. The
students will utilize technology to demonstrate understanding of different genres of text, author’s purpose,
and articulate differences among them. Students will compile created projects into technology portfolio and
submit to instructor.

What are the specific learning objective(s) for this lesson?

(Based on Pennsylvania Department of Education Reading Grade 6 Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content)

 R6.A.2 - Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level.

 R6.A.2.6 - Identify and describe genre of text.

 R6.A.2.6.1 - Identify the author’s intended purpose of text.

 R6.A.2.6.2 - Identify, explain, and/or describe examples of text that support the author’s intended

What prerequisite skills/knowledge will students need to effectively access and participate in this lesson?

Students must have prior knowledge of informational, persuasive, biographical, instructional (practical/how-
to/advertisement) and editorial/essay text. They should be familiar with these types of text (fifth grade
curriculum). Students must be familiar with using the internet and how to access websites for information.

When within the stages of learning will this lesson be presented? (Is it a learning acquisition lesson, learning fluency lesson,
learning maintenance lesson, or learning generalization lesson?)

The student should be in the adaptation stage of the instructional hierarchy of learning; in other words,
accurate and relatively fluent in using the skill. He or she also uses the skill in many situations or settings.
However, the student is not yet able to modify or adapt the skill to fit novel task-demands or situations. Here
the goal is for the student to be able to identify elements of previously learned skills of author’s purpose that
he or she can adapt to the new demands or situation.

When will this lesson be completed? (Will it be a one-day lesson or a multiple day lesson?)

This lesson will be a two week (multiple day) lesson. It will be designed for students to work (relatively) at
their own pace on assignments. The teacher will differentiate instruction based on student prior knowledge,
ability, level, and understanding.

Where should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (computer lab, classroom, science
lab…) AND what materials will be needed?

Because this lesson is extended over multiple days and involves various teaching techniques, it will also need to
take place in it will need to take place in different areas of the school building. Introducing the lesson and
direct instruction will take place in the traditional classroom. Students will work in small groups to prepare for
technology component. Following, the students will work in the computer lab to complete the lesson and

Why are you planning to teach this lesson? Why must this information/skill be presented to the students?

This lesson is based on the Pennsylvania Assessment Anchors. Students will be evaluated on their knowledge of
these skills throughout the school year. They will be asked multiple choice and open-ended questions based on
these skills. Understanding these concepts will also help students comprehend the text in all subject areas and
prepare them for future lessons. In addition, providing access and practice using technology is a great
opportunity to help students apply learned skills in alternative forms.

How does this lesson relate to the PA Academic Standards?

This lesson is directly related to the PA Academic Standards for sixth grade. The standards provide the
targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts.
Although the standards are not a curriculum, it is important for students to apply these skills and understand
concepts to engage with other students in the state.

How does this lesson relate to the previous lesson? How does this lesson relate to future lessons?

This lesson relates to previous lessons about reading comprehension and main idea. We have been and will
continue to be reviewing reading strategies and decoding techniques. These skills are important for reading in
all content areas. Students will be assessed on author’s purpose and types of genres using internet software.
Students who master this skill or struggle with it will be provided with differentiated instruction lessons
based on ability.

How will you determine if students have met the lesson objective? (Think assessment)

I will use an online teacher-made assessment for formative evaluation. In addition, students will complete a
PSSA Assessment Anchor aligned standardized progress monitoring test to assess cumulative understanding. A
portfolio of student work (i.e., brainstorming, class work, homework, and printed computer documents) will be
collected to record development.

How should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (lecture, whole group activities, small
group activities, cooperative learning groups…)
This lesson will take place over several days. Thus, the instructor will use direct instruction to begin the lesson, technology
to review vocabulary, small groups to create projects, and they will work independently during designated computer lab time
and assessment or evaluation periods.
Lesson Planning
Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan: Element Two

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)

R6.A.2.6.1 - Identify the author’s intended purpose of text; Students will read, analyze, and interpret why
the author wrote the text.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)

Student will read text and distinguish whether it was written to entertain, explain, inform, convince, persuade, or instruct.
Students will read and interpret several passages and respond to class BLOG ( questions.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)

To determine whether students are meeting objectives, teacher will use created rubric to assess student
responses. Students will have access (copies) of this rubric and review it thoroughly before BLOG answers are


– Several examples of text with various forms of author’s purpose

– account and student access to computers
– Teacher-created rubric to assess student responses to text

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:

– Students will special needs may respond to blog questions on paper or on a Word Document
– Students may respond via e-mail (for delayed responses ) or work with a partner to submit or designate

Enrichment Techniques:

– Students may create and submit their own individual BLOG questions to teacher for small groups of students to

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and
are able to participate in the lesson):

The lesson will be designed as an independent activity. Therefore, all students will complete his/her own BLOG
responses. Teacher will sign-up for class time in the grade-level computer lab to ensure all students have ample
time to complete the responses. Low performing students may work with a partner to complete the assignment
and designate responsibilities. Multiple BLOG questions will be posted and students may have an opportunity to
choose which question they will respond to.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will show students the rubric for assessment prior to the lesson. In addition, teacher will show
students examples of BLOG and student responses from similar activities with other students. We will
compare and contrast responding using the traditional white board as opposed to the interactive BLOG. This
will encourage students to create their own responses and participate independently.

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are

– Teacher will show students the BLOG rubric and student BLOG responses from prior assignments
– Teacher will read examples of prior student responses to BLOG assignment
– Students will respond to teacher-created BLOG questions on class site
– Teacher will assess responses according to rubric

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities

Students will independently complete BLOG questions by responding and then teacher will assess responses
using rubric. These are both independent activities used for summative assessment.


Introducing students to the concept using the rubric for a point of reference helps students visualize
expectations. They are able to refer to the rubric throughout the lesson to monitor progress and “stay
on track.” Utilizing the blog for student responses helps students become interactive and engaged in
learning. Each child has an opportunity to express themselves as opposed to raising one’s hand in class
and speaking individually. In addition, the teacher can refer to blog responses in the future to compare
understanding or assess learning.

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