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Arab Revolution

Pioneer center for gifted students - Jordan


The Arab Revolt (19161918) was initiated by the Sherif Hussein bin Ali with the aim of se urin! inde"enden e from the rulin! #ttoman Tur$s and reatin! a sin!le unified Arab state s"annin! from Ale""o in Syria to Aden in %emen& The %oun! Tur$ Revolution be!an on ' (uly 19)8 and *ui $ly s"read throu!hout the em"ire& As a result+ sultan Abdul Hamid ,, was for ed to announ e the restoration of the 18-6 onstitution and the re onvenin! of the #ttoman "arliament& This "eriod is $nown as the Se ond .onstitutional /ra& ,n the ele tions held in 19)8+ the %oun! Tur$s throu!h their .ommittee of 0nion and 1ro!ress (.01) mana!ed to !ain the u""er hand a!ainst the rival !rou" led by 1rin e Sabahaddin& Arab members of the "arliament su""orted the ounter ou" of 19)9+ whi h aimed to dismantle the onstitutional system and restore the absolute monar hy of Sultan Abdul Hamid ,,& The dethroned Sultan attem"ted to re!ain the ali"hate by "uttin! an end to the se ular "oli ies of the %oun! Tur$s+ but was in turn driven away to e2ile in Selani$ by the '1 3ar h ,n ident (where the %oun! Tur$s defeated the ounter ou") and eventually re"la ed by his brother 3ehmed 4 Re5ad& ,n (une 1916+ the 6ritish sent out a number of offi ials to assist the revolt in the He7a8+ The 6ritish !overnment in /!y"t sent a youn! offi er+ .a"tain T& /& 9awren e+ to wor$ with the Hashemite for es in the He7a8 in # tober 1916& The 6ritish historian :avid 3ur"hy wrote that thou!h 9awren e was 7ust one of out many 6ritish and ;ren h offi ers servin! in Arabia+ historians often write li$e it was 9awren e alone who re"resented the Allied ause in Arabia& Sharif Hussein<s ob7e tive in underta$in! the =reat Arab Revolt was to establish a sin!le inde"endent and unified Arab state stret hin! from Ale""o (Syria) to Aden (%emen)+ based on the an ient traditions and ulture of the Arab "eo"le+ the u"holdin! of ,slami ideals and the full "rote tion and in lusion of ethni and reli!ious minorities& Arab nationalists in the ;ertile .res ent and the Arabian 1eninsula found in the Hashemite ommanders of the =reat Arab Revolt the leadershi" that ould reali8e their as"irations+ and thus oales ed around them& His sons+ the emirs Abdullah and ;aisal+ led the Arab for es+ with /mir ;aisal<s for es liberatin! :amas us from #ttoman rule in 1918& At the end of the war+ Arab for es ontrolled all of modern (ordan+ most of the Arabian "eninsula and mu h of southern Syria& His sons+ the emirs Abdullah and ;aisal+ led the Arab for es+ with /mir ;aisal<s for es liberatin! :amas us from #ttoman rule in 1918& At the end of the war+ Arab for es ontrolled all of modern (ordan+ most of the Arabian "eninsula and mu h of southern Syria&


Students: Samer Adli & Raghad AlAbed


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