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Madeline Johnson Topic: Injury Induced Hand Dominance Transfer (I-IHDT)

March 13, 2014

During the course of the week I have been enjoying my classmates presentations during class and at home I have been working on writing my letter to Kathleen Yancosek, in hopes that she could possibly become a mentor. Now that I have the beginning template to the mentor letters I am hoping to have a somewhat final copy of the letter so I can show it to Dr. Zung. I was hoping to have finished writing my letter on Monday of this week but I have been having trouble completing the part of the letter about what I have learned and am interested. This is mostly because I dont want to seem uninterested in her works but also I dont want to overload the letter with comments and questions on her articles. I also have begun to search college research websites just to browse their fields of study in hopes to find other scientists who have similar interests as I do. This week I learned this week that I shouldnt be afraid to show my full knowledge when writing a letter to a possible mentor. When I asked Dr. Zung if I should refrain from including too much information I was reassured by him telling me that it is good to show Yancosek that I really know a lot and am interested. Even if she already knows everything I am talking about I can incorporate questions and new ideas I have thought of along the way in the course of the letter to display my passion for what she has already researched and want to learn and do more. Articles Read: Yancosek, Kathleen E. "Management of Dominant Upper Extremity Injuries: A Survey of Practice Patterns." Journal of Hand Therapy 211 (2012): 79-88. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. Yancosek, Katie E., and Dana Howell. "A Narrative Review of Dexterity Assessments." Journal of Hand Therapy 133 (2009): 258-70. ScienceDirect. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. Search engines used: ScienceDirect Keywords used when doing searches: Human handedness, injury, dominance transfer A question that comes to mind is what Kathleen Yancosek will be able to tell me about if she responds to my letter and if she is continuing her work on this topic as of the current time. I also am wondering if there are other scientists near Rye that are interested in this field of handedness. A difficulty that I am having is completing my letter and really feeling confident about what I have written and my knowledge I display. I also think I will come across the difficulty of figuring out what I can do with my knowledge and passion for this topic and what my experiment in this class should or could be. I think that working with Dr. Zung to finalize a letter to send to Kathleen Yancosek will be a helpful step in the right direction so that I can tell if I will be able to work with her or if I have to take a different path in my research and topic.

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