Daneels - Active Listening

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Active Listening.

Students reflect upon Active Listening skills. Dialogue Skills Active Listening Cooperation Conflict mediation Reflection

Please note that Active Listening is a specific methodology that enables practitioners to deepen dialogue, to improve communication and to address controversial and difficult issues.

It is not just paying attention . Introduce to students !ith this po!erpoint and"or sheet # get them to practice these e$ercises. %hen introducing to students & this is a handy teaching aid. 'he (hinese character meaning to listen is composed of smaller characters, all of !hich tell us something about the nature of really good, active listening.

Active listening methodology.


). Listen carefully to !hat the other person is saying a. 'hink about !hat your body language and posture are saying to them. b. *o not interrupt. c. +se silence effectively & !ait for them to say !hat they need to say. ,. Paraphrase or summari-e the emotion and content of !hat you are hearing. .ou are not agreeing !ith the person & merely reiterating !hat they said. .ou can use their o!n precise !ords, but it is better to do it in your o!n !ords. a. .ou can reflect the emotion & You are feeling angry b. .ou can reflect the content & You feel angry because these things have happened to you. c. .ou must omit judgement or evaluation, just reflect back !hat the other person is saying & If I understand what youre saying, then your perspective is that women should stay in the home, and not be allowed to go into town by themselves /. Ask the person to say more about their e$periences or feelings in a !ay that sho!s you are interested in !hat they have to say. 0. Affirm a person !hen you agree !ith !hat they are saying. Sometimes this is remembered by the LIST ! mnemonic &

Look interested, get interested. Involve yourself by responding Stay on target Test your understanding
valuate !hat you hear

!eutrali-e your feelings.

.ou can contrast Active Listening !ith *efensive listening. Active Listening demonstrates to the other person that you are really listening to them & this helps to reduce conflict. *efensive listening does not demonstrate understanding, or that you care about them. Contrast "et#een Active and Defensive.


A Daughter says to her $other% Mama you never have time for me! You are always wor ing and doing things for other people. Active Reply Defensive Reply It sounds li e you are really frustrated $ut I am wor ing so that I can ma e that I am so busy and you are missing me. !hen do you really wish I was around to be with you the most" #ets try to find a way to spend more time together. money to send you to school, buy your clothes, and your food!


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