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My Birthday Party Two days ago, my mother and I bought the needs to make some cakes, fruits, vegetables, and some meat to prepare a party. I chosen the invitation cards that I gave to a few of my friends. It is 2 th of !ebruary, and I feel very happy because today is my birthday. I am thirteen years old now. My parents and friends congratulations me, "happy birthday #ia$. %e all sing some songs, taste delicious cakes, drinks, and eat many kinds of food and fruits. %e en&oy the party till night. I. Answer !e "#es $%ns &'se( %n !e e) '&%*e+ '. 2. *. +. . %hat is the title of the te(t above) %ho did buy needs to prepare a party) %hen was #ia Born) ,ow old is she) -o they en&oy the party)

II. ,!%se !e r$-! 'nswer &. /r%ss$n- %n A0 B0 ,0 1. '. . B / 00.. .re you from, .ri) / I1m from Tabanan a. %hat a. what a. what a. #o, she do not b. %hen b. ,ow b. where b. #o, it is not c. %here d. ,ow d. %hy d. with d. #o, she is

2. you do, my name is .lbert c. ,ow c. which c. #o, she is not *. I go to 2- ' #egara and you 0school do you go to. +. Is your mother a doctor) . My brother is hungry, he needs00


a. a glass of water c. a cup off coffee 3. 4udy1s school is near here ,e goes to school on00. a. ta(i a. broom a. could b. bicycle b. stick b. may

b. a plate of fried rice d. a bowl of soup

c. foot c. bucket c. can

d. bike d. napkin d. 2hall

5. %e use 0to map the floor. 6. I am very please take me some water) 7. I have difficulties with these words. My00 borrow your dictionary) a. I '8. . B . / Thank you / 000. b. yes, sir c. sure d. your welcome b. you / ,ere is your pencil c. please d. could

a. all night

''. The Balinese people usually go to this place on galungan and kuningan day, for praying. a. church a. Bee a. a cup of coffee c. a plat of coffee a. To save money b. To send letter ' . My friend1s father is Mr. Bob My mother1s father is Mr. Indra My father1s father is Mr.Tono %ho is my father) a. Mr.Tono b Mr. Indra c. Mr. .nto d. Mr. Bob b. Mos9ue b. butterfly c. temple c. spider b. a bawl of coffee d. a tin of coffee c. To borrow books d. To buy vegetables d. :ihara d. duck '2. This is a beautiful animal. It has a colorful wing. '*. ;very morning. 4ini1s father drink 000

'+. %hat does your friend go to the post office for)

'3. 4irin has got cold. 2he is not getting better soon. ,er doctor asks her to0. a. drink a lot of ice b. drink a lot of water c drink a lot of coffee d drink a lot of tea '5. I want to draw a line. I need pencil and0 a. eraser a. scoop a.hunggry a. skirt and shirt c. short and shirt 2'. . B / .re you sick) / <es, 0.. b. I do c. I am d. It is b. sharpeners b. towel b.angry c. sheet c. tired b. skirt and blouse d. shorts and singlet c. pen d. ruler d. soap d. thirsty '6. These things are in the bathroom, e(cept0. '7. could you please bring me some water. I am 0. 28 The teacher is a beautiful. 2he is wearing 00

a. you are

22. don1t walk on the grass= It means 0. a. I may run on the grass b. I may sit on the grass c. I may sleep on the grass d. I may walk beside the grass 2*. I use 0. To cut meat. a. scissor a. scissor b. >nife b. >nife c. stick c. stick d. stone d. stone 2+. what does barber neeed) 2 4iko memakai keme&a putih dan celana pendek merah. a. 4iko is wearning a white shirt, and a red shorts b. 4iko is wearning a shirt white, and a shorts red c. 4iko is wearning a white shirt, and a red shorts d. 4iko is wearning a shirt white, and a shorts red

23. my uncle is handsome. ,is none is0. a.flat a. white shirt a. sing d. run 27. I can take something with my 00 a. leg a. post office III... Match this sentences *' *2. **. *+. * . *3 *5 *6 +8 +'. +* + +3 ?0.@ %ahyu is swimming in the,0 ?0.@%hat do you use to hear the voice) ?0.@ this animals has no legs .nd its poison can kill what is it) ?0.@ .ni drinks a 0.. of milk ?0.@ -odi want to sleep. ,e is wearing a0. d. swimming fool e. glass a. pa&amas b. snake c. ear b. nose b. bank c. foot c. market d. hand d. hospital *8 you can go to 0..If you want to send a letter b. pointed b. red short b. fly c. small c. sandals c. &ump d.big d. shoes 25. Budi is a student. ,e doesn1t wear00.. To school 26. Birds can the sky.

III.B. !ill the blank with the correct answer= Mr. Paul 0. . newspaper every morning. ,is mango is not sweet, but 0. ,e ,induism go to 0 to pray The capital city of Indonesia is0 .re you a student) <es,0 I Bse 0. To sweep the yard. ,e is eating a loft of fried rice. Because he is 0.. Mention your finger 0 a00. b00. c00.

*7 ,is colors of our national flag are0

+2 0... 2ugar does you like) Ane spoon or two spoons. ++ They0.. #ot watering the garden.

d00. e00. +5 +6 +7 8 ,is biggest temple in Bali0. ,is biggest cake in Bali0 2ky is00 My grandfather1s wife is my0..

KUN,I JAWABAN I. Answer !e "#es $%ns &'se( %n !e e) '&%*e+ 2. 3. &$r ! ('. 4'r . 2. N$' 'n( !er 3% !er 5. $ w's %n 26 ! %7 8e&r#'r. 9. s!e $s !$r een .e'rs %:( 6. .es !e. (%
II. ,!%se !e r$-! 'nswer &. /r%ss$n- %n A0 B0 ,0 1.

2. 2. 5. 9. 6. ;. <. 8. 9. 20. 22. 22. 25. 29. 26. 2;. 2<. 28. 29. 20.

, B , , B , 1 A A B , B A B B B 1 , 1 B

22. , 22. 1 25 B 29. A 26. A 2;. B 2<. , 28. B 29.1 50. A III.A. . M' /! !$s sen en/es 52. 1 52. , 55. B 59. E 56. A III.B .8$:: !e &:'n= w$ ! !e /%rre/ 'nswer+ 5;. re'(s 5<. s%#r 58. e34:e 59. re( 'n( w!$ e 90. J'='r ' 92. I '3 92. H%w 3#/! 95. Br%%3 99. Are 96. H#n-r.

9;. ' T!#3& &. 8'r 7$n--er /. M$(:e 7$n--er (. R$n- 7$n--er e. L$ :e 7$n--er 9<. &es'=$! 98. &' #r 99. &:#e 60. -r'n( 3% !er

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