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KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033



# Design panel B & A

Taking D.L= 150 psf; LL= 100 psf
fy = 3500 psi; for panel B
= 4000 psi; for panel A

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Clear span,

la = 22-16/12= 20.67
lb = 24-16/12= 22.67

Minimum trial thickness,


= Perimeter/180
= 2x(20.67+22.67)12/180
= 5.78 6

Load Calculation
1. Dead load
2. Live load

= 6/12 x 150 x 1.2 = 90 psf

= 100 x 1.6
= 160 psf
Total load

Panel ratio, la/lb

= 250 psf

= 20.67/22.67 = 0.91 0.90

[If panel ratio is not find the co-efficient chart, then find out co-efficient by
interpolation method] Say, la/lb = 0.87 then interpolation between 0.90 &
N.B: Coefficient chart given by Design of Concrete structures- A.H. Nilson;
7th Edition; Page: 200 to 203

For panel ratio 0.90 find out co-efficient by Case-9

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Ca (-ve)

= 0.068

Cb (-ve)

= 0.025

Ca (+ve)DL = 0.026

Cb (+ve)DL = 0.015

Ca (+ve)LL = 0.036

Cb (+ve)LL = 0.022

Calculation of moment
M = Cw L2
(-ve) moment of continuous edge
Ma(-ve) = 0.068 x 250 x 20.672 x 12 = 87159 lb-in.
Mb(-ve) = 0.025 x 250 x 22.672 x 12=40087 lb-in.

(+ve) moment midspan

Ma (+ve)DL = 0.026 x 90 x 20.672 x 12

= 11997 lb-in.

Ma (+ve)LL = 0.036 x 160 x 20.672 x 12 = 29531 lb-in.

Total Ma (+ve) = 41528 lb-in.
Mb (+ve)DL = 0.015 x 90 x 22.672 x 12

= 8326 lb-in.

Mb (+ve)LL = 0.022 x 160 x 22.672 x 12 = 21708 lb-in.

Total Mb (+ve) = 30034 lb-in.

(-ve) moment of discontinuous edge

Mb(-ve) = 1/3 x Mb(+ve) = 1/3 x 30034 = 10011 lb-in.

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Depth check

max = 0.75 b
= 0.75 x 0.85 x 1 x fc/fy (87/87+fy)
= 0.75 x 0.85 x 0.85 x 3.5/60 (87/87+60)
[ 1 = 0.85 for fc 4000 psi ]
= 0.0187
Mn = fybd2 (1 - fy/1.7 fc)
87159 = 0.9 x 0.0187 x 60000 x 12 x d2 ( 1 0.0187 x
60000/ 1.7 x 3500)
d = 2.98 3 < 6
Hence OK

Steel Calculation
Maximum spacing, 2t = 2 x 6 = 12
As(min) = 0.0018bt = 0.0018 x 12 x 6 = 12 in2
Mn = Asfy( d a/2)
a = Asfy/0.85 fcb = As x 60000/0.85 x 3500 x 12

a = 1.68As
Mn = Asfy ( d 1.68As/2)

Mn = Asfy ( d 0.84As) (1)

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Compute the following table & find out As from equation (1) for
corresponding momentla


Discontin. Midspan


Discontin. Midspan


M (lb-in)












la direction continues edge M = 87159 lb-in

From equation (1)
87159 = 0.90 x As x 60000 (6 0.84As)

As = 0.23 in2

la direction
For As = 0.13 in2


Spacing S = 12 x 0.11 /0.13 = 10.15 10 c/c [use 3# bar]

S = 10 < 12 Hence OK

Ext. top
Continues edge:
12 spacing required steel = 0.23 in2
2 x 10 spacing required steel = 0.23 x 2 x10 /12 = 0.38 in2
More required steel = 0.38 0.11 = 0.27 in2

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Nos. of Ext. top = 0.27/.011 = 2.45 2 nos.

lb direction
For use minimum reinforcement As = 0.12 in2


Spacing S = 12 x 0.11 /0.12 = 11 c/c [use 3# bar]

S = 11 < 12 Hence OK
Ext. top
Discontinues edge:
Use minimum reinforcement As = 0.12 in2
12 spacing required steel = 0.12 in2
2 x 11 spacing required steel = 0.12 x 2 x11/12 = 0.22 in2
More required steel = 0.22 0.11 = 0.11 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.11/.011 = 1 no.
Continues edge:
As = 0.13 in2
12 spacing required steel = 0.13 in2
2 x 11 spacing required steel = 0.13 x 2 x11/12 = 0.23 in2
More required steel = 0.23 0.11 = 0.12 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.12/.011 = 1.09 1 no.

No corner reinforcement required

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Reinforcement detailing

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Clear span, la = 20.67 ; lb = 22.67
la /lb = 0.90 ; Total load = 250 psf
For panel ratio 0.90 find out co-efficient by Case-4

Ca (-ve)

= 0.06

Cb (-ve)

= 0.04

Ca (+ve)DL = 0.033

Cb (+ve)DL = 0.022

Ca (+ve)LL = 0.039

Cb (+ve)LL = 0.026

Calculation of moment
M = Cw L2
(-ve) moment of continuous edge
Ma(-ve) = 0.06 x 250 x 20.672 x 12 = 76904 lb-in.
Mb(-ve) = 0.04 x 250 x 22.672 x 12 = 61671 lb-in.

(+ve) moment midspan

Ma (+ve)DL = 0.033 x 90 x 20.672 x 12

= 15227 lb-in.

Ma (+ve)LL = 0.039 x 160 x 20.672 x 12 = 31992 lb-in.

Total Ma (+ve) = 47219 lb-in.

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Mb (+ve)DL = 0.022 x 90 x 22.672 x 12

= 12211 lb-in.

Mb (+ve)LL = 0.026 x 160 x 22.672 x 12 = 25655 lb-in.

Total Mb (+ve) = 37866 lb-in.

(-ve) moment of discontinuous edge

Ma(-ve) = 1/3 x Ma(+ve) = 1/3 x 47219 = 15739 lb-in
Mb(-ve) = 1/3 x Mb(+ve) = 1/3 x 37866 = 12622 lb-in.

Depth check

max = 0.75b
= 0.75 x 0.85 x 1 x fc/fy (87/87+fy)
= 0.75 x 0.85 x 0.85 x 4/60 (87/87+60)
[ 1 = 0.85 for fc 4000 psi ]
= 0.021
Mn = fybd2 (1 - fy/1.7 fc)
76904 = 0.9 x 0.021 x 60000 x 12 x d2 ( 1 0.021 x
60000/ 1.7 x 4000)
d = 2.63 3 < 6
Hence OK

Steel Calculation
Maximum spacing, 2t = 2 x 6 = 12
As(min) = 0.0018bt = 0.0018 x 12 x 6 = 12 in2

KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Mn = Asfy( d a/2)
a = Asfy/0.85 fcb = As x 60000/0.85 x 4000 x 12

a = 1.47As
Mn = Asfy ( d 1.47As/2)
Mn = Asfy ( d 0.735As) (1)

Compute the following table & find out As from equation (1) for
corresponding momentla


Discontin. Midspan


Discontin. Midspan


M (lb-in)














la direction continues edge M = 76904 lb-in

From equation (1)
76904 = 0.90 x As x 60000 (6 0.735As)
As = 0.24 in2
la direction
For As = 0.15 in2


Spacing S = 12 x 0.11 /0.15 = 8.8 8.5 c/c [use 3# bar]


KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

S = 8.5 < 12 Hence OK

Ext. top
Continues edge:
12 spacing required steel = 0.24 in2
2 x 8.5 spacing required steel = 0.24 x 2 x 8.5 /12 = 0.34 in2
More required steel = 0.34 0.11 = 0.23 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.23/.011 = 2.09 2 nos.
Discontinues edge:
Use minimum reinforcement As = 0.12 in2
12 spacing required steel = 0.12 in2
2 x 8.5 spacing required steel = 0.12 x 2 x 8.5/12 = 0.17 in2
More required steel = 0.17 0.11 = 0.06 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.06/.011 = 0.54 < 1
No ext. top require

lb direction
For use minimum reinforcement As = 0.12 in2


Spacing S = 12 x 0.11 /0.12 = 11 c/c [use 3# bar]

S = 11 < 12 Hence OK


KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Ext. top
Discontinues edge:
Use minimum reinforcement As = 0.12 in2
12 spacing required steel = 0.12 in2
2 x 11 spacing required steel = 0.12 x 2 x11/12 = 0.22 in2
More required steel = 0.22 0.11 = 0.11 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.11/.011 = 1 no.
Continues edge:
As = 0.19 in2
12 spacing required steel = 0.19 in2
2 x 11 spacing required steel = 0.19 x 2 x11/12 = 0.34 in2
More required steel = 0.34 0.11 = 0.23 in2
Nos. of Ext. top = 0.23/.011 = 2.09 2 no.

Special/Corner reinforcement
Maximum (+ve) moment from la
Use 3# @ 8.5 c/c


KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033

Reinforcement detailing


KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033


KAMOL CE 2K5- 0501033



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