Mental Behaviors - Questionaire

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Name(optional): Status: Religion: 1 = I usually don't do this at all 2 = I usually do this a little bit 3 = I usually do this a medium amount

= I usually do this a lot



1! I t"y to g"o# as a pe"son as a "esult o$ the expe"ien%e! 2! I tu"n to #o"& o" othe" substitute a%ti'ities to ta&e my mind o$$ things! 3! I get upset and let my emotions out! ! I t"y to get ad'i%e $"om someone about #hat to do! (! I %on%ent"ate my e$$o"ts on doing something about it! )! I say to mysel$ *this isn't "eal!* +! I put my t"ust in ,od! -! I laugh about the situation! .! I admit to mysel$ that I %an't deal #ith it/ and 0uit t"ying! 11! I "est"ain mysel$ $"om doing anything too 0ui%&ly! 11! I dis%uss my $eelings #ith someone! 12! I use al%ohol o" d"ugs to ma&e mysel$ $eel bette"! 13! I get used to the idea that it happened! 1 ! I tal& to someone to $ind out mo"e about the situation! 1(! I &eep mysel$ $"om getting dist"a%ted by othe" thoughts o" a%ti'ities! 1)! I dayd"eam about things othe" than this! 1+! I get upset/ and am "eally a#a"e o$ it! 1-! I see& ,od's help! 1.! I ma&e a plan o$ a%tion! 21! I ma&e 2o&es about it! 21! I a%%ept that this has happened and that it %an't be %hanged! 22! I hold o$$ doing anything about it until the situation pe"mits! 23! I t"y to get emotional suppo"t $"om $"iends o" "elati'es! 2 ! I 2ust gi'e up t"ying to "ea%h my goal! 2(! I ta&e additional a%tion to t"y to get "id o$ the p"oblem! 2)! I t"y to lose mysel$ $o" a #hile by d"in&ing al%ohol o" ta&ing d"ugs! 2+! I "e$use to belie'e that it has happened! 2-! I let my $eelings out! 2.! I t"y to see it in a di$$e"ent light/ to ma&e it seem mo"e positi'e! 31! I tal& to someone #ho %ould do something %on%"ete about the p"oblem! 31! I sleep mo"e than usual! 32! I t"y to %ome up #ith a st"ategy about #hat to do! 33! I $o%us on dealing #ith this p"oblem/ and i$ ne%essa"y let othe" things slide a little! 3 ! I get sympathy and unde"standing $"om someone! 3(! I d"in& al%ohol o" ta&e d"ugs/ in o"de" to thin& about it less! 3)! I &id a"ound about it! 3+! I gi'e up the attempt to get #hat I #ant!

3-! I loo& $o" something good in #hat is happening! 3.! I thin& about ho# I might best handle the p"oblem! 1! I p"etend that it hasn't "eally happened! 1! I ma&e su"e not to ma&e matte"s #o"se by a%ting too soon! 2! I t"y ha"d to p"e'ent othe" things $"om inte"$e"ing #ith my e$$o"ts at dealing #ith this! 3! I go to mo'ies o" #at%h 34/ to thin& about it less! ! I a%%ept the "eality o$ the $a%t that it happened! (! I as& people #ho ha'e had simila" expe"ien%es #hat they did! )! I $eel a lot o$ emotional dist"ess and I $ind mysel$ exp"essing those $eelings a lot! +! I ta&e di"e%t a%tion to get a"ound the p"oblem! -! I t"y to $ind %om$o"t in my "eligion! .! I $o"%e mysel$ to #ait $o" the "ight time to do something! (1! I ma&e $un o$ the situation! (1! I "edu%e the amount o$ e$$o"t I'm putting into sol'ing the p"oblem! (2! I tal& to someone about ho# I $eel! (3! I use al%ohol o" d"ugs to help me get th"ough it! ( ! I lea"n to li'e #ith it! ((! I put aside othe" a%ti'ities in o"de" to %on%ent"ate on this! ()! I thin& ha"d about #hat steps to ta&e! (+! I a%t as though it hasn't e'en happened! (-! I do #hat has to be done/ one step at a time! (.! I lea"n something $"om the expe"ien%e! )1! I p"ay mo"e than usual! 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 S%ales (sum items listed/ #ith no "e'e"sals o$ %oding): 6ositi'e "einte"p"etation and g"o#th: 1/ 2./ 3-/ (. 7ental disengagement: 2/ 1)/ 31/ 3 8o%us on and 'enting o$ emotions: 3/ 1+/ 2-/ ) 9se o$ inst"umental so%ial suppo"t: / 1 / 31/ ( A%ti'e %oping: (/ 2(/ +/ (:enial: )/ 2+/ 1/ (+ Religious %oping: +/ 1-/ -/ )1 ;umo": -/ 21/ 3)/ (1 <eha'io"al disengagement: ./ 2 / 3+/ (1 Rest"aint: 11/ 22/ 1/ . 9se o$ emotional so%ial suppo"t: 11/ 23/ 3 / (2 Substan%e use: 12/ 2)/ 3(/ (3 A%%eptan%e: 13/ 21/ / ( Supp"ession o$ %ompeting a%ti'ities: 1(/ 33/ 2/ (( 6lanning: 1./ 32/ 3./ ()

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