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EVP How to organize a speech contest Before the contest:

1. settle a date and encourage members to join in the contest 2. find role takers: a. timer 2 b. tall! counter " c. #$$ 2 d. chief judge % & judges% 1 tie breaking judge 'confidential( e. contest chair ". Read speech contest rule book. Email all contestants) all role takers the speech contest rulebook. Highlight a few points here: a.Eligibilit! '1( Ha*e completed at least si+ manual speeches in the ,ommunication and -eadership Program manual prior to the ,lub contest. '2( Each contestant must complete the #peaker.s ,ertification of Eligibilit! and /riginalit! and submit it to the chief judge prior to the contest. b. 0efore the contest) contestants are briefed on the rules b! the contest chairman. 1udges) counters) and timers are briefed on their duties b! the chief judge. ,ontestants will then draw for their speaking position with the contest chairman. c. 2here will be one minute of silence between contestants) during which the judges will mark their ballots. 'for contest chair( d. 3n contests with fi*e or more participants) a third place winner 'if wanted() a second place winner) and a first place winner will be announced. in contests with four or fewer participants) a second place and first place winner will be announced. e. 3ntroduce each contestant b! announcing the contestant.s name) speech title) speech title) and contestant.s name. 'for contest chair( f. $ contestant will be dis4ualified from the contest if the speech is less than four minutes "5
seconds or more than se*en minutes "5 seconds. 'please inform contestants of this rule( g. 2iming will begin with the contestant.s first definite *erbal or non6*erbal communication with the audience. 2his usuall! will be the first word uttered b! the contestant) but would include an! other communication such as sound effects) a staged act b! another person) etc. 'please inform contestants of this rule( h. 2imers shall pro*ide warning signal lights to the contestants) which shall be clearl!

*isible to the speakers but not obvious to the audience. 'please inform timer and contestants of the below rule before the meeting( 1. $ green light will be turned on at fi*e minutes and remain on for one minute. 2. $n amber light will be turned on at si+ minutes and remain on for one minute. ". $ red light will be turned on at se*en minutes and remain on until the conclusion of the speech. 7. No signal shall be gi*en for the o*ertime period. &. 3n the e*ent of technical failure of the signal) a speaker is allowed "5 seconds e+tra o*ertime before being dis4ualified. i. Prior to announcing results) the chairman should announce if time dis4ualifications( occurred) but not name the contestant's( in*ol*ed. 'for contest chair( Notes for the Judges Briefing 'highlight a few points here(

2he #ergeant will collect the ballots and hand them to the chief judge. 2he chief judge will *erif! that all the judges8 ballots ha*e been collected and then pass them to the first tall! counter.2he tall! counter will enter the judges8 scores on the tall! sheet. 2his should be done twice to ensure accurac!. 2he tall! sheet is retained b! the chief judge and the ballots are handed to the second tall! counter) who completes another tall! sheet) again counting each ballot twice to ensure accurac!. 2he tall! sheet is handed to the chief judge and the ballots are passed to a third tall! counter and the process repeated. 2he chief judge will confirm that all tall! counters ha*e independentl! obtained the same total scores. /ne timekeeper should record the time and the other should operate the lights. 3nform the judges that a tiebreaking judge has been appointed) but do not identif! the tiebreaking judge. 9emind the judges to ignore timing as a criterion for judging. 1udges should not show their 1udge8s :uide to an!one 'nor lea*e it on the table at the end of the contest(. 1udges should not discuss their *oting with an!one. 2he onl! ones to see their ballots will be the tall! counters and the chief judge. Pro*ide the judges with the names and speaking order of the contestants. 7. about the agenda: ;o speech le*el< no speaker le*el< no break session between speeches< in alphabetical order &. 3nform all contestants and all role takers to arri*e half an hour earlier. ,ontestants are briefed on the rules b! the contest chairman. 1udges) counters) and timers are briefed on their duties b! the chief judge. ,ontestants will then draw for their speaking position with the contest chairman. ,hief judge will pro*ide the judges with the names and speaking order of the contestants.

On the day
1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. checklist for all documents needed for the contest: agenda '= ,opies( certificate of eligibilit! '= ,opies( timer sheet ' 2 copies( tall! counter sheet '" copies( judge8s form '= ,opies( chief judge briefing notes certificated for winners trophies for winners 'optional( sign to posted on the door of the contest *enue: #peech contest is in progress.

Please don8t enter into the room until our #$$ opens the door during the one silent minute between speeches. 2. Ensure contest chair and chief judge brief the rules. ". $sk #$$ to secure the door during the whole contest. $fter the contest $sk an e+perienced member to write e*aluation in project > 'organizing and delegating( in !our ,- manual.

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