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NAME Abnormal

MEANING Not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm

DIFFERENT USES "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" "an abnormal personality" "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition" "in "ust about a minute"; "he#s about $% years old"; "&#ve had about all & can stand"; "we meet about once a month" "dirty clothes lying about"; "let#s loo' about for help" "a few spectators standing about" "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets about" "turn about is fair play" "the "ob is ("ust! about done"

Departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development Much greater than the normal About, adv (of uantities! imprecise but fairly close to correct

All around or on all sides &n the area or vicinity (o or among many different places or in no particular direction &n or to a reversed position or direction &n rotation or succession (of actions or states! slightly short of or not uite accomplished; #near# is sometimes used informally for #nearly# and #most# is sometimes used informally for #almost )n the topic of (he state of being absent +ailure to be present (he time interval during which something or somebody is away ,o away or leave .ost in thought; showing preoccupation /omething that is conceived to be absolute; something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control 0erfect or complete or pure 1omplete and without restriction or ualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers Not limited by law 2*pressing finality with no implication of possible change Abuse 1ruel or inhumane treatment A rude e*pression intended to offend or hurt &mproper or e*cessive use (reat badly 1hange the inherent purpose or function of something 3se foul or abusive language towards

pre Absence

"a boo' about physics"; "thin' about it" "he was surprised by the absence of any e*planation" "he visited during my absence" "-e absented himself" "an absent stare" "no mortal being can influence the absolute" "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol" "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit" "an absolute monarch" "an absolute guarantee to respect the nation#s authority"; "inability to ma'e a absolute refusal" "when a student made a stupid mista'e he spared them no abuse" "(his boss abuses his wor'ers" "Don#t abuse the system" "(he actress abused the policeman

Absent absolute, n absolute, ad"

abuse, v


1onsider or hold as true 4eceive willingly something given or offered ,ive an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to 4eact favorably to; consider right and proper Admit into a group or community (a'e on as one#s own the e*penses or debts of another person (olerate or accommodate oneself to )f a deliberative body6 receive (a report! officially, as from a committee Ma'e use of or accept for some purpose 7e se*ually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal (he mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true (he act of accepting with approval; favorable reception (he state of being acceptable and accepted (contract law! words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract! 7an'ing6 a time draft drawn on and accepted by a ban' A disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations (he act of ta'ing something that is offered

who gave her a par'ing tic'et" "& cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument" "0lease accept my present" "& cannot accept your invitation" "0eople did not accept atonal music at that time"; "5e accept the idea of universal health care" "accept students for graduate study" "&#ll accept the charges" "& shall have to accept these unpleasant wor'ing conditions"

"(he cow accepted the bull" "acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was un uestioned for 8%% years" "the proposal found wide acceptance" "torn "eans received no acceptance at the country club"

acceptance, n

according,ad " according,v Accountancy Ache achieve,v achievement ,n across,prep across,adv

(followed by #to#! as reported or stated by (followed by #to#! in agreement with or accordant with ,o together Allow to have (he occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business 7e the source of pain (o gain with effort (he action of accomplishing something 0laced crosswise (o the opposite side &n such a manner as to be understood and accepted (ransversely A legal document codifying the result of

"her acceptance of the gift encouraged him"; "he anticipated their acceptance of his offer" "according to historians" "according to instructions"

"she achieved her goal despite setbac's" "seated with arms across" "the football field was $%% feet across" "she cannot get her ideas across" "the marble slabs were cut across"


deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body /omething that people do or cause to happen A subdivision of a play or opera or ballet A short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program A manifestation of insincerity act,v 0erform an action, or wor' out or perform (an action!

7ehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself 0lay a role or part Discharge one#s duties 0retend to have certain ualities or state of mind 7e suitable for theatrical performance -ave an effect or outcome; often the one desired or e*pected 7e engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure 7ehave unnaturally or affectedly 0erform on a stage or theater action,n /omething done (usually as opposed to something said! (he state of being active A "udicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong An act by a government body or supranational organi<ation

"he did his act three times every evening" "he put on uite an act for her benefit" "thin' before you act"; "(he governor should act on the new energy bill"; "(he nanny acted uic'ly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" "9ou should act li'e an adult"; "(he dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people" "/he wants to act .ady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role" "/he acts as the chair"; "&n what capacity are you acting:" "-e acted the idiot" "(his scene acts well" "(he brea's of my new car act uic'ly" "/he#s "ust acting" "/he acts in this play"; "-e acted in #;ulius 1aesar#" "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions" "he is out of action"

A military engagement A process e*isting in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings! (he series of events that form a plot (he operating part that transmits power to a mechanism (he trait of being active and energetic and forceful (he most important or interesting wor' or activity in a specific area or field action,v &nstitute legal proceedings against; file a suit against

"recent federal action undermined the segregationist position"; "the 3nited Nations must have the power to propose and organi<e action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues"; "the 3nion action of emancipating /outhern slaves" "he saw action in =orea" "the action of natural forces" "the piano had a very stiff action" "a man of action" "the action is no longer in technology stoc's but in municipal bonds"; "gaw'ers always try to get as close to the action as possible" "/he actioned the company for


0ut in effect Any specific activity (he state of being active An organic process that ta'es place in the body (chemistry! the capacity of a substance to ta'e part in a chemical reaction A process e*isting in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings! (he trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically &n actual fact

discrimination" "-e actioned the operation" "they avoided all recreational activity" "his sphere of activity" "respiratory activity" "catalytic activity" "volcanic activity" "the level of activity declines with age" "to be nominally but not actually independent"; "no one actually saw the shar'"; "large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt" "you may actually be doing the right thing by wal'ing out"; "she actually spo'e .atin" "actually, we all help clear up after a meal"; "actually, & haven#t seen the film"; "&#m not all that surprised actually"; "she hasn#t proved to be too satisfactory, actually" "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air" "5e added two students to that dorm room"; "/he added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to in"ury"; "Add some e*tra plates to the dinner table" "(he music added a lot to the play"; "(his adds a light note to the program" "Add 8> and ?@, pleaseA" "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town" "(his paper will add to her reputation" "-e admitted his errors" "5e cannot admit nonBmembers into our club" "admit someone to the profession"; "/he was admitted to the New ;ersey 7ar" "5e#ll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member" "(his problem admits of no solution" "(he +rench doors admit onto the yard"


3sed to imply that one would e*pect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly As a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis

At the present moment Add Ma'e an addition (to!; "oin or combine or unite with others; increase the uality, uantity, si<e or scope of /tate or say further 7estow a uality on Ma'e an addition by combining numbers Determine the sum of 1onstitute an addition Admire Admit +eel admiration for .oo' at with admiration Declare to be true or admit the e*istence or reality or truth of Allow to enter; grant entry to Allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to e*ercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of Admit into a group or community Afford possibility ,ive access or entrance to

-ave room for; hold without crowding /erve as a means of entrance Advanceme nt advantage,n 2ncouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something (he act of moving forward toward a goal ,radual improvement or growth or development (he uality of having a superior or more favorable position +irst point scored after deuce 7enefit resulting from some event or action ,ive an advantage to ,iving an advantage Appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lac' of concern for fairness 1all attention to Ma'e publicity for; try to sell (a product! ,ive advice to ,ive information or notice to Ma'e a proposal, declare a plan for something A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea A lawyer who pleads cases in court 0ush for something /pea', plead, or argue in favour of Active support; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something A vaguely specified concern A usually secretive or illicit se*ual relationship A vaguely specified social event 7e able to spare or give up 7e the cause or source of -ave the financial means to do something or buy something after,ad" after,adv after all, adv Afford access to .ocated farther aft -appening at a time subse uent to a reference time 7ehind or in the rear 2mphasi<es something to be considered &n spite of e*pectations afterwards, adv against, p -appening at a time subse uent to a reference time &n contact with 0laying in opposition to

"(he theater admits $%% people" "(his tic'et will admit one adult to the show"

"advancement of 'nowledge" "the e*perience gave him the advantage over me" "it turned out to my advantage" "(his system advantages the rich" "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often" "0lease don#t advertise the fact that he has A&D/" "& advised him that the rent was due"

advantage,v advantageo us,ad"

advertise,v advise, v


"(he doctor advocated a smo'ing ban in the entire house" "it is none of your affair" "the party was uite an affair" "& can#t afford to spend two hours with this person" ")ur meeting afforded much interesting information" "5e can#t afford to send our children to college"; "1an you afford this car:" "two hours after that" "and ;ill came tumbling after" "after all, she is your boss, so invite her"; "he is, after all, our president" "came to the party after all"; "it didn#t rain after all" "leaning against the door" "Manchester against .iverpool

advocacy,n affair,n afford,v

&n contrast to )pposed to age, n -ow long something has e*isted An era of history having some distinctive feature A time in life (usually defined in years! at which some particular ualification or power arises A late time of life A prolonged period of time 7egin to seem older; get older ,row old or older Ma'e older ago, ad" ago, adv agree,v ,one by; or in the past &n the past 7e in accord; be in agreement 1onsent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something 7e compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics ,o together /how grammatical agreement 7e agreeable or suitable Achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose agreement, n (he statement (oral or written! of an e*change of promises 1ompatibility of observations -armony of people#s opinions or actions or characters (he thing arranged or agreed to (he determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations (he verbal act of agreeing A resource (he activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose A gift of money to support a worthy person or cause (he wor' of caring for or attending to someone or something ,ive help or assistance; be of service &mprove the condition of A mi*ture of gases (especially o*ygen! re uired for

should be a good match" "loo' dar' against the window" "&#m against commerciali<ation of space" "it was replaced because of its age" "we live in a litigious age" "she was now of school age" "old age is not for sissies"; "age hasn#t slowed him down at all" "we#ve 'nown each other for ages" "(he death of his wife caused him to age fast" "/he aged gracefully"; "we age every dayBBwhat a depressing thoughtA" "(he death of his child aged him tremendously" "two years ago"; "#agone# is an archaic word for #ago#" "long ago"; "si*ty years ago my grandfather came to the 3./." "5e agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "& can#t agree with youA" "/he agreed to all my conditions"; "-e agreed to leave her alone" "(he two stories don#t agree in many details" "/ub"ects and verbs must always agree in 2nglish" "5hite wine doesn#t agree with me" "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman" "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other#s business" "there was no agreement between theory and measurement" "the two parties were in agreement"


aid, n

"visual aids in teaching" "rescue party went to their aid"

aid, v Air, n

"air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals

breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of (ravel via aircraft (he region above the ground Medium for radio and television broadcasting A slight wind (usually refreshing! A distinctive but intangible uality surrounding a person or thing (he mass of air surrounding the 2arth A succession of notes forming a distinctive se uence )nce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (2mpedocles! 2*pose to fresh air 7e broadcast 7roadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television Ma'e public 2*pose to warm or heated air, so as to dry 2*pose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen Ad" ali'e, ad" 4elating to or characteristic of or occurring in the air -aving the same or similar characteristics

in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "& need some fresh air" "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you#ve time to spare go by air" "her hand stopped in mid air"; "he threw the ball into the air" "the program was on the air from @ til midnight" "as he waited he could feel the air on his nec'" "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air" "it was e*posed to the air" "she was humming an air from 7eethoven"

"(his show will air /aturdays at 8 0.M." "5e cannot air this DBrated song" "/he aired her opinions on welfare" "Air linen" "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smo'eBfilled rooms" "air war"; "air safety"; "air travel" "all politicians are ali'e"; "they loo'ed utterly ali'e"; "friends are generally ali'e in bac'ground and taste" "parents and teachers ali'e demanded reforms" "they wal' ali'e" "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are wor'ing hard to 'eep him alive"; "burned alive" "she was wonderfully alive for her age"; "a face alive with mischief" "is alive to the moods of others" "'eep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive" "alive to what is going on" "the volcano is very much alive" "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we#re almost finished" "she has already graduated" "in the altogether" "it was not altogether her fault"; "an

ali'e, , adv alive, ad"

2 ually &n a li'e manner 0ossessing life

(often followed by #with#! full of life and spirit -aving life or vigor or spirit (followed by #to# or #of#! aware of &n operation (usually followed by #to#! showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive 1apable of erupting (of actions or states! slightly short of or not uite accomplished; #near# is sometimes used informally for #nearly# and #most# is sometimes used informally for #almost# 0rior to a specified or implied time &nformal term for na'edness (o a complete degree or to the full or entire e*tent

almost, adv

already, adv altogether, n altogether,


(#whole# is often used informally for #wholly#! 5ith everything included or counted 5ith everything considered (and neglecting details! Ma'e it possible through a specific action or lac' of action for something to happen 1onsent to, give permission .et have ,ive or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause Ma'e a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain Allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something Afford possibility Allow the other (baseball! team to score ,rant as a discount or in e*change Allow the presence of or allow (an activity! without opposing or prohibiting 5ith a forward motion &n accompaniment or as a companion

allow, v

altogether new approach" "altogether he earns close to a million dollars" "altogether, &#m sorry it happened" "(his sealed door won#t allow the water come into the basement" "& cannot allow you to see your e*am" "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison" "(he evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mista'es" "& allow for this possibility" "(his short story allows of several different interpretations" "(he camera store owner allowed me EF% on my old camera" "5e don#t allow dogs here" "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "move along" "his little sister came along to the movies"; "& brought my camera along"; "wor'ing along with his father" "the wor' is moving along"; "well along in their research"; "hurrying their education along"; "getting along in years" "we sent them food and some clothing went along in the pac'age"; "along with the pac'age came a bill"; "consider the advantages along with the disadvantages" "pass the word along"; "ran along beside me"; "cottages along by the river" "came along the path" "although & love you, & cannot marry you" "9our ability to spea' si* languages ama<es meA" "she does an ama<ing amount of wor'" "New 9or' is an ama<ing city" "9our ability to spea' si* languages

along, adv

(o a more advanced state

&n addition (usually followed by #with#!

&n line with a length or direction (often followed by #by# or #beside#! 0re although, adv 1on"unction ama<e, v ama<ing, ad" ama<ing, v )n, in traversing Despite the fact that 2ven though, in spite of the fact that Affect with wonder 7e a mystery or bewildering to /urprising greatly &nspiring awe or admiration or wonder Affect with wonder

ama<es meA" ambition, n C among, preposition amuse, v amusing, ad" 7e a mystery or bewildering to A cherished desire A strong drive for success -ave as one#s ambition &n the middle of )ccupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion Ma'e (somebody! laugh 0roviding en"oyment; pleasantly entertaining Arousing or provo'ing laughter 0roviding en"oyment; pleasantly entertaining Arousing or provo'ing laught )ccupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion Ma'e (somebody! laugh An investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in ma'ing up the whole (he abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations is analy<ed (he use of closedBclass words instead of inflections6 e.g., #the father of the bride# instead of #the bride#s father# A branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; se uences and series and integration and differentiation A set of techni ues for e*ploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of /igmund +reud 7elonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the 5estern 4oman 2mpire Cery old +eeling or showing anger "his ambition is to own his own business" "& found it among the trees" "(he play amused the ladies" "(he clown amused the children" "an amusing spea'er" "an amusing film with a steady stream of pran's and pratfalls"; "an amusing fellow" "an amusing spea'er" "an amusing film with a steady stream of pran's and pratfalls"; "an amusing fellow" "(he play amused the ladies" "(he clown amused the children"

amusing, v

amusing, v analysis, n

ancient, ad"

angry, ad"

announce, v

(of the elements! as if showing violent anger /everely inflamed and painful Ma'e 'nown; ma'e an announcement Announce publicly or officially ,ive the names of +oreshadow or presage /omeone who proclaims a message publicly

"ancient history"; "ancient civili<ations such as those of the 2truscans and /umerians"; "ancient ,reece" "an ancient mariner" "angry at the weather"; "angry customers"; "an angry silence"; "sending angry letters to the papers" "angry clouds on the hori<on" "an angry sore" "-e announced the winners of the spelling bee"

announcer, n

annual, n

annual, ad"

4eads news, commercials on radio or television A plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year A reference boo' that is published regularly once every year )ccurring or payable every year 1ompleting its life cycle within a year

"an annual trip to 0aris"; "annual income" "a border of annual flowering plants" "you can find this food anywhere" "e*isted over the centuries as a world apart"; "preserved because they inhabited a place apart" "decided to live apart" "scientists felt they were a group apart" "(hese towns are many miles apart"; "stood with his legs apart"; "born two years apart" "these problems apart, the country is doing well" "they grew apart over the years"; "'ept apart from the group out of shyness"; "decided to live apart" "had a feeling of being set apart"; " uality sets it apart" "people can#t tell the twins apart" "he too' his father#s watch apart"; "split apart" "& apologi<ed for being late"; "-e apologi<ed for the many typos" "he wrote a letter of apology to the hostess" "it was an apology for a meal" "an appeal for help"; "an appeal to the public to 'eep calm" "his smile was part of his appeal to her" "their appeal was denied in the superior court"

anytime, adv anywhere, adv apart, ad"

At whatever time; whenever At or in or to any place 4emote and separate physically or socially Not living together as man and wife -aving characteristics not shared by others

apart, adv

/eparated or at a distance in place or position or time Not ta'en into account or e*cluded from consideration Away from another or others 0laced or 'ept separate and distinct as for a purpose )ne from the other &nto parts or pieces

apologi<e, v

Ac'nowledge faults or shortcomings or failing Defend, e*plain, clear away, or ma'e e*cuses for by reasoning An e*pression of regret at having caused trouble for someone A formal written defense of something you believe in strongly A poor e*ample 2arnest or urgent re uest Attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates (law! a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court#s "udgment or the granting of a new trial 4e uest for a sum of money

apology, n

appeal, n

appeal, v

(a'e a court case to a higher court for review 4e uest earnestly (something from somebody!; as' for aid or protection

"an appeal to raise money for starving children" "-e was found guilty but appealed immediately" "appeal to somebody for help"

7e attractive to 1hallenge (a decision! 1ite as an authority; resort to ,ive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect 1ome into sight or view 7e issued or published /eem to be true, probable, or apparent 1ome into being or e*istence, or appear on the scene Appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc. 0resent oneself formally, as before a ("udicial! authority appearance, n )utward or visible aspect of a person or thing (he event of coming into sight +ormal attendance (in court or at a hearing! of a party in an action A mental representation (he act of appearing in public view

appear, v

"(he idea of a vacation appeals to me" "/he appealed the verdict" "& appealed to the law of G@%%" "(his appears to be a very difficult problem"; "(hey appeared li'e people who had not eaten or slept for a long time" "-e suddenly appeared at the wedding"; "A new star appeared on the hori<on" "Did your latest boo' appear yet:" "&t appears that the weather in 1alifornia is very bad" "-omo sapiens appeared millions of years ago" ",ielgud appears briefly in this movie"; "/he appeared in #-amlet# on the .ondon stage" "-e had to appear in court last month"; "/he appeared on several charges of theft"

apply, v

0retending that something is the case in order to ma'e a good impression 0ut into service; ma'e wor' or employ (something! for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose 7e pertinent or relevant or applicable As' (for something! Apply to a surface 7e applicable to; as to an analysis ,ive or convey physically Avail oneself to 2nsure observance of laws and rules 4efer (a word or name! to a person or thing Apply oneself to

"& tried to describe his appearance to the police" "the roo'ie made a brief appearance in the first period"; "it was 7ernhardt#s last appearance in America" "they try to 'eep up appearances" "Apply a magnetic field here"; "(his thin'ing was applied to many pro"ects"; "& apply this rule to get good results" "(he same laws apply to youA" "-e applied for a leave of absence"; "/he applied for college"; "apply for a "ob" "/he applied paint to the bac' of the house" "apply a principle" "Apply the rules to everyone" "-e applied this racial slur to meA" "0lease apply yourself to your homewor'" "gave applicable e*amples to

applicant, n A00.&1A7.

A person who re uests or see's something such as assistance or employment or admission 1apable of being applied; having relevance

2, AD; A00.&1A(& )N, AD; A00)&N(, C 4eadily applicable or practical 1apable of being applied; having relevance 4eadily applicable or practical 1reate and charge with a tas' or function Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to +urnish (he act of putting a person into a nonBelective position A meeting arranged in advance (usually plural! furnishings and e uipment (especially for a ship or hotel! A person who is appointed to a "ob or position (he "ob to which you are (or hope to be! appointed (law! the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment 4ecogni<e with gratitude; be grateful for 7e fully aware of; reali<e fully -old dear ,ain in value &ncrease the value of A00421&A( &)N, N 3nderstanding of the nature or meaning or uality or magnitude of something Delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values! An e*pression of gratitude A favorable "udgment An increase in price or value A004)A1,N &deas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation (he act of drawing spatially closer to something A way of entering or leaving (he final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing (he event of one ob"ect coming closer to another A tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others (he temporal property of becoming nearer in time A close appro*imation A relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green Move towards 1ome near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in uality, or character 7egin to deal with

support her argument" "gave applicable e*amples to support her argument" "-e was appointed deputy manager" "a beautifully appointed house" "the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"

A00)&N(M 2N(, N

"he applied for an appointment in the treasury" "she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment" "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter:" "(he yen appreciated againA" "(he ,ermans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mar'"

A00421&A( 2, C

"he e*pressed his appreciation in a short note" "an appreciation of $%H in the value of real estate" "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons" "the hunter#s approach scattered the geese"

"the approach of winter" "the nearest approach to genius" "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green" "5e were approaching our destination" "-is playing approaches that of -orowit<" "approach a tas'"; "approach a new

1ome near in time Ma'e advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion A004)C2, C A004)CA., N ,ive sanction to ;udge to be right or commendable; thin' well of (he formal act of giving approval A feeling of li'ing something or someone good Acceptance as satisfactory A message e*pressing a favorable opinion A04)N, N A garment of cloth or leather or plastic that is tied about the waist and worn to protect your clothing (golf! the part of the fairway leading onto the green (he part of a modern theater stage between the curtain and the orchestra (i.e., in front of the curtain! A paved surface where aircraft stand while not being used (he sport of shooting arrows with a bow /omeone who creates plans to be used in ma'ing something (such as buildings! An architectural product or wor' (he discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings (he profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect (computer science! the structure and organi<ation of a computer#s hardware or system software 0resent reasons and arguments -ave an argument about something ,ive evidence of A fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true A contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement A discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal A summary of the sub"ect or plot of a literary wor' or play or movie A variable in a logical or mathematical e*pression whose value determines the dependent variable; if f(*!Iy, * is the independent variable 1ome into e*istence; ta'e on form or shape )riginate or come into being

pro"ect" "5inter is approaching"; "approaching old age" "& was approached by the 0resident to serve as his adviser in foreign matters" "& approve of his educational policies" "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person" "although she fussed at them, she secretly viewed all her children with approval" "he bought it on approval" "words of approval seldom passed his lips"

A41-249, N A41-&(21( ,N A41-&(21( 342, N

"architecture and elo uence are mi*ed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use"

"the architecture of a computer#s system software" "(he evidence argues for your claim" "it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true" "they were involved in a violent argument" "the argument over foreign aid goes on and on" "the editor added the argument to the poem"

A4,32, C

A4,3M2N( ,N

A4&/2, C

"a arose"

4ise to one#s feet )ccur Move upward (a'e part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance ,et up and out of bed (he hollow under the arm where it is "oined to the shoulder (used of persons or the military! characteri<ed by having or bearing arms -aving arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination 3sed of plants and animals 0repare oneself for a military confrontation /upply with arms &n the area or vicinity 7y a circular or circuitous route (o or among many different places or in no particular direction &n a circle or circular motion (of uantities! imprecise but fairly close to correct &n or to a reversed position or direction (o a particular destination either specified or understood All around or on all sides &n circumference 0reposition arrange, v +rom beginning to end; throughout Appro*imately (especially of a date! 0ut into a proper or systematic order Ma'e arrangements for 0lan, organi<e, and carry out (an event! /et (printed matter! into a specific format Arrange attractively Adapt for performance in a different way Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc. (he thing arranged or agreed to An orderly grouping (of things or persons! considered as a unit; the result of arranging An organi<ed structure for arranging or classifying

"A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion" "(he smo'e arose from the forest fire"

A4M0&(, N armed, ad"

"they were up to their armpits in water" "armed robbery" "the manyBarmed goddess /hiva"

v Around, adv

"(he 3./. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan" "hanging around"; "waited around for the ne*t flight" "-e came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond" "news gets around"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who#s been around"; "she sleeps around" "(he wheels are spinning around" "weighs around a hundred pounds" "suddenly she turned around" "she came around to see me"; "& invited them around for supper" "dirty clothes lying around"; "(here were trees growing all around"; "she loo'ed around her" "the trun' is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around" "frigid weather the year around" "the church was built around GJ?%" "arrange the boo's on the shelves in chronological order" "1an you arrange a meeting with the 0resident:"

arrangement ,n

"arrange my schedule" "they made arrangements to meet in 1hicago" "a flower arrangement" "he changed the arrangement of the topics"

Arrest, n arrest, v

arrive, v

(he spatial property of the way in which something is placed A piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments (he act of arranging and adapting a piece of music (he act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal! (he state of inactivity following an interruption (a'e into custody -old bac', as of a danger or an enemy; chec' the e*pansion or influence of Attract and fi* 1ause to stop 4each a destination; arrive by movement or progress /ucceed in a big way; get to the top Accomplishment of an ob"ective (he act of arriving at a certain place /omeone who arrives (or has arrived! (he products of human creativity; wor's of art collectively (he creation of beautiful or significant things

"the arrangement of the furniture"

"the negotiations were in arrest" "Arrest the downward trend" "Arrest the progress" "/he arrived home at > o#cloc'" "After he published his boo', he had arrived" "they awaited her arrival" "an art e*hibition"; "a fine collection of art" "art does not need to be innovative to be good"; "& was never any good at art"; "he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully" "the art of conversation"; "it#s uite an art"

arrival, n art, n

artisan , n artistic, ad" artificial, ad"

A superior s'ill that you can learn by study and practice and observation 0hotographs or other visual representations in a printed publication A s'illed wor'er who practices some trade or handicraft 4elating to or characteristic of art or artists /atisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities Aesthetically pleasing 1ontrived by art rather than nature

"his artistic bac'ground" "an artistic flower arrangement" "artificial flowers"; "artificial flavoring"; "an artificial diamond"; "artificial fibers"; "artificial sweeteners" "that artificial humility that her husband hated" "are you ashamed for having lied:"; "felt ashamed of my torn coat"

Artificially formal Not arising from natural growth or characteri<ed by vital processes 3sed of persons; feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse A line spo'en by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage A message that departs from the main sub"ect )n or to one side )ut of the way (especially away from one#s thoughts!

ashamed, ad" aside, n aside, adv

"step aside"; "stood aside to let him pass"; "threw the boo' aside"; "put her sewing aside when he entered" "brush the ob"ections aside"

Not ta'en into account or e*cluded from consideration &n a different direction 0laced or 'ept separate and distinct as for a purpose &n reserve; not for immediate use asleep, ad" &n a state of sleep .ac'ing sensation Dead &nto a sleeping state &n the sleep of death A distinct feature or element in a problem A characteristic to be considered (he visual percept of a region (he beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb (he e*pression on a person#s face ,ive an assignment to (a person! to a post, or assign a tas' to (a person! ,ive out or allot Attribute or credit to /elect something or someone for a specific purpose Attribute or give Ma'e undue claims to having (ransfer one#s right to Decide as to where something belongs in a scheme assist, n (he activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose (sports! the act of enabling another player to ma'e a good play ,ive help or assistance; be of service Act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function 5or' for or be a servant to A person who "oins with others in some activity A person who is fre uently in the company of another Any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another A degree granted by a twoByear college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies Ma'e a logical or causal connection =eep company with; hang out with 7ring or come into association or action -aving partial rights and privileges or subordinate status Ma'e certain of &nform positively and with certainty and confidence

"all "o'ing aside, & thin' you#re cra<y" "turn aside" "a day set aside for rela*ing" "started setting aside money to buy a car" "were all asleep when the phone rang"; "fell asleep at the wheel" "my foot is asleep" "he fell asleep"

Adv aspect, n

assign, v

"5e were assigned new uniforms" "(he teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the e*ercise"

"(he biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class" "he gave me an assist with the housewor'"

assist, v

associate, n

"&s a salesperson assisting you:" "he had to consult his associate before continuing" "first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate"

C Ad" assure, n

"-e associates with strange people" "an associate member"; "an associate professor"

astonish, v astonished, ad" astonished, v atheist, n AD; A((A1-, C

Assure somebody of the truth of something with the intention of giving the listener confidence 7e careful or certain to do something; ma'e certain of something 1ause to feel sure; give reassurance to Ma'e a promise or commitment Affect with wonder +illed with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shoc' Affect with wonder /omeone who denies the e*istence of god 4elated to or characteri<ed by or given to atheism 1ause to be attached 7e attached; be in contact with 7ecome attached 1reate social or emotional ties (a'e temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority A feeling of affection for a person or an institution A supplementary part or accessory A writ authori<ing the sei<ure of property that may be needed for the payment of a "udgment in a "udicial proceeding A connection that fastens things together +aithful support for a religion or cause or political party (he act of attaching or affi*ing something (he act of fastening things together 2arnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something (he act of attac'ing Ma'e an effort or attempt 2nter upon an activity or enterprise 7e present at (meetings, church services, university!, etc. (a'e charge of or deal with (o accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result 5or' for or be a servant to ,ive heed (to!

"& assured him that traveling to 1ambodia was safe"

"& stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and ma"esty of the cathedral"

"atheist leanings" "(he spider#s thread attached to the window sill"

A((A1-M2 N(, N >

A((2M0(, N A((2M0(, C A((2ND, C

"they made an attempt on his life" "(he police attempted to stop the thief" "/he attends class regularly"; "& rarely attend services at my church" "& must attend to this matter" "Menuhin#s playing was attended by a GFBminute standing ovation" "/he attends the old lady in the wheelchair" "(he children in the audience attended the recital uietly"; "(hey attended to everything he said"

A((2N(&)N ,N

(he process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative! e*clusion of others (he wor' of caring for or attending to someone or something A general interest that leads people to want to 'now

"the old car needed constant attention" "/he was the center of attention"

more A courteous act indicating affection (he faculty or power of mental concentration A motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review Direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes 2*ert a force on (a body! causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away 7e attractive to 0leasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm -aving power to arouse interest -aving the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull .ight machine gun A pistol that will 'eep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released )perating with minimal human intervention; independent of e*ternal control .i'e the unthin'ing functioning of a machine 5ithout volition or conscious control A3(3MN, N A3D&.&A49, N AD; (he season when the leaves fall from the trees /omeone who acts as assistant +unctioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity 4elating to something that is added but is not essential A means of serving 3se to one#s advantage 7e of use to, be useful to ACA&.A7.2, AD; (a'e or use )btainable or accessible and ready for use or service

"she tried to win his heart with her many attentions" "'eeping trac' of all the details re uires your complete attention" "the troops stood at attention" "-er good loo's attract the stares of many men" "the gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies" "(he beautiful garden attracted many people" "a remar'ably attractive young man"; "an attractive personality"; "attractive clothes"; "a boo' with attractive illustrations" "an attractive opportunity"; "the "ob is attractive because of the pay" "an attractive force"

A((4A1(, C

A((4A1(&C 2, AD;

A3()MA(& 1, N AD;

"automatic transmission"; "a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts" "an automatic #than' you#" "the automatic shrin'ing of the pupils of the eye in strong light"

ACA&., N C

"the main library and its au*iliary branches" "(he mind and emotions are au*iliary to each other" "of no avail" "-e availed himself of the available resources" "&t will avail them to dispose of their booty" "'ept a fire e*tinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long" "he was not available for comment"; "he was available and willing to accompany her" "the house is available after ;uly G"

Not busy; not otherwise committed 1onvenient for use or disposal (he uality of being at hand when needed


(9 AC)&D, C

/tay clear from; 'eep away from; 'eep out of the way of someone or something 0revent the occurrence of; prevent from happening 4efrain from doing something 4efrain from certain foods or beverages

"-er former friends now avoid her" ".et#s avoid a confrontation" "-e should avoid publishing his wife#s memoirs" "During 4amadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day" "was aware of his opponent#s hostility"; "became aware of her surroundings"; "aware that he had e*ceeded the speed limit" "& am well aware of his limitations" "politically aware"; "the most...technically aware of the novelists under thirty" "they arrived at an aw'ward time" "an aw'ward dancer"; "an aw'ward gesture"; "too aw'ward with a needle to ma'e her own clothes"; "his clumsy fingers produced an aw'ward 'not" "an aw'ward bundle to carry" "an aw'ward prose style" "aw'ward moments in the discussion"; "an aw'ward pause followed his remar'" "aw'ward and reserved at parties"

A5A&(, C A5A42, AD;

Declare invalid .oo' forward to the probable occurrence of (sometimes followed by #of#! having or showing reali<ation or perception 7earing in mind; attentive to Aware or 'nowing (usually followed by #of#! having 'nowledge or understanding Alert and fully informed

A5=5A4D, AD;

1ausing inconvenience .ac'ing grace or s'ill in manner or movement or performance

Difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape Not elegant or graceful in e*pression -ard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment Not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner b 7A1-2.)4 ,N ,C 7A1=5A4 D, AD; A man who has never been married A 'night of the lowest order; could display only a pennon .ead a bachelor#s e*istence Directed or facing toward the bac' or rear (used of temperament or behavior! mar'ed by a retiring nature 4etarded in intellectual development At or to or toward the bac' or rear &n a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal &n or to or toward a past time

"a bac'ward view" "a bac'ward lover" "tripped when he stepped bac'ward" "it#s easy to get the #i# and the #e# bac'ward in words li'e #sei<e# and #siege#"; "the child put her "ersey on bac'ward" "lovers of the past loo'ing fondly bac'ward"


7AD, N AD;

(hat which is below standard or e*pectations as of ethics or decency -aving undesirable or negative ualities

"ta'e the bad with the good" "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luc'"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice" "a bad headache"; "had a bad shoc'"; "a bad earth ua'e"; "a bad storm" "my throat feels bad"; "she felt bad all over" "bad meat" "a bad debt" "a bad chess player"; "a bad recital" "soBcalled bad grammar" "a bad investment" "has a bad bac'"; "a bad heart"; "bad teeth" "bad habits"; "bad air"; "smo'ing is bad for you" "felt bad about letting the team down"; "felt bad about brea'ing the vase" "led a very bad life" "li'e a bad penny..." "a bad telephone connection" "a bad telephone connection" "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"

Cery intense +eeling physical discomfort or pain (#tough# is occasionally used collo uially for #bad#! (of foodstuffs! not in an edible or usable condition Not capable of being collected 7elow average in uality or performance Nonstandard Not financially safe or secure 0hysically unsound or diseased 1apable of harming =eenly sorry or regretful 1haracteri<ed by wic'edness or immorality 4eproduced fraudulently Not wor'ing properly 5ith great intensity (#bad# is a nonstandard variant for #badly#! Cery much; strongly /omeone who ba'es commercially /omeone who ba'es bread or ca'e A state of e uilibrium A scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity 2 uality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account -armonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design! 2 uality of distribution /omething left after other parts have been ta'en away (he difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account (mathematics! an attribute of a shape or relation; e*act correspondence of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane An e uivalent counterbalancing weight A wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a


ba'er, n balance, n

"in all perfectly beautiful ob"ects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance" "he too' what he wanted and & got the balance"

machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat 7ring into balance or e uilibrium 1ompute credits and debits of an account -old or carry in e uilibrium 7e in e uilibrium (he seventh sign of the <odiac; the sun is in this sign from about /eptember 8$ to )ctober 88 (astrology! a person who is born while the sun is in .ibra A decree that prohibits something An official prohibition or edict against something 0rohibit especially by legal means or social pressure +orbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper! 7an from a place of residence, as for punishment 2*pel from a community or group G%% bani e ual G leu A bachelor#s degree in nursing An unofficial association of people or groups &nstrumentalists not including string players A stripe of contrasting color A strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material A group of musicians playing popular music for dancing A range of fre uencies between two limits /omething elongated that is worn around the body or one of the limbs ;ewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with "ewels! worn on the finger A strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration! A restraint put around something to hold it together 7ind or tie together, as with a band Attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify /omeone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts 4educe to ban'ruptcy +inancially ruined A room or establishment where alcoholic drin's are served over a counter A counter where you can obtain food or drin' A rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon Musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats An obstruction (usually metal! placed at the top of a goal

"/he has to balance wor' and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights" "-e was balancing on one foot"

ban, n C

"/mo'ing is banned in this building"

N N 7and

"chromosomes e*hibit characteristic bands"

"he noted that she wore a wedding band"

C ban'rupt, n C Ad" bar, n

"band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"

"a ban'rupt company" "he drowned his sorrows in whis'ey at the bar" "he bought a hot dog and a co'e at the bar" "there were bars in the windows to prevent escape" "the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song" "it was an e*cellent 'ic' but the ball hit the bar"

(he act of preventing (meteorology! a unit of pressure e ual to a million dynes per s uare centimeter A submerged (or partly submerged! ridge in a river or along a shore (he body of individuals ualified to practice law in a particular "urisdiction A bloc' of solid substance (such as soap or wa*! A hori<ontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform e*ercises K7ritL A heating element in an electric fire (law! a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the "udges and lawyers sit and the case is tried 0revent from entering; 'eep out 4ender unsuitable for passage 2*pel, as if by official decree /ecure with, or as if with, bars A portable .$% caliber maga<ineBfed automatic rifle operated by gas pressure; used by 3nited /tates troops in 5orld 5ar & and in 5orld 5ar && and in the =orean 5ar An agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion! fi*ing obligations of each An advantageous purchase Negotiate the terms of an e*change 1ome to terms; arrive at an agreement Any of various waterBsoluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water &nstallation from which a military force initiates operations .owest support of a structure 0lace that runner must touch before scoring (numeration system! the positive integer that is e uivalent to one in the ne*t higher counting place (he bottom or lowest part (anatomy! the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment A lower limit (he fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or e*plained A support or foundation (he bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed (he most important or necessary part of something (he place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end (linguistics! the form of a word after all affi*es are removed

"there was no bar against leaving" "unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per s uare centimeter" "the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river" "he was admitted to the bar in New ;ersey" "a bar of chocolate" "an electric fire with three bars" "spectators were not allowed past the bar" "-e was barred from membership in the club" "-e barred the door"

bargain, n C base, n

"he made a bargain with the devil" "she got a bargain at the auction" "5e bargained for a beautiful rug in the ba<aar" "bases include o*ides and hydro*ides of metals and ammonia" "the attac' wiped out our forward bases" "it was built on a base of solid roc'"

"the base of the mountain" "the base of the s'ull"

"the base of the lamp" "the base of the triangle"

7asis, n

(he stoc' of basic facilities and capital e uipment needed for the functioning of a country or area A relation that provides the foundation for something (he fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or e*plained (he most important or necessary part of something A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war An energetic attempt to achieve something An open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals! 7attle or contend against in or as if in a battle An indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf (he sound of a hound on the scent /mall Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blac'ish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in coo'ing; also used by ancient ,ree's to crown victors A compartment on a ship between dec's; often used as a hospital A compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose A small recess opening off a larger room A horse of a moderate reddishBbrown color 3tter in deep prolonged tones 7ar' with prolonged noises, of dogs (used of animals especially a horse! of a moderate reddishBbrown color -ave the uality of being; (copula, used with an ad"ective or a predicate noun! 7e identical to; be someone or something )ccupy a certain position or area; be somewhere -ave an e*istence, be e*tant -appen, occur, ta'e place 7e identical or e uivalent to +orm or compose 5or' in a specific place, with a specific sub"ect, or in a specific function 4epresent, as of a character on stage /pend or use time -ave life, be alive (o remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted BB used only in infinitive form

"the industrial base of ;apan" "he wor'ed on an interim basis" "the whole argument rested on a basis of con"ecture" "the basis of this drin' is orange "uice" ",rant won a decisive victory in the battle of 1hic'amauga" "he fought a battle for recognition" "police tried to control the battle between the proB and antiBabortion mobs" "they battled over the budget"

battle, n

C bay , n

"they put him in the sic' bay" "he opened the bomb bay"

C Ad" be,v

";ohn is rich"; "(his is not a good answer" "(he president of the company is ;ohn /mith"; "(his is my house" "5here is my umbrella:" "(he toolshed is in the bac'"; "5hat is behind this behavior:" "&s there a ,od:" "& lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents# house"; "(here was a lot of noise in the 'itchen" "(his money is my only income"; "(he stone wall was the bac'drop for the performance" "-e is a herpetologist"; "/he is our resident philosopher" "Dere' ;acobi was -amlet" "& may be an hour" ")ur great leader is no more" "let her be"



Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws An investor with a pessimistic mar'et outloo'; an investor who e*pects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price -ave ,ive birth (to a newborn! 0ut up with something or somebody unpleasant Move while holding up or supporting 7ring forth, "(he apple tree bore delicious apples this year" (a'e on as one#s own the e*penses or debts of another person 1ontain or hold; have within 7ring in -ave on one#s person 7ehave in a certain manner -ave rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices /upport or hold in a certain manner 7e pregnant with A regular route for a sentry or policeman (he rhythmic contraction and e*pansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart (he basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music A single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different fre uencies; has a fre uency e ual to the difference between the two oscillations A member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior (he sound of stro'e or blow (prosody! the accent in a metrical foot of verse A regular rate of repetition A stro'e or blow (he act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing 1ome out better in a competition, race, or conflict ,ive a beating to; sub"ect to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression -it repeatedly Move rhythmically /hape by beating

"bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature" "& cannot bear his constant criticism" "7ear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders" "(he unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers" "/he agreed to bear the responsibility" "interestBbearing accounts" "bear a scar" "he bore himself with dignity" "/he bears the title of Duchess" "/he is bearing his child" "in the old days a policeman wal'ed a beat and 'new all his people by name" "he could feel the beat of her heart" "the conductor set the beat"


"he heard the beat of a drum" "the co* raised the beat" "the signal was two beats on the steam pipe"


"Agassi beat 7ec'er in the tennis championship"; "5e beat the competition" "(hugs beat him up when he wal'ed down the street late at night"; "(he teacher used to beat the students" "beat on the door"; "beat the table with his shoe" "-er heart was beating fast"


2nter or assume a certain state or condition 3ndergo a change or development 1ome into e*istence 2nhance the appearance of 2arlier in time; previously


At or in the front before,con beg,v 2arlier in time than 1all upon in supplication; entreat Ma'e a solicitation or entreaty for something; re uest urgently or persistently As' to obtain free (a'e the first step or steps in carrying out an action

"-e became annoyed when he heard the bad news" "-er former friend became her worst enemy" "5hat becomes has duration" "Mourning becomes 2lectra" "& had 'nown her before"; "as & said before"; "he called me the day before but your call had come even earlier" "with the cross of ;esus marching on before" "see my son before & die" "& beg you to stopA" "beg money and food" "5e began wor'ing at dawn"; "(he first tourists began to arrive in 1ambodia"; "-e began early in the day" "(he DMM begins right over the hill"; "(he second movement begins after the Allegro" "(he &ra is began hostilities"; "begin a new chapter in your life" "#Now listen, friends#, he began" "(he number #one# begins the se uence"; "A terrible murder begins the novel"; "(he convocation ceremony officially begins the semester" "55&& began in G@$@ when -itler marched into 0oland"; "(he company#s Asia tour begins ne*t month" "(he novel begins with a murder"; "My property begins with the three maple trees"; "-er day begins with a wor'Bout"; "(he semester begins with a convocation ceremony" "begin a cigar" "(his economic measure doesn#t even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"; "9ou cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war" "/he began 4ussian at an early age" "the beginning of the war" "#&t was a dar' and stormy night# is a hac'neyed beginning for a story" "the &talian beginning of the


-ave a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense /et in motion, cause to start 7egin to spea' or say 7e the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series

-ave a beginning, of a temporal event

-ave a beginning characteri<ed in some specified way

7egin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct ob"ect Achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative


7egin to spea', understand, read, and write a language (he event consisting of the start of something (he time at which something is supposed to begin (he first part or section of something (he place where something begins, where it springs

into being (he act of starting something beginning,ad " behave,v /erving to begin 7ehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself 7ehave in a certain manner 7ehave well or properly (he fleshy part of the human body that you sit on -aving the lower score or lagging position in a contest &n or to or toward the rear

4enaissance" "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations" "the beginning canto of the poem" "Don#t behave li'e a fool" "(he children must learn to behave" "behind by two points" "he followed behind"; "seen from behind, the house is more imposing than it is from the front"; "the final runners were far behind" "when he died he left much unfinished wor' behind"; "left a large family behind"; "the children left their boo's behind"; "he too' off with a s ueal of tires and left the other cars far behind" "my watch is running behind" "fell behind in his studies"; "their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers" "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent" "& believed his report"; "5e didn#t believe his stories from the 5ar"; "/he believes in spirits" "& believe her to be very smart" "& believe that he will come bac' from the war" "5hen you hear his sermons, you will be able to believe, too" "9ou cannot believe this man"; "/hould we believe a publication li'e the National &n uirer:" "(his boo' belongs to me" "(his student somehow doesn#t belong" "5here do these boo's belong:"; ".et#s put health care where it belongsBBunder the control of the government" "(he whales belong among the mammals" "see below"

behind,n behind,ad" behind,adv

4emaining in a place or condition that has been left or departed from

)f timepieces &n or into an inferior position &n debt believe,v Accept as true; ta'e to be true ;udge or regard; loo' upon; "udge 7e confident about something +ollow a credo; have a faith; be a believer 1redit with veracity belong,v 7e owned by; be in the possession of )riginate (in! 7e suitable or acceptable 7e in the right place or situation

7e classified with below,adv &n or to a place that is lower At a later place (in writing! see below )n a floor below +urther down


bench,v bench,n beneath,adv beneath,pre beneficial,ad "

A long seat for more than one person (he reserve players on a team A level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below! 0ersons who administer "ustice A strong wor'table for a carpenter or mechanic (a'e out of a game; of players 2*hibit on a bench (he magistrate or "udge or "udges sitting in court in "udicial capacity to compose the court collectively &n or to a place that is lower Not worthy of 3nderneath, below, directly under 0romoting or enhancing wellBbeing

"our team has a strong bench"

"bench the poodles at the dog show"

"it#s beneath me to do that"; "everyone else was beneath me" "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"; "the beneficial effects of a temperate climate" "beneficial effects of a balanced diet"


beside,p besides,adv betray,v

(ending to promote physical wellBbeing; beneficial to health +inancial assistance in time of need /omething that aids or promotes wellBbeing A performance to raise money for a charitable cause 1ompared with Ne*t to, at the side of Ma'ing an additional point; anyway &n addition 4eveal unintentionally Deliver to an enemy by treachery Disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsa'e 7e se*ually unfaithful to one#s partner in marriage ,ive away information about somebody 1ause someone to believe an untruth )ne having claim to precedence; a superior /omeone who bets (he superior one of two alternatives /urpass in e*cellence (o ma'e better ,et better (comparative of #good#! superior to another (of the same class or set or 'ind! in e*cellence or uality or desirability or suitability; more highly s'illed than another

"& loo' scruffy beside you" "the shop beside the station" "& don#t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can#t afford it" "-er smile betrayed her true feelings" "(he spy betrayed his country"


"the common man has been 'ept in his place by his betters" "chose the better of the two" "/he bettered her own record" "9ou#re a better man than & am, ,unga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she#s better in math than in history" "her health is better now"; "& feel better"

better,v better,ad"

(comparative of #good#! changed for the better in health or fitness

(comparative and superlative of #well#! wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable More than half better,adv 1omparative of #well#; in a better or more e*cellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc. +rom a position of superiority or authority -aving desirable or positive ualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

"it would be better to spea' to him" "argued for the better part of an hour" "/he had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the "ob" "& 'now better." "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good 'nife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will ma'e a good picnic table"; "a good chec'"; "a good "o'e"; "a good e*terior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office" "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here" "ruined the family#s good name" "the e*perience was good for her" "made good grades"; "morale was good"; "had good weather for the parade" "we all had a good time"; "good manners" "a genuinely good person" "a good mechanic" "had a good wor'out"; "gave the house a good cleaning" "a good friend" "a good investment" "a good time to plant tomatoes" "its a good thing that & wasn#t there"; "it is good that you stayed" "a warranty good for two years" "& feel good" "good loo's" "good music" "good teeth"; "& still have one good leg" "a good night#s sleep" "a good dollar bill" "the meat is still good" "good taste" "7eware of telephone salesmen" "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the G@@%s and beyond"


-aving the normally e*pected amount Morally admirable Deserving of esteem and respect 0romoting or enhancing wellBbeing /uperior to the average Agreeable or pleasing )f moral e*cellence -aving or showing 'nowledge and s'ill and aptitude (horough 5ith or in a close or intimate relationship -aving or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others +inancially sound Most suitable or right for a particular purpose 4esulting favorably 2*erting force or influence +eeling healthy and free of aches and pains 1apable of pleasing Appealing to the mind &n e*cellent physical condition (ending to promote physical wellBbeing; beneficial to health Not forged Not left to spoil ,enerally admired 7e on one#s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to +arther along in space or time or degree

beware,v beyond,adv

)n the farther side from the observer &n addition binder,n A machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves /omething used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface -olds loose papers or maga<ines /omething used to tie or bind (he capacity to attract and hold something /trip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration (he act of applying a bandage (he front and bac' covering of a boo' 2*ecuted with proper legal authority -indering freedom of movement 1ausing constipation /tic' to firmly 1reate social or emotional ties Ma'e fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope 5rap around with something so as to cover or enclose /ecure with or as if with ropes 7ind by an obligation; cause to be indebted +orm a chemical bond with 0rovide with a binding +asten or secure with a rope, string, or cord 1ause to be constipated K7ritL A small uantity A small fragment of something bro'en off from the whole An indefinitely short time An instance of some 'ind 0iece of metal held in horse#s mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding A unit of measurement of information (from 7inary N dig&(!; the amount of information in a system having two e uiprobable states A small amount of solid food; a mouthful A small fragment A short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program (he cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstoc' or drill press (o grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or "aws 1ause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort 0enetrate or cut, as with a 'nife Deliver a sting to A wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person A small amount of solid food; a mouthful

"a pond with a hayfield beyond" "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond"



"the boo' had a leather binding" "a binding contract" "tight garments are uncomfortably binding"


"(he 1hinese would bind the feet of their women"

"(he hydrogen binds the o*ygen" "bind the boo's in leather" "a bit of paper" "a bit of roc' caught him in the eye" "in "ust a bit" "he had a bit of good luc'" "the horse was not accustomed to a bit" "there are J bits in a byte" "all they had left was a bit of bread"


"he loo'ed around for the right si<e bit" ",unny invariably tried to bite her" "(he for' bit into the surface"



A painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect#s stinger into s'in A light informal meal (angling! an instance of a fish ta'ing the bait 5it having a sharp and caustic uality A strong odor or taste property (he act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and "aws A portion removed from the whole bite,v (o grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or "aws 1ause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort 0enetrate or cut, as with a 'nife Deliver a sting to K7ritL 2nglish term for a dry sharpBtasting ale with strong flavor of hops (usually on draft! (he taste e*perience when uinine or coffee is ta'en into the mouth (he property of having a harsh unpleasant taste Ma'e bitter Mar'ed by strong resentment or cynicism Cery difficult to accept or bear -arsh or corrosive in tone )ne of the four basic taste sensations; sharp and disagreeable; li'e the taste of uinine 2*pressive of severe grief or regret 0roceeding from or e*hibiting great hostility or animosity 1ausing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold 2*tremely and sharply An accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed A reproach for some lapse or misdeed 0ut or pin the blame on -arass with constant criticism Attribute responsibility to 2*pletives used informally as intensifiers A blan' character used to separate successive words in writing or printing A substitute for a taboo word A blan' gap or missing part A piece of material ready to be made into something A cartridge containing an e*plosive charge but no bullet =eep the opposing (baseball! team from winning )f a surface; not written or printed on Coid of e*pression Not charged with a b 0eople who have severe visual impairments

"after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite" "the bite of satire" "the sulfurous bite of garlic" "the government#s wee'ly bite from my paychec'" ",unny invariably tried to bite her" "(he for' bit into the surface"


bitter,v bitter,ad"

"bitter about the divorce" "the bitter truth"; "a bitter sorrow" "bitter words" "shed bitter tears" "a bitter struggle"; "bitter enemies" "bitter cold" "bitter cold" "the police laid the blame on the driver" "he too' the blame for it" "5e blamed the accident on her" "a blame cold winter" "& hit the blan' blan' car"

bitter,adv blame,n blame,v blame,ad" blan', n

blan', v blan', ad"


"blan' pages"; "fill in the blan' spaces" "a blan' stare" "a blan' cartridge" "he spent hours reading to the blind"

A hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duc' hunters! /omething that 'eeps things out or hinders sight /omething intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity 4ender unable to see Ma'e blind by putting the eyes out Ma'e dim by comparison or conceal 3nable to see 3nable or unwilling to perceive or understand Not based on reason or evidence A cloth used to cover the eyes 1over the eyes of someone to prevent him from seeing 5earing a blindfold "the pyramids were built with large stone bloc's" A rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings A threeBdimensional shape with si* s uare or rectangular sides A number or uantity of related things dealt with as a unit -ousing in a large building that is divided into separate units (computer science! a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted An inability to remember or thin' of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension A simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope A metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine An obstruction in a pipe or tub A platform from which an auctioneer sells (American football! the act of obstructing someone#s path with your body 4ender unsuitable for passage -inder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of "7loc' his election" &nterfere with or prevent the reception of signals 4un on a bloc' system &nterrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia

"he waited impatiently in the blind" "they had "ust moved in and had not put up blinds yet" "the holding company was "ust a blind" "(he criminals were punished and blinded" "blind to a lover#s faults"; "blind to the conse uences of their actions" "blind hatred"; "blind faith" "the hostage was blindfolded and driven away"



blind, fold,n blind, fold,v blind, fold,ad"

"he lives in the ne*t bloc'"

"he reserved a large bloc' of seats"; "he held a large bloc' of the company#s stoc'" "there is a bloc' of classrooms in the west wing" "since bloc's are often defined as a single sector, the terms #bloc'# and #sector# are sometimes used interchangeably" "& 'new his name perfectly well but & had a temporary bloc'"

"the engine had to be replaced because the bloc' was crac'ed" "they put their paintings on the bloc'" "he threw a rolling bloc' into the line bac'er" "bloc' the way"


"bloc' the signals emitted by this station" "bloc' trains" "bloc' a nerve"; "bloc' a muscle"

/hut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight /tamp or emboss a title or design on a boo' with a bloc' )bstruct 7loc' passage through /upport, secure, or raise with a bloc' &mpede the movement of (an opponent or a ball! 7e unable to remember /hape by using a bloc' /hape into a bloc' or bloc's 7loody, v 1over with blood bloody, ad" -aving or covered with or accompanied by blood

"(he thic' curtain bloc'ed the action on the stage" "bloc' the boo' cover" "-er arteries are bloc'ed" "bloc' a plate for printing"; "bloc' the wheels of a car" "bloc' an attac'" "9ou are bloc'ing the name of your first wifeA" "7loc' a hat"; "bloc' a garment" "bloc' the graphs so one can see the results clearly" "bloody your hands" "a bloody nose"; "your scarf is all bloody"; "the effects will be violent and probably bloody"; "a bloody fight" "what a bloody nuisance"; "a bloody fool" "he#s a bloody idiot" "you are bloody right" "a blow on the head

&nformal intensifier bloody, adv blow,n K7ritL 3sed for disapproving emphasis 2*tremely A powerful stro'e with the fist or a weapon An impact (as from a collision! An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating An unpleasant or disappointing surprise A strong current of air /treet names for cocaine +orceful e*halation through the nose or mouth 2*hale hard 7e blowing or storming +ree of obstruction by blowing air through 7e in motion due to some air or water current Ma'e a sound as if blown /hape by blowing Ma'e a mess of, destroy or ruin /pend thoughtlessly; throw away /pend lavishly or wastefully on /ound by having air e*pelled through a tube 0lay or sound a wind instrument 0rovide se*ual gratification through oral stimulation 1ause air to go in, on, or through 1ause to move by means of an air current /pout moist air from the blowhole .eave; informal or rude .ay eggs 1ause to be revealed and "eopardi<ed


"he gave his nose a loud blow" "blow on the soup to cool it down" "(he wind blew from the 5est" "blow one#s nose" "(he leaves were blowing in the wind" "(he whistle blew" "7low a glass vase" "-e blew a lot of money on his new home theater" "(he trumpets blew" "/he blew the horn" "7low my hair dry" "(he wind blew the leaves around in the yard" "(he whales blew" "7low now "certain insects are said to blow" "(he story blew their cover"

/how off Allow to regain its breath Melt, brea', or become otherwise unusable blue,n 7urst suddenly (he color of the clear s'y in the daytime 7lue clothing Any organi<ation or party whose uniforms or badges are blue (he s'y as viewed during daylight 3sed to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge (he sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic Any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family .ycaenidae (urn blue -aving a color similar to that of a clear unclouded s'y 3sed to signify the 3nion forces in the 1ivil 5ar (who wore blue uniforms! .ow in spirits 1haracteri<ed by profanity or cursing /uggestive of se*ual impropriety 7elonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy Morally rigorous and strict 1ausing de"ection /pea'ing of yourself in superlatives /how off 5ear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner &n a bold manner (he trait of being willing to underta'e things that involve ris' or danger &mpudent aggressiveness (he uality of standing out strongly and distinctly An electrical force lin'ing atoms A certificate of debt (usually interestBbearing or discounted! that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is re uired to pay a fi*ed sum annually until maturity and then a fi*ed sum to repay the principal A connection based on 'inship or marriage or common interest (criminal law! money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner! A connection that fastens things together A superior uality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents

"blow a horse" "(he lightbulbs blew out"; "(he fuse blew" "(he tire blew"; "5e blew a tire" "he had eyes of bright blue" "she was wearing blue" "the 3nion army was a vast blue" "he shot an arrow into the blue"

blue,v blue,ad"

")ctober#s bright blue weather"; "a blue flame"; "blue ha<e of tobacco smo'e" "a ragged blue line" "lonely and blue in a strange city" "blue language" "a blue movie"; "blue "o'es" "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blueBblooded aristocracy" "blue laws" "a blue day"

boast, n boast, v boldly, adv boldness,n

"we must tac'le these tas's boldly" "the proposal re uired great boldness" "& couldn#t believe her boldness"


"their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them" "a EG%,%%% bond was furnished by an alderman"


(he property of stic'ing together (as of glue and wood! or the "oining of surfaces of different composition /tic' to firmly 1reate social or emotional ties &ssue bonds on 7ring together in a common cause or emotion -eld in slavery 3nited /tates civil rights leader who was elected to the legislature in ,eorgia but was barred from ta'ing his seat because he opposed the Cietnam 5ar (born G@?%! 7ritish secret operative %%> in novels by &an +leming 4igid connective tissue that ma'es up the s'eleton of vertebrates (he porous calcified substance from which bones are made A shade of white the color of bleached bones /tudy intensively, as before an e*am 4emove the bones from 1onsisting of or made up of bone (he posterior part of a human (or animal! body from the nec' to the end of the spine (he side that goes last or is not normally seen (he part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer (football! a person who plays in the bac'field (he series of vertebrae forming the a*is of the s'eleton and protecting the spinal cord (he front and bac' covering of a boo' (he part of a garment that covers your bac' A support that you can lean against while sitting (he position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage 7e behind; approve of (ravel bac'ward ,ive support or one#s approval to 1ause to travel bac'ward /upport financial bac'ing for 7e in bac' of 0lace a bet on /hift to a countercloc'wise direction 2stablish as valid or genuine /trengthen by providing with a bac' or bac'ing 4elated to or located at the bac' .ocated at or near the bac' of an animal )f an earlier date &n or to or toward a former location

"(he grandparents want to bond with the child"

bond,ad" bond,n


bone,v bone,ad" 7ac',n

"& had to bone up on my .atin verbs before the final e*am" "bone the tur'ey before roasting it" "his bac' was nicely tanned" "he wrote the date on the bac' of the photograph" "he stood at the bac' of the stage" "the fall bro'e his bac'" "they pinned a #'ic' me# sign on his bac'" "the bac' of the dental chair was ad"ustable" "& bac'ed =ennedy in G@O%" "bac' into the driveway"; "(he car bac'ed up and hit the tree" "& can#t bac' this plan" "bac' the car into the par'ing spot" "bac' this enterprise" "My garage bac's their yard" "5hich horse are you bac'ing:" "the wind bac'ed" "1an you bac' up your claims:" "the bac' yard"; "the bac' entrance" "bac' legs" "bac' issues of the maga<ine" "she went bac' to her parents#


bac',ad" bac',adv

At or to or toward the bac' or rear &n or to or toward an original condition &n or to or toward a past time &n answer &n repayment or retaliation

boo'ing, n

boo'ing, v

2mployment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time (he act of reserving (a place or passage! or engaging the services of (a person or group! 4ecord a charge in a police register Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else! in advance 2ngage for a performance

house" "he moved bac'" "he went bac' to sleep" "set the cloc's bac' an hour"; "never loo' bac'" "he wrote bac' three days later" "we paid bac' everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and & hit him bac'"; "& was 'ept in after school for tal'ing bac' to the teacher" "the play had boo'ings throughout the summer" "wondered who had made the boo'ing" "(he policeman boo'ed her when she tried to solicit a man" "(he agent boo'ed tic'ets to the show for the whole family" "-er agent had boo'ed her for several concerts in (o'yo" "a span'ing bree<e is a boon to sailors" "boon companions"

boon,n boon,ad" bore,n

4egister in a hotel boo'e A desirable state Cery close and convivial A person who evo'es boredom A high wave (often dangerous! caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary! Diameter of a tube or gun barrel A hole or passage made by a drill; usually made for e*ploratory purposes 1ause to be bored Ma'e a hole with a pointed power or hand tool -ave ,ive birth (to a newborn! 0ut up with something or somebody unpleasant Move while holding up or supporting 7ring forth, "(he apple tree bore delicious apples this year" (a'e on as one#s own the e*penses or debts of another person 1ontain or hold; have within 7ring in -ave on one#s person 7ehave in a certain manner -ave rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices /upport or hold in a certain manner 7e pregnant with (he feeling of being bored by something tedious ,et temporarily (a'e up and practice as one#s own An angry disturbance


"bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature" "& cannot bear his constant criticism" "7ear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders" "(he unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers" "/he agreed to bear the responsibility" "interestBbearing accounts" "bear a scar" "he bore himself with dignity" "/he bears the title of Duchess"

boredom,n borrow,v bother,n

"May & borrow your lawn mower:" "a spot of bother"


/omething or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness (a'e the trouble to do something; concern oneself 1ause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations (o cause inconvenience or discomfort to &ntrude or enter uninvited Ma'e nervous or agitated

"a bit of a bother" "Don#t bother, please" "Mos uitoes bu<<ing in my ear really bothers me" "Don#t bother the professor while she is grading term papers" "(he mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster"

botheration, n botheration,i nt bow,n

Ma'e confused or perple*ed or pu<<led (he psychological state of being irritated or annoyed /omething or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness 2*clamation of annoyance A 'not with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces A slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands, used in playing certain stringed instrument +ront part of a vessel or aircraft 1urved piece of resilient wood with taut cord to propel arrows /omething curved in shape 7ending the head or body or 'nee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame An appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to ac'nowledge the applause of the audience A decorative interlacing of ribbons A stro'e with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments 7end one#s 'nee or body, or lower one#s head /ubmit or yield to another#s wish or opinion 7end the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting 7end one#s bac' forward from the waist on down 0lay on a string instrument (he childhood of a boy A group#s refusal to have commercial dealings with some organi<ation in protest against its policies 4efuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with (hat part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the s'ull; continuous with the spinal cord Mental ability (hat which is responsible for one#s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason

"he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line"


"-e bowed before the =ing"; "/he bowed her head in shame" "(he government bowed to the military pressure" "-e bowed before the =ing" "/he bowed before the Pueen"

boyhood,n boycott,n boycott,v brain,n

"he#s got plenty of brains but no common sense"

brain,v brainless,ad" brand,n

/omeone who has e*ceptional intellectual ability and originality (he brain of certain animals used as meat -it on the head =ill by smashing someone#s s'ull Not using intelligence A name given to a product or service A recogni<able 'ind &dentification mar' on s'in, made by burning A piece of wood that has been burned or is burning A symbol of disgrace or infamy A cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade 7urn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals (o accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful Mar' or e*pose as infamous A North American &ndian warrior 0eople who are brave +ace or endure with courage 0ossessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching &nvulnerable to fear or intimidation 7rightly colored and showy &n a courageous manner (he act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue A mental or physical brea'down A cessation of normal operation An analysis into mutually e*clusive categories Ma'e a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; brea' down into components or essential features Ma'e ineffective .ose control of one#s emotions /top operating or functioning /eparate (substances! into constituent elements or parts +all apart 1ause to fall or collapse 1ollapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attac' 2*press or utter spontaneously 1hange pace

"there#s a new brand of hero in the movies now"


"/he was branded a loose woman" "the home of the free and the brave" "/he braved the elements" "+amiliarity with danger ma'es a brave man braver but less daring" "girls dec'ed out in brave new dresses"; "brave banners flying" "bravely he went into the burning house" "his warning came after the brea'down of tal's in .ondon" "there was a power brea'down"

brave,n brave,v brave,ad"

bravely,adv brea'down,n


"Martin .uther =ing tried to brea' down racial discrimination" "(he bus we travelled in bro'e down on the way to town" "Negotiations bro'e down"



(he front part of the trun' from the nec' to the abdomen

"brea' into a yodel"; "brea' into a song"; "brea' into tears" "(he dancers bro'e into a chaBcha"; "(he horse bro'e into a gallop" "he beat his breast in anger"

breast,v breathe,v

2ither of two soft fleshy mil'Bsecreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman Meat carved from the breast of a fowl Meet at breast level 4each the summit 1onfront bodily Draw air into, and e*pel out of, the lungs 7e alive &mpart as if by breathing Allow the passage of air through 3tter or tell Manifest or evince (a'e a short brea' from one#s activities in order to rela* 4each full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncor'ed

"(he runner breasted the tape" "(hey breasted the mountain" "breast the storm" "& can breathe better when the air is clean" "2very creature that breathes" "-e breathed new life into the old house" ")ur new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear" "not breathe a word" "/he breathes the 1hristian spirit" "(his rare 7ordeau* must be allowed to breathe for at least 8 hours" "breathless at thought of what & had done"; "breathless from running"; "followed the match with breathless interest" "a breathless flight"

breathless,a d"

2*pel (gases or odors! Not breathing or able to breathe e*cept with difficulty (ending to cause suspension of regular breathing Appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse 4ectangular bloc' of clay ba'ed by the sun or in a 'iln; used as a building or paving material A good fellow; helpful and trustworthy A woman who has recently been married A woman participant in her own marriage ceremony &rish abbess; a patron saint of &reland (?F$BF8$! (he location of a visual perception along the blac'B toBwhite continuum &ntelligence as manifested in being uic' and witty (he uality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light (a'e something or somebody with oneself somewhere 1ause to come into a particular state or condition

bric',n bride,n bride,,n brightness,n


1ause to happen or to occur as a conse uence ,o or come after and bring or ta'e bac' 7ring into a different state 7e accompanied by 7estow a uality on

"7ring me the bo* from the other room"; "(his brings me to the main point" ".ong hard years of on the "ob training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point" "bring comments"; "(he rain brought relief to the droughtB stric'en area" "1ould you bring the wine:" "1an & bring my cousin to the dinner:" "/he brings a special atmosphere

Advance or set forth in court 7e sold for a certain price Attract the attention of &nduce or persuade broadly,adv broadcast,v C 5ithout regard to specific details or e*ceptions &n a wide fashion Message that is transmitted by radio or television 7roadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television /ow over a wide area, especially by hand 1ause to become widely 'nown A cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle Any of various shrubs of the genera 1ytisus or ,enista or /partium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers /weep with a broom or as if with a broom +inish with a broom A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place (he act of constructing or building something (he commercial activity involved in constructing buildings (he occupants of a building building,v Ma'e by combining materials and parts +orm or accumulate steadily

to our meetings" "bring charges", "institute proceedings" "(he painting brought EG%,%%%" "(he noise and the screaming brought the curious" "(he confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well" "he interprets the law broadly" "he smiled broadly" A radio or television show "broadcast seeds" "broadcast the news"


broom,v building,n

"there was a threeBstory building on the corner" "his hobby was the building of boats" "wor'ers in the building trades" "the entire building complained about the noise" "4esistance to the manager#s plan built up uic'ly"; "0ressure is building up at the &ndianB0a'istani border" "build a reputation" "build detergents" "(he government is building new schools in this state" "build a modern nation"; "build a millionBdollar business" "(hese architects build in interesting and new styles" "build a defense on nothing but the accused person#s reputation" "build up confidence" "/uspense was building right from the beginning of the opera"

7uild or establish something abstract &mprove the cleansing action of )rder, supervise, or finance the construction of ,ive form to, according to a plan 7e engaged in building +ound or ground 7olster or strengthen Develop and grow bump,n A lump on the body caused by a blow /omething that bulges out or is protuberant or pro"ects from a form An impact (as from a collision! =noc' against with force or violence


"the bump threw him off the bicycle" "My car bumped into the tree"


1ome upon, as if by accident; meet with Dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward Assign to a lower position; reduce in ran' 4emove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied (he act of burning something 2*ecution by electricity 2*ecution by fire 0roducing or having a painfully hot sensation &ntensely hot 1haracteri<ed by intense emotion .ighted up by or as by fire or flame )f immediate import 1onsuming fuel; used in combination

"bump and grind"

"the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance" "begged for water to soothe his burning throat" "a burning fever"; "the burning sand" "a burning enthusiasm" "forests set burning by lightning"; "a burning cigarette" "burning issues of the day" "coalBburning (or woodBburning! stoves" "(hey burned the house and his diaries" "(he candles were burning" "Maple wood burns well" "(he sun burned his face" "(he sun burned off the fog" "/he was burning with anger"; "-e was burning to try out his new s'ies" "burn garbage"; "(he car burns only Diesel oil" "5itches were burned in /alem" "-e has money to burn" "My eyes are burning"



Destroy by fire /hine intensely, as if with heat 3ndergo combustion 1ause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort 1ause to burn or combust +eel strong emotion, especially anger or passion 1ause to undergo combustion 7urn at the sta'e /pend (significant amounts of money! +eel hot or painful 7urn, sear, or free<e (tissue! using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent ,et a sunburn by overe*posure to the sun 1reate by duplicating data 3se up (energy!

"burn a 1D" "burn off calories through vigorous e*ercise" "the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft" "a burst of applause" "a burst of lightning" "(he bubble burst"

burst, n

7urn with heat, fire, or radiation (he act of e*ploding or bursting something 4apid simultaneous discharge of firearms A sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason! A sudden violent happening 7rea' open or apart suddenly +orce out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up 7urst outward, usually with noise Move suddenly, energetically, or violently 7e in a state of movement or action

burst, v

"-e burst out of the house into the cool night"

burst, ad" bury,v

2merge suddenly 1ause to burst 7rea' open or apart suddenly and forcefully /uddenly and violently bro'en open especially from internal pressure (#busted# is an informal term for #burst# 1over from sight 0lace in a grave or tomb 0lace in the earth and cover with soil 2nclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing 2mbed deeply Dismiss from the mind; stop remembering

"(he sun burst into view" "(he dam burst" "a burst balloon"; "burst pipes"; "burst seams" "Afghani women buried under their bur'as" "/talin was buried behind the =remlin wall on 4ed / uare" "(hey buried the stolen goods" "-e buried his head in her lap" "i tried to bury these unpleasant memories" "/he busies herself with her butterfly collection" "busy with her wor'"; "a busy man"; "too busy to eat lunch"; "the line is busy" "a busy painting" "busy about other people#s business" "a very busy wee'"; "a busy life"; "a busy street"; "a busy seaport" "her line is busy"; "'ept getting a busy signal" "they manifested all the busyness of a pac' of beavers" "by the way, & won#t go to the party"

busy,v busy,ad"

=eep busy with Actively or fully engaged or occupied )vercrowded or cluttered with detail &ntrusive in a meddling or offensive manner 1rowded or characteri<ed by much activity (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories! unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability (he state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity &ntroducing a different topic A cupboardBli'e repository or piece of furniture with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display 0ersons appointed by a head of state to head e*ecutive departments of government and act as official advisers A storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a loc' -ousing for electronic instruments, as radio or television A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition A demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty" (he characteristic sound produced by a bird A brief social visit A demand by a bro'er that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum re uirement A demand for a show of hands in a card game A re uest An instruction that interrupts the program being e*ecuted

busyness,n bytheway, cabinet,n


"senior professors# wives no longer ma'e afternoon calls on newcomers"

"after two raises there was a call" "many calls for 1hristmas stories"; "not many calls for buggywhips" "0ascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be

7rief visit in an official or professional capacity (sports! the decision made by an umpire or referee (he option to buy a given stoc' (or stoc' inde* or commodity future! at a given price before a given date Assign a specified, proper name to ,et or try to get into communication (with someone! by telephone Ascribe a uality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a uality )rder, re uest, or command to come 3tter a sudden loud cry 0ay a brief visit 1all a meeting; invite or command to meet

e*ecuted" "the salesman#s call on a customer" "he was e"ected for protesting the call"


"& tried to call you all night"; "(a'e two aspirin and call me in the morning" "-e called me a bastard"; "/he called her children la<y and ungrateful" "(he mayor li'es to call on some of the prominent citi<ens" "(he 5annsee 1onference was called to discuss the #+inal /olution#"; "(he new dean calls meetings every wee'" "(he unions called a general stri'e for /unday" "-e was already called ? times for "ury duty"; "(hey called him to active military duty" "call balls and stri'es behind the plate" "call a football game" "1all roll" "-awaii is callingA"; "A transmitter in /amoa was heard calling" "call a runner out" "blue"ays called to one another" "-e called my name"; "(he auctioneer called the bids" "-e deserves to be called on that" "& would not call her beautiful" "1all a loan" "1all me Mister"; "/he calls him by first name"Q "(he ship will call in -onolulu tomorrow" "-e called his trump" "1all a bond" "1all duc's"

)rder or re uest or give a command for )rder, summon, or re uest for a specific duty or activity, wor', role &ndicate a decision in regard to /top or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather 4ead aloud to chec' for omissions or absentees /end a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; ma'e a signal to in order to transmit a message Declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee 3tter a characteristic note or cry 3tter in a loud voice or announce Ma'e a prediction about; tell in advance 1hallenge (somebody! to ma'e good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense 1onsider or regard as being Demand payment of (a loan! ,ive the calls (to the dancers! for a s uare dance ,reet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name Ma'e a stop in a harbour Ma'e a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands 4e uire the presentation of for redemption before maturation .ure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal

1hallenge the sincerity or truthfulness of call,n cancer,n 4ouse somebody from sleep with a call A special disposition (as if from a divine source! to pursue a particular course Any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream (astrology! a person who is born while the sun is in 1ancer A small <odiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between .eo and ,emini (ype genus of the family 1ancridae (he fourth sign of the <odiac; the sun is in this sign from about ;une 8G to ;uly 88 (usually followed by #of#! having capacity or ability 0ossibly accepting or permitting (followed by #of#! having the temperament or inclination for -aving the re uisite ualities for -ave the s'ills and ualifications to do things well capability,n (he uality of being capable BB physically or intellectually or legally (he susceptibility of something to a particular treatment An aptitude that may be developed Ability to perform or produce (he susceptibility of something to a particular treatment (he amount that can be contained (he ma*imum production possible A specified function

"call the spea'er on a uestion of fact" "& was called at F A.M. this morning" "he was disappointed that he had not heard the 1all"



"capable of winning"; "capable of hard wor'"; "capable of wal'ing on two feet" "a passage capable of misinterpretation" "no one believed her capable of murder" "a capable administrator"; "children as young as G? can be e*tremely capable and dependable" "he wor'ed to the limits of his capability" "the capability of a metal to be fused"



(computer science! the amount of information (in bytes! that can be stored on a dis' drive An electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored (he power to learn or retain 'nowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior (olerance for alcohol Assets available for use in the production of further assets 5ealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of

"the gas tan' has a capacity of G8 gallons" "the plant is wor'ing at J% per cent capacity" "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary" "the capacity of a hard dis' drive is usually e*pressed in megabytes"

"he had drun' beyond his capacity"

economic value A seat of government )ne of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis

"printers once 'ept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were 'ept in the upper half of the type case and so became 'nown as upperB case letters" "a capital fellow"; "a capital idea" "a capital offense" "our capital concern was to avoid defeat" "no medical care was re uired" "he handled the vase with care" "care had aged him" "his ma"or care was the illness of his wife" "he is in the care of a bodyguard" "he wrote the manual on car care" "& really care about my wor'"; "& don#t care" "(he nurse was caring for the wounded" "Do you care to try this dish:" "the carefree "oys of childhood"; "carefree millionaires, untroubled financially" "carefree with his money" "careless about her clothes"; "forgotten by some careless person"; "a careless house'eeper"; "careless proofreading"; "it was a careless mista'e"; "hurt by a careless remar'" "an impression of careless elegance"; "danced with careless grace" "careless of the conse uences" "a careless remar'" "they were careful when crossing the busy street"; "be careful to 'eep her shoes clean"; "did very careful research"; "careful art restorers"; "careful of the rights of others"; "careful about one#s behavior" "careful of her feelings"


(he upper part of a column that supports the entablature K7ritL +irstBrate 0unishable by death )f primary important (he wor' of caring for or attending to someone or something ;udiciousness in avoiding harm or danger An an*ious feeling A cause for feeling concern Attention and management implying responsibility for safety Activity involved in maintaining something in good wor'ing order +eel concern or interest 0rovide care for 0refer or wish to do something 7e in charge of, act on, or dispose of 7e concerned with +ree of trouble and worry and care 1heerfully irresponsible Mar'ed by lac' of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful





2ffortless and unstudied (usually followed by #of#! without due thought or consideration /howing an unthin'ing lac' of consideration 2*ercising caution or showing care or attention


1autiously attentive 5ith care and dignity

+ull of cares or an*iety career,n Mindful of the future in spending money (he particular occupation for which you are trained (he general progression of your wor'ing or professional life Move headlong at high speed (he act of carrying something Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one#s hands or on one#s body

"(hou art careful and troubled about many things" "careful with money" "the general had a distinguished career"; "he had a long career in the law" "(he cars careered down the road"; "(he mob careered through the streets" "9ou must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "(his train is carrying nuclear waste"; "(hese pipes carry waste water into the river" "& always carry money" "/ound carries well over water"; "(he airwaves carry the sound" "(he painting of Mary carries motherly love"; "-is voice carried a lot af anger" "-is efforts carried the entire pro"ect"; "-ow many credits is this student carrying:"; "5e carry a very large mortgage" "-e carried himself upright" "(he "ar carries wine" "(he civil war carried into the neighboring province" "(his crime carries a penalty of five years in prison" "(he senator carried his home state" "-ow many people are carried on the payroll:" "/he carried herself well" "Do you carry 'erosene heaters:" "(his paper carries a restaurant review"; "All ma"or networ's carried the press conference" "(he news was carried to every village in the province" "(his new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "(he loan carries a high interest rate"; "this underta'ing carries many dangers"; "/he carries her mother#s genes"; "(hese bonds carry warrants"; "(he restaurant carries an unusual name" "-er voice carries very well in this big opera house"

career,v carry,n carry,v

-ave with oneself; have on one#s person (ransmit or serve as the medium for transmission /erve as a means for e*pressing something 7ear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of /upport or hold in a certain manner 1ontain or hold; have within 2*tend to a certain degree 1ontinue or e*tend 7e necessarily associated with or result in or involve 5in in an election &nclude, as on a list 7ehave in a certain manner -ave on hand &nclude as the content; broadcast or publici<e 0ropel, "1arry the ball" 0ass on a communication -ave as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a conse uence

7e conveyed over a certain distance

=eep up with financial support -ave or possess something abstract

5in approval or support for 1ompensate for a wea'er partner or member by one#s own performance (a'e further or advance -ave on the surface or on the s'in 1apture after a fight (ransfer (entries! from one account boo' to another (ransfer (a number, cipher, or remainder! to the ne*t column or unit#s place before or after, in addition or multiplication 0ursue a line of scent or be a bearer 7ear (a crop! 0ropel or give impetus to Drin' alcohol without showing ill effects 7e able to feed -ave a certain range 1over a certain distance or advance beyond /ecure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions! 7e successful in /ing or play against other voices or parts 7e pregnant with /omeone whose employment involves carrying something A selfBpropelled wheeled vehicle designed specifically to carry something A large warship that carries planes and has a long flat dec' for ta'eBoffs and landings An inactive substance that is a vehicle for a radioactive tracer of the same substance and that assists in its recovery after some chemical reaction A person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages A radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal An occurrence of something A special set of circumstances

"(he +ederal ,overnment carried the province for many years" "& carry her image in my mind#s eye"; "& will carry the secret to my grave"; "& carry these thoughts in the bac' of my head"; "& carry a lot of life insurance" "1arry all before one" "& resent having to carry her all the time" "carry a cause" "carry scars" "(he troops carried the town after a brief fight" "put down F and carry 8" "the dog was taught to fetch and carry" "this land does not carry olives" "he had drun' more than he could carry" "(his land will carry ten cows to the acre" "(his rifle carries for $,%%% feet" "(he drive carried to the green" "(he motion carried easily" "/he lost the game but carried the match" "& am carrying his child" "the bonds were transmitted by carrier" "refrigerated carriers have revolutioni<ed the grocery business"



"it was a case of bad "udgment" "it may rain in which case

A problem re uiring investigation (he actual state of things A statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument A portable container for carrying several ob"ects A person who is sub"ected to e*perimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an ob"ect of investigation A person re uiring professional services (he uantity contained in a case A glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home A specific state of mind that is temporary Nouns or pronouns or ad"ectives (often mar'ed by inflection! related in some way to other words in a sentence A person of a specified 'ind (usually with many eccentricities! An enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part (he enclosing frame around a door or window opening 7ed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow .oo' over, usually with the intention to rob A person re uiring professional services A complete list of things; usually arranged systematically A boo' or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things Ma'e a catalog of A hidden drawbac' (he uantity that was caught A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect Anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching! A brea' or chec' in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion! A restraint that chec's the motion of something A fastener that fastens or loc's a door or window A cooperative game in which a ball is passed bac' and forth (he act of catching an ob"ect with the hands (he act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal! Discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or

the picnic will be canceled" "0erry Mason solved the case of the missing heir" "that was not the case" "the musicians left their instrument cases bac'stage" "the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities" "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"

"a case of the "itters" "the cloc' has a walnut case" "a mental case"

case,v catalogue,n

"(hey men cased the housed" "it does not pretend to be a catalogueue of his achievements" "he found it in the /ears catalogue" Ma'e a catalogue, compile a catalogue of something "it sounds good but what#s the catch:" "the catch was only G% fish" "he shared his catch with the others"

catalogue,v catch,n

"he played catch with his son in the bac'yard" "Mays made the catch with his bac' to the plate" "/he caught her son eating



une*pectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state 0erceive with the senses uic'ly, suddenly, or momentarily 4each with a blow or hit in a particular spot (a'e hold of so as to sei<e or restrain or stop the motion of /ucceed in catching or sei<ing, especially after a chase (o hoo' or entangle Attract and fi* 1apture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping 4each in time ,et or regain something necessary, usually uic'ly or briefly 1atch up with and possibly overta'e 7e struc' or affected by 1hec' oneself during an action -ear, usually without the 'nowledge of the spea'ers /ee or watch 1ause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled Detect a blunder or misstep ,rasp with the mind or develop an understanding of

candy"; "/he was caught shoplifting" "& caught the aroma of coffee"; "-e caught the allusion in her glance"; "ears open to catch every sound"; "1atch a glimpse" "the roc' caught her in the bac' of the head"; "(he punch caught him in the stomach" "1atch the ballA" "Did you catch the thief:" ")ne foot caught in the stirrup" "-is loo' caught her"; "/he caught his eye"; "1atch the attention of the waiter" "& caught a rabbit in the trap toady" "& have to catch a train at > o#cloc'" "1atch some sleep"; "catch one#s breath" "catch fire"; "catch the mood" "/he managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind" "1atch a show on 7roadway" "& caught the hem of my dress in the brambles" "did you catch that allusion:"; "5e caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don#t catch your meaning" "did you catch a cold:" "(he fire caught" "& didn#t catch your name" "/he will catch hell for this behaviorA" "/he really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings" "5e have a big barrel to catch the rainwater" "(he fashion did not catch" "5ho is catching:" "he caught her staring out the window" "& was caught in traffic and

1ontract /tart burning 0erceive by hearing /uffer from the receipt of Attract; cause to be enamored Apprehend and reproduce accurately (a'e in and retain /pread or be communicated 7ecome aware of Delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on


cause,v celebrate,v

schedule or as planned 2vents that provide the generative force that is the origin of something A "ustification for something e*isting or happening A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end Any entity that causes events to happen A comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual see's a legal remedy ,ive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally 1ause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 1elebrate, as of holidays or rites -ave a celebration Assign great social importance to

missed the meeting" "they are trying to determine the cause of the crash" "they wor'ed in the cause of world peace"

"cause a commotion"; "cause an accident" "celebrate 1hristmas" "After the e*am, the students were celebrating" "(he film director was celebrated all over -ollywood" "5e cemented our friendship" "they received messages from several centres" "they were raising money to build a new centre for research" "(hat vase in the picture is not centreed" "the central cause of the problem" "a central position"; "central heating and air conditioning" "the people of 1entral and Northern 2urope"; "country in central Africa" "the central city has good bus service"; "the shop has a central location" "set aside a certain sum each wee'"; "to a certain degree"; "certain breeds do not ma'e good pets"; "certain members have not paid their dues"; "a certain popular teacher"; "a certain Mrs. ;ones" "felt certain of success"; "was certain she had seen it" "what is certain is that every effect must have a cause"; "it is certain that they were on the bus"; "his fate is certain"; "the date for the invasion is certain" "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "&n this life nothing is certain but death and ta*es"; "he faced certain death"


Ma'e fast as if with cement 1over or coat with cement 7ind or "oin with or as if with cement A place where some particular activity is concentrated A building dedicated to a particular activity Move into the center /erving as an essential component &n or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area 3sed in the description of a place that in the middle of another place 1entrally located and easy to reach


centre,v central,ad"


Definite but not specified or identified

-aving or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured 2stablished beyond doubt or uestion; definitely 'nown

1ertain to occur; destined or inevitable

2stablished irrevocably

1apable of being depended on 2*ercising or ta'ing care great enough to bring assurance Definitely or positively (#sure# is sometimes used informally for #surely#! (he state of being certain /omething that is certain A demanding or stimulating situation A call to engage in a contest or fight Puestioning a statement and demanding an e*planation A formal ob"ection to the selection of a particular person as a "uror A demand by a sentry for a password or identification (a'e e*ception to &ssue a challenge to As' for identification chance,n 4aise a formal ob"ection in a court of law A possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances An un'nown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another A ris' involving danger A measure of how li'ely it is that some event will occur 7e the case by chance (a'e a ris' in the hope of a favorable outcome 1ome upon, as if by accident; meet with chance,ad" change,n )ccurring or appearing or singled out by chance An event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another A relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event (he action of changing something

certainly,adv certainty,n challenge,n

"a uic' and certain remedy" "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through" "she certainly is a hard wor'er" "his certainty reassured the others" "his victory is a certainty" "they reacted irrationally to the challenge of 4ussian power" "his challenge of the assumption that ;apan is still our enemy"


"/he challenged his claims" "+ischer challenged /pass'y to a match" "(he illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard" "now is your chance" "we ran into each other by pure chance" "you ta'e a chance when you let her drive" "we have a good chance of winning" "& chanced to meet my old friend in the street" "/he chanced upon an interesting boo' in the boo'store the other day" "a chance occurrence" "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse" "he attributed the change to their marriage" "the change of government had no impact on the economy"; "his change on abortion cost him the election" "there were mar'ed changes in the lining of the lungs"; "there had been no change in the mountains"


(he result of alteration or modification

(he balance of money received when the amount

you tender is greater than the amount due A thing that is different A different or fresh set of clothes 1oins of small denomination regarded collectively Money received in return for its e uivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency A difference that is usually pleasant change,v 3ndergo a change; become different in essence; losing one#s or its original nature 1ause to change; ma'e different; cause a transformation Ma'e or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one#s or its former characteristics or essence .ay aside, abandon, or leave for another 1hange clothes; put on different clothes 2*change or replace with another, usually of the same 'ind or category ,ive to, and receive from, one another 1hange from one vehicle or transportation line to another 7ecome deeper in tone 4emove or replace the coverings of characteristi cs,n charge,n A prominent aspect of something (criminal law! a pleading describing some wrong or offense (he price charged for some article or service An assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence 4e uest for payment of a debt An impetuous rush toward someone or something

"he inspected several changes before selecting one" "she brought a change in her overnight bag" "he had a poc'etful of change" "he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the ta*i driver" "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic" "/he changed completely as she grew older"; "(he weather changed last night" "(he discussion has changed my thin'ing about the issue" "her mood changes in accordance with the weather" "(he car changed lanes" "1hange before you go to the opera" "-e changed his name" "5ould you change places with me:" "/he changed in 1hicago on her way to the 2ast coast" "-is voice began to change when he was G8 years old" "+ather had to learn how to change the baby"; "After each guest we changed the bed linens" "generosity is one of his best characteristics" "he was arrested on a charge of larceny" "the admission charge" "the newspaper published charges that ;ones was guilty of drun'en driving" "they submitted their charges at the end of each month" "the wrestler#s charge carried him past his adversary"; "the battle began with a cavalry charge "the battery needed a fresh charge" "the charges against the estate" "the teacher led her charges across the street"

(he uantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative! and construed as an e*cess or deficiency of electrons +inancial liabilities (such as a ta*! A person committed to your care

Attention and management implying responsibility for safety A special assignment that is given to a person or group A formal statement of a command or in"unction to do something A uantity of e*plosive to be set off at one time (he swift release of a store of affective force (psychoanalysis! the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or ob"ect -eraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield (o ma'e a rush at or sudden attac' upon, as in battle 7lame for, ma'e a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against Demand payment Move uic'ly and violently Assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to +ile a formal charge against Ma'e an accusatory claim +ill or load to capacity 2nter a certain amount as a charge 1ause to be admitted; of persons to an institution ,ive over to another for care or safe'eeping 0ay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt .ie down on command, of hunting dogs 1ause to be agitated, e*cited, or roused 0lace a heraldic bearing on 0rovide with munition Direct into a position for use

"his charge was deliver a message" "the "udge#s charge to the "ury" "this cartridge has a powder charge of F% grains" "+reud thought of cathe*is as a psychic analog of an electrical charge" "he saw ;ess charging at him with a pitchfor'" "he charged me director with indifference" "5ill & get charged for this service:" "-e came charging into my office" "/he was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance" "(he suspect was charged with murdering his wife" "(he defense attorney charged that the "urors were biased" "charge the wagon with hay" "he charged me EGF" "5ill you pay cash or charge the purchase:" "(he spea'er charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remar's" "charge all weapons, shields, and banners" "-e charged his weapon at me" "-e charged her with cleaning up all the files over the wee'end" "(he teacher charged the children to memori<e the poem" "(he tragedy was charged


&mpose a tas' upon, assign a responsibility to &nstruct (a "ury! about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence &nstruct or command with authority Attribute responsibility to

/et or as' for a certain price 1ause formation of a net electrical charge in or on 2nergi<e a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge /aturate charitable,ad " 4elating to or characteri<ed by charity +ull of love and generosity /howing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity 0leasing or delighting 0ossessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers Attract; cause to be enamored &nduce into action by using one#s charm 4elatively low in price or charging low prices (astelessly showy )f very poor uality Deprive somebody of something by deceit 7e se*ually unfaithful to one#s partner in marriage 2ngage in deceitful behavior; practice tric'ery or fraud A written order directing a ban' to pay money

to her ine*perience" "-ow much do you charge for lunch:"; "(his fellow charges EG%% for a massage" "charge a conductor" "& need to charge my car battery" "(he room was charged with tension and an*iety" "a charitable foundation" "charitable to the poor"; "a charitable trust" "was charitable in his opinions of others" "endowed with charming manners"; "a charming little cottage"; "a charming personality" "charming incantations" "/he charmed him into giving her all his money" "it would have been cheap at twice the price"


charming,v cheap,ad"(ch eaper,cheap est! cheat,v

"we were cheated by their cleverBsounding scheme" "/he cheats on her husband" "he paid all his bills by chec'" "a chec' on its dependability under stress" "he as'ed the waiter for the chec'" "held them in chec'" "they made a chec' of their e uipment"; "the pilot ran through the chec'Bout procedure" "as he called the role he put a chec' mar' by each student#s name"


An appraisal of the state of affairs (he bill in a restaurant (he state of inactivity following an interruption Additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory! is correct (he act of inspecting or verifying A mar' indicating that something has been noted or completed etc. /omething immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress A mar' left after a small piece has been chopped or bro'en off of something A te*tile pattern of s uares or crossed lines (resembling a chec'erboard!

"she wore a s'irt with chec's"


2*amine so as to determine accuracy, uality, or condition Ma'e an e*amination or investigation /top for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution 0ut a chec' mar' on or ne*t to 7e verified or confirmed; pass inspection 7e compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics 1onsign for shipment on a vehicle -and over something to somebody as for temporary safe'eeping /top in a chase especially when scent is lost -old bac', as of a danger or an enemy; chec' the e*pansion or influence of +ind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by ma'ing an in uiry or other effort 0lace into chec' Cerify by consulting a source or authority Arrest the motion (of something! abruptly Ma'e crac's or chin's in 7ecome fractured; brea' or crac' on the surface only ,ive encouragement to /how approval or good wishes by shouting 1ause (somebody! to feel happier or more cheerful 7ecome cheerful 3rge on or encourage especially by shouts

"chec' the bra'es"; "1hec' out the engine" "chec' into the rumor"; "chec' the time of the class" "/he chec'ed for an instant and missed a step" "0lease chec' each name on the list" "(hese stories don#t chec'A" "(he handwriting chec's with the signature on the chec'" "chec' your luggage before boarding" "1hec' your coat at the door" "(he dog chec'ed" "1hec' the growth of communism in /outh 2ast Asia" "-e chec'ed my 'ings" "1hec' whether the train leaves on time" "chec' the spelling of this word"; "chec' your facts" "-e chec'ed the flow of water by shutting off the main valve" "(he heat chec'ed the paint"


"everybody cheered the birthday boy" "/he tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee" "(he crowd cheered the demonstrating stri'ers" "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be" "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning BB they hated each other" "childish tantrums" "chilly weather" "a female form in marbleBBa chilly but ideal medium for depicting abstract virtues" "a chilly greeting"


7eing full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits 0leasantly (even unrealistically! optimistic (he way two individuals relate to each other &ndicating a lac' of maturity 3ncomfortably cool Not characteri<ed by emotion .ac'ing warmth of feeling

chemistry,n childish,ad" chilly,ad"(chil lier,chilliest!

chirp,n chitB chat,v(chitch atted, chitchatting! choice,n

A sharp sound made by small birds or insects (al' socially without e*changing too much information (he person or thing chosen or selected (he act of choosing or selecting )ne of a number of things from which only one can be chosen )f superior grade Appealing to refined taste 0ic' out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives /elect as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative /ee fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way

choice,ad"(c hoicer,choic est! choose,v(ch ose,chosen!

"your choice of colors was unfortunate" "my only choice is to refuse" "choice wines" "choice wine" "1hoose a good husband for your daughter" "& always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant" "/he chose not to attend classes and now she failed the e*am" "circulate a rumor" "(his letter is circulating among the faculty" "7lood circulates in my veins"; "(he air here does not circulate" "(he fan circulates the air in the room" "/he circulates among royalty" "circulate a rumor"


7ecome widely 'nown and passed on 1ause to become widely 'nown 1ause to be distributed Move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point Move in circles 1ause to move in a circuit or system Move around freely

circumstanc e,n


1ause to move around A condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity (he set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event &nformation that should be 'ept in mind when ma'ing a decision +ormal ceremony about important occasions An assertion of a right (as to money or property! An assertion that something is true or factual Demand for something as rightful or due An informal right to something An established or recogni<ed right

"pomp and circumstance" "his claim as'ed for damages" "his claim that he was innocent"; "evidence contradicted the government#s claims" "they struc' in support of their claim for a shorter wor' day" "his claim on her attentions" "a strong legal claim to the property"; "he sta'ed his claim" "-e claimed that he 'illed the burglar"


A demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty" Assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or e*isting

Demand as being one#s due or property; assert one#s right or title to As' for legally or ma'e a legal claim to, as of debts, for e*ample .ay claim to; as of an idea (a'e as an undesirable conse uence of some event or state of affairs 0eople having the same social or economic status A body of students who are taught together 2ducation imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings A collection of things sharing a common attribute A body of students who graduate together A league ran'ed by uality 2legance in dress or behavior (biology! a ta*onomic group containing one or more orders Arrange or order by classes or categories (grammar! an e*pression including a sub"ect and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence A separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will! (he state of being free of suspicion A clear or unobstructed space or e*panse of land or water 4id of obstructions Ma'e a way or path by removing ob"ects 7ecome clear ,rant authori<ation or clearance for 4emove ,o unchallenged; be approved 7e debited and credited to the proper ban' accounts ,o away or disappear 0ass by, over, or under without ma'ing contact +ree from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment 1lear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc. 9ield as a net profit Ma'e as a net profit

"-e claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. /mith claims special ta* e*emptions because he is a foreign resident" "(hey claimed on the ma*imum allowable amount" "the accident claimed three lives" "the wor'ing class"; "an emerging professional class" "early morning classes are always sleepy" "flirting is not un'nown in college classes" "there are two classes of detergents" "the class of #@>" "he played baseball in class D for two years" "she has a lot of class"


class,v clause,n


"investigation showed that he was in the clear" "1lear your des'" "1lear a path through the dense forest" "(he s'y cleared after the storm" "1lear the manuscript for publication" "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "1lear snow from the road" "(he bill cleared the -ouse "(he chec' will clear within 8 business days" "(he fog cleared in the afternoon" "the balloon cleared the tree tops" "1lear the ship and let it doc'" "clear the water before it can be drun'" "(he company cleared EG million"


2arn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages /ell 0ass an inspection or receive authori<ation 0ronounce not guilty of criminal charges /ettle, as of a debt Ma'e clear, bright, light, or translucent 4id of instructions or data 4emove (people! from a building 4emove the occupants of +ree (the throat! by ma'ing a rasping sound 1lear to the mind

"-e clears EF,%%% each month" "5e cleared a lot of the old model cars" "clear customs" "(he suspect was cleared of the murder charges" "clear a debt" "(he water had to be cleared through filtering" "clear a memory buffer" "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat" "1lear the building" "1lear the throat" "a clear and present danger"; "a clear e*planation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature" "a comple* problem re uiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is e*pected of us" "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory" "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean" "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef" "a clear conscience"; "regarded her uestioner with clear untroubled eyes" "clear laughter li'e a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues" "& have clear title to this property" "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought bac' a clear image of his grandfather"; "a clearBcut pattern" "on a clear day" "a clear winner" "a clear perfect diamond" "a clear profit" "was now clear of the charge of cowardice" "clear mind" "the clear comple*ion of a healthy young woman"

clear,ad"(cle arer,clearest !

+ree from confusion or doubt Affording free passage or view +ree from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through +ree from contact or pro*imity or connection 1haracteri<ed by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt! (of sound or color! free from anything that dulls or dims (especially of a title! free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a uestion of fact or law 1lear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible

Accurately stated or described +ree from clouds or mist or ha<e +ree of restrictions or ualifications +ree from flaw or blemish or impurity 1lear of charges or deductions 2asily deciphered +reed from any uestion of guilt 1haracteri<ed by ease and uic'ness in perceiving )f comple*ion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne




&n an easily perceptible manner 5ithout doubt or uestion &n an intelligible manner 1lear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment &n an easily perceptible manner

"read the boo' clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the hori<on" "/he cried loud and clear" "they were clearly lost"; "history has clearly shown the folly of that policy" "& could clearly see myself in his situation" "could be seen clearly under the microscope"


(he distance by which one thing clears another; the space between them Certical space available to allow easy passage under something 0ermission to proceed )f or relating to cler's )f or relating to the clergy Appropriate for or engaged in office wor' An upward slope or grade (as in a road! An event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.! (he act of climbing something


"the plane was given clearance to land" "clerical wor'" "clerical collar" "clerical s'ills"; "a clerical "ob"; "the clerical staff"


"it was a difficult climb to the top" "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house:" "/ales were climbing after prices were lowered" "(he path climbed all the way to the top of the hill" "(his young man 'nows how to climb the social ladder" "prices climbed steeply" "they were playing better at the close of the season" "(he owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at J 0.M." "5e closed on the house on +riday"; "(hey closed the deal on the building" "1lose the door" "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours" "(he meeting was closed


,o upward with gradual or continuous progress Move with difficulty, by grasping ,o up or advance /lope upward &mprove one#s social status


&ncrease in value or to a higher poin (he temporal end; the concluding time (he last section of a communication (he concluding part of any performance 1ease to operate or cause to cease operating


1omplete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; ma'e shut 7ar access to +inish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.!

Draw near 1ome to a close 7ecome closed 1ome together, as if in an embrace 3nite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of 7ring together all the elements or parts of 2ngage at close uarters 7e priced or listed when trading stops 1ause a window or an application to disappear on a computer des'top 1hange one#s body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact +ill or stop up +inish a game in baseball by protecting a lead close,AD;(1 .)/24,1.) /2/(! At or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other 1lose in relevance or relationship Not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances 4igorously attentive; strict and thorough

with a charge by the chairman of the board" "(he probe closed with the space station" "(he concert closed with a nocturne by 1hopin" "(he windows closed with a loud bang" "-er arms closed around her long lost relative" "close the circuit"; "close a wound" "Management closed ran's" "close with the enemy" "(he stoc' mar'et closed high this +riday"; "My new stoc's closed at EF@ last night"

Mar'ed by fidelity to an original (of a contest or contestants! evenly matched 1rowded .ac'ing fresh air )f te*tiles /trictly confined or guarded 1onfined to specific persons 3sed of hair or haircuts ,iving or spending with reluctance &nclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information close,ADC Near in time or place or relationship

"1an you close the crac's with caul'ing:" "(he relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning" "close to noon"; "how close are we to town:"; "a close formation of ships" "a close family"; "we are close sympathy with..."; "close 'in"; "a close resemblance" "she was close to tears"; "had a close call" "close supervision"; "paid close attention"; "a close study"; "'ept a close watch on e*penditures" "a close translation" "a close contest"; "a close election" "close uarters" "the dreadfully close atmosphere" "a close weave" "'ept under close custody" "a close fit" "a close military haircut" "very close with his money" "although they 'new her whereabouts her friends 'ept close about it" "the bullet didn#t come close"; "don#t get too close to the

fire" &n an attentive manner guard" 1.)/2D,C 1ease to operate or cause to cease operating "(he owners decided to move and to close the factory"; "My business closes every night at J 0.M." "5e closed on the house on +riday"; "(hey closed the deal on the building" "1lose the door" "Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours" "(he meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board" "(he probe closed with the space station" "(he concert closed with a nocturne by 1hopin" "(he windows closed with a loud bang" "-er arms closed around her long lost relative" "close the circuit"; "close a wound" "Management closed ran's" "close with the enemy" "(he stoc' mar'et closed high this +riday"; "My new stoc's closed at EF@ last night" "he remained close on his

1omplete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; ma'e shut 7ar access to +inish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.! Draw near 1ome to a close 7ecome closed 1ome together, as if in an embrace 3nite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of 7ring together all the elements or pa 2ngage at close uarters 7e priced or listed when trading stops 1ause a window or an application to disappear on a computer des'top 1hange one#s body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact +ill or stop up +inish a game in baseball by protecting a lead 1.)/2D,A D; Not open or affording passage or access

"1an you close the crac's with caul'ing:" "(he relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning" "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains"

)f a curve or surface; having no end points or boundary curves; of a set; having members that can be produced by a specific operation on other members of the same set; of an interval; containing both its endpoints Not open 3sed especially of mouth or eyes eyes"

"he sat uietly with closed

4e uiring union membership 5ith shutters closed Not open to the general public Not having an open mind 7loc'ed against entry (of the wings of birds and insects! closed together /hut down

"a closed shop" "a closed meeting" "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas" "a closed porch" "the airport is closed because of the weather"; "the many closed shops and factories made the town loo' deserted"

1.32,N 1.32,C 1)A(,N


1)..21(,N 1)..21(,C

A slight indication 2vidence that helps to solve a problem 4oll into a ball An outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors A thin layer covering something ,rowth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal 0ut a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface 1over or provide with a coat +orm a coat over A short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the 1hurch of 4ome or the 1hurch of 2ngland ,et or gather together 1all for and obtain payment of Assemble or get together ,ather or collect 0ayment due by the recipient on delivery Ma'e a telephone call or mail a pac'age so that the recipient pays /everal things grouped together or considered as a whole A publication containing a variety of wor's 4e uest for a sum of money (he act of gathering something together Members of a cooperative enterprise Done by or characteristic of individuals acting together +orming a whole or aggregate /et up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the wor'ers involved usually under the supervision of a government &n con"unction with; combined A uic' reply to a uestion or remar' (especially a witty or critical one! 4eturn by a celebrity to some previously successful activity

"a second coat of paint" "coat the ca'e with chocolate" "Dirt had coated her face"

"we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent" "a collect call"; "the letter came collect" "call collect"; "send a pac'age collect"

1)..21(,A D; 1)..21(,A DC 1)..21(&) N,N

1)..21(&C 2,N 1)..21(&C 2,AD;

"the collective mind" "collective farms"

1)..21(&C 2.9,ADC 1)M27A1= ,N

1)M27A1= ,C

1)MM2N(, N

1)MM2N(, C

1ome bac' to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity 7e restored ,o bac' to something earlier 2ven the score, in sports Answer bac' A statement that e*presses a personal opinion or belief A written e*planation or criticism or illustration that is added to a boo' or other te*tual material A report (often malicious! about the behavior of other people Ma'e or write a comment on 2*plain or interpret something 0rovide interlinear e*planations for words or phrases A commercially sponsored ad on radio or television 1onnected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises )f or relating to commercialism )f the 'ind or uality used in commerce; average or inferior (he trait of sincere and steadfast fi*ity of purpose (he act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally! to a course of action An engagement by contract involving financial obligation A message that ma'es a pledge (he official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital! 0erform an act, usually with a negative connotation ,ive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause 1ause to be admitted; of persons to an institution 1onfer a trust upon Ma'e an investment (computer science! ma'e a permanent changes to a database 7ound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude Associated in an e*clusive se*ual relationship +or or by a group rather than individuals

"from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account" "he wrote an e*tended comment on the proposal" "he commented the paper of his colleague"

1)MM241& A.,N 1)MM241& A.,AD;

1)MM&(M2 N(,N

"commercial truc'er"; "commercial (C"; "commercial diamonds" "a commercial attache"; "commercial paper"; "commercial law" "commercial grade of beef"; "commercial o*alic acid" "a man of energy and commitment" "his long commitment to public service" "his business commitments too' him to .ondon"

1)MM&((2 D,C

"/he committed herself to the wor' of ,od" "After the second episode, she had to be committed"; "he was committed to prison" "& commit my soul to ,od"

1)MM&((2 D,AD; communal,a d"

"committed church members"; "a committed Mar*ist" "dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"; "a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared" "communal elections in several 2uropean countries"

4elating to a small administrative district or community

communicat e,v

(ransmit information (ransmit thoughts or feelings (ransfer to another ;oin or connect 7e in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas Administer communion; in church 4eceive 1ommunion, in the 1atholic church A group of people living in a particular local area A group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common 1ommon ownership A group of nations having common interests (he body of people in a learned occupation Agreement as to goals A district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences (ecology! a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other Pualities that are comparable 2*amine and note the similarities or differences of 7e comparable 1onsider or describe as similar, e ual, or analogous (o form the comparative or superlative form on an ad"ective or adverb 2*amining resemblances or differences 4elation based on similarities and differences Pualities that are comparable

"0lease communicate this message to all employees" "-e communicated his an*ieties to the psychiatrist" "communicate a disease" "(he rooms communicated" "-e and his sons haven#t communicated for years"; "Do you communicate well with your advisor:" "the team is drawn from all parts of the community" "the 1hristian community of the apostolic age"; "he was well 'nown throughout the 1atholic community" "they shared a community of possessions" "they hoped to "oin the NA() community" "the news spread rapidly through the medical community" "the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests"


compare,n compare,v

"beyond compare" ";ohn compared his haircut to his friend#s"; "5e compared notes after we had both seen the movie" "(his car does not compare with our line of Mercedes" "5e can compare the -an dynasty to the 4omans"

comparison, n

comparative, n comparative, ad" complain,v

(he comparative form of an ad"ective 4elating to or based on or involving comparison -aving significance only in relation to something else 2*press complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness Ma'e a formal accusation; bring a formal charge

"no comparison between the two boo's" "#better# is the comparative of #good#" "comparative linguistics" "a comparative newcomer" "My mother complains all day" "(he plaintiff#s lawyer complained

that he defendant had physically abused his client" competitor,n complaint,n (he contestant you hope to defeat An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining (formerly! a loud cry (or repeated cries! of pain or rage or sorrow An e*pression of grievance or resentment (civil law! the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim for relief is based (criminal law! a pleading describing some wrong or offense (he desired mineral that is left after impurities have been removed from mined ore A concentrated form of a foodstuff; the bul' is reduced by removing wate A concentrated e*ample Ma'e (the solvent of a solution! dense or denser Direct one#s attention on something Ma'e central Ma'e more concise Draw together or meet in one common center 1ompress or concentrate 7e coo'ed until very little li uid is left 1oo' until very little li uid is left (he strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume (e*pressed as molesRcubic meter! (he spatial property of being crowded together /trengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mi*ture! by removing e*traneous material &ncrease in density 1omplete attention; intense mental effort 7ringing together military forces ,reat and constant diligence and attention Decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion 7ring to a close 4each a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation 1ome to a close 4each agreement on condition,n A state at a particular time A mode of being or form of e*istence of a person or thing An assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else (usually plural! a statement of what is re uired as part of an agreement

concentrate, n

"the concentrate of contemporary despair"

concentrate, v

"(hese groups concentrate in the inner cities"

concentratio n,n


"(he committee concluded the meeting"

"(hey concluded an economic agreement"; "5e concluded a ceaseBfire" "a condition of disrepair" "the human condition"

"the contract set out the conditions of the lease"


conditional,a d"

(he state of (good! health (especially in the phrases #in condition# or #in shape# or #out of condition# or #out of shape#! &nformation that should be 'ept in mind when ma'ing a decision (he procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable#s effect by comparison with a control condition 2stablish a conditioned response (rain by instruction and practice; especially to teach selfBcontrol /pecify as a condition or re uirement in a contract or agreement; ma'e an e*press demand or provision in an agreeme 0ut into a better state Pualified by reservations &mposing or depending on or containing a condition

"he conditions old cars" "conditional acceptance of the terms"; "lent conditional support"; "the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid"

conduct,n conduct,v

Manner of acting or conducting yourself (behavioral attributes! the way a person behaves toward other people Direct the course of; manage or control .ead, as in the performance of a composition 7ehave in a certain manner (ransmit or serve as the medium for transmission (a'e somebody somewhere .ead musicians in the performance of

1)N+&D2N 12,N

+reedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities A feeling of trust (in someone or something! A state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable A trustful relationship A secret that is confided or entrusted to another

"9ou cannot conduct business li'e this" "conduct an orchestra; 7airenboim conducted the 1hicago symphony for years" "(hey conducted themselves well during these difficult times" "Many metals conduct heat" "-e conducted us to the palace" "7ernstein conducted Mahler li'e no other conductor"; "she cannot conduct modern pieces" "after that failure he lost his confidence" "& have confidence in our team"; "confidence is always borrowed, never owned" "public confidence in the economy" "he too' me into his confidence" "everyone trusted him with their confidences"; "the priest could not reveal her confidences" "a confidential secretary" "this arrangement must be 'ept confidential" "a confidential approach"; "in confidential tone of voice"

confidential, ad"

2ntrusted with private information and the confidence of another (of information! given in confidence or in secret Denoting confidence or intimacy (he level of official classification for documents ne*t


above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authori<ed to see documents so classified 2stablish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts /trengthen or ma'e more firm Ma'e more firm As of a person to a position Administer the rite of confirmation to

"his story confirmed my doubts" "(he witnesses confirmed the victim#s account" "1onfirm thy soul in selfBcontrolA" "(he /enate confirmed the 0resident#s candidate for /ecretary of Defense" "the children were confirmed in their mother#s faith" "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory" "confirmation of the appointment"

confirmation, n

Additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory! is correct &nformation that confirms or verifies Ma'ing something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it A ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at 0entecost! to admit as adult members of the ;ewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in ;udaism A sacrament admitting a bapti<ed person to full participation in the church Mista'e one thing for another 7e confusing or perple*ing to; cause to be unable to thin' clearly 1ause to feel embarrassment Assemble without order or sense Ma'e unclear or incomprehensible


"you are confusing me with the other candidate" "(hese uestions confuse even the e*perts" "(he constant attention of the young man confused her" "(he new ta* return forms only confuse" "-er remar's confused the debate" "the army retreated in confusion" "a confusion of impressions"


Ma'e unclear, indistinct, or blurred Disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably A mental state characteri<ed by a lac' of clear and orderly thought and behavior A feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused An act causing a disorderly combination of elements with identities lost and distinctions blended A mista'e that results from ta'ing one thing to be another 1onnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces Ma'e a logical or causal connection 7e or become "oined or united or lin'ed ;oin by means of communication e uipment


"the confusion of tongues at the (ower of 7abel" "he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with thenotorious outlaw" "1an you connect the two loudspea'ers:" "& cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind" "(he two streets connect to become a highway" "(he telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area"

.and on or hit solidly ;oin for the purpose of communication 7e scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation 2stablish a rapport or relationship 2stablish communication with someone 0lug into an outlet -it or play a ball successfully consider,v Deem to be ,ive careful consideration to (a'e into consideration for e*emplifying purposes /how consideration for; ta'e into account (hin' about carefully; weigh ;udge or regard; loo' upon; "udge .oo' at attentively .oo' at carefully; study mentally 4egard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem .arge or relatively large in number or amount or e*tent or degree

"(he bric' connected on her head, 'noc'ing her out" ")perator, could you connect me to the 4affles in /ingapore:" "(he local train does not connect with the Amtra' train"; "(he planes don#t connect and you will have to wait for four hours" "(he 0resident of this university really connects with the faculty" "did you finally connect with your longBlost cousin:" "1onnect the (C so we can watch the football game tonight" "(he batter connected for a home run" "& consider her to be shallow" "consider the possibility of moving" "1onsider the following case" "9ou must consider her age"; "(he "udge considered the offender#s youth and was lenient" "(hey considered the possibility of a stri'e"

"0lease consider your family" "a considerable uantity"; "the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign"; "went to considerable trouble for us"; "spent a considerable amount of time on the problem" "friends considerate enough to leave us alone" "another consideration is the time it would ta'e" "consideration of the traffic problem too' more than an hour" "he showed no consideration for her feelings"

considerable ,ad"

considerate, ad" consideratio n,n

/howing concern for the rights and feelings of others (he process of giving careful thought to something &nformation that should be 'ept in mind when ma'ing a decision A discussion of a topic (as in a meeting! =ind and considerate regard for others A fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone A considerate and thoughtful act /eemingly uninterrupted 5ithout variation or change 5ithout interruption Ma'e by combining materials and parts 0ut together out of components or parts

constantly, adv 1onstruct,v

"constantly bullied by his big brother" "constantly 'ind and gracious" "the world is constantly changing" "/ome eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"

Draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions 1reate by lin'ing linguistic units 1reate by organi<ing and lin'ing ideas, arguments, or concepts 4eassemble mentally 1lose interaction (he state or condition of touching or of being in immediate pro*imity (he act of touching physically (he physical coming together of two or more things A person who is in a position to give you special assistance A channel for communication between groups (electronics! a "unction where things (as two electrical conductors! touch or are in physical contact A communicative interaction A thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication 7e in or establish communication with 7e in direct physical contact with; ma'e contact continue,v 1ontinue a certain state, condition, or activity 1ontinue with one#s activities =eep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last Move ahead; travel onward in time or space Allow to remain in a place or position 1arry forward 1ontinue after an interruption 1ontinue in a place, position, or situation 2*ist over a prolonged period of time contract,v 2nter into a contractual arrangement 2ngage by written agreement / uee<e or press together Ma'e smaller

"construct an e uilateral triangle" "construct a sentence"; "construct a paragraph" "construct a proof"; "construct an argument" "they 'ept in daily contact"; "they claimed that they had been in contact with e*traterrestrial beings" "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid" "her fingers came in contact with the light switch" "contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull" "he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor" "they forget to solder the contacts" "the pilot made contact with the base"



"-e never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia" "(he wire must not contact the metal cover"; "(he surfaces contact at this point" "5e continued to wor' into the night" "& 'now it#s hard," he continued, "but there is no choice" "continue the family tradition" "/he continued in the direction of the hills" "5e cannot continue several servants any longer" "5e continued our research into the cause of the illness" "(he demonstration continued after a brea' for lunch" "/he continued as deputy mayor for another year" "(he bad weather continued for two more wee's" "the spasm contracted the muscle" "(he heat contracted the woollen garment"



1ompress or concentrate 7estow a uality on 1ontribute to some cause 7e conducive to 0rovide 0ower to direct or determine A relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group! by another (physiology! regulation or maintenance of a function or action or refle* etc A standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific e*periment (he activity of managing or e*erting control over something (he state that e*ists when one person or group has power over another Discipline in personal and social activities ,reat s'illfulness and 'nowledge of some sub"ect or activity (he economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc. A mechanism that controls the operation of a machine A spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a sSance 2*ercise authoritative control or power over .essen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or 'eep within limits -andle and cause to function 1ontrol (others or oneself! or influence s'illfully, usually to one#s advantage Cerify or regulate by conducting a parallel e*periment or comparing with another standard, of scientific e*periments Cerify by using a duplicate register for comparison 7e careful or certain to do something; ma'e certain of something -ave a firm understanding or 'nowledge of; be on top of (he state of being suitable or opportune (he uality of being useful and convenient A toilet that is available to the public A device that is very useful for a particular "ob /uited to your comfort or purpose or needs

"under control" "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drin'ing on campus" "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters" "the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw" "the control of the mob by the police was admirable" "she never lost control of herself" "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls" "the speed control on his turntable was not wor'ing properly"; "& turned the controls over to her" "control the budget" "control your anger" "control the lever" "/he is a very controlling mother and doesn#t let her children grow up" "Are you controlling for the temperature:" "control an account" "control the uality of the product" "Do you control these data:" "chairs arranged for his own convenience" "they offered the convenience of an installment plan" "a convenient e*cuse for not going"

control,v(con trolled,contr olling!

convenience ,n

convenient,a d"

cool,n cool,v

2asy to reach .arge and roomy (#convenient# is archaic in this sense! (he uality of being cool ,reat coolness and composure under strain Ma'e cool or cooler .oose heat .ose intensity

"the cool of early morning" "'eep your cool" "(he air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm" "-is enthusiasm cooled considerably" "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drin's"; "a cool bree<e" "play it cool"; "'eep cool" "cool greens and blues and violets" "relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher ta*es" "a cool million buc's" "he#s a cool dude"; "that#s cool"; "Mary#s dress is really cool"; "it#s not cool to arrive at a party too early" "My 4ussian pen pal and & have been corresponding for several years"

cool,ad"(cool er,coolest!

Neither warm or very cold; giving relief from heat Mar'ed by calm selfBcontrol (especially in trying circumstances!; unemotional (color! inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets 0sychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing disli'e 3sed of a number or sum and meaning without e*aggeration or ualification +ashionable and attractive at the time; often s'illed or socially adept

correspond, v

2*change messages (a'e the place of or be parallel or e uivalent to 7e compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics An enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it .ac' of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery!; use of a position of trust for dishonest gain &n a state of progressive putrefaction Decay of matter (as by rot or o*idation! Moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles "the lu*ury and corruption among the upper classes" Destroying someone#s (or some group#s! honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity &nducement (as of a public official! by improper means (as bribery! to violate duty (as by committing a felony! to violate duty (as by committing a felony! (able consisting of a hori<ontal surface over which business is transacted ,ame e uipment used in various card or board games A calculator that 'eeps a record of the number of times something happens A piece of furniture that stands at the side of a

corridor,n corruption,n

"corruption of a minor"

"he was held on charges of corruption and rac'eteering"


counter,v counter,ad" counter,adv courage,n courageous, ad"

dining room; has shelves and drawers A person who counts things A uic' reply to a uestion or remar' (especially a witty or critical one! (computer science! a register whose contents go through a regular series of states (usually states indicating consecutive integers! (he piece of leather that fits the heel A piece of leather forming the bac' of a shoe A return punch (especially by a bo*er! /pea' in response Act in advance of; deal with ahead of time &ndicating opposition or resistance &n the opposite direction A uality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear 0ossessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching

"-e countered with some very persuasive arguments" "run counter" "a fran' courageous heart...triumphed over pain"; "set a courageous e*ample by leading them safely into and out of enemyB held territory" "he too' a course in bas'et weaving" "the government too' a firm course" "the course had only nine holes"; "the course was less than a mile"


course,v course,adv of course,adv cover,n

2ducation imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings A connected series of events or actions or developments +acility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport "if you persist in that course you will surely fail"; "once a nation is embar'ed on a course of action it becomes e*tremely difficult for any retraction to ta'e place" A line or route along which something travels or moves ,eneral line of orientation 0art of a meal served at one time (construction! a layer of masonry Move swiftly through or over Move along, of li uids -unt with hounds As might be e*pected As might be e*pected A covering that serves to conceal or shelter something 7edding that 'eeps a person warm in bed (he act of concealing the e*istence of something by obstructing the view of it (he front and bac' covering of a boo' A natural ob"ect that covers or envelops 1overing for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container! +ire that ma'es it difficult for the enemy to fire on

"the course of the river" "the river ta'es a southern course" "she prepared a three course meal" "a course of bric's" "ships coursing the Atlantic" "-e often courses hares"

"under cover of dar'ness" "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep" "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft" "the fo* was flushed from its cover" "put the cover bac' on the 'ettle"


your own individuals or formations A fi*ed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drin' A recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else A false identity and bac'ground (especially one created for an undercover agent! 0rovide with a covering or cause to be covered

+orm a cover over /pan an interval of distance, space or time 0rovide for Deal with verbally or in some form of artistic e*pression &nclude in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one#s sphere or territory (ravel across or pass over 7e responsible for reporting the details of, as in "ournalism -old within range of an aimed firearm (o ta'e an action to protect against future problems -ide from view or 'nowledge 0rotect or defend (a position in a game! Maintain a chec' on; especially by patrolling 0rotect by insurance Ma'e up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by e*aggerating good ualities &nvest with a large or e*cessive amount of something -elp out by ta'ing someone#s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities 7e sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of /pread over a surface to conceal or protect 1over as if with a shroud 1opulate with a female, used especially of horses 0ut something on top of something else 0lay a higher card than the one previously played 7e responsible for guarding an opponent in a game /it on (eggs! 1lothe, as if for protection from the elements A person who shows fear or timidity (he trait of lac'ing courage A long narrow opening A narrow opening

"they made a cover of a 7eatles# song" "her new name and passport are cover for her ne*t assignment" "cover her face with a hand'erchief"; "cover the child with a blan'et"; "cover the grave with flowers" "(he grass covered the grave" "(he period covered the turn of the century"; "(his farm covers some 8%% acres" "(he grant doesn#t cover my salary" "(he course covered all of 5estern 1ivili<ation" "this should cover everyone in the group" "(he caravan covered almost G%% miles each day" "(he cub reporter covered New 9or' 1ity" "1ount the cash in the drawer twice "ust to cover yourself" "(he 0resident covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the 5hite -ouse" "he covered left field" "(he second officer covered the top floor" "(he insurance won#t cover this" "/he covered herself with glory" "/he is covering for our secretary who is ill this wee'" "&s this enough to cover the chec':" "(his paint covers well" "(he horse covers the mare" "cover the meat with a lot of gravy" "/mith covered again" "(he female covers the eggs" "cover your headA"

coward,n cowardice,n crac',n

"he opened the window a crac'"


A long narrow depression in a surface A sudden sharp noise A chance to do something 5itty remar' A blemish resulting from a brea' without complete separation of the parts A purified and potent form of cocaine that is smo'ed rather than snorted A usually brief attempt (he act of crac'ing something 7ecome fractured; brea' or crac' on the surface only Ma'e a very sharp e*plosive sound Ma'e a sharp sound -it forcefully; deal a hard blow, ma'ing a crac'ing noise 0ass through (a barrier! 7rea' partially but 'eep its integrity 7rea' suddenly and abruptly, as under tension /uffer a nervous brea'down (ell spontaneously 1ause to become crac'ed 4educe (petroleum! to a simpler compound by crac'ing 7rea' into simpler molecules by means of heat )f the highest uality 1rowd or pac' to capacity 0ut something somewhere so that the space is completely filled /tudy intensively, as before an e*am 0repare (students! hastily for an impending e*am An interest followed with e*aggerated <eal /tate of violent mental agitation 1ause to go cra<y; cause to lose one#s mind Develop a fine networ' of crac's /omeone deranged and possibly dangerous Affected with madness or insanity +oolish; totally unsound Mar'ed by foolish or unreasoning fondness 0ossessed by inordinate e*citement 7i<arre or fantastic

"the crac' of a whip" "there was a crac' in the mirror"

"he too' a crac' at it" "(he glass crac'ed when it was heated" "-is gun crac'ed" "(he teacher crac'ed him across the face with a ruler" "4egistrations crac'ed through the $%,%%% mar' in the county" "(he glass crac'ed" "crac' a "o'e" "heat and light crac'ed the bac' of the leather chair" "(he petroleum crac'ed" "a crac' shot" "cram boo's into the suitcase"

crac',ad" cram,v

cra<e,n cra<e,v cra<y,n cra<y,ad"

"1ra<ed ceramics" "a cra<y scheme" "she was cra<y about him" "the crowd went cra<y"; "was cra<y to try his new bicycle" "had a cra<y dream"; "wore a cra<y hat" "cra<y about cars and racing" "he was given credit for his wor'"; "give her credit for trying"; "the credits were given at the end of the film" "she already had several performances to her credit"


&ntensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with Approval

An accounting entry ac'nowledging income or capital items 3sed in the phrase #to your credit# in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise


Arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services 4ecognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours A short note recogni<ing a source of information or of a uoted passage An entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written wor' ,ive someone credit for something ,ive credit for Accounting6 enter as credit -ave trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of 5orthy of often limited commendation /omeone who has committed (or been legally convicted of! a crime 4elating to crime or its punishment 7ringing or deserving severe rebu'e or censure ,uilty of crime or serious offense &nvolving or being or having the nature of a crime

"5e credited her for saving our "obs" "/he was not properly credited in the program" "5e credit your account with EG%%" "the student#s effort on the essayBB though not outstandingBBwas creditable" "criminal court" "a criminal waste of talent" "criminal in the sight of ,od and man" "a criminal offense"; "criminal abuse" "crisp potatoes" "the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot" "crisp potato chips" "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings" "crisp carrot and celery stic's" "a crisp retort"

creditable,ad " criminal,n criminal,ad"

crisp,n crisp,v crisp,ad"

A thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat Ma'e wrin'les or creases into a smooth surface Ma'e brown and crisp by heating (of something seen or heard! clearly defined (ender and brittle K7ritL 1old and invigorating 0leasingly firm and fresh and ma'ing a crunching noise when chewed &n small tight curls 7rief and to the point; effectively cut short A wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece Mar'ing consisting of crossing lines A cross as an emblem of 1hristianity; used in heraldry Any affliction that causes great suffering An organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stoc'; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species (genetics! the act of mi*ing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids (ravel across or pass over Meet at a point +old so as to resemble a cross


"that is his cross to bear" "a mule is a cross between a horse and a don'ey"


"she crossed her legs"

cross,ad" cruel,ad"


cue,v culture,n

(o cover or e*tend over an area or time period Meet and pass (race a line through or across 7reed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties 2*tending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long a*is 0erversely irritable .ac'ing or showing 'indness or compassion or mercy (of persons or their actions! able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering (of weapons or instruments! causing suffering and pain 3sed of circumstances (especially weather! that cause suffering An actor#s line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech 2vidence that helps to solve a problem A stimulus that provides information about what to do /ports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to stri'e a cue ball in pool or billiards Assist (somebody acting or reciting! by suggesting the ne*t words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned A particular society at a particular time and place (he tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group All the 'nowledge and values shared by a society (biology! the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar! (bacteriology! the product of cultivating microB organisms in a nutrient medium A highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable uality (he attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organi<ation (he raising of plants or animals /hrewdness in deception /hrewdness as demonstrated by being s'illed in deception Drafty artfulness (especially in deception! Attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or uaintness Mar'ed by s'ill in deception /howing inventiveness and s'ill A 3nited /tates li uid unit e ual to J fluid ounces (he uantity a cup will hold A small open container usually used for drin'ing;

"the trains crossed" "cross your #t#" "cross a horse and a don'ey"

"cruel tortures "cruel weapons of war" "northern winters can be cruel"; "a cruel world"

"the culture of cells in a 0etri dish"


"the developing drug culture"; "the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the +7& culture" "the culture of oysters" "as cunning as a fo*"


"cunning 'ittens"; "a cunning baby" "cunning men often pass for wise" "the cunning maneuvers leading to his success" "he dran' a cup of coffee"; "he borrowed a cup of sugar" "he put the cup bac' in the saucer";


usually has a handle A large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition Any cupBshaped concavity (he hole (or metal container in the hole! on a golf green A punch served in a pitcher instead of a punch bowl 1upBshaped plant organ +orm into the shape of a cup 0ut into a cup (reat by applying evacuated cups to the patient#s s'in A small room (or recess! or cabinet used for storage space (he time that the curfew signal is sounded A signal (usually a bell! announcing the start of curfew restrictions An order that after a specific time certain activities (as being outside on the streets! are prohibited At this time or period; now A mechanical damper; absorbs energy of sudden impulses A soft bag filled with air or a mass of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc. 0rotect from impact Accepted or habitual practice A specific practice of long standing Money collected under a tariff -abitual patronage Made according to the specifications of an individual &n accordance with convention or custom 1ommonly used or practiced; usual Money collected under a tariff Accepted or habitual practice A specific practice of long standing -abitual patronage &n accordance with convention or custom 1ommonly used or practiced; usual Money collected under a tariff Accepted or habitual practice A specific practice of long standing -abitual patronage (he act of reducing the amount or number A wound made by cutting A piece of meat that has been cut from an animal

"the handle of the cup was missing" "the school 'ept the cups is a special glass case" "bees filled the wa*en cups with honey"; "he wore a "oc' strap with a metal cup"; "the cup of her bra" "he swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away"; "put the flag bac' in the cup" "/he cupped her hands" "cup the mil'T


cupboard,n curfew,n

currently,adv cushion,n

"currently they live in 1onnecticut"

cushion,v custom,n

"cushion the blow"

"& have given this tailor my custom for many years" "sealed the deal with the customary handsha'e" "too' his customary morning wal'"

custom,ad" customary,a d" customs,n customs,n

customary,a d" customs,n customs,n

"& have given this tailor my custom for many years" "sealed the deal with the customary handsha'e" "too' his customary morning wal'"


"& have given this tailor my custom for many years" "the mayor proposed e*tensive cuts in the city budget" "he put a bandage over the cut"

carcass A distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc (he act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge A share of the profits A step on some scale A trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or e*cavation (film! an immediate transition from one shot to the ne*t (he act of cutting something into parts (he omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage (he style in which a garment is cut (he act of shortening something by cutting off the ends &n baseball; a batter#s attempt to hit a pitched ball A remar' capable of wounding mentally A canal made by erosion or e*cavation A refusal to recogni<e someone you 'now (sports! a stro'e that puts reverse spin on the ball (he division of a dec' of cards before dealin An une*cused absence from class cut,v /eparate with or as if with an instrument 1ut down on; ma'e a reduction in (urn sharply; change direction abruptly Ma'e an incision or separation Discharge from a group +orm by probing, penetrating, or digging /tyle and tailor in a certain fashion -it (a ball! with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction Ma'e out and issue 1ut and assemble the components of &ntentionally fail to attend &nformal6 be able to manage or manage successfully ,ive the appearance or impression of Move (one#s fist! 0ass directly and often in haste 0ass through or across Ma'e an abrupt change of image or sound /top filming Ma'e a recording of

"he played the first cut on the cd" "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden "ewels" "everyone got a cut of the earnings" "he is a cut above the rest" "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt" "his cuts were s'illful" "a dress of traditional cut" "the barber gave him a good cut" "he too' a vicious cut at the ball" "the un'indest cut of all" "cuts do not bother a good tennis playe "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal" "he was punished for ta'ing too many cuts in his math class" "1ut the rope" "(he employer wants to cut bac' health benefits" "(he car cut to the left at the intersection" "(he coach cut two players from the team" "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "(he sweat cut little rivulets into her face" "cut a dress" "cut a pingpong ball" "cut a tic'et" "cut recording tape" "cut class" "she could not cut the long days in the office" "his opponent cut upward toward his chin" "5e cut through the neighbor#s yard to get home sooner" "(he boat cut the water" "cut from one scene to another" "cut a movie scene" "cut the songs"; "/he cut all of her

ma"or titles again" 4ecord a performance on (a medium! 1reate by duplicating data +orm or shape by cutting or incising 0erform or carry out +unction as a cutting instrument Allow incision or separation Divide a dec' of cards at random into two parts to ma'e selection difficult 1ause to stop operating by disengaging a switch 4eap or harvest +ell by sawing; hew 0enetrate in"uriously 4efuse to ac'nowledge /horten as if by severing the edges or ends of 5eed out unwanted or unnecessary things Dissolve by brea'ing down the fat of -ave a reducing effect 1ease, stop 4educe in scope while retaining essential elements .essen the strength or flavor of a solution or mi*ture -ave grow through the gums ,row through the gums 1ut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses! /eparated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument +ashioned or shaped by cutting 5ith parts removed Made neat and tidy by trimming (used of grass or vegetation! cut down with a hand implement or machine (of pages of a boo'! having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit (of a male animal! having the testicles removed -aving a long rip or tear 5ounded by cutting deeply 1ut down (used of rates or prices! reduced usually sharply Attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or uaintness )bviously contrived to charm 4obbery by a gang of armed dacoits A newspaper that is published every day )ccurring or done each day Measured by the day or happening every day "cut a dis'" "cut paper dolls" "cut a caper" "(his 'nife cuts well" "(his bread cuts easily" "5ayne cut"; "/he cut the dec' for a long time" "cut the engine" "cut grain" "(he Cietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied 1ambodia" "(he glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead" "/he cut him dead at the meeting" "5e had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet" "soap cuts grease" "(his cuts into my earnings" "cut the noise"; "5e had to cut short the conversation" "cut bourbon" "(he baby cut a tooth" "(he new tooth is cutting" "the cut surface was mottled"; "cut tobacco"; "blood from his cut forehead"; "bandages on her cut wrists" "a wellBcut suit"; "cut diamonds"; "cut velvet" "the drastically cut film"


"the cut pages of the boo'" "a cut horse"


"sold cut whis'ey" "a cute 'id with pigtails"; "a cute little apartment" "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms" "a daily record" "a daily newspaper"; "daily chores";

dacoity,n daily,n daily,ad"

daily,adv damage,n

damage,v dare,n dare,v

5ithout missing a day (he occurrence of a change for the worse .oss of military e uipment (he act of damaging something or someone (he amount of money needed to purchase something A legal in"ury is any damage resulting from a violation of a legal right &nflict damage upon A challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy (a'e upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission (o be courageous enough to try or do something 1hallenge A challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy (he trait of being willing to underta'e things that involve ris' or danger Disposed to venture or ta'e ris's 4adically new or original (a'e upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission (o be courageous enough to try or do something 1hallenge Absence of light or illumination Absence of moral or spiritual values An unilluminated area (he time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dar' outside An unenlightened state Devoid or partially devoid of light or brightness; shadowed or blac' or somberBcolored (used of color! having a dar' hue 7runet (used of hair or s'in or eyes! /temming from evil characteristics or forces; wic'ed or dishonorable 1ausing de"ection /ecret /howing a brooding ill humor .ac'ing enlightenment or 'nowledge or culture

"average daily wage"; "daily uota" "he stops by daily"

"how much is the damage:"

"(he snow damaged the roof"; "/he damaged the car when she hit the tree" "he could never refuse a dare" "-ow dare you call my lawyer:" "& don#t dare call him", "she dares to dress differently from the others" "& dare youA"

daring,n daring,ad" daring,v

"the most daring of contemporary fiction writers" "-ow dare you call my lawyer:" "& don#t dare call him", "she dares to dress differently from the others" "& dare youA"


dar',ad"(dar 'er,dar'est!

"he was in the dar' concerning their intentions" "sitting in a dar' corner"; "a dar' day"; "dar' shadows"; "the theater is dar' on Mondays"; "dar' as the inside of a blac' cat" "dar' green"; "dar' glasses"; "dar' colors li'e wine red or navy blue" "dar' eyes" "Darth Cader of the dar' side"; "a dar' purpose"; "dar' undercurrents of ethnic hostility" "the dar' days of the war"; "a dar' gloomy day" "'eep it dar'"; "the dar' mysteries of Africa and the fabled wonders of the 2ast" "a dar' scowl" "the dar' ages"; "a dar' age in the history of education"

Mar'ed by difficulty of style or e*pression -aving s'in rich in melanin pigments dar'ness,n Not giving performances; closed Absence of light or illumination An unilluminated area Absence of moral or spiritual values An unenlightened state -aving a dar' or somber color A swarthy comple*ion A small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot A tapered tuc' made in dressma'ing A sudden uic' movement Move along rapidly and lightly; s'im or dart 4un or move very uic'ly or hastily Move with sudden speed (he specified day of the month A particular day specified as the time something will happen A meeting arranged in advance A particular but unspecified point in time (he present A participant in a date (he particular day, month, or year (usually according to the ,regorian calendar! that an event occurred /weet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed ,o on a date with /tamp with a date Assign a date to; determine the (probable! date of Date regularly; have a steady relationship with 0rovide with a dateline; mar' with a date deadly,ad"(d eadlier,deadl iest! 1ausing or capable of causing death )f an instrument of certain death 2*tremely poisonous or in"urious; producing venom &nvolving loss of divine grace or spiritual death 2*ceedingly harmful (of a disease! having a rapid course and violent effect

"much that was dar' is now uite clear to me" "the dar' races"; "dar'Bs'inned peoples" "the theater is dar' on Mondays" "he moved off into the dar'ness" "the powers of dar'ness" "his lectures dispelled the dar'ness"

dart,n dart,v


"-is forefinger darted in all directions as he spo'e" "what is the date today:" "the date of the election is set by law" "she as'ed how to avoid 'issing at the end of a date" "they hoped to get together at an early date" "they are up to date"; "we haven#t heard from them to date" "his date never stopped tal'ing" "he tried to memori<es all the dates for his history class"


"(onight she is dating a former high school sweetheart" "(he pac'age is dated November 8?" "/cientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings" "-e is dating his former wife againA" "/he wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it /aturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated" "a deadly enemy" "deadly poisons" "the seven deadly sins"


As if dead As if produced by death (used as intensives! e*tremely A particular instance of buying or selling An agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion! fi*ing obligations of each (often followed by #of#! a large number or amount or e*tent A plan' of softwood (fir or pine board! 5ood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir! (he cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time (he type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement! (he act of distributing playing cards (he act of apportioning or distributing something


"deadly pale"; "a deadly paralytic stro'e" "deadly dull"; "deadly earnest" "it was a pac'age deal"; "he#s a master of the business deal" "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals" "a deal of trouble"

"he got a good deal on his car" "the deal was passed around the table cloc'wise" "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions" "(his boo' deals with incest" "-ow are we going to deal with this problem:"; "(he teacher 'new how to deal with these la<y students" "deal a blow to someone" "/he deals in gold" "& can deal with this crew of wor'ers" "-e deals fairly with his employees" "5ho#s dealing:" "-e dealt me the Pueen of /pades" "deal hashish" "a plain deal table" "-e declared that he needed more money to carry out the tas' he was charged with" "(he 0resident declared war" "-e declared that he was innocent" "/he was declared incompetent" "declare dividends" "Do you have anything to declare:" "-is wife declared at once for moving to the 5est 1oast"


Deal with verbally or in some form of artistic e*pression (a'e action with respect to (someone or something! (a'e into consideration for e*emplifying purposes 1ome to terms or deal successfully with Administer or bestow, as in small portions Do business; offer for sale as for one#s livelihood 7e in charge of, act on, or dispose of 7ehave in a certain way towards others Distribute to the players in a game Direct the course of; manage or control ,ive out as one#s portion or share ,ive (a specific card! to a player /ell Made of fir or pine /tate emphatically and authoritatively Announce publicly or officially /tate firmly Declare to be Authori<e payments of Designate (a trump suit or noBtrump! with the final bid of a hand Ma'e a declaration (of dutiable goods! to a customs official 0roclaim one#s support, sympathy, or opinion for or against A statement that is emphatic and e*plicit (spo'en or written!

deal,ad" declare,v


decor,n deep,n

(law! unsworn statement that can be admitted in evidence in a legal transaction A statement of ta*able goods or of dutiable properties (contract bridge! the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tric's that the bidder must ma'e A formal public statement A formal e*pression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote Decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior (he central and most intense or profound part A long steepBsided depression in the ocean floor .iterary term for an ocean 4elatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply

"his declaration of innocence"

"a declaration of independence"

"in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter" "deni<ens of the deep" "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep" "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory" "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waistBdeep" "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe" "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness" "a deep voice" "deep purple" "deep carpets"; "deep snow" "a deep border" "a face in deep shadow"; "deep night" "deep cuts in the budget" "a deep bow" "a deep dar' secret" "a deep metaphysical theory" "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot" "dug deep" "deep into the night" "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods" "(hey felt the loss deeply" "dived deeply" "the depth of the water"; "depth of a


Mar'ed by depth of thin'ing -aving great spatial e*tension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or bac'ward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination

Cery distant in time or space 2*treme2*treme -aving or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range /trong; intense 4elatively thic' from top to bottom 2*tending relatively far inward (of dar'ness! very intense .arge in uantity or si<e 5ith head or bac' bent low )f an obscure nature Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or 'nowledge 2*hibiting great cunning usually with secrecy deep,adv (o a great depth (o an advanced time (o far into space (o a great depth psychologically (o a great depth 2*tent downward or bac'ward or inward

deeply,adv depth,n

shelf"; "depth of a closet" Degree of psychological or intellectual depth (usually plural! the deepest and most remote part (usually plural! a low moral state defence,n (he intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas (psychiatry! an unconscious process that tries to reduce the an*iety associated with instinctive desires (sports! the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring (he defendant and his legal advisors collectively An organi<ation of defenders that provides resistance against attac' (he speech act of answering an attac' on your assertions (he "ustification for some act or belief A structure used for defense A defendant#s answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him Military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies 0rotection from harm Argue or spea' in defense of 7e on the defensive; act against an attac' 0rotect against a challenge or attac' +ight against or resist strongly 0rotect or fight for as a champion 7e the defense counsel for someone in a trial /tate or assert An attitude of defensiveness (especially in the phrase #on the defensive#! &ntended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attac' Attempting to "ustify or defend in speech or writing /erving as or appropriate for defending or protecting (he property of being an amount by which something is less than e*pected or re uired An e*cess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period! 0recise; e*plicit and clearly defined "from the depths of dar'est Africa"; "signals received from the depths of space" "he had sun' to the depths of addiction"

"sanitation is the best defence against disease"


defensive,n defensive,ad "

"defensive weapons"; "a defensive stance" "defensive fortifications"; "defensive di'es to protect against floods"




=nown for certain A position on a scale of intensity or amount or uality

"& want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance" "it is definite that they have won" "a moderate degree of intelligence"; "it is all a matter of degree"

A specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process An award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study A unit of temperature on a specified scale A measure for arcs and angles (he highest power of a term or variable (he seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime! (ime during which some action is awaited (he act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time 1ause to be slowed down or delayed Act later than planned, scheduled, or re uired /top or halt /low the growth or development of Deliver (a speech, oration, or idea! 7ring to a destination, ma'e a delivery (o surrender someone or something to another +ree from harm or evil -and over to the authorities of another country 0ass down 3tter (an e*clamation, noise, etc.! /ave from sins 1arry out or perform 4elin uish possession or control over (hrow or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball ,ive birth (to a newborn! (he ability and desire to purchase goods and services An urgent or peremptory re uest A condition re uiring relief (he act of demanding 4e uired activity demand,v 4e uest urgently and forcefully

"a remar'able degree of fran'ness" "he earned his degree at 0rinceton summa cum laude" "the game was played in spite of the ?%Bdegree temperature" "there are $O% degrees in a circle" "murder in the second degree"; "a second degree burn" "instant replay caused too long a delay" "(raffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the wor' that she didn#t want to perform" "Don#t delay your application to graduate school or else it won#t be considered"




"our local super mar'et delivers" "the guard delivered the criminal to the police" "deliver a "udgment" "(he students delivered a cry of "oy" "deliver an attac'", "deliver a blow" "(he pitcher delivered the ball" "the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"; "the demand e*ceeded the supply" "his demands for attention were unceasing" "there is a demand for "obs" "the 'idnapper#s e*orbitant demands for money" "there were many demands on his time" "(he victim#s family is demanding compensation"; "(he boss demanded that he be fired immediately"; "/he demanded to see the manager" "(his position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"


4e uire as useful, "ust, or proper

1laim as due or "ust .ay legal claim to /ummon to court As' to be informed of /how or demonstrate something to an interested audience 2stablish the validity of something, as by an e*ample, e*planation or e*periment 0rovide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one#s behavior, attitude, or e*ternal attributes March in protest; ta'e part in a demonstration

"(he ban' demanded payment of the loan" "& demand an e*planation" "(he e*periment demonstrated the instability of the compound" "(his decision demonstrates his sense of fairness" "(housands demonstrated against globali<ation during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in /eattle" "-e denied the allegations"; "/he denied that she had ta'en money" "-e denied his fatal illness" "(he dean denied the students# re uest for more physics courses"; "the prisoners were denied the right to e*ercise for more than 8 hours a day" "/he denies me every pleasure"; "he denies her wee'ly allowance" "/he denied herself wine and spirits" "0eter denied ;esus" "(he train departs at noon"

demonstrate ,v


Declare untrue; contradict 4efuse to accept or believe 4efuse to grant, as of a petition or re uest

4efuse to let have Deny oneself (something!; restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure Deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party! in a legal suit 4efuse to recogni<e or ac'nowledge Move away from a place into another direction 7e at variance with; be out of line with .eave ,o away or leave 4emove oneself from an association with or participation in 5ander from a direct or straight course Act of departing A variation that deviates from the standard or norm 2uphemistic e*pressions for death A person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support! 1ontingent on something else Addicted to a drug (he feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state An inclination to want things /omething that is desired +eel or have a desire for; want strongly 2*pect and wish 2*press a desire for An event (or a course of events! that will inevitably happen in the future 9our overall circumstances or condition in life


departure,n dependant,n dependant,a d" desire,n desire,v destiny,n

"a man of many desires"

destiny,n devise,n devise,v

(including everything that happens to you! (he ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events (often personified as a woman! A will disposing of real property (law! a gift of real property by will 1ome up with (an idea, plan, e*planation, theory, or principle! after a mental effort Arrange by systematic planning and united effort ,ive by will, especially real property ,ive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause Dedicate /et aside or apart for a specific purpose or use +eelings of ardent love 1ommitment to some purpose 4eligious <eal; willingness to serve ,od (usually plural! religious observance or prayers (usually spo'en silently! A conversation between two persons (he lines spo'en by characters in drama or fiction A literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people A discussion intended to produce an agreement An authoritative rule A guiding principle &ssue commands or orders for /ay out loud for the purpose of recording 4ule as a dictator A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.! A prescribed selection of foods A legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., ;apan! (he usual food and drin' consumed by an organism (person or animal! (he act of restricting your food inta'e (or your inta'e of particular foods! +ollow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons 2at sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight (he uality of being unli'e or dissimilar A variation that deviates from the standard or norm A disagreement or argument about something important A significant change (he number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives

"we are helpless in the face of Destiny"

"devise a plan to ta'e over the director#s office"

devote,n devotion,n

"this land was devoted to mining" "their devotion to each other was beautiful" "the devotion of his time and wealth to science" "he returned to his devotions"


"he has read 0lato#s Dialogues in the original ,ree'" "they disagreed but 'ept an open dialogue" "the dictates of reason" "-e dictated a report to his secretary"

dictate,n dictate,v

dictatorship, n diet,n

diet,v difference,n

"-e has high blood pressure and must stic' to a lowBsalt diet" "there are many differences between "a<< and roc'" "there were irreconcilable differences" "the difference in her is ama<ing"; "his support made a real difference"

differentiate, v

the minuend Mar' as different 7e a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense 1alculate a derivative; ta'e the derivative 7ecome different during development 2volve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment 7ecome distinct and ac uire a different character An effort that is inconvenient A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result A condition or state of affairs almost beyond one#s ability to deal with and re uiring great effort to bear or overcome (he uality of being difficult

"cells differentiate"


"had difficulty wal'ing"; "finished the test only with great difficulty "serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent" "grappling with financial difficulties" "they agreed about the difficulty of the climb""they agreed about the difficulty of the climb"

digest,n digest,v

A periodical that summari<es the news /omething that is compiled (as into a single boo' or file! 1onvert food into absorbable substances Arrange and integrate in the mind 0ut up with something or somebody unpleasant 7ecome assimilated into the body /ystemati<e, as by classifying and summari<ing /often or disintegrate, as by undergoing e*posure to heat or moisture Ma'e more concise /often or disintegrate by means of chemical action, heat, or moisture (he uality of being worthy of esteem or respect +ormality in bearing and appearance -igh office or ran' or station

"& cannot digest mil' products" "& cannot digest all this information" "0rotein digests in a few hours" "the government digested the entire law into a code"


"it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure" "he behaved with great dignity" "he respected the dignity of the emissaries"


/witch (a car#s headlights! from a higher to a lower beam 7ecome or ma'e dar'er 7ecome dim or lusterless Ma'e dim or lusterless Ma'e dim by comparison or conceal 7ecome vague or indistinct .ac'ing in light; not bright or harsh .ac'ing clarity or distinctness Made dim or less bright

"the lights dimmed and the curtain rose" "(ime had dimmed the silver" "a dim light beside the bed" "a dim figure in the distance"

dim,ad", (dimmer,dim mest!



)ffering little or no hope /low to learn or understand; lac'ing intellectual acuity A depression in an otherwise level surface (physics! the angle that a magnetic needle ma'es with the plane of the hori<on A thief who steals from the poc'ets or purses of others in public places (asty mi*ture or li uid into which biteBsi<ed foods are dipped A brief immersion A sudden sharp decrease in some uantity A candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wa* or tallow A brief swim in water A gymnastic e*ercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms &mmerse briefly into a li uid so as to wet, coat, or saturate Dip into a li uid while eating ,o down momentarily /tain an ob"ect by immersing it in a li uid /witch (a car#s headlights! from a higher to a lower beam .ower briefly Appear to move downward /lope downwards Dip into a li uid )f candles; by dipping the wic' into hot, li uid wa* &mmerse in a disinfectant solution /coop up by plunging one#s hand or a ladle below the surface A depression in an otherwise level surface (physics! the angle that a magnetic needle ma'es with the plane of the hori<on A thief who steals from the poc'ets or purses of others in public places (asty mi*ture or li uid into which biteBsi<ed foods are dipped A brief immersion A sudden sharp decrease in some uantity A candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wa* or tallow A brief swim in water A gymnastic e*ercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms &mmerse briefly into a li uid so as to wet, coat, or saturate Dip into a li uid while eating

"too' a dim view of things" "never met anyone uite so dim" "there was a dip in the road"

"a dip in prices"

"dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint" "0rices dipped"

"/he dipped her 'nee" "(he sun dipped below the hori<on" ")ur property dips towards the river" "-e dipped into the pool" "dip the sheep" "dip water out of a container" "there was a dip in the road"


"a dip in prices"


"dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint"

,o down momentarily /tain an ob"ect by immersing it in a li uid /witch (a car#s headlights! from a higher to a lower beam .ower briefly Appear to move downward /lope downwards Dip into a li uid )f candles; by dipping the wic' into hot, li uid wa* &mmerse in a disinfectant solution /coop up by plunging one#s hand or a ladle below the surface 1ommand with authority &ntend (something! to move towards a certain goal ,uide the actors in (plays and films! 7e in charge of (a'e somebody somewhere 1ause to go somewhere Aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or ob"ects such as photographic e uipment .ead, as in the performance of a composition ,ive directions to; point somebody into a certain direction /pecifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public Direct the course; determine the direction of traveling 0ut an address on (an envelope, for e*ample! 0lan and direct (a comple* underta'ing! Direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short &mmediate or direct in bearing or force; having nothing intervening 2*tended senses; direct in means or manner or behavior or language or action &n a straight unbro'en line of descent from parent to child Moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; orBBfor planetsBBaround the sun in the same direction as the 2arth /imilar in nature or effect or relation to another uantity )f a current flowing in one direction only; not alternating As an immediate result or conse uence

"0rices dipped"

"/he dipped her 'nee" "(he sun dipped below the hori<on" ")ur property dips towards the river" "-e dipped into the pool" "dip the sheep" "dip water out of a container" "-e directed the children to do their homewor'" "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"


"-e directed all his energies into his dissertation"

"& directed them towards the town hall"


"a direct route"; "a direct flight"; "a direct hit" "in direct sunlight"; "in direct contact with the voters"; "direct e*posure to the disease"; "a direct lin'"; "the direct cause of the accident" "a direct uestion"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach" "a direct descendant of the 'ing"; "direct heredity"

"a term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases! as the other increases (or decreases!" "direct current" "a direct result of the accident"

&n precisely the same words used by a writer or spea'er 2ffected directly by action of the voters rather than through elected representatives direct,adv direction,n 2*act 5ithout deviation A line leading to a place or point (he spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves A general course along which something has a tendency to develop

"a direct uotation" "many people favor direct election of the 0resident rather than election by the 2lectoral 1ollege" "the direct opposite" "went direct to the office" "he loo'ed the other direction" "he chec'ed the direction and velocity of the wind" "& couldn#t follow the direction of his thoughts"; "his ideals determined the direction of his career"; "they proposed a new direction for the firm" "is the direction of the economy a function of government:" "he gave directions faster than she could follow them" "a new council was installed under the direction of the 'ing" "he had no direction in his life" "/he disagrees with her husband on many uestions" "a disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising"

/omething that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action (he act of managing something A message describing how something is to be done (he act of setting and holding a course A formal statement of a command or in"unction to do something (he concentration of attention or energy on something 7e of different opinions 7e different from one another 1ommand against Not up to e*pectations +ail to meet the hopes or e*pectations of /omeone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another 4elating to discipline in behavior 4elating to a specific field of academic study Designed to promote discipline disclose,v Ma'e 'nown to the public information that was previously 'nown only to a few people or that was meant to be 'ept a secret Disclose to view as by removing a cover (he speech act of ma'ing something evident Discover or determine the e*istence, presence, or fact of Ma'e a discovery, ma'e a new finding ,et to 'now or become aware of, usually accidentally Ma'e a discovery

disagree,v disallow,v disappointin g,ad" disappointin g,v disciple,n disciplinary, ad"

"disciplinary problems in the classroom" "economics in its modern disciplinary sense" "the mother was stern and disciplinary" "(he auction house would not disclose the price at which the van ,ogh had sold" "(he curtain rose to disclose a stunning set"

disclosure,n discover,v

"4oentgen discovered DBrays" "(he story is false, so far as & can

discover" +ind une*pectedly Ma'e 'nown to the public information that was previously 'nown only to a few people or that was meant to be 'ept a secret /ee for the first time; ma'e a discovery &dentify as in botany or biology, for e*ample (o consider or e*amine in speech or writing /pea' with others about (something!; tal' (something! over in detail; have a discussion An e*tended communication (often interactive! dealing with some particular topic An e*change of views on some topic An inclination to withhold approval from some person or group A feeling of aversion or antipathy -ave or feel a disli'e or distaste for 7ar from attention or consideration 1ease to consider; put out of "udicial consideration /top associating with (erminate the employment of 2nd one#s encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave Declare void A "udgment disposing of the matter without a trial )fficial notice that you have been fired from your "ob 0ermission to go; the sending away of someone (he termination of someone#s employment (leaving them free to depart! (a'e the place of +orce to move Move (people! forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment 1ause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense 4emove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied 0ut out of its usual place, position, or relationship Displease (a'e the place of +orce to move Move (people! forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment 1ause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense 4emove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied 0ut out of its usual place, position, or relationship dissatisfied, ad" &n a state of sul'y dissatisfaction

"5ho discovered the North 0ole:" "(he class discussed Dante#s #&nferno#" "5e discussed our household budget" "the boo' contains an e*cellent discussion of modal logic" "we had a good discussion" "my disli'e of him was instinctive" "& really disli'e this salesman" "/he dismissed his advances" "(his case is dismissedA" "& was dismissed after & gave my report"


discussion,n disli'e,n disli'e,v dismiss,v



"the refugees were displaced by the war"

"(he colonists displaced the natives" "the refugees were displaced by the war"

"(he colonists displaced the natives"

dissatisfied,v distance,n

+ail to satisfy (he property created by the space between two ob"ects or points A distant region /i<e of the gap between two places &ndifference by personal withdrawal (he interval between two times A remote point in time


=eep at a distance ,o far ahead of Administer or bestow, as in small portions Distribute or disperse widely Ma'e available ,ive out 1ause to be distributed 1ause to become widely 'nown /pread throughout a given area 7e distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses 7e mathematically distributive (o arrange in a systematic order A serious disagreement between two groups of people (typically producing tension or hostility! A ridge of land that separates two ad"acent river systems /eparate into parts or portions 0erform a division Act as a barrier between; stand between 1ome apart Ma'e a division or separation +orce, ta'e, or pull apart A clergyman or other person in religious orders 0erceive intuitively or through some ine*plicable perceptive powers /earch by divining, as if with a rod 2manating from ,od 4esulting from divine providence 7eing or having the nature of a god

"& could see it in the distance" "the distance from New 9or' to 1hicago" "emotional distance" "the distance from birth to death" "if that happens it will be at some distance in the future"; "at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details" "we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living"


"(he publisher wants to distribute the boo' in Asia"

"the function distributes the values evenly" "Calues distribute"



"divide the ca'e into three e ual parts" "1an you divide ?@ by seven:" "(he mountain range divides the two countries"

divine,n divine,v


"-e claimed he could divine underground water" "divine "udgment"; "divine guidance" "the custom of 'illing the divine 'ing upon any serious failure of his...powers"; "the divine will"; "the divine capacity for love" "divine worship"; "divine liturgy" "the divine strength of Achilles" "her pies were simply divine"; "the

Devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity Appropriate to or befitting a god )f such surpassing e*cellence as to suggest divine

divine,n divinity,n

inspiration (erms referring to the ;udeoB1hristian ,od Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force (he uality of being divine 5hite creamy fudge made with egg whites (he rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth A reeling sensation; feeling about to fall A household servant )f concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation )f or relating to the home )f or involving the home or family

divine /ha'espeare"

"ancient 2gyptians believed in the divinity of the 0haraohs"

di<<iness,n domestic,n domestic,ad"


1onverted or adapted to domestic use 0roduced in a particular country ,ive to a charity or good cause

"domestic issues such as ta* rate and highway construction" "domestic servant"; "domestic science" "domestic worries"; "domestic happiness"; "they share the domestic chores"; "everything sounded very peaceful and domestic"; "an author of bloodBandB thunder novels yet uite domestic in his taste" "domestic animals" "domestic wine"; "domestic oil" "& donated blood to the 4ed 1ross for the victims of the earth ua'e"; "donate money to the orphanage"; "/he donates to her favorite charity every month"




A voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas! made to some worthwhile cause Act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity /oft fine feather (American football! a complete play to advance the football (usually plural! a rolling treeless highland with little soil +ine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs! Drin' down entirely 2at immoderately 7ring down or defeat (an opponent! /hoot at and force to come down 1ause to come or go down

"you have ? downs to gain G% yards"

"-e downed three martinis before dinner" "/ome people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal" "(he policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "(he mugger 'noc'ed down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet" "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run";


&mprove or perfect by pruning or polishing 7eing or moving lower in position or less in some value

7ecoming progressively lower 3nderstood perfectly 2*tending or moving from a higher to a lower place )ut .ower than previously /hut 1ut down Not functioning (temporarily or permanently! .ow in spirits (he fractional price paid in cash at time of purchase down,adv /patially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position Away from a more central or a more northerly place

"down by a pawn"; "the stoc' mar'et is down today" "the down trend in the real estate mar'et" "had his algebra problems down" "the down staircase" "two down in the last of the ninth" "prices are down" "the shades were down" "the tree is down" "we can#t wor' because the computer is down" "the down payment"; "a payment of E8%% down" "don#t fall down"; "rode the lift up and s'ied down" "was sent down to wor' at the regional office"; "wor'ed down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to +lorida" "put ten dollars down on the nec'lace" "the story was passed down from father to son" "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely blac'" "the factory went down during the stri'e"; "the computer went down again"

0aid in cash at time of purchase +rom an earlier time (o a lower intensity &n an inactive or inoperative state down,n downfall,n 2nglish physician who first described Down#s syndrome(GJ8JBGJ@O! +ailure that results in a loss of position or reputation (he falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist! A sudden decline in strength or number or importance 2mptying accomplished by draining (ube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery! to remove unwanted material A pipe through which li uid is carried away A gradual depletion of energy or resources +low off gradually Deplete of resources 2mpty of li uid; drain the li uid from Ma'e wea' A dramatic wor' intended for performance by actors on a stage An episode that is turbulent or highly emotional (he literary genre of wor's intended for the theater



"a drain on resources"; "a drain of young talent by emigration" "(he rain water drains into this big vat" "(he e*ercise class drains me of energy" "5e drained the oil tan'" ".ife in the camp drained him"



(he uality of being arresting or highly emotional /uitable to or characteristic of drama /ensational in appearance or thrilling in effect 0ertaining to or characteristic of drama 3sed of a singer or singing voice that is mar'ed by power and e*pressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style (he uality of being a hindrance 0ull bac' or move away or bac'ward 3se a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ! A oneBpiece garment for a woman; has s'irt and bodice 1lothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion 1lothing in general 0ut on clothes 0rovide with clothes or put clothes on 0ut a finish on Dress in a certain manner Dress or groom with elaborate care =ill and prepare for mar'et or consumption Arrange in ran's Decorate (food!, as with parsley or other ornamental foods 0rovide with decoration 0ut a dressing on 1ultivate, tend, and cut bac' the growth of 1ut down roughBhewn (lumber! to standard thic'ness and width 1onvert into leather Apply a bandage or medication to ,ive a neat appearance to Arrange attractively /uitable for formal occasions (of an occasion! re uiring formal clothes A tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for ma'ing holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows! /imilar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored /ystematic training by multiple repetitions (military! the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades! or to perform the manual of

"a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape"; "a dramatic rescue at sea" "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause" "dramatic arts" "a dramatic tenor"; "a dramatic soprano" "he pointed out all the drawbac's to my plan"

drawbac',n drawbac',v dress,n

"battle dress" "fastidious about his dress" "we had to dress uic'ly"; "dress the patient"; "1an the child dress by herself:" "0arents must feed and dress their child" "dress the surface smooth" "/he dresses in the latest 0aris fashion"; "he dressed up in a suit and tie" "/he li'es to dress when going to the opera" "dress a tur'ey" "dress troops" "dress the windows" "dress the salads" "dress the plants in the garden" "dress the tanned s'ins" "dress the victim#s wounds" "dress the horses" "dress my hair for the wedding" "a fullBdress uniform"; "dress shoes" "a dress dinner"; "a fullBdress ceremony"


dress,ad" drill,n


arms Ma'e a hole with a pointed power or hand tool (rain in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons .earn by repetition (each by repetition 3ndergo military training or do military e*ercises (he act of applying force to propel something A mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end A road leading up to a private house (he trait of being highly motivated -itting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver (he act of driving a herd of animals overland A "ourney in a vehicle driven by someone else A physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire (computer science! a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium A wide scenic road planted with trees (sports! a hard straight return (as in tennis or s uash! )perate or control a vehicle (ravel or be transported in a vehicle 1ause someone or something to move by driving +orce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically (o compel or force or urge relentlessly or e*ert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly 1ause to move bac' by force or influence 1ompel somebody to do something, often against his own will or "udgment 0ush, propel, or press with force 1ause to move rapidly by stri'ing or throwing with force /trive and ma'e an effort to reach a goal Move into a desired direction of discourse -ave certain properties when driven 5or' as a driver

"don#t drill here, there#s a gas pipe"; "drill a hole into the wall"; "drill for oil" "5e drilled +rench verbs every day" "after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off" "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds" "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant" "his drive and energy e*hausted his coBwor'ers" "he sliced his drive out of bounds" "he too' the family for a drive in his new car"


"the riverside drive offers many e*citing scenic views" "drive a car or bus"; "1an you drive this fourBwheel truc':" "5e drove to the university every morning" "/he drove me to school every day"; "5e drove the car to the garage" "-e drives me mad"


"/he finally drove him to change "obs" "Drive a nail into the wall" "drive the ball far out into the field" "/he is driving away at her doctoral thesis" "5hat are you driving at:" "My new truc' drives well" "-e drives a bread truc'"; "/he drives for the ta*i company in Newar'"

Move by being propelled by a force 3rge forward 0roceed along in a vehicle /tri'e with a driver, as in teeing off -it very hard and straight with the bat swinging more or less vertically 2*cavate hori<ontally 1ause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling -unting6 search for game -unting6 chase from cover into more open ground A small uantity (especially of a li uid!

"(he car drove around the corner" "drive the cows into the barn" "5e drive the turnpi'e to wor'" "drive a golfball" "drive a ball" "drive a tunnel" "(he amplifier drives the tube"; "steam drives the engines"; "this device drives the dis's for the computer" "drive the forest" "drive the game" "one drop of each sample was analy<ed"; "any child with a drop of negro blood was legally a negro"; "there is not a drop of pity in that man" "he studied the shapes of lowB viscosity drops" "a drop of F> points on the Dow ;ones inde*"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery" "a steep drop"


A shape that is small and round A sudden sharp decrease in some uantity A steep high face of roc' A predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property! A free and rapid descent by the force of gravity A curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as bac'ground scenery A central depository where things can be left or pic'ed up (he act of dropping something drop,v .et fall to the ground (o fall vertically ,o down in value +all or drop to a lower place or level (erminate an association with 3tter casually /top pursuing or acting .eave or unload, especially of passengers or cargo; 1ause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow .ose (a game! 0ay out .ower the pitch of (musical notes! -ang freely /top associating with

"it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height"

"they e*pected the drop would be successful" "Don#t drop the dishes" "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets" "/toc' prices dropped" "drop him from the 4epublican tic'et" "drop a hint" "drop a lawsuit" "(he ,iants dropped GG of their first G$" "(he light dropped from the ceiling" "(hey dropped her after she had a child out of wedloc'"

,et rid of .eave undone or leave out 1hange from one level to another ,row worse ,ive birth; used for animals due,n due,ad" (hat which is deserved or owed A payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership! )wed and payable immediately or on demand 0roper and appropriate; fitting /cheduled to arrive /uitable to or e*pected in the circumstances 4easonable in the circumstance due,adv dumb,ad" Directly or e*actly; straight /low to learn or understand; lac'ing intellectual acuity 3nable to spea' temporarily .ac'ing the power of human speech 3nable to spea' because of hereditary deafness (he period of time during which something continues (he property of enduring or continuing in time 1ontinuance in time "the meeting#s U (uesday sometime" (hroughout the time of 5or' that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons (he social force that binds you to your obligations and the courses of action demanded by that force

"/he dropped into army "argon" "(he cow dropped her calf this morning" "give the devil his due" "the society dropped him for nonB payment of dues" "payment is due" "due esteem" "the train is due in GF minutes" "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course" "gave my comments due consideration"; "e*ercising due care" "went due North" "dumb officials ma'e some really dumb decisions" "struc' dumb" "dumb animals"


during,pre duty,n

"the ceremony was of short duration" At some time in the duration of "&#ll come some time during /unday" "the duties of the "ob" "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty" "they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries" "eager to learn"; "eager to travel abroad"; "eager for success"; "eager helpers"; "an eager loo'" "an eager beaver" "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "too' early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties"

A government ta* on imports or e*ports eager,n eager,ad" A high wave (often dangerous! caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary! -aving or showing 'een interest or intense desire or impatient e*pectancy Mar'ed by active interest and enthusiasm A positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something At or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or e*pected time

eagerness,n early,ad"

7eing or occurring at an early stage of development )f the distant past Cery young )f an early stage in the development of a language or literature

2*pected in the near future early,adv earn,v earthen,ad" earthwor',n ease,n During an early stage 7efore the usual time or the time e*pected &n good time 2arn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages Ac uire or deserve by one#s efforts or actions Made of earth (or ba'ed clay! An earthen rampart +reedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

"in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer" "the early inhabitants of 2urope" "at an early age" "the 2arly -ebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the GGth to the Oth centuries 7.1."; "2arly Modern 2nglish is represented in documents printed from G?>O to G>%%" "loo' for an early end to the negotiations" "early on in her career" "she graduated early" "/he earns a lot in her new "ob" "an earthen pot" "he rose through the ran's with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation" "a life of lu*ury and ease" "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease" "& am never at ease with strangers" "-e eased himself into the chair" "ease the pain in your legs" "(he news eased my conscience" "an easy "ob"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "too' the easy way out of his dilemma" "an easy wal' around the bloc'" "'nowing that & had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy goodB natured manner" "easy good loo's" "an easy pat on the shoulder" "easy living" "an easy penalty" "an easy mar'"; "an easy victim" "an easy climb" "her easy grace" "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"



A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state (he condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress! +reedom from constraint or embarrassment +reedom from activity (wor' or strain or responsibility! Move gently or carefully .essen pain or discomfort; alleviate Ma'e easier .essen the intensity of or calm 0osing no difficulty; re uiring little effort

Not hurried or forced +ree from worry or an*iety Affording pleasure -aving little impact &n fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich Not harsh; causing little distress 4eadily e*ploited or tric'ed Mar'ed by moderate steepness 0erforming adroitly and without effort Not strict

Affording comfort 1asual and unrestrained in se*ual behavior .ess in demand and therefore readily obtainable 0lentiful and therefore at low interest rates; easy to come by 5ith ease (#easy# is sometimes used informally for #easily#! 5ithout speed (#slow# is sometimes used informally for #slowly#! &n a rela*ed manner; or without hardship (he system of production and distribution and consumption (he efficient use of resources +rugality in the e*penditure of money or resources An act of economi<ing; reduction in cost economic,ad " )f or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth )f or relating to the science of economics 1oncerned with worldly necessities of life (especially money!

"soft light that was easy on the eyes" "her easy virtue" "commodities are easy this uarter" "easy money" "success came too easy" "go easy hereBBthe road is slippery" ""ust wanted to ta'e it easy" "economy of effort" "the /cots are famous for their economy" "it was a small economy to wal' to wor' every day" "economic growth" "economic theory" "he wrote the boo' primarily for economic reasons"; "gave up the large house for economic reasons"; "in economic terms they are very privileged" "it was no longer economic to 'eep the factory open"; "have to 'eep prices high enough to ma'e it economic to continue the service" "an economic use of home heating oil" "he rounded the edges of the bo*" "his voice had an edge to it" "he had an edge on the competition" "-e edged towards the car" "edge the tablecloth with embroidery" "edge a blade" "educational psychology" "an educational film" "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise" "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting" "the law is still in effect"



+inancially rewarding


3sing the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness (he boundary of a surface A sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an ob"ect A line determining the limits of an area (he attribute of urgency A slight competitive advantage A strip near the boundary of an ob"ect Advance slowly, as if by inches 0rovide with a border or edge .ie ad"acent to another or share a boundary 0rovide with an edge 4elating to the process of education 0roviding 'nowledge A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon An outward appearance (of a law! having legal validity


educational, ad" effec,n

A symptom caused by an illness or a drug An impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived! (he central meaning or theme of a speech or literary wor' 0roduce Act so as to bring into e*istence 0roducing or capable of producing an intended result or having a stri'ing effect Able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively

"the effects of sleep loss"; "the effect of the anesthetic" "he "ust did it for effect"

effect,v effective,ad"

5or's well as a means or remedy 2*erting force or influence 2*isting in fact; not theoretical; real

2 uipped and ready for service efficient,ad" 7eing effective without wasting time or effort or e*pense Able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively 2arnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something 3se of physical or mental energy; hard wor' A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end A notable achievement An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others 9our consciousness of your own identity (psychoanalysis! the conscious mind After a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something li'e #li'ewise# or #also# )ther than what is under consideration or implied More else,adv Additional to or different from this one or place or time or manner


"effect a change" "an airBcooled motor was more effective than a witch#s broomstic' for rapid longB "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons..."; "effective personnel" "an effective reprimand"; "a lotion that is effective in cases of pric'ly heat" "the law is effective immediately" "a decline in the effective demand"; "confused increased e uipment and e*penditure with the uantity of effective wor' done" "the fort was held by about G%% effective soldiers" "an efficient production manager"; "efficient engines save gas" "an efficient secretary"; "the efficient cause of the revolution" "made an effort to cover all the reading material" "he got an A for effort" "contributed to the war effort" "the boo' was her finest effort"




"he isn#t stupid, but he isn#t e*actly a genius either"; "& don#t 'now either"; "if you don#t order dessert & won#t either "as' somebody else"; "& don#t 'now what else to do"; "where else can we loo':" "would you li'e anything else:"; "& have nothing else to say" "nobody else is here"; "she ignored everything else"; "& don#t 'now where else to loo'"; "when else can we have the party:"; "couldn#t decide how else it could be done"


Any strong feeling

emotionally, adv

&n an emotional manner 5ith regard to emotions

"at the funeral he spo'e emotionally" "emotionally secure" "he was in the employ of the city"

employ,n employ,v

(he state of being employed or having a "ob 0ut into service; ma'e wor' or employ (something! for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose 2ngage or hire for wor' A container that has been emptied Ma'e void or empty of contents 7ecome empty or void of its content .eave behind empty; move out of 4emove 2*crete or discharge from the body

empty,n empty,v

"-ow many people has she employed:" "return all empties to the store" "2mpty the bo*"; "(he alarm emptied the building" "(he room emptied"

"2mpty the water"


-olding or containing nothing Devoid of significance or point -aving nothing inside Needing nourishment 2mptied of emotion

"an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours" "empty promises" "an empty sphere" "after s'ipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime"; "emptyB bellied children" "after the violent argument he felt empty"


(he state of containing nothing -aving an empty stomach An empty area or space (he uality of being valueless or futile "the emptiness of outer space"


1ontribute to the progress or growth of &nspire with confidence; give hope or courage to /pur on "-is financial success encouraged him to loo' for a wife"

encouraging ,ad"

,iving courage or confidence or hope +urnishing support and encouragement (ending to favor or bring good luc'

"encouraging advances in medical research"

"encouraging omens"

encouraging ,v

1ontribute to the progress or growth of &nspire with confidence; give hope or courage to /pur on "-is financial success encouraged him to loo' for a wife" "the end of the pier"; "she 'notted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line" "the end of the year" "the end was e*citing" "the ends "ustify the means" "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"; "/tart at the beginning and go on until you come to the end" "he came to a bad end"; "the soB called glorious e*periment came to an inglorious end" "one end of the bo* was mar'ed #(his side up#" "the end managed to hold onto the pass" "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time" "the end of town" "he held up his end"


2ither e*tremity of something that has length (he point in time at which something ends (he concluding parts of an event or occurrence (he state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved! terminates behavior intended to achieve it A final part or section

A final state (he surface at either e*tremity of a threeB dimensional ob"ect (football! the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage )ne of two places from which people are communicating to each other A boundary mar'ing the e*tremities of something (he part you are e*pected to play (he last section of a communication A piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold A position on the line of scrimmage end,v -ave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or uantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

"no one wanted to play end" "My property ends by the bushes"; "(he symphony ends in a pianissimo"

7ring to an end or halt 7e the end of; be the last or concluding part of 0ut an end to endless,ad" (iresomely long; seemingly without end &nfinitely great in number -aving no 'nown beginning and presumably no end -aving the ends united so as to form a continuous whole )ccurring so fre uently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted Derive or receive pleasure from; get en"oyment from; ta'e pleasure in -ave benefit from ,et pleasure from -ave for one#s benefit (a'e delight in en"oyment,n (he pleasure felt when having a good time Act of receiving pleasure from something (law! the e*ercise of the legal right to en"oy the benefits of owning property ;oin the military As of aid, help, services, or support 2ngage somebody to enter the army enough,n enough,ad" enough,adv entertain,v An ade uate uantity; a uantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose 2nough to meet a purpose As much as necessary 0rovide entertainment for

"/he ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime" "(his sad scene ended the movie" "(he terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived" "endless debates"; "an endless conversation" "endless waves" "time is endless" "an endless chain" "your endless complaints"


"en"oy privileges"

"(he industry en"oyed a boom"


"enough is as good as a feast" "enough food"; "food enough" "-ave & eaten enough:"; (#plenty# is nonstandard! "&#ve had plenty, than's"

(a'e into consideration, have in view Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings! 2ntry 0rovide entertainment for (a'e into consideration, have in view Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings! envy,n A feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another /pite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins! +eel envious towards; admire enviously 7e envious of; set one#s heart on e uality,n (he uality of being the same in uantity or measure or value or status A state of being essentially e ual or e uivalent; e ually balanced (o the same degree (often followed by #as#! &n e ual amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way (o ma'e a mista'e or be incorrect 5ander from a direct course or at random escape,n (he act of escaping physically An inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy (he unwanted discharge of a fluid from some container A valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler!; it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level Nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or tric'ery! that you are supposed to do An avoidance of danger or difficulty A means or way of escaping

"-e entertained the notion of moving to /outh America" "entertain interesting notions"

"-e entertained the notion of moving to /outh America" "entertain interesting notions"


e ually,adv

"they were e ually beautiful" "they split their winnings e ually"; "deal e ually with rich and poor"


"he made his escape from the mental "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life" "they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe"

"that escape from the conse uences is possible but unattractive" "that was a narrow escape" "hard wor' was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"

A plant originally cultivated but now growing wild


4un away from confinement +ail to e*perience 2scape potentially unpleasant conse uences; get away with a forbidden action &ssue or lea', as from a small opening 4emove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion +lee; ta'e to one#s heels; cut and run

"(he convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison"

",as escaped into the bedroom" "5e escaped to our summer house for a few days" "(he burglars escaped before the police showed up"


/et up or found /et up or lay the groundwor' for 2stablish the validity of something, as by an e*ample, e*planation or e*periment &nstitute, enact, or establish 7ring about 0lace 3se as a basis for; found on 7uild or establish something abstract "(he trompe l#oeilBillusion establishes depth" "establish a new department"


Motivation based on ideas of right and wrong (he philosophical study of moral values and rules



(he principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group A system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct )f or relating to the philosophical study of ethics 1onforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior

"the 0uritan ethic"

"ethical codes"; "ethical theories" "an ethical lawyer"; "ethical medical practice"; "an ethical problem"; "had no ethical ob"ection to drin'ing"; ")urs is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants" "it seems ethical and right"

Adhering to ethical and moral principles eti uette,n eve,n 4ules governing socially acceptable behavior (he day before

"he always arrives on the eve of her departure"

(he period immediately before something (he latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall! ()ld (estament! Adam#s wife in ;udeoB1hristian mythology6 the first woman and mother of the human race; ,od created 2ve from Adam#s rib and placed Adam and 2ve in the ,arden of 2den Ma'e level or straight 7ecome even or more even Ma'e even or more even even,ad" Divisible by two 2 ual in degree or e*tent or amount; or e ually matched or balanced 7eing level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or te*ture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with! /ymmetrically arranged )ccurring at fi*ed intervals )f the score in a contest even,adv 3sed as an intensive especially to indicate something une*pected &n spite of; notwithstanding (o a greater degree or e*tent; used with comparisons (o the full e*tent evenly,adv &n e ual amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way &n a level and regular way /omething that happens at a given place and time A special set of circumstances A phenomenon located at a single point in spaceB time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory

"on the eve of the +rench 4evolution"



"even out the surface"

"even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a even split"; "had a even chance"; "an even fight" "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window" "even features" "the even rhythm of his breathing"

"even an idiot 'nows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "& don#t have even a dollarA" "even when he is sic', he wor's"; "even with his head start she caught up with him" "loo'ed sic' and felt even worse"; "an even more interesting problem" "loyal even unto death" "a class evenly divided between girls and boys"


"in that event, the first possibility is e*cluded"


A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon At any time At all times; all the time and on every occasion (intensifier for ad"ectives! very

"he acted very wise after the event" "did you ever smo'e:" "ever hoping to stri'e it rich"; "ever busy" "she was ever so friendly" "9ou find fast food stores everywhere"; "people everywhere are becoming aware of the problem"; "he carried a gun everywhere he went"

everywhere, adv

(o or in any or all places


1onsider in detail and sub"ect to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning )bserve, chec' out, and loo' over carefully or inspect Puestion or e*amine thoroughly and closely Puestion closely 0ut to the test, as for its uality, or give e*perimental use to Distinguish oneself A deliberate act of omission An instance that does not conform to a rule or generali<ation ,rounds for adverse criticism

"(he customs agent e*amined the baggage"

e*cel,v e*ception,n

"/he e*celled in math" "with the e*ception of the children, everyone was told the news" "all her children were brilliant; the only e*ception was her last child"; "an e*ception tests the rule" "his authority is beyond e*ception" "an e*ceptional memory" "e*ceptional 'indness" "special educational provisions for e*ceptional children"

e*ceptional, ad"

+ar beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree /urpassing what is common or usual or e*pected Deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence A uantity much larger than is needed &mmoderation as a conse uence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits (he state of being more than full 2*cessive indulgence



More than is needed, desired, or re uired

"trying to lose e*cess weight"


Arouse or elicit a feeling Act as a stimulant 4aise to a higher energy level 4aise to a higher energy level 1ause to be agitated, e*cited, or roused /timulate se*ually /tir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 0roduce a magnetic field in 4aise to a higher energy level "e*cite the neurons" "e*cite the atoms" "e*cite the audience"


(he feeling of lively and cheerful "oy (he state of being emotionally aroused and wor'ed up /omething that agitates and arouses Disturbance usually in protest

"he could hardly conceal his e*citement when she agreed" "his face was flushed with e*citement and his hands trembled" "he loo'ed forward to the e*citements of the day"


,ases e"ected from an engine as waste products /ystem consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged 5ear out completely 3se up (resources or materials! Deplete 3se up the whole supply of 1reate a vacuum in (a bulb, flas', reaction vessel, etc.! -ave an e*istence, be e*tant /upport oneself "he could barely e*ist on such a low wage" "laws in e*istence for centuries" "the biggest tree in e*istence"


"(his 'ind of wor' e*hausts me" "5e e*hausted our savings" "e*haust one#s savings" "5e have e*hausted the food supplies"



(he state or fact of e*isting 2verything that e*ists anywhere

e*pectation, n

7elief about (or mental picture of! the future 5ishing with confidence of fulfillment (he feeling that something is about to happen (he sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values Amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently ta* deductible (as opposed to capital e*penditures! A detriment or sacrifice Money spent to perform wor' and usually reimbursed by an employer Money paid out (he act of spending money for goods or services (he act of consuming something


"at the e*pense of" "he 'ept a careful record of his e*penses at the meeting"

e*penditure, n


(he accumulation of 'nowledge or s'ill that results from direct participation in events or activities (he content of direct observation or participation in an event An event as apprehended ,o or live through -ave firsthand 'nowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations )f mental or physical states or e*periences 3ndergo an emotional sensation 3ndergo

"a man of e*perience"; "e*perience is the best teacher" "he had a religious e*perience"; "he recalled the e*perience vividly" "a surprising e*perience"; "that painful e*perience certainly got our attention"


"e*perience vertigo"

e*pert,n e*pert,ad" e*pertise,n e*ploit,n e*ploit,v

A person with special 'nowledge or ability who performs s'illfully -aving or showing 'nowledge and s'ill and aptitude /'illfulness by virtue of possessing special 'nowledge A notable achievement 3se or manipulate to one#s advantage

"an e*pert "ob"

Draw from; ma'e good use of 5or' e*cessively hard e*ploitation, n (he act of ma'ing some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful An act that e*ploits or victimi<es someone (treats them unfairly! (he e*pression on a person#s face 2*pression without words (he communication (in speech or writing! of your beliefs or opinions A word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations (he style of e*pressing yourself A group of symbols that ma'e a mathematical statement (genetics! the process of e*pressing a gene A group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit (he act of forcing something out by s uee<ing or pressing (he region that is outside of something (he outer side or surface of something e*terior,ad" e*tra,n /ituated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building A minor actor in crowd scenes An additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis! /omething additional of the same 'ind e*tra,ad" +urther or added More than is needed, desired, or re uired e*tra,adv eyeopener,n 3nusually or e*ceptionally An alcoholic drin' intended to wa'e one up early in the morning

"we must e*ploit the resources we are given wisely" "he is e*ploiting the students" "the e*ploitation of copper deposits" "capitalistic e*ploitation of the wor'ing class" "a sad e*pression" "tears are an e*pression of grief" "e*pressions of good will"; "he helped me find e*pression for my ideas" "pardon the e*pression" "his manner of e*pression showed how much he cared"


"the e*pression of mil' from her breast"


"an e*terior scene"; "e*terior grade plywood"; "e*terior paints"

"he always carried e*tras in case of an emergency" "need e*tra help"; "an e*tra pair of shoes" "found some e*tra change lying on the dresser"; "e*tra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts" "an e*tra fast car"

/omething surprising and revealing eye,n (he organ of sight ,ood discernment (either with the eyes or as if with the eyes! Attention to what is seen An area that is appro*imately central within some larger region A small hole or loop (as in a needle! eye,v fabric,n .oo' at Artifact made by weaving or felting or 'nitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers (he underlying structure (he front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear (he e*pression on a person#s face (he general outward appearance of something (he act of confronting bravely (he stri'ing or wor'ing surface of an implement A part of a person that is used to refer to a person A surface forming part of the outside of an ob"ect (he part of an animal corresponding to the human face (he side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an ob"ect! A contorted facial e*pression A specific si<e and style of type within a type family /tatus in the eyes of others &mpudent aggressiveness A vertical surface of a building or cliff face,v Deal with (something unpleasant! head on "-e faced the terrible conse uences of his mista'es" "he lost face" "he loo'ed out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to wor' he met many new faces" "dew dripped from the face of the leaf" "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent" "it is part of the fabric of society" "he washed his face"; "& wish & had seen the loo' on his face when he got the news" "an angry face" "the face of the city is changing" "he e*celled in the face of danger" "she has an eye for fresh talent"; "he has an artist#s eye" "he tried to catch her eye" "they were in the eye of the storm" "the thread wouldn#t go through the eye"


"he dealt the cards face down"

)ppose, as in hostility or a competition 7e oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to 7e opposite (urn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direcQtion 0resent somebody with something, usually to accuse or critici<e (urn so as to e*pose the face .ine the edge (of a garment! with a different material 1over the front or surface of facility,n A building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry /'illful performance or ability without difficulty A natural effortlessness /ervices and space and e uipment provided for a particular purpose A service that an organi<ation or a piece of e uipment offers you A piece of information about circumstances that e*ist or events that have occurred A statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened An event 'nown to have happened or something 'nown to have e*isted A concept whose truth can be proved factory,n fair,n A plant consisting of buildings with facilities for manufacturing A traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of s'ill etc. ,athering of producers to promote business A competitive e*hibition of farm products A sale of miscellany; often for charity fair,v ;oin so that the e*ternal surfaces blend smoothly

";ac'son faced /mith in the bo*ing ring" "(he building faces the par'" "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other" "(urn and face your partner now" "-e was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us" "face a playing card" "face the lapels of the "ac'et" "(he building was faced with beautiful stones" "the assembly plant is an enormous facility" "he was famous for his facility as an archer" "they conversed with great facility" "catering facilities"; "toilet facilities" "a cell phone with internet facility" "first you must collect all the facts of the case" "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts" "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell" "scientific hypotheses are not facts"


"world fair"; "trade fair"; "boo' fair" "she won a blue ribbon for her ba'ing at the county fair"


+ree from favoritism or selfBinterest or bias or deception; or conforming with established standards or rules /howing lac' of favoritism More than ade uate in uality Not e*cessive or e*treme Cisually appealing Cery pleasing to the eye (of a baseball! hit between the foul lines )f no e*ceptional uality or ability )f no e*ceptional uality or ability Attractively feminine "the fair se*" (of a manuscript! having few alterations or corrections +ree of clouds or rain (used of hair or s'in! pale or lightBcolored

"a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul"

"fair wor'"

"our fair city" "young fair maidens" "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag" "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health" "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"

"fair copy" "today will be fair and warm" "a fair comple*ion"


&n conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating &n a fair evenhanded manner (he season when the leaves fall from the trees A sudden drop from an upright position A downward slope or bend A lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity A sudden decline in strength or number or importance A movement downward (he act of surrendering (under agreed conditions! (he time of day immediately following sunset "they finished before the fall of night" "a fall from virtue" "the fall of the -ouse of -apsburg" "the rise and fall of the tides" "in the fall of G@>$"


5hen a wrestler#s shoulders are forced to the mat A free and rapid descent by the force of gravity A sudden sharp decrease in some uantity fall,v Descend in free fall under the influence of gravity Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way 0ass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind "when that became 'nown the price of their stoc' went into free fall" "(he branch fell from the tree"; "(he unfortunate hi'er fell into a crevasse" "(he barometer is falling"; "(he curtain fell on the diva"; "-er hand went up and then fell again" "fall into a trap"; "/he fell ill"; "(hey fell out of favor"; "+all in love"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thin'ing"; "she fell to pieces after she lost her wor'" "fall into a category" "rain, snow and sleet were falling" "5e must stand or fall"; "fall by the wayside" "(he cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fall to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper" "Many soldiers fell at Cerdun"; "(he shooting victim fell dead" ".ight fell on her face" "(he cities fell to the enemy" "1hristmas falls on a Monday this year"; "(he accent falls on the first syllable" "Adam and 2ve fell" "(he government fell overnight"; "(he Ping Dynasty fell with /un 9atBsen" "(he most difficult tas' fell on the youngest member of the team"; "(he onus fell on us"; "(he pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student" "(he line of men fall forward" "payments fall on the Gst of the month"

1ome under, be classified or included +all from clouds /uffer defeat, failure, or ruin Decrease in si<e, e*tent, or range

Die, as in battle or in a hunt (ouch or seem as if touching visually or audibly 7e captured )ccur at a specified time or place 9ield to temptation or sin .ose office or power (o be given by assignment or distribution

Move in a specified direction 7e due

.ose one#s chastity (o be given by right or inheritance 1ome into the possession of +all to somebody by assignment or lot 7e inherited by /lope downward .ose an upright position suddenly Drop oneself to a lower or less erect position +all or flow in a certain way Assume a disappointed or sad e*pression 7e cast down 1ome out; issue 7e born, used chiefly of lambs 7egin vigorously ,o as if by falling 1ome as if by falling fall,n fare,n (he lapse of man'ind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and 2ve An agenda of things to do (he sum charged for riding in a public conveyance A paying (ta*i! passenger (he food and drin' that are regularly consumed fare,v 0roceed or get along 2at well "-er face fell when she heard that she would be laid off"; "his crest fell" "his eyes fell" "silly phrases fell from her mouth" "(he lambs fell in the afternoon" "(he prisoners fell to wor' right away" ",rief fell from our hearts" "Night fell"; "/ilence fell" "women have been blamed ever since the +all" "(he tas' fell to me"; "&t fell to me to notify the parents of the victims" "(he estate fell to my sister" "(he hills around here fall towards the ocean" "(he vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table"; "-er hair fell across her forehead" "/he fell bac' in her chair"; "-e fell to his 'nees" "(he estate fell to the oldest daughter"


(he state or uality of being widely honored and acclaimed +avorable public reputation .udicrously odd 2*traordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers 2*travagantly fanciful and unrealistic; foolish 2*isting in fancy only 2*ceedingly or unbelievably great "fantastic -alloween costumes" "a fantastic trip to the )rient"; "the film was fantasticA" "a fantastic idea of his own importance" "fantastic figures with bulbous heads the circumference of a bushel" "the bomb did fantastic damage"; "/amson is supposed to have had fantastic strength" "he moved his family to Cirginia" "he wanted to have a good "ob before starting a family" "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"



A social unit living together 0rimary social group; parents and children 0eople descended from a common ancestor A collection of things sharing a common attribute An association of people who share common beliefs or activities (biology! a ta*onomic group containing one or more genera A person having 'inship with another or others A loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organi<ed criminal activities An acute insufficiency A severe shortage of food (as through crop failure! resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death Abstaining from food Abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons Abstain from eating Acting or moving or capable of acting or moving uic'ly (used of timepieces! indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time

"the message was addressed not "ust to employees but to every member of the company family" "shar's belong to the fish family" "he#s family"


fast,n fast,v


"1atholics sometimes fast during .ent" "7efore the medical e*am, you must fast" "fast film"; "on the fast trac' in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car" "my watch is fast"

At a rapid tempo (of surfaces! conducive to rapid speeds +irmly fastened or secured against opening 4esistant to destruction or fading 3nrestrained by convention or morality -urried and brief /ecurely fi*ed in place 3nwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause fast,adv Puic'ly or rapidly (often used as a combining form!

"the band played a fast fo* trot" "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay" "windows and doors were all fast" "fast colors" "fast women" "a fast visit"

"fast friends" "how fast can he get here:"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fastBrunning rivers"; "fastBbrea'ing news"; "fastBopening (or fastBclosing! shutters "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuc' fast"

+irmly or tightly fate,n An event (or a course of events! that will inevitably happen in the future 9our overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you! Decree or designate beforehand (he ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events (often personified as a woman! A male parent (also used as a term of address to your father! (he founder of a family A person who holds an important or distinguished position in some organi<ation A person who founds or establishes some institution (he head of an organi<ed crime family father,v father,n Ma'e children (1hristianity! any of about >% theologians in the period from the 8nd to the >th century whose writing established and confirmed official church doctrine; in the 4oman 1atholic 1hurch some were later declared saints and became Doctor of the 1hurch; the best 'nown .atin 1hurch +athers are Ambrose,

"deserved a better fate"

fate,v fate,n father,n

"his father was born in Atlanta"

"the tennis fathers ruled in her favor"; "the city fathers endorsed the proposal" ",eorge 5ashington is the father of his country"

"Men often father children but don#t recogni<e them"


Augustine, ,regory the ,reat, and ;erome; those who wrote in ,ree' include Athanasius, 7asil, ,regory Na<ian<en, and ;ohn 1hrysostom #+ather# is a term of address for priests in some churches (especially the 4oman 1atholic 1hurch or the )rthodo* 1atholic 1hurch!; #0adre# is fre uently used in the military ,od when considered as the first person in the (rinity An emotion e*perienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight! An an*ious feeling A profound emotion inspired by a deity

"hear our prayers, -eavenly +ather"

"they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction" "the fear of ,od" "& fear she might get aggressive" "& fear the winters in Moscow"; "5e should not fear the 1ommunistsA" "& fear & won#t ma'e it to your wedding party" "& fear the results of the final e*ams" "+ear ,od as your father"


7e afraid or feel an*ious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event 7e afraid or scared of; be frightened of 7e sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement 7e uneasy or apprehensive about 4egard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or e*alted or be in awe of A fi*ed charge for a privilege or for professional services An interest in land capable of being inherited ,ive a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the agreedBon compensation +ood for domestic livestoc' 0rovide as food ,ive food to +eed into; supply &ntroduce continuously /upport or promote (a'e in food; used of animals only /erve as food for; be the food for Move along, of li uids


fee,v feed,n feed,v

"fee the steward"

"+eed the guests the nuts" "+eed the starving children in &ndia" "-er success feeds her vanity" "feed carrots into a food processor" "-is admiration fed her vanity"

"(his dish feeds si*" "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"

0rofit from in an e*ploitatory manner ,ratify 0rovide with fertili<ers or add nutrients to feed,v feel,n ,ive a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the agreedBon compensation An intuitive awareness (he general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people A property perceived by touch ManualBgenital stimulation for se*ual pleasure feel,v 3ndergo an emotional sensation 1ome to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds 0erceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the s'in or muscles /eem with respect to a given sensation given -ave a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone#s behavior or attitude 3ndergo passive e*perience of

"-e feeds on her insecurity" "feed one#s eyes on a gorgeous view"

"fee the steward" "he has a feel for animals" or "it#s easy when you get the feel of it" "the feel of the city e*cited him"

"the girls hated it when he tried to snea' a feel" "/he felt resentful"; "-e felt regret" "& feel that he doesn#t li'e me" "-e felt the wind"; "/he felt an ob"ect brushing her arm"; "-e felt his flesh crawl"; "/he felt the heat when she got out of the car" "My cold is goneBB& feel fine today"; "/he felt tired after the long hi'e" "/he felt small and insignificant"; "9ou ma'e me feel na'ed"; "& made the students feel different about themselves" "5e felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string uartet"; "she felt his contempt of her" "(he ground feels sha'y"; "(he sheets feel soft" "-e felt for his wallet" "+eel this soft clothA" "(he runner felt her pulse" "-e felt his way around the dar' room" "&t feels nice to be home again" "-e felt the girl in the movie theater" "there#s a fellow at the door"

7e felt or perceived in a certain way ,rope or feel in search of something 2*amine by touch 2*amine (a body part! by palpation +ind by testing or cautious e*ploration 0roduce a certain impression 0ass one#s hands over the se*ual organs of fellow,n A boy or man

A person who is fre uently in the company of another A person who is member of your class or profession An informal form of address for a man A man who is the lover of a girl or young woman fence,n A barrier that serves to enclose an area A dealer in stolen property fence,v 2nclose with a fence 4eceive stolen goods +ight with fencing swords /urround with a wall in order to fortify -ave an argument about something fencing,n A barrier that serves to enclose an area Material for building fences (he art or sport of fighting with swords (especially the use of foils or epees or sabres to score points under a set of rules! 2nclose with a fence 4eceive stolen goods +ight with fencing swords /urround with a wall in order to fortify -ave an argument about something fetch,v ,o or come after and bring or ta'e bac' 7e sold for a certain price (a'e away or remove fever,n A rise in the temperature of the body; fre uently a symptom of infection &ntense nervous anticipation

"he sent eBmail to his fellow hac'ers" "/ay, fellow, what are you doing:"

"we fenced in our yard"


"we fenced in our yard"

"(he dog fetched the hat" "(he old print fetched a high price at the auction" "(he devil will fetch youA"

"in a fever of resentment"


Mar'ed by intense agitation or emotion )f or relating to or characteri<ed by fever -aving or affected by a fever

"wor'ed at a feverish pace"

fielding,n fielding,n fielding,v

(baseball! handling the ball while playing in the field 2nglish novelist and dramatist (G>%>BG>F?! 1atch or pic' up (balls! in baseball or cric'et 0lay as a fielder Answer ade uately or successfully /elect (a team or individual player! for a game "(he lawyer fielded all uestions from the press" "(he 0atriots fielded a young new uarterbac' for the 4ose 7owl" "he planted a field of wheat"


A piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed A region where a battle is being (or has been! fought /omewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory! where practical wor' is done or data is collected A branch of 'nowledge (he space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can e*ert force on another similar body not in contact with it A particular 'ind of commercial enterprise A particular environment or wal' of life A piece of land prepared for playing a game 2*tensive tract of level open land (mathematics! a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements % and G A region in which active military operations are in progress All of the horses in a particular horse race All the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event A geographic region (land or sea! under which something valuable is found

"anthropologists do much of their wor' in the field"

"they are outstanding in their field"

"the home crowd cheered when 0rinceton too' the field" "he longed for the fields of his youth" "the set of all rational numbers is a field" "the army was in the field awaiting action"

"the diamond fields of /outh Africa"

(computer science! a set of one or more ad"acent characters comprising a unit of information (he area that is visible (as through an optical instrument! A place where planes ta'e off and land field,v 1atch or pic' up (balls! in baseball or cric'et 0lay as a fielder Answer ade uately or successfully /elect (a team or individual player! for a game +&,,n A diagram or picture illustrating te*tual material Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit +leshy sweet pearBshaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried A .ibyan terrorist group organi<ed in G@@F and aligned with alBPaeda; see's to radicali<e the .ibyan government; attempted to assassinate Paddafi (he act of fighting; any contest or struggle An intense verbal dispute A bo*ing match A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war An aggressive willingness to compete fight,v 7e engaged in a fight; carry on a fight +ight against or resist strongly Ma'e a strenuous or labored effort 2*ert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for A diagram or picture illustrating te*tual material Alternative names for the body of a human being )ne of the elements that collectively form a system of numbers "(he lawyer fielded all uestions from the press" "(he 0atriots fielded a young new uarterbac' for the 4ose 7owl"



"a fight bro'e out at the hoc'ey game" "a violent fight over the bill is e*pected in the /enate" "the fight was on television last night"

"the team was full of fight" "the tribesmen fought each other"; "/iblings are always fighting" "Don#t fight itA" "-e fought for breath"


"the area covered can be seen from +igure 8"

A model of a bodily form (especially of a person! A wellB'nown or notable person A combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape An amount of money e*pressed numerically (he impression produced by a person (he property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite uantity of units or individuals .anguage used in a figurative or nonliteral sense A unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the ob"ect of attention and that stands out against a ground A decorative or artistic wor' A predetermined set of movements in dancing or s'ating ;udge to be probable 7e or play a part of or in

"he made a figure of /anta 1laus" "she is an important figure in modern music"

"a figure of EG> was suggested" "he cut a fine figure"; "a heroic figure" "the figure was about a thousand"

"she made the best score on compulsory figures"

"2lections figure prominently in every government program"; "-ow do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics:"

&magine; conceive of; see in one#s mind Ma'e a mathematical calculation or computation 3nderstand final,n (he final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament An e*amination administered at the end of an academic term )ccurring at or forming an end or termination 1onclusive in a process or progression Not to be altered or undone finance,n (he commercial activity of providing funds and capital (he branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets (he management of money and credit and ban'ing and investments "-e didn#t figure her"


"the final chapter" "the final answer" "the "udge#s decision is final"


)btain or provide money for /ell or provide on credit

"1an we finance the addition to our home:"



Any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes e*cepting the thumb! (he length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure (he part of a glove that provides a covering for one of the fingers +eel or handle with the fingers 2*amine by touch /earch for on the computer &ndicate the fingering for the playing of musical scores for 'eyboard instruments A decorative te*ture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance! Designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race!

"her fingers were long and thin"

"finger the binding of the boo'" "(he customer fingered the sweater" "& fingered my boss and found that he is not logged on in the afternoons"


(he act of finishing (he place designated as the end (as of a race or "ourney! (he temporal end; the concluding time (wine tasting! the taste of a wine on the bac' of the tongue (as it is swallowed! 2vent whose occurrence ends something (he downfall of someone (as of persons on one side of a conflict! A highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable uality finish,v 1ome or bring to a finish or an end

"the boat had a metallic finish"; "he applied a coat of a clear finish"; "when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly" "e*citement grew as the finish neared"; "my horse was several lengths behind at the finish"; "the winner is the team with the most points at the finish" "his best finish in a ma"or tournament was third" "a crowd assembled at the finish" "the mar'et was up at the finish" "the wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish" "when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show" "boo<e will be the finish of him"; "it was a fight to the finish" "almost an inspiration which gives to all wor' that finish which is almost art" "-e finished the dishes"; "(he fastest runner finished the race in "ust over 8 hours; others finished in over ? hours"

+inally be or do something

-ave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or uantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical 0rovide with a finish +inish eating all the food on one#s plate or on the table 1ause to finish a relationship with somebody fire,n (he event of something burning (often destructive! (he process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often! smo'e (he act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy

"(he carpenter finished the table beautifully"

"(hat finished me with Mary" "they lost everything in the fire" "fire was one of our ancestors# first discoveries" "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire" "they sat by the fire and tal'ed" "they sat by the fire and tal'ed" "1linton directed his fire at the 4epublican 0arty"

A fireplace in which a fire is burning &ntense adverse criticism &ntense adverse criticism +eelings of great warmth and intensity )nce thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (2mpedocles! A severe trial fire,v /tart firing a weapon 1ause to go off 7a'e in a 'iln so as to harden (erminate the employment of ,o off or discharge Drive out or away by or as if by fire 1all forth (emotions, feelings, and responses! Destroy by fire 0rovide with fuel first,n (he first or highest in an ordering or series

"he went through fire and damnation"

"fire a gun"; "fire a bullet" "fire pottery" "(he boss fired his secretary today" "(he gun fired" "(he soldiers were fired"; "/urrender fires the cold s'epticism"

")il fires the furnace" "-e wanted to be the first"

(he first element in a countable series (he time at which something is supposed to begin (he fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first base K7ritL An honours degree of the highest class (he lowest forward gear ratio in the gear bo* of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving 0receding all others in time or space or degree

"the first of the month"


"the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training"

&ndicating the beginning unit in a series /erving to set in motion /erving to begin 4an'ing above all others -ighest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections 7eing the gear producing the lowest drive speed first,adv 7efore anything else (he initial time 7efore another in time, space, or importance 0rominently forward fish,n Any of various mostly coldBblooded a uatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills (he flesh of fish used as food "the shar' is a large fish"; "in the livingroom there was a tan' of colorful fish" "in ;apan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about footBandB mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"; "they have a chef who speciali<es in fish" "fish for compliments" "& li'e to go fishing on wee'ends" "his first (or maiden! speech in 1ongress" "the first verse" "was first in her class" "first soprano"; "the first violin section"; "played first horn" "use first gear on steep hills" "first we must consider the garter sna'e" "when +eli* first saw a garter sna'e" "& was here first"; "let#s do this "ob first"


/ee' indirectly 1atch or try to catch fish or shellfish



(astrology! a person who is born while the sun is in 0isces (he twelfth sign of the <odiac; the sun is in this sign from about +ebruary G@ to March 8% A display of bad temper A sudden uncontrollable attac' (he manner in which something fits A sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason! 7e agreeable or acceptable to 7e the right si<e or shape; fit correctly or as desired /atisfy a condition or restriction Ma'e fit &nsert or ad"ust several ob"ects or people 7e compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics 1onform to some shape or si<e 0rovide with (something! usually for a specific purpose Ma'e correspond or harmoni<

"he had a fit" "a fit of coughing" "& admired the fit of her coat" "a fit of housecleaning"


"(his piece won#t fit into the pu<<le"

"fit a dress"; "-e fitted other pieces of paper to his cutBout" "1an you fit the toy into the bo*:"; "(his man can#t fit himself into our wor' environment"

"-ow does this shirt fit:"


Meeting ade uate standards for a purpose

(usually followed by #to# or #for#! on the point of or strongly disposed 0hysically and mentally sound or healthy fi*,n &nformal term for a difficult situation /omething craved, especially an intravenous in"ection of a narcotic drug (he act of putting something in wor'ing order again An e*emption granted after influence (e.g., money! is brought to bear

"a fit sub"ect for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drin'"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to" "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream" "felt rela*ed and fit after their holiday"; "'eeps fit with diet and e*ercise" "he got into a terrible fi*" "she needed a fi* of chocolate"

"collusion resulted in ta* fi*es for gamblers"

A determination of the location of something fi*,v 4estore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or bro'en 1ause to be firmly attached Decide upon or fi* definitely 0repare for eating by applying heat (a'e vengeance on or get even /et or place definitely =ill, preserve, and harden (tissue! in order to prepare for microscopic study Ma'e fi*ed, stable or stationary Ma'e infertile 0ut (something somewhere! firmly Ma'e ready or suitable or e uip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc (he condition of being suitable ,ood physical condition; being in shape or in condition +itness to traverse the seas (he uality of being ualified flame,n flame,v (he process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often! smo'e /hine with a sudden light 7e in flames or aflame 1ritici<e harshly, on the eBmail flash,n A sudden intense burst of radiant energy A momentary brightness A short vivid e*perience A sudden brilliant understanding

"he got a good fi* on the target"

"she fi*ed her ga<e on the man" "fi* the variables" "fi* brea'fast for the guests, please" "(hat#ll fi* him goodA" ".et#s fi* the date for the partyA"

"let#s fi* the picture to the frame"

"fi* your eyes on this spot" "& was fi*ing to leave town after & paid the hotel bill" "they had to prove their fitness for the position"


"(he s'y seemed to flame in the -awaiian sunset"

"a flash of emotion swept over him" "he had a flash of intuition"

A very short time (as the time it ta'es the eye blin' or the heart to beat! A burst of light used to communicate or illuminate A short news announcement concerning some onB going news story A bright patch of color used for decoration or identification A lamp for providing momentary light to ta'e a photograph ,leam or glow intermittently Appear briefly Display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously Ma'e 'nown or cause to appear with great speed 4un or move very uic'ly or hastily 2*pose or show briefly 0rotect by covering with a thin sheet of metal 2mit a brief burst of light flash,ad" flat,n (astelessly showy A level tract of land A shallow bo* in which seedlings are started A musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named +reight car without permanent sides or roof A deflated pneumatic tire /cenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting K7ritL A suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house -aving a hori<ontal surface in which no part is higher or lower than another -aving no depth or thic'ness Not modified or restricted by reservations

"if & had the chance &#d do it in a flash"

"red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"


"(he lights were flashing" "(he headlines flashed on the screen"

"(he latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"

"he flashed a EG%% bill" "flash the roof" "A shooting star flashed and was gone" "a flash car"


"a flat des'"

"a flat refusal"

/tretched out and lying at full length along the ground .ac'ing contrast or shading between tones .owered in pitch by one chromatic semitone +lattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstal's or flatfishes! .ac'ing taste or flavor or tang .ac'ing stimulating characteristics; uninteresting -aving lost effervescence Not increasing as the amount ta*ed increases Not made with leavening 0arallel to the ground 5ithout pleats .ac'ing the e*pected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth (of a tire! completely or partially deflated Not reflecting light; not glossy .ac'ing variety in shading flat,adv At full length 5ith flat sails 7elow the proper pitch Against a flat surface &n a forthright manner; candidly or fran'ly 5holly or completely fle*ible,ad" 2*tended meanings; capable of change Able to fle*; able to bend easily Able to ad"ust readily to different conditions

"found himself lying flat on the floor"

"7 flat"

"a flat "o'e" "flat beer"; "a flat cola"

"most flat breads are made from unleavened dough" "a flat roof"

"a flat twoBdimensional painting"

"flat wall paint" "a flat unshaded painting" "he fell flat on his face" "sail flat against the wind" "she sang flat last night" "he lay flat on his bac'" "came out flat for less wor' and more pay" "-e is flat bro'e" "a fle*ible character"; "fle*ible schedules" "slim fle*ible birches" "a fle*ible personality"

7ending and snapping bac' readily without brea'ing Ma'ing or willing to ma'e concessions flight,n A formation of aircraft in flight An instance of traveling by air A stairway (set of steps! between one floor or landing and the ne*t (he act of escaping physically An air force unit smaller than a s uadron 0assing above and beyond ordinary bounds (he path followed by an ob"ect moving through space A floc' of flying birds A scheduled trip by plane between designated airports /hoot a bird in flight +ly in a floc' Decorate with feathers flood,n (he rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land An overwhelming number or amount .ight that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography A large flow (he act of flooding; filling to overflowing (he inward flow of the tide flood,v +ill uic'ly beyond capacity; as with a li uid 1over with li uid, usually water /upply with an e*cess of "a tide in the affairs of men which, ta'en at the flood, leads on to fortune" "(he images flooded his mind" "(he swollen river flooded the village"; "(he bro'en vein had flooded blood in her eyes" "flood the mar'et with tennis shoes" "& too' the noon flight to 1hicago" "a flight of fancy"; "flights of rhetoric"; "flights of imagination"

"his flight was an indication of his guilt"


"flighting wild geese"

"a flood of re uests"

7ecome filled to overflowing floor,n (he inside lower hori<ontal surface (as of a room or hallway! /tructure consisting of a room or set of rooms comprising a single level of a multilevel building A lower limit (he ground on which people and animals move about (he bottom surface of any a cave or la'e etc. (he occupants of a floor (he parliamentary right to address an assembly (he legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business A large room in a stoc' e*change where the trading is done /urprise greatly; 'noc' someone#s soc's off =noc' down with force flop,n An arithmetic operation performed on floatingBpoint numbers /omeone who is unsuccessful A complete failure (he act of throwing yourself down flop,v +all loosely +all suddenly and abruptly +ail utterly; collapse flop,adv 5ith a flopping sound 2*actly flower,n A plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms 4eproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts (he period of greatest prosperity or productivity

")ur basement flooded during the heavy rains" "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"

"the government established a wage floor" "the fire spared the forest floor"

"the whole floor complained about the lac' of heat" "the chairman granted him the floor" "there was a motion from the floor" "he is a floor trader" "& was floored when & heard that & was promoted"


"this computer can perform a million flops per second"

"the play was a dismal flop" "he landed on the bed with a great flop" "-e flopped into a chair"

"he tumbled flop into the mud" "he fell flop on his face"

flower,v fly,n

0roduce or yield flowers (woBwinged insects characteri<ed by active flight +lap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn bac' to provide entrance to a tent An opening in a garment that is closed by a <ipper or buttons concealed by a fold of cloth (baseball! a hit that flies up in the air +isherman#s lure consisting of a fishhoo' decorated to loo' li'e an insect K3=L (dated! a horseBdrawn carriage


(ravel through the air; be airborne Move uic'ly or suddenly +ly a plane (ransport by aeroplane 1ause to fly or float 7e dispersed or disseminated 1hange uic'ly from one emotional state to another 0ass away rapidly (ravel in an airplane Display in the air or cause to float 4un away uic'ly (ravel over (an area of land or sea! in an aircraft -it a fly Decrease rapidly and disappear

"a fly at the door from the =ings Arms, and his stepBdaughter with all her little bags and bo*es, getting into it" "Man cannot fly" "-e flew about the place"

"5e fly flowers from the 1aribbean to North America" "fly a 'ite" "4umors and accusations are flying" "fly into a rage" "(ime flies li'e an arrow" "she is flying to 1incinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying:" "fly a 'ite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the 3.N."

".indbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"

fly,ad" flying,n

K7ritL (7ritish informal! not to be deceived or hoodwin'ed An instance of traveling by air

"flying was still an e*citing adventure for him"


1apable of or engaged in flight Moving swiftly /treaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air Designed for swift movement or action )f or relating to passage through the air especially aviation -urried and brief Done swiftly in or as if in the air; used e.g. of a racing start in which runners are already in motion as they cross the starting line (ravel through the air; be airborne Move uic'ly or suddenly +ly a plane (ransport by aeroplane 1ause to fly or float 7e dispersed or disseminated 1hange uic'ly from one emotional state to another 0ass away rapidly (ravel in an airplane Display in the air or cause to float 4un away uic'ly (ravel over (an area of land or sea! in an aircraft -it a fly Decrease rapidly and disappear

"the bat is a flying animal" "fastBflying planes"; "played the difficult passage with flying fingers" "flying banners" "a flying police s uad is trained for uic' action anywhere in the city" "a flying time of three hours between cities"; "unidentified flying ob"ects" "paid a flying visit"; "too' a flying glance at the boo'" "a flying start"; "crossed the goal line with a flying leap" "Man cannot fly" "-e flew about the place"


"5e fly flowers from the 1aribbean to North America" "fly a 'ite" "4umors and accusations are flying" "fly into a rage" "(ime flies li'e an arrow" "she is flying to 1incinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying:" "fly a 'ite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the 3.N."

".indbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"


(he concentration of attention or energy on something Ma*imum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system

"the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology" "in focus"; "out of focus"

Ma*imum clarity or distinctness of an idea A central point or locus of an infection in an organism /pecial emphasis attached to something A point of convergence of light (or other radiation! or a point from which it diverges A fi*ed reference point on the concave side of a conic section Direct one#s attention on something 1ause to converge on or toward a central point 7ring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions 7ecome focussed or come into focus 0ut (an image! into focus fog,n Droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground An atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance 1onfusion characteri<ed by lac' of clarity Ma'e less visible or unclear An angular or rounded shape made by folding A group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church A folded part (as a fold of s'in or muscle! A pen for sheep (he act of folding fold,v 7end or lay so that one part covers the other &ntertwine &ncorporate a food ingredient into a mi*ture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating 1ease to operate or cause to cease operating 1onfine in a fold, li'e sheep

"the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion" "the focus of infection"


"0lease focus on your studies and not on your hobbies" "+ocus the light on this image"

"(he light focused" "0lease focus the image; we cannot en"oy the movie"

fog,v fold,n

"a fold in the nap'in"

"he gave the nap'ins a double fold" "fold up the newspaper" "fold one#s hands, arms, or legs" "+old the egg whites into the batter"

7ecome folded or folded up fol',n 0eople in general A social division of (usually preliterate! people 0eople descended from a common ancestor (he traditional and typically anonymous music that is an e*pression of the life of people in a community A person who lac's good "udgment A person who is gullible and easy to ta'e advantage of A professional clown employed to entertain a 'ing or nobleman in the middle ages Ma'e a fool or dupe of /pend frivolously and unwisely +ool or hoa* &ndulge in horseplay foot,n A linear unit of length e ual to G8 inches or a third of a yard (he foot of a human being (he lower part of anything (ravel by foot A foot of a vertebrate other than a human being A support resembling a pedal e*tremity .owest support of a structure Any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates An army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot A member of a surveillance team who wor's on foot or rides as a passenger A group of 8 or $ syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm

"(he bed folds in a "iffy" "they#re "ust country fol'"



"9ou can#t fool meA" "(he bored children were fooling about" "he is si* feet tall" "his bare feet pro"ected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot" "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain" "he followed on foot"; "the swiftest of foot"

"one foot of the chair was on the carpet" "he stood at the foot of the tower"

"there came ten thousand horsemen and as many fullyBarmed foot"


0ay for something 5al' Add a column of numbers

"foot the bill"


A giver or sender A lower limit A reason or cause )ut of /tarting at

"a present from my uncle" "prices start from EG" "she nearly died from it" "made from wood" "&#ll be home from Opm" "he sent 1aesar a force of si* thousand men" "may the force be with you"; "the forces of evil" "force e uals mass times acceleration" "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citi<ens" "the force of his elo uence easily persuaded them" "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one" "he hit with all the force he could muster" "he "oined forces with a band of adventurers"


A unit that is part of some military service )ne possessing or e*ercising power or influence or authority (physics! the influence that produces a change in a physical uantity ,roup of people willing to obey orders A powerful effect or influence An act of aggression (as one against a person who resists! 0hysical energy or intensity A group of people having the power of effective action (of a law! having legal validity


(o cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means 3rge or force (a person! to an action; constrain or motivate Move with force, "-e pushed the table into a corner" &mpose or thrust urgently, importunately, or ine*orably / uee<e li'e a wedge into a tight space +orce into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically Do forcibly; e*ert force

"/he forced him to ta'e a "ob in the city"

"/he forced her diet fads on him"

"Don#t force itA"

1ause to move along the ground by pulling (a'e by force foreign,ad" )f concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own! 4elating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something Not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source (he trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area .and that is covered with trees and shrubs 2stablish a forest on previously unforested land An un'nown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another A large amount of wealth or prosperity An un'nown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome 9our overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you! A group of symbols that ma'e a mathematical statement Directions for ma'ing something A conventionali<ed statement e*pressing some fundamental principle A representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements /omething regarded as a normative e*ample A li uid food for infants (mathematics! a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems (he first of two or the first mentioned of two 4eferring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several! 7elonging to some prior time "he gave us a general formula for attac'ing polynomials" "(om and Dic' were both heroes but only the former is remembered today" "the novel was made into a film in G@?$ and again in G@O>; & prefer the former version to the latter one" "our former glory" "it was as if fortune guided his hand" "whatever my fortune may be" "foreign trade"; "a foreign office" "foreign nations"; "a foreign accent"; "on business in a foreign city" "the mysticism so foreign to the +rench mind and temper"; ""ealousy is foreign to her nature" "foreign particles in mil'"


forest,v fortune,n


"his formula for impressing visitors"

former,n former,ad"

(used especially of persons! of the immediate past )f the distant past fort,n A fortified military post where troops are stationed A fortified defensive structure fort,v ,ather in, or as if in, a fort, as for protection or defense 2nclose by or as if by a fortification /tation (troops! in a fort forward,n (he person who plays the position of forward on a bas'etball team A position on a bas'etball team /end or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit At or near or directed toward the front Moving toward a position ahead 3sed of temperament or behavior; lac'ing restraint or modesty )f the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle Moving forward /ituated at or toward the front /ituated in the front forward,adv At or to or toward the fron +orward in time or order or degree (oward the future; forward in time &n a forward direction Near or toward the bow of a ship or coc'pit of a plane An act that violates of the rules of a sport -it a foul ball

"the former president" "former generations"

forward,v forward,ad"

"forward my mail" "the forward section of the aircraft"; "a forward plunge down the stairs"; "forward motion" "forward motion" "a forward child badly in need of discipline" "in a forward gear"

"the forward part of the ship" "the forward section of the aircraft" "he faced forward"; "step forward"

"& loo' forward to seeing you" "they went slowly forward in the mud" "the captain went forward to chec' the instruments"

foul,n foul,v

Ma'e impure 7ecome or cause to become obstructed 1ommit a foul; brea' the rules /pot, stain, or pollute Ma'e unclean 7ecome soiled and dirty" 7ecome soiled and dirty foul,ad" -ighly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust )ffensively malodorous Ciolating accepted standards or rules (of a baseball! not hit between the foul lines (of a manuscript! defaced with changes (horoughly unpleasant 1haracteri<ed by obscenity Disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter 2specially of a ship#s lines etc frame,n A structure supporting or containing something )ne of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in ma'ing movies Alternative names for the body of a human being A period of play in baseball during which each team has a turn at bat (he hard structure (bones and cartilages! that provides a frame for the body of an animal (he internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape 2nclose in or as if in a frame 2nclose in a frame, as of a picture "foul copy" "foul weather we#re having" "foul language" "a foul pond" "a foul anchor" "used foul means to gain power" "foul the water"


"frame a picture"

(a'e or catch as if in a snare or trap +ormulate in a particular style or language Draw up the plans or basic details for 1onstruct by fitting or uniting parts together free<e,n (he withdrawal of heat to change something from a li uid to a solid 5eather cold enough to cause free<ing An interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement +i*ing (of prices or wages etc! at a particular level free<e,v 1hange to ice /top moving or become immobili<ed 7e cold 1ause to free<e /top a process or a habit by imposing a free<e on it 7e very cold, below the free<ing point 1hange from a li uid to a solid when cold 0rohibit the conversion or use of (assets! Anestheti<e by cold /uddenly behave coldly and formally free<er,n friday,n friend,n 2lectric refrigerator (trade name Deepfree<e! in which food is fro<en and stored for long periods of time (he si*th day of the wee'; the fifth wor'ing day A person you 'now well and regard with affection and trust An associate who provides assistance A person with whom you are ac uainted

"(he innocent man was framed by the police"

"frame a policy"

"a nuclear free<e" "a free<e on hiring" "(he water in the bowl fro<e" "5hen he saw the police car he fro<e" "& could free<e to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on" "+ree<e the leftover food"

"&t is free<ing in =alama<oo" "5ater free<es at $8 degrees +ahrenheit" "+ree<e the assets of this hostile government"

"/he fro<e when she saw her e*B husband"

"he was my best friend at the university" "they were friends of the wor'ers" "we are friends of the family"

A person who bac's a politician or a team etc. friend,n frog,n A member of the 4eligious /ociety of +riends founded by ,eorge +o* (the +riends have never called themselves Pua'ers! Any of various tailless stoutBbodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semia uatic and terrestrial species A person of +rench descent A decorative loop of braid or cord freedom,n (he condition of being free; the power to act or spea' or thin' without e*ternally imposed restraints &mmunity from an obligation or duty An e*cited state of agitation An angry disturbance A uarrel about petty points A rapid bustling commotion fuss,v 5orry unnecessarily or e*cessively 1are for li'e a mother fun,n Activities that are en"oyable or amusing Cerbal wit (often at another#s e*pense but not to be ta'en seriously! Ciolent and e*cited activity A disposition to find (or ma'e! causes for amusement 0roviding en"oyment; pleasantly entertaining A uantity that is added (he advantageous uality of being beneficial (he amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current e*pressed as the ratio of output to input (he amount by which the revenue of a business e*ceeds its cost of operating )btain

"they are friends of the library"


"he didn#t want to ma'e a fuss"

"don#t fuss too much over the grandchildrenBBthey are uite big now" "/he fusses over her husband" "& do it for the fun of it"; "he is fun to have around" "he became a figure of fun" "she as'ed for money and then the fun began"; "they began to fight li'e fun" "he was fun to be with" "a fun thing to do" "they recorded the cattle#s gain in weight over a period of wee's"

fun,ad" gaingain,n


5in something through one#s efforts Derive a benefit from 4each a destination, either real or abstract )btain advantages, such as points, etc. 4ise in rate or price &ncrease in 2arn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages &ncrease (one#s body weight! gamble,n Money that is ris'ed for possible monetary gain A ris'y act or venture gamble,v gap,n (a'e a ris' in the hope of a favorable outcome A conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures An open or empty space in or between things A narrow opening A pass between mountain pea's An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity gap,v garland,n Ma'e an opening or gap in An anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc. +lower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes Adorn with bands of flowers or leaves /ewing consisting of small folds or puc'ers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching (he act of gathering something Assemble or get together 1ollect in one place

",ain an understanding of international finance"

"(he home team was gaining ground" "(he stoc' mar'et gained 8? points today" "gain momentum"; "gain nerve"

"/he gained 8% pounds when she stopped e*ercising"

"5hen you buy these stoc's you are gambling" "gap between income and outgo" "the e*plosion made a gap in the wall"

garland,v gather,n

"(hey garlanded the statue"


"gather some stones" ".et#s gather in the dining room"

1ollect or gather 1onclude from evidence Draw fabric together and sew it tightly ,et people together .oo' for (food! in nature gear,n A toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion A mechanism for transmitting motion by gears for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle! 2 uipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc. /et the level or character of A crystalline roc' that can be cut and polished for "ewelry Art highly pri<ed for its beauty or perfection A person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of "ewelry A sweet uic' bread ba'ed in a cupBshaped pan A precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of "ewelry 3sually; as a rule 5ithout distinction of one from others 5ithout regard to specific details or e*ceptions generous,ad " 5illing to give and share unstintingly Not petty in character and mind More than ade uate gentle,v 1ause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of ,ive a title to someone; ma'e someone a member of the nobility /tro'e soothingly "a generous donation" "unusually generous in his "udgment of people" "a generous portion" "he had the gem set in a ring for his wife" "gather the close family members" ")ur ancestors gathered nuts in the +all" "& gather you have not done your homewor'"

gear,v gem,n

generally,ad v


/oft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe -aving or showing a 'indly or tender nature

Puiet and soothing 7elonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy 2asily handled or managed -aving little impact Mar'ed by moderate steepness gently,adv &n a gradual manner &n a gentle manner 5ith little weight or force germinate,v 0roduce buds, branches, or germinate 5or' out 1ause to grow or sprout gerund,n gesture,n A noun formed from a verb (such as the #Bing# form of an 2nglish verb when used as a noun! Motion of hands or body to emphasi<e or help to e*press a thought or feeling (he use of movements (especially of the hands! to communicate familiar or prearranged signals /omething done as an indication of intention /how, e*press or direct through movement (he attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration A rapid escape (as by criminals! getaway,v 4un away from confinement 2scape potentially unpleasant conse uences; get away with a forbidden action 4emove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

"a gentle reprimand"; "a vein of gentle irony"; "po'ed gentle fun at him" "the gentle touch of her hand"; "her gentle manner was comforting"; "a gentle sensitive nature"; "gentle blue eyes" "a gentle voice"; "a gentle nocturne" "of gentle blood" "a gentle old horse, docile and obedient" "gentle rain"; "a gentle bree<e" "a gentle slope" "a gently sloping terrain" "he tal'ed gently to the in"ured animal"

"the plentiful rain germinated my plants"

gesture,v getaway,n

"a political gesture"; "a gesture of defiance" "-e gestured his desire to leave"

"the thieves made a clean getaway"

"/he gets away with murderA" "(he president of the company never manages to get away during the summer"


1ome bac' to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity 4ecover something or somebody that appeared to be lost (a'e revenge or even out a score ,et one#s revenge for a wrong or an in"ury

"5e got bac' the money after we threatened to sue the company"; "-e got bac' his son from the 'idnappers"


.ower (one#s body! as by 'neeling Move something or somebody to a lower position ,et off (a horse! 0ass through the esophagus as part of eating or drin'ing .ower someone#s spirits; ma'e downhearted 0ut down in writing; of te*ts, musical compositions, etc. (a'e the first step or steps in carrying out an action

",et down on your 'neesA"

".et#s get down to wor' now"


(o come or go into /ucceed in a big way; get to the top (o surrender someone or something to another /ecure a place in a college, university, etc. Move into (a station! of trains


-ave smooth relations ,et on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.! ,et on the bac' of ,row late or (of time! elapse Appear in a show, on (.C., radio, etc. Develop in a positive way ,row old or older "&t is getting on midnightBBlet#s all go to bedA"


Move out of or depart from (a'e out of a container or enclosed space Move out or away 2*press with difficulty 7ring, ta'e, or pull out of a container or from under a cover 7e released or become 'nown; of news 2scape potentially unpleasant conse uences; get away with a forbidden action A small informal social gathering ,et people together ,et together socially or for a specific purpose 5or' together on a common enterprise of pro"ect 7ecome part of; become a member of a group or organi<ation A set of clothing (with accessories! 4ise to one#s feet ,et up and out of bed 4aise from a lower to a higher position 1ause to rise Develop 0ut on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive Arrange by systematic planning and united effort /tudy intensively, as before an e*am "(he soprano and the pianist did not get together very well" "& couldn#t get out from under these responsibilities" "& managed to get out a few words" ",et out your best dressBBwe are going to a partyA"

gettogether, n gettogether, v

"get together all those who are interested in the pro"ect"

getup,n getup,v

"his getup was e*ceedingly elegant" "(he audience got up and applauded" "& get up at > A.M. every day"


Any creature of e*ceptional si<e A person of e*ceptional importance and reputation An unusually large enterprise "5alton built a retail giant"

A very large person; impressive in si<e or ualities /omeone or something that is abnormally large and powerful An imaginary figure of superhuman si<e and strength; appears in fol'lore and fair tales A very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the /un! )f great mass; huge and bul'y (he central meaning or theme of a speech or literary wor' (he choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or e*perience (he elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length 1ause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense 7e the cause or source of (ransfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody 1onvey or reveal information 1onvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow )rgani<e or be responsible for 1onvey or communicate; of a smile, a loo', a physical gesture 7ring about Dedicate ,ive or supply (ell or deposit (information! 'nowledge 7ring about .eave with; give temporarily 2mit or utter 2ndure the loss of "1an & give you my 'eys while & go in the pool:"; "1an & give you the children for the wee'end:" ",ive a gulp"; "give a yelp" "-e gave his life for his children"; "& gave two sons to the war" "give a secret to the 4ussians"

giant,ad" gist,n

"the gist of the prosecutor#s argument"

give,n give,v

"/he gave him a blac' eye"; "(he draft gave me a cold" "-e gave me a lot of trouble" "& gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons:"; "/he gave the children lots of love and tender loving care" ",ive one#s name" "give the orders"; ",ive him my best regards" "give a course" "/he gave me a dirty loo'" "-is two singles gave the team the victory" "give thought to"; "give priority to"

0lace into the hands or custody of ,ive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause ,ive (as medicine! ,ive or convey physically 7estow 7estow, especially officially Move in order to ma'e room for someone for something ,ive food to 1ontribute to some cause 7rea' down, literally or metaphorically 2stimate the duration or outcome of something 2*ecute and deliver Deliver in e*change or recompense Afford access to 0resent to view 0erform for an audience 7e fle*ible under stress of physical force 0ropose .egal use6 accord by verdict Manifest or show )ffer in good faith /ubmit for consideration, "udgment, or use ,uide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion "give one#s talents to a good cause" "& gave him the drug" "/he gave him +irst Aid"; "& gave him a punch in the nose" "give homage" "give a divorce" "(he par' gave way to a supermar'et" "don#t give the child this tough meat" "& gave at the office" "(he wall gave in"; "(he roof finally gave under the weight of the ice" "-e gave the patient three months to live"; "& gave him a very good chance at success" ",ive bond" "&#ll give you three boo's for four 1Ds" "(he +rench doors give onto a terrace" "-e gave the sign to start" "0ollini is giving another concert in New 9or'" "(his material doesn#t give" "-e gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party" "give a decision for the plaintiff" "(his student gives promise of real creativity"; "(he office gave evidence of tampering" "-e gave her his word" "give one#s opinion"; "give an e*cuse" "9ou gave me to thin' that you agreed with me"

Allow to have or ta'e &nflict as a punishment )ccur 1onsent to engage in se*ual intercourse with a man 0roffer (a body part! glad,ad" /howing or causing "oy and pleasure; especially made happy (#lief# is archaic! very willing +eeling happy appreciation 1heerful and bright gladly,adv glory,n &n a willing manner A state of high honor 7rilliant radiant beauty An indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint 4e"oice proudly -aving or deserving or conferring glory -aving or worthy of pride 7ringing great happiness and than'fulness 1haracteri<ed by or attended with brilliance or grandeur -aving great beauty and splendor goby,n goby,v /mall spinyBfinned fish of coastal or brac'ish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a suc'er 0ass by 7e called; go by a certain name 7e or act in accordance with

"& give you two minutes to respond" "/he gave the boy a good span'ing"; "(he "udge gave me G% years" "what gives:" "/he gave herself to many men" "/he gave her hand to her little sister" "glad you are here"; "glad that they succeeded"; "gave a glad shout"; "a glad smile"; "heard the glad news"; "a glad occasion" "glad to help" "glad of the fire#s warmth" "a glad May morning" "this was gladly agreed to" "he valued glory above life itself" "the glory of the sunrise"

glory,v glorious,ad"

"a long and glorious career"; "our glorious literature"

"glorious freedom"; "glorious times" "a glorious wor' of art" "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"

"/he goes by her maiden name again" ",o by this rule and you#ll be safe"


Move out of or depart from .eave the house to go somewhere (a'e the field 7ecome e*tinguished ,o out of fashion; become unfashionable Date regularly; have a steady relationship with "5e never went out when our children were small" "(he soldiers went out on missions" "(he lights suddenly went out and we were in the dar'"


-aving the deep slightly brownish color of gold Mar'ed by peace and prosperity Made from or covered with gold /upremely favored or fortunate /uggestive of gold Cery favorable or advantageous

"long golden hair" "a golden era" "the golden calf" "golden lads and girls all must R li'e chimney sweepers come to dust" "a golden voice" "a golden opportunity" "for your own good"; "what#s the good of worrying:" "there is much good to be found in people" "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and selfBreali<ation" "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good 'nife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will ma'e a good picnic table"; "a good chec'"; "a good "o'e"; "a good e*terior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office" "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here"


7enefit Moral e*cellence or admirableness (hat which is good or valuable or useful


-aving desirable or positive ualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

-aving the normally e*pected amount Morally admirable Deserving of esteem and respect 0romoting or enhancing wellBbeing /uperior to the average

"ruined the family#s good name" "the e*perience was good for her" "made good grades"; "morale was good"; "had good weather for the

parade" Agreeable or pleasing )f moral e*cellence -aving or showing 'nowledge and s'ill and aptitude (horough 5ith or in a close or intimate relationship -aving or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others +inancially sound Most suitable or right for a particular purpose 4esulting favorably 2*erting force or influence +eeling healthy and free of aches and pains 1apable of pleasing Appealing to the mind &n e*cellent physical condition (ending to promote physical wellBbeing; beneficial to health Not forged Not left to spoil ,enerally admired good,adv (often used as a combining form! in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (#good# is a nonstandard dialectal variant for #well#! &n a complete and thorough manner (#good# is sometimes used informally for #thoroughly#! (1hristian theology! a state of sanctification by ,od; the state of one who under such divine influence "we all had a good time"; "good manners" "a genuinely good person" "a good mechanic" "had a good wor'out"; "gave the house a good cleaning" "a good friend"

"a good investment" "a good time to plant tomatoes" "its a good thing that & wasn#t there"; "it is good that you stayed" "a warranty good for two years" "& feel good" "good loo's" "good music" "good teeth"; "& still have one good leg" "a good night#s sleep" "a good dollar bill" "the meat is still good" "good taste" "the baby can wal' pretty good" "we beat him good" "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin"; "it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church"; "the Cirgin lived in a state of grace"


2legance and beauty of movement or e*pression A sense of propriety and consideration for others A disposition to 'indness and compassion; benign good will A short prayer of than's before a meal (1hristian theology! the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of ,od grace,v Ma'e more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. 7e beautiful to loo' at (,ree' mythology! one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite sub"ect for sculptors 1haracteri<ed by beauty of movement, style, form etc.; not aw'ward /uggesting taste, ease, and wealth (4oman 1atholic 1hurch! an antiphon (usually from the 7oo' of 0salms! immediately after the epistle at Mass 0roceeding in small stages )f a topographical gradient; not steep or abrupt gradually,ad v grant,n &n a gradual manner Any monetary aid (he act of providing a subsidy (law! a transfer of property by deed of conveyance A contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business A right or privilege that has been granted grant,v .et have ,ive on the basis of merit 7e willing to concede Allow to have "grant permission" "+unds are granted to ualified researchers" "& grant you this much" "grant a privilege" "the victor#s grace in treating the van uished"

",od#s grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners"; "there but for the grace of ,od go &"

grace,n graceful,ad"

gradual,n gradual,ad"

"a gradual increase in prices" "a gradual slope" "the sna'e moved gradually toward its victim"

7estow, especially officially ,ive over; surrender or relin uish to the physical control of another (ransfer by deed grant,n /cottish painter; cousin of .ytton /trachey and member of the 7loomsbury ,roup (GJJFBG@>J! GJth 0resident of the 3nited /tates; commander of the 3nion armies in the American 1ivil 5ar (GJ88B GJJF! 3nited /tates actor (born in 2ngland! who was the elegant leading man in many films (G@%?BG@JO! 3nderstanding of the nature or meaning or uality or magnitude of something (he limit of capability A firm controlling influence (he act of grasping grasp,v -old firmly ,et the meaning of something grateful,ad" +eeling or showing gratitude Affording comfort or pleasure gratitude,n gra<e,n A feeling of than'fulness and appreciation A superficial abrasion (he act of gra<ing gra<e,v +eed as in a meadow or pasture 7rea' the s'in (of a body part! by scraping .et feed in a field or pasture or meadow /crape gently 2at lightly, try different dishes gra<ing,n (he act of gra<ing (he act of brushing against while passing

"grant a degree"; "(his bill grants us new rights"

"grant land"


"he has a good grasp of accounting practices"

"a terrible power had her in its grasp"

"a grateful heart"; "grateful for the tree#s shade" "the grateful warmth of the fire" "he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help"

"the herd was gra<ing" "/he was gra<ed by the stray bullet"

"gra<e the s'in"


+eed as in a meadow or pasture 7rea' the s'in (of a body part! by scraping .et feed in a field or pasture or meadow /crape gently 2at lightly, try different dishes

"the herd was gra<ing" "/he was gra<ed by the stray bullet"

"gra<e the s'in"


(he property possessed by something or someone of outstanding importance 3nusual largeness in si<e or e*tent 2*press greetings upon meeting someone /end greetings to 4eact to in a certain way 7e perceived by "(he 0resident was greeted with catcalls" ".oud music greeted him when he entered the apartment"



An insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or studying e*cessively -ard monotonous routine wor' (he act of grinding to a powder or dust


0ress or grind with a crunching noise Ma'e a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together 4educe to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading 5or' hard Dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one#s partner such that the dancers# legs are interlaced (he act of grasping (he appendage to an ob"ect that is designed to be held in order to use or move it A portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes (he friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road!

"grind the spices in a mortar"


"he has a strong grip for an old man" "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"

5or'er who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made A firm controlling influence A flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place -old fast or firmly (o grip or sei<e, as in a wrestling match (o render motionless, as with a fi*ed stare or by arousing terror or awe An utterance e*pressing pain or disapproval &ndicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure A man participant in his own marriage ceremony /omeone employed in a stable to ta'e care of the horses A man who has recently been married groom,v 0repare (someone! for a future role or function ,ive a neat appearance to 1are for one#s e*ternal appearance group,n Any number of entities (members! considered as a unit (chemistry! two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule A set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse Arrange into a group or groups +orm a group or group together grow,v 0ass into a condition gradually, ta'e on a specific property or attribute; become 7ecome larger, greater, or bigger; e*pand or gain &ncrease in si<e by natural process 1ause to grow or develop

"they 'ept a firm grip on the two top priorities"; "he was in the grip of a powerful emotion"


"-e gripped the steering wheel"

groan,n groan,v groom,n

"(he students groaned when the professor got out the e*am boo'lets"

"-e is grooming his son to become his successor" "groom the dogs" "-e is always wellBgroomed"


"1an you group these shapes together:"

"/he grew angry" "(he problem grew too large for me"; "-er business grew fast" "1orn doesn#t grow here"; "&n these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees" "-e grows vegetables in his bac'yard"

Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation 1ome into e*istence; ta'e on form or shape 1ultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techni ues 1ome to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes! ,row emotionally or mature

"(he child grew fast" "the idea for the boo' grew out of a short story" "5e grow wheat here" "-e grew a beard" "5hen he spent a summer at camp, the boy grew noticeably and no longer showed some of his old adolescent behavior"


7ecome attached by or as if by the process of growth A message e*pressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence An estimate based on little or no information 2*pect, believe, or suppose 0ut forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation ;udge tentatively or form an estimate of ( uantities or time! ,uess correctly; solve by guessing "& guess she is angry at me for standing her up" "& am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again"


"-e guessed the right number of beans in the "ar and won the pri<e"


/omeone employed to conduct others /omeone who shows the way by leading or advising /omething that offers basic information or instruction A model or standard for ma'ing comparisons /omeone who can find paths through une*plored territory Direct the course; determine the direction of traveling (a'e somebody somewhere 7e a guiding force, as with directions or advice 3se as a guide ,uide or pass over something "(hey had the lights to guide on"



4esponsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; or mar'ed by guilt

"guilty of murder"; "the guilty person"; "secret guilty deeds"; "a guilty conscience"; "guilty behavior"

/howing a sense of guilt habitual,ad" Made a norm or custom or habit 1ommonly used or practiced; usual -aving a habit of long standing habitually,ad v According to routine or established practice According to habit or custom hammer,n (he part of a gunloc' that stri'es the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled A hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by stri'ing An athletic competition in which a heavy metal ball that is attached to a fle*ible wire is hurled as far as possible (he ossicle attached to the eardrum A heavy metal sphere attached to a fle*ible wire; used in the hammer throw A stri'er that is covered in felt and that causes the piano strings to vibrate A power tool for drilling roc's (he act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows! 7eat with or as if with a hammer 1reate by hammering hand,n (he (prehensile! e*tremity of the superior limb A hired laborer on a farm or ranch /omething written by hand Ability A position given by its location to the side of an ob"ect (he cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time )ne of two sides of an issue

"a guilty loo'" "his habitual practice was to eat an early supper"; "her habitual neatness" "his habitual comment"

"her habitually severe e*pression"; "he habitually 'eeps his office door closed"


"the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard" "hammer the metal flat" "hammer the silver into a bowl" "he had the hands of a surgeon" "the hired hand fi*ed the railing"; "a ranch hand" "his hand was illegible" "he wanted to try his hand at singing" "ob"ections were voiced on every hand" "& didn#t hold a good hand all evening"; "he 'ept trying to see my hand" "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."

A rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece A unit of length e ual to ? inches; used in measuring horses A member of the crew of a ship A card player in a game of bridge A round of applause to signify approval (erminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or 'angaroos! 0hysical assistance hand,v 0lace into the hands or custody of ,uide or conduct or usher somewhere handcuffs,n handcuffs,v handover,n handover,v handinhand, adv /hac'le that consists of a metal loop that can be loc'ed around the wrist; usually used in pairs 1onfine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs Act of relin uishing property or authority etc (o surrender someone or something to another (ogether 1lasping each other#s hands handtomout h,ad" handtomout h,adv handicapped ,ad" handicapped ,v 0roviding only bare essentials 5ith barely enough money for immediate needs &ncapacitated by in"ury or illness &n"ure permanently Attempt to forecast the winner (especially in a horse race! and assign odds for or against a contestant 0ut at a disadvantage handsome,a d" 0leasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion ,iven or giving freely

"the big hand counts the minutes" "the horse stood 8% hands" "all hands on dec'" "we need a ?th hand for bridge" "give the little lady a great big hand" "the 'angaroo#s forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful fiveB fingered hands are s'illed at feinting and clouting" "give me a hand with the chores" "hand me the spoon, please" "hand the elderly lady into the ta*i"

"(he police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime" "the handover of occupied territory"

"hand in hand with hope went fear"; "doctors and nurses wor' hand in hand to save lives" "they wal'ed hand in hand" "a handBtoBmouth e*istence" "they lived form hand to mouth"

"very pretty but not so e*traordinarily handsome" "a handsome allowance"


2asy to reach 2asy to use /'illful with the hands

"found a handy spot for the can opener" "a handy gadget" "handy with an a*e"

handy,n hang,n

3nited /tates blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (GJ>$BG@FJ! A special way of doing something (he way a garment hangs A gymnastic e*ercise performed on the rings or hori<ontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast#s weight is supported by the arms 7e suspended or hanging 1ause to be hanging or suspended .et drop or droop +all or flow in a certain way 7e menacing, burdensome, or oppressive ,ive heed (to! 7e suspended or poised -old on tightly or tenaciously 7e e*hibited 0revent from reaching a verdict, of a "ury Decorate or furnish with something suspended 7e placed in position as by a hinge 0lace in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction )f meat, in order to get a gamey taste

"he couldn#t get the hang of it" "he ad"usted the hang of his coat"


"(he flag hung on the wall" "-ang that picture on the wall" "-ang one#s head in shame" "(his dress hangs well" "(his worry hangs on my mind"; "(he cloud of suspicion hangs over her" "/he hung on his every word" "-eavy fog hung over the valley" "hang on to your father#s hands" "0icasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"

"-ang wallpaper" "(his cabinet door doesn#t hang rightA" "hang a door" "hang the venison for a few days"

happening,n happening,a d"

An event that happens (a'ing place "the parade is still happening"


1ome to pass -appen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance 1hance to be or do something, without intention or causation 1ome into being; become reality 1ome upon, as if by accident; meet with

"5hat is happening:" "&t happens that today is my birthday" "& happen to have "ust what you needA"


Annoy continually or chronically 2*haust by attac'ing repeatedly

"& happened upon the most wonderful ba'ery not very far from here" "(his man harasses his female coB wor'ers" "harass the enemy" "so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors"

harassment, n

A feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented (he act of tormenting by continued persistent attac's and criticism Not easy; re uiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure Metaphorically hard Not yielding to pressure or easily penetrated Cery strong or vigorous 1haracteri<ed by toilsome effort to the point of e*haustion; especially physical effort )f speech sounds )f a drin'er or drin'ing; indulging intemperately -aving undergone fermentation -aving a high alcoholic content 3nfortunate or hard to bear Dried out


"why is it so hard for you to 'eep a secret:" "a hard fate"; "too' a hard loo'"; "a hard bargainer"; "a hard climb" "hard as roc'" "a hard left to the chin" "hard labor"

"does a lot of hard drin'ing" "hard cider" "hard li uor" "had hard luc'" "hard dry rolls left over from the day before" "the team played hard"; "wor'ed hard all day"; "pressed hard on the lever"; "hit the ball hard"; "slammed the door hard" "held hard to the railing" "thought hard about it"; "stared hard at the accused"


5ith effort or force or vigor

5ith firmness 2arnestly or intently

1ausing great damage or hardship /lowly and with difficulty &ndulging e*cessively &nto a solid condition Cery near or close in space or time

"industries hit hard by the depression" "pre"udices die hard"

5ith pain or distress or bitterness (o the full e*tent possible; all the way hardly,adv 7y a small margin Almost not harm,n Any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. (he occurrence of a change for the worse (he act of damaging something or someone harm,v harsh,ad" 1ause or do harm to 3npleasantly stern Disagreeable to the senses

"concrete that sets hard within a few hours" "it stands hard by the railroad trac's"; "they were hard on his heels"; "a stri'e followed hard upon the plant#s opening" "he too' the re"ection very hard" "hard alee"; "the ship went hard astern"; "swung the wheel hard left" "we hardly 'new them" "he hardly ever goes fishing"; "he was hardly more than si*teen years old"

2*tremely un'ind or cruel /evere 3sed of circumstances (especially weather! that cause suffering /harply disagreeable; rigorous have,n have,v A person who possesses great material wealth -ave or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense -ave as a feature

"(hese pills won#t harm your system" "wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus" "the harsh cry of a blue "ay"; "harsh cognac"; "the harsh white light ma'es you screw up your eyes"; "harsh irritating smo'e filled the hallway" "had harsh words"; "a harsh and unlovable old tyrant" "a harsh penalty" "a harsh climate" "the harsh facts of court delays"

"/he has EG,%%% in the ban'"; "-e has got two beautiful daughters"

)f mental or physical states or e*periences -ave ownership or possession of 1ause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition /erve oneself to, or consume regularly -ave a personal or business relationship with someone )rgani<e or be responsible for -ave left 7e confronted with 3ndergo /uffer from; be ill with 1ause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 4eceive willingly something given or offered ,et something; come into possession of 3ndergo (as of in"uries and illnesses! Achieve a point or goal ,ive birth (to a newborn! -ave se* with; archaic use headache,n heal,v /omething or someone that causes an*iety; a source of unhappiness -eal or recover ,et healthy again healthy,ad" -aving or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease +inancially secure and functioning well 0romoting health; healthful

"have a feeling" "-ow many cars does she have:"

"-ave another bowl of chic'en soupA" "have a postdoc"; "have an assistant"; "have a lover" "have, throw, or ma'e a party" "& have two years left"; "& don#t have any money left"; "(hey have two more years before they retire" "5hat do we have here:"; "Now we have a fine mess" "(he stoc's had a fast runBup" "/he has arthritis"

"(he only girl who would have him was the miller#s daughter"; "& won#t have this dog in my houseA"

"-e had an insulin shoc' after eating three candy bars" "Nic'laus had a >%" "My wife had twins yesterdayA" "-e had ta'en this woman when she was most vulnerable"

"(he wound is healing slowly" "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy" "a healthy economy" "a healthy diet"; "clean healthy air"; "plenty of healthy sleep"; "healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy"

0hysically and mentally sound or healthy 2*ercising or showing good "udgment "healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesna'es"; "the healthy attitude of +rench laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"


A collection of ob"ects laid on top of each other (often followed by #of#! a large number or amount or e*tent A car that is old and unreliable


7estow in large uantities Arrange in stac's +ill to overflow

"-e heaped him with wor'"; "/he heaped scorn upon him" "heap firewood around the fireplace" "heap the platter with potatoes"


(law! a proceeding (usually by a court! where evidence is ta'en for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence An opportunity to state your case and be heard (he range within which a voice can be heard (he act of hearing attentively A session (of a committee or grand "ury! in which witnesses are called and testimony is ta'en (he ability to hear; the auditory faculty

"they condemned him without a hearing"

"they ma'e good musicBByou should give them a hearing" "the investigative committee will hold hearings in 1hicago" "his hearing was impaired"

hearing,ad" hearing,v

Able to perceive sound 0erceive (sound! via the auditory sense ,et to 'now or become aware of, usually accidentally 2*amine or hear (evidence or a case! by "udicial process 4eceive a communication from someone .isten and pay attention

"(he "ury had heard all the evidence" "5e heard nothing from our son for five years" "5e must hear the e*pert before we ma'e a decision"

heartattac', n heartbrea'in g,ad"

A sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function 1ausing or mar'ed by grief or anguish

"her sigh was heartbrea'ing"


5ith gusto and without reservation &n a hearty manner

"the boy threw himself heartily into his wor'" "#9es,# the children chorused heartily"

heatstro'e,n heavenly,ad"

1ollapse caused by e*posure to e*cessive heat 4elating to or inhabiting a divine heaven )f or relating to the s'y )f or belonging to heaven or god "heavenly hosts" "a heavenly body"


(he activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose "offered his help in unloading" A resource A means of serving A person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose ,ive help or assistance; be of service "there#s no help for it" "they hired additional help to finish the wor'" "2veryone helped out during the earth ua'e"; "1an you help me carry this table:"; "/he never helps around the house" "(his will help to prevent accidents" "(hese pills will help the patient" "& can#t help myselfBB& have to smo'e"; "/he could not help watching the sad spectacle" "(his money will help the development of literacy in developing countries" "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture" "& served him three times, and after that he helped himself" "/he helped herself to some of the office supplies"


7e of use &mprove the condition of Abstain from doing; always used with a negative 1ontribute to the furtherance of &mprove; change for the better -elp to some food; help with food or drin' (a'e or use helpful,ad" 0roviding assistance or serving a useful function )f service or assistance /howing a willingness to cooperate

"a child who is helpful around the house can save the mother many steps" "a helpful cooperative patient"; "parents hope to raise children who are considerate and helpful to

others" herewith,adv heredity,n (formal! by means of this (he biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the ne*t (he total of inherited attributes 0ractices that are handed down from the past by tradition Any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors (hat which is inherited; a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner -ereditary succession to a title or an office or property A verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic he*ameter or iambic pentameter Cery imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in si<e or scale! 4elating to or characteristic of heroes of anti uity -aving or displaying ualities appropriate for heroes &mpressive in si<e or scope /howing e*treme courage; especially of actions courageously underta'en in desperation as a last resort 0ause or hold bac' in uncertainty or unwillingness &nterrupt temporarily an activity before continuing hesitant,ad" .ac'ing decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide uic'ly or firmly Acting with uncertainty or hesitance or lac' of confidence &ndecision in speech or action A certain degree of unwillingness (he act of pausing uncertainly hide,n (he dressed s'in of an animal (especially a large animal! 7ody covering of a living animal "after some hesitation he agreed" "there was a hesitation in his speech" "a heritage of freedom" "the world#s heritage of 'nowledge"


heroic,n heroic,ad"

"of heroic proportions"; "heroic sculpture" "heroic legends"; "the heroic age" "the heroic attac' on the beaches of Normandy"; "heroic e*plorers" "heroic underta'ings" "they too' heroic measures to save his life" "Authorities hesitate to uote e*act figures"




0revent from being seen or discovered 7e or go into hiding; 'eep out of sight, as for protection and safety 1over as if with a shroud Ma'e undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing Not accessible to view 1overed from view Designed to elude detection Difficult to find

"Muslim women hide their faces"; "hide the money" "0robably his horse would be close to where he was hiding"; "/he is hiding out in a cabin in Montana"


"hidden damage" "her face hidden in her hands" "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole" "hidden valleys"; "a hidden cave" "Muslim women hide their faces"; "hide the money" "0robably his horse would be close to where he was hiding"; "/he is hiding out in a cabin in Montana"


0revent from being seen or discovered 7e or go into hiding; 'eep out of sight, as for protection and safety 1over as if with a shroud Ma'e undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing A lofty level or position or degree An air mass of higher than normal pressure A state of sustained elation A state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics A high place A public secondary school usually including grades @ through G8 A forward gear with a gear ratio giving high vehicle velocity for a given engine speed ,reater than normal in degree or intensity or amount


"summer temperatures reached an allBtime high" "the east coast benefits from a 7ermuda high" "&#m on a permanent high these days" "they too' drugs to get a high on" "they stood on high and observed the countryside"


(literal meanings! being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward e*tension (sometimes used in combinations li'e #'neeBhigh#! /tanding above others in uality or position

"a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high ris's"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself" "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high" "people in high places"; "the high priest"

3sed of sounds and voices; high in pitch or fre uency -appy and e*cited and energetic 3sed of the smell of game beginning to taint /lightly and pleasantly into*icated from alcohol or a drug (especially mari"uana! At a great altitude &n or to a high position, amount, or degree &n a rich manner +ar up toward the source highly,adv (o a high degree or e*tent; favorably or with much respect At a high rate or wage &n a high position or level or ran' hire,v 2ngage or hire for wor' -old under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services 2ngage for service under a term of contract hit,n (baseball! a successful stro'e in an athletic contest (especially in baseball! (he act of contacting one thing with another A conspicuous success (physics! an brief event in which two or more bodies come together A dose of a narcotic drug A murder carried out by an underworld syndicate A connection made via the internet to another website 1ause to move by stri'ing -it against; come into sudden contact with Affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely "it has all the earmar's of a Mafia hit" "5ordNet gets many hits from users worldwide" "hit a ball" "(he car hit a tree" "5e were hit by really bad weather" "he came all the way around on 5illiams# hit" "after three misses she finally got a hit" "that song was his first hit and mar'ed the beginning of his career" "(hey hired two new secretaries in the department"


"he climbed high on the ladder" "prices have gone up far too high" "he lives high" "he lives high up the river" "highly successful"; "-e spo'e highly of her"; "does not thin' highly of his writing" "highly paid wor'ers"


Deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument 4each a destination, either real or abstract 4each a point in time, or a certain state or level -it with a missile from a weapon 1ause to e*perience suddenly Ma'e a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target -it the intended target or goal 0roduce by manipulating 'eys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically 2ncounter by chance ,ain points in a game 1onsume to e*cess =ill intentionally and with premeditation Drive something violently into a location 0ay unsolicited and usually unwanted se*ual attention to (he act of grasping 3nderstanding of the nature or meaning or uality or magnitude of something 0ower by which something or someone is affected or dominated (ime during which some action is awaited A state of being confined (usually for a short time! A stronghold A cell in a "ail or prison (he appendage to an ob"ect that is designed to be held in order to use or move it (he space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo hold,v )rgani<e or be responsible for

"-e hit her hard in the face" "5e hit Detroit by noon"; "& have to hit the MA1 machine before the wee'end starts" "(he thermometer hit G%% degrees"

"An interesting idea hit her"

"-e hit a home run"; "-e hit .$%% in the past season" "hit the bottle"

"he hit his fist on the table" "-e tries to hit on women in bars" "she 'ept a firm hold on the railing"


"he has a hold over them" "he ordered a hold in the action" "the prisoner is on hold"

"hold a reception"

=eep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "'eep clean" -ave or hold in one#s hands or grip (o close within bounds, limit or hold bac' from movement

-ave rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices -ave or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense =eep in mind or convey as a conviction or view 1ontain or hold; have within .essen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or 'eep within limits 4emain in a certain state, position, or condition Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings! Assert or affirm 4emain committed to /ecure and 'eep for possible future use or application 7e the physical support of; carry the weight of -old the attention of =eep from e*haling or e*pelling /upport or hold in a certain manner -ave room for; hold without crowding 7e capable of holding or containing 7e valid, applicable, or true (a'e and maintain control over, often by violent means

"hold in place"; "/he always held herself as a lady" "-old this bowl for a moment, please"; "A cra<y idea too' hold of him" "(his holds the local until the e*press passengers change trains"; "About a do<en animals were held inside the stoc'ade"; "(he illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "(he terrorists held the "ournalists for ransom" "-e held the governorship for almost a decade" "/he holds a Master#s degree from -arvard" "hold these truths to be selfB evident"; "& hold him personally responsible" "(he canteen holds fresh water" "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper" "(he weather held"; "(hey held on the road and 'ept marching"

"4ousseau#s philosophy holds that people are inherently good" "& hold to these ideas"

"(he beam holds up the roof"; "5hat#s holding that mirror:" "(he soprano held the audience"; "(his story held our interest"; "/he can hold an audience spellbound" "hold your breath" "/he holds her head high" "(he auditorium can#t hold more than F%% people" "(he flas' holds one gallon" "(his theory still holds" "(he dissatisfied students held the 0resident#s office for almost a wee'"

0rotect against a challenge or attac' Declare to be -ave as a ma"or characteristic 1ause to stop 7ind by an obligation; cause to be indebted 1over as for protection against noise or smell 1over as for protection against noise or smell Drin' alcohol without showing ill effects 7e pertinent or relevant or applicable Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else! in advance 4esist or confront with resistance =eep from departing /top dealing with Aim, point, or direct 7e in accord; be in agreement holding,n holding,ad" holding,v (he act of 'eeping in your possession Designed for (usually temporary! retention )rgani<e or be responsible for =eep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "'eep clean" -ave or hold in one#s hands or grip (o close within bounds, limit or hold bac' from movement

"-old that position behind the treesA"; "-old the bridge against the enemy#s attac's" ""udge held that the defendant was innocent" "(he novel holds many surprises"; "(he boo' holds in store much valuable advise"

"-e#s held by a contract"; "&#ll hold you by your promise" "/he held her ears when the "ac'hammer started to operate"; "hold one#s nose" "-e can hold his li uor" "(his theory holds for all irrational numbers" "please hold a table at Ma*im#s" "(he bridge held" "-old the ta*i"; "-old the horse" "hold all calls to the 0resident#s office while he is in a meeting" "-old the fire e*tinguisher directly on the flames" "& hold with those who say life is sacred"

"a holding pen" "hold a reception" "hold in place"; "/he always held herself as a lady" "-old this bowl for a moment, please"; "A cra<y idea too' hold of him" "(his holds the local until the e*press passengers change trains"; "About a do<en animals were held inside the stoc'ade"; "(he illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "(he terrorists held the "ournalists for ransom"

-ave rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices -ave or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense =eep in mind or convey as a conviction or view 1ontain or hold; have within .essen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or 'eep within limits 4emain in a certain state, position, or condition Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings! Assert or affirm 4emain committed to /ecure and 'eep for possible future use or application 7e the physical support of; carry the weight of -old the attention of =eep from e*haling or e*pelling /upport or hold in a certain manner -ave room for; hold without crowding 7e capable of holding or containing 7e valid, applicable, or true (a'e and maintain control over, often by violent means 0rotect against a challenge or attac' Declare to be -ave as a ma"or characteristic 1ause to stop

"-e held the governorship for almost a decade" "/he holds a Master#s degree from -arvard" "hold these truths to be selfB evident"; "& hold him personally responsible" "(he canteen holds fresh water" "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper" "(he weather held"; "(hey held on the road and 'ept marching"

"4ousseau#s philosophy holds that people are inherently good" "& hold to these ideas"

"(he beam holds up the roof"; "5hat#s holding that mirror:" "(he soprano held the audience"; "(his story held our interest"; "/he can hold an audience spellbound" "hold your breath" "/he holds her head high" "(he auditorium can#t hold more than F%% people" "(he flas' holds one gallon" "(his theory still holds" "(he dissatisfied students held the 0resident#s office for almost a wee'" "-old that position behind the treesA"; "-old the bridge against the enemy#s attac's" ""udge held that the defendant was innocent" "(he novel holds many surprises"; "(he boo' holds in store much valuable advise"

7ind by an obligation; cause to be indebted 1over as for protection against noise or smell Drin' alcohol without showing ill effects 7e pertinent or relevant or applicable Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else! in advance 4esist or confront with resistance =eep from departing /top dealing with Aim, point, or direct 7e in accord; be in agreement hollow,n A cavity or space in something A small valley between mountains A depression hollowed out of solid matter hollow,v 4emove the inner part or the core of 4emove the interior of hollow,ad" Not solid; having a space or gap or cavity

"-e#s held by a contract"; "&#ll hold you by your promise" "/he held her ears when the "ac'hammer started to operate"; "hold one#s nose" "-e can hold his li uor" "(his theory holds for all irrational numbers" "please hold a table at Ma*im#s" "(he bridge held" "-old the ta*i"; "-old the horse" "hold all calls to the 0resident#s office while he is in a meeting" "-old the fire e*tinguisher directly on the flames" "& hold with those who say life is sacred" "hunger had caused the hollows in their chee's" "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians"

"hollow out a tree trun'" "a hollow wall"; "a hollow tree"; "hollow chee's"; "his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year" "hollow promises" "the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom" "a hollow victory" "deliver the pac'age to my home"; "he doesn#t have a home to go to" "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless" "1anadian tariffs enabled 3nited /tates lumber companies to raise prices at home"; "his home is New ;ersey"

Deliberately deceptive As if echoing in a hollow space Devoid of significance or point home,n 5here you live at a particular time -ousing that someone is living in (he country or state or city where you live

An environment offering affection and security An institution where people are cared for (he place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end A social unit living together (baseball! base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score 0lace where something began and flourished home,v 0rovide with, or send to, a home 4eturn home accurately from a long distance home,ad" 3sed of your own ground 4elating to or being where one lives or where one#s roots are &nside the country

"home is where the heart is"; "he grew up in a good 1hristian home"; "there#s no place li'e home" "a home for the elderly"

"the teacher as'ed how many people made up his home" "he ruled that the runner failed to touch home" "the 3nited /tates is the home of bas'etball"

"homing pigeons" "a home game" "my home town" "the 7ritish -ome )ffice has broader responsibilities than the 3nited /tates Department of the &nterior" "-e stays home on wee'ends"; "after the game the children brought friends home for supper"; "&#ll be home tomorrow"; "came riding home in style"; "& hope you will come home for 1hristmas"; "&#ll ta'e her home"; "don#t forget to write home" "the arrow struc' home" "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home" "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"; "an honest wage"; "honest weight" "my honest opinion" "an honest wor'ing stiff" "his answer was simple and honest" "wor'ed at an honest trade"; "good honest food"


At or to or in the direction of one#s home or family

)n or to the point aimed at (o the fullest e*tent; to the heart honest,ad" Not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent 5ithout dissimulation; fran' 5orthy of being depended on +ree from guile 5ithout pretensions

-abitually spea'ing the truth Mar'ed by truth honestly,adv (used as intensives reflecting the spea'er#s attitude! it is sincerely the case that &n an honest manner (he state of being honored A tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction (he uality of being honorable and having a good name A woman#s virtue or chastity honour,v 7estow honor or rewards upon /how respect towards Accept as pay hood,n 0rotective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine Metal covering leading to a vent that e*hausts smo'e or fumes A headdress that protects the head and face (he folding roof of a carriage An aggressive and violent young criminal hood,v hood,n 1over with a hood (slang! a neighborhood A group which are similar in some respect /tate or condition hoof,n (he foot of an ungulate mammal (he horny covering of the end of the foot in hoofed mammals 5al' Dance in a professional capacity

"an honest man" "gave honest answers" "honestly, & don#t believe it" "in he can#t get it honestly, he is willing to steal it"


"a man of honour"

"we honour chec's and drafts" "there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars"

"(he bandits were hooded"


"let#s hoof it to the disco"


A catch for loc'ing a door A sharp curve or croo'; a shape resembling a hoo' Anything that serves as an enticement A mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something A curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something A golf shot that curves to the left for a rightBhanded golfer A short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent A bas'etball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the bas'et +asten with a hoo' 4ip off; as' an unreasonable price Ma'e a piece of needlewor' by interloc'ing and looping thread with a hoo'ed needle -it a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left (a'e by theft (a'e by theft Ma'e off with belongings of others -it with a hoo' 1atch with a hoo' (o cause (someone or oneself! to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug! /ecure with the foot 2ntice and trap Approach with an offer of se*ual favors "-is opponent hoo'ed him badly" "hoo' a fish"


"hoo' the ball"


A specific instance of feeling hopeful (he general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled ,rounds for feeling hopeful about the future

"it revived their hope of winning the pennant" "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope"

/omeone (or something! on which e*pectations are centered )ne of the three 1hristian virtues hope,v 2*pect and wish 7e optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes &ntend with some possibility of fulfillment hope,n horrible,ad" hospital,n 3nited /tates comedian (born in 2ngland! who appeared in films with 7ing 1rosby (born in G@%$! 0rovo'ing horror A health facility where patients receive treatment A medical institution where sic' or in"ured people are given medical or surgical care A prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms )ccurring every hour or payable by the hour 2very hour -ousing structures collectively; structures in which people are housed A protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component /table gear consisting of a decorated covering for a horse, especially (formerly! for a warhorse 1ontain or cover 0rovide housing for howcome,ad v however,adv Puestion word; what is the reason (#how come# is a nonstandard variant! Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession! 7y contrast; on the other hand (o whatever degree or e*tent

"he was their best hope for a victory"

"& hope she understands that she cannot e*pect a raise" "& am still hoping that all will turn out well" "& hope to have finished this wor' by tomorrow evening"

"war is beyond all words horrible"

hostage,n hourly,ad" hourly,adv housing,n

"hourly chimes"; "hourly pay" "daily, hourly, & grew stronger"


"(his bo* houses the gears" "(he immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town" "how come he got an ice cream cone but & didn#t:" "although &#m a little afraid, however &#d li'e to try it" "the first part was easy; the second, however, too' hours" "(he results, however general, are important"; "they have begun, however reluctantly, to ac'nowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition#s concerns" "Cictory, however it was brought about, was sweet"; "however he did it, it was very clever"

&n whatever way or manner

hug,n hug,v

&n what way or manner or by what means (#however# is sometimes used as an intensive form of #how#! A tight or amorous embrace -ug, usually with fondness +it closely or tightly

"however did you get here so soon:" "come here and give me a big hug" "-ug me, please" "(he dress hugged her hips" "there is a constant hum of military preparation" "the hum of distant traffic" "/he hummed a melody"


(he state of being or appearing to be actively engaged in an activity A humming noise /ing with closed lips 7e noisy with activity /ound with a monotonous hum Ma'e a low continuous sound


"(he refrigerator is humming"

hum,int hum,n


2*clamation e*pressing doubt, deliberation, dissent, or hesitation An &slamic fundamentalist group in 0a'istan that fought the /oviet 3nion in Afghanistan in the G@J%s; now operates as a terrorist organi<ation primarily in =ashmir and see's =ashmir#s accession by 0a'istan All of the inhabitants of the earth (he uality of being humane (he uality of being human


1ause to be unpretentious 1ause to feel shame; hurt the pride of

"(his e*perience will humble him"


.ow or inferior in station or uality Mar'ed by mee'ness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful 3sed of uns'illed wor' (especially domestic wor'! )f low birth or station (#base# is archaic in this sense! A characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary! state of feeling

"a humble cottage" "a humble apology"; "essentially humble...and selfBeffacing, he achieved the highest formal honors and distinctions"

"of humble (or lowly! birth"


A message whose ingenuity or verbal s'ill or incongruity has the power to evo'e laughter (Middle Ages! one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state (he li uid parts of the body (he uality of being funny (he trait of appreciating (and being able to e*press! the humorous 0ut into a good mood +ull of or characteri<ed by humor An association of huntsmen who hunt for sport An instance of searching for something (he activity of loo'ing thoroughly in order to find something or someone (he wor' of finding and 'illing or capturing animals for food or pelts (he pursuit and 'illing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport 0ursue for food or sport (as of wild animals! 0ursue or chase relentlessly 1hase away, with as with force 9aw bac' and forth about a flight path )scillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable e*tent /ee', search for /earch (an area! for prey hunt,n 2nglishman and 0reB4aphaelite painter (GJ8>BG@G%! 7ritish writer who defended the romanticism of =eats and /helley (G>J?BGJF@! 3nited /tates architect (GJ8>BGJ@F! hurdle,n A light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races

"the humours are blood and phlegm and yellow and blac' bile"

"& fail to see the humour in it"

humour,v humorous,a d" hunt,n

"humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein"

"the hunt for submarines"


",oering often hunted wild boars in 0oland"; "(he Du'e hunted in these woods"

"(hey hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood"

"(he oscillator hunts about the correct fre uency" "/he hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them" "(he =ing used to hunt these forests"

An obstacle that you are e*pected to overcome (he act of "umping over an obstacle hurdle,v hurry,n ;ump a hurdle A condition of urgency ma'ing it necessary to hurry )verly eager speed (and possible carelessness! (he act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner Move very fast Act or move at high speed 3rge to an unnatural speed hurriedly,adv hygiene,n &n a hurried or hasty manner A condition promoting sanitary practices (he science concerned with the prevention of illness and maintenance of health 3sed of a single unit or thing; not two or more A nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs naturally only in combination in small uantities (as in sea water or roc's! (he @th letter of the 4oman alphabet (he smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number 4efers to the spea'er or writer (he idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attain Model of e*cellence or perfection of a 'ind; one having no e ual 1onforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or e*cellence; embodying an ideal 1onstituting or e*isting only in the form of an idea or mental image or conception )f or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality of ideas &n an ideal manner

"the last hurdle before graduation"

"in a hurry to loc' the door"


"hurryBBit#s lateA"

"the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful" "personal hygiene"

i,ad" i,n

i,pro ideal,n


"a poem or essay may be typical of its period in idea or ideal content"


"ideally, this will remove all problems"


(he distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity (he individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recogni<ed or 'nown

An operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates 2*act sameness idiot,n identical,ad" A person of subnormal intelligence 2*actly ali'e; incapable of being perceived as different 7eing the e*act same one; not any other6 (of twins! derived from a single egg or ovum -aving properties with uniform values along all a*es 1oinciding e*actly when superimposed if,con" 2very time that &ntroduces a conditional clause ignorance,n ignorant,ad" (he lac' of 'nowledge or education .ac'ing general education or 'nowledge &gnorant of the fundamentals of a given art or branch of 'nowledge .ac'ing basic 'nowledge 3sed of things; lac'ing sense or awareness .ac'ing 'nowledge or s'ill .ac'ing information or 'nowledge ill,n ill,ad" An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining Not in good physical or mental health 4esulting in suffering or adversity

"you can lose your identity when you "oin the army" "geneticists only recently discovered the identity of the gene that causes it"; "it was too dar' to determine his identity"; "she guessed the identity of his lover" "the identity under numerical multiplication is G" "they shared an identity of interests"

"rows of identical houses"; "cars identical e*cept for their license plates" "this is the identical room we stayed in before" "identical twins are monovular"

"identical triangles" "if & call you are always engaged" "& will go to university if & can afford it"

"an ignorant man" "ignorant of uantum mechanics" "how can someone that age be so ignorant:" "ignorant hope"

"ill from the monotony of his suffering" "ill effects"; "it#s an ill wind that blows no good"

Distressing &ndicating hostility or enmity 0resaging illBfortune ill,adv (#ill# is often used as a combining form! in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well 3nfavorably or with disapproval 5ith difficulty or inconvenience; scarcely or hardly illness,n illegally,adv illusion,n &mpairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism &n an illegal manner An erroneous mental representation /omething many people believe that is false (he act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas An illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers Artwor' that helps ma'e something clear or attractive /howing by e*ample An item of information that is representative of a type A visual representation (a picture or diagram! that is used ma'e some sub"ect more pleasing or easier to understand An iconic mental representation A visual representation (of an ob"ect or scene or person or abstraction! produced on a surface (;ungian psychology! a personal facade that one presents to the world A standard or typical e*ample .anguage used in a figurative or nonliteral sense /omeone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor! A representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture!

"ill manners"; "of ill repute" "you certainly did me an ill turn"; "ill feelings"; "ill will" "ill omens"; "ill predictions" "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "illBfitting clothes"; "an illBconceived plan" "tried not to spea' ill of the dead" "we can ill afford to buy a new car "ust now"

"they dumped the waste illegally"

"they have the illusion that & am very wealthy"



"her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate" "a movie is a series of images pro"ected so rapidly that the eye integrates them" "a public image is as fragile as -umpty Dumpty" "he provided America with an image of the good father"

"she#s the very image of her mother" "the emperor#s tomb had his image carved in stone"

image,v imbalance,n

&magine; conceive of; see in one#s mind A state of dise uilibrium (as may occur in cases of inner ear disease! (mathematics! a lac' of symmetry 4eproduce someone#s behavior or loo's Appear li'e, as in behavior or appearance Ma'e a reproduction or copy of "(he mime imitated the passersBby" ".ife imitate art"



(he doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations A copy that is represented as the original 1opying (or trying to copy! the actions of someone else A representation of a person that is e*aggerated for comic effect Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article Cery close or connected in space or time -aving no intervening medium &mmediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect )f the present time and place 0erformed with little or no delay

imitation,ad" immediate,a d"

"decorated with imitation palm leaves" "immediate contact"; "the immediate vicinity"; "the immediate past" "an immediate influence" "the immediate result"; "the immediate cause of the trouble" "the immediate revisions" "an immediate reply to my letter"


A mood that e*presses an intention to influence the listener#s behavior /ome duty that is essential and urgent 4e uiring attention or action "as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative"; "re uests that grew more and more imperative"

imperative,a d"

4elating to verbs in the imperative mood implement,n implement,v &nstrumentation (a piece of e uipment or tool! used to effect an end Apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design 2nsure observance of laws and rules

"implement a procedure"


0ursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue 1ommodities (goods or services! bought from a foreign country An imported person brought from a foreign country (he message that is intended or e*pressed or signified A meaning that is not e*pressly stated but can be inferred -aving important effects or influence

"-e implemented a new economic plan"

"the lead role was played by an import from /weden" "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"


7ring in from abroad &ndicate or signify

importance, n

(he uality of being important and worthy of note A prominent status

"the importance of a wellBbalanced diet" "a person of importance"

impress,n impress,v

(he act of coercing someone into government service -ave an emotional or cognitive impact upon &mpress positively 0roduce or try to produce a vivid impression of Mar' or stamp with or as if with pressure 4eproduce by printing (a'e (someone! against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship Dye (fabric! before it is spun

"(his child impressed me as unusually mature" "(he young chess player impressed her audience"

"(o ma'e a bati', you impress a design with wa*"


A vague idea in which some confidence is placed An outward appearance A clear and telling mental image A concavity in a surface produced by pressing A symbol that is the result of printing All the copies of a wor' printed at one time

"his impression of her was favorable" "he made a good impression"; "& wanted to create an impression of success" "the events left a permanent impression in his mind" "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud"

(dentistry! an imprint of the teeth and gums in wa* or plaster An impressionistic portrayal of a person (he act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another Ma'ing a strong or vivid impression 0roducing a strong effect improve,v (o ma'e better ,et better improvemen t,n (he act of improving something A change for the better; progress in development A condition superior to an earlier condition impurity,n 5orthless material that should be removed (he condition of being impure inactive,ad" Not participating in a chemical reaction Not progressing or increasing; or progressing slowly Not active or e*erting influence )f e.g. volcanos; permanently inactive )f e.g. volcanos; temporarily inactive .ac'ing in energy or will .ac'ing activity; lying idle or unused Not engaged in fullBtime wor' Not active physically or mentally Not engaged in military action Not in physical motion (emporarily inactive

impressive,a d"

"the dentist too' an impression for use in preparing an inlay" "he did a funny impression of a politician" "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wa*" "an impressive ceremony" "gave an impressive performance as )thello" "(he editor improved the manuscript with his changes" "(he weather improved toward evening" "their improvements increased the value of the property"

"the new school represents a great improvement" "there were impurities in the water"

"desired amounts of inactive chlorine"

"an inactive mine"; "inactive accounts"; "inactive machinery" "inactive reserve"; "an inactive member of the department" "illness forced him to live an inactive life"; "dreamy and inactive by nature"

inade uate, ad"

(sometimes followed by #to#! not meeting the re uirements especially of a tas' Not sufficient to meet a need

"inade uate training"; "the staff was inade uate"; "she was inade uate to the "ob" "an inade uate income"

inconvenien ce,n

An inconvenient discomfort A difficulty that causes an*iety (he uality of not being useful or convenient

inconvenien ce,v indecision,n

(o cause inconvenience or discomfort to Doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action (he trait of irresolution; a lac' of firmness of character or purpose 1haracteri<ed by lac' of decision and firmness Not definitely settling something Not clearly defined "his indecision was only momentary but the opportunity was lost"

indecisive,a d"

"an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill" "a long and indecisive war" "indecisive boundaries running through mountains"

independent ,n

independent ,ad"

A neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics! A writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a longBterm contract with any of them +ree from e*ternal control and constraint

"an independent mind"; "a series of independent "udgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"; "an independent republic"

Not dependent on or conditioned by or relative to anything else )f political bodies Not contingent )f a clause; able to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence Not controlled by a party or interest group indirect,ad" -aving intervening factors or persons or influences Not direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination Descended from a common ancestor but through different lines "reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light"; "indirect evidence"; "an indirect cause" "sometimes ta'ing an indirect path saves time"; "must ta'e an indirect course in sailing" "an indirect descendant of the /tuarts" "the independent clause in a comple* sentence has at least a sub"ect and a verb"

2*tended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action

Not as a direct effect or conse uence indiscipline,n inhuman,ad" (he trait of lac'ing discipline 5ithout compunction or human feeling 7elonging to or resembling something nonhuman inaugurate,v 1ommence officially )pen ceremoniously or dedicate formally 7e a precursor of inaugural,n An address delivered at an inaugural ceremony (especially by a 3nited /tates president! (he ceremonial induction into a position )ccurring at or characteristic of a formal investiture or induction /erving to set in motion (he act of starting a new operation or practice (he ceremonial induction into a position incident,n A single distinct event A public disturbance incident,ad" +alling or stri'ing on something (sometimes followed by #to#! minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or conse uence A uantity that is added A change resulting in an increase A process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important (he amount by which something increases

"ma'ing indirect but legitimate in uiries"; "an indirect insult"; "doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind"; "though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest"; "'nown as a shady indirect fellow" "indirect benefits"; "an indirect advantage"

"something dar' and inhuman in form"; "a babel of inhuman noises"


"the 0resident#s inaugural address"; "an inaugural ball" "the maga<ine#s inaugural issue" "he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation" "the new president obviously en"oyed his inauguration"

inauguration ,n

"the police investigated an incident at the bus station"


"the increase is scheduled for ne*t month" "the increase in unemployment" "they proposed an increase of GF percent in the fare"

(he act of increasing something increase,v 7ecome bigger or greater in amount Ma'e bigger or more indeed,adv &n truth (often tends to intensify!

"he gave me an increase in salary" "(he amount of wor' increased" "(he boss finally increased her salary"; "(he university increased the number of students it admitted" "they said the car would brea' down and indeed it did"; "it is very cold indeed"; "was indeed grateful"; "indeed, the rain may still come" "5ants to marry the butler: &ndeedA"


(used as an inter"ection! an e*pression of surprise or s'epticism or irony etc. A numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number A number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement! derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time A mathematical notation indicating the number of times a uantity is multiplied by itself An alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed (he finger ne*t to the thumb .ist in an inde* 0rovide with an inde* Ad"ust through inde*ation


"inde* the boo'" "(he government inde*es wages and prices" "(hese symptoms indicate a serious illness" "he indicated his opponents" "indicated his wishes in a letter" "(he results indicate the need for more wor'" "(etracycline is indicated in such cases" "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"


7e a signal for or a symptom of &ndicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively (o state or e*press briefly ,ive evidence of /uggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine /omething that serves to indicate or suggest (he act of indicating or pointing out by name (medicine! a reason to prescribe a drug or perform a procedure /omething (as a course of action! that is indicated as e*pedient or necessary


"the presence of bacterial infection was an indication for the use of antibiotics" "there were indications that it was time to leave"

A datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument individual,n A human being A single organism individual,ad " 7eing or characteristic of a single thing or person /eparate and distinct from others of the same 'ind 1haracteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 1oncerning one person e*clusively individually,a dv industrial,ad" Apart from others )f or relating to or resulting from industry -aving highly developed industries 2mployed in industry 2mployed in industry /uitable to stand up to hard wear infect,v 1ommunicate a disease to 1ontaminate with a disease or microorganism 1ontaminate with ideas or an ideology Affect in a contagious way infectious,ad " 1aused by infection or capable of causing infection 2asily spread )f or relating to infection inferior,n )ne of lesser ran' or station or uality A character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character )f or characteristic of low ran' or importance

"the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm"

"individual drops of rain"; "please mar' the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways" "mar' the individual pages" "an individual serving" "we all have individual cars" "ta'en individually, the rooms were, in fact, s uare" "industrial output" "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation" "industrial wor'ers"; "the industrial term in use among professional thieves" "the industrial classes"; "industrial wor'" "industrial carpeting" "9our children have infected you with this head cold"

"society was infected by racism" "-is laughter infects everyone who is in the same room"

"fear is e*ceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders" "infectious hospital"; "infectious disease"


)f low or inferior uality &nferior in ran' or status 5ritten or printed below and to one side of another character -aving an orbit between the sun and the 2arth#s orbit .ower than a given reference point +alling short of some prescribed norm inferiority,n (he state of being inferior An inferior uality (he uality of being a competitive disadvantage influence,n A power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc 1ausing something without any direct or apparent effort A cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do (he effect of one thing (or person! on another )ne having power to influence another influence,v -ave and e*ert influence or effect /hape or influence; give direction to &nduce into action by using one#s charm information, n A message received and understood A collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn =nowledge ac uired through study or e*perience or instruction (communication theory! a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome +ormal accusation of a crime inhalation,n (he act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases! as in breathing A medication to be ta'en by inhaling it "used her parents# influence to get the "ob"

"Mercury and Cenus are inferior planets" "inferior alveolar artery"

"her wishes had a great influence on his thin'ing" "the influence of mechanical action" "she was the most important influence in my life"; "he was a bad influence on the children" "(he artist#s wor' influenced the young painter"

"the signal contained thousands of bits of information"

initial,n initial,v initial,ad" inner,ad"

(he first letter of a word (especially a person#s name! Mar' with one#s initials )ccurring at the beginning .ocated inward .ocated or occurring within or closer to a center &nnermost or essential 1onfined to an e*clusive group 2*clusive to a center; especially a center of influence &nside or closer to the inside of the body

"he refused to put the initials +4/ after his name"

"too' the initial step toward reconciliation" "7eethoven#s manuscript loo's li'e a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle" "an inner room" "the inner logic of 1ubism" "privy to inner 'nowledge" "inner regions of the organi<ation"; "inner circles of government" "the inner ear"

innocense,n in uire,v

5hite and lavender to paleBblue flowers grow in perfect rings of widely spaced bands around the stems forming a 'ind of pagoda; 1alifornia &n uire about -ave a wish or desire to 'now something 1onduct an in uiry or investigation of "in uire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"

in uiry,n

A search for 'nowledge An instance of uestioning A systematic investigation of a matter of public interest (he region that is inside of something (he inner or enclosed surface of something "we made in uiries of all those who were present"



4elating to or being within or near the inner side or limit 7eing or applying to the inside of a building .ocated, suited for, or ta'ing place within a building 1onfined to an e*clusive group Away from the outer edge

"he reached into his inside "ac'et poc'et"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter" "an inside wall"

"inside information" "the inside lane"

5ithin some bounds; especially of an organi<ation inside,adv 5ithin a building )n the inside 5ith respect to private feelings &n reality insist,v 7e insistent and refuse to budge 7eg persistently and urgently Assert to be true inspect,v .oo' over carefully 1ome to see in an official or professional capacity )f accounts and ta* returns; with the intent to verify inspection,n inspire,v A formal or official e*amination -eighten or intensify /upply the inspiration for /erve as the inciting cause of 3rge on or encourage especially by shouts +ill with revolutionary ideas Draw in (air! inspiration,n Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity A product of your creative thin'ing and wor' A sudden intuition as part of solving a problem (theology! a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings Arousing to a particular emotion or action (he act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases! as in breathing

"an inside "ob" "in winter we play inside" "inside, the car is a mess"

"& must insistA"

"0lease inspect your father#s will carefully"

"we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator"

"(he article about the artist inspired the e*hibition of his recent wor'"

"(he patient has trouble inspiring"; "(he lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"

"he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists"

inspiring,ad" inspiring,v

/timulating or e*alting to the spirit -eighten or intensify /upply the inspiration for /erve as the inciting cause of 3rge on or encourage especially by shouts +ill with revolutionary ideas Draw in (air! "(he patient has trouble inspiring"; "(he lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well" "+eli* became a herpetologist instead" "he didn#t call; instead, he wrote her a letter"; "used 2nglish terms instead of .atin ones" "instrumental compositions"; "an instrumental ensemble" "instrumental in solving the crime" "5e interrupt the program for the following messages" "Don#t interrupt me when &#m reading" "0lease don#t interrupt me while &#m on the phone" "/he interrupted her pregnancy" "he has a 'een intellect" "(he article about the artist inspired the e*hibition of his recent wor'"


&n place of, or as an alternative to )n the contrary

instrumental, ad"

4elating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments /erving or acting as a means or aid Ma'e a brea' in Destroy the peace or tran uility of &nterfere in someone else#s activity (erminate



=nowledge and intellectual ability (he capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination A person who uses the mind creatively

intellectual,n intellectual,a d"

A person who uses the mind creatively )f or relating to the intellect )f or associated with or re uiring the use of the mind Appealing to or using the intellect "his intellectual career" "intellectual problems" "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual wor'ers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of

the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature" &nvolving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct -ave in mind as a purpose Design or destine Mean or intend to e*press or convey Denote or connote intent,n An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions (he intended meaning of a communication Directed with intense concentration 5holly absorbed as in thought interact,v interaction,n Act together or towards others or with others A mutual or reciprocal action; interacting (physics! the transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields; mediated by gauge bosons A sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something (he power of attracting or holding one#s interest (because it is unusual or e*citing etc.! A reason for wanting something done A fi*ed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed A diversion that occupies one#s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly! (law! a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something (usually plural! a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims 2*cite the curiosity of; engage the interest of 7e on the mind of "his intent was to provide a new translation" "/he was intended to become the director" "what do his words intend:"



"an intent ga<e" "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred" "-e should interact more with his colleagues"


"an interest in music"

"they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room" "in the interest of safety"; "in the common interest" "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage:" "he counts reading among his interests" "they have interests all over the world" "the iron interests stepped up production"


7e of importance or conse uence interesting,a d" interesting,v Arousing or holding the attention 2*cite the curiosity of; engage the interest of 7e on the mind of 7e of importance or conse uence interior,n (he region that is inside of something (he inner or enclosed surface of something interior,ad" /ituated within or suitable for inside a building &nside the country "an interior scene"; "interior decoration"; "an interior bathroom without windows" "the 7ritish -ome )ffice has broader responsibilities than the 3nited /tates Department of the &nterior" "she thin's she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it" "interior regions of the earth"

.ocated inward &nside and toward a center )f or coming from the middle of a region or country interior,n internal,ad" (he 3nited /tates federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in GJ?@ -appening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface )ccurring within an institution or community &nside the country .ocated inward &nnermost or essential interpretatio n,n A mental representation of the meaning or significance of something (he act of interpreting something as e*pressed in an artistic performance An e*planation that results from interpreting something An e*planation of something that is not immediately obvious

"internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"

"the nation#s internal politics" "an internal sense of righteousness" "the internal contradictions of the theory"

"the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence" "the edict was sub"ect to many interpretations"


(ransmit (a signal! for setting off an appropriate response, as in telecommunication 0ose a series of uestions to A sentence of in uiry that as's for a reply A transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder +ormal systematic uestioning An instance of uestioning "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"

interrogation ,n

interruption, n

An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity /ome abrupt occurrence that interrupts A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something 2*presses a change of state 2*presses motion to a point on, or within, something =een on "the telephone is an annoying interruption"


"turn water into wine" "into the building"; "go into the city" "he#s into roc' music"


4ise and fall of the voice pitch /inging by a soloist of the opening piece of plainsong (he act of singing in a monotonous tone (he production of musical tones (by voice or instrument!; especially the e*actitude of the pitch relations /erving to open or begin /erving as a base or starting point /erving as an introduction or preface

introductory, ad"

"began the slide show with some introductory remar's" "an introductory art course"


(he creation of something in the mind A creation (a new device or process! resulting from study and e*perimentation (he act of inventing


Ma'e an investment ,ive ualities or abilities to

+urnish with power or authority; of 'ings or emperors 0rovide with power and authority 0lace ceremoniously or formally in an office or position A scientist who devotes himself to doing research /omeone who investigates A police officer who investigates crimes involve,v 1onnect closely and often incriminatingly 2ngage as a participant -ave as a necessary feature or conse uence; entail 4e uire as useful, "ust, or proper 1ontain as a part 5rap )ccupy or engage the interest of Ma'e comple* or intricate or complicated involvement, n (he act of sharing in the activities of a group A connection of inclusion or containment A sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something A usually secretive or illicit se*ual relationship (he condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.! A member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment Merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name 1ontrary to rule or accepted order or general practice (of solids! not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of li uid displacement "he escaped involvement in the accident"; "there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen" "Dinner at ;oe#s always involves at least si* courses" "(he tower was involved in mist" "-is story completely involved me during the entire afternoon" "(he situation was rather involved" "Don#t involve me in your family affairsA" "(his decision involves many changes"

investigator, n



"irregular hiring practices"

Not occurring at e*pected times 3sed of the military; not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces Deviating from what is usual or common or to be e*pected; often somewhat odd or strange .ac'ing continuity or regularity )f a surface; not level or flat 3sed of independent armed resistance forces &ndependent in behavior or thought irrigate,v /upply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams /upply with a constant flow or sprin'ling of some li uid, for the purpose of cooling, cleansing, or disinfecting An important uestion that is in dispute and must be settled )ne of a series published periodically (he provision of something by issuing it (usually in uantity! /ome situation or event that is thought about /upplies (as food or clothing or ammunition! issued by the government A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon (he income arising from land or other property (he becoming visible An opening that permits escape or release (he act of issuing printed materials issue,v 0repare and issue for public distribution or sale 1irculate or distribute or e uip with 7ring out an official document (such as a warrant! "issue a new uniform to the children" "the canyon had only one issue" "he died without issue" "she led a somewhat irregular private life" "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare" "highly irregular behavior" "an irregular wor'er" "wal'ing was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"

"irrigate the wound" "the issue could be settled by re uiring public education for everyone"; "politicians never discuss the real issues" "she found an old issue of the maga<ine in her dentist#s waitingroom" "a new issue of stamps"; "the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago"


1ome out of Ma'e out and issue itself,pro itch,n 4efle*ive from of "it" A contagious s'in infection caused by the itch mite; characteri<ed by persistent itching and s'in irritation A strong restless desire An irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch /crape or rub as if to relieve itching -ave or perceive an itch -ave a strong desire or urge to do something "am,n 0reserve of crushed fruit &nformal term for a difficult situation A dense crowd of people Deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems 0ress tightly together or cram 0ush down forcibly 1rush or bruise &nterfere with or prevent the reception of signals ,et stuc' and immobili<ed 1rowd or pac' to capacity 7loc' passage through "ealous,ad" /howing e*treme cupidity; painfully desirous of another#s advantages /uspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival (usually plural! closeBfitting trousers of heavy denim for casual wear A coarse durable twillBweave cotton fabric

"5ater issued from the hole in the wall"

"he has a bad case of the itch"


"&#m itchingBBthe air is so dryA" "/he is itching to start the pro"ect"


"(he driver "ammed the bra'e pedal to the floor" ""am a toe" ";am the Coice of America" "the mechanism "ammed"

""ealous of his success and covetous of his possessions" "a "ealous lover"



A dull stupid fatuous person An abrupt spasmodic movement (mechanics! the rate of change of velocity A sudden abrupt pull


0ull, or move with a sudden movement Move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions Ma'e an uncontrolled, short, "er'y motion ;ump vertically, with legs stiff and bac' arched (hrow or toss with a uic' motion

"-e turned the handle and "er'ed the door open"

""er' his head"


(anatomy! the point of connection between two bones or elements of a s'eleton (especially if the articulation allows motion! A disreputable place of entertainment (he shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made A piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a si<e for slicing into more than one portion ;unction by which parts or ob"ects are "oined together Mari"uana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smo'ing


+it as if by "oints 0rovide with a "oint +asten with a "oint /eparate (meat! at the "oint "the carpenter "ointed two pieces of wood"


3nited or combined Affecting or involving two or more &nvolving both houses of a legislature

"a "oint session of 1ongress"; ""oint owners" ""oint incomeBta* return"; ""oint ownership" "a "oint session of 1ongress" "this paper was written "ointly"


&n collaboration or cooperation &n con"unction with; combined


A daily written record of (usually personal! e*periences and observations A periodical dedicated to a particular sub"ect A ledger in which transactions have been recorded as they occurred A record boo' as a physical ob"ect (he part of the a*le contained by a bearing

"he reads the medical "ournals"


Newspapers and maga<ines collectively (he profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media (he legal document stating the reasons for a "udicial decision An opinion formed by "udging something (he cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions Ability to ma'e good "udgments (he capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions (law! the determination by a court of competent "urisdiction on matters submitted to it (he act of "udging or assessing a person or situation or event A sudden and decisive increase An abrupt transition (film! an abrupt transition from one scene to another A sudden involuntary movement Descent with a parachute (he act of "umping; propelling yourself off the ground Move forward by leaps and bounds Move or "ump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm Ma'e a sudden physical attac' on &ncrease suddenly and significantly "(he muggers "umped the woman in the fur coat" "0rices "umped overnight" "he advanced in a series of "umps" "1an you "ump over the fence:"



"a "ump in attendance"


7e highly noticeable 2nter eagerly into 4ise in ran' or status 4un off or leave the rails ;ump from an airplane and descend with a parachute 1ause to "ump or leap /tart a car engine whose battery by connecting it to another car#s battery 7ypass 0ass abruptly from one state or topic to another ,o bac' and forth; swing bac' and forth between two states or conditions (he remains of something that has been destroyed or bro'en up Any of various 1hinese boats with a high poop and lugsails Dispose of (something useless or old! (he uality of being "ust or fair (he administration of law; the act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishments A public official authori<ed to decide uestions brought before a court of "ustice (he 3nited /tates federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation!; created in GJ>% /how to be reasonable or provide ade uate ground for /how to be right by providing "ustification or proof Defend, e*plain, clear away, or ma'e e*cuses for by reasoning .et off the hoo' Ad"ust the spaces between words "ustified,ad" -aving words so spaced that lines have straight even margins ""ustify the margins" ""ustice deferred is "ustice denied" ""ump to a conclusion" "-e "umped into the game" "-er new novel "umped high on the bestseller list"

"the trainer "umped the tiger through the hoop"


"un',v "ustice,n

""un' an old car"



"(he end "ustifies the means"


/how to be reasonable or provide ade uate ground for /how to be right by providing "ustification or proof Defend, e*plain, clear away, or ma'e e*cuses for by reasoning .et off the hoo' Ad"ust the spaces between words

"(he end "ustifies the means"

""ustify the margins" "each child was e*pected to pay for their 'eep"


(he financial means whereby one lives (he main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress A cell in a "ail or prison


=eep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "'eep clean" 1ontinue a certain state, condition, or activity 4etain possession of 0revent from doing something or being in a certain state 1onform one#s action or practice to

"(he students 'eep me on my toes" "=eep on wor'ingA"; "=eep smiling" "1an & 'eep my old stuffed animals:"; "/he 'ept her maiden name after she married" "-is snoring 'ept me from falling asleep"; "=eep the child from eating the marbles" "'eep appointments"; "she never 'eeps her promises"; "5e 'ept to the original conditions of the contract" "(he pianist 'ept time with the metronome"; "'eep count"; "& cannot 'eep trac' of all my employees" "-e 'eeps the shop when & am gone" "'eep a diary"; "'eep notes" "-e is 'eeping three women in the guest cottage"; "'eep boarders" "(he family#s fortune waned and they could not 'eep their household staff"; ")ur grant has run out and we cannot 'eep you on"; "5e 'ept the wor' going as long as we could" "(here#s little to earn and many to 'eep" "(hese potatoes 'eep for a long time" "=eep the commandments"

)bserve correctly or closely

.oo' after; be the 'eeper of; have charge of Maintain by writing regular records /upply with room and board Allow to remain in a place or position

/upply with necessities and support +ail to spoil or rot 1elebrate, as of holidays or rites

=eep under control; 'eep in chec' Maintain in safety from in"ury, harm, or danger 4aise 4etain rights to

"=eep your temper"; "'eep your cool" "May ,od 'eep you" "/he 'eeps a few chic'ens in the yard"; "he 'eeps bees" "'eep my "ob for me while & give birth"; "'eep my seat, please"; "'eep open the possibility of a merger" "5here do you 'eep your gardening tools:" "& always 'eep batteries in the free<er"; "'eep food for a wee' in the pantry"; "/he 'eeps a si*pac' and a wee'#s worth of supplies in the refrigerator" "& 'eep a car in the countryside"; "/he 'eeps an apartment in 0aris for her shopping trips" "(he student was 'ept after school" "'eep potatoes fresh" "he gave the ball a powerful 'ic'" "he does it for 'ic's"

/tore or 'eep customarily -ave as a supply

Maintain for use and service -old and prevent from leaving 0revent (food! from rotting 'ic',n (he act of delivering a blow with the foot (he swift release of a store of affective force (he bac'ward "er' of a gun when it is fired &nformal term for ob"ecting (he sudden stimulation provided by strong drin' (or certain drugs! A rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics Drive or propel with the foot (hrash about or stri'e out with the feet /tri'e with the foot =ic' a leg up /pring bac', as from a forceful thrust /top consuming 'ill,n (he act of terminating a life

"a sidecar is a smooth drin' but it has a powerful 'ic'" "the 'ic' must be synchroni<ed with the arm movements"


"(he boy 'ic'ed the dog"; "=ic' the door down"

"(he gun 'ic'ed bac' into my shoulder" "'ic' a habit"


(he destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tan' or missile 1ause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or 'nowingly (hwart the passage of 1ause the death of, without intention 2nd or e*tinguish by forceful means 7e fatal 7e the source of great pain for )verwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration -it with so much force as to ma'e a return impossible, in rac'et games -it with great force Deprive of life Drin' down entirely Mar' for deletion, rub off, or erase (ire out completely 1ause to cease operating Destroy a vitally essential uality of or in

"the pilot reported two 'ills during the mission" "(his man 'illed several people when he tried to rob a ban'"; "(he farmer 'illed a pig for the holidays" "'ill a motion" "/he was 'illed in the collision of three cars"

"cigarettes 'ill"; "drun'en driving 'ills" "(hese new shoes are 'illing meA" "(he comedian was so funny, he was 'illing meA" "/he 'illed the ball" "-e 'illed the ball" "A&D/ has 'illed thousands in Africa" "/he 'illed a bottle of brandy that night" "'ill these lines in the 0resident#s speech" "(he daily stress of her wor' is 'illing her" "'ill the engine" "2ating articho'es 'ills the taste of all other foods" "what 'inds of desserts are there:" "'ind to sic' patients"; "a 'ind master"; "'ind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "than'ed her for her 'ind letter" "'ind words of praise" "a 'ind climate"; "hot summer pavements are anything but 'ind to the feet"

'ind,n 'ind,ad"

A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or uality -aving or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior .iberal 1onducive to comfort; beneficial 2*pressing sympathy 1haracteri<ed by mercy, and compassion Agreeable

"'ind to animals" "a dry climate 'ind to asthmatics"

-elpful to other people (olerant and forgiving under provocation /howing consideration and anticipation of needs ,enerously responsive 'indness,n (he uality of being warmBhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic (endency to be 'ind and forgiving A 'ind act 'nit,n A fabric made by 'nitting A basic 'nitting stitch Needlewor' created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine Ma'e (te*tiles! by 'nitting (ie or lin' together (o gather something into small wrin'les or folds 'noc',n (he sound of 'noc'ing (as on a door or in an engine or bearing! Negative criticism A vigorous blow A bad e*perience (he act of hitting vigorously 'noc',v Deliver a sharp blow or push 4ap with the 'nuc'les =noc' against with force or violence Ma'e light, repeated taps on a surface /ound li'e a car engine that is firing too early

"helping an old lady with her bundles was his 'ind deed for the day" "our neighbor was very 'ind about the window our son bro'e"


"'nit a scarf"

"the sudden 'noc' floored him" "the school of hard 'noc's"

"-e 'noc'ed the glass clear across the room" "'noc' on the door"


+ind fault with; e*press criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws 7e cogni<ant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess 'nowledge or information about =now how to do or perform something 7e aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt 7e familiar or ac uainted with a person or an ob"ect

"Don#t 'noc' the foodBBit#s free" "& 'now that the 0resident lied to the people"; "& want to 'now who is winning the gameA"; "& 'now it#s time" "/he 'nows how to 'nit"; "Does your husband 'now how to coo':" "& 'now that & left the 'ey on the table"; ",alileo 'new that the earth moves around the sun" "/he doesn#t 'now this composer"; "Do you 'now my sister:"; "5e 'now this movie"; "& 'now him under a different name" "& 'now the feelingA"

-ave firsthand 'nowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations Accept (someone! to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority -ave fi*ed in the mind KvulgarL -ave se*ual intercourse with =now the nature or character of 7e able to distinguish, recogni<e as being different 0erceive as familiar 'nowingly,a dv labour,n 5ith full 'nowledge and deliberation A social class comprising those who do manual labor or wor' for wages 1oncluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of labor to the birth of a child 0roductive wor' (especially physical wor' done for wages! 5or' hard /trive and ma'e an effort to reach a goal 3ndergo the efforts of childbirth labour,n A political party formed in ,reat 7ritain in G@%%; left of center and characteri<ed by the promotion of labor#s interests and (historically! the sociali<ation of 'ey industries (he state of needing something that is absent or unavailable

"& 'now .atin"; "(his student 'nows her irregular verbs"; "Do you 'now the poem well enough to recite it:" "Adam 'new 2ve" "we all 'new her as a big showBoff" "(he child 'nows right from wrong" "& 'now this voiceA"



"there is a serious lac' of insight into the problem"

lac',v lad,n

7e without A boy or man A male child (a familiar term of address to a boy!

"(his soup lac's salt"


9oung sheep A person easily deceived or cheated (especially in financial matters! A sweet innocent mildBmannered person (especially a child! (he flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as food

lamb,v lamb,n landmar',n

,ive birth to a lamb 2nglish essayist (G>>FBGJ$?! (he position of a prominent or wellB'nown ob"ect in a particular landscape An event mar'ing a uni ue or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend A mar' showing the boundary of a piece of land An anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other An anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other anatomical structures (as in surgery! or as point from which measurements can be ta'en A systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols

"the ewe lambed"

"the church steeple provided a convenient landmar'"


(language! communication by word of mouth A system of words used in a particular discipline (he cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication (he mental faculty or power of vocal communication (he te*t of a popular song or musicalBcomedy number A garment si<e for a large person

"he taught foreign languages"; "the language introduced is standard throughout the te*t"; "the speed with which a program can be e*ecuted depends on the language in which it is written" "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spo'en language of the streets" "the language of sociology" "he didn#t have the language to e*press his feelings" "language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals" "the song uses collo uial language"



Above average in si<e or number or uantity or magnitude or e*tent +airly large or important in effect; influential .arge enough to be visible to the na'ed eye )stentatiously lofty in style ,enerous and understanding and tolerant 1onspicuous in position or importance -aving broad power and range and scope &n an advanced stage of pregnancy

"a large city"; "a large sum"; "a large barn"; "a large family"; "a large number of newspapers"; "large areas of the world" "played a large role in the negotiations"

"a man given to large tal'" "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart" "he#s very large in financial circles" "ta'ing the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy"


At a distance, wide of something (as of a mar'! 5ith the wind abaft the beam &n a boastful manner "a ship sailing large"


&n large part; mainly or chiefly )n a large scale

"(hese accounts are largely inactive" "the s'etch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the bac' row"


1ontinuing or enduring without mar'ed change in status or condition or place 2*isting for a long time 4etained; not shed .asting a long time without change .asting for an indefinitely long period of time

"a longBlasting friendship"

"a lasting relationship"


0ersist or be long; in time 1ontinue to live; endure or last

"(he bad weather lasted for three days"

lastly,adv late,ad"

(he item at the end 7eing or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or e*pected time After the e*pected or usual time; delayed "late evening"; "late GJth century"; "a late movie"; "too' a late flight"; "had a late brea'fast" "&#m late for the plane"; "the train is late"

)f the immediate past or "ust previous to the present time -aving died recently )f a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages At or toward an end or late period or stage of development (used especially of persons! of the immediate past ur late 0resident is still very active" late,adv .ater than usual or than e*pected (o an advanced time At an advanced age or stage &n the recent past lately,adv later,ad" &n the recent past 1oming at a subse uent time or stage At or toward an end or late period or stage of development later,adv -appening at a time subse uent to a reference time At some eventual time in the future 1omparative of the adverb #late# later,ad" 7eing or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or e*pected time After the e*pected or usual time; delayed )f the immediate past or "ust previous to the present time -aving died recently )f a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages (used especially of persons! of the immediate past

"a late development"; "their late uarrel" "her late husband" ".ate ,ree'" "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child"

"the train arrived late"; "we awo'e late"; "the children came late to school" "tal'ed late into the evening" "she married late"; "undertoo' the pro"ect late in her career" "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late" "lately the rules have been enforced" "later developments" "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child" "he#s going to the store but he#ll be bac' here later" "&#ll see you later" "he stayed later than you did" "late evening"; "late GJth century"; "a late movie"; "too' a late flight"; "had a late brea'fast" "&#m late for the plane"; "the train is late" "a late development"; "their late uarrel" "her late husband" ".ate ,ree'" "our late 0resident is still very active"


3p to the immediate present; most recent or most upBtoBdate &n accord with the most fashionable ideas or style 7eing or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or e*pected time After the e*pected or usual time; delayed )f the immediate past or "ust previous to the present time -aving died recently )f a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages At or toward an end or late period or stage of development (used especially of persons! of the immediate past

"the very latest scientific discoveries" "wears only the latest style" "late evening"; "late GJth century"; "a late movie"; "too' a late flight"; "had a late brea'fast" "&#m late for the plane"; "the train is late" "a late development"; "their late uarrel" "her late husband" ".ate ,ree'" "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child" "our late 0resident is still very active"



(he sound of laughing (he activity of laughing; the manifestation of "oy or mirth of scorn A motorboat with an open dec' or a half dec' (he act of propelling with force "he en"oyed the laughter of the crowd"



/et up or found 0ropel with force .aunch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage 7egin with vigor ,et going; give impetus to /moothen the surface of "launch the space shuttle"; ".aunch a ship" "launch a ship" "-e launched into a long diatribe" "launch a career"


.egal document setting forth rules governing a particular 'ind of activity (he collection of rules imposed by authority A generali<ation that describes recurring facts or events in nature A rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society

"there is a law against 'idnapping" "civili<ation presupposes respect for the law" "the laws of thermodynamics"

(he learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the "udicial system (he force of policemen and officers (he branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to ma'e the decisions they do A field of cultivated and mowed grass An advantage held by a competitor in a race 2vidence pointing to a possible solution A position of leadership (especially in the phrase #ta'e the lead#! (he angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile! (he introductory section of a story An actor who plays a principal role (baseball! the position ta'en by a base runner preparing to advance to the ne*t base An indication of potential opportunity A news story of ma"or importance (he timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internalBcombustion engine 4estraint consisting of a rope (or light chain! used to restrain an animal A "umper that consists of a short piece of wire (he playing of a card to start a tric' in bridge lead,v (a'e somebody somewhere 4esult in (end to or result in (ravel in front of; go in advance of others 1ause to underta'e a certain action

"he studied law at 9ale" "the law came loo'ing for him"

lawn,n lead,n

"he too' the lead at the last turn" "the police are following a promising lead" "he ta'es the lead in any group"; "we were "ust waiting for someone to ta'e the lead"; "they didn#t follow our lead"

"it was an amusing leadBin to a very serious matter"

"he too' a long lead off first" "a good lead for a "ob"

"it was a tangle of "umper cables and clip leads" "the lead was in the dummy" "5e lead him to our chief"

"(his remar' lead to further arguments among the guests"

"-er greed led her to forge the chec's"

/tretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or e*tend between two points or beyond a certain point 7e in charge of 7e ahead of others; be the first 7e conducive to .ead, as in the performance of a composition 0ass or spend .ead, e*tend, or afford access Move ahead (of others! in time or space 1ause something to pass or lead somewhere 0reside over lead,n Mi*ture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the mar'ing substance in a pencil (hin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing A soft heavy to*ic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull gray (hin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing (he activity of leading &ndicating the most important performer or role ,oing or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way ,reatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement -aving the leading position or higher score in a contest 0urposefully formulated to elicit a desired response leading,v (a'e somebody somewhere 4esult in (end to or result in "(his remar' lead to further arguments among the guests" "the leading man" "we rode in the leading car"; "the leading edge of technology" "the country#s leading poet" "the leading team in the pennant race" "a leading uestion" "5e lead him to our chief" "lead a good life" "(he use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing"



(ravel in front of; go in advance of others 1ause to underta'e a certain action /tretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or e*tend between two points or beyond a certain point 7e in charge of 7e ahead of others; be the first 7e conducive to .ead, as in the performance of a composition 0ass or spend .ead, e*tend, or afford access Move ahead (of others! in time or space 1ause something to pass or lead somewhere 0reside over lea',n An accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.! to enter or escape /oft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi A euphemism for urination (he unwanted discharge of a fluid from some container 3nauthori<ed (especially deliberate! disclosure of confidential information (ell anonymously 7e lea'ed 2nter or escape as through a hole or crac' or fissure -ave an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out (he property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical (o incline or bend from a vertical position "one of the tires developed a lea'" "lead a good life" "(he use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing" "-er greed led her to forge the chec's"

"he had to ta'e a lea'" "he had to clean up the lea'"


"(he news were lea'ed to the paper" "(he news lea'ed out despite his secrecy" "5ater lea'ed out of the can into the bac'pac'"; ",as lea'ed into the basement" "(he container lea'ed gasoline"; "the roof lea's badly"

lean,n lean,v

1ause to lean or incline -ave a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined 4ely on for support 1ause to lean to the side lean,ad" .ac'ing e*cess flesh .ac'ing in mineral content or combustible material 1ontaining little e*cess .ow in mineral content Not profitable or prosperous leap,n A light springing movement upwards or forwards An abrupt transition A sudden and decisive increase (he distance leaped (or to be leaped! leap,v Move forward by leaps and bounds 0ass abruptly from one state or topic to another 1ause to "ump or leap leave,n (he period of time during which you are absent from wor' or duty 0ermission to do something (he act of departing politely lean,ad" .ac'ing e*cess flesh .ac'ing in mineral content or combustible material 1ontaining little e*cess .ow in mineral content Not profitable or prosperous "a ten day#s leave to visit his mother" "she was granted leave to spea'" "he too' his leave" "9on 1assius has a lean and hungry loo'" "lean ore"; "lean fuel" "a lean budget" "a lean ore" "a lean year" "a leap of G% feet" "(he child leapt across the puddle" "leap into fame" "a successful leap from college to the ma"or leagues" "9on 1assius has a lean and hungry loo'" "lean ore"; "lean fuel" "a lean budget" "a lean ore" "a lean year"

"5e can lean on this man"


.ocation near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or ob"ect faces east (hose who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare (he hand that is on the left side of the body (he piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher#s left A turn to the left

"she stood on the left"

""ab with your left"

"ta'e a left at the corner" "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left ban' of a river is ban' on your left side when you are facing downstream" "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left" "& rarely lose a leftBhand glove"


7eing or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north Not used up &ntended for the left hand )f or belonging to the political or intellectual left

left,adv left,v

(oward or on the left; also used figuratively ,o away from a place

,o and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness

Act or be so as to become in a specified state .eave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from ta'ing Move out of or depart from Ma'e a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain 4esult in 4emove oneself from an association with or participation in

"he loo'ed right and left"; "the political party has moved left" "At what time does your train leave:"; "/he didn#t leave until midnight"; "(he ship leaves at midnight" "/he left a mess when she moved out"; "-is good luc' finally left him"; "her husband left her after 8% years of marriage"; "she wept thin'ing she had been left behind" "(he inflation left them penniless"; "(he president#s remar's left us speechless" "leave it as is"; "leave the young fawn alone"; "leave the flowers that you see in the par' behind" "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country" "(his leaves no room for improvement"; "leave lots of time for the trip" "(he water left a mar' on the sil' dress"; "-er blood left a stain on the nap'in" "/he wants to leave"; "(he teenager left home"; "/he left her position with the 4ed 1ross"; "-e left the /enate after two terms"

0ut into the care or protection of someone .eave or give by will after one#s death -ave left or have as a remainder 7e survived by after one#s death (ell or deposit (information! 'nowledge .eave behind unintentionally legally,adv 7y law; conforming to the law &n a legal manner leisure,n (ime available for ease and rela*ation +reedom to choose a pastime or en"oyable activity lend,v 7estow a uality on ,ive temporarily; let have for a limited time -ave certain characteristics of ualities for something; be open or vulnerable to lessen,v Decrease in si<e, e*tent, or range Ma'e smaller 5ear off or die down lesser,ad" )f less si<e or importance /maller in si<e or amount or value least,ad" (he superlative of #little# that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by #the#; a uantifier meaning smallest in amount or e*tent or degree Minimal in magnitude -aving or being distinguished by diminutive si<e least,adv let,n 3sed to form the superlative A serve that stri'es the net before falling into the receiver#s court; the ball must be served again

"-e left the decision to his deputy"; "leave your child the nurse#s care" "My grandfather left me his entire estate" "(hat left the four of us"; "G@ minus J leaves GG" "-e left si* children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and GG cats" "leave your name and address here" "& left my 'eys inside the car and loc'ed the doors"

"he acted legally" "his "ob left him little leisure" "he lac'ed the leisure for golf" "-er presence lends a certain cachet to the company" "& will lend you my car" "(his story would lend itself well to seriali<ation on television"; "(he current system lends itself to great abuse"

"the lesser anteater"; "the lesser of two evils" "the lesser powers of 2urope"; "the lesser anteater" "didn#t care the least bit"; "he has the least talent of anyone" "the least amount of fat allowed" "the least bittern" "(he garter sna'e is the least dangerous sna'e"


Ma'e it possible through a specific action or lac' of action for something to happen Actively cause something to happen 1onsent to, give permission 1ause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition .eave unchanged ,rant use or occupation of under a term of contract

"& let it be 'nown that & was not interested" "& won#t let the police search her basement" "(his let me in for a big surprise" "let it be"

let,n level,n

(he most brutal terrorist group active in =ashmir; fights against &ndia with the goal of restoring &slamic rule of &ndia A position on a scale of intensity or amount or uality A relative position or degree of value in a graded group A specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process -eight above ground &ndicator that establishes the hori<ontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of li uid A flat surface at right angles to a plumb line /tructure consisting of a room or set of rooms comprising a single level of a multilevel building An abstract place usually conceived as having depth Aim at (ear down so as to ma'e flat with the ground Ma'e level or straight Direct into a position for use (al' fran'ly with; lay it on the line 7ecome level or even

"a high level of care is re uired"

"the water reached an'le level"; "the pictures were at the same level"

"par' the car on the level" "what level is the office on:" "a good actor communicates on several levels" "level criticism or charges at somebody"


"level the ground"

"& have to level with you"


-aving a hori<ontal surface in which no part is higher or lower than another Not showing abrupt variations

"acres of level farmland" "spo'e in a level voice"; "she gave him a level loo'"

7eing on a precise hori<ontal plane )riented at right angles to the plumb )f the score in a contest lic',n A salt deposit that animals regularly lic' (ouching with the tongue (bo*ing! a blow with the fist K7ritL At a fast speed lic',v 7eat thoroughly in a competition or fight 0ass the tongue over +ind the solution to (a problem or uestion! or understand the meaning of (a'e up with the tongue lifelong,ad" life,n 1ontinuing through life A characteristic state or mode of living (he course of e*istence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living (he e*perience of living; the course of human events and activities (he condition of living or the state of being alive (he period during which something is functional (as between birth and death! (he period between birth and the present time Animation and energy in action or e*pression An account of the series of events ma'ing up a person#s life (he period from the present until death A living person .iving things collectively

"a billiard table must be level" "the picture is level"

"the action unfolded at a great lic'" "5e lic'ed the other team on /undayA" "the dog lic'ed her hand"

"the cub lic'ed the mil' from its mother#s breast" "a lifelong friend"; "from lifelong habit"; "his lifelong study of ,ree' art" "social life"; "city life"; "real life" "he hoped for a new life in Australia"; "he wanted to live his own life without interference from others" "he could no longer cope with the comple*ities of life" "while there#s life there#s hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes" "the battery had a short life"; "he lived a long and happy life" "& have 'nown him all his life" "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"

"he appointed himself emperor for life" "his heroism saved a life" "the oceans are teeming with life"

A motive for living (he organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones A prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives lightly,adv 5ithout good reason 5ith few burdens 5ith little weight or force &ndulging with temperance 5ith indifference or without de"ection &n a small uantity or e*tent (o a slight degree li'e,v 0refer or wish to do something +ind en"oyable or agreeable 7e fond of +eel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard 5ant to have li'e,ad" 4esembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination

"pottery was his life" "there is no life on the moon" "he got life for 'illing the guard" "one cannot say such things lightly"

"she 'issed him lightly on the forehead" "we eat lightly in the morning" "he too' it lightly" "apply paint lightly" "her speech is only lightly accented" "5ould you li'e to come along to the movies:" "& li'e "ogging"; "/he li'es to read 4ussian novels" "& li'e my nephews" "-ow did you li'e the 0resident#s speech last night:" "&#d li'e a beer nowA" "suits of li'e design"; "a limited circle of li'e minds"; "members of the cat family have li'e dispositions"; "as li'e as two peas in a pod" "li'e amounts"; "gave one si* blows and the other a li'e number"

2 ual in amount or value -aving the same or similar characteristics 1onforming in every respect li'e,con (informal! sort of, in some way; often used as an almost meanlingless filler (informal! indicates something is unli'ely and should not be considered (forming an ad"ective! having the form of, similar to

"the li'e period of the preceding year" "& thought for a second there was, li'e, you 'now, a story or something, but every shot is li'e only a second long" "li'e that#s going to be of any use to meA"



-as a good chance of being the case or of coming about

.i'ely but not certain to be or become true or real 2*pected to become or be; in prospect 5ithin the realm of credibility li'ely,adv limit,n 5ith considerable certainty; without much doubt (he greatest possible degree of something +inal or latest limiting point (he boundary of a specific area As far as something can go (he mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity (he greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed 0lace limits on (e*tent or access! 4estrict or confine, "& limit you to two visits to the pub a day" Decide upon or fi* definitely limitation,n A principle that limits the e*tent of something (he uality of being limited or restricted (he greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed (law! a time period after which suits cannot be brought An act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation! limitless,ad" 5ithout limits in e*tent or si<e or uantity -aving no limits in range or scope /eemingly without limit in amount, number, degree, or especially e*tent

"these services are li'ely to be available to us all before long"; "she is li'ely to forget"; "a li'ely place for a restaurant"; "the bro'en limb is li'ely to fall"; "rain is li'ely"; "a li'ely topic for investigation"; "li'ely candidates for the "ob" "a li'ely result"

"not a very li'ely e*cuse"

"to the limit of his ability"


"there are limits on the amount you can bet" "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

"it is a good plan but it has serious limitations" "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight" "statute of limitations"

"the limitless reaches of outer space" "a limitless supply of money"


A formation of people or things one beside another

A mar' that is long relative to its width A formation of people or things one behind another A length (straight or curved! without breadth or thic'ness; the trace of a moving point (e*t consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen A single fre uency (or very narrow band! of radiation in a spectrum A fortified position (especially one mar'ing the most forward position of troops! (he methodical process of logical reasoning A conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power A connected series of events or actions or developments A spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional e*tent A slight depression in the smoothness of a surface A pipe used to transport li uids or gases (he road consisting of railroad trac' and roadbed A telephone connection Acting in conformity (he descendants of one individual /omething (as a cord or rope! that is long and thin and fle*ible (he principal activity in your life that you do to earn money &n games or sports; a mar' indicating positions or bounds of the playing area (often plural! a means of communication or access A particular 'ind of product or merchandise

"the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fi*ed"; "they were arrayed in line of battle"; "the cast stood in line for the curtain call" "-e drew a line on the chart"; "(he substance produced characteristic lines on the spectroscope" "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the chec'out counter"

"the letter consisted of three short lines"; "there are si* lines in every stan<a"

"they attac'ed the enemy#s line" "& can#t follow your line of reasoning"

"historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available"

"his face has many lines"

"in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line"

"a washing line" "he#s not in my line of business"

"lines of communication were set up between the two firms" "a nice line of shoes"

A commercial organi<ation serving as a common carrier /pace for one line of print (one column wide and GRG? inch deep! used to measure advertising (he ma*imum credit that a customer is allowed A succession of notes forming a distinctive se uence A short personal letter A conceptual separation or demarcation Mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it +orm a line ,et something or somebody for a specific purpose +orm a ueue, form a line, stand in line lin',n (he means of connection between things lin'ed in series A fastener that serves to "oin or lin' (he state of being connected lin',v Ma'e a logical or causal connection 1onnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces 7e or become "oined or united or lin'ed .in' with or as with a yo'e listen,v -ear with intention .isten and pay attention 0ay close attention to; give heed to ".isten to the sound of this cello" ".isten to your father" ".in' arms" "(he travelers lin'ed up again at the airport" "1ustomers lined up in front of the store"

"drop me a line when you get there" "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"


"(he buildings all line up neatly"

"the walls are held together with metal lin's placed in the wet mortar during construction"


1reative writing of recogni<ed artistic value (he humanistic study of a body of literature 0ublished writings in a particular style on a particular sub"ect

"the technical literature"; "one aspect of 5aterloo has not yet been treated in the





(he profession or art of a writer &n a literal sense (intensifier before a figurative e*pression! without e*aggeration 7eing or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something 5ithout interpretation or embellishment .imited to the e*plicit meaning of a word or te*t .ac'ing stylistic embellishment )f the clearest 'ind; usually used for emphasis (of a translation! corresponding word for word with the original )f or relating to or characteristic of literature =nowledgeable about literature Appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing Ma'e one#s home or live in .ead a certain 'ind of life; live in a certain style 1ontinue to live; endure or last /upport oneself -ave life, be alive -ave firsthand 'nowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations 0ursue a positive and satisfying e*istence Actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing

literature" "her place in literature is secure" "literally translated"; "he said so literally" "our eyes were literally pinned to (C during the ,ulf war" "a literal solitude li'e a desert" "a literal translation of the scene before him" "a literal translation" "a literal description" "it#s the literal truth" "literal translation of the article" "literary criticism" "a literary style" "when trying to impress someone she spo'e in an affected literary style" "& live in a 8%%Byear old house" "we had to live frugally after the war" "(he racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents" "1an you live on E8%%% a month in New 9or' 1ity:" "My grandfather lived until the end of war" "& have lived a 'ind of hell when & was a drug addict"; "(he holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "& lived through two divorces" "9ou must accept yourself and others if you really want to live" "a live television program"; "brought to you live from .incoln 1enter"; "live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience" "live coals"; "tossed a live cigarette out the window"; "got a shoc' from a live wire"; "live ore is unmined ore"; "a live bomb"; "a live ball is one in play" "a live concert hall" "live ammunition"; "a live bomb" "the club members are a really live bunch" "live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread" "a live issue"; "still a live option" "a live wire"


/howing characteristics of life; e*erting force or containing energy -ighly reverberant 1harged with an e*plosive Abounding with life and energy &n current use or ready for use )f current relevance 1harged or energi<ed with

livelihood,n lively,ad"

electricity -aving life 1apable of erupting (he financial means whereby one lives +ull of life and energy +ull of <est or vigor Puic' and energetic 4ebounds readily +illed with events or activity +ull of spirit 1haracteri<ed by energetic activity 0eople who are still living (he financial means whereby one lives (he condition of living or the state of being alive 0ertaining to living persons (rue to life; lifeli'e Dwelling or inhabiting; often used in combination (informal! absolute /till in e*istence

"a live canary"; "hit a live nerve" "a live volcano" "he could no longer earn his own livelihood" "a lively discussion"; "lively and attractive parents"; "a lively party" "a lively gait" "a lively tennis ball" "a lively period in history" "this whole lively world" "a lively baby" "save your pity for the living"



"within living memory" "the living image of her mother" "living uarters"; "treeBliving animals" "she is a living doll"; "scared the living daylights out of them"; "beat the living hell out of him" "the 5ollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long e*tinct and therefore 'nown as a living fossil" "a living language" "carved into the living stone" "& live in a 8%%Byear old house" "we had to live frugally after the war" "(he racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents" "1an you live on E8%%% a month in New 9or' 1ity:" "My grandfather lived until the end of war" "& have lived a 'ind of hell when & was a drug addict"; "(he holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "& lived through two divorces" "9ou must accept yourself and others if you really want to live" "the local seemed to ta'e forever to get to New 9or'"


/till in active use (used of minerals or stone! in its natural state and place; not mined or uarried Ma'e one#s home or live in .ead a certain 'ind of life; live in a certain style 1ontinue to live; endure or last /upport oneself -ave life, be alive -ave firsthand 'nowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations 0ursue a positive and satisfying e*istence 0erson who does no wor' 0ublic transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops Anesthetic that numbs a local

loafer,n local,n





longterm,ad" loo' for,v lose,v

area of the body 4elating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area )f or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood Affecting only a restricted part or area of the body (he branch of philosophy that analy<es inference 4easoned and reasonable "udgment (he principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation A system of reasoning 1apable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning &n accordance with reason or logic Mar'ed by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 7ased on 'nown statements or events or conditions 1apable of thin'ing and e*pressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner .ac'ing companions or companionship Mar'ed by de"ection from being alone /eparated from or unfre uented by others; remote or secluded 2n"oyed or performed alone 4elating to or e*tending over a relatively long time (ry to locate or discover, or try to establish the e*istence of 7e e*cited or an*ious about +ail to 'eep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense +ail to win /uffer the loss of a person through death or removal 0lace (something! where one cannot find it again

"local ta*es"; "local authorities"

"local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citi<ens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbrea's of flu"; "a local bus line" "local anesthesia"

"it made a certain 'ind of logic" "economic logic re uires it"; "by the logic of war" "a logical mind" "a logical conclusion" "a logical argument" "rain was a logical e*pectation, given the time of year"

"a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul" "felt sad and lonely"; "the loneliest night of the wee'" "a lonely crossroads" "a lonely e*istence"; "his lonely room" "the longBterm reconstruction of countries damaged by the war"; "a longBterm investment"

"/he lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat" "5e lost the battle but we won the war" "/he lost her husband in the war"; "(he couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her"

Miss from one#s possessions; lose sight of Allow to go out of sight +ail to ma'e money in a business; ma'e a loss or fail to profit +ail to get or obtain lost,ad" No longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered -aving lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity /piritually or physically doomed or destroyed Not gained or won &ncapable of being recovered or regained Not caught with the senses or the mind Deeply absorbed in thought No longer 'nown; irretrievable 0erple*ed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment 3nable to function; without help +ail to 'eep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense +ail to win /uffer the loss of a person through death or removal 0lace (something! where one cannot find it again Miss from one#s possessions; lose sight of Allow to go out of sight +ail to ma'e money in a business; ma'e a loss or fail to profit +ail to get or obtain +ail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind A very pretty girl who wor's as a photographer#s model Appealing to the emotions as well as the eye

"&#ve lost my glasses againA" "(he detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light" "& lost thousands of dollars on that bad investmentA" "& lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad" "a lost child"; "lost friends"; "his lost boo'"; "lost opportunities"

"lost souls"; "a lost generation"; "a lost ship"; "the lost platoon" "a lost battle"; "a lost pri<e" "his lost honor" "words lost in the din" "lost in thought" "a lost art"; "lost civili<ations" "she felt lost on the first day of school"


"/he lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat" "5e lost the battle but we won the war" "/he lost her husband in the war"; "(he couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her" "&#ve lost my glasses againA" "(he detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light" "& lost thousands of dollars on that bad investmentA" "& lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad" "5e lost part of what he said"

lovely,n lovely,ad"

loving,ad" loving,v



.ovable especially in a childli'e or naive way +eeling or showing love and affection -ave a great affection or li'ing for ,et pleasure from 7e enamored or in love with -ave se*ual intercourse with Move something or somebody to a lower position /et lower 1ause to drop or sin' .ess than normal in degree or intensity or amount .iteral meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward e*tension Cery low in volume 3nrefined in character 3sed of sounds and voices; low in pitch or fre uency )f the most contemptible 'ind .ow or inferior in station or uality No longer sufficient /ubdued or brought low in condition or status /teadfast in allegiance or duty &nspired by love for your country 3nwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause (he uality of being loyal +eelings of allegiance (he act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally! to a course of action 9our overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you! An un'nown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another An un'nown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome Moderately warm +eeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm

"loving parents"; "loving glances" "& love +rench food"; "/he loves her boss and wor's hard for him" "& love coo'ing" "/he loves her husband deeply"

"lower a rating"; "lower e*pectations" "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"

"low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow" "a low murmur"; "the lowBtoned murmur of the surf" "low comedy" "a low stunt to pull"; "a lowBdown snea' "supplies are low" "brought low" "loyal sub"ects"; "loyal friends stood by him" "loyal supporters"



"they felt no loyalty to a losing team"


"bad luc' caused his downfall"

"it was my good luc' to be there"; "they say luc' is a lady" "he hates lu'ewarm coffee" "gave only lu'ewarm support to the candidate"

lu'e warm,ad"

lump,n lump,v


A large piece of something without definite shape A compact mass 0ut together indiscriminately ,roup or chun' together in a certain order or place side by side 4oused to anger Affected with madness or insanity Mar'ed by uncontrolled e*citement or emotion Cery foolish

"a lump of coal" "lump together all the applicants"

"she gets mad when you wa'e her up so early"; "mad at his friend" "a man who had gone mad" "a mad whirl of pleasure" "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains" "he is mainly interested in butterflies"

mainly,adv maintain,v


ma"or,v ma"or,ad"

+or the most part =eep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "'eep clean" =eep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction /upply with necessities and support Maintain by writing regular records /tate or assert )bserve correctly or closely A commissioned military officer in the 3nited /tates Army or Air +orce or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain A university student who is studying a particular field as the principal sub"ect (he principal field of study of a student at a university -ave as one#s principal field of study )f greater importance or stature or ran' ,reater in scope or effect ,reater in number or si<e or amount )f the field of academic study in which one concentrates or speciali<es )f a scale or mode )f greater seriousness or danger )f full legal age (he property resulting from

"maintain a record" "-e maintained his innocence"

"she is a linguistics ma"or" "her ma"or is linguistics" "/he is ma"oring in linguistics" "a ma"or artist"; "a ma"or role"; "ma"or highways" "a ma"or contribution"; "a ma"or improvement"; "a ma"or brea' with tradition"; "a ma"or misunderstanding" "a ma"or portion (a ma"ority! of the population"; "3rsa Ma"or"; "a ma"or portion of the winnings" "his ma"or field was mathematics" "ma"or scales"; "the 'ey of D ma"or" "a ma"or earth ua'e"; "a ma"or hurricane"; "a ma"or illness" "ma"or children" "the ma"ority of his customers prefer it"



being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part (elections! more than half of the votes (he age at which a person is considered competent to manage their own affairs (he state of being a man; manly ualities (he uality of being human (he status of being a man All of the inhabitants of the earth 7e successful; achieve a goal 7e in charge of, act on, or dispose of 1ome to terms or deal successfully with 5atch and direct Achieve something by means of tric'ery or devious methods (he act of managing something -ow something is done or how it happens A way of acting or behaving A 'ind A small handboo' (military! a prescribed drill in handling a rifle )f or relating to the hands 4e uiring human effort Doing or re uiring physical wor'

"he feared the speedy decline of all manhood" "she always used #human'ind# because #man'ind# seemed to slight the women" "& managed to carry the bo* upstairs" "/he managed her parents# affairs after they got too old"

man'ind,n manage,v

management,n manner,n

"he was given overall management of the program" "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of tal'ing" "what manner of man are you:"

manual,n manual,ad"

"manual de*terity" "a manual transmission" "manual labor"; "manual laborer" "an improvement in the manufacture of e*plosives" "(hey manufacture small toys"



0ut together out of components or parts Ma'e up something artificial or untrue (he boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits A strip near the boundary of an ob"ect (he blan' space that surrounds the te*t on a page (finance! the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold

"he "otted a note on the margin of the page"



(he amount of collateral a customer deposits with a bro'er when borrowing from the bro'er to buy securities A number or letter indicating uality (especially of a student#s performance! A distinguishing symbol A reference point to shoot at A visible indication made on a surface (he impression created by doing something unusual or e*traordinary that people notice and remember A symbol of disgrace or infamy +ormerly the basic unit of money in ,ermany A person who is gullible and easy to ta'e advantage of A written or printed symbol (as for punctuation! A perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened! An indication of damage /omething that e*actly succeeds in achieving its goa Attach a tag or label to Designate as if by a mar' 7e a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense Mar' by some ceremony or observation Ma'e or leave a mar' on Notice or perceive Mar' with a scar 2stablish as the highest level or best performance )f or relating to the state of marriage =neading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote rela*ation Manually manipulate (someone#s body!, usually for medicinal or rela*ation purposes ,ive a massage to An artist of consummate s'ill A person who has general

"she made good mar's in algebra" "the owner#s mar' was on all the sheep" "his arrow hit the mar'" "some previous reader had covered the pages with do<ens of mar's" "it was in .ondon that he made his mar'"; "he left an indelible mar' on the American theater" "And the .ord set a mar' upon 1ain"

"his answer was "ust a punctuation mar'"

"hit the mar'" "(his sign mar's the border"

"5e mar'ed the anniversary of his death" "mar' the trail so that we can find our way bac'" "mar' my words"

marital,ad" massage,n massage,v

"marital status"; "marital fidelity"


"/he massaged his sore bac'" "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters"




authority over others A combatant who is able to defeat rivals Directs the wor' of other 0residing officer of a school An original creation (i.e., an audio recording! from which copies can be made An authority ualified to teach apprentices 7e or become completely proficient or s'illed in ,et on top of; deal with successfully -ave dominance or the power to defeat over -ave a firm understanding or 'nowledge of; be on top of ,reat s'illfulness and 'nowledge of some sub"ect or activity 0ower to dominate or defeat (he act of mastering or subordinating someone .ighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction A formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete A burning piece of wood or cardboard An e*act duplicate (he score needed to win a match A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect A person who is of e ual standing with another in a group A pair of people who live together /omething that resembles or harmoni<es with 2minent beyond or above comparison 1ome into being; become reality 1haracteristic of a mother 4elating to or derived from one#s mother 4elating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent 4elated on the mother#s side (hat which has mass and

"/he mastered ;apanese in less than two years" "-er pain completely mastered her"; "(he methods can master the problems"

"mastery of the seas" "he always carries matches to light his pipe"

"if you drop a match in there the whole place will e*plode" "when a match is found an entry is made in the noteboo'"

MA(1-.2//,ad" materiali<e,v maternal,ad"

"that tie ma'es a good match with your "ac'et" "matchless beauty" "-er dream really materiali<ed" "warm maternal affection for her guest" "maternal genes"


"my maternal grandmother" "an atom is the smallest indivisible unit of

matter,v mature,v




may,v may,n maybe,adv means,n

occupies space A vaguely specified concern /ome situation or event that is thought about A problem s anything the matter:" (used with negation! having conse uence 5ritten wor's (especially in boo's or maga<ines! -ave weight; have import, carry weight Develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation Develop and wor' out fully in one#s mind 7ecome due for repayment 1ause to ripen or develop fully ,row old or older 1ause to ripen and discharge pus 1haracteristic of maturity +ully considered and perfected -aving reached full natural growth or development +ully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used (of birds! having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination (he period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed /tate of being mature; full development (he date on which a financial obligation must be repaid (horny 2urasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America 2*presses a wish 2*presses possibility 2*presses permission (he month following April and preceding ;une 7y chance -ow a result is obtained or an end is achieved &nstrumentality used to achieve an end

matter" "several matters to attend to" "it is a matter for the police"

"they were friends and it was no matter who won the games" "he always too' some reading matter with him on the plane" "&t does not matter much" "-e matured fast" "& need to mature my thoughts" "(hese bonds mature in 8%%F" "Age matures a good wine"

"mature for her age" "mature plans" "a mature cell" "fullBbodies mature wines"

"please may it be a good weather" "it may rain" "you may go now"

"a means of control"


1onsiderable capital (wealth or income! Mean or intend to e*press or convey -ave as a logical conse uence Denote or connote -ave in mind as a purpose -ave a specified degree of importance &ntend to refer to Destine or designate for a certain purpose (he message that is intended or e*pressed or signified (he idea that is intended 4ich in significance or implication Mean or intend to e*press or convey -ave as a logical conse uence Denote or connote -ave in mind as a purpose -ave a specified degree of importance &ntend to refer to Destine or designate for a certain purpose -aving no meaning or direction or purpose (he act or process of measuring A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated -ow much there is of something that you can uantify Any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal A statute in draft before it becomes law (prosody! the accent in a metrical foot of verse Musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats Measuring instrument having a

"he is a man of means" "9ou never understand what & meanA" "(he water shortage means that we have to stop ta'ing long showers" "#maison# means #house# in +rench"; "An e*ample sentence would show what this word means" "& mean no harm"; "& only meant to help you" "My e*Bhusband means nothing to me"; "-appiness means everything" "9es, & meant you when & complained about people who gossipA" "(hese flowers were meant for you" "what is the meaning of this sentence" "5hat is the meaning of this proverb:" "a meaning loo'"; "pregnant with meaning" "9ou never understand what & meanA" "(he water shortage means that we have to stop ta'ing long showers" "#maison# means #house# in +rench"; "An e*ample sentence would show what this word means" "& mean no harm"; "& only meant to help you" "My e*Bhusband means nothing to me"; "-appiness means everything" "9es, & meant you when & complained about people who gossipA" "(hese flowers were meant for you" "a meaningless endeavor"; "a meaningless life"; "a verbose but meaningless e*planation" "they set the measure for all subse uent wor'"

meaning,n meaning,ad" meaning,v

meaningless,ad" measure,n

"the situation called for strong measures"


se uence of mar's at regular intervals; used as a reference in ma'ing measurements Determine the measurements of something or somebody, ta'e measurements of 2*press as a number or measure or uantity -ave certain dimensions 0lace a value on; "udge the worth of something &n a mechanical manner; by a mechanism &n a machineBli'e manner; without feeling (he atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction (he technical aspects of doing something A natural ob"ect resembling a machine in structure or function (philosophy! the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be e*plained in terms of physical or biological causes Device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function A thorough physical e*amination; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and se* and health of the person 4elating to the study or practice of medicine 4e uiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery )f or belonging to Aesculapius or the healing art -aving the properties of medicine A meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held 1ome together ,et together socially or for a specific purpose 7e ad"acent or come together +ill or meet a want or need /atisfy a condition or restriction /atisfy or fulfill ,et to 'now; get ac uainted

"Measure the length of the wall"

"(his table surfaces measures 8%inches by $O inches" "this door opens mechanically" "he smiled mechanically" "he determined uni ue mechanisms for the photochemical reactions" "a mechanism of social control"; "mechanisms of communication" "the mechanism of the ear"; "the mechanism of infection"





"the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school" "medical treatment"; "pneumonia is a medical disease"

medicinal,ad" meet,n meet,v

"medicinal herbs"; "medicinal properties"

"&#ll probably see you at the meeting"

"Does this paper meet the re uirements for the degree:" "meet a need" "& met this really handsome guy at a bar

meet,ad" meeting,n

with 1ollect in one place Meet by design; be present at the arrival of 1ontend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle 2*perience as a reaction 3ndergo or suffer 7e in direct physical contact with; ma'e contact 7eing precisely fitting and right A formally arranged gathering (he social act of assembling for some common purpose A small informal social gathering A casual or une*pected convergence (he act of "oining together as one A place where things merge or flow together (especially rivers! 1ome together ,et together socially or for a specific purpose 7e ad"acent or come together +ill or meet a want or need /atisfy a condition or restriction /atisfy or fulfill ,et to 'now; get ac uainted with 1ollect in one place Meet by design; be present at the arrival of 1ontend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle 2*perience as a reaction 3ndergo or suffer 7e in direct physical contact with; ma'e contact /omething that is remembered (he cognitive processes whereby past e*perience is remembered (he power of retaining and recalling past e*perience he had a good memory when he was younger" An electronic memory device

last nightA"; "we met in /ingapore" "1an you meet me at the train station:"

"My proposal met with much opposition" "meet a violent death" "it is only meet that she should be seated first" "ne*t year the meeting will be in 1hicago"; "the meeting elected a chairperson" "his meeting with the salesmen was the high point of his day" "there was an informal meeting in my livingroom" "he still remembers their meeting in 0aris" "there was no meeting of minds"


"&#ll probably see you at the meeting"

"Does this paper meet the re uirements for the degree:" "meet a need" "& met this really handsome guy at a bar last nightA"; "we met in /ingapore" "1an you meet me at the train station:"

"My proposal met with much opposition" "meet a violent death" "search as he would, the memory was lost" "he can do it from memory"


"a memory and the 103 form the central


memori<e,v memorandum,n mend,n



mentally,adv mention,n

(he area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes A recognition of meritorious service A written statement of facts submitted in con"unction with a petition to an authority A structure erected to commemorate persons or events 1ommit to memory; learn by heart A written proposal or reminder /ewing or darning that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment! (he act of putting something in wor'ing order again 4estore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or bro'en -eal or recover A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations Mental ability &n your mind A remar' that calls attention to something or someone A short note recogni<ing a source of information or of a uoted passage An official recognition of merit Ma'e reference to Ma'e mention of 1ommend .eniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering "ustice A disposition to be 'ind and forgiving (he feeling that motivates compassion /omething for which to be than'ful Alleviation of distress; showing great 'indness toward the distressed

part of a computer to which peripherals are attached" "he taught a graduate course on learning and memory"

"-ave you memori<ed your lines for the play yet:" "her stoc'ings had several mends"

"My bro'en leg is mending"

"he suffered mentally" "she made fre uent mention of her promotion"; "there was no mention of it" "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases" "although he didn#t win the pri<e he did get special mention" "-is name was mentioned in connection with the invention" "he threw himself on the mercy of the court"



"it was a mercy we got out alive" "distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy"


/howing or giving mercy 1haracteri<ed by mercy, and compassion 3sed conventionally of royalty and high nobility -aving or showing no mercy K7ritL A small pond of standing water 7eing nothing more than specified Apart from anything else; without additions or modifications And nothing more A state of confusion and disorderliness &nformal term for a difficult situation /oft semili uid food A meal eaten by service personnel A (large! military dining room where service personnel eat or rela* (often followed by #of#! a large number or amount or e*tent 2at in a mess hall Ma'e a mess of or create disorder in A person who carries a message An area that is appro*imately central within some larger region An intermediate part or section (he middle area of the human torso (usually in front! (ime between the beginning and the end of a temporal period 0ut in the middle 7eing neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series 2 ually distant from the e*tremes )f a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages 7etween an earlier and a later period of time 0hysical strength 2*presses possibility

"sought merciful treatment for the captives"; "a merciful god" "our merciful 'ing" "the merciless enemy"; "a merciless critic"; "gave him a merciless beating" "a mere child" "shoc'ed by the mere idea" "& was merely as'ing" "the house was a mess"

merciless,ad" mere,n mere,ad"

merely,adv mess,n

"a mess of porridge"

mess,v messenger,n middle,n

"-e messed up his room"

"A whole is that which has beginning, middle, and end" "the middle of the war"; "rain during the middle of April" "the middle point on a line"

middle,v middle,ad"

"Middle 2nglish is the 2nglish language from about GG%% to GF%%"; "Middle ,aelic" "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties" "it might rain"

might,n might,v

mighty,ad" mighty,adv mild,ad"

2*presses a wish 2*presses permission -aving or showing great strength or force or intensity (/outhern regional intensive! very Moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from e*treme -umble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness Mild and pleasant

"please may it be a good weather" "you may go now" "struc' a mighty blow"; "the mighty logger 0aul 7unyan"; "the pen is mightier than the sword" "the baby is mighty cute"; "he#s mighty tired" "a mild winter storm"; "a mild fever"; "fortunately the pain was mild"; "a mild rebu'e"; "mild criticism"



minor,n minor,ad"

(hat which is responsible for one#s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason 4ecall or remembrance An opinion formed by "udging something An important intellectual Attention 9our intention; what you intend to do =nowledge and intellectual ability 7e offended or bothered by; ta'e offense with, be bothered by 7e concerned with or about something or somebody 7e in charge of or deal with 0ay close attention to; give heed to 7e on one#s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to =eep in mind A young person of either se* )f lesser importance or stature or ran' .esser in scope or effect &nferior in number or si<e or amount )f a scale or mode Not of legal age )f lesser seriousness or danger )f your secondary field of academic concentration or speciali<ation

"the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth" "his mind wandered" "it came to mind" "she changed her mind" "the great minds of the G>th century" "don#t pay him any mind" "he had in mind to see his old teacher" "he reads to improve his mind" "& don#t mind your behavior"

"a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor bac' roads" "had minor differences"; "a minor disturbance" "a minor share of the profits"; "3rsa Minor" "the minor 'eys"; "in 7 flat minor" "minor children" "suffered only minor in"uries"; "some minor flooding"; "a minor tropical disturbance"


K7ritL )f the younger of two boys with the same family name 5arranting only temporal punishment .imited in si<e or scope A group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part 7eing or relating to the smaller in number of two parts Any age prior to the legal age A unit of time e ual to O% seconds or GRO%th of an hour An indefinitely short time A particular point in time A unit of angular distance e ual to a O%th of a degree A short note Distance measured by the time ta'en to cover it &nfinitely or immeasurably small &mmeasurably small 1haracteri<ed by painsta'ing care and detailed e*amination" Any ama<ing or wonderful occurrence A marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of ,od 7eing or having the character of a miracle 0eculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention 7ehave badly &mproper or wic'ed or immoral behavior 1onstituting a grabBbag category 1onsisting of a hapha<ard assortment of different 'inds (even to the point of incongruity! A stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably! Cery unhappy; full of misery Deserving or inciting pity )f the most contemptible 'ind )f very poor uality or condition aracteri<ed by physical misery 1ontemptibly small in amount

";ones minor"

"when the vote was ta'en they were in the minority"; "he held a minority position" "he ran a ? minute mile" "it only ta'es a minute"


"the secretary 'eeps the minutes of the meeting" "its "ust G% minutes away" "two minute whipli'e threads of protoplasm" "a minute inspection of the grounds"; "an e*act and minute report"




misbehave,v misbehaviour,n miscellaneous,ad"

"(he children misbehaved all morning" "the usual collection of miscellaneous e*penses" "miscellaneous accessories"

miser,n miserable,ad"

"he felt depressed and miserable" "miserable victims of war" "his miserable treatment of his family"; "9ou miserable s'un'A" "a wet miserable wee'end" "the company donated a miserable EG%% for flood relief"; "almost depleted his



mista'en,ad" mista'en,v mista'en,ad" mista'en,v modelling,n


modernity,n moment,n

momentary,ad" moonlight,n

A state of illBbeing due to affliction or misfortune A feeling of intense unhappiness .ead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions ,ive bad advice to 5rong in e.g. opinion or "udgment Arising from error &dentify incorrectly (o ma'e a mista'e or be incorrect 5rong in e.g. opinion or "udgment Arising from error &dentify incorrectly (o ma'e a mista'e or be incorrect A preliminary sculpture in wa* or clay from which a finished wor' can be copied (he act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale! 0lan or create according to a model or models +orm in clay, wa*, etc Assume a posture as for artistic purposes Display (clothes! as a manne uin 1reate a representation or model of 1onstruct a model of (he uality of being current or of the present A particular point in time An indefinitely short time At this time -aving important effects or influence (he moment of a couple is the product of its force and the distance between its opposing forces (he nBth moment of a distribution is the e*pected value of the nBth power of the deviations from a fi*ed value .asting for a mar'edly brief time (he light of the moon

miserable store of dried beans" "the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable" "she was e*hausted by her misery and grief"

"a mista'en belief"; "mista'en identity" "a mista'en view of the situation" "Don#t mista'e her for her twin sister" "a mista'en belief"; "mista'en identity" "a mista'en view of the situation" "Don#t mista'e her for her twin sister"

"model a head with clay" "model the latest fashion"

"model an airplane" "a shopping mall would instill a spirit of modernity into this village" "the moment he arrived the party began" "wait "ust a moment" "she is studying at the moment" "virtue is of more moment that security"

"a momentary glimpse" "moonlight is the smuggler#s enemy"

moonlight,v moral,n moral,ad"

morally,adv more,ad"

5or' a second "ob, usually after hours (he significance of a story or event 4elating to principles of right and wrong; i.e. to morals or ethics 1oncerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles Adhering to ethical and moral principles Arising from the sense of right and wrong 0sychological rather than physical or tangible in effect 7ased on strong li'elihood or firm conviction rather than actual evidence 5ith respect to moral principles &n a moral manner (comparative of #much# used with mass nouns! a uantifier meaning greater in si<e or amount or e*tent or degree (comparative of #many# used with count nouns! uantifier meaning greater in number 2*isting or coming by way of addition 3sed to form the comparative of some ad"ectives and adverbs 1omparative of much; to a greater degree or e*tent 2nglish statesman who opposed -enry C&&&#s divorce from 1atherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of 3topia, the ideal state &n addition (superlative of #many# used with count nouns and often preceded by #the#! uantifier meaning the greatest in number (he superlative of #much# that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by #the#; a uantifier meaning the greatest in amount or e*tent or degree

"(he law student is moonlighting as a ta*i driver" "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor" "moral philosophy" "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral uandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life" "had the moral courage to stand alone" "a moral obligation" "a moral victory"; "moral support" "a moral certainty" "morally un"ustified" "he acted morally under the circumstances" "more land"; "more support"; "more rain fell"; "more than a gallon" "a hall with more seats"; "we have no more bananas"; "more than one" "too' more time" "more interesting"; "more beautiful"; "more uic'ly" "he wor's more now"; "they eat more than they should"



moreover,adv most,ad"

"the cellar was dar'; moreover, mice nested there" "who has the most apples:"; "most people li'e eggs"; "most fishes have fins" "made the most money he could"; "what attracts the most attention:"; "made the most of a bad deal"


3sed to form the superlative Cery (of actions or states! slightly short of or not uite accomplished; #near# is sometimes used informally for #nearly# and #most# is sometimes used informally for #almost# &n large part; mainly or chiefly 3sually; as a rule A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something (he use of movements (especially of the hands! to communicate familiar or prearranged signals A change of position that does not entail a change of location A state of change A formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote (he act of changing location from one place to another An optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving ob"ect /how, e*press or direct through movement A change of position that does not entail a change of location A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something (he act of changing location from one place to another A group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals A ma"or selfBcontained part of a symphony or sonata A series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end An optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving ob"ect A euphemism for defecation A general tendency to change (as of opinion!

"the 'ing cobra is the most dangerous sna'e" "a most welcome relief" "most everyone agrees"

mostly,adv motion,n

"the refle* motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise" "they were in a state of steady motion" "he made a motion to ad"ourn" "police controlled the motion of the crowd" "the cinema relies on apparent motion"

motion,v movement,n

"movement is a sign of life"

"the movement of people from the farms to the cities" "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement" "the second movement is slow and melodic" "the movement to end slavery" "the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement" "he had a bowel movement" "a broad movement of the electorate to the right"

multiple,n multiple,ad"

(he driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or cloc'! (he act of changing the location of something (he product of a uantity by an integer -aving or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual )ne of the contractile organs of the body Animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells A bully employed as a thug or bodyguard Authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way! Muscular strength Ma'e one#s way by force A necessary or essential thing ,rape "uice before or during fermentation (he uality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy 7e compelled, be neccessary, have to, ought to -ighly recommended 1ommon to or shared by two or more parties 1oncerning each of two or more persons or things; especially given or done in return /omething that baffles understanding and cannot be e*plained A story about a crime (usually murder! presented as a novel or play or movie 1ompletely unclothed -aving no protecting or concealing cover (of the eye or ear e.g.! without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument Devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure As follows

"it was an e*pensive watch with a diamond movement" "the movement of cargo onto the vessel" "$O is a multiple of @" "multiple birth"; "multiple ownership"; "made multiple copies of the speech"; "his multiple achievements in public life"; "her multiple personalities"; "a pineapple is a multiple fruit"


"the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign" "-e muscled his way into the office" "seat belts are an absolute must"

muscle,v must,n


must,ad" mutual,ad"

"& must ta'e the test before & can drive"; "to pass the e*am you must wor' hard"; "you really must tidy the room some time" "a boo' that is must reading" "the mutual interests of management and labor" "mutual respect" "how it got out is a mystery"



"na'ed from the waist up" "na'ed to mine enemies" "visible to the na'ed eye" "na'ed ambition"



nap,v narrow,n narrow,v

A period of time spent sleeping A soft or fu<<y surface te*ture (he yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy! that stands up from the weave A short sleep (usually not in bed! A card game similar to whist; usually played for sta'es (a'e a siesta A narrow strait connecting two bodies of water Ma'e or become more narrow or restricted Define clearly 7ecome more special 7ecome tight or as if tight Not wide .imited in si<e or scope .ac'ing tolerance or fle*ibility or breadth of view Cery limited in degree 1haracteri<ed by painsta'ing care and detailed e*amination A person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person 7eing such by origin 7elonging to one by birth 7eing or composed of people inhabiting a region from the beginning As found in nature in the elemental form Normally e*isting at birth /omeone regarded as certain to succeed A notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat (craps! a first roll of > or GG that immediately wins the sta'e &n accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature 2*isting in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation 2*isting in or in conformity with

"there wasn#t time for a nap"

"/he naps everyday after lunch for an hour" "(he selection was narrowed"; "(he road narrowed" "& cannot narrow down the rules for this game" "a narrow bridge"; "a narrow line across the page" "the narrow sense of a word" "a brilliant but narrowBminded "udge"; "narrow opinions" "won by a narrow margin"; "a narrow escape" "a narrow scrutiny"


native,n native,ad"

"the native North American sugar maple"; "many native artists studied abroad" "my native land"; "one#s native language" "native Americans" "native copper" "he#s a natural for the "ob"



"a very natural development"; "our natural environment"; "natural science"; "natural resources"; "natural cliffs"; "natural phenomena" "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural sil'"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertili<ers" "a perfectly natural e*planation"

3naffected and natural loo'ing naturally,adv

nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical +unctioning or occurring in a normal way; lac'ing abnormalities or deficiencies )f a 'ey containing no sharps or flats 3nthin'ing; prompted by (or as if by! instinct (used especially of commodities! in the natural unprocessed condition 4elated by blood; not adopted 7eing talented through inherited ualities "a natural reaction" As might be e*pected (hrough inherent nature According to nature; by natural means; without artificial help &n a natural or normal manner (he essential ualities or characteristics by which something is recogni<ed A causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe (he natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc. (he comple* of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person#s characteristic actions and reactions A particular type of thing /uggestive of se*ual impropriety 7adly behaved (of actions or states! slightly short of or not uite accomplished; #near# is sometimes used informally for #nearly# and #most# is sometimes used informally for #almost# &n a close manner 5ith neatness (he condition of being essential or indispensable Anything indispensable (he part of an organism that connects the head to the rest of

"it#s the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparent#s natural affection for a grandchild" "7 natural" "a cat#s natural aversion to water" "natural yogurt"; "natural produce" "natural parent" "a natural leader"

"naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill" "he was naturally la<y" "naturally grown flowers" "spea' naturally and easily" "it is the nature of fire to burn"; "the true nature of "ealousy" "the laws of nature"; "nature has seen to it that men are stronger than women" "they tried to preserve nature as they found it" "it is his nature to help others"


naughty,ad" nearly,adv

"he#s interested in trains and things of that nature"; "matters of a personal nature" "a naughty win'"; "naughty words" "a naughty boy" "he nearly fainted"

neatly,adv necessity,n nec',n

"the person most nearly concerned" "she put the slippers under the bed neatly" "food and shelter are necessities of life" "he admired her long graceful nec'"

nec',v need,n

the body A narrow elongated pro"ecting strip of land A cut of meat from the nec' of an animal )pening for the nec'; the part of a garment near the nec' opening =iss, embrace, or fondle with se*ual passion A condition re uiring relief Anything that is necessary but lac'ing (he psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior A state of e*treme poverty or destitution 4e uire as useful, "ust, or proper -ave need of -ave or feel a need for Necessary for relief or supply 7e in contradiction with Deny the truth of 0rove negative; show to be false Ma'e ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of A reply of denial A piece of photographic film showing an image with blac' and white tones reversed Cote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent 1haracteri<ed by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance; having no positive features 4ec'oned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive -aving a negative electric charge 2*pressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial -aving the uality of something harmful or unpleasant Not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a

"(he couple were nec'ing in the bac' seat of the car" "she satisfied his need for affection"; ",od has no need of men to accomplish -is wor'" "he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs"

"a general state of need e*ists among the homeless"


needful,ad" negate,v

"always needing friends and money" "provided them with all things needful"


"(his action will negate the effect of my efforts" "he answered in the negative"

negative,v negative,ad"

"a negative outloo' on life"; "a colorless negative personality"; "a negative evaluation"; "a negative reaction to an advertising campaign"

"electrons are negative"

"ran a negative campaign"; "delin uents retarded by their negative outloo' on life" "the -&C test was negative"




negligible,ad" nervous,ad"


neutral,n neutral,ad"

specific condition .ess than <ero Designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions &nvolving disadvantage or harm .ac' of attention and due care (he state of something that has been unused and neglected 5illful lac' of care and attention (he trait of neglecting responsibilities and lac'ing concern +ailure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would e*ercise under the same circumstances .eave undone or leave out +ail to do something; leave something undone +ail to attend to ,ive little or no attention to +ailure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would e*ercise under the same circumstances (he trait of neglecting responsibilities and lac'ing concern /o small as to be meaningless; insignificant Not worth considering 2asily agitated 1ausing or fraught with or showing an*iety )f or relating to the nervous system 2*cited in anticipation 3npredictably e*citable (especially of horses! (he an*ious feeling you have when you have the "itters An uneasy psychological state A sensitive or highly strung temperament )ne who does not side with any party in a war or dispute Neither moral nor immoral; neither good nor evil, right nor wrong -aving no personal preference -aving only a limited ability to react chemically; not active Not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest

"a negative number" "negative criticism"

"the house was in a terrible state of neglect"

"he neglects his children"

"the effect was negligible" " uic' nervous movements" "those nervous moments before ta'eoff" "nervous disease"

"a neutral observer"

newly,adv ne*t,ad"

-aving no net electric charge; not electrified .ac'ing hue )f no distinctive uality or characteristics or type .ac'ing distinguishing uality or characteristics Cery recently Nearest in space or position; immediately ad"oining without intervening space (of elected officers! elected but not yet serving &mmediately following in time or order At the time or occasion immediately following 0leasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance /ocially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous Done with delicacy and s'ill 2*cessively fastidious and easily disgusted Noting distinctions with nicety 2*hibiting courtesy and politeness A city in southeastern +rance on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the +rench 4iviera &n a nice way A situation resembling a terrifying dream A terrifying or deeply upsetting dream +ull of or characteri<ed by loud and nonmusical sounds 4elating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name &nsignificantly small; a matter of form only (#to'enish# is informal! 0ertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun 7eing value in terms of specification on currency or stoc' certificates rather than

"neutral colors li'e bac' or white" "a neutral personality that made no impression whatever" "they are newly married"; "newly raised ob"ections"; "a newly arranged hairdo" "in the ne*t room"; "the person sitting ne*t to me" "our ne*t president" "ne*t in line"; "the ne*t president"; "the ne*t item on the list" "ne*t the doctor e*amined his bac'" "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today" "a nice girl" "a nice bit of craft"; "a "ob re uiring nice measurements with a micrometer"; "a nice shot" "too nice about his food to ta'e to camp coo'ing" "a nice sense of color"; "a nice point in the argument" "a nice gesture"

ne*t,adv nice,ad"

nice,n nicely,adv nightmare,n

"a nicely painted house"

noisy,ad" nominal,ad"

"a noisy cafeteria"; "a small noisy dog" "the 4ussian system of nominal brevity"; "a nominal lists of priests"; "ta*able males as revealed by the nominal rolls" "the fee was nominal" "nominal phrase" "nominal or face value"


nonsense,ad" normal,n normal,ad"

purchasing power Named; bearing the name of a specific person 7eing such in name only A message that seems to convey no meaning )rnamental ob"ects of no great value -aving no intelligible meaning /omething regarded as a normative e*ample 1onforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal &n accordance with scientific laws 7eing appro*imately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development +orming a right angle 3nder normal conditions A wind from the north A short personal letter A brief written record A characteristic emotional uality K7ritL A piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central ban'! A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound A comment or instruction (usually added! -igh status importance owing to mar'ed superiority A tone of voice that shows what the spea'er is feeling A promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time Ma'e mention of Notice or perceive )bserve with care or pay close attention to Ma'e a written note of

"the nominal head of his party"

"nonsense syllables" "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal wor'ing hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events" "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person &#ve ever met"

normally,adv norther,n note,n

"he made a note of the appointment" "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm" "he peeled off five oneBthousandB<loty notes" "the singer held the note too long" "his notes were appended at the end of the article" "there was a note of uncertainty in his voice" "& had to coBsign his note at the ban'" "(hey noted that it was a fine day to go sailing" "/he noted that someone was following her" "(a'e note of this chemical reaction" "she noted everything the teacher said that morning" "a noteworthy advance in cancer research" "a noteworthy fact is that her students



5orthy of notice 5orthy of notice

nothing,n nothing,adv notice,n

A uantity of no importance A none*istent thing &n no way; to no degree An announcement containing information about a future event (he act of noticing or paying attention A re uest for payment Advance notification (usually written! of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract A sign posted in a public place as an advertisement 0olite or favorable attention A short critical review Discover or determine the e*istence, presence, or fact of Notice or perceive Ma'e or write a comment on 2*press recognition of the presence or e*istence of, or ac uaintance with -aving an e*ceedingly bad reputation An e*tended fictional wor' in prose; usually in the form of a story A printed and bound boo' that is an e*tended wor' of fiction )f a 'ind not seen before 0leasantly novel or different )riginality by virtue of being refreshingly novel )riginality by virtue of being new and surprising A small ine*pensive massB produced article 1heap showy "ewelry or ornament on clothing (he period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech &n these times (law! a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and

rarely complain" "it loo'ed li'e nothing & had ever seen before" "he loo's nothing li'e his father" "you didn#t give me enough notice" "he escaped the notice of the police" "we received a notice to vacate the premises"; "he gave notice two months before he moved"

"his hard wor' soon attracted the teacher#s notice" "the play received good notices"


notorious,ad" novel,n

"a notorious gangster"; "the tenderloin district was notorious for vice"

novel,ad" novelty,n

"his boo'cases were filled with nothing but novels"; "he burned all the novels" "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a wellB'nown theorem"


nowadays,adv nuisance,n

"it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"



health or is offensive A bothersome annoying person (he wor' of caring for the sic' or in"ured or infirm (he profession of a nurse Nourishing at the breast (ry to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or in"ury Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings! /erve as a nurse; care for sic' or handicapped people (reat carefully

"-e nursed his cold with 1hinese herbs"

,ive suc' to oath,n 0rofane or obscene e*pression usually of surprise or anger A commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law!; to lie under oath is to become sub"ect to prosecution for per"ury A solemn promise, usually invo'ing a divine witness, regarding your future acts or behavior 7e obedient to (he act of e*pressing earnest opposition or protest (he speech act of ob"ecting (he act of protesting; a public (often organi<ed! manifestation of dissent (law! a procedure whereby a party to a suit says that a particular line of uestioning or a particular witness or a piece of evidence or other matter is improper and should not be continued and as's the court to rule on its impropriety or illegality 1ausing disapproval or protest .iable to ob"ection or debate; used of something one might ta'e e*ception to (he goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable! (he lens or system of lenses nearest the ob"ect being viewed 3ndistorted by emotion or

"-e nursed his in"ured bac' by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "-e nursed the flowers in his garden and fertili<ed them regularly" "9ou cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"

"they too' an oath of allegiance"

obey,v ob"ection,n


"a vulgar and ob"ectionable person" "found the politician#s views ob"ectionable"



"an ob"ective appraisal"; "ob"ective


obliged,ad" obliged,v


personal bias; based on observable phenomena /erving as or indicating the ob"ect of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes 2mphasi<ing or e*pressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings or interpretation 7elonging to immediate e*perience of actual things or events +orce or compel somebody to do something 7ind by an obligation; cause to be indebted 0rovide a service or favor for someone 3nder a moral obligation to do something +orce or compel somebody to do something 7ind by an obligation; cause to be indebted 0rovide a service or favor for someone Discover or determine the e*istence, presence, or fact of Ma'e mention of )bserve with care or pay close attention to 5atch attentively /how respect towards 1elebrate, as of holidays or rites +ollow with the eyes or the mind )bserve correctly or closely 1onform one#s action or practice to An event that occurs at a critical time A vaguely specified social event 4eason (he time of a particular event An opportunity to do something

evidence" "ob"ective case"

"ob"ective art"

"there is no ob"ective evidence of anything of the 'ind"

"5e had to oblige him"

"5e had to oblige him"

"/he observed that his presentation too' up too much time" "0lease observe the reaction of these two chemicals" ")bserve 9om =ippur"


"it was needed only on special occasions" "an occasion arranged to honor the president" "there was no occasion for complaint" "on the occasion of his O%th birthday" "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her s'ill" "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"

occasion,v occasionally,adv

,ive occasion to Now and then or here and there


7e present in; be inside of


=eep busy with .ive (in a certain place! )ccupy the whole of 7e on the mind of As of time or space March aggressively into another#s territory by military force for the purposes of con uest and occupation 2ngage or engross wholly Not divisible by two Not easily e*plained An indefinite uantity more than that specified 7eyond or deviating from the usual or e*pected )f the remaining member of a pair, of soc's e.g. Not used up Not in operation or operational 7elow a satisfactory level (of events! no longer planned or scheduled &n an unpalatable state Not performing or scheduled for duties

"(his event occupied a very short time"

"it is odd that his name is never mentioned" "invited $%Bodd guests" "had an odd name"


"some odd dollars left" "the oven is off"; "the lights are off" "an off year for tennis"; "his performance was off" "the wedding is definitely off" "-e#s off every (uesday"; "he was off duty when it happened"; "an offBduty policeman" "went off to school"; "they drove off" "the boat was F miles off"; "the party is still 8 wee's off" "clean off the dirt"; "he shaved off his mustache" "a generous offer of assistance"


+rom a particular thing or place or position (#forth# is obsolete! At a distance in space or time No longer on or in contact or attached (he verbal act of offering /omething offered (as a proposal or bid! A usually brief attempt Ma'e available or accessible, provide or furnish 0resent for acceptance or re"ection Agree freely 0ut forward for consideration )ffer verbally Ma'e available for sale 0ropose a payment 0roduce or introduce on the stage



"(he conference center offers a health spa"; "(he hotel offers private meeting rooms" "/he offered us all a cold drin'" "& offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it" "-e offered his opinion" "-e offered his sympathy" "(he stores are offering specials on sweaters this wee'" "(he /wiss dealer offered E8 million for the painting" "(he /ha'espeare 1ompany is offering #=ing .ear# this month"

0resent as an act of worship Mount or put up Ma'e available; provide As' (someone! to marry you (hreaten to do something official,n A wor'er who holds or is invested with an office /omeone who administers the rules of a game or sport -aving official authority or sanction )f or relating to an office Cerified officially 1onforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline (of a church! given official status as a national or state institution &n an official role 5ith official authori<ation Many times at short intervals +re uently or in great uantities 1urrently happening Moving toward a position ahead +orward in time or order or degree &n a forward direction 7elonging to some prior time )n one occasion As soon as At a previous time 5ithout delay or hesitation; with no time intervening /imultaneously (he smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number A single person or thing 3sed of a single unit or thing; not two or more 0articular but unspecified -aving the indivisible character of a unit )f the same 'ind or uality 3sed informally as an intensifier &ndefinite in time or position 7eing the single appropriate individual of a 'ind; only 7eing one in numberBBa single unit or thing

"offer prayers to the gods" "offer resistance" "(he ban' offers a good deal on new mortgages" "& offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal" "the golfer as'ed for an official who could give him a ruling" "official permission"; "an official representative" "official privileges" "the election returns are now official"


officially,adv often,adv ongoing,ad" onward,ad" onward,adv once,ad" once,adv atonce,adv one,n

"officially, he is in charge"; "officially responsible" "we often met over a cup of coffee" "an ongoing economic crisis" "the onward course of events" "from the si*th century onward" "moved onward into the forest" "the once capital of the state" "once & ran into her" "once we are home, we can rest" "once he loved her"

"he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one" "he is the best one"; "this is the one & ordered" "early one evening" "spo'e with one voice" "two animals of one species" "that is one fine dog" "he will come one day"; "one place or another" "the one horse that could win this race"; "the one person & could marry" "one person is going"; "her one thought was to win"; "&#m "ust one player on the


one,pro only,ad"


7eing a single entity made by combining separate components 2minent beyond or above comparison A specified thing A person in general 7eing the only one; single and isolated from others 2*clusive of anyone or anything else And nothing more 5ithout any others being included or involved 5ith nevertheless the final result &n the final outcome 2*cept that Never e*cept when As recently as A clear or unobstructed space or e*panse of land or water 5here the air is unconfined A tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play &nformation that has become public 1ause to open or to become open /tart to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning 7ecome open 7egin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc. /pread out or open from a closed or folded state Ma'e available 7ecome available -ave an opening or passage or outlet Ma'e the opening move Afford access to Display the contents of a file or start an application as on a

team"; "one day is "ust li'e the ne*t"; "seen one horse and you#ve seen them all" "three chemicals combining into one solution" "she#s one girl in a million"; "the one and only Muhammad Ali" "the one on top" "can one swim there:" "an only child" "&#ll have this car and this car only" "he was only a child" "a privilege granted only to him" "-e arrived only to find his wife dead"; "5e won only to lose again in the ne*t round" "(hese news will only ma'e you more upset" "&t was the same story; only this time she came out better" "call me only if your cold gets worse" "& spo'e to him only an hour ago" "finally bro'e out of the forest into the open" "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"


"all the reports were out in the open" "Mary opened the car door" "open a business" "(he door opened" "-e opened the meeting with a long speech" "open the map" "(his opens up new possibilities" "an opportunity opened up" "(he bedrooms open into the hall" "=asparov opened with a standard opening" "the door opens to the patio"



computer Affording unobstructed entrance and e*it; not shut or closed Affording free passage or access 5ith no protection or shield )pen to or in view of all 3sed of mouth or eyes Not having been filled Accessible to all Not defended or capable of being defended (of te*tures! full of small openings or gaps -aving no protecting cover or enclosure )pened out )f a set; containing points whose neighborhood consists of other points of the same set, or being the complement of an open set; of an interval; containing neither of its end points Not brought to a conclusion; sub"ect to further thought Not sealed or having been unsealed 5ithout undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition 4elatively empty of and unobstructed by fences or hedges or headlands or shoals )pen and observable; not secret or hidden 3sed of string or hole or pipe of instruments Not re uiring union membership 0ossibly accepting or permitting Not secret 5ithout any attempt at concealment; completely obvious Affording free passage or view .a* in enforcing laws )penly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness /incere and free of reserve in e*pression 4eceptive to new ideas 4eady for business

"an open door"; "they left the door open" "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ran's" "open to the weather"; "an open wound" "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor" "'eep your eyes open" "the "ob is still open" "open season"; "an open economy" "an open city"; "open to attac'" "an open te*ture" "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars" "an open newspaper"

"an open uestion" "the letter was already open" "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response" "in open country"; "the open countryside"; "open waters"; "on the open seas"

"an open shop employs nonunion wor'ers" "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to uestion" "open plans"; "an open ballot" "open disregard of the law"; "open family strife"; "open hostility" "an open town" "an open and trusting nature" "0lease be open with me" "an open mind"; "open to new ideas" "the stores are open"

openly,adv operate,v

&n an open way Direct or control; pro"ects, businesses, etc. 0erform as e*pected when applied -andle and cause to function 0erform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attac' or defense -appen =eep engaged 0erform surgery on

"he openly flaunted his affection for his sister"

"do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"


A business especially one run on a large scale A planned activity involving many people performing various actions A process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of wor' (he state of being in effect or being operative A medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body Activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign! (computer science! data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction! 0rocess or manner of functioning or operating (mathematics! calculation by mathematical methods (psychology! the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents (he activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.!

"(he doctors operated ont he patient but failed to save his life" "a largeBscale farming operation"; "a multinational operation"; "they paid ta*es on every stage of the operation"; "they had to consolidate their operations" "they organi<ed a rescue operation"; "the biggest police operation in +rench history"; "running a restaurant is uite an operation"; "consolidate the companies various operations" "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations" "that rule is no longer in operation" "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available" "it was a "oint operation of the navy and air force" "it can perform millions of operations per second"

"the power of its engine determine its operation"; "the plane#s operation in high winds" "they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic" "the cognitive operation of remembering"

"her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"



optional,ad" order,n

A personal belief or "udgment that is not founded on proof or certainty A belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people A message e*pressing a belief about something; the e*pression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive 'nowledge or proof (he legal document stating the reasons for a "udicial decision (he reason for a court#s "udgment (as opposed to the decision itself! A vague idea in which some confidence is placed (he action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with (he relation between opposed entities (he act of opposing groups confronting each other A contestant that you are matched against A body of people united in opposing something A direction opposite to another An armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force! A political party opposed to the party in power and prepared to replace it if elected 0ossible but not necessary; left to personal choice (often plural! a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer! that must be obeyed A degree in a continuum of si<e or uantity 2stablished customary state (especially of society! .ogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements A condition of regular or proper arrangement A legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or

"my opinion differs from yours" "he as'ed for a poll of public opinion" "his opinions appeared fre uently on the editorial page"

"opinions are usually written by a single "udge"

"despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead"

"the invaders encountered stiff opposition"

"-er Ma"esty#s loyal opposition"

"the 7ritish ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from .ondon" "it was on the order of a mile"; "an e*plosion of a low order of magnitude" "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order" "we shall consider these uestions in the inverse order of their presentation" "he put his des' in order"; "the machine is now in wor'ing order" "a friend in New Me*ico said that the order caused no trouble out there"


"udge! A commercial document used to re uest someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and uantities A formal association of people with similar interests A body of rules followed by an assembly (usually plural! the status or ran' or office of a 1hristian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy A group of person living under a religious rule (biology! ta*onomic group containing one or more families A re uest for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc.! (architecture! one of original three styles of ,ree' architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the 4omans 0utting in order ,ive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority Ma'e a re uest for something &ssue commands or orders for 7ring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations 7ring order to or into 0lace in a certain order Appoint to a clerical posts Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc. Assign a ran' or rating to A soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer A male hospital attendant who has general nonBmedical duties Devoid of violence or disruption According to custom or rule or natural law Not hapha<ard Mar'ed by or adhering to

"&7M received an order for a hundred computers"

"men from the fraternal order will staff the soup 'itchen today" "theologians still disagree over whether #bishop# should or should not be a separate order" "the order of /aint 7enedict"

"& gave the waiter my order"

"/he ordered him to do the shopping" ")rder me some flowers"; "order a wor' stoppage"

")rder these files" "order these files"


"the orderly laid out the general#s uniform" "an orderly crowd confronted the president" "a series of orderly actions at regular hours" "a clean orderly man"; "an orderly mind";






method or system Mar'ed by system or regularity or discipline Mar'ed by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 7ring order and organi<ation to 1reate (as an entity! +orm or "oin a union 1ause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea Arrange by systematic planning and united effort 0lan and direct (a comple* underta'ing! (he ability to thin' and act independently (he uality of being new and original (not derived from something else! &n an original manner 5ith reference to the origin or beginning 7efore now Not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied

"an orderly des'" "an orderly universe" "the orderly presentation"

+urther or added 4ecently past )f the distant past Cery unusual; different in character or uality from the normal or e*pected 7eing distinct from that or those first considered )ther than as supposed or e*pected &n other respects or ways &n another and different manner 2*presses an emotional, practical, or other reason for doing something6 "9ou had

"today isn#t any other day"; "the construction of highways and other public wor's"; "he as'ed for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other boo's are still in storage"; "then we loo'ed at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other se*"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction" "& have no other shoes"; "there are other possibilities" "the other evening" "in other times" "a strange, other dimension...where his powers seemed to fail" "all parts of the house other than the windows were in good condition"; "apparently too' no clothes other than those he was wearing" "the outcome was otherwise" "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation" "she thought otherwise"


otherwise,ad" otherwise,adv


out,n out,v


better put on warm clothes"; "9ou should call your motherB inBlaw"; "(he /tate ought to repair the bridges" 2*presses that something is li'ely (baseball! a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball (o state openly and publicly one#s homose*uality 4eveal somebody else#s homose*uality 7e made 'nown; be disclosed or revealed Not allowed to continue to bat or run )f a fire; being out or having grown cold Not worth considering as a possibility )ut of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election 2*cluded from use or mention Directed outward or serving to direct something outward No longer fashionable )utside or e*ternal )uter or outlying =noc'ed unconscious by a heavy blow )utside of an enclosed space )utward from a reference point Away from home +rom one#s possession A "ourney ta'en for pleasure A day devoted to an outdoor social gathering (o state openly and publicly one#s homose*uality 4eveal somebody else#s homose*uality 7e made 'nown; be disclosed or revealed A place of business for retailing goods 4eceptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be ta'en to run electrical devices An opening that permits escape or release Activity that releases or

"that ought to be enough" "you only get $ outs per inning" "(his actor outed last year" "(his actor was outed last wee'" "(he truth will out" "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out" "the fire is out" "a picnic is out because of the weather" "now the Democrats are out" "in our house dancing and playing cards were out" "the out doorway"; "the out bas'et" "that style is out these days" "the out surface of a ship#s hull" "the out islands" "she is out" "he 'ic'ed his legs out" "they went out last night" "he gave out money to the poor"


outing,n outing,v

"(his actor outed last year" "(his actor was outed last wee'" "(he truth will out"


"she had no other outlet for her feelings"



output,v outward,ad"

e*presses creative energy or emotion A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations 7elief about (or mental picture of! the future (he act of loo'ing out +inal product; the things produced 0roduction of a certain amount /ignal that comes out of an electronic system (he uantity of something (as a commodity! that is created (usually within a given period of time! 5hat is produced in a given time period (o create or manufacture a specific amount 4elating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind (hat is going out or leaving (oward the outside -aving come or been brought to a conclusion At or to a point across intervening space etc. (hroughout an area &n such a manner as to be understood and accepted (hroughout a period of time 5or' clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps! K7ritL A loose protective coverall or smoc' worn over ordinary clothing for dirty wor' &nvolving only main features &ncluding everything 5in a victory over ,et on top of; deal with successfully )vercome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli )vercome, usually through no fault or wea'ness of the person that is overcome 4endered powerless especially

"the computer is outputting the data from the "ob &#m running" "a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections" "an outward "ourney"; "outwardBbound ships" "move the needle further outwardA" "the affair is over, ended, finished" "come over and see us some time"; "over there" "he is 'nown the world over" "stay over the wee'end"

outward,adv over,ad" over,adv


overall,ad" overcome,v

"the overall pattern of his life" "the overall cost" "9ou must overcome all difficulties"; "-e overcame his shyness"; "-e overcame his infirmity" "-e overcame his shyness"


"too much overcome to notice"


overflow,v overlap,n

overlap,v overloo',n overloo',v

by an e*cessive amount or profusion of something A large flow (he occurrence of surplus li uid (as water! e*ceeding the limit or capacity +low or run over (a limit or brim )verflow with a certain feeling A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena (he property of partial coincidence in time A flap that lies over another part 1oincide partially or wholly 2*tend over and cover a part of A high place affording a good view .oo' past, fail to notice 7e oriented in a certain direction .eave undone or leave out .oo' down on 5atch over .asting through or e*tending over the whole night -appening in a short time or with great speed 7e obliged to pay or repay 7e indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense 7e in debt -ave ownership or possession of Admit to something 7elonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself!; preceded by a possessive Mar'ed by the reception of pay &nvolving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby 9ielding a fair profit ,ive money, usually in e*change for goods or services 1onvey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow Do or give something to somebody in return 7ear (a cost or penalty!, in

"there was no overlap between their proposals"

")ur vacations overlap" "(he roofs of the houses overlap in this crowded city"

"(he apartment overloo's the -udson" "& am overloo'ing her wor'" "an overnight trip" "these solutions cannot be found overnightA" "(his new theory owes much to 2instein#s 4elativity (heory" "/he owes me E8%%"; "(he thesis owes much to his adviser" "-e owns three houses in +lorida" "if & was rude, &#ll own to it"; "5hen pressed, she#ll own up to her vices" "for your own use"; "do your own thing"; "she ma'es her own clothes" "paid wor'"; "a paid official"; "a paid announcement"; "a paid chec'"

overnight,ad" overnight,adv owe,v





"& paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "0ay the waitress, please" "Don#t pay him any mind"; "pay attention" "Does she pay you for the wor' you are doing:" "9ou#ll pay for thisA"; "/he had to pay the

recompense for some action 1ancel or discharge a debt 7ring in 4ender 7e worth it Dedicate Discharge or settle Ma'e a compensation for A symptom of some physical hurt or disorder 2motional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid A somatic sensation of acute discomfort A bothersome annoying person /omething or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness 1ause bodily suffering to 1ause emotional anguish or ma'e miserable 1ausing physical or psychological pain 1ausing misery or pain or distress 2*ceptionally bad or displeasing 1ausing physical discomfort A wooden strip forming part of a fence (urn pale, as if in fear Cery light colored; highly diluted with white (of light! lac'ing in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble .ac'ing in vitality or interest or effectiveness Abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress Not full or rich (he act of e*cusing a mista'e or offense A warrant granting release from punishment for an offense (he formal act of liberating someone Accept an e*cuse for ,rant a pardon to


penalty for spea'ing out rashly"; "9ou#ll pay for this opinion later" "pay up, pleaseA" "-ow much does this savings certificate pay annually:" "pay a visit"; "pay a call" "&t pays to go through the trouble" "pay attention to" "pay a debt"; "pay an obligation" "a favor that cannot be paid bac'" "the patient developed severe pain and distension" "the pain of loneliness" "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tic'le to pain" "that 'id is a terrible pain"

pain,v painful,ad"

"&t pains me to see my children not being taught well in school" "wor'ed with painful slowness" "the painful process of growing up" "a painful performance" "bites of blac' flies are more than irritating; they can be very painful"

pale,n pale,v pale,ad"

"pale seagreen"; "pale blue eyes" "the pale light of a half moon"; "a pale sun"; "the late afternoon light coming through the el trac's fell in pale oblongs on the street"; "the pale stars" "a pale rendition of the aria"; "pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender"

"high, pale, pure and lovely song"



"+ord pardoned Ni*on"; "(he



part,adv partly,adv partial,n


/omething determined in relation to something that includes it (he e*tended spatial location of something /o far as concerns the actor specified /omething less than the whole of a human artifact )ne of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole (he actions and activities assigned to or re uired or e*pected of a person or group A portion of a natural ob"ect An actor#s portrayal of someone in a play Assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group Any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor (he melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music A line where the hair is parted ,o one#s own away; move apart Discontinue an association or relation; go different ways .eave 1ome apart +orce, ta'e, or pull apart &n part; in some degree; not wholly &n part; in some degree; not wholly (he derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant A harmonic with a fre uency that is a multiple of the fundamental fre uency 7eing or affecting only a part; not total /howing favoritism (followed by #of# or #to#! having a strong preference or li'ing for

(han'sgiving tur'ey was pardoned by the 0resident" "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself" "religions in all parts of the world" "it re uires vigilance on our part" or "they resisted every effort on his part" "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" "the written part of the e*am"

"the government must do its part" "they analy<ed the river into three parts" "she played the part of Desdemona"

"he tried to sing the tenor part" "his part was right in the middle"

"Moses parted the 4ed /ea" "& felt partly to blame"

"a partial description of the suspect"; "partial collapse"; "a partial eclipse"; "a partial monopoly"; "partial immunity" "partial to horror movies"

partially,adv particular,n


&n part; in some degree; not wholly A fact about some part (as opposed to general! A small part that can be considered separately from the whole 3ni ue or specific to a person or thing or category /eparate and distinct from others /eparate and distinct from others of the same group or category /urpassing what is common or usual or e*pected +irst and most important 2*acting especially about details 0roviding specific details or circumstances (o a distinctly greater e*tent or degree than is common /pecifically or especially distinguished from others 3ni uely or characteristically

"-e was partially paraly<ed" "he always reasons from the particular to the general"

"the particular demands of the "ob"; "has a particular preference for 1hinese art" "an e*ception in this particular case" "interested in one particular artist"; "a man who wishes to ma'e a particular woman fall in love with him" "a matter of particular and unusual importance" "she gets particular satisfaction from her volunteer wor'" "very particular about how her food was prepared" "a particular description of the room" "he was particularly fussy about spelling"; "a particularly gruesome attac'" "loves 7ach, particularly his partitas" "everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him"



(baseball! an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls (military! a written leave of absence (American football! a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate (he location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding pea's Any authori<ation to pass or go somewhere A document indicating permission to do something without restrictions A flight or run by an aircraft over a target A bad or difficult situation or state of affairs A difficult "uncture )ne complete cycle of operations (as by a computer! 9ou advance to the ne*t round in a tournament without playing

"he had a pass for three days"

"we got through the pass before it started to snow" "the pass to visit had a strict time limit" "the media representatives had special passes" "the plane turned to ma'e a second pass" "a pretty pass" "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"


an opponent A permit to enter or leave a military installation A complementary (free! tic'et A usually brief attempt (sports! the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team /uccess in satisfying a test or re uirement ,o across or through 0ass by Ma'e laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation 0ass by 0lace into the hands or custody of /tretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or e*tend between two points or beyond a certain point (ravel past 1ome to pass ,o unchallenged; be approved 0ass (time! in a specific way ,uide or pass over something (ransmit information Disappear gradually ,o successfully through a test or a selection process ,o beyond Accept or "udge as acceptable Allow to go without comment or censure (ransfer to another; of rights or property 0ass into a specified state or condition 7e identified, regarded, accepted, or mista'en for someone or something else; as by denying one#s own ancestry or bac'ground (hrow (a ball! to another player 7e inherited by 1ause to pass ,rant authori<ation or clearance for 0ass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and

"he had to show his pass in order to get out" "the start got passes for his family" "the pass was fumbled" "he got a pass in introductory chemistry" "5e passed the point where the police car had par'ed" "A blac' limousine passed by when she loo'ed out the window"; "-e passed his professor in the hall" "(hey passed the amendment"

"(he sports car passed all the truc's"

"(he pain eventually passed off" "/he passed the new ;ersey 7ar 2*am and can practice law now" "(he teacher passed the student although he was wea'" "the insult passed as if unnoticed" ")ur house passed under his official control" "-e could pass as his twin brother"; "/he passed as a 5hite woman even though her grandfather was 7lac'" "/mith passed" "/he passed around the plates"

pass,ad" passive,n


functions necessary to sustain life 2liminate from the body )f advancing the ball by throwing it (he voice used to indicate that the grammatical sub"ect of the verb is the recipient (not the source! of the action denoted by the verb .ac'ing in energy or will 0eacefully resistant in response to in"ustice 2*pressing that sub"ect of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb A small contrasting part of something A small area of ground covered by specific vegetation A piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole A period of indeterminate length (usually short! mar'ed by some action or condition A short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program A connection intended to be used for a limited time /ewing or darning that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment! A protective cloth covering for an in"ured eye A piece of soft material that covers and protects an in"ured part of the body (o "oin or unite the pieces of 0rovide with a patch; also used metaphorically Mend by putting a patch on 4epair by adding pieces 7elonging to or inherited from one#s father 1haracteristic of a father 4elating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent 4elated on the father#s side A regular customer (he proprietor of an inn /omeone who supports or

"0ass a 'idney stone" "a pass play" "#(he ball was thrown by the boy# uses the passive voice"; "#(he ball was thrown# is an abbreviated passive" "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself" "passive resistance" "academics seem to favor passive sentences" "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice" "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"


"a patch of bad weather"


"patch the s'irt" "(he field was patched with snow" "patch a hole" "spent his childhood on the paternal farm"; "paternal traits"


"a paternal aunt"



champions something A perceptual structure A customary way of operation or behavior A decorative or artistic wor' /omething regarded as a normative e*ample A model considered worthy of imitation /omething intended as a guide for ma'ing something else (he path that is prescribed for an airplane that is preparing to land at an airport ,raphical representation (in polar or cartesian coordinates! of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle 0lan or create according to a model or models +orm a pattern A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something (emporary inactivity &nterrupt temporarily an activity before continuing 1ease an action temporarily (he most e*treme possible amount or value (he period of greatest prosperity or productivity (he highest level or degree attainable (he top point of a mountain or hill A C shape (he highest point (of something! A brim that pro"ects to the front to shade the eyes (o reach the highest point; attain ma*imum intensity, activity )f a period of ma*imal use or demand or activity Approaching or constituting a ma*imum 7eyond or deviating from the usual or e*pected 3ni ue or specific to a person or thing or category

"a visual pattern must include not only ob"ects but the spaces between them" "they changed their dietary pattern"

"the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics" "a pattern for a s'irt" "the traffic patterns around )#-are are very crowded"; "they stayed in the pattern until the fog lifted"


"(hese sentences pattern li'e the ones we studied before"


pause,v pea',n

"(he spea'er paused" "5e pause for station identification" "voltage pea'"

"the pea' of perfection"; "summer was at its pea'" "the view from the pea' was magnificent" "at the pea' of the pyramid" "(hat wild, speculative spirit pea'ed in G@8@" "at pea' hours the streets traffic is unbelievable" "wor'ing at pea' efficiency" "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves" "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an e*pression peculiar to 1anadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"

pea',v pea',ad"


Mar'edly different from the usual 1haracteristic of one only; distinctive or special (he tissue forming the hard outer layer (of e.g. a fruit! (he rind of a fruit or vegetable /trip the s'in off 1ome off in fla'es or thin small pieces ,et undressed 7ritish politician (G>JJBGJF%! A tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed (sometimes regarded as perfective aspect! Ma'e perfect or complete 7eing complete of its 'ind and without defect or blemish 5ithout ualification; used informally as (often pe"orative! intensifiers 0recisely accurate or e*act 1arry out or perform an action 0erform a function ,ive a performance (of something! A dramatic or musical entertainment

"a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats"; "a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman" "the peculiar character of the ,overnment of the 3./."

peel,n peel,v

"(he paint in my house is peeling off"

peel,n perfect,n

perfect,v perfect,ad"

"perfect your +rench in 0arisA" "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day" "a perfect idiot" "perfect timing" "5ho will perform the wedding:" "-orowit< is performing at 1arnegie -all tonight"; "5e performed a popular ,ilbert and /ullivan opera" "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for G%% performances"; "the fre uent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity" "they criticised his performance as mayor"; "e*perience generally improves performance" "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal"; "an inspired performance of Mo<art#s 1 minor concerto" "they compared the coo'ing performance of each oven"; "the "et#s performance conformed to high standards" "they admired his performance under stress"; "when 4oger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe" "perhaps she will call tomorrow"



(he act of performing; of doing something successfully; using 'nowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it (he act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment 0rocess or manner of functioning or operating Any recogni<ed accomplishment perhaps,adv periodic,ad" 7y chance -appening or recurring at regular intervals

periodically,adv permit,n


4ecurring at regular intervals 4ecurring or reappearing from time to time &n a sporadic manner A legal document giving official permission to do something (he act of giving a formal (usually written! authori<ation .arge game fish; found in waters of the 5est &ndies 1onsent to, give permission Ma'e it possible through a specific action or lac' of action for something to happen Allow the presence of or allow (an activity! without opposing or prohibiting A short newspaper article about a particular person or group 1oncerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality 0articular to a given individual )f or arising from personality &ntimately concerning a person#s body or physical being &ndicating grammatical person As yourself As a person &n a personal way &n the flesh; without involving anyone else 1oncerning the spea'er &nvolving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit 4elating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics -aving substance or material e*istence; perceptible to the senses According with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter! 1haracteri<ed by energetic bodily activity 1oncerned with material things &mpelled by physical force

"periodic feelings of an*iety"

"/he permitted her son to visit her estranged husband" "(his permits the water to rush in"; "(his will permit the rain to run off" "1hildren are not permitted beyond this point"

personal,n personal,ad"

"a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "& have something personal to tell you"; "a personal ,od"; "he has his personal ban' account and she has hers" "personal magnetism" "personal hygiene" "personal verb endings" "spea'ing personally, & would not want to go" "he is personally repulsive" "he too' her comments personally" "& went there personally" "personally, & find him stupid" "physical e*ercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance" "physical sciences"; "physical laws" "a physical manifestation" "a refle* response to physical stimuli" "a very physical dance performance" "physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical si<e of a computer" "a real cop would get physical"





especially against resistance (he person or thing chosen or selected (he uantity of a crop that is harvested (he best people or things in a group (he yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving A small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory! used to pluc' a stringed instrument A thin sharp implement used for pic'ing A heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends A bas'etball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one#s body (he act of choosing or selecting /elect carefully from a group .oo' for and gather -arass with constant criticism 0rovo'e 4emove in small bits 4emove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits 0ilfer or rob 0ay for something 0ull lightly but sharply with a pluc'ing motion Attac' with or as if with a pic'a*e of ice or roc'y ground, for e*ample -it lightly with a pic'ing motion 2at intermittently; ta'e small bites of A collection of ob"ects laid on top of each other (often followed by #of#! a large number or amount or e*tent A large sum of money (especially as pay or profit! +ine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs! 7attery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Colta A column of wood or steel or

"he was my pic' for mayor" "it was the biggest peach pic' in years"

"he used a pic' to clean dirt out of the crac's" "they used pic's and sledges to brea' the roc's" "he was called for setting an illegal pic'" "you can ta'e your pic'" "/he finally pic'ed her successor"; "-e pic'ed his way carefully" "pic' mushrooms"; "pic' flowers" "Don#t always pic' on your little brother" "pic' a fight or a uarrel" "pic' meat from a bone" "pic' poc'ets" "pic' up the tab"; "pic' up the burden of highBinterest mortgages" "0ic' open the ice"



concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure (he yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy! that stands up from the weave A nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy Arrange in stac's 0ress tightly together or cram 0lace or lay as if in a pile A painful or straitened circumstance An in"ury resulting from getting some body part s uee<ed A slight but appreciable addition A sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger! that re uires immediate action /mall sharp biting A s uee<e with the fingers (he act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal! / uee<e tightly between the fingers Ma'e ridges into by pinching together K7ritL Ma'e off with belongings of others 1ut the top off &rritate as if by a nip, pinch, or tear A series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished An arrangement scheme /cale drawing of a structure -ave the will and intention to carry out some action Ma'e plans for something Ma'e or wor' out a plan for; devise Ma'e a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form 7uildings for carrying on industrial labor A living organism lac'ing the power of locomotion /omething planted secretly for discovery by another An actor situated in the

"for uniform color and te*ture tailors cut velvet with the pile running the same direction"


"(he teacher piled wor' on the students until the parents protested" "the pinch of the recession"


"-e pinched her behind"



"the pain is as if sharp points pinch your bac'" "they drew up a si*Bstep plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue" "a plan for seating guests" "the plans for 1ity -all were on file" "-e plans to be in graduate school ne*t year"; "(he rebels had planned turmoil and confusion" "-e is planning a trip with his family" "plan an attac'" "plan the new wing of the museum" "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles" "the police used a plant to tric' the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"



audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience 0ut or set (seeds or seedlings! into the ground +i* or set securely or deeply /et up or lay the groundwor' for 0lace into a river 0lace something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive 0ut firmly in the mind 2*periencing or manifesting pleasure +eeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your selfBworth 2*periencing pleasure or "oy ,ive pleasure to or be pleasing to 7e the will of or have the will (to! ,ive satisfaction A fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to e*perience /omething or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness A formal e*pression An activity that affords en"oyment /e*ual gratification 2*isting in great number or uantity Affording an abundant supply 0roducing in abundance A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal! A small area of ground covered by specific vegetation (he story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc. A chart or map showing the movements or progress of an ob"ect 0lan secretly, usually something illegal Ma'e a schematic or technical drawing of that shows how things wor' or how they are constructed

".et#s plant flowers in the garden" "-e planted a 'nee in the bac' of his opponent" "plant fish" "0lant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident#s apartment" "0lant a thought in the students# minds"



"pleased with the good news" "(hese colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation" "he could do many things if he pleased" "(he waiters around her aim to please" "he was tingling with pleasure" "the pleasure of his company" "he serves at the pleasure of the 0resident" "he puts duty before pleasure" "he too' his pleasure of her" "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here" "food is plentiful" "a plentiful year" "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor" "a bean plot" "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal"





"(hey plotted the overthrow fo the government"




plus,ad" point,n

Ma'e a plat of (he trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or in"ury (he act of pulling and releasing a taut cord 0ull or pull out sharply /ell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity 4ip off; as' an unreasonable price 0ull lightly but sharply with a pluc'ing motion /trip of feathers .oo' for and gather A useful or valuable uality (he arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers )n the positive side or higher end of a scale &nvolving advantage or good A geometric element that has position but no e*tension (he precise location of something; a spatially limited location A brief version of the essential meaning of something A specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process An isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole An instant of time (he ob"ect of an activity A C shape A very small circular shape (he unit of counting in scoring a game or contest A promontory e*tending out into a large body of water A distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list A style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing uality or effect An outstanding characteristic

"pluc' the flowers off the bush"

"he pluc'ed the strings of his mandolin" "pluc' the capon" "four plus three e uals seven" "a plus value"; "temperature of plus F degrees"; "a grade of 1 plus" "a plus factor" "a point is defined by its coordinates" "she wal'ed to a point where she could survey the whole street" "get to the point"; "he missed the point of the "o'e"; "life has lost its point"

"a point of information" "at that point & had to leave" "what is the point of discussing it:" "the cannibal#s teeth were filed to sharp points" "a row of points" "he scored 8% points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts O points" "they sailed south around the point" "the main point on the agenda was ta'en up first"

"his acting was one of the high points of

/harp end Any of $8 hori<ontal directions indicated on the card of a compass A linear unit used to measure the si<e of type; appro*imately GR>8 inch A punctuation mar' (.! placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations A CBshaped mar' at one end of an arrow pointer (he property of a shape that tapers to a sharp point A distinguishing or individuating characteristic (he gun mu<<le#s direction K7ritL A wall soc'et A contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its pro"ecting arm contacts distributor points and current flows to the spar' plugs &ndicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively 7e oriented Direct into a position for use Direct the course; determine the direction of traveling 7e a signal for or a symptom of /ail close to the wind Mar' (-ebrew words! with diacritics Mar' with diacritics Mar' (a psalm te*t! to indicate the points at which the music changes 7e positionable in a specified manner &ntend (something! to move towards a certain goal ,ive a point to 4epair the "oints of bric's -aving a point Direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant &ndicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively 7e oriented

the movie" "he stuc' the point of the 'nife into a tree"; "he bro'e the point of his pencil" "he chec'ed the point on his compass"

"the point of the arrow was due north"

"he 'nows my bad points as well as my good points" "he held me up at the point of a gun"


"-e pointed to the empty par'ing space" "(he weather vane points North" "point a gun" "-er behavior points to a severe neurosis"

"point the letter"

"(he gun points with ease"

"point a chimney" "a pointed criti ue"; "a pointed allusion to what was going on"; "another pointed loo' in their direction" "-e pointed to the empty par'ing space" "(he weather vane points North"



Direct into a position for use Direct the course; determine the direction of traveling 7e a signal for or a symptom of /ail close to the wind Mar' (-ebrew words! with diacritics Mar' with diacritics Mar' (a psalm te*t! to indicate the points at which the music changes 7e positionable in a specified manner &ntend (something! to move towards a certain goal ,ive a point to 4epair the "oints of bric's A line of argument rationali<ing the course of action of a government A plan of action adopted by an individual or social group 5ritten contract or certificate of insurance (he property of being smooth and shiny A highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable uality A preparation used in polishing (of surfaces! ma'e shine &mprove or perfect by pruning or polishing 7ring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state (he /lavic language of 0oland )f or relating to 0oland or its people or culture /howing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc. Mar'ed by refinement in taste and manners Not rude; mar'ed by satisfactory (or especially minimal! adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others &nvolving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians )f or relating to your views about social relationships

"point a gun" "-er behavior points to a severe neurosis"

"point the letter"

"(he gun points with ease"


"point a chimney" "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation" "it was a policy of retribution"; "a politician 'eeps changing his policies" "you should have read the small print on your policy" "they performed with great polish"



"polish my shoes" "polish your social manners" "0olish sausage"

polish,n polish,ad" polite,ad"

"polite society"


"calling a meeting is a political act in itself"; "political pressure"; "a political machine"; "political office"; "political policy" "political opinions"



pollute,v poor,ad"

involving authority or power )f or relating to the profession of governing An in uiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people (he top of the head (he part of the head between the ears A tame parrot (he counting of votes (as in an election! ,et the opinions (of people! by as'ing specific uestions Cote in an election at a polling station ,et the votes of 1onvert into a pollard Ma'e impure Moderate to inferior in uality Deserving or inciting pity -aving little money or few possessions 1haracteri<ed by or indicating lac' of money .ow in degree 7adly supplied with desirable ualities or substances Not sufficient to meet a need 3nsatisfactory 9ielding little by great labor /omewhat ill or prone to illness (#ill# is often used as a combining form! in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well (he uality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after A small light typewriter; usually with a case in which it can be carried 2asily or conveniently transported )f a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat#s hull /omething determined in relation to something that includes it /omething less than the whole of a human artifact (he result of parcelling out or

"political career"

"(he industrial wastes polluted the la'e" "he would ma'e a poor spy" ")h, you poor thing"; "his poor distorted limbs" "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret" "the country had a poor economy" "e*pectations were poor" "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value" "a poor salary" "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale" "poor soil" "feeling poorly" "the team played poorly" "his charm soon won him affection and popularity"; "the universal popularity of American movies"

poorly,ad" poorly,adv popularity,n portable,n portable,ad"

"a portable television set" "a portable outboard motor" "& read a portion of the manuscript"


portion,v possess,v




sharing Assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group 9our overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you! An individual uantity of food or drin' ta'en as part of a meal ,ive out or allot -ave as an attribute, 'nowledge, or s'ill -ave ownership or possession of 2nter into and control, as of emotions or ideas (he act of having and controlling property Anything owned or possessed 7eing controlled by passion or the supernatural A mania restricted to one thing or idea A territory that is controlled by a ruling state (he trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior (sport! the act of controlling the ball (or puc'! A future prospect or potential 1apability of e*isting or happening or being true A tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would e*plain certain facts or phenomena A possible alternative 7y chance 5ith a possibility of becoming actual &n a manner or to a degree possible of conceiving (o a degree possible of achievement or by possible means -old bac' to a later time 1ause to run Move in large numbers 0our out +low in a spurt /upply in large amounts or uantities 4ain heavily

"success that was her portion" "his portion was larger than hers" "he possesses great 'nowledge about the Middle 2ast" "5hat possessed you to buy this house:"; "A terrible rage possessed her"

"they too' possession of the ball on their own goal line" "this room has great possibilities" "there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired"

"ban'ruptcy is always a possibility" "we may possibly run into them at the concert" "introducing possibly dangerous innovations" "is it possibly true:" "they can#t possibly get here in time for the funeral:" "let#s postpone the e*am" "pour water over the floor" "people were pouring out of the theater" "5ater poured all over the floor" "5e poured money into the education of our children" "0ut on your rain coatBB it#s pouring

postpone,v pour,v


praise,v preach,v

An e*pression of approval and commendation )ffering words of homage as an act of worship 2*press approval of Deliver a sermon /pea', plead, or argue in favour of .i'e better; value more highly /elect as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative 0romote over another ,ive preference to one creditor over another A strong li'ing A predisposition in favor of something (he right or chance to choose ,rant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties! More desirable than another 0referred above all others and treated with partiality .i'e better; value more highly /elect as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative 0romote over another ,ive preference to one creditor over another A statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn et forth beforehand, often as an e*planation /et forth beforehand, often as an e*planation +urnish with a preface or introduction (a'e something as pree*isting and given Ma'e ready or suitable or e uip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc 0repare for eating by applying heat

outsideA" "he always appreciated praise for his wor'" "they sang a hymn of praise to ,od" "(he parents praised their children for their academic performance" "(he minister is not preaching this /unday" "/ome people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "5e prefer sleeping outside"



"my own preference is for good literature" "his se*ual preferences"

preferred,ad" preferred,v

"Danny#s preferred name is #Dan#" "/ome people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "5e prefer sleeping outside"

premisem,n premisem,v

"-e premised these remar's so that his readers might understand"


"prepare for war"





(o prepare verbally, either for written or spo'en delivery Arrange by systematic planning and united effort 0repare (someone! for a future role or function 1reate by training and teaching .ead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord 3ndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession (he activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose A substance prepared according to a formula (he cognitive process of thin'ing about what you will do in the event of something happening (he state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action! (music! a note that produces a dissonant chord is first heard in a consonant chord Activity leading to s'illed behavior 0reparatory school wor' done outside school (especially at home! (he act of preparing something (as food! by the application of heat (he state of being present; current e*istence (he immediate pro*imity of someone or something An invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby (he impression that something is present Dignified manner or conduct (he act of being present A domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone A reservation where animals are protected +ruit preserved by coo'ing with sugar =eep or maintain in unaltered

"prepare a report"; "prepare a speech"

"(he prince was prepared to become =ing one day" "prepare the discord in bar G$@"

"preparations for the ceremony had begun"

"their preparation was more than ade uate" "the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance"

"he left the preparation of meals to his wife" "he tested for the presence of radon "she blushed in his presence"; "he sensed the presence of danger" "he felt the presence of an evil force"

"medicine is no longer a male preserve"

"preserve the peace in the family"

preside,v press,n

condition; cause to remain or last =eep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction (o 'eep up and reserve for personal or special use 0revent (food! from rotting Maintain in safety from in"ury, harm, or danger =eep undisturbed for personal or private use for hunting, shooting, or fishing Act as president Newspaper writers and photographers (he state of urgently demanding notice or attention (he gathering and publishing of news in the form of newspapers or maga<ines A machine used for printing A dense crowd of people A tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hoo's for hanging clothes 1lamp to prevent wooden rac'ets from warping when not in use Any machine that e*erts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or e*tract li uids or compress solids A weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead 2*ert pressure or force to or upon +orce or impel in an indicated direction (o be oppressive or burdensome 0lace between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure / uee<e or press together 1rowd closely 1reate by pressing (he force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (/& unit! or in dynes (cgs unit! A force that compels (he act of pressing; the e*ertion

"5e preserve these archeological findings"

"preserved meats" "preserve the forest and the la'es" "preside over companies and corporations" "the press of business matters"


"-e pressed down on the boards"; "press your thumb on this spot" "weigh heavily on the mind", "/omething pressed on his mind" "pressed flowers" "(he crowds pressed along the street" "0ress little holes into the soft clay" "the compressed gas e*erts an increased pressure" "the public brought pressure to bear on the government" "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"



prestige,n pretty,ad"

pretty,adv prevention,n previously,adv

of pressure (he state of urgently demanding notice or attention (he somatic sensation of pressure An oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress (o cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means 2*ert pressure on someone through threats A high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc. 0leasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing (used ironically! une*pectedly bad K7ritL 3sed as an intensifier (#"olly# is used informally in 7ritain! (he act of preventing At an earlier time or formerly

"the sensitivity of his s'in to pressure and temperature was normal"

"he wanted to achieve power and prestige" "pretty girl"; "pretty song"; "pretty room" "a pretty mess"; "a pretty 'ettle of fish" "pretty big"; "pretty bad" "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influen<a" "she had previously lived in 1hicago"; "he was previously president of a ban'"; "better than anything previously proposed"; "a previously un uestioned attitude" "he ta'es pride in his son#s success"


pride,v prime,n

A feeling of selfBrespect and personal worth /atisfaction with your (or another#s! achievements (he trait of being spurred on by a disli'e of falling below your standards A group of lions 3nreasonable and inordinate selfBesteem (personified as one of the deadly sins! 7e proud of A number that has no factor but itself and G (he period of greatest prosperity or productivity (he second canonical hour; about O a.m. (he time of maturity when power and vigor are greatest &nsert a primer into (a gun, mine, charge, etc.! preparatory to detonation or firing

"-e prides himself on ma'ing it into law school"


"prime a cannon"; "prime a mine"




primarily,adv principal,n

1over with a primer; apply a primer to +ill with priming li uid +irst in ran' or degree 3sed of the first or originating agent )f superior grade )f or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers At the best stage A preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen )ne of the main flight feathers pro"ecting along the outer edge of a bird#s wing 1oil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit )f first ran' or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand Not derived from or reducible to something else; basic Most important element )f or being the essential or basic part )f primary importance +or the most part )f primary import (he original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated (he educator who has e*ecutive authority for a school An actor who plays a principal role 1apital as contrasted with the income derived from it (he ma"or party to a financial transaction at a stoc' e*change; buys and sells for his own account Most important element (he head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is ne*t below the abbot 2arlier in time /tatus established in order of importance or urgency 0receding in time (he uality of being secluded

"prime a car engine" "the prime minister" "prime mover" "prime beef" "prime number" "our manhood#s prime vigor"

"current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil" "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest" "a primary instinct" "policemen were primary targets"

"this is primarily a uestion of economics" "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"

principal,ad" prior,n prior,ad" priority,n privacy,n

"the principal rivers of America"; "the principal e*ample"

"national independence ta'es priority over class struggle"


from the presence or view of others (he condition of being concealed or hidden =ept private or confined to those intimately concerned 7y a private person or interest )pen to doubt or debate Ma'ing great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve A particular course of action intended to achieve a result A sustained phenomenon or one mar'ed by gradual changes through a series of states (psychology! the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents A writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant#s attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default "udgment against the defendant A mental process that you are not directly aware of A natural prolongation or pro"ection from a part of an organism either animal or plant Deal with in a routine way /ub"ect to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition 0erform mathematical and logical operations on (data! according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the re uired information &nstitute legal proceedings against; file a suit against /hape, form, or improve a material Deliver a warrant or summons to someone March in a procession (economics! manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large uantities! for sale


"it was discussed privately between the two men"; "privately, she thought differently"; "some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat" "a privately financed campaign" "&f you ever get married, which seems to be e*tremely problematic" "a problematic situation at home" "it was a process of trial and error" "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls" "the process of thin'ing"


"the process of denial" "a bony process" "process a loan"; "process the applicants" "process cheese"; "process hair"


"(he results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech" "-e was warned that the district attorney would process him" "process iron" "-e was processed by the sheriff" "(hey processed into the dining room" "he introduced more efficient methods of production"


A presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television (he act or process of producing something An artifact that has been created by someone or some process (law! the act of e*hibiting in a court of law (he uantity of something (as a commodity! that is created (usually within a given period of time! A display that is e*aggerated or unduly complicated (he creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services &n a professional manner 9ielding material gain or profit 0romoting benefit or gain 0roviding profit 0roductive of profit ,radual improvement or growth or development (he act of moving forward toward a goal A movement forward Develop in a positive way Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense +orm or accumulate steadily /howing possibility of achievement or e*cellence +ull or promise Ma'e a promise or commitment 0romise to underta'e or give Ma'e a prediction about; tell in advance ,ive grounds for e*pectations 1ontribute to the progress or growth of ,ive a promotion to or assign to a higher position Ma'e publicity for; try to sell (a product! 7e changed for a superior chess or chec'er piece 1hange a pawn for a 'ing by

"have you seen the new production of -amlet:" "/ha'espeare#s production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells" "they e*port most of their agricultural production" "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents" "production was up in the second uarter" "she tends to ma'e a big production out of nothing"

professionally,adv profitable,ad"


"professionally trained staff" "profitable speculation on the stoc' mar'et" "a profitable meeting to resolve difficulties" "a profitable conversation" "a profitable enterprise" "great progress in the arts"


"he listened for the progress of the troops" "-e progressed well in school"


"a promising young man" "the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career" "& promise you my best effort" "(he new results were promising"; "(he results promised fame and glory" "& am promoting the use of computers in the classroom" "& got promoted after many years of hard wor'"







provided,con provided,v

advancing it to the eighth row, or change a chec'er piece for a more valuable piece by moving it the row closest to your opponent A message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution Act of raising in ran' or position 2ncouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something (he advancement of some enterprise A cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the ne*t line to be spo'en! (computer science! a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command /omeone who assists a performer by providing the ne*t words of a forgotten speech ,ive an incentive for action /erve as the inciting cause of Assist (somebody acting or reciting! by suggesting the ne*t words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned According to schedule or without delay 1haracteri<ed by speed and efficiency Puic' in apprehending or reacting 0erformed with little or no delay )n condition, with the understanding, if; usually followed by that 0rovide or furnish with 0rovide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance Determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies!, especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation Mount or put up Ma'e a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain /upply means of subsistence;

"/he prompted me to call my relatives"

"a prompt reply"

"a prompt (or ready! response"; "a prompt smile" "prompt obedience" "&#ll go provided that & can wear what & li'e" "5e provided the room with an electrical heater" "(he hostess provided lunch for all the guests" "(he will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "(he 1onstitution provides for the right to free speech" "(his procedure provides for lots of leeway "-e provides for his large family by


provision,v publicly,adv

publicity,n pull,n

earn a living (a'e measures in preparation for A stipulated condition (he activity of supplying or providing something (he cognitive process of thin'ing about what you will do in the event of something happening A store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms! /upply with provisions &n a manner accessible to or observable by the public; openly 7y the public or the people generally A message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution (he act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you (he force used in pulling /pecial advantage or influence A device used for pulling something A sharp strain on muscles or ligaments A slow inhalation (as of tobacco smo'e! A sustained effort 1ause to move along the ground by pulling Direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes Move into a certain direction Apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion 0erform an act, usually with a negative connotation 7ring, ta'e, or pull out of a container or from under a cover /teer into a certain direction /train abnormally 1ause to move in a certain direction by e*erting a force

wor'ing three "obs" "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship" "he accepted sub"ect to one provision"

"she admitted publicly to being a communist" "publicly provided medical care"; "publicly financed schools"

"the pull up the hill had him breathing harder" "the pull of the moon"; "the pull of the current" "the chairman#s nephew has a lot of p "he grabbed the pull and opened the drawer" "he was sidelined with a hamstring pull"


"it was a long pull but we made it" "pull a sled" "(he ad pulled in many potential customers"; "(his pianist pulls huge crowds" "the car pulls to the right" "0ull the rope"; "0ull the handle towards you"; "pull the string gently"; "pull the trigger of the gun"; "pull your 'nees towards your chin" "pull a ban' robbery" "pull out a gun"; "(he mugger pulled a 'nife on his victim" "pull one#s horse to a stand"; "0ull the car over" "& pulled a muscle in my leg when & "umped up"; "(he athlete pulled a tendon in the competition" "A declining dollar pulled down the e*port figures for the last uarter"

upon, either physically or in an abstract sense )perate when rowing a boat 4ein in to 'eep from winning a race (ear or be torn violently -it in the direction that the player is facing when carrying through the swing /trip of feathers Draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense (a'e sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for (a'e away psychological,ad" Mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature )f or relating to or determined by psychology A message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution (bo*ing! a blow with the fist An iced mi*ed drin' usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl A tool for ma'ing (usually circular! holes Deliver a uic' blow to Drive forcibly as if by a punch Ma'e a hole into or between, as for ease of separation (he uality or habit of adhering to an appointed time &mpose a penalty on; inflict punishment on 7eing undiluted or unmi*ed with e*traneous material (he state of being free from sin or moral wrong; lac'ing a 'nowledge of evil A woman#s virtue or chastity An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions 5hat something is used for (he uality of being determined to do or achieve something 0ropose or intend 4each a decision /erving as or indicating the e*istence of a purpose or goal

"pull the oars" "pull a horse" "pull the coo'ed chic'en into strips" "pull the ball" "pull a chic'en" "pull weeds" "&#m pulling for the underdog" "pull the old soup cans from the supermar'et shelf" "give psychological support"; "psychological warfare" "psychological theories"

publicity,n punch,n


"he punched me in the stomach" "the nail punched through the wall"

punctuality,n punish,v purity,n

"we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again"


"he is a man of purpose"

purpose,v purposeful,ad"


-aving meaning through having an aim (he act of applying force in order to move something away (he force used in pushing 2nterprising or ambitious drive An electrical switch operated by pressing a button

"led a happy purposeful life" "he gave the door a hard push" "the push of the water on the walls of the tan'" "the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a bu<<er at the des'" "the army made a push toward the sea" "-e pushed her to finish her doctorate" "(he salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model" "5e have to push a little to ma'e the deadlineA" "she pushed against the wall with all her strength" "/he is pushing fifty" "(he liberal party pushed for reforms"; "(he Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate" "(he guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs" "(he crowd pushed forward" "#Now push hard,# said the doctor to the woman" "0ut your things here" "(hat song put me in awful good humor" "& wouldn#t put it that way" "/he put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "-e put all his efforts into this "ob"; "(he teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story" "0ut money into bonds" "5e put the time of arrival at J 0.M." "-e put her to the torture" "put these words to music" "& put these memories with those of bygone times"



An effort to advance Move with force, "-e pushed the table into a corner" 0ress, drive, or impel (someone! to action or completion of an action Ma'e publicity for; try to sell (a product! /trive and ma'e an effort to reach a goal 0ress against forcefully without being able to move Approach a certain age or speed 2*ert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for /ell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs! Move strenuously and with effort Ma'e strenuous pushing movements during birth to e*pel the baby 0ut into a certain place or abstract location 1ause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation +ormulate in a particular style or language Attribute or give

Ma'e an investment 2stimate 1ause (someone! to undergo something Adapt Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc. ualify,v 0rove capable or fit; meet re uirements

0ronounce fit or able Ma'e more specific Ma'e fit or prepared /pecify as a condition or re uirement in a contract or agreement; ma'e an e*press demand or provision in an agreement A search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria (he act of searching for something Ma'e a search (for! /earch the trail of (game! /ee' alms, as for religious purposes 2*press the need or desire for; as' for Accomplished rapidly and without delay -urried and brief Moving uic'ly and lightly Apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity 0erformed with little or no delay 2asily aroused or e*cited (he absence of sound An untroubled state; free from disturbances Ma'e calm or still 1haracteri<ed by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity +ree of noise or uproar; or ma'ing little if any sound Not showy or obtrusive &n a softened tone (o a degree (not used with a negative! (o the greatest e*tent; completely

"/he was ualified to run the marathon"; "(hey nurses were ualified to administer the in"ections" " ualify these remar's" "9our education ualifies you for this "ob"

uest,n uest,v

"a uest for wealth" "a uest for diamonds" "(hings that die with their eyes open and uesting"; "(he animal came uesting through the forest" "(he dog went off and uested" "was uic' to ma'e friends"; "his uic' reaction prevented an accident" "a uic' inspection" " uic' of foot" "a uic' mind" "was uic' to respond" "a uic' temper" "the street was uiet" " uiet the dragons of worry and fear" "a uiet life"; "a uiet throng of onloo'ers"; " uiet peaceBloving people"; "the factions remained uiet for almost G% years" "a uiet audience at the concert"; "the room was dar' and uiet" "clothes in uiet good taste" "a uiet reprimand" " uite tasty"; " uite soon"; " uite ill"; " uite rich" "you#re uite right"; "she was uite alone"; "was uite mista'en"; " uite the opposite"; "not uite finished"; "did not uite ma'e it"


uiet,n uiet,v uiet,ad"



)f an unusually noticeable or e*ceptional or remar'able 'ind (not used with a negative! 4epeat a passage from Name the price of 4efer to for illustration or proof 0ut uote mar's around

"-e uoted the 7ible to her" " uote prices for cars" "-e said he could uote several instances of this behavior" "-ere the author is uoting his colleague" "the race for the presidency"


Any competition

0eople who are believed to belong to the same genetic stoc' 4ace,v A contest of speed /tep on it 1ompete in a race (o wor' as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others 1ause to move fast or to rush or race )f or related to genetically distinguished groups of people )f or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups (he amount a salary is increased &ncreasing the si<e of a bet (as in po'er! (he act of raising something 4aise the level or amount of something 4aise from a lower to a higher position 1ause to be heard or 'nown; e*press or utter 1ollect funds for a specific purpose 1ultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techni ues 7ring up 2vo'e or call forth, with or as if by magic 1onstruct, build, or erect 1all forth (emotions, feelings, and responses! 1reate a disturbance, especially by ma'ing a great noise 1ause to assemble or enlist in the military 0ut forward for consideration or discussion 0ronounce (vowels! by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth Activate or stir up 2stablish radio communications with 7ring (a surface, a design, etc.! into relief and cause to pro"ect 0ut an end to 1ause to become alive again An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control (he limits within which something can be effective A large tract of grassy open land on which livestoc' can gra<e

"some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings" "the race is to the swift" "(he cars raced down the street" "let#s race and see who gets there first" "5e are racing to find a cure for A&D/" "(he psychologist raced the rats through a long ma<e" "racial groups" "racial differences"; "racial discrimination" "he got a $H raise" "&#ll see your raise and double it" "fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up" "raise my salary"; "raise the price of bread" "4aise your hands" "raise a shout"; "raise a protest"; "raise a sad cry" "(he 0resident raised several million dollars for his college" "5e raise hogs here" "raise a family" "raise the specter of unemployment" "4aise a barn" "raise a smile" "raise hell"; "raise the roof"; "raise 1ain" "raise an army" "raise the uestion of promotions" "raise your #o#" "raise a mutiny" "(hey managed to raise -anoi last night" "raised edges" "raise a siege" "raise from the dead" "the range of a supersonic "et" "range of motion" "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"; "he dreamed of a home on the range"

racial,ad " raise,n



A series of hills or mountains A place for shooting (firing or driving! pro"ectiles of various 'inds (he limits of the values a function can ta'e A variety of different things or activities range,v 1hange or be different within limits

rapid,ad" rare,ad"

-ave a range; be capable of pro"ecting over a certain distance, as of a gun .et eat Done or occurring in a brief period of time 1haracteri<ed by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed Not widely 'nown; especially valued for its uncommonness 4ecurring only at long intervals Not widely distributed Mar'ed by an uncommon uality; especially superlative or e*treme of its 'ind -aving low density (of meat! coo'ed a short time; still red inside Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis A magnitude or fre uency relative to a time unit (he relative speed of progress or change Assign a ran' or rating to 7e worthy of or have a certain rating 2stimate the value of

"the valley was between two ranges of hills"; "the plains lay "ust beyond the mountain range" "the army maintains a missile range in the desert"; "any good golf club will have a range where you can practice" "the range of this function is the interval from % to G" "he answered a range of uestions"; "he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection" "2stimates for the losses in the earth ua'e range as high as E8 billion"; "(he instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"; "My students range from very bright to dull" "(his gun ranges over two miles" "range the animals in the prairie" "a rapid rise through the ran's" "a rapid movement" "a rare word"; "rare boo's" "a rare appearance"; "total eclipses are rare events" "rare herbs"; "rare patches of gree in the desert" "what is so rare as a day in ;une"; "a rare s'ill" "rare gasses" "rare roast beef" "a G%Bminute phone call at that rate would cost EF" "they traveled at a rate of FF miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than e*pected" "he wor's at a great rate "(he restaurant is rated highly in the food guide" "(his bond rates highly" "-ow would you rate his chances to become 0resident:"; ",old was rated highly among the 4omans" "rather than disappoint the children, he did two uic' tric's before he left"; "he didn#t call; rather, he wrote her a letter" "it was rather cold"; "the party was rather nice"; "the 'nife is rather dull"; "& rather regret that & cannot attend"; "-e#s rather good at playing the cello" "&#d rather be in 0hiladelphia" "raw wool"; "raw sugar"



rather,a dv

)n the contrary (o some (great or small! e*tent


More readily or willingly (used especially of commodities! in the

natural unprocessed condition -aving the surface e*posed and painful Not treated with heat to prepare it for eating Not processed or refined Devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure 7rutally unfair or harsh Not processed or sub"ected to analysis 3ntempered and unrefined 3npleasantly cold and damp &nflamed and painful 3sed of wood and furniture .ac'ing training or e*perience (he limits within which something can be effective An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control (he act of physically reaching or thrusting out 4each a destination, either real or abstract 4each a point in time, or a certain state or level Move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense 7e in or establish communication with (o e*tend as far as 3ndergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions Act against or in opposition to 5ithout much difficulty 7eing or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified e*istence; not illusory No less than what is stated; worthy of the name

"a raw wound" "raw sewage" "raw fury"; "you may 'ill someone someday with your raw power" "received raw treatment from his friends"; "a raw deal" "raw data"; "the raw cost of production" "raw talent"; "raw beauty" "his throat was raw" "raw wood" "raw recruits" "he was beyond the reach of their fire" "outside the reach of the law"



"(he water reached the doorstep" "(his car can reach a speed of G?% miles per hour" ",overnment reaches out to the people" ")ur advertisements reach millions" "(he sunlight reached the wall"; "1an he reach:" "(he chair must not touch the wall" "(he hydrogen and the o*ygen react" "/he reacts negatively to everything & say" "these sna'es can be identified readily" "real ob"ects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; ".ife is realA .ife is earnestA" "the real reason"; "real war"; "a real friend"; "a real woman"; "meat and potatoesBB& call that a real meal"; "it#s time he had a real "ob"; "it#s no pennyBante "obBBhe#s ma'ing real money" "real min'" "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"; "to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real" "his brief time as 0rime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor" "real prices"; "real income"; "real wages"


readily,a dv real,ad"

Not synthetic or spurious; of real or natural origin Not to be ta'en lightly

0ossible to be treated as fact 7eing value measured in terms of

purchasing power (of property! fi*ed or immovable 1oinciding with reality +ounded on practical matters reali<e,v 7e fully aware or cogni<ant of 0erceive (an idea or situation! mentally Ma'e real or concrete; give reality or substance to 2arn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages &n accordance with truth or fact or reality &n actual fact &n fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers! 3sed as intensifiers; #real# is sometimes used informally for #really#; #rattling# is informal A call to return (he process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort! /ummon to return 1ause one#s (or someone else#s! thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression Ma'e unavailable; bar from sale or distribution 1ause to be returned 7eing new in a time not long past )f the immediate past or "ust previous to the present time Near to or not long before the present )pen to arguments, ideas, or change 4eady or willing to receive favorably 4epeat aloud from memory 4ender verbally, "recite a poem" /pecify individually recogni< e,v Accept (someone! to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority ,rant credentials to /how approval or appreciation of

"real property consists of land and buildings; real estate" "a recent graduate e*periencing the real world for the first time" "Does she reali<e how important this decision is:"

really,ad v

"they don#t really listen to us" "really, you shouldn#t have done it" "a really en"oyable evening" "the recall of our ambassador" "he has total recall of the episode" "(he ambassador was recalled to his country" "/he was recalled by a loud laugh" "(he company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty" "recall the defective auto tires" "recent graduates"; "a recent addition to the house"; "recent buds on the apple trees" "his recent trip to Africa"; "in recent months"; "a recent issue of the "ournal" "recent times"; "of recent origin" "receptive to reason and the logic of facts" "receptive to the proposals" "she recited a poem"; "(he pupil recited his lesson for the day" "(he doctor recited the list of possible side effects of the drug" "5e do not recogni<e your gods" "(he 4egents officially recogni<ed the new educational institution"; "recogni<e an academic degree" "My wor' is not recogni<ed by anybodyA"; "(he best student was recogni<ed by the Dean"



recent,a d"

receptiv e,ad" recite,v

recomm end,v recomm endation ,n

0ush for something 2*press a good opinion of Ma'e attractive or acceptable /omething (as a course of action! that is recommended as advisable Any uality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission Anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph! providing permanent evidence of or information about past events (he number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had An e*treme attainment; the best (or worst! performance ever attested (as in a sport! (he sum of recogni<ed accomplishments A list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted A compilation of the 'nown facts regarding something or someone A document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction ,et or find bac'; recover the use of ,et over an illness or shoc' 4egain a former condition after a financial loss 4egain or ma'e up for 1over anew Activity that refreshes and recreates; activity that renews your health and spirits by en"oyment and rela*ation An activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates &n the act of committing a crime or other reprehensible act 1ut down on; ma'e a reduction in Ma'e less comple* 7ring to humbler or wea'er state or condition .ower in grade or ran' or force somebody into an undignified situation .essen and ma'e more modest Ma'e smaller Narrow or limit

"(he travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on (han'sgiving Day" "-onesty recommends any person"

"her pleasant personality is already a recommendation" "the film provided a valuable record of stage techni ues" "at @B% they have the best record in their league" "he tied the )lympic record"; "coffee production last year bro'e all previous records"; "1hicago set the homicide record" "the lawyer has a good record"; "the trac' record shows that he will be a good president" "he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court"; "the prostitute had a record a mile long" "Al /mith used to say, loo' at the record#"; "his name is in all the record" "they could find no record of the purchase"


recover, v

"5e e*pect the stoc's to recover to E8.@%" "recover a chair" "days of "oyous recreation with his friends" "for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword pu<<les"; "drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation" "caught redBhanded" "reduce your daily fat inta'e" "reduce a problem to a single uestion" "-e reduced the population to slavery" "/he reduced her niece to a servant" "reduce one#s standard of living" "reduce an image" "reduce the influ* of foreigners"

recreatio n,n

redhand ed,ad" reduce,v

3ndergo meiosis 7e coo'ed until very little li uid is left 1oo' until very little li uid is left refer,v -ave to do with or be relevant to (hin' of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another /end or direct for treatment, information, or a decision /ee' information from A remar' that calls attention to something or someone An indicator that orients you generally A boo' to which you can refer for authoritative facts A formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person#s ualifications and dependability (he act of referring or consulting A publication (or a passage from a publication! that is referred to (he relation between a word or phrase and the ob"ect or idea it refers to 4efer to &mprove or perfect by pruning or polishing Ma'e more comple*, intricate, or richer (reat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition 4educe to a fine, unmi*ed, or pure state; separate from e*traneous matter or cleanse from impurities Attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying Ma'e more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of A change for the better as a result of correcting abuses A campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices /elfBimprovement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice Ma'e changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and in"ustices 7ring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one 0roduce by crac'ing &mprove by alteration or correction of

"(he cells reduce" "(he sauce should reduce to one cup" "(he coo' reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time" "(here were lots of uestions referring to her tal'" "(his plant can be referred to a 'nown species" "refer a patient to a specialist"; "refer a bill to a committee" "refer to your notes" "the spea'er made several references to his wife" "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved" "he contributed articles to the basic reference wor' on that topic" "re uests for character references are all too often answered evasively" "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer" "he carried an armful of references bac' to his des'" "he argued that reference is a conse uence of conditioned refle*es" "he referenced his colleagues# wor'" "refine one#s style of writing" "refine a design or pattern" "refine paper stoc'"; "refine pig iron"; "refine oil" "refine sugar" "many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet" "refine a method of analysis"; "refine the constant in the e uation" ""ustice was for sale before the reform of the law courts" "the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians" "the family re"oiced in the drun'ard#s reform" "reform a political system" "(he 1hurch reformed me"; "reform your conduct" "reform gas" "reform the health system in this country"

referenc e,n

referenc e,v refine,v



errors or defects and put into a better condition 1hange for the better 0aying particular notice (as to children or helpless people! (he condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded! A feeling of friendship and esteem A part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve (he appro*imate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in #in the region of#! A 'nowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about 2nroll to vote 7e aware of /how in one#s face /end by registered mail 2nter into someone#s consciousness regulate, v rehearsa l,n re"ect,v +i* or ad"ust the time, amount, degree, or rate of 7ring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations A practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert! 4efuse to accept or ac'nowledge 4esist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ 4efuse entrance or membership relate,v Ma'e a logical or causal connection ,ive an account of 7e in a relationship with -ave or establish a relationship to /adness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment Decline formally or politely 7e sorry 0ass along 1ontrol or operate by relay Merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film! A process that liberates or discharges something

"(he la<y student promised to reform" "give him my 'ind regards" "a man who has earned high regard" "she mistoo' his manly regard for love" "in the abdominal region" "it was going to ta'e in the region of two or three months to finish the "ob" "here we enter the region of opinion" "register for an election" "Did you register any change when & pressed the button:" "-er surprise did not register" "&#d li'e to register this letter" "Did this event register in your parents# minds:" "regulate the temperature" "5e cannot regulate the way people dress"; "(his town li'es to regulate" "he missed too many rehearsals"; "a rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding" "& re"ect the idea of starting a war"; "(he "ournal re"ected the student#s paper" "-is body re"ected the liver of the donor" "7lac' people were often re"ected by country clubs" "& cannot relate these events at all" "(he witness related the events" "-ow are these two observations related:" "/he relates well to her peers" "he wrote a note e*pressing his regret" "& regret & can#t come to the party" "& regret to say that you did not gain admission to -arvard" "0lease relay the news to the villagers" "a new release from the .ondon /ymphony )rchestra" "there was a sudden release of o*ygen"; "the release of iodine from the thyroid


register, v

regret,n regret,v relay,v release, n

gland" An announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation 2uphemistic e*pressions for death A formal written statement of relin uishment ,enerate and separate from cells or bodily fluids Ma'e (information! available publication Ma'e (assets! available relief,n (he feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced (he condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress! (law! redress awarded by a court Assistance in time of difficulty Aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped (he act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance! (he act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged 1oncerned with sacred matters or religion or the church -aving or showing belief in and reverence for a deity 2*tremely scrupulous and conscientious -ave confidence or faith in 5orthy of reliance or trust 1onforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief 5orthy of being depended on 3nusual or stri'ing 5orthy of notice 4ecall 'nowledge from memory; have a recollection =eep in mind for attention or consideration 4ecapture the past; indulge in memories /how appreciation to Mention favourably, as in prayer Mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship

release, v

"release a hormone into the blood stream" "release the list with the names of the prisoners" "release the holdings in the dictator#s ban' account" "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief" "he en"oyed his relief from responsibility" "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past in"ury:" "the contributions provided some relief for the victims" "he has been on relief for many years" "he as'ed the nurse for relief from the constant pain" "he as'ed for troops for the relief of Atlanta" "religious te*ts"; "a member if a religious order" "a religious man"; "religious attitude" "religious in observing the rules of health" "4ely on your friends" "a reliable source of information" "reliable information" "a reliable source of information" "a remar'able sight" "a remar'able achievement" "& can#t remember saying any such thing"; "can you remember her phone number:"; "Do you remember that he once loved you:" "4emember the Alamo"; "4emember to call your mother every dayA" "he remembered how he used to pic' flowers" "-e remembered her in his will" "remember me in your prayers" "4emember me to your wife"

religious ,ad"

rely,v reliable, ad"

remar'a ble,ad" rememb er,v

2*ercise, or have the power of, memory 1all to remembrance; 'eep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony 4emove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, ta'ing off, etc. or remove something abstract /hift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes ,et rid of something abstract renowne d,ad" replace, v 5idely 'nown and esteemed /ubstitute a person or thing for (another that is bro'en or inefficient or lost or no longer wor'ing or yielding what is e*pected! (a'e the place or move into the position of 0ut in the place of another; switch seemingly e uivalent items 0ut something bac' where it belongs represen t,v (a'e the place of or be parallel or e uivalent to 7e representative or typical for 7e a delegate or spo'esperson for; represent somebody#s interest or be a pro*y or substitute for, as of politicians and office holders representing their constituents, or of a tenant representing other tenants in a housing dispute /erve as a means of e*pressing something +orm or compose 7e the defense counsel for someone in a trial 1reate an image or li'eness of Describe or present, usually with respect to a particular uality 0oint out or draw attention to in protest or remonstrance 7ring forward and present to the mind re uire,v 4e uire as useful, "ust, or proper 1onsider obligatory; re uest and e*pect

"After the shelling, many people lost the ability to remember"; "some remember better than others"

remove, v

"remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "4emove the dirty dishes from the table" "-e removed his children to the countryside"; "4emove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court" "(he death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage" "a renowned painter" "-e replaced the old ra<or blade"; "5e need to replace the secretary that left a month ago"; "the insurance will replace the lost income"; "(his anti ue vase can never be replaced" "/mith replaced Miller as 12) after Miller left"; "Mary replaced /usan as the team#s captain and the highestBran'ed player in the school" "the con artist replaced the original with a fa'e 4embrandt" "replace the boo' on the shelf after you have finished reading it" "(his period is represented by 7eethoven" "& represent the silent ma"ority"

"(he flower represents a young girl" "(his sum represents my entire income for a year" "Ms. /mith will represent the defendant" "(he painter represented his wife as a young girl" "-e represented this boo' as an e*ample of the 4ussian G@th century novel" "our parents represented to us the need for more caution" "5e cannot represent this 'nowledge to our formal reason" "success usually re uires hard wor'" "5e re uire our secretary to be on time"

resembl e,v reserve, v reside,v resign,v

Appear li'e; be similar or bear a li'eness to )btain or arrange (for oneself! in advance Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else! in advance Ma'e one#s home or live in .eave (a "ob, post, or position! voluntarily ,ive up or retire from a position 0art with a possession or right Accept as inevitable (he trait of being resolute; firmness of purpose /omething settled or resolved; the outcome of decision ma'ing A decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner (usually preceded by #in#! a detail or point An attitude of admiration or esteem A courteous e*pression (by word or deed! of esteem or regard 7ehavior intended to please your parents A feeling of friendship and esteem 1ourteous regard for people#s feelings 1onsidered individually 4eply or respond to 4espond favorably or as hoped

"/he resembles her mother very much"; "(his paper resembles my own wor'" "5e managed to reserve a table at Ma*im#s" "reserve me a seat on a flight" "/he resides officially in &celand" "(he chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds" "(he chairman resigned over the financial scandal" "resign a claim to the throne" "-e resigned himself to his fate" "it was his unsha'eable resolution to finish the wor'" "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences" "he always wrote down his New 9ear#s resolutions" "it differs in that respect" "she lost all respect for him" "be sure to give my respects to the dean" "he went to law school out of respect for his father#s wishes" "he inspires respect" "out of respect for his privacy" "the respective club members"

resolutio n,n

respect, n

respecti ve,ad" respond, v respons e,n

A result A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent A statement (either spo'en or written! that is made in reply to a uestion or re uest or criticism or accusation 5orthy of or re uiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable

"(he cancer responded to the aggressive therapy" "this situation developed in response to events in Africa" "his responses have slowed with age"

responsi ble,ad"

7eing the agent or cause -aving an acceptable credit rating 0lace restrictions on 0lace limits on (e*tent or access! Document giving the ta* collector information about the ta*payer#s ta* liability

"a responsible adult"; "responsible "ournalism"; "a responsible position"; "the captain is responsible for the ship#s safety"; "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament" "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage" "a responsible borrower" "restrict the use of this par'ing lot" "his gross income was enough that he had to file a ta* return"

restrict,v return,n

A coming to or returning home (he occurrence of a change in direction bac' in the opposite direction (he act of returning to a prior location (he income arising from land or other property -appening again (especially at regular intervals! A reciprocal group action A tennis stro'e that returns the ball to the other player 1ome bac' to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity ,ive bac' 4eturn in 'ind Ma'e a return 7e restored 7e inherited by 4eturn to a previous position; in mathematics A new appraisal or evaluation A summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion A formal or official e*amination .oo' at again; e*amine again Appraise critically 4efresh one#s memory .oo' bac' upon (a period of time, se uence of events, etc.!; remember &mproved or brought up to date Altered or revised by rephrasing or by adding or deleting material Mar'edly new or introducing radical change 4elating to or having the nature of a revolution Advocating or engaged in revolution A recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing 7enefit resulting from some event or action 7estow honor or rewards upon 0ossessing material wealth -aving an abundant supply of desirable ualities or substances (especially natural resources!

"on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party" "they set out on their return to the base camp" "the average return was about FH" "the return of spring" "in return we gave them as good as we got" "he won the point on a crossBcourt return"


"return a compliment"; "return her love" "return a 'ic'bac'" "-er old vigor returned" "(he land returned to the family" "(he point returned to the interior of the figure"



revised, ad" revolutio nary,ad"

"the platoon stood ready for review" "let#s review your situation" "/he reviews boo's for the New 9or' (imes" "& reviewed the material before the test" "she reviewed her achievements with pride" "a revised edition"

"a revolutionary discovery" "revolutionary wars"; "the 4evolutionary era" "revolutionary pamphlets"; "a revolutionary "unta" "virtue is its own reward" "reaping the rewards of generosity" "(he scout was rewarded for courageous action" "her father is e*tremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles" "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"


reward,v rich,ad"


)f great worth or uality Mar'ed by great fruitfulness /trong; intense Cery productive -igh in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air /uggestive of or characteri<ed by great e*pense Mar'ed by richness and fullness of flavor -ighly seasoned or containing large amounts of choice ingredients such as butter or sugar or eggs 0leasantly full and mellow Affording an abundant supply /it and travel on the bac' of animal, usually while controlling its motions 7e carried or travel on or in a vehicle 1ontinue undisturbed and without interference Move li'e a floating ob"ect -arass with persistent criticism or carping 7e sustained or supported or borne

"a rich collection of anti ues" "rich soil" "a rich red" "rich seams of coal" "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mi*ture" "a rich display" "a rich ruby port" "'ept gorging on rich foods"; "rich pastries"; "rich eggnog" "a rich tenor voice" "a rich supply" "Did you ever ride a camel:" "& ride to wor' in a bus"; "-e rides the subway downtown every day" ".et it ride" "(he moon rode high in the night s'y" "Don#t ride me so hard over my failure" "-is glasses rode high on his nose"; "(he child rode on his mother#s hips"; "/he rode a wave of popularity"; "(he brothers rode to an easy victory on their father#s political name" "(his car rides smoothly" "(he outcomes rides on the results of the election" "/hip rides at anchor" "-e rides his bicycle to wor' every day"; "/he loves to ride her new motorcycle through town" "/horts that ride up"; "(his s'irt 'eeps riding up my legs" "4ide the freeways of 1alifornia" "Don#t ride the clutchA" "(he bull was riding the cow" "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous" "a rigid strip of metal"; "a table made of rigid plastic" "a rigid disciplinarian" "a face rigid with pain" "the car couldn#t ma'e it up the rise" "they cheered the rise of the hotBair balloon" "they as'ed for a G%H rise in rates"

-ave certain properties when driven 7e contingent on .ie moored or anchored /it on and control a vehicle 1limb up on the body 4ide over, along, or through =eep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot 1opulate with 1ompletely devoid of wisdom or good sense &ncapable of or resistant to bending &ncapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances +i*ed and unmoving A growth in strength or number or importance An upward slope or grade (as in a road! A movement upward An increase in cost

ridiculou s,ad" rigid,ad"



&ncrease in value or to a higher point 4ise up ,et up and out of bed &ncrease in volume 7ecome heartened or elated 2*ert oneself to meet a challenge 1ome up, of celestial bodies Advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status (of a heavenly body! becoming visible above the hori<on &ncreasing in amount or degree 1oming to maturity Newly come into prominence &nvolving ris' or danger Not financially safe or secure

rising,ad "

"the value of our house rose sharply last year" "(he building rose before them" "(hey rose early" "the dough rose slowly in the warm room" "-er spirits rose when she heard the good news" "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion" "(he sun also rises" "a rising trend"; "a rising mar'et" "the rising sun" "rising prices" "the rising generation" "a rising young politician" "e*tremely ris'y going out in the tide and fog" "anything that promises to pay too much can#t help being ris'y" "the rotation of the dancer 'ept time with the music" "the plane made three rotations before it crashed" "crop rotation ma'es a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation" "you have brought ruin on this entire family" "they e*plored several 4oman ruins" "9ou have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tan'A"; "(he tears ruined her ma'eB up" "(his behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election" "(he country lay ruined after the war"


rotation, n

(he act of rotating as if on an a*is A single complete turn (a*ial or orbital! A planned recurrent se uence (of crops or personnel etc.!

ruin,n ruin,v

An irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction A ruined building Destroy completely; damage irreparably Destroy or cause to fail 4educe to ruins



0ersonnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an ob"ective! A loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value (he act of 'illing (an animal or person! in order to propitiate a deity (sacrifice! an out that advances the base runners 2ndure the loss of =ill or destroy

"he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"

"(he animals were sacrificed after the e*periment"; "(he general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment" "a safe trip"; "you will be safe here";


Ma'e a sacrifice of; in religious rituals +ree from danger or the ris' of harm

"a safe place"; "a safe bet" )f an underta'ing -aving reached a base without being put out +inancially sound &n safe'eeping (raverse or travel by ship on (a body of water! Move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions (ravel by boat on a boat propelled by wind or by other means (sports! the act of preventing the opposition from scoring (o 'eep up and reserve for personal or special use +eather one#s nest; have a nest egg Ma'e unnecessary an e*penditure or effort /pend sparingly, avoid the waste of 0erceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight 0erceive (an idea or situation! mentally 0erceive or be contemporaneous with "the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball" "your secret is safe with me" "5e sailed the Atlantic"; "-e sailed the 0acific all alone" "& love sailing, especially on the open sea" "(he P28 will sail to /outhampton tomorrow" "the goalie made a brilliant save"; "the relief pitcher got credit for a save" "/he saved the old family photographs in a drawer" "-e saves half his salary" "(his will save money"; "&#ll save you the trouble"; "(his will save you a lot of time" "(his move will save money" "9ou have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "1an you see the bird in that tree:"; "-e is blindBBhe cannot see" "Now & seeA"; "& "ust can#t see your point" "9ou#ll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "& want to see results"; "(he G@O% saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "& want to see results" "& can#t see him on horsebac'A"; "& can see what will happen"; "& can see a ris' in this strategy" "& don#t see the situation uite as negatively as you do" "& see that you have been promoted" "see a movie" "& want to see whether she spea's +rench"; "/ee whether it wor's" "&#ll probably see you at the meeting"; "-ow nice to see you againA" "/ee that the curtains are closed" "9ou should see a lawyer"; "5e had to see a psychiatrist" "& went to see my friend Mary the other day" "5e went to see the 2iffel (ower in the morning" "1ould you see about lunch:"


save,n save,v


&magine; conceive of; see in one#s mind Deem to be ,et to 'now or become aware of, usually accidentally /ee or watch +ind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by ma'ing an in uiry or other effort 1ome together 7e careful or certain to do something; ma'e certain of something ,o to see for professional or business reasons ,o to see for a social visit Cisit a place, as for entertainment (a'e charge of or deal with

4eceive as a specified guest Date regularly; have a steady relationship with /ee and understand, have a good eye Deliberate or decide )bserve, chec' out, and loo' over carefully or inspect ,o or live through Accompany or escort Match or meet Ma'e sense of; assign a meaning to saying,v 2*press in words 4eport or maintain 2*press a supposition -ave or contain a certain wording or form /tate as one#s opinion or "udgement; declare 3tter aloud ,ive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority /pea', pronounce, or utter in a certain way 4ecite or repeat a fi*ed te*t 1ommunicate or e*press nonverbally &ndicate (o cause to separate and go in different directions Move away from each other Distribute loosely /ow by scattering 1ause to separate /trew or distribute over an area (he place where some action occurs An incident (real or imaginary!

"the doctor will see you now"; "(he minister doesn#t see anybody before noon" "Did you 'now that she is seeing an older man:" "(he artist must first learn to see" "(he camera saw the burglary and recorded it" "& must see your passport before you can enter the country" "he saw action in Ciet Nam" "&#ll see you to the door" "& saw the bet of one of my fellow players" "5hat message do you see in this letter:" "-e said that he wanted to marry her" "-e said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "(he registrar says that & owe the school money" ".et us say that he did not tell the truth"; ".et#s say you had a lot of moneyBBwhat would you do:" "5hat does the law say:" "& say let#s forget this whole business" "/he said #-ello# to everyone in the office" "& said to him to go home" "& cannot say #<ip wire#" "/ay grace"; "/he said her #-ail Mary#" "5hat does this painting say:"; "Did his face say anything about how he felt:" "(he cloc' says noon" "/he waved her hand and scattered the crowds" "(he children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached" "-e scattered gun powder under the wagon" "scatter seeds" "scatter cards across the table" "the police returned to the scene of the crime" "their parting was a sad scene"




A subdivision of an act of a play A display of bad temper ,raphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept A setting for a wor' of art or literature A postulated se uence of possible events 0lan for an activity or event Ma'e a schedule; plan the time and place for events 1ensure severely or angrily /how one#s unhappiness or critical attitude A highBpitched noise resembling a human cry Ma'e a loud, piercing sound 1lose with or as if with a seal Ma'e tight; secure against lea'age Decide irrevocably Affi* a seal to (he activity of loo'ing thoroughly in order to find something or someone An investigation see'ing answers An operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property (he e*amination of alternative hypotheses 7oarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas (ry to locate or discover, or try to establish the e*istence of /ub"ect to a search

"the first act has three scenes" "he made a scene" "he painted scenes from everyday life" "the scenario is +rance during the 4eign of (error" "planners developed several scenarios in case of an attac'" "&#ve scheduled a concert ne*t wee'" "& scheduled an e*am for this afternoon" "(he mother scolded the child for entering a stranger#s car" "-e scolded about anything that he thought was wrong" "he heard the scream of the bra'es" "+ighter planes are screaming through the s'ies" "/he sealed the letter with hot wa*" "seal the windows" "sealing dooms" "seal the letter" "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome "ustified the search

schedule,v scold,v

scream,n scream,v seal,v

"his search for a move that would avoid chec'mate was unsuccessful" "right of search" "(he police are searching for clues"; "(hey are searching for the missing man in the entire county" "(he police searched the suspect"; "5e searched the whole house for the missing 'eys" "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans"; "the children secretly went to the movies when they were supposed to be at the library" "they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment"; "hoped secretly she would change her mind" "secure himself, he went out of his way to help others" "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for



&n secrecy; not openly

Not openly; inwardly secure,n secure,ad" ,et by special effort Assure payment of +ree from fear or doubt; easy in mind +ree from danger or ris'

Not li'ely to fail or give way +inancially sound 0erceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight 0erceive (an idea or situation! mentally 0erceive or be contemporaneous with


&magine; conceive of; see in one#s mind Deem to be 1ome together +ind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by ma'ing an in uiry or other effort /ee or watch ,et to 'now or become aware of, usually accidentally 7e careful or certain to do something; ma'e certain of something ,o to see for professional or business reasons ,o to see for a social visit Cisit a place, as for entertainment (a'e charge of or deal with 4eceive as a specified guest Date regularly; have a steady relationship with /ee and understand, have a good eye Deliberate or decide )bserve as if with an eye )bserve, chec' out, and loo' over carefully or inspect ,o or live through Ma'e sense of; assign a meaning to

himself in his field" "the loc' was secure"; "a secure foundation"; "a secure hold on her wrist" "a secure investment" "9ou have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "1an you see the bird in that tree:"; "-e is blindBBhe cannot see" "Now & seeA"; "& "ust can#t see your point" "9ou#ll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "& want to see results"; "(he G@O% saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "& want to see results" "& can#t see him on horsebac'A"; "& can see what will happen"; "& can see a ris' in this strategy" "& don#t see the situation uite as negatively as you do" "&#ll probably see you at the meeting"; "-ow nice to see you againA" "& want to see whether she spea's +rench"; "/ee whether it wor's" "see a movie" "& see that you have been promoted" "/ee that the curtains are closed" "9ou should see a lawyer"; "5e had to see a psychiatrist" "& went to see my friend Mary the other day "5e went to see the 2iffel (ower in the morning" "1ould you see about lunch:" "the doctor will see you now"; "(he minister doesn#t see anybody before noon" "Did you 'now that she is seeing an older man:" "(he artist must first learn to see" "/ee whether you can come tomorrow"; "let#s seeBBwhich movie should we see tonight:" "(he camera saw the burglary and recorded it" "& must see your passport before you can enter the country" "he saw action in Ciet Nam" "5hat message do you see in this letter:"

Match or meet see',v Accompany or escort (ry to get or reach (ry to locate or discover, or try to establish the e*istence of Ma'e an effort or attempt ,o to or towards &n uire for ,ive a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect /eem to be true, probable, or apparent Appear to e*ist Appear to one#s own mind or opinion seemingly,adv sei<e,v +rom appearances alone (a'e hold of; grab

"& saw the bet of one of my fellow players" "&#ll see you to the door" "see' a position"; "see' an education"; "see' happiness" "-e sought to improve himself"; "/he always see's to do good in the world" "a li uid see's its own level" "see' directions from a local" "/he seems to be sleeping" "&t seems that he is very gifted" "(here seems no reason to go ahead with the pro"ect now" "& seem to be misunderstood by everyone"; "& can#t seem to learn these 1hinese characters" "the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned" "(he salescler' uic'ly sei<ed the money on the counter"; "(he mother sei<ed her child by the arm"; "7irds of prey often sei<e small mammals" "(he terrorists sei<ed the politicians"; "(he rebels threaten to sei<e civilian hostages" "the invaders sei<ed the land and property of the inhabitants"; "(he army sei<ed the town" "(he +7& sei<ed the drugs" "/he sei<ed control of the throne after her husband died" "+ear sei<ed the prisoners"; "(he patient was sei<ed with unbearable pains"; "-e was sei<ed with a dreadful disease" "(he movie sei<ed my imagination" "a sensational concertBBone never to be forgotten" "a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self" "the dictionary gave several senses for the word"; "in the best sense charity is really a duty" "in the dar' he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing" "& can#t see the sense in doing it


(a'e or capture by force (a'e possession of by force, as after an invasion (a'e temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority /ei<e and ta'e control without authority and possibly with force; ta'e as one#s right or possession Affect

sensational,ad" sense,n

1apture the attention or imagination of 1ommanding attention A general conscious awareness (he meaning of a word or e*pression; the way in which a word or e*pression or situation can be interpreted (he faculty through which the e*ternal world is apprehended /ound practical "udgment

A natural appreciation or ability sense,v 0erceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the s'in or muscles Detect some circumstance or entity automatically 7ecome aware of not through the senses but instinctively 1omprehend sensible,ad" /howing reason or sound "udgment Able to feel or perceive Acting with or showing thought and good sense Mar'ed by the e*ercise of good "udgment or common sense in practical matters 4eadily perceived by the senses Aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed

now"; "he hasn#t got the sense ,od gave little green apples"; "fortunately she had the good sense to run away" "a 'een musical sense"; "a good sense of timing" "(his robot can sense the presence of people in the room"; "particle detectors sense ioni<ation" "& sense his hostility" "& sensed the real meaning of his letter" "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person" "even amoebas are sensible creatures" "a sensible young man" "a sensible manager" "the sensible universe"; "a sensible odor" "made sensible of his mista'es"; "& am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"; "sensible that a good deal more is still to be done" "a sensible choice" "he acted sensibly in the crisis" "a mimosa#s leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive s'in"; "sensitive to light" "sensitive to the local community and its needs"

sensibly,adv sensitive,ad"

0roceeding from good sense or "udgment 5ith good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner 4esponsive to physical stimuli -aving acute mental or emotional sensibility Able to feel or perceive Act as a barrier between; stand between +orce, ta'e, or pull apart Mar' as different /eparate into parts or portions 1ome apart Divide into components or constituents Ma'e a division or separation Discontinue an association or relation; go different ways ,o one#s own away; move apart


"-e separated the fighting children" "(he two pieces that we had glued separated" "/eparate the wheat from the chaff" "(he couple separated after 8F years of marriage" "(he friends separated after the party" "a problem consisting of two separate


&ndependent; not united or "oint

&ndividual and distinct /tanding apart; not attached to or supported by anything Not living together as man and wife 1haracteristic of or meant for a single person or thing /eparated according to race, se*, class, or religio &n regular succession without gaps 0ertaining to or composed in serial techni ue 0ertaining to or occurring in or producing a series )f or relating to the se uential performance of multiple operations 1oncerned with wor' or important matters rather than play or trivialities

issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church" "pegged down each separate branch to the earth" "a house with a separate garage" "maintaining separate households" "separate rooms" "separate but e ual"; "girls and boys in separate classes" "serial concerts" "serial music" "serial monogamy"; "serial 'illing"; "a serial 'iller"; "serial publication" "serial processing" "a serious student of history"; "a serious attempt to learn to s'i"; "gave me a serious loo'"; "a serious young man"; "are you serious or "o'ing:"; "Don#t be so seriousA" "marriage is a serious matter" "a serious wound"; "a serious turn of events" "a serious boo'" "raised serious ob"ections to the proposal"; "the plan has a serious flaw" "his powerful serves won the game" "(he tree stump serves as a table"; "(he female students served as a control group"; "(his table would serve very well"; "-is freedom served him well" "-e served as head of the department for three years"; "/he served in 1ongress for two terms" "(he scandal served to increase his popularity" "(he sewage plant served the neighboring communities"; "(he garage served to shelter his horses" "& served him three times, and after that he helped himself" "5e serve meals for the homeless"; "(he entertainers served up a lively show" "/he served the art of music"; "-e served the church"; "serve the country" "Art serves commerce"; "(heir interests are served"; "(he la'e



serve,n serve,v

)f great conse uence 1ausing fear or an*iety by threatening great harm Appealing to the mind 4e uiring effort or concentration; comple* and not easy to answer or solve (sports! a stro'e that puts the ball in play /erve a purpose, role, or function

Do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function 1ontribute or conduce to 7e used by; as of a utility -elp to some food; help with food or drin' 0rovide (usually but not necessarily food! Devote (part of! one#s life or efforts to, as of countries, institutions, or ideas 0romote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to

serves recreation"; "(he 0resident#s wisdom has served the country well" /pend time in prison or in a labor camp 5or' for or be a servant to Deliver a warrant or summons to someone 7e sufficient; be ade uate, either in uality or uantity Do military service Mate with service,n 0ut the ball into play 5or' done by one person or group that benefits another A company or agency that performs a public service; sub"ect to government regulation (he act of public worship following prescribed rules An act of help or assistance 2mployment in or wor' for another (he performance of duties by a waiter or servant (he act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone (he state of the environment in which a situation e*ists (he physical position of something A table service for one person Mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other "ewelry! that holds a gem in place (of a heavenly body! disappearing below the hori<on 0ut into a certain place or abstract location +i* conclusively or authoritatively 2stablish as the highest level or best performance 0ut into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state +i* in a border /et to a certain position or cause to operate correctly .ocate Disappear beyond the hori<on Adapt for performance in a different way Apply or start "May & serve you:"; "(he minister served the =ing for many years" "Nothing else will serve" "/he served in Cietnam"; "My sons never served, because they are shortBsighted" "male animals serve the females for breeding purposes" "&t was Agassi#s turn to serve" "budget separately for goods and services"

"the /unday service" "he did them a service" "he retired after $% years of service" "that restaurant has e*cellent service" "he accepted service of the subpoena" "you can#t do that in a university setting" "he changed the setting on the thermostat" "a place setting of sterling flatware"

setting,ad" setting,v

"the setting sun" "/et the tray down"; "/et the dogs on the scent of the missing children" "set the rules" "set a record" "set the house afire" "(he goldsmith set the diamond" "set cloc's or instruments" "(he film is set in Africa" "the sun sets early these days" "set this poem to music" "set fire to a building"


0ut into a position that will restore a normal state ,et ready for a particular purpose or event &ntensely or e*tremely bad or unpleasant in degree or uality Cery strong or vigorous /everely simple 3nsparing and uncompromising in discipline or "udgment 1ausing fear or an*iety by threatening great harm Cery bad in degree or e*tent

"set a bro'en bone" "set up an e*periment"; "set the table" "severe pain"; "a severe case of flu" "a severe blow" "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"; "a hefty si*Bfooter with a rather severe mien" "a severe case of pneumonia" "a severe worldwide depression"; "the house suffered severe damage" "it is much cooler in the shade" "after several trials he mi*ed the shade of pin' that she wanted" "they used umbrellas as shades"; "as the sun moved he read"usted the shade" "don#t argue about shades of meaning" "an achievement that puts everything else in the shade"; "his brother#s success left him in the shade" "the new model is a shade better than the old one"


4elative dar'ness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opa ue body A uality of a given color that differs slightly from a primary color 0rotective covering that protects something from direct sunlight A subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude A position of relative inferiority A slight amount or degree of difference A mental representation of some haunting e*perience A representation of the effect of shade in a picture or drawing (as by shading or dar'er pigment! 1ast a shadow over 4epresent the effect of shade or shadow on 0rotect from light, heat, or view A musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named A long thin sewing needle with a sharp point (of something seen or heard! clearly defined 2nding in a sharp point -aving or demonstrating ability to recogni<e or draw fine distinctions Mar'ed by practical hardheaded intelligence -arsh -ighBpitched and sharp 2*tremely steep


"/hade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight"



"a sharp photographic image"; "the sharp crac' of a twig" "as sharp and incisive as the stro'e of a fang" "sharp criticism"; "a sharpBworded e*change" "a sharp drop"

aharp,ad" shield,n shield,v shift,n


=eenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point Cery penetrating and clear and sharp in operation -aving or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing /our or bitter in taste 4aised in pitch by one chromatic semitone Cery sudden and in great amount or degree Puic' and forceful 1hanging suddenly in direction and degree A protective covering or structure Armor carried on the arm to intercept blows 0rotect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm -old bac' a thought or feeling about An event in which something is displaced without rotation A ualitative change (he time period during which you are at wor' (he act of changing one thing or position for another (he act of moving from one place to another (geology! a crac' in the earth#s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other A group of wor'ers who wor' for a specific period of time A woman#s sleeveless undergarment A looseBfitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist Ma'e a shift in or e*change of 1hange place or direction Move around Move very slightly Move from one setting or conte*t to another 1hange in uality Move and e*change for another Move sideways or in an unsteady way Move abruptly 3se a shift 'ey on a 'eyboard 1hange phonetically as part of a systematic historical change 1hange gears

"a sharp pain"; "sharp winds" "of sharp and active intellect" "a sharp 'nife"; "a pencil with a sharp point" "1 sharp" "a sharp drop in the stoc' mar'et" "a sharp blow" "turn sharp left here"

"/hift one#s position" "-e shifted in his seat" "shift the emphasis"; "shift one#s attention" "-is tone shifted" "shift the date for our class reunion" "/he could not shift so all the letters are written in lower case" ",rimm showed how the consonants shifted" "you have to shift when you go down a steep hill"

shine,n shine,v

shining,n shining,ad"

.ay aside, abandon, or leave for another (he uality of being bright and sending out rays of light 7e bright by reflecting or casting light 2mit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light 7e shiny, as if wet 7e distinguished or eminent 7e clear and obvious 2specially of the comple*ion6 show a strong bright color, such as red or pin' (hrow or flash the light of (a lamp, etc.! (ouch or seem as if touching visually or audibly 2*perience a feeling of wellBbeing or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion (of surfaces! ma'e shine (he wor' of ma'ing something shine by polishing it Mar'ed by e*ceptional merit Made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow Abounding with sunlight 4eflecting light 7e bright by reflecting or casting light 2mit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light 7e shiny, as if wet 7e distinguished or eminent 7e clear and obvious 2specially of the comple*ion6 show a strong bright color, such as red or pin' (hrow or flash the light of (a lamp, etc.! (ouch or seem as if touching visually or audibly 2*perience a feeling of wellBbeing or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion (of surfaces! ma'e shine A new branch (he act of shooting at targets -it with a missile from a weapon =ill by firing a missile +ire a shot Ma'e a film or photograph of something

"(he sun shone bright that day" "-is talent shines" "A shining e*ample"

"/hine the light on that window, please" "(he sun shone on the fields"

"shine the silver, please" "the shining of shoes provided a meager living" "had shining virtues and few faults"; "a shining e*ample" "rows of shining glasses" "one shining norming" "shining white enamel" "(he sun shone bright that day" "-is talent shines" "A shining e*ample"


"/hine the light on that window, please" "(he sun shone on the fields"

"shine the silver, please" "they hold a shoot every wee'end during the summer"

shoot,n shoot,v

"shoot a movie"



/end forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly 4un or move very uic'ly or hastily Move uic'ly and violently (hrow or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific ob"ective 4ecord on photographic film 2mit (as light, flame, or fumes! suddenly and forcefully 1ause a sharp and sudden pain in +orce or drive (a fluid or gas! into by piercing Cariegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors (hrow dice, as in a crap game /pend frivolously and unwisely /core 3tter fast and forcefully Measure the altitude of by using a se*tant 0roduce buds, branches, or germinate ,ive an in"ection to (he property of being an amount by which something is less than e*pected or re uired An acute insufficiency +or a short time &n the near future &n a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner &n a concise manner; in a few words At a short distance A public e*hibition of entertainmen /omething intended to communicate a particular impression A public e*hibition or entertainment 0retending that something is the case in order to ma'e a good impression /how or demonstrate something to an interested audience 2stablish the validity of something, as by an e*ample, e*planation or e*periment 0rovide evidence for Ma'e visible or noticeable /how in, or as in, a picture ,ive e*pression to &ndicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively Ma'e clear and visible

"shoot a glance" "shoot craps"; "shoot a golf ball" "(he dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth" "(he pain shot up her leg" "shoot cloth"

"shoot a bas'et"; "shoot a goal" "/he shot bac' an answer" "shoot a star"

"he was at the airport shortly before she was e*pected to arrive" "the boo' will appear shortly" "he said shortly that he didn#t li'e it" "to put it shortly" "the hem fell shortly below her 'nees" "a remar'able show of s'ill" "a show of impatience"; "a good show of loo'ing interested" "they wanted to see some of the shows on 7roadway" "that ceremony is "ust for show" "/he shows her dogs fre uently" "(he mathematician showed the validity of the con"ecture" "(he blood test showed that he was the father" "/he showed her talent for coo'ing"; "/how me your etchings, please" "/he showed her disappointment" "& showed the customer the glove section"



7e or become visible or noticeable &ndicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments ,ive evidence of, as of records /how (someone! to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums +inish third or better in a horse or dog race A physician who speciali<es in psychiatry 5ither, especially with a loss of moisture Draw bac', as with fear or pain 4educe in si<e; reduce physically 7ecome smaller or draw together shut,v Decrease in si<e, range, or e*tent Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; ma'e shut 7ecome closed 0revent from entering; shut out Not open 3sed especially of mouth or eyes 0eople who are sic' 2"ect the contents of the stomach through the mouth Not in good physical or mental health +eeling nausea; feeling about to vomit Affected with madness or insanity -aving a strong distaste from surfeit A place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location )ne of two or more contesting groups 2ither the left or right half of a body An e*tended outer surface of an ob"ect A surface forming part of the outside of an ob"ect A line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure An aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect! A family line of descent

"-is good upbringing really shows"; "(he dirty side will show" "(he thermometer showed thirteen degrees below <ero" "(he diary shows his distress that evening" "(he usher showed us to our seats" "he bet E8 on number si* to show"

shrin',n shrin',v

"-ot water will shrin' the sweater"; "1an you shrin' this image:" "(he fabric shran'"; "(he balloon shran'" "-is earnings shran'" "shut the window" "(he trees were shutting out all sunlight" "the door slammed shut" "his eyes were shut against the sunlight" "they devote their lives to caring for the sic'"

shut,ad" sic',n sic',v sic',ad"


"sic' of it all"; "sic' to death of flattery"; "gossip that ma'es one sic'" "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side" "the 1onfederate side was prepared to attac'" "he had a pain in his side" "he turned the bo* over to e*amine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house" "he e*amined all sides of the crystal" "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side" "he was on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his better side" "he gets his brains from his father#s side"

A lengthwise dressed half of an animal#s carcass used for food An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute An elevated geological formation (sports! the spin given to a ball by stri'ing it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist (a'e sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for (a'e the side of; be on the side of .ocated on a side Added as a conse uence or supplement An instance of visual perception Anything that is seen (he ability to see; the faculty of vision An optical instrument for aiding the eye in aiming, as on a firearm or surveying instrument A range of mental vision (he range of vision (he act of loo'ing or seeing or observing (often followed by #of#! a large number or amount or e*tent 1atch sight of; to perceive with the eyes Denote or connote 1onvey or e*press a meaning Ma'e 'nown with a word or signal significant,ad" &mportant in effect or meaning

"there are two sides to every uestion" "the house was built on the side of the mountain"


side,ad" sight,n

"Are you siding with the defender of the title:" "5hose side are you on:"; "5hy are you ta'ing sides with the accused:" "side fences"; "the side porch" "a side benefit" "the sight of his wife brought him bac' to reality"; "the train was an une*pected sight" "he was a familiar sight on the television"; "they went to 0aris to see the sights"

"in his sight she could do no wrong" "out of sight of land"

sight,v signify,v

"he caught sight of the 'ing#s men coming over the ridge" "5hat does his strange behavior signify:" "-e signified his wish to pay the bill for our meal" "a significant change in ta* laws"; "a significant change in the 1onstitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant" "the interaction effect is significant at the .%G level"; "no significant difference was found" "similar food at similar prices"; "problems similar to mine"; "they wore similar coats"


+airly large (oo closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation 4ich in significance or implication Mar'ed by correspondence or resemblance -aving the same or similar characteristics 4esembling or similar; having the

similarly,adv simple,n


same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination (of words! e*pressing closely related meanings 1apable of replacing or changing places with something else &n li'e or similar manner Any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties A person lac'ing intelligence or common sense -aving few parts; not comple* or complicated or involved 2asy and not involved or complicated Apart from anything else; without additions or modifications 2*hibiting childli'e simplicity and credulity .ac'ing mental capacity and devoid of subtlety (botany! of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions Not elaborate in style; unornamented

"-e was similarly affected"

"a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance" "a simple game" "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth" "simple courtesy"





And nothing more Absolutely; altogether; really &n a simple manner; without e*travagance or embellishment Absolutely (photography! the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait! (he act of assuming or maintaining a seated position A meeting of spiritualists A session as of a legislature or court (of persons! having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttoc's Not moving and therefore easy to attac' 7e seated /it around, often unused (a'e a seat 7e in session Assume a posture as for artistic purposes /it and travel on the bac' of animal, usually while controlling its motions 5or' or act as a babyBsitter /how to a seat; assign a seat for

"a simple country schoolhouse"; "her blac' dressBBsimple to austerity" "it is simply a matter of time" "we are simply bro'e" "they lived very simply" "it#s simply beautifulA" "he wanted his portrait painted but couldn#t spare time for the sitting" "he read the mystery at one sitting"

"a sitting target" "(he ob"ect sat in the corner" "5hen does the court of law sit:" "/he never sat a horseA" "& cannot babyBsit tonight; & have too much homewor' to do"


site,v s'ill,n




sleeping,ad" sleeping,v slice,n


sliding,ad" sliding,v

(he piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located! 0hysical position in relation to the surroundings A computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the 5orld 5ide 5eb Assign a location to An ability that has been ac uired by training Ability to produce solutions in some problem domain 5inning all or all but one of the tric's in bridge (he noise made by the forceful impact of two ob"ects A forceful impact that ma'es a loud noise An aggressive remar' directed at a person li'e a missile and intended to have a telling effect 1lose violently /tri'e violently Dance the slam dance (hrow violently (he state of being asleep Puiet and inactive restfulness (he suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate .ying with head on paws as if sleeping 7e asleep 7e able to accommodate for sleeping A share of something A serving that has been cut from a larger portion A wound made by cutting A golf shot that curves to the right for a rightBhanded golfer A thin flat piece cut off of some ob"ect A spatula for spreading paint or in' Ma'e a clean cut through -it a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels in a different direction 1ut into slices -it a ball so that it causes a bac'spin 7eing a smooth continuous motion Move obli uely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner (o pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly Move smoothly along a surface A socially aw'ward or tactless act

"a good site for the school" "the sites are determined by highly specific se uences of nucleotides" "the &sraeli web site was damaged by hostile hac'ers"

"the s'ill of a wellBtrained bo*er"

"-e slammed the door shut" "slam the ball" "-e slammed the boo' on the table"

"(his tent sleeps si* people" "a slice of the company#s revenue" "a slice of bread"

"/lice the salami, please"

"(hey slid through the wic'et in the big gate" "-e slid the money over to the other gambler"


A minor inadvertent mista'e usually observed in speech or writing or in small accidents or memory lapses etc. 0otter#s clay that is thinned and used for coating or decorating ceramics A part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud! removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting A young and slender person A place where a craft can be made fast An accidental misstep threatening (or causing! a fall A slippery smoothness Artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material A small sheet of paper A woman#s sleeveless undergarment 7ed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow An une*pected slide A flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air (he act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning! Move stealthily &nsert inconspicuously or uic'ly or uietly Move obli uely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner ,et worse Move smoothly and easily (o ma'e a mista'e or be incorrect 0ass on stealthily 0ass out of one#s memory Move out of position 7eing such as to cause things to slip or slide Not to be trusted Mar'ed by or emitting or filled with smo'e (asting of smo'e (he act of smoothing Ma'e smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing (of surfaces! ma'e shine +ree from obstructions

"he#s a mere slip of a lad" "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the "olt caused many slips and a few spills"

"a receipt slip"


"(he ship slipped away in the dar'ness" "-e slipped some money into the waiter#s hand" "My grades are slipping" "-e slipped me the 'ey when nobody was loo'ing" "slippery sidewal's"; "a slippery bar of soap" "how e*traordinarily slippery a liar the camera is" "smo'y rafters"; "smo'y chimneys"; "a smo'y fireplace"; "a smo'y corridor" "smo'y sausages" "he gave his hair a uic' smooth" "smooth the surface of the wood" "smooth the way towards peace



smooth,n smooth,v


-aving a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities /moothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication )f the margin of a leaf shape; not bro'en up into teeth Not mar'ed with wrin'les /mooth and unconstrained in movement 5ithout brea's between notes; smooth and connected 5ithout chin's or crannies .ac'ing obstructions or difficulties

negotiations" "smooth s'in"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror" "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error"

"a long, smooth stride"


A small fragment )bscene term for female genitals (he act of catching an ob"ect with the hands (o grasp hastily or eagerly (o ma'e grasping motions (a'e away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to e*tract a ransom 1ause to become sober 7ecome more realistic 7ecome sober after e*cessive alcohol consumption Dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to 'eeping promises .ac'ing brightness or color; dull 4elating to human society and its members .iving together or en"oying life in communities or organi<ed groups 4elating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society 1omposed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability (of birds and animals! tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same 'ind Mar'ed by friendly companionship with others 0ut a new sole on Not divided or shared with others 7eing the only one; single and isolated from others

"the bill#s path through the legislature was smooth and orderly" "overheard snatches of their conversation" "Martin#s snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away" "7efore & could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone" "the cat snatched at the butterflies



"A sobering thought" "After thin'ing about the potential conse uences of his plan, he sobered up" "=eep him in bed until he sobers up" "as sober as a "udge" "sober 0uritan gray" "social institutions"; "social legislation" "human beings are social animals"; "spent a rela*ed social evening"; "immature social behavior" "made fun of her being so social and highBtoned"; "a social gossip column" "a purely social club"; "the church has a large social hall"; "a social director" "ants are social insects" "a social cup of coffee" "sole the shoes" "sole rights of publication" "the sole heir"; "the sole e*ample"



sole,v sole,ad"


&n some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means +or some unspecified reason

sometime,adv sometimes,adv

At some indefinite or unstated time )n certain occasions or in certain cases but not always


(o a small degree or e*tent (o a moderately sufficient e*tent or degree &n or at or to some place -aving or appealing to those having worldly 'nowledge and refinement and savoir faire Ahead in development; comple* or intricate Mar'ed by wideBranging 'nowledge and appreciation of many parts of the world arising from urban life and wide travel &ntellectually appealing Ma'e less natural or innocent 0ractice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive Alter and ma'e impure, as with the intention to deceive Ma'e more comple* or refined (he particular auditory effect produced by a given cause (he sub"ective sensation of hearing something Mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium (he sudden occurrence of an audible event A large ocean inlet or deep bay

"they managed somehow"; "he e*pected somehow to discover a woman who would love him" "&t doesn#t seem fair somehow"; "he had me dead to rights but somehow & got away with it" "let#s get together sometime"; "everything has to end sometime"; "&t was to be printed sometime later" "sometimes she wished she were bac' in 2ngland"; "sometimes her photography is breathta'ing"; "sometimes they come for a month; at other times for si* months" "his arguments were somewhat selfB contradictory" "she must be somewhere" "sophisticated young socialites"; "a sophisticated audience"; "a sophisticated lifestyle"; "a sophisticated boo'" "a sophisticated electronic control system" "the sophisticated manners of a true cosmopolite" "a sophisticated drama" "(heir manners had sophisticated the young girls"

somewhere,adv sophisticated,ad"



"/ophisticate rose water with geraniol" "a sophisticated design" "the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music" "he strained to hear the faint sounds" "falling trees ma'e a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them" "the sound awa'ened them" "the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast" "(his sounds interesting" "(his record sounds scratchy" "sound the alarm" "sound the bell"; "sound a certain note" "sound investments"; "a sound


Appear in a certain way ,ive off a certain sound or sounds Announce by means of a sound 1ause to sound +inancially secure and safe


2*ercising or showing good "udgment &n good condition; free from defect or damage or decay &n e*cellent physical condition 4eflects weight of sound argument or evidence -aving legal efficacy or force +ree from moral defect (of sleep! deep and complete (horough (he unlimited e*panse in which everything is located An empty area (usually bounded in some way between things! An area reserved for some particular purpose A blan' character used to separate successive words in writing or printing (he interval between two times A blan' area )ne of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff 7rightness and animation of countenance 2lectrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field A small but noticeable trace of some uality that might become stronger A small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction 0ut in motion or move to act 2mit or produce spar's /cottish writer of satirical novels (born in G@GJ! A special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price! that is featured in advertising A dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant A television production that features a particular person or wor' or topic 3ni ue or specific to a person or thing or category +or a special service or occasion

economy" "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound e*planation for his decision" "a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation" "a sound mind in a sound body" "a sound argument" "a sound title to the property" "a man of sound character" "a sound sleeper" "a sound thrashing" "they tested his ability to locate ob"ects in space" "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the "ungle"; "the space between his teeth" "the laboratory#s floor space" "he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet" "it all happened in the space of G% minutes" "write your name in the space provided" "the spaces are the notes +BAB1B2"



"a spar' of interest"; "a spar' of decency"

spar',v spar',n special,n

"A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spar'" "they are having a special on por' chops"


"the last of a series of 771 specials on &ran is being shown tonight" "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair" "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event"

/urpassing what is common or usual or e*pected Adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose -aving a specific function or scope +irst and most important Added to a regular schedule specially,adv specific,n &n a special manner (o a distinctly greater e*tent or degree than is common A fact about some part (as opposed to general! A medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease (sometimes followed by #to#! applying to or characteri<ed by or distinguishing something particular or special or uni ue /tated e*plicitly or in detail 4elating to or distinguishing or constituting a ta*onomic species 7eing or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in ma'ing microscope slides A message e*pressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence A hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or con"ecturing (usually with little hard evidence! An investment that is very ris'y but could yield great profits 1ontinuous and profound contemplation or musing on a sub"ect or series of sub"ects of a deep or abstruse nature (he act of delivering a formal spo'en communication to an audience (language! communication by word of mouth /omething spo'en (he e*change of spo'en words 9our characteristic style or manner of e*pressing yourself orally A lengthy rebu'e 5ords ma'ing up the dialogue of a play

"a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what#s so special about the year 8%%%:" "a special 'ind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis" "a special role in the mission" "his special interest is music"; "she gets special satisfaction from her volunteer wor'" "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game" "a specially arranged dinner" "an especially (or specially! cautious approach to the danger" " uinine is a specific for malaria" "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the "ob"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident" "needed a specific amount" "specific characters" " uinine is highly specific for malaria"; "a specific remedy"; "a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements" "speculations about the outcome of the election" "he 'new the stoc' was a speculation when he bought it"




"his speech was garbled" "he could hear them uttering merry speeches" "they were perfectly comfortable together without speech" "her speech was barren of southernisms"; "& detected a slight accent in his speech" "the actor forgot his speech"



(he mental faculty or power of vocal communication Distance travelled per unit time A rate (usually rapid! at which something happens 1hanging location rapidly (he ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera! lens system A central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression /tep on it Move faster (ravel at an e*cessive or illegal velocity Move very fast 1ause to move faster 1haracteri<ed by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed Accomplished rapidly and without delay A particular environment or wal' of life Any spherically shaped artifact (he geographical area in which one nation is very influential A particular aspect of life or activity A solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses! A threeBdimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is e uidistant from the center (he apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be pro"ected (he vital principle or animating force within living things (he general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people A fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one#s character Any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible! to human beings (he state of a person#s emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or de"ection! (he intended meaning of a communication

"the pro"ect advanced with gratifying speed"

"& got a tic'et for speeding" "(he runner <ipped past us at brea'nec' speed" "a speedy car"; "a speedy errand boy" "hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem"; "a speedy recovery"; "he has a right to a speedy trial" "his social sphere is limited"




"he was in good spirits"; "his spirit rose"

spirit,v spiritual,n spiritual,ad"

Animation and energy in action or e*pression An inclination or tendency of a certain 'ind &nfuse with spirit A 'ind of religious song originated by 7lac's in the southern 3nited /tates 1oncerned with sacred matters or religion or the church 1oncerned with or affecting the spirit or soul .ac'ing material body or form or substance .i'e or being a phantom -aving great beauty and splendor 1haracteri<ed by or attended with brilliance or grandeur A point located with respect to surface features of some region A short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a maga<ine! that is often used for advertising A blemish made by dirt A small contrasting part of something A section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance An outstanding characteristic A business establishment for entertainment A "ob in an organi<ation A slight attac' of illness K7ritL A small uantity A mar' on a playing card (shape depending on the suit! A lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer A playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value An act that brings discredit to the person who does it 1atch sight of Mar or impair with a flaw Ma'e a spot or mar' onto 7ecome spotted Mar' with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition 0rocess or result of distributing or e*tending over a wide e*panse of space

"(he company spirited him up" "lords temporal and spiritual"; "spiritual leaders"; "spiritual songs" "a spiritual approach to life"; "spiritual fulfillment"; "spiritual values" "spiritual beings"; "the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm" "spiritual tappings at a seance" "splendid costumes" "the splendid coronation ceremony"

splendid,ad" spot,n

"a bald spot"; "a leopard#s spots" "they changed his spot on the program" "night spot"

"a spot of tea"

"an eight spot"


"(he wine spotted the tablecloth" "(his dress spots uic'ly" "spot the areas that one should clearly identify"



A conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures +arm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestoc' (especially cattle! A hapha<ard distribution in all directions A tasty mi*ture to be spread on bread or crac'ers A meal that is well prepared and greatly en"oyed (wo facing pages of a boo' or other publication (he e*pansion of a person#s girth (especially at middle age! Decorative cover for a bed Act of e*tending over a wider scope or e*panse of space or time Distribute or disperse widely 7ecome distributed or widespread /pread across or over /pread out or open from a closed or folded state 1ause to become widely 'nown 7ecome widely 'nown and passed on /trew or distribute over an area Move outward 1over by spreading something over Distribute over a surface in a layer Distributed or spread over a considerable e*tent 0repared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out +ully e*tended in width (he act of gripping and pressing firmly A state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high A situation in which increased costs cannot be passed on to the customer (slang! a person#s girlfriend or boyfriend A twisting s uee<e An aggressive attempt to compel ac uiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power A tight or amorous embrace (he act of forcing yourself (or being forced! into or through a restricted space

"the spread between lending and borrowing costs"

"they put out uite a spread"

"she e*ercised to avoid that middleB aged spread"

"(he invaders spread their language all over the country" "the infection spread"; ")ptimism spread among the population" "A big oil spot spread across the water" "spread your arms" "spread information" "the rumor spread" "-e spread fertili<er over the lawn" "spread the bread with cheese" "spread cheese on a piece of bread" "eleven million ;ews are spread throughout 2urope" "a table spread with food" "with arms spread wide" "he gave her chee' a playful s uee<e"


s uee<e,n

"increased e*penses put a s uee<e on profits" "she was his main s uee<e"

"getting through that small opening was a tight s uee<e"

s uee<e,v

(o compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition 0ress firmly / uee<e li'e a wedge into a tight space (o cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means )btain by coercion or intimidation A farm building for housing horses or other livestoc' /helter in a stable 4esistant to change of position or condition +irm and dependable; sub"ect to little fluctuation Not ta'ing part readily in chemical change Maintaining e uilibrium /howing little if any change A support or foundation (he position where a thing or person stands A growth of similar plants (usually trees! in a particular area A small table for holding articles of various 'inds A support for displaying various articles An interruption of normal activity A mental position from which things are viewed A booth where articles are displayed for sale A stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance (iered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood! where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade! A platform where a (brass! band can play in the open air A defensive effort 7e standing; be upright 7e in some specified state or condition )ccupy a place or location, also metaphorically -old one#s ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright -ave or maintain a position or stand

"s uee<e a lemon" "-e s uee<ed my hand" "& s uee<ed myself into the corner" "-e s uee<ed her for information" "(hey s uee<ed money from the owner of the business by threatening him" "stable horses" "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices" "the economy is stable"

stable,n stable,v stable,ad"


"they cut down a stand of trees" "a bedside stand"

"a oneBnight stand"


"the army made a final stand at the 4hone" "5e had to stand for the entire performanceA" "& stand corrected" "5e stand on common ground" "& am standing my ground and won#t give inA" "5here do you stand on the 5ar:"

stare,n stare,v

on an issue 0ut up with something or somebody unpleasant 4emain inactive or immobile 7e in effect; be or remain in force 7e tall; have a height of; copula 0ut into an upright position 5ithstand the force of something 7e available for stud services A fi*ed loo' with eyes open wide .oo' at with fi*ed eyes +i*ate one#s eyes

"standing water" "(he law standsA" "/he stands O feet tall" "1an you stand the boo'shelf up:" "stand the test of time" "(he students stared at the teacher with ama<ement" "(he ancestor in the painting is staring down menacingly" ".et#s eatBB&#m starvingA" "(he political prisoners starved to death" "(hey starved the prisoners" "he is starving her of love"; "(he engine was starved of fuel" "the state has lowered its income ta*" "his state is in the deep south" "the state has elected a new president" "the current state of 'nowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a wea' financial state" "he was in such a state you "ust couldn#t reason with him" "the solid state of water is called ice"


7e hungry; go without food Die of food deprivation Deprive of food -ave a craving, appetite, or great desire for Deprive of a necessity and cause suffering (he group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state (he territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation A politically organi<ed body of people under a single government (he way something is with respect to its main attributes (he territory occupied by a nation A state of depression or agitation (chemistry! the three traditional states of matter are solids (fi*ed shape and volume! and li uids (fi*ed volume and shaped by the container! and gases (filling the container! 2*press in words 0ut before &ndicate through a symbol, formula, etc. (he federal department in the 3nited /tates that sets and maintains foreign policies (he relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society A state at a particular time 1ontinuing or remaining in a place or state



"state your opinion"; "state your name"

state,n status,n

"the Department of /tate was created in G>J@" "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic" "a status of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations" "they had a nice stay in 0aris"; "a lengthy hospital stay"; "a fourBmonth



A "udicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted (he state of inactivity following an interruption (nautical! brace consisting of a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar A thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (e.g. a corset! /tay the same; remain in a certain state /tay put (in a certain place! Dwell 1ontinue in a place, position, or situation 4emain behind /top or halt /tay behind A trial of endurance /top a "udicial process +asten with stays )vercome or allay Any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal (he act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down /upport consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway 4elative position in a graded series A short distance (he sound of a step of someone wal'ing A musical interval of two semitones A mar' of a foot or shoe on a surface A se uence of foot movements that ma'e up a particular dance /hift or move by ta'ing a step 0ut down or press the foot, place the foot (reat badly +urnish with steps

stay in ban'ruptcy court" "the /upreme 1ourt has the power to stay an in"unction pending an appeal to the whole 1ourt" "the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow"

"stay alone" "5e are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to 1incinnati"; "/tay put in the corner hereA" "9ou can stay with me while you are in town"; "stay a bit longerBBthe day is still young" "After graduation, she stayed on in 1ambridge as a student adviser"; "/tay with me, please" "& had to stay at home and watch the children" "0lease stay the bloodshedA" "(he smell stayed in the room" "(he "udge stayed the e*ecution order" "the police too' steps to reduce crime" "he wal'ed with unsteady steps" "he paused on the bottom step" "always a step behind"; "'eep in step with the fashions" "it#s only a step to the drugstore"


"he taught them the walt< step" "step bac'" "step on the bra'e" "/he is always stepping on others to get ahead" "(he architect wants to step the terrace"



Move with one#s feet in a specific manner 5al' a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner 0lace (a ship#s mast! in its step Measure (distances! by pacing Move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation &mplement consisting of a length of wood A small thin branch of a tree &nformal term for the leg Mari"uana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smo'ing (hreat of a penalty

"step lively" "step over to the blac'board" "step off ten yards" "/he stepped into a life of lu*ury"; "he won#t step into his father#s footsteps" "he collected dry stic's for a campfire"; "the 'id had a candied apple on a stic'" "fever left him wea' on his stic's" "the policy so far is all stic' and no carrot" "/tic' around and you will learn somethingA" "stic' one#s hand out of the window"; "stic' one#s nose into other people#s business" "(he door stic'sBBwe will have to plane it" "(he label stuc' to her for the rest of her life" "/he stic's to her principles" "(he friends stuc' together through the war" "stic' some feathers in the tur'ey before you serve it" "stic' the poster onto the wall" "stic' the photo onto the cor'board" "stic' the corner of the sheet under the mattress" "he stuc' the cloth with the needle" "-e stuc' the needle into his finger" "(he label stuc' to the bo*" "(hey stuc' me with the dinner bill" "(his uestion really stuc' me" "he wanted some stills for a maga<ine ad" "the still of the night" "still the fears" "the night was still"


/tay put (in a certain place! 1ause to protrude or as if to protrude 7e or become fi*ed 2ndure 7e a devoted follower or supporter 7e loyal to 1over and decorate with ob"ects that pierce the surface +asten with an adhesive material li'e glue +asten with or as with pins or nails +asten into place by fi*ing an end or point into something 0ierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument 0ierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed 1ome or be in close contact with; stic' or hold together and resist separation /addle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous 7e a mystery or bewildering to A static photograph (especially one ta'en from a movie and used for advertising purposes! (poetic! tran uil silence Ma'e calm or still 1ause to be uiet or not tal' .essen the intensity of or calm Mar'ed by absence of sound


still,v still,ad"


+ree from disturbance 3sed of pictures; of a single or static photograph not presented so as to create the illusion of motion; or representing ob"ects not capable of motion Not spar'ling +ree from noticeable current 5ith reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession! (o a greater degree or e*tent; used with comparisons 5ithout moving or ma'ing a sound

"scarcely a ripple on the still water" "a still photograph"; "1e<anne#s still life of apples"

"a still wine"; "still mineral water" "a still pond"; "still waters run deep" "it#s still warm outside"; "will you still love me when we#re old and grey:" "granted that it is dangerous, all the same & still want to go" "an still more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved" "he sat still as a statue"; "time stood still"; "they waited stoc'Bstill outside the door"; "he couldn#t hold still any longer" "his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood" "sic' for five straight days" "straight lines"; "straight roads across the desert"; "straight teeth"; "straight shoulders" "her naturally straight hair hung long and sil'y" "behind him sat old man Arthur; he was straight with something angry in his attitude" "set the record straight"; "made sure the facts were straight in the report" "& "ust want a straight answer to the uestion"; "straight dealing" "the room is straight now" "he was always straight with me" "straight reasoning" "told me straight out" "the road runs straight" "a straightaway denial" "found an answer straightaway" "a straightforward set of instructions" "he is not being as straightforward as it appears" "straightforward in all his business affairs" "a straightforward ga<e" "(his e*ercise will strengthen your upper body"; "strengthen the relations between the two countries"

stoppage,n straight,ad"

(he act of stopping something /uccessive (without a brea'! -aving no deviations (of hair! having no waves or curls 2rect in posture 4ight; in 'eeping with the facts -onest and morally upright Neatly arranged; not disorderly 4eliable in matters of fact +ollowing a correct or logical method &n a forthright manner; candidly or fran'ly &n a straight line; in a direct course 0erformed with little or no delay straightaway,adv 5ithout delay or hesitation; with no time intervening straightforward,ad" +ree from ambiguity 5ithout evasion or compromise 5ithout concealment or deception; honest 0ointed directly ahead Ma'e strong or stronger

straight,adv straightaway,ad"



,ain strength (he relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch! (psychology! a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense (physics! force that produces strain on a physical body /pecial emphasis attached to something Difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension A large and unbro'en e*panse or distance 2*tension to or beyond the ordinary limit An unbro'en period of time during which you do something

"-is body strengthened" "he put the stress on the wrong syllable" "stress is a vasoconstrictor" "the intensity of stress is e*pressed in units of force divided by units of area" "the stress was more on accuracy than on speed" "she endured the stresses and strains of life"; "he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger" "a stretch of highway"; "a stretch of clear water" "running at full stretch"; "by no stretch of the imagination"; "beyond any stretch of his understanding" "there were stretches of boredom"; "he did a stretch in the federal penitentiary" "(he par' stretched beneath the train line" "/tretch your legsA" "stretch out that piece of cloth" "(he fabric stretches" "stretch the fabric" "(o en"oy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass" "During the &n uisition, the torturers would stretch their victims on a rac'" "/tretch the limits"; "stretch my patience"; "stretch the imagination" "stretch the soup by adding some more cream" ".et#s stretch for a minuteBBwe#ve been sitting here for over $ hours" "a stretch limousine" "stretch hosiery" "we tal'ed strictly business" "the stri'e lasted more than a month before it was settled" "the stri'e was scheduled to begin at dawn" "this pitcher throws more stri'es than balls" "he finished with three stri'es in the tenth frame"



)ccupy a large, elongated area 2*tend one#s limbs or muscles, or the entire body 2*tend or stretch out to a greater or the full length 7ecome longer by being stretched and pulled Ma'e long or longer by pulling and stretching .ie down comfortably 0ull in opposite directions 2*tend the scope or meaning of; often unduly &ncrease in uantity or bul' by adding a cheaper substance 2*tend one#s body or limbs

stretch,ad" strictly,adv stri'e,n

-aving an elongated seating area 2asily stretched 4estricted to something A group#s refusal to wor' in protest against low pay or bad wor' conditions An attac' that is intended to sei<e or inflict damage on or destroy an ob"ective A pitch that is in the stri'e <one and that the batter does not hit A score in tenpins6 'noc'ing down all ten with the first ball


-it against; come into sudden contact with Deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon -ave an emotional or cognitive impact upon Ma'e a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target &ndicate (a certain time! by stri'ing Affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely Attain 0roduce by manipulating 'eys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically 1ause to form between electrodes of an arc lamp +ind une*pectedly 0roduce by ignition or a blow 4emove by erasing or crossing out 1ause to e*perience suddenly Drive something violently into a location )ccupy or ta'e on +orm by stamping, punching, or printing 0ierce with force Arrive at after rec'oning, deliberating, and weighing A thing constructed; a comple* construction or entity (he manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts (he comple* composition of 'nowledge as elements and their combinations A particular comple* anatomical structure (he people in a society considered as a system organi<ed by a characteristic pattern of relationships Mar'ed by care and effort

"-e struc' the table with his elbow" "(he teacher struc' the child"; "the opponent refused to stri'e"; "(he bo*er struc' the attac'er dead" "(his behavior struc' me as odd" "(he ,ermans struc' 0oland on /ept. G, G@$@"; "5e must stri'e the enemy#s oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the ,iants struc', sending three runners home to win the game F to 8" "(he cloc' struc' midnight"; ";ust when & entered, the cloc' struc'" "(he horse finally struc' a pace" "(he pianist stri'es a middle 1"; "stri'e #<# on the 'eyboard"; "her comments struc' a sour note" "stri'e an arc" "she struc' a goldmine"; "(he hi'ers finally struc' the main path to the la'e" "stri'e fire from the flintstone"; "stri'e a match" "0lease stri'e this remar' from the record" "0anic struc' me"; "(he thought struc' terror in our minds"; "(hey were struc' with fear" "she struc' her head on the low ceiling" "stri'e a pose" "stri'e coins"; "stri'e a medal" "(he bullet struc' her thigh"; "(he icy wind struc' through our coats" "stri'e a balance"; "stri'e a bargain" "the structure consisted of a series of arches" "artists must study the structure of the human body"; "the structure of the ben<ene molecule" "his lectures have no structure" "he has good bone structure" "sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family" "made a studious attempt to fi* the




1haracteri<ed by diligent study and fondness for reading (he sub"ect matter of a conversation or discussion /ome situation or event that is thought about A branch of 'nowledge /omething (a person or ob"ect or scene! selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation A person who is sub"ected to e*perimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an ob"ect of investigation A person who owes allegiance to that nation 1ause to e*perience or suffer or ma'e liable or vulnerable to

television set" "a uiet studious child" "he didn#t want to discuss that sub"ect" "he had been thin'ing about the sub"ect for several years" "teachers should be well trained in their sub"ect" "a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same sub"ect" "the sub"ects for this investigation were selected randomly" "a monarch has a duty to his sub"ects" "-e sub"ected me to his awful poetry"; "(he sergeant sub"ected the new recruits to many drills"; "0eople in 1hernobyl were sub"ected to radiation" "-e did not want to sub"ect himself to the "udgments of his superiors" "the gift will be sub"ect to ta*ation" "the time is fi*ed by the director and players and therefore sub"ect to much variation" "sub"ect peoples"


Ma'e accountable for sub"ect,ad" Not e*empt from ta* 0ossibly accepting or permitting 7eing under the power or sovereignty of another or others (he choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or e*perience (he idea that is intended +airly large 7eing the essence or essential element of a thing -aving substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary 0roviding abundant nourishment )f good uality and condition; solidly built )f a 'ind specified or understood )f a degree or uality specified (by the #that# clause! )f so e*treme a degree or e*tent suc',v Draw into the mouth by creating a



"won by a substantial margin" "substantial e uivalents" "the substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"; "most ponderous and substantial things" "ate a substantial brea'fast" "several substantial timber buildings" "it#s difficult to please such people"; "on such a night as this"; "animals such as lions and tigers" "their an*iety was such that they could not sleep" "such weeping"; "such a help"; "such grief"; "never dreamed of such beauty" "suc' the poison from the place


practical vacuum in the mouth Draw something in by or as if by a vacuum Attract by using an ine*orable force, inducement, etc. sudden,ad" suffer,v -appening without warning or in a short space of time 3ndergo or be sub"ected to 3ndergo (as of in"uries and illnesses! 2ndure (emotional pain! ,et worse 3ndergo or suffer +eel unwell or uncomfortable 7e given to 7e set at a disadvantage suicidal,ad" suitability,n sumup,v summari<e,v summit,n superb,ad" superior,ad" Dangerous to yourself or your interests (he uality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose ,ive a summary (of! ,ive a summary (of! 7e a summary of (he highest level or degree attainable (he top point of a mountain or hill )f surpassing e*cellence /urpassingly good )f high or superior uality or performance )f or characteristic of high ran' or importance (sometimes followed by #to#! not sub"ect to or influenced by -aving an orbit farther from the sun than the 2arth#s orbit -aving a higher ran' (often followed by #to#! above being affected or influenced by supper,n support,n A social gathering where a light evening meal is served (he activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money

where the sna'e bit"; "suc' on a straw"; "the baby suc'ed on the mother#s breast" "Mud was suc'ing at her feet" "(he current boom in the economy suc'ed many wor'ers in from abroad" "a sudden storm"; "a sudden decision"; "a sudden cure" "-e suffered the penalty"; "Many saints suffered martyrdom" "/he suffered a fracture in the accident" "2very time her husband gets drun', she suffers" "-is grades suffered" "suffer a terrible fate" "/he is suffering from the hot weather" "/he suffers from a tendency to tal' too much" "(his author really suffers in translation" "suicidal impulses"; "a suicidal corporate ta'eover strategy" "an important re uirement is suitability for long trips" "he summed up his results" "& will now summari<e" "(he abstract summari<es the main ideas in the paper" "the summit of his ambition" "they clambered to the summit of Monadnoc'" "a superb actor" "a superb meal" "superior wisdom derived from e*perience"; "superior math students" "a superior officer" "overcome by a superior opponent"; "trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law" "Mars and ;upiter are the closest in of the superior planets" "superior officer" "he is superior to fear"; "an ignited firewor' proceeds superior to circumstances until its bla<ing vitality fades" "her suppers often included celebrities" "his support 'ept the family together"; "they gave him emotional support

or necessities Aiding the cause or policy or interests of /omething providing immaterial support or assistance to a person or cause or interest Documentary validation (he financial means whereby one lives Any device that bears the weight of another thing +inancial resources provided to ma'e some pro"ect possible +inal or last in your life or progress ,reatest in status or authority or power -ighest in e*cellence or achievement ,reatest or ma*imal in degree; e*treme 1ause to be surprised 1ome upon or ta'e unawares 1ausing surprise or wonder or ama<ement ,ive up or agree to forego to the power or possession of another 4elin uish possession or control over 1ontinue to live; endure or last 1ontinue in e*istence after (an adversity, etc.! -ang freely 1ause to be held in suspension in a fluid /top a process or a habit by imposing a free<e on it Ma'e inoperative or stop /weep across or over Move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions /weep with a broom or as if with a broom +orce into some 'ind of situation,

during difficult times" "the president no longer had the support of his own party"; "they developed a scheme of mutual support" "the policy found little public support"; "his faith was all the support he needed"; "the team en"oyed the support of their fans" "the strongest support for this view is the wor' of ;ones" "he applied to the state for support" "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf" "the foundation provided support for the e*periment" "the supreme sacrifice"; "the supreme "udgment" "a supreme tribunal" "supreme among musicians"; "a supreme endeavor"; "supreme courage" "supreme folly" "(he news really surprised me" "/he surprised the couple"; "-e surprised an interesting scene" "the report shows a surprising lac' of hard factual data"; "leaped up with surprising agility"; "she earned a surprising amount of money" "(he last (aleban fighters finally surrendered" "(he s uatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in" "(hese superstitions survive in the bac'waters of America" "-e survived the cancer against all odds" "(he secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them" "suspend the particles" "/uspend the aid to the warBtorn country" "suspend payments on the loan" "A gasp swept cross the audience" "(he diva swept into the room"; "(he searchlights swept across the s'y" "/weep the crumbs off the table"; "/weep under the bed" "(hey were swept up by the events"


surprise,v surprising,ad"





condition, or course of action 1lean by sweeping 5in an overwhelming victory in or on swell,v &ncrease in si<e, magnitude, number, or intensity 7ecome filled with pride, arrogance, or anger 2*pand abnormally As of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things 1ause to become swollen 1hange over, change around, or switch over .ay aside, abandon, or leave for another Ma'e a shift in or e*change o 1ause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation )f or relating to the sympathetic nervous system 2*pressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward -aving similar disposition and tastes /howing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity (of characters in literature or drama! evo'ing empathic or sympathetic feelings 4elating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body tail,n (he posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and e*tending beyond the trun' or main part of the body (he time of the last part of something 1arry out As of time or space (a'e somebody somewhere ,et into one#s hands, ta'e physically (a'e on a certain form, attribute, or aspect &nterpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or

"0lease sweep the floor" "-er new show dog swept all championships" "(he music swelled to a crescendo" "(he mother was swelling with importance when she spo'e of her son" "(he bellies of the starving children are swelling" "/mo'e swelled from it" "(he water swells the wood" "switch to a different brand of beer"; "/he switched psychiatrists" "+irst ;oe led; then we switched" "switch on the light" "sympathetic neurons"; "sympathetic stimulation" "sympathetic to the students# cause"; "a sympathetic observer"; "a sympathetic gesture" "with their many similar tastes, he found her a most sympathetic companion" "sympathetic words" "the sympathetic characters in the play" "sympathetic vibration"



"the tail of the storm" "ta'e action"; "ta'e steps"; "ta'e vengeance" "&t too' three hours to get to wor' this morning" "can you ta'e me to the main entrance:" "(a'e a coo'ieA"; "1an you ta'e this bag, please" "-is voice too' on a sad tone"; "(he story too' a new turn" "-ow should & ta'e this message:"; "9ou can#t ta'e credit for thisA"


impression (a'e something or somebody with oneself somewhere (a'e into one#s possession 4e uire as useful, "ust, or proper 0ic' out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives (ravel or go by means of a certain 'ind of transportation, or a certain route 4eceive willingly something given or offered Assume, as of positions or roles (a'e into consideration for e*emplifying purposes 2*perience or feel or submit to Ma'e a film or photograph of something 4emove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, ta'ing off, etc. or remove something abstract /erve oneself to, or consume regularly Accept or undergo, often unwillingly Ma'e use of or accept for some purpose (a'e by force )ccupy or ta'e on Admit into a group or community Ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or ta'e a reading from a dial (a'e as an undesirable conse uence of some event or state of affairs -ead into a specified direction Aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or ob"ects such as photographic e uipment 7e sei<ed or affected in a specified way -ave with oneself; have on one#s person 2ngage for service under a term of contract 4eceive or obtain regularly 7uy, select (o get into a position of having, e.g.,

"(a'e these letters to the boss" "5e are ta'ing an orphan from 4omania"; "&#ll ta'e three salmon stea's" "&t ta'es nerve to do what she did" "(a'e any one of these cards" "-e ta'es the bus to wor'"; "/he ta'es 4oute G to Newar'"

"/he too' the "ob as director of development" "(a'e the case of 1hina" "(a'e a test"; "(a'e the plunge" "ta'e a scene" "ta'e the gun from your poc'et" "& don#t ta'e sugar in my coffee" "5e too' a pay cut" "ta'e a ris'"; "ta'e an opportunity" "-itler too' the 7altic 4epublics"; "(he army too' the fort on the hill" "/he too' her seat on the stage"; "5e too' our seats in the orchestra"; "/he too' up her position behind the tree" "ta'e a pulse" "(he hard wor' too' its toll on her" "(he escaped convict too' to the hills" "(a'e a swipe at one#s opponent" "ta'e sic'" "/he always ta'es an umbrella" "5e too' an apartment on a uiet street"; "/hall we ta'e a guide in 4ome:" "5e ta'e the (imes every day" "&#ll ta'e a pound of that sausage" "ta'e shelter from the storm"

ta'e away,v

ta'e off,v



safety, comfort .ay claim to; as of an idea 7e designed to hold or ta'e 7e capable of holding or containing Develop a habit 0roceed along in a vehicle )btain by winning 7e stric'en by an illness, fall victim to an illness 4emove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state ,et rid of something abstract (a'e away a part from; diminish .eave (a'e away or remove Depart from the ground (a'e time off from wor'; stop wor'ing temporarily Mimic or imitate, especially in an amusing or satirical manner 4emove clothes 0rove fatal An e*change of ideas via conversation (#tal' about# is a less formal alternative for #discussion of#! discussion (he act of giving a tal' to an audience A speech that is open to the public &dle gossip or rumor 2*change thoughts; tal' with 2*press in speech 3se language 4eveal information Divulge confidential information or secrets Deliver a lecture or tal' Ma'e less strong or intense; soften Adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land! to the environment )vercome the wildness of; ma'e docile and tractable Ma'e fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans Cery restrained or uiet

"/he too' credit for the whole idea" "(his surface will not ta'e the dye" "(his bo* won#t ta'e all the items" "-e too' to visiting bars" "5inner ta'es all"; "-e too' first pri<e" "/he too' a chill"

",od ta'es away your sins" "(he family too' off for +lorida" "(he plane too' off two hours late" "(his song ta'es off from a famous aria" "ta'e off your shirtBBit#s very hot in here" "(he disease too' off" "let#s have more wor' and less tal' around here" "his poetry contains much tal' about love and anger" "& attended an interesting tal' on local history" "there has been tal' about you lately" "5e often tal' business"; "Actions tal' louder than words" "/he tal's a lot of nonsense" "the baby tal's already" "&f you don#t oblige me, &#ll tal'A" "7e carefulBBhis secretary tal's" "/he will tal' at 4utgers ne*t wee'" "(he author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements" "tame the soil" "-e tames lions for the circus" "(he wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog" "a tame 1hristmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most ab"ect creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed" "tame animals"; "fields of tame



7rought from wildness into a



domesticated state Cery docile A faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cas' A gentle blow (he act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information A light touch or stro'e 1ut a female screw thread with a tap Draw from or dip into to get something /tri'e lightly (ap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information +urnish with a tap or spout, so as to be able to draw li uid from it Ma'e light, repeated taps on a surface Draw (li uor! from a tap 0ierce in order to draw a li uid from A long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening A recording made on magnetic tape (he finishing line for a foot race Measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal! mar'ed in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths Memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron o*ide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information +asten or attach with tape A specific piece of wor' re uired to be done as a duty or for a specific fee Assign a tas' to &mpart s'ills or 'nowledge to Accustom gradually to some action or attitude An opening made forcibly as by pulling apart (he act of tearing /eparate or cause to separate abruptly Move uic'ly and violently (he act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule!; provo'ing someone with persistent annoyances

blueberries" "tame obedience"

"tap one#s memory"; "tap a source of money" "-e tapped me on the shoulder" "(he +7& was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy" "tap a cas' of wine" "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently" "tap a maple tree for its syrup"; "tap a 'eg of beer" "he used a piece of tape for a belt"; "he wrapped a tape around the pac'age" "the several recordings were combined on a master tape" "he bro'e the tape in record time" "the carpenter should have used his tape measure" "he too' along a do<en tapes to record the interview"


tape,v tas',n tas',v teach,v tear,n

"tape the shipping label to the bo*" "the endless tas' of classifying the samples" "& tas'ed him with loo'ing after the children" "& taught them +rench" "(he child is taught to obey her parents"

tear,v tease,n

"he too' the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear" "tear the paper" "(he car tore down the street" "he ignored their teases"


Annoy persistently -arass with persistent criticism or carping (o arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them (ear into pieces Disentangle and raise the fibers of Moc' or ma'e fun of playfully

"(he children teased the boy because of his stammer" "(he children teased the new teacher" "(he advertisement is intended to tease the customers"; "/he has a way of teasing men with her flirtatious behavior" "tease tissue for microscopic e*aminations" "tease wool" "the flirting man teased the young woman" "technical innovation in recent novels"; "technical details" "a technical problem"; "highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public"; "a technical report"; "producing the ABbomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country"; "technical training"; "technical language" "no amount of technical s'ill and craftsmanship can ta'e the place of vital interest" "technical college" "analysts content that the stoc' mar'et is due for a technical rally"; "the fall is only a technical correction" "technical (or commercial! sulfuric acid" "teenage mothers" "he will wor' here temporarily"; "he was brought out of retirement temporarily"; "a power failure temporarily dar'ened the town" "/he tends to be nervous before her lectures" "/he tends to the children" "tend a store" "a tendency to be too strict" "fabric with a tendency to shrin'" "the shoreward tendency of the current" "tense a rope" "-e tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room"


)f or relating to techni ue 1haracteri<ing or showing s'ill in or speciali<ed 'nowledge of applied arts and sciences

)f or relating to proficiency in a practical s'ill )f or relating to a practical sub"ect that is organi<ed according to scientific principles 4esulting from or dependent on mar'et factors rather than fundamental economic considerations )f production of chemicals for commercial purposes especially on a large scale 7eing of the age G$ through G@ +or a limited time only; not permanently -ave a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined -ave care of or loo' after Manage or run An attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others A characteristic li'elihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect A general direction in which something tends to move &ncrease the tension on 7ecome tense or tense

teenage,ad" temporarily,ad"





Ma'e tense and uneasy or nervous or an*ious; 7ring to an end or halt -ave an end, in a temporal, spatial, or uantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical (erminate the employment of

"(he attac' on 0oland terminated the relatively peaceful period after 55&" "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed" "(he company terminated 8FH of its wor'ers" "a terrible curse" "a terrible cough" "suffered terrible thirst" "the test was standardi<ed on a large sample of students"




thatmuch,adv theory,n

1ausing fear or dread or terror 2*ceptionally bad or displeasing &ntensely or e*tremely bad or unpleasant in degree or uality 2*tremely distressing Any standardi<ed procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc (he act of testing something (he act of undergoing testing A set of uestions or e*ercises evaluating s'ill or 'nowledge 0ut to the test, as for its uality, or give e*perimental use to 2*amine someone#s 'nowledge of something /how a certain characteristic when tested Achieve a certain score or rating on a test 3ndergo a test (o a certain degree A wellBsubstantiated e*planation of some aspect of the natural world; an organi<ed system of accepted 'nowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to e*plain a specific set of phenomena A tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would e*plain certain facts or phenomena A belief that can guide behavior

"he survived the great test of battle" "when the test was stolen the professor had to ma'e a new set of uestions" "(est this recipe" "(he teacher tests us every wee'" "-e tested positive for -&C" "/he tested high on the ./A( and was admitted to all the good law schools" "/he doesn#t test well" "we will be that much ahead of them" "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"

thereafter,adv therefore,adv therefore,con thic',ad"

+rom that time on (used to introduce a logical conclusion! from that fact or reason or as a result And for this reason Not thin; of a specific thic'ness or of relatively great e*tent from one surface to the opposite usually in the

"a scientific hypothesis that survives e*perimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of al'alis that later was accepted in chemical practices" "the architect has a theory that more is less"; "they 'illed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales" "thereafter he never called again" "therefore D must be true" "9ou are too nice, and therefore tend to be e*ploited" "an inch thic'"; "a thic' board"; "a thic' sandwich"; "spread a thic' layer of butter"; "thic' coating of dust"; "thic'

smallest of the three solid dimensions 1losely crowded together 4elatively dense in consistency /po'en as if with a thic' tongue -ard to pass through because of dense growth (of dar'ness! very intense Abundant -eavy and compact in form or stature (used informally! associated on close terms Abundantly covered or filled 5ith a thic' consistency &n uic' succession Ma'e thin or thinner )f relatively small e*tent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section .ac'ing e*cess flesh Cery narrow -aving little substance or significance Not dense 4elatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous A special situation An action An artifact An event A statement regarded as an ob"ect Any attribute or uality considered as having its own e*istence A special abstraction A vaguely specified concern An entity that is not named specifically A special ob"ective A persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion An instance of deliberate thin'ing ;udge or regard; loo' upon; "udge 2*pect, believe, or suppose 3se or e*ercise the mind or one#s power of reason in order to ma'e

warm blan'ets" "thic' crowds" "thic' cream"; "thic' soup"; "thic' smo'e"; "thic' fog" "the thic' speech of a drun'ard" "thic' woods" "thic' night"; "thic' dar'ness" "a thic' head of hair" "a thic' middleBaged man" "the two were thic' as thieves for months" "the top was thic' with dust" "misfortunes come fast and thic'" "(hin the solution" "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin boo'"; "a thin layer of paint" "you can#t be too rich or too thin" "a thin line across the page" "a thin plot" "a thin beard" "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "s'immed mil' is much thinner than whole mil'"; "thin oil" "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remar'able thing" "how could you do such a thing:" "how does this thing wor':" "a funny thing happened on the way to the..." "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing:" "the thing & li'e about her is ..." "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart" "things are going well" "& couldn#t tell what the thing was" "the thing is to stay in bounds" "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him" "& need to give it a good thin'" "& thin' he is very smart"; "& thin' that he is her boyfriend" "& thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn#t thin' to find her in the 'itchen" "&#ve been thin'ing all day and getting nowhere"

thic',adv thin,v thin,ad"


thin',n thin',v

inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or "udgments 4ecall 'nowledge from memory; have a recollection &magine or visuali<e +ocus one#s attention on a certain state -ave in mind as a purpose Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting 0onder; reflect on, or reason about Dispose the mind in a certain way -ave or formulate in the mind 7e capable of conscious thought ;udge or regard; loo' upon; "udge 2*pect, believe, or suppose 3se or e*ercise the mind or one#s power of reason in order to ma'e inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or "udgments 4ecall 'nowledge from memory; have a recollection &magine or visuali<e +ocus one#s attention on a certain state -ave in mind as a purpose Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting 0onder; reflect on, or reason about though,adv though,con (-)3,-(,N Despite the fact that (postpositive! however 2ven though, in spite of the fact that (he content of cognition; the main thing you are thin'ing about (he process of thin'ing (especially thin'ing carefully! (he organi<ed beliefs of a period or group or individual A personal belief or "udgment that is not founded on proof or certainty ;udge or regard; loo' upon; "udge 2*pect, believe, or suppose

"& can#t thin' what her last name was" ";ust thin'BByou could be rich one dayA"; "(hin' what a scene it must have beenA" "(hin' big"; "thin' thin" "/he didn#t thin' to harm me"; "5e thought to return early that night" "1an you thin' what to do ne*t:" "(hin' the matter through"; "(hin' how hard life in 4ussia must be these days" "Do you really thin' so:" "thin' good thoughts" "Man is the only creature that thin's" "& thin' he is very smart"; "& thin' that he is her boyfriend" "& thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn#t thin' to find her in the 'itchen" "&#ve been thin'ing all day and getting nowhere" "& can#t thin' what her last name was" ";ust thin'BByou could be rich one dayA"; "(hin' what a scene it must have beenA" "(hin' big"; "thin' thin" "/he didn#t thin' to harm me"; "5e thought to return early that night" "1an you thin' what to do ne*t:" "(hin' the matter through"; "(hin' how hard life in 4ussia must be these days" "even though she 'new the answer, she did not respond" "it might be unpleasant, though" "though & love you, & cannot marry you" "the thought never entered my mind" "she paused for thought" "G@th century thought"; "Darwinian thought" "what are your thoughts on -aiti:" "& thin' he is very smart"; "& thin' that he is her boyfriend" "& thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn#t thin' to find her in the 'itchen"



3se or e*ercise the mind or one#s power of reason in order to ma'e inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or "udgments 4ecall 'nowledge from memory; have a recollection &magine or visuali<e +ocus one#s attention on a certain state -ave in mind as a purpose Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting 0onder; reflect on, or reason about Dispose the mind in a certain way -ave or formulate in the mind 7e capable of conscious thought 7ring into a given condition by mental preoccupation 2*hibiting or characteri<ed by careful thought /howing consideration and anticipation of needs thrill,n thrill,v /omething that thrills 1ause to be thrilled by some perceptual input +eel sudden intense sensation or emotion +ill with sublime emotion; tic'le pin' (e*hilarate is obsolete in this usage! -aving finished or arrived at completion )f a route or "ourney etc.; continuing without re uiring stops or changes +rom one end or side to the other +rom beginning to end (o completion &n diameter (hroughout the entire e*tent

"&#ve been thin'ing all day and getting nowhere" "& can#t thin' what her last name was" ";ust thin'BByou could be rich one dayA"; "(hin' what a scene it must have beenA" "(hin' big"; "thin' thin" "/he didn#t thin' to harm me"; "5e thought to return early that night" "1an you thin' what to do ne*t:" "(hin' the matter through"; "(hin' how hard life in 4ussia must be these days" "Do you really thin' so:" "thin' good thoughts" "Man is the only creature that thin's" "/he thought herself into a state of panic over the final e*am" "a thoughtful paper" "it was thoughtful of you to bring flowers"; "a neighbor showed thoughtful attention" "the thrills of space travel" "(he men were thrilled by a loud whistle blow" "he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine" "(he children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies" "after the treatment, the patient is through e*cept for followBup"; "almost through with his studies" "a through street"; "a through bus"; "through traffic" ""ealousy pierced her through" "read this boo' through" "this bus goes through to New 9or'" "thin' this through very carefullyA" "this cylinder measures GF inches through" "got soa'ed through in the rain"; "&#m fro<en through"; "a letter shot through with the writer#s personality"; "'new him through and through"; "boards rotten through and through" "the baby cried throughout the performance" "the catcher made a good throw to second base"



throughout,pre throw,n

All the way through (he act of throwing (propelling something through the air with a


rapid movement of the arm and wrist! A single chance or instance (he distance that something can be thrown (he throwing of an ob"ect in order to determine an outcome randomly 0ro"ect through the air Move violently, energetically, or carelessly )ver the whole distance 0lace or put with great energy 1onvey or communicate; of a smile, a loo', a physical gesture 1ause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation 0ut or send forth (o put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly 3tter with force; utter vehemently )rgani<e or be responsible for Ma'e on a potter#s wheel 1ause to fall off (hrow (a die! out onto a flat surface 7e confusing or perple*ing to; cause to be unable to thin' clearly A booming or crashing noise caused by air e*panding along the path of a bolt of lightning Move fast, noisily, and heavily 7e the case that thunder is being heard (o ma'e or produce a loud noise (used to introduce a logical conclusion! from that fact or reason or as a result &n the way indicated A social or business relationship (he finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided A hori<ontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating )ne of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway trac' A cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.! with which something is tied +asten or secure with a rope, string, or cord

"he couldn#t afford EF% a throw" "it is "ust a stone#s throw from here" "he ris'ed his fortune on a throw of the dice" "throw a frisbee" "/he threw herself forwards" "/he threw the blan'et around the child" "(hrow a glance" "throw the lever" "/he threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "(he setting sun threw long shadows" ";ane threw dinner together"; "throw the car into reverse" "throw accusations at someone" "have, throw, or ma'e a party" "she threw a beautiful teapot" "(he horse threw its une*perienced rider" "(hrow a si*" "(his uestion completely threw me"

thunder,n thunder,v


"(he bus thundered down the road" "5henever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed" "(he river thundered below" "it is late and thus we must go" "set up the pieces thus" "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team" "their record was $ wins, O losses and a tie" "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam" "the 7ritish call a railroad tie a sleeper"



"(hey tied their victim to the chair"

+inish a game with an e ual number of points, goals, etc. .imit or restrict to 1onnect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces +orm a 'not or bow in 1losely constrained or constricted or constricting 0ulled or drawn tight /et so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration Affected by scarcity and e*pensive to borrow )f such close construction as to be impermeable )f te*tiles /ecurely or solidly fi*ed in place; rigid 2*asperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures 0ac'ed closely together time,n An instance or single occasion for some event An indefinite period (usually mar'ed by specific attributes or activities! A period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something A suitable moment (he time as given by a cloc' A person#s e*perience on a particular occasion (he period of time a prisoner is imprisoned Assign a time for an activity or event /et the speed, duration, or e*ecution of 4egulate or set the time of Ad"ust so that a force is applied so that an action occurs at the desired time )f the highest uality (o the highest e*tent (he present time or age (he day that includes the present

"(he teams drew a tie" "& am tied to 3N&D"; "(hese big "ets are tied to large airports" "(ie the ropes together" "tie a nec'tie" "tight s'irts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest" "a tight drumhead"; "a tight rope" "in tight formation"; "a tight bloc'ade" "tight money"; "a tight mar'et" "a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house" "smooth percale with a very tight weave" "the bolts are tight" "a good man to have on your side in a tight situation" "tight security" "the stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was pac'ed tight" "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times" "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time" "ta'e time to smell the roses"; "& didn#t have time to finish"; "it too' more than half my time" "it is time to go" "do you 'now what time it is:"; "the time is G% o#cloc'" "he had a time holding bac' the tears"; "they had a good time together" "he is doing time in the county "ail" "(he candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene" "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely" "time the cloc'" "(he good player times his swing so as to hit the ball s uarely" "an athlete in tiptop condition" "the shoes fit me tipBtop" "the world of today"; "today we have computers" "(oday is beautiful"; "did you see



tiptop,ad" tiptop,adv today,n


moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow! &n these times )n this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrow Mentally and emotionally stable &n con"unction with; combined

today#s newspaper:" "today almost every home has television" "& can#t meet with you today" "she#s really together" ")ur salaries put together couldn#t pay for the damage"; "we couldn#t pay for the damages with all out salaries put together" "the leaves stuc' together" "we were gathered together" "we went to the movies together"; "the family that prays together stays together" "we graduated together" "we wor'ed together on the pro"ect" "he learned to tolerate the heat" "5e must tolerate the religions of others" "(he patient does not tolerate the antiB inflammatory drugs we gave him" "5e cannot tolerate smo'ing in the hospital" "he began in a conversational tone"; "he spo'e in a nervous tone of voice" "the 7ei"ing dialect uses four tones" "the muffled tones of the bro'en bell summoned them to meet" "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting" "they tested his hearing with pure tones of different fre uencies" "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw"; "from the tone of her behavior & gathered that & had outstayed my welcome" "tone a negative" "tone a photographic image" ".et#s tone our muscles" "he longed for the touch of her hand"; "the cooling touch of the night air" "only sight and touch enable us to locate ob"ects in the space around us" "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"

together,ad" together,adv

&n contact with each other Assembled in one place &n each other#s company At the same time 5ith cooperation and interchange 0ut up with something or somebody unpleasant 4ecogni<e and respect (rights and beliefs of others! -ave a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen Allow the presence of or allow (an activity! without opposing or prohibiting (he uality of a person#s voice (linguistics! a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages (music! the distinctive property of a comple* sound (a voice or noise or musical sound! (he general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people A steady sound without overtones (he uality of something (an act or a piece of writing! that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author tone,v )f one#s speech, varying the pitch 1hange the color or tone of 1hange to a color image ,ive a healthy elasticity to (he event of something coming in contact with the body (he faculty of touch A suggestion of some uality





A distinguishing style (he act of putting two things together with no space between them A slight but appreciable addition A communicative interaction A slight attac' of illness (he act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan! (he sensation produced by pressure receptors in the s'in Deftness in handling matters (he feel of mechanical action Ma'e physical contact with, come in contact with 0erceive via the tactile sense Affect emotionally 7e in direct physical contact with; ma'e contact Deal with; usually used with a form of negation 1ause to be in brief contact with (o e*tend as far as 7e e ual to in uality or ability (amper with 1omprehend

"this room needs a woman#s touch" "at his touch the room filled with lights" "this dish could use a touch of garlic" "he got in touch with his colleagues" "he has a touch of rheumatism" "he watched the beggar trying to ma'e a touch" "she li'es the touch of sil' on her s'in" "he has a master#s touch" "this piano has a wonderful touch" "(ouch the stone for good luc'"; "/he never touched her husband" "-elen =eller felt the physical world by touching people and ob"ects around her" "& was touched by your 'ind letter of sympathy" "(he two buildings touch"; "(heir hands touched" "& wouldn#t touch her with a tenBfoot pole"; "(he local Mafia won#t touch gambling" "-e touched his toes to the horse#s flan's" "1an he reach:" "(he chair must not touch the wall" "9our performance doesn#t even touch that of your colleagues" "Don#t touch my 1DsA" "-e could not touch the meaning of the poem" "/he didn#t touch her food all night" "a tough character" "the competition was tough"; "it#s a tough life"; "it was a tough "ob" "the tough bottoms of his feet" "a tough allBweather fabric"; "some plastics are as tough as metal" "tough street gangs" "he was feeling tough after a restless night" "a tough brea'" "the trac' of an animal"


1onsume Not given to gentleness or sentimentality Cery difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution 0hysically toughened /ubstantially made or constructed Ciolent and lawless +eeling physical discomfort or pain (#tough# is occasionally used collo uially for #bad#! 3nfortunate or hard to bear A line or route along which something travels or moves 2vidence pointing to a possible solution A pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels A course over which races are run





trade,ad" (raditionally,ad"



A distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc An endless metal belt on which trac'ed vehicles move over the ground 1arry on the feet and deposit )bserve or plot the moving path of something ,o after with the intent to catch (he commercial e*change (buying and selling on domestic or international mar'ets! of goods and services 0eople who perform a particular 'ind of s'illed wor' (he s'illed practice of a practical occupation A particular instance of buying or selling /teady winds blowing from east to west above and below the e uator (urn in as payment or part payment for a purchase 7e traded at a certain price or under certain conditions 4elating to or used in or intended for trade or commerce 1onsisting of or derived from tradition 0ertaining to timeBhonored orthodo* doctrines A se uentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding A procession (of wagons or mules or camels! traveling together in single file A series of conse uences wrought by an event 0iece of cloth forming the long bac' section of a gown that is drawn along the floor 1reate by training and teaching 3ndergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession (rain by instruction and practice; especially to teach selfBcontrol 0repare (someone! for a future role or function (rain to be discriminative in taste or "udgment 1hange or alter in form,

"the title trac' of the album"

"trac' mud into the house" "trac' a missile" "Cenice was an important center of trade with the 2ast"; "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade" "as they say in the trade" "he learned his trade as an apprentice" "& had no further trade with him" "they rode the trade winds going west" "trade in an old car for a new one" "(he stoc' traded around E8% a share" "a trade fair"; "trade "ournals"; "trade goods" "traditional history"; "traditional morality" "the simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished" "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"

"they "oined the wagon train for safety" "it led to a train of disasters" "the bride#s train was carried by her two young nephews" "(he old master is training worldBclass violinists" "/he is training to be a teacher"; "-e trained as a legal aid" "&s this dog trained:" "(hey trained him to be a warrior" "(rain your tastebuds" "(his e*perience transformed her


appearance, or nature 1hange in outward structure or loo's 1onvert (one form of energy! to another (ransmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity /o thin as to transmit light +ree of deceit 2asily understood or seen through (because of a lac' of subtlety! 0lace in a confining or embarrassing position 1atch in or as if in a trap -old or catch as if in a trap (o hold fast or prevent from moving &nteract in a certain way /ub"ect to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition 0rovide treatment for

completely"; "/he transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture" "-e transformed into a monster" "transform energy to light" "transparent cristal" "transparent chiffon" "a transparent e*planation"; "a transparent lie" "-e was trapped in a difficult situation" "(he men trap fo*es" "(he gaps between the teeth trap food particles" "(reat him with caution, please" "treat the water so it can be drun'"; "treat the lawn with chemicals"; "treat an oil spill" "(he doctor treated my bro'en leg"; "(he patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "(reat the infection with antibiotics" "(he new boo' treats the history of 1hina" ",randmother always treated us to the circus"; "& li'e to treat myself to a day at a spa when & am depressed" "Don#t worry about the e*pensive wineBB &#m treating"; "/he treated her houseguests with good food every night" "they had to treat with the =ing" "& treated his advances as a "o'e" "the trend of the stoc' mar'et" "the northeastern trend of the coast" "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the boo'" "he followed current trends" "he played a tric' on me" "that offer was a dirty tric'" "trivial conversation" "only trivial ob"ections" "a trivial young woman"; "a trivial mind"




Deal with verbally or in some form of artistic e*pression 0rovide with a gift or entertainment 0rovide with choice or abundant food or drin' 2ngage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement 4egard or consider in a specific way A general direction in which something tends to move ,eneral line of orientation A general tendency to change (as of opinion! (he popular taste at a given time A cunning or deceitful action or device A period of wor' or duty An attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent )bvious and dull )f little substance or significance 1oncerned with trivialities Not large enough to consider or notice





A source of difficulty An angry disturbance An event causing distress or pain An effort that is inconvenient A strong feeling of an*iety An unwanted pregnancy Move deeply (o cause inconvenience or discomfort to (a'e the trouble to do something; concern oneself Difficult to deal with &n accordance with truth or fact or reality 5ith sincerity; without pretense &n fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers! /omething (as property! held by one party (the trustee! for the benefit of another (the beneficiary! 1ertainty based on past e*perience (he trait of trusting; of believing in the honesty and reliability of others A consortium of independent organi<ations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service 1omplete confidence in a person or plan etc A trustful relationship -ave confidence or faith in 7e confident about something 2*pect and wish (he property of producing accurately a note of a given pitch Ad"ust for (better! functioning )f musical instruments (he act of refusing an offer 4efuse to accept 4e"ect with contempt (a'e a downward direction Ma'e lower or uieter An unforeseen development An interpretation of a te*t or action Any clever (deceptive! maneuver (he act of rotating rapidly


"one trouble after another delayed the "ob" "they had labor trouble" "what is the trouble:"; "heart trouble" "& went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble" "he wanted to die and end his troubles" "he got several girls in trouble" "A troubling thought" "/orry to trouble you, but..." "-e did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday" "a troublesome infection"; "a troublesome situation" "she was now truly American" "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience" "a truly awful boo'" "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father" "he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun" "the e*perience destroyed his trust and personal dignity" "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"

troublesome,ad" truly,adv



"the doctorBpatient relationship is based on trust" "he betrayed their trust" "5e can trust in ,od" "& trust you will behave better from now on" "he cannot sing in tune"; "the clarinet was out of tune" "tune the engine" "My piano needs to be tuned" "the turndown was polite but very firm" "(he economy finally turned down after a long boom" "turn down the volume of a radio"

tune,n tune,v turn down,n turn down,v


A sharp strain on muscles or ligaments A sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight A miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles bac' on itself A "er'y pulling movement /ocial dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the G@O%s (he act of winding or twisting (urning or twisting around (in place! twist,v (o move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling! 1ause (a plastic ob"ect! to assume a croo'ed or angular form (urn in the opposite direction +orm into a spiral shape +orm into twists (wist suddenly so as to sprain 2*hibiting the ualities or characteristics that identify a group or 'ind or category

"they li'ed to dance the twist"

"with a uic' twist of his head he surveyed the room" "twist the dough into a braid" "twist a wire" "(he cord is all twisted" "(wist the bacon around the sausage" "(he wrestler twisted his shoulder" "a typical American girl"; "a typical suburban community"; "the typical car owner drives G%,%%% miles a year"; "a painting typical of the &mpressionist school"; "a typical romantic poem"; "a typical case of arteritis" "that is typical of youA" "the typical (or normal! American"; "typical teenage behavior" "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"; "war is ugly" "ugly gray slums" "an ugly frame of mind" "ugly crimes" "ugly blac' clouds"; "the situation became ugly" "an ugly wound" "the ultimate achievement"; "the ultimate uestion"; "man#s ultimate destiny"; "the ultimate insult"; "one#s ultimate goal in life" "the ultimate sonata of that opus"; "a distinction between the verb and noun senses of #conflict# is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last! syllable" "the ultimate ingredients of matter" "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds"


)f a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing 1onforming to a type ugly,ad"


Displeasing to the senses and morally revolting Deficient in beauty &nclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace Morally reprehensible (hreatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments 0rovo'ing horror +urthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or e*treme 7eing the last or concluding element of a series 7eing the ultimate or elemental constituents of anything (usually followed by #to#! not having the necessary means or s'ill or 'nowBhow


(usually followed by #to#! lac'ing necessary physical or mental ability unaware,ad" .ac'ing in power or forcefulness (often followed by #of#! not aware

"dysle*ics are unable to learn to read ade uately"; "the sun was unable to melt enough snow" "li'e an unable phoeni* in hot ashes" "seemed unaware of the scrutiny"; "unaware of the danger they were in"; "unaware of the newborn hope"; "the most unaware person &#ve 'nown" "unaware of the new political situation" "uncertain of his convictions"; "moving with uncertain steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain conse uences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain" "balancing three bo*es in an uncertain pile" "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain" "the weather is uncertain" "faced an uncertain future" "an uncertain recollection of events"; "a gun with a rather uncertain trigger" "she spo'e in no uncertain terms" "an uncovered well"; "the stands are uncovered so ta'e an umbrella" "(he newspaper uncovered the 0resident#s illegal dealings" "uncover your belly" "courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped"; "undeveloped social awareness" "vast undeveloped natural resources" "ta*es on undeveloped lots are low" "an undue loan "undue influence"; "& didn#t want to show undue e*citement"; "accused of using undue force" "desire for undue private profit" "his dress stops "ust short of undue elegance" "farmers were uneasy until rain finally came"; "uneasy about his health"; "gave an uneasy laugh"; "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"; "an uneasy coalition government"; "an uneasy calm"; "an uneasy silence fell on the group"


Not aware or 'nowing (often followed by #of#! lac'ing 'nowledge or awareness .ac'ing or indicating lac' of confidence or assurance Not established beyond doubt; still undecided or un'nown

Not established or confirmed Not firm or secure Not certain to occur; not inevitable /ub"ect to change Not safe from danger or mishap Not consistent or dependable uncovered,ad" uncovered,v Ambiguous (especially in the negative! Not supplied with a cover or covering Not covered with clothing Ma'e visible 4emove all or part of one#s clothes to show one#s body Not developed 3ndeveloped or unused (of real estate! not built upon or ready for building upon Not yet payable Not appropriate or proper (or even legal! in the circumstances .ac'ing "ustification or authori<ation 7eyond normal limits uneasy,ad" .ac'ing a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance




unfair,ad" unfavourable,ad"

1ausing or fraught with or showing an*iety Mar'ed by a lac' of uiet; not conducive to rest Not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner Not e*pected or anticipated Not foreseen Made necessary by an une*pected situation or emergency 1ausing surprise or ama<ement by not being e*pected Not planned -appening or coming uic'ly and without warning /howing favoritism Not fair; mar'ed by in"ustice or partiality or deception Not encouraging or approving or pleasing (of winds or weather! tending to hinder or oppose Not favored by fortune; mar'ed or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune Not auspicious; boding ill 3nsuitable or regrettable

"fell into an uneasy sleep" "was always uneasy with strangers" "une*pected guests"; "une*pected news"

"the curtains opened to reveal a completely une*pected scene" "an une*pected pregnancy" "a sudden une*pected development" "used unfair methods"; "it was an unfair trial"; "too' an unfair advantage" "unfavourable conditions"; "an unfavourable comparison"; "unfavourable comments" "unfavourable winds" "an unfortunate turn of events"; "an unfortunate decision"; "unfortunate investments"; "an unfortunate night for all concerned" "an unfortunate choice of words"; "an unfortunate speech" "unfortunately it rained all day" "un"ust punishment"; "an un"ust "udge"; "an un"ust accusation" "#un"ust# is an archaic term for #unrighteous#" "for twins they are very unli'e" "they distributed unli'e sums to the various charities" "legislation on the uestion is highly unli'ely" "an unli'ely story"; "an unli'ely candidate for reelection"; "a butcher is unli'ely to preach vegetarianism" "a sort of unofficial mayor"; "an unofficial estimate"; "he participated in an unofficial capacity "the early election returns are unofficial" "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odors"


unfortunately,adv un"ust,ad"

7y bad luc' Not fair; mar'ed by in"ustice or partiality or deception Ciolating principles of "ustice Not e uitable or fair Not righteous Not li'e; mar'ed by dissimilarity Not e ual in amount Not li'ely to be true or to occur or to have occurred -as little chance of being the case or coming about -aving a probability too low to inspire belief Not having official authority or sanction Not officially established Not pleasant 1ausing disapproval or protest Cery unpleasant or annoying

unli'e,ad" unli'ely,ad"




5ithout preparation; not prepared for

.ac'ing with intellectual e uipment Not put in a state of preparedness unseen,ad" unstable,ad" Not seen or perceived .ac'ing stability or fi*ity or firmness -ighly or violently reactive Affording no ease or reassurance /uffering from severe mental illness Disposed to psychological variability /ub"ect to change; variable Not tried or tested by e*perience Not yet proved or sub"ected to testing )f an incalculable amount Not according with the facts Not true to an obligation or trust Not accurately fitted; not level (used especially of persons! not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful Not usual or common or ordinary 7eing definitely out of the ordinary and une*pected; slightly odd or even a bit weird Not commonly encountered Not wanted; not needed 5ithout being invited &nterfering &n complete agreement .ocated below or beneath something else .ower in ran', power, or authority Down to defeat, death, or ruin (hrough a range downward &nto unconsciousness &n or into a state of subordination or sub"ugation 7elow some uantity or limit 7elow the hori<on Down below +urther down )f mental or physical states or e*periences

"unprepared remar's"; "the shoc' was unprepared"; "our treaty ma'ers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared" "unprepared to stand on his own feet" "the machinery was unprepared for the e*tra load" "unseen natural resources" "unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy" "sensitive and highly unstable compounds" "his rather unstable religious convictions" "everything was unstable following the coup" "still untested in battle" "an untested drug"; "untested theory" "untold suffering" "unfortunately the statement was simply untrue" "is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty" "offBlevel floors and untrue doors and windows" "when lovers prove untrue" "a scene of unusual beauty"; "a man of unusual ability"; "cruel and unusual punishment"; "an unusual meteorite"

untested,ad" untold,ad" untrue,ad"



unanimous,ad" under,ad" under,adv

"twoBcareer families are no longer unusual" "tried to give away unwanted 'ittens" "an unwanted intrusion" "unwanted shadows distort the picture"; "removed the unwanted vegetation" "a unanimous decision" "the under parts of a machine" "an under secretary" "their competitors went under" "children si* and under will be admitted free" "this will put the patient under" "we must 'eep our disappointment under" "fifty dollars or under" "the sun went under" "get under uic'lyA" "see under for further discussion" "undergo a strange sensation"; "(he chemical undergoes a sudden change"; "(he fluid undergoes shear"



,o or live through Accept or undergo, often unwillingly =now and comprehend the nature or meaning of 0erceive (an idea or situation! mentally Ma'e sense of a language 7elieve to be the case 7e understanding of 0rovide with uniforms Always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences Not differentiated 2venly spaced 4adically distinctive and without e ual (followed by #to#! applying e*clusively to a given category or condition or locality (he single one of its 'ind

uniform,v uniform,ad"

"/he did not understand her husband"; "& understand what she means" "& don#t understand the idea" "/he understands +rench" "& understand you have no previous e*perience:" "9ou don#t need to e*plainBB& understandA" "(he guards were uniformed" "a street of uniform tall white buildings" "at regular (or uniform! intervals" "7ach was uni ue in his handling of counterpoint" "a species uni ue to Australia" "the uni ue e*isting e*ample of Donne#s handwriting"; "a uni ue copy of an ancient manuscript"; "certain types of problems have uni ue solutions" "spo'e with a uni ue accent"; "had uni ue ability in raising funds"; "a fran'ness uni ue in literature"; "a uni ue dining e*perience" "presented a united front" "a united effort" "in motor vehicles a universal "oint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps" "universal e*perience" "people universally agree on this" "up the ante" "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the mar'et is up"; "the corn is up "its an up mar'et" "the up staircase" "he was up on his homewor'"; "had to be up for the game" "the windows are up" "how soon will the computers be up:" "time is up" "up by seven each morning" "loo' upA"; "the music surged up" "he turned up the volume" "he wal'ed up and grabbed my lapels" "was transferred up to head uarters"; "up to 1anada for a vacation"

uni ue,ad"

-ighly unusual or rare but not the single instance united,ad" 1haracteri<ed by unity; being or "oined into a single entity &nvolving the "oint activity of two or more )f or relating to two people who are married to each other 1oupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions )f worldwide scope or applicability 2verywhere 4aise 7eing or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level ,etting higher or more vigorous 2*tending or moving toward a higher place (usually followed by #on# or #for#! in readiness )pen (used of computers! operating properly 3sed up )ut of bed /patially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position (o a higher intensity Nearer to the spea'er (o a more central or a more northerly place

universal,n universal,ad" universally,adv up,v up,ad"


upto,ad" update,v

(o a later time 7usy or occupied with -aving the re uisite ualities for Moderni<e or bring up to date 7ring up to date; supply with recent information 7ring to the latest state of technology A vertical structural member as a post or sta'e A piano with a vertical sounding board &n a vertical position; not sloping )f moral e*cellence 2rect in posture Maintaining an erect position An unhappy and worried mental state (he act of disturbing the mind or body 1ondition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning A tool used to thic'en or spread (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.! by forging or hammering or swaging (he act of upsetting something

"they moved the meeting date up" "what have you been up to:"; "up to no good" "the wor' isn#t up to the standard & re uire" "5e updated the 'itchen in the old house

upright,n upright,ad"

"the ball sailed between the uprights" "an upright post" "an upright and respectable man" "she didn#t reali<e the upset she caused me" "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset" "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"



An improbable and une*pected victory Disturb the balance or stability of 1ause to lose one#s composure Move deeply 1ause to overturn from an upright or normal position Defeat suddenly and une*pectedly "(he foreign team upset the local team" Afflicted with or mar'ed by an*ious uneasiness or trouble or grief (hrown into a state of disarray or confusion 3sed of an une*pected defeat of a team favored to win Mildly physically distressed -aving been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom 4eflecting the latest information or changes &n accord with the most fashionable ideas or style Directed up 2*tending or moving toward a higher place /patially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position (o a later time

"he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed" "the biggest upset since David beat ,oliath" "(he hostile tal's upset the peaceful relations between the two countries" "(his boo' upset me"


"too upset to say anything" "with everything so upset" "the 7ills# upset victory over the -ouston )ilers" "an upset stomach" "the upset pitcher of mil'" "an upBtoBdate issue of the maga<ine"



"the cards were face upward"; "an upward stro'e of the pen" "a general upward movement of fish"


"from childhood upward"


urge,n urge,v


4elating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area .ocated in or characteristic of a city or city life An instinctive motive A strong restless desire +orce or impel in an indicated direction 0ush for something 3rge on or encourage especially by shoutsur (he state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity 0ressing importance re uiring speedy action An urgent situation calling for prompt action &nsistent solicitation and entreaty (he act of using A particular service 5hat something is used for (economics! the utili<ation of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing A pattern of behavior ac uired through fre uent repetition (law! the e*ercise of the legal right to en"oy the benefits of owning property 2*erting shrewd or devious influence especially for one#s own advantage 0ut into service; ma'e wor' or employ (something! for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose (a'e or consume (regularly or habitually! /ee' or achieve an end by using to one#s advantage 3se up, consume fully Avail oneself to -abitually do something (use only in the past tense!

"urban sociology"; "urban development" "urban property owners"; "urban affairs"; "urban manners" "why this urge to travel:" "& urged him to finish his studies"

"the urgency of his need" "&#ll be there, barring any urgencies"; "they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs" "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs" "he put his 'nowledge to good use"; "patrons have their uses" "ballet is beautiful but what use is it:"


"long use had hardened him to it" "we were given the use of his boat"


"use your headA"; "we only use /panish at home"; "& can#t ma'e use of this tool"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "-e doesn#t 'now how to use a computer" "/he uses drugs rarely" "/he uses her influential friends to get "obs"; "(he president#s wife used her good connections" "use care when going down the stairs"; "use your common sense" "/he used to call her mother every wee' but now she calls only occasionally"; "& used to get sic' when & ate in that dining hall"; "(hey used to vacation in the 7ahamas" "grew the usual vegetables"; "the usual summer heat"; "came at the usual time"; "the child#s usual bedtime" "a usual complaint"; "the usual greeting" "usually she was late"

usage,n usual,ad"

usually,adv utility,n

(he act of using Accepted or habitual practice )ccurring or encountered or e*perienced or observed fre uently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure 1ommonly encountered 3nder normal conditions A company that performs a public

utility,ad" utili<e,v


service; sub"ect to government regulation (he uality of being of practical use (he service provided by a utility company (economics! a measure that is to be ma*imi<ed in any situation involving choice (computer science! a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer A facility composed of one or more pieces of e uipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal 3sed of beef; usable but inferior 1apable of substituting in any of several positions on a team 0ut into service; ma'e wor' or employ (something! for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose 1onvert (from an investment trust to a unit trust! .eave (a "ob, post, or position! voluntarily .eave behind empty; move out of Annul by recalling or rescinding Coid of thought or 'nowledge 5ithout an occupant or incumbent Not clearly understood or e*pressed

"the cost of utilities never decreases"

"a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tas's needed by most users" "the price of the house included all utilities"

"a utility infielder" "-ow do you utili<e this tool:"

vacant,ad" vague,ad"

Not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished .ac'ing clarity or distinctness vain,ad" value,n 1haracteristic of false pride; having an e*aggerated sense of selfBimportance 3nproductive of success A numerical uantity measured or assigned or computed (he uality (positive or negative! that renders something desirable or valuable (he amount (of money or goods or services! that is considered to be a fair e uivalent for something else 4elative dar'ness or lightness of a color (music! the relative duration of a musical note An ideal accepted by some individual or group +i* or determine the value of; assign a value to

"/he vacated the position when she got pregnant" "9ou must vacate your office by tonight" "vacate a death sentence" "a vacant mind" "the throne is never vacant" "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"; "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science" "vague feelings of sadness"; "a vague uneasiness" "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog" "vain about her clothes" "a vain attempt" "the value assigned was GO milliseconds" "the /ha'espearean /hyloc' is of dubious value in the modern world" "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices" "& establish the colors and principal values by organi<ing the painting into three valuesBB dar', medium...and light" "he has oldBfashioned values" "value the "ewelry and art wor' in the estate"


valuable,n valuable,ad"




-old dear 4egard highly; thin' much of 0lace a value on; "udge the worth of something 2stimate the value of /omething of value -aving great material or monetary value especially for use or e*change -aving worth or merit or value )f great importance or use or service ,et lost, especially without warning or e*planation 7ecome invisible or unnoticeable 0ass away rapidly 1ease to e*ist Decrease rapidly and disappear Ma'e or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one#s or its former characteristics or essence 7e at variance with; be out of line with 7e sub"ect to change in accordance with a variable Ma'e something more diverse and varied 1haracteri<ed by variety 5idely different 7ro'en away from sameness or identity or duplication Ma'e or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one#s or its former characteristics or essence 7e at variance with; be out of line with 7e sub"ect to change in accordance with a variable Ma'e something more diverse and varied A collection containing a variety of sorts of things Noticeable heterogeneity (biology! a ta*onomic category consisting of members of a species that differs from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics A show consisting of a series of short unrelated performances A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or uality A difference that is usually pleasant (o an e*ceedingly great e*tent or degree

"all our valuables were stolen" "another human being e ually valuable in the sight of ,od"; "a valuable diamond" "a valuable friend" "valuable advice" "(he effect vanished when day bro'e" "An entire civili<ation vanished" "the money vanished in las Cegas" "(he supermar'et#s selection of vegetables varies according to the season"


"0rices vary"; "-is moods vary depending on the weather" "Cary the menu" "immigrants# varied ethnic and religious traditions"; "his wor' is interesting and varied" "varied motives prompt people to "oin a political party"; "varied ethnic traditions of the immigrants" "her uic'ly varied answers indicated uncertainty" "(he supermar'et#s selection of vegetables varies according to the season"


"0rices vary"; "-is moods vary depending on the weather" "Cary the menu" "he had a variety of disorders" "the range and variety of his wor' is ama<ing" "varieties are fre uently recogni<ed in botany"


"he goes to +rance for variety" "-e had vastly overestimated his resources"


1ommunicated in the form of words )f or relating to or formed from words in general )f or relating to or formed from a verb 4elating to or having facility in the use of words 2*pressed in spo'en words 0roli*

"verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest" "verbal ability" "verbal ad"ectives li'e #running# in #hot and cold running water#" "a good poet is a verbal artist"; "a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound"; "verbal aptitude" "a verbal contract" "you put me to forget a lady#s manners by being so verbal" "0lease verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"


1onfirm the truth of Cerify or regulate by conducting a parallel e*periment or comparing with another standard, of scientific e*periments Attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition! (o declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true An unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance A person who is tric'ed or swindled A successful ending of a struggle or contest A way of regarding situations or topics etc. (he visual percept of a region (he act of loo'ing or seeing or observing (he range of the eye A personal belief or "udgment that is not founded on proof or certainty A message e*pressing a belief about something; the e*pression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive 'nowledge or proof 0urpose; the phrase #with a view to# means #with the intention of# or #for the purpose of# ,raphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept (he range of interest or activity that can be anticipated )utward appearance Deem to be .oo' at carefully; study mentally /ee or watch +ail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns Act in disregard of laws and rules Destroy

victim,n victory,n view,n

"the general always gets credit for his army#s victory" "consider what follows from the positivist view" "the most desirable feature of the par' are the beautiful views" "he tried to get a better view of it" "they were soon out of view"

"he too' the computer with a view to pawning it" "figure 8 shows photographic and schematic views of the e uipment"



"they loo' the same in outward view" "/he views this uite differently from me" "view a problem" "view a show on television"; "view an e*hibition" "(his sentence violates the rules of synta*" "violate the basic laws or human civili<ation" "Don#t violate my garden"; "violate my



Ciolate the sacred character of a place or language +orce (someone! to have se* against their will Destroy and strip of its possession A crime less serious than a felony An act that disregards an agreement or a right 2ntry to another#s property without right or permission A disrespectful act (he crime of forcing a woman to submit to se*ual intercourse against her will 0erceptible especially by the eye; or open to easy view )bvious to the eye 7eing often in the public eye 0resent and easily available A vivid mental image (he ability to see; the faculty of vision (he perceptual e*perience of seeing (he formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses A religious or mystical e*perience of a supernatural appearance (he act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time A meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer! for treatment or advice (he act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection! (he act of going to see some person in a professional capacity Cisit a place, as for entertainment ,o to certain places as for sightseeing 0ay a brief visit 1ome to see in an official or professional capacity &mpose something unpleasant (al' socially without e*changing too much information /tay with as a guest Assail

privacy" "violate the sanctity of the church"

"he claimed a violation of his rights under the +ifth Amendment"


"a visible ob"ect"; "visible stars"; "mountains visible in the distance"; "a visible change of e*pression"; "visible files" "a visible change of e*pression" "a visible public figure" "a visible supply"; "visible resources" "he had a vision of his own death" "the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision"

"he had a vision of the Cirgin Mary" "he dropped by for a visit" "he scheduled a visit to the dentist"


"a visit to the dentist" "Did you ever visit 0aris:" "(he governor visited the prison"; "(he grant administrator visited the laboratory" "(he principal visited his rage on the students" "2very summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month" "-e was visited with a terrible illness that 'illed him uic'ly" "vital for a healthy society"; "of vital interest" "vital organs"; "blood and other vital fluids"; "the loss of vital heat in shoc'"; "a vital spot"



3rgently needed; absolutely necessary 0erforming an essential function in the living body


+ull of spirit Manifesting or characteristic of life 4elating to or designed for or using the singing voice -aving or using the power to produce speech or sound 3sing the voice in song ,iven to e*pressing yourself freely or insistently 3sing the voice in speech +ull of the sound of voices

"a vital and charismatic leader" "a vital, living organism"; "vital signs" "vocal techni ue"; "the vocal repertoire"; "organi<ed a vocal group to sing his compositions" "vocal organs"; "all vocal beings hymned their praise" "vocal music" "a vocal assembly" "vocal communication"; "either silent or vocal prayers"; "vocal noises" "a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children" "vocational school"; "vocational students learning to repair a motor" "man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social wor'ers"; "a voluntary confession" "voluntary motions"; "voluntary muscles" "appealing to the vulgar taste for violence"; "the vulgar display of the newly rich" "a vulgar and ob"ectionable person" "the vulgar tongue of the masses"; "the technical and vulgar names for an animal species" "a vulgar gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited" "wages were paid by chec'" "the wait was an ordeal for him" "& had to wait on line for an hour to get the tic'ets" "he is waiting to be drafted" "&#m waiting on tables at Ma*im#s" "in the wa'e of the accident no one 'new how many had been in"ured" "the motorboat#s wa'e capsi<ed the canoe" "there#s no weeping at an &rish wa'e" "/he wo'e up to the sound of the alarm cloc'" "5a'e old feelings of hatred"

vocational,ad" voluntary,ad"

)f or relation to a vocation or occupation; especially providing or undergoing training in special s'ills )f your own free will or design; not forced or compelled


1ontrolled by individual volition .ac'ing refinement or cultivation or taste )f or associated with the great masses of people 7eing or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language 1onspicuously and tastelessly indecent

wage,n wait,n wait,v



/omething that remunerates (he act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while e*pecting something! /tay in one place and anticipate or e*pect something 5ait before acting .oo' forward to the probable occurrence of /erve as a waiter in a restaurant (he conse uences of an event (especially a catastrophic event! (he wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward A vigil held over a corpse the night before burial 7e awa'e, be alert, be there /top sleeping Arouse or e*cite feelings and passions (he act of traveling by foot (baseball! an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls Manner of wal'ing


"he had a funny wal'"


(he act of wal'ing somewhere A path set aside for wal'ing A slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground 1areers in general 3se one#s feet to advance; advance by steps (raverse or cover by wal'ing Accompany or escort )btain a base on balls .ive or behave in a specified manner (a'e a wal'; go for a wal'; wal' for pleasure ,ive a base on balls to 7e or act in association with Ma'e wal'

"he too' a wal' after lunch" "after the bli<<ard he shoveled the front wal'" "it happens in all wal's of life" "5al', don#t runA"; "5e wal'ed instead of driving"; "/he wal's with a slight limp"; "(he patient cannot wal' yet"; "5al' over to the cabinet" "5al' the tightrope"; "0aul wal'ed the streets of Damascus"; "/he wal's $ miles every day" "&#ll wal' you to your car" "wal' in sadness" "(he lovers held hands while wal'ing"; "5e li'e to wal' every /unday" "5e must wal' with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"; "5al' with ,od" "-e wal's the horse up the mountain"; "5al' the dog twice a day" "(he horses wal'ed across the meadow" "there was a wal'out by the 7lac' members as the chairman rose to spea'" "(he employees wal'ed out when their demand for better benefits was not met" "(he customer that was not served wal'ed out" "/he wal'ed out on her husband and children" "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures" "they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down" "a wall of water"; "a wall of smo'e"; "a wall of pre"udice"; "negotiations ran into a bric' wall" "the wall followed the road"; "he duc'ed behind the garden wall and waited" "stomach walls"

wal'out,n wal'out,v

5al' at a pace A stri'e in which the wor'ers wal' out (he act of wal'ing out (of a meeting or organi<ation! as a sign of protest /top wor' in order to press demands .eave abruptly, often in protest or anger .eave suddenly, often as an e*pression of disapproval An architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thic'ness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure An emban'ment built around a space for defensive purposes Anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect A masonry fence (as around an estate or garden! (anatomy! a layer (a lining or membrane! that encloses a structure A vertical (or almost vertical! smooth roc' face (as of a cave or mountain! A layer of material that encloses space A difficult or aw'ward situation Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment 7e se*ually unfaithful to one#s partner in marriage ,o via an indirect route or at no set pace


"the walls of the cylinder were perforated"; "the container#s walls were blue" "the wandering ;ew" "Might her husband be wandering:" "After dinner, we wandered into town"




(o move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course .ose clarity or turn aside especially from the main sub"ect of attention or course of argument in writing, thin'ing, or spea'ing A state of e*treme poverty (he state of needing something that is absent or unavailable Anything that is necessary but lac'ing A specific feeling of desire +eel or have a desire for; want strongly -ave need of 5ish or demand the presence of -unt or loo' for; want for a particular reason 7e without, lac'; be deficient in

"sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body" "her mind wanders"

"for want of a nail the shoe was lost" "& tried to supply his wants" "& want to go home now"; "& want my own room" "(his piano wants the attention of a competent tuner" "& want you here at noonA" "9our former neighbor is wanted by the +7&"; "3ncle /am wants you" "want courtesy"; "want the strength to go on living"; "flood victims wanting food and shelter" "(he soup warmed slowly on the stove" "(he blan'et will warm you" "a warm body"; "a warm room"; "a warm climate"; "a warm coat "a warm greeting"; "a warm personality"; "warm support" "warm reds and yellows and orange" "a warm embrace" "a warm trail"; "the scent is warm" "a warm temper" "warm support" "a warm debate" "made things warm for the boo'ies" "you#re getting warm" "(he director warned him that he might be fired"; "(he doctor warned me about the dangers of smo'ing" "& warned him not to go too far"; "& warn you against false assumptions"; "/he warned him to be uiet" "(he old man warned the children off his property" "& warned you that & would as' some difficult uestions"

warm,v warm,ad"


,et warm or warmer Ma'e warm or warmer -aving or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat 0sychologically warm; friendly and responsive (color! inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows -aving or displaying warmth or affection +reshly made or left 2asily aroused or e*cited 1haracteri<ed by strong enthusiasm 1haracteri<ed by liveliness or e*citement or disagreement 3ncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble )f a see'er; near to the ob"ect sought Notify of danger, potential harm, or ris' Admonish or counsel in terms of someone#s behavior As' to go away Notify, usually in advance


A thin coat of waterBbase paint (he wor' of cleansing (usually with soap and water! (he flow of air that is driven bac'wards by an aircraft propeller


A watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other ,arments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering Any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out 1lean with some chemical process 1leanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water Move by or as if by water 7e capable of being washed Admit to testing or proof /eparate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals! Apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to 4emove by the application of water or other li uid and soap or some other cleaning agent +orm by erosion (o cleanse (itself or another animal! by lic'ing Any materials unused and re"ected as worthless or unwanted 3seless or profitless activity; using or e*pending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly (he trait of wasting resources An uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation (law! reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect /pend thoughtlessly; throw away 3se inefficiently or inappropriately ,et rid of 4un off as waste ,et rid of (someone who may be a threat! by 'illing /pend e*travagantly Devastate or ravage 5aste away

"at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash" "5ash the towels, pleaseA" "(he swollen river washed away the footbridge" "Does this material wash:" "(his silly e*cuse won#t wash in traffic court"

"he washed the dirt from his coat"; "(he nurse washed away the blood"; "1an you wash away the spots on the windows:"; "he managed to wash out the stains" "(he river washed a ravine into the mountainside" "(he cat washes several times a day" "they collect the waste once a wee'"; "much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers" "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste" "a life characteri<ed by thriftlessness and waste" "the trac'less wastes of the desert"



"-e wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends" "waste heat"; "waste a "o'e on an unappreciative audience" "5e waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer" "(he water wastes bac' into the ocean" "waste not, want not" "(he enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion" "0olitical prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world" "waste paper" "waste places" "watch a bas'etball game"

waste,ad" watch,v

Disposed of as useless .ocated in a dismal or remote area; desolate .oo' attentively

+ollow with the eyes or the mind /ee or watch )bserve with attention 7e vigilant, be on the loo'out, be on one#s guard, be careful )bserve or determine by loo'ing +ind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by ma'ing an in uiry or other effort -ow something is done or how it happens -ow a result is obtained or an end is achieved A "ourney or passage (he condition of things generally A course of conduct Any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another A line leading to a place or point (he property of distance in general Doing as one pleases or chooses A general category of things; used in the e*pression #in the way of# /pace for movement A portion of something divided into shares .essen the strength of 7ecome wea'er Destroy property or hinder normal operations 4educe the level or intensity or si<e or scope of &mpairment resulting from long use (he act of having on your person as a covering or adornment 7e dressed in -ave on one#s person -ave in one#s aspect; wear an e*pression of one#s attitude or personality Deteriorate through use or stress -ave or show an appearance of .ast and be usable ,o to pieces 2*haust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress 0ut clothing on one#s body A deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine An abundant source &n good health especially after having suffered illness or in"ury

"(he world is watching /ara"evo" "(hey watched as the murderer was e*ecuted" "5atch out for pic'poc'etsA" "5atch how the dog chases the cats away"


"a lonely way of life" "the true way to success" "they are on the way" "that#s the way it is"; "& felt the same way" "we went our separate ways" "he said he was loo'ing for the way out" "didn#t 'now the way home" "it#s a long way to Moscow"; "he went a long ways" "if & had my way" "they didn#t have much in the way of clothing" "ma'e way for" "the split the loot three ways" "(he fever wea'ened his body" "(he prisoner#s resistance wea'ened after seven days"


wear,n wear,v

"the tires showed uneven wear" "she bought it for everyday wear" "/he was wearing yellow that day" "-e wore a red ribbon" "-e always wears a smile" "(he constant friction wore out the cloth" "wear one#s hair in a certain way" "(his dress wore well for almost ten years" "(he gears wore out" "5e wore ourselves out on this hi'e" "5hat should & wear today:" "she was a well of information" "appears to be entirely well"; "the wound is nearly well"; "a well man"; "& thin' &#m well; at

well,n well,ad"

4esulting favorably 5ise or advantageous and hence advisable (often used as a combining form! in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (#good# is a nonstandard dialectal variant for #well#! (horoughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form

least & feel well" "it is well that no one saw you"; "all#s well that ends well" "it would be well to start early" "the children behaved well"; "a tas' well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a wellBargued thesis"; "a wellBplanned party" "(he problem is well understood"; "she was well informed"; "sha'e well before using"; "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well coo'ed"; "wellBdone beef", "wellB satisfied customers"; "wellBeducated" "& might well do it"; "you may well need your umbrella"; "he could e ually well be trying to deceive us" "a boo' well worth reading"; "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"; "suspected only too well what might be going on" "the pro"ect was well underway"; "the fetus has well developed organs"; "his father was well pleased with his grades" "their neighbors spo'e well of them"; "he thought well of the boo'" "give me whatever peaches you don#t want" "call me whenever you li'e" "whenever & call you are always engaged" "it will ta'e ages whether you drive or fly" "he was here for a little while" "they were wal'ing home while they were discussing the problem"


&ndicating high probability; in all li'elihood (used for emphasis or as an intensifier! entirely or fully (o a suitable or appropriate e*tent or degree +avorably; with approval whatever,ad" whenever,con whether,con while,n while,con whip,v )ne or some or every or all without specification At whatever time 2very time that &ntroduces two alternatives A period of indeterminate length (usually short! mar'ed by some action or condition At the same time that 2ven though, in spite of the fact that 7eat severely with a whip or rod Defeat thoroughly (hrash about fle*ibly in the manner of a whiplash /tri'e as if by whipping 5hip with or as if with a wire whis' /po'en in soft hushed tones (without vibrations of the vocal cords! All of something including all its component elements or parts An assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity &ncluding all components without e*ception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or e*tent or duration; complete (of siblings! having the same parents 2*hibiting or restored to vigorous good health

"(he tall grass whipped in the wind" "(he curtain whipped her face" "a long whispered conversation" "2urope considered as a whole"; "the whole of American literature" "how big is that part compared to the whole:" "gave his whole attention"; "a whole wardrobe for the tropics"; "the whole hog"; "a whole wee'"; "the baby cried the whole trip home"; "a whole loaf of bread" "whole brothers and sisters" "whole in mind and body"; "a whole person again"

whispered,ad" whole,n




1onducive to or characteristic of physical or moral wellBbeing /ound or e*hibiting soundness in body or mind -aving great (or a certain! e*tent from one side to the other 7road in scope or content (used of eyes! fully open or e*tended Cery large in e*panse or scope ,reat in degree ,reat in range or scope -aving ample fabric Not on target 5ith or by a broad space (o the fullest e*tent possible +ar from the intended target (o or over a great e*tent or range; far (o a great degree (o or over a great e*tent or range; far /o as to leave much space or distance between A wild primitive state untouched by civili<ation Mar'ed by e*treme lac' of restraint or control &n a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated &n a state of e*treme emotion Deviating widely from an intended course (of colors or sounds! intensely vivid or loud Not sub"ected to control or restraint (al'ing or behaving irrationally 0roduced without being planted or without human labor .ocated in a dismal or remote area; desolate 5ithout civili<ing influences &n an uncontrolled and rampant manner &n a wild or undomesticated manner /ucceeding with great difficulty 7ringing success -aving won Cery attractive; capturing interest 7e the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious 5in something through one#s efforts Attain success or reach a desired goal Air moving (sometimes with considerable



"wholesome attitude"; "wholesome appearance"; "wholesome food" "e*ercise develops wholesome appetites"; "a grin on his ugly wholesome face" "wide roads"; "a wide nec'tie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide" "granted him wide powers" "stared with wide eyes" "the wide plains" "won by a wide margin" "a wide selection" "the current taste for wide trousers" "the 'ic' was wide"; "the arrow was wide of the mar'"; "a claim that was wide of the truth" "stand with legs wide apart"; "ran wide around left end" "open your eyes wide"; "with the throttle wide open" "the arrow went wide of the mar'" "wandered wide through many lands" "her wor' is widely 'nown" "he traveled widely" "widely separated" "he lived in the wild" "wild ideas"; "wild tal'"; "wild originality"; "wild parties" "wild geese"; "edible wild plants" "wild with anger"; "wild with grief" "a wild bullet"; "a wild pitch" "wild colors"; "wild shouts" "a piano played with a wild e*uberance" "wild strawberries" "a wild stretch of land" "wild tribes" "growing wild"; "roaming wild" "winning is not everything" "the winning run" "the winning team" "a winning personality" "-e won the ,old Medal in s'ating"; ")ur home team won"; "5in the game" "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won" "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when

wild,n wild,ad"

wild,adv winning,n winning,ad" winning,v




wise,n wise,ad"

wonder,n wonder,v

force! from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure A tendency or force that influences events 7reath 2mpty rhetoric or insincere or e*aggerated tal' (o move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course 2*tend in curves and turns 5rap or coil around 1oil the spring of (some mechanical device! by turning a stem 3se up (resources or materials! =ill in large numbers 2liminate completely and without a trace 4emove from memory or e*istence A way of doing or being -aving or prompted by wisdom or discernment Mar'ed by the e*ercise of good "udgment or common sense in practical matters (he feeling aroused by something strange and surprising /omething that causes feelings of wonder -ave a wish or desire to 'now something 0lace in doubt or e*press doubtful speculation

there is no wind, row" "the winds of change" "the collision 'noc'ed the wind out of him" "that#s a lot of wind" "the river winds through the hills" "(he road winds around the la'e" "wind your watch" "the plague wiped out an entire population" "(he old values have been wiped out" "in no wise"; "in this wise" "a wise leader"; "a wise and perceptive comment" "a wise decision"




1haracteristic of or devoted to the temporal world Cery sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world 1oncerned with secular rather than sacred matters /panning or e*tending throughout the entire world &nvolving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope )f worldwide scope or applicability /omething or someone that causes an*iety; a source of unhappiness A strong feeling of an*iety 7e worried, concerned, an*ious, troubled, or uneasy 7e concerned with Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress 7e on the mind of .acerate by biting (ouch or rub constantly

"the wonders of modern science" "-e wondered who had built this beautiful church" "& wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight" "worldly goods and advancement" "the benefits of his worldly wisdom"

"worldwide distribution"; "a worldwide epidemic" "of worldwide significance" "it#s a ma"or worry" "his worry over the prospect of being fired"; "it is not wor' but worry that 'ills" "& worry about my "ob" "& worry about my grades" "& cannot sleepBBmy daughter#s health is worrying me" "& worry about the second ,ermanic consonant" "the dog worried his bone" "(he old man worried his beads"


worse,n worse,ad"

/omething inferior in uality or condition or effect (comparative of #bad#! inferior to another in uality or condition or desirability 1hanged for the worse in health or fitness (comparative of #ill#! in a less effective or successful or desirable manner An indefinite uantity of something having a specified value (he uality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful -aving sufficient worth -aving a specified value -aving worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable

worse,adv worth,n

"for better or for worse"; "accused of cheating and lying and worse" "this road is worse than the first one we too'"; "the road is in worse shape than it was"; "she was accused of worse things than cheating and lying" "& feel worse today"; "her cold is worse" "he did worse on the second e*am" "G% dollars worth of gasoline"

worth,ad" worthy,ad"

"an idea worth considering" "not worth his salt"; "worth her weight in gold" "a worthy fellow"; "no student deemed worthy, and chosen for admission, would be 'ept out for lac' of funds"; "worthy of acclaim"; "worthy of consideration"; "a worthy cause" "the worthy gentleman" "a worthy successor" "a worthy citi<en" "a worthless idler" "they had to leave the wounded where they fell" "nursing his wounded arm" "ironing gets rid of most wrin'les" "they finally have the wrin'les pretty well ironed out" "(he dress got wrin'led" "(his fabric won#t wrin'le" "-e wrote four novels" "0lease write to me every wee'" "-ow many boo's did ,eorges /imenon write:" "5rite her soon, pleaseA" "-e wrote that he would be coming soon" "(he artist wrote 1hinese characters on a big piece of white paper" "written evidence" "written laws" "& have yet to see the results"; "details are yet to be wor'ed out" "the sun isn#t up yet" "an yet more interesting problem"; "a yet

5orthy of being chosen especially as a spouse -aving high moral ualities Morally admirable .ac'ing in e*cellence or value 0eople who are wounded /uffering from physical in"ury especially that suffered in battle A slight depression in the smoothness of a surface A minor difficulty Ma'e wrin'les or creases into a smooth surface 7ecome wrin'led or crumpled or creased 0roduce a literary wor' 1ommunicate or e*press by writing -ave (one#s written wor'! issued for publication 1ommunicate (with! in writing 1ommunicate by letter Mar' or trace on a surface 4ecord data on a computer /et down in writing in any of various ways /ystematically collected and written down 3p to the present time 3sed in negative statement to describe a situation that has e*isted up to this point or up to the present time (o a greater degree or e*tent; used with

worthless,ad" wounded,n wounded,ad" wrin'le,n

wrin'le,v write,v

written,ad" yet,adv

yet,con <eal,n

comparisons 5ithin an indefinite time or at an unspecified future tim 3sed after a superlative Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession! -owever at the same time; in spite of that A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause! 2*cessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end 1lose with a <ipper Move very fast

sadder tale" "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves" "the largest drug bust yet" "he was a stern yet fair master" "2mma wished he would be less pointed, yet could not help being amused" "he felt a 'ind of religious <eal" "he had an absolute <eal for litigation" "Mip up your "ac'etBBit#s cold" "(he runner <ipped past us at brea'nec' speed"


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