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1- Decay process is disintegration of the nucleus of an unstable nuclide by random emission of charged particles.

2- Radioactivity is the process by which radioactive isotopes emit energy in an attempt to achieve stability. 3- How to measure decays A=A0e- t 4- Units of decay are Curie and ec!uerel. "- A Curie (Ci) is a unit of activity e!ual to #.$%10 10 disintegrations per second. &- A Becquerel (Bq) is a unit of activity e!ual to 1 disintegration per second. 7- Refres your memory a!out unit systems
'a(e the derived unit for )elocity *+istance,-ime. Acceleration *+istance,-ime2. /orce 0ewtons 1nergy 2oules 3ower 4att Calculus form *%,t. Calculus form *%,t2. Calculus format *mass % *dv,dt. Calculus format *1,2.m *dv,dt.2 Calculus format *5w,5t.

Basic Unints Unit Systems Name Length Mass Time cceleration #orce Energ$ Po&er Engineering=English foot Pound mass second m!s" Pound force %oule 'att SI or MKS Meter Old Unit still is used cgs

6- A rad (radiation A!sor!ed dose) is the amount of radiation depsotied 100 erg per unit of mass. 7- A rem(radiation equivalent man. is 8ad % 9/. A term that deals with the energy of radiation. 10- A "ray ("y) is similar to 8ad. :t is the amount of radiation deposited one ;oule of energy per (ilogram of matter. 11- A #ievert (#v) is ta(es into account the energy of radiation.

12- $ e %& (%uality &actor) is the factor by which the absorbed dose *rad or gray. must be multiplied to obtain a !uantity that e%presses biological damage *rem or sievert. for all ioni<ing radiation e%posed to tissue. 1#- Healt ' ysics is the profession devoted to protecting people and their environment from potential radiation ha<ards= while ma(ing it possible to en;oy the benefits of the peaceful use of the atom. ()-* ere do ealt p ysicist wor+, >ealth 3hysicists wor( in a variety of disciplines= including research= industry= education= environmental protection= and enforcement of government regulations. (-- * at do ealt p ysicist do, >ealth 3hysicists investigate principles of which radiation interacts with matter and living systems. -hey also study environmental levels of radioactivity and the effects of radiation on biological systems on earth and in space. (.- 'ower Reactor ealt p ysicist A power reactor health physicist is responsible for all phases of radiation protection at a reactor site. ?electing= purchasing= and maintaining radiation protection= laboratory= and detection e!uipment are some of the responsibilities. (7-/edical ealt p ysicist -hese individuals wor( wherever radiation sources are used to diagnose and treat human diseases such as hospitals= clinics= and ma;or medical centers. 1!uipment used is %-ray machines= particle accelerators= and many types of radioactive materials. (0-Healt p ysics in defense related activities 0uclear weapons health physicists are responsible for radiation safety at defense sites that store and assemble nuclear weapons. -heir responsibilities include measuring and characteri<ing radiation dose rates from nuclear weapons= identifying appropriate personal protective e!uipment for weapons technicians and more. 17- Healt p ysicists in re1ulatory environment must have (nowledge and e%perience concerning all types of radiation ha<ards in order to establish guidelines for ade!uate radiation control. 23-Healt p ysicists in educational facilities

1ducators typically conduct their own health physics research pro;ects= often with the assistance of their students. 8esearch findings are typically published in professional ;ournals. 21- 4nvironmental ealt p ysicists are associated with protecting the public and environment from unnecessary e%posure to man-made and technologically enhanced natural radioactivity. 22-How does one !ecome H'5R'6, A basic education in the physical sciences is necessary but training is also re!uired. @ne must be familiar with radiation biology= physiology= biochemistry= and genetics and have a wor(ing (nowledge of radiation dosimetry. 27-8evels of H'5R'6 Administration Applied >ealth 3hysics +osimetry 1ducation 1nvironmental 'edical >ealth 3hysics 0uclear 'edicine 8aadiological Assessment 8egulations, ?tandards asic 8esearch 2)-#alary ran1e ased on AAll >3sB 'inimum= C#6=$"0 'a%imum= C17&=000 Average= C100="&6 2--9f formula for power : 4ner1y5$ime w at is formula for ener1y !ased on t is formula; 1nergy = 3ower % -ime 2&- 'ower is defined as the ability to do wor(. 2$- Unit of power is 4att. 26- $ e electricity !ill is c ar1ed in Dilo-watts per hour. :f the retail price for power is C0.1",Dw-hr. 4hat is the electricity bill for a household that uses "00 D4 per month. C$"

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