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There is more intellect than emotion in our way of life. To be eligible for college, a student should have done twelve months social service in reforestation, road building, soil conservation, health or literacy work. 3. It is more noble to give yourself completely to one individual than to labor diligently for the uplift of the mass. 4. In the contest of global interdependence, security and sovereignty must be re-defined. 5. A uniform civil code both secular and non-sexiest, is necessary (equal rights in marriage and inheritance, legal protection from divorce, women, guarantee of adequate maintenance, abolition of the concept of illegitimacy with the duty to look after such children equally vested in the father ) 6. Capital punishment is unjust and degrading. 7.A presidential form of government would be better than the current parliamentary system. 8. In todays world a culture of death is gaining supremacy over a culture of life. 9. Hospital employs should have the right to strike. 10. The image of the human person affirmed by the electronic media is incompatible with Indian values. 11. The development of a sound educational and heath system insures the nations security more than military strength. 12. The effects of economic reforms are trickling down. 13. TV and films influence children more than parents. 14. Women make better politicians than men. 15. Money is the biggest motivator of people at the workplace. 16. Anyone who watches five days of cricket should be declared brain death. 17. The private life of the politicians is no concern of the public. 18. Arranged marriages are better than love marriage. 19. Job security is the biggest motivator than money. 20. Our problem is not overpopulation but under-population.' 21. We have a democratic system but not democratic values. 22. Women are underpaid, undervalued and underutilized. 23. Cable TV has done more damage than good. 24. GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) is more important in judging the well-being of a country than GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 25. We must trust our neighbouring countries in some way to have peace in the subcontinent.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

The middle class in India is becoming selfish, socially callous and obsessed with material gain. The Mandal Commission and Kargil distracted the country from the real issue: poverty, illiteracy, disease, exploitation. Communication : the sharing of ideas or feelings. Movies penetrate the deepest corners of ones soul. Good economics is good politics. The war against child labour be being lost. If at 20 you are not Socialist, you do not have a heart; if at 30, you are still a Socialist, you do not have a mind. Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. You get more news from the radio than from TV. We are as sick as we are secret. Development programs hardly ever benefit the poor. The world is getting more (ethical) every year. Being unwanted is the most terrible of diseases. The treatment of women is steadily improving. Women have no rights to have an abortion. The new economic policy is helping the poor. Women make better teachers than men. The test of democracy is its protection of minority rights. Cloning is immortal and dangerous. Charge-sheeted politicians should resign. Reservation of seats in Parliament is neither desirable nor helpful to women. Class size in primary and secondary school should not exceed 30 students. Youths fascination with music, dance, computers and computer games is lowering the level of Indian sports performance. Football is a better game than cricket for Indian youth. Corruption, the abuse of public power for private gain, cannot be eradicated. Casteism is racism. A democracy without effective citizenry for large sections of the political community is democracy only for the few. Under Indian conditions coalition governments are neither effective nor long lasting. Majorityism is just another word for mobocracy. Ineffective communication is the fault of the communicator.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

There are no bad children, only bad parents. Money is more important than love. Elections are not the best test of democracy. Despite legal enactments, discrimination against Dalits is as strong as ever. Employment creation should be the chief aim of our planning. Casteism and corruption goes together. The gifts people hold in common are more significant than those by which they differ. Friends are the most important thing in life. Communication skills, computer familiarity and personal initiative are the three greatest needs of young people. Job flexibility and job security cannot co-exist. A person cannot be whole while most of the world is broken. Voters should be given the choice None of the above Advertising creates artificial needs. Which is more important money or love ? The Babri Mazid affair distracted the country from the real issue: poverty, malnutrition and unemployment. The media offer a deformed outlook on like. It is impossible to eradicate violence in the country. Development that sustains the present inequalities is undesirable. Why eastern India is falling behind western India ? The public sector has proved a great failure. The elimination of global poverty is the greatest moral challenge facing the work today. Unless untouchability and discrimination against women are eliminated, we cannot be true democracy. Crickets is being favored to the detriment of hockey, which is the game of poorer youth. To much money and too much attention is being given to Cricketers. The continuing introduction of new technologies and new media adds little to the quality of education. The digital divide is a secondary problem in the educational needs of the developing countries. The only war worth fighting is the war on poverty. Boys are higher achiever than girls. What is the purpose of life Getting and Spending or Loving

and serving ? 85. Social networking technologies will bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom.
1. Is global climate change man-made? (Find Sources) 2. Is the death penalty effective? (Find Sources) 3. Is our election process fair? 4. Do colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores? (Find Sources) 5. Is torture ever acceptable? 6. Should men get paternity leave from work? 7. Is a lottery a good idea? 8. Do we have a fair taxation system? 9. Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? 10. Is cheating out of control? 11. Are we too dependent on computers? 12. Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet? 13. Should animals be used for research? 14. Should cigarette smoking be banned? 15. Are cell phones dangerous? 16. Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? 17. Are test scores a good indication of a school's competency? 18. Do we have a throw-away society? 19. Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago? 20. Should companies market to children? 21. Should the government have a say in our diets? 22. Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy? 23. Does access to condoms lead to irresponsible, dangerous, or bad behavior? 24. Are actors and professional athletes paid too much? 25. Are CEOs paid too much? 26. Do violent video games cause behavior problems? 27. Should creationism be taught in public schools? 28. Are beauty pageants exploitive? 29. Should English be the official language in the United States? 30. Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels? 31. When should parents let teens make their own decisions? 33. Should the military be allowed to recruit at high schools? 34. Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased? 35. Does age matter in relationships? 36. What age is appropriate for dating? 37. Should gay couples be able to marry? 38. Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school? 39. Does boredom lead to trouble?

40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Does participation in sports keep teens out of trouble? Is competition good? Does religion cause war? Should the government provide health care? Should girls ask boys out? Is fashion important? Are girls too mean to each other? Is homework harmful or helpful? Should students be allowed to grade their teachers? Is the cost of college too high? Is college admission too competitive?

1. The husband should bring most of the money in the family. 2. Women are less intelligent than men. 3. Football is for idiots. 4. Computers are very important in education. 5. Knowing English well is equivalent to a college degree. 6. The actual school system is not good. 7. Success in life means money. 8. Nationalism is a positive thing. 9. Talk shows on TV are useless and boring. 10. Husbands and wives should have the same educational level. 11. Friendship is the most important relationship in life. 12. Marketing and management should be taught in last two years of high school. 13. Doing a job that you like is more important than to earn more money. 14. It is much more difficult to do business in the East than in western European countries. 15. Business means trust. 16. Being a team worker is more important than to be a brilliantly creative person. 17. What job would you like to do and why? 18. Living alone can be an advantageous and good solution. 19. Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things. 20. Where would you like to travel if you had 3000 USD? 21. Managers should also be excellent psychologists. 22. Church is a positive factor in our society. 23. Teaching is one of the most fascinating jobs. 24. Speak about your image of a perfect teacher. 25. Light drugs should be treated more tolerantly. 26. Democracy has bad aspects too.

27. Working in an advertising agency would be very interesting. 28. Guns~ pros and cons 29. Organizing a travel agency. 30. Camping holidays vs. hotels. 31. Big family vs. an only child. 32. TV is bad for young people. 33. What would you do if you won 1 million ? 34. Private English classes vs. group courses. 35. Capitalism is not a fair society. 36. It s not fair that film stars or football players earn millions. 37. A common Europe- is it just a dream? 38. High Street shops vs. supermarkets. 39. Cosmetic surgery- pros and cons. 40. Women are not equal to men in our society. 41. Smoking should be banned. 42. TV is doing harm. 43. Grow fat and be happy! 44. Stricter traffic laws could prevent serious accidents. 45. Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays. 46. Vicious and dangerous sports should be banned. 47. Compulsory military service should be abolished everywhere. 48. Childhood is certainly the happiest time of your life. 49. Examinations exerts a bad influence on education. 50. Tourism doesnt contribute at all to the understanding between nations. 51. Living in a large, modern city- only a madman would choose it. 52. No one wants to live to be a hundred. 53. Equality of opportunities in a society- only a dream. 54. Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals. 55. People should not spend billions on exploring the space. 56. The most important of all human qualities is a sense of humour. 57. I6ts foolish to give money to beggars. 58. Men are worse gossips than women. 59. Animals should not be kept in captivity. 60. Life begins at forty. 61. Vegetarianism is a way to find the way of good life. 62. The churches have nothing to do with modern life. 63. The United States of Europe is a fine ideal. 64. Teaching machines can replace teachers. 65. The customer is always right. 66. Emigration will solve our problems. 67. History is a purposeless activity.

68. Giving money to beggars is stupid.

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