16th March 2014 Parish Bulletin

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e 805.20. Envelopes 363.20. Standing rders !!6. "otal #$6#!.!0. Man% than&s 'or %o(r generosit%. CAFOD LENT FAST DAY "here is a second collection this w ! "# 'or )*+ , Lent +ast ,a%. -lease .e as genero(s as %o( can. $IFT AID OFFERTORY EN%ELOPES /' %o( c(rrentl% (se o''ertor% envelopes the ne0 envelopes 'ro1 *pril 20#! are no0 availa.le$ and can .e 'o(nd on the ta.le at the .ac& o' (r Lad% o' -eace )h(rch. /' %o( are a 23 ta4pa%er$ %o( co(ld add 25p to ever% # that %o( give to %o(r -arish 5at no cost to %o(rsel'6 thro(gh 7i't *id. /' %o( re8(ire an% '(rther in'or1ation please ring 9vonne on 0#628 605:6! or e1ail as a.ove. HAPPY ST PATRIC&'S DAY to o(r /rish parishioners. PASTORAL AREA OF ST PETER( SLOU$H )opies o' last 0ee&;s letter concerning the red(ction o' the n(1.er o' Masses in the Slo(gh -astoral *rea as 'ro1 26th)2*th A+,i- 2014 can .e 'o(nd at the .ac& o' the )h(rch. "he letter can also .e 'o(nd on o(r -arish 0e.site. "he change a''ecting (r Lad% o' -eace -arish 0ill .e that Mass at St 7il.ert;s$ Eton <ic&$ 0ill .e cele.rated once a 1onth on the 'irst S(nda% o' the 1onth. PLEASE REMEM.ER the sic& o' o(r -arish: =igel >ichardson$ +ran& )hristian$ )harles 7reen0ood$ L%nn *rnold$ ?ean <al&er$ L(is @ancini$ 7raha1 Lo(don$ *nn )ronin$ Ma.el Mc)(lloch$ -a(line >a'ter$ -h%llis <all.an&$ ?oanna 7lo0s&i$ >occo Seagrove$ >ose1ar% )onr%$ Marie Stephens$ ,eacon 7eorge Aroo&er$ *nn and ,es 7(rrie$ Sheila 7ang(li$ 3athleen and "erence ?e11ett$ Mar% )o1pton$ +r ,avid$ ?err% Ellis$ +rancis )ashell$ ?i1 Scott$ 3athleen >ichardson$ )raig <ile%$ 3evin ;Arien$ Michael Battrell. CON$RATULATIONS to Sa1(el ?a1es )ase% 0ho 0as Aaptised at (r Lad% o' -eace on Sat(rda%$ 8th March$ and to 7eorgi >ae )ase%C,(nn 0ho is to .e Aaptised on Sat(rda%$ 22 nd March. -lease pra% 'or their parents$ grandparents$ and their 7odparents.


S/t0,#/1 5.#5p1C5.!5p1 6.00p1 S0"#/1 9.00a1 9.!5a1 ##.30a1 6.00p1 M4"#/1 9.30a1 5-D)6 T0 s#/1 9.30a1 W #" s#/1 9.30a1 Th0,s#/1 8.30a1 9.30a1 F,i#/1 9.30a1 S/t0,#/1 5.#5p1C5.!5p1 6.00p1

12th M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace (r Lad% o' -eace 16th M/,3h St 7il.ert;s (r Lad% o' -eace St *ndre0;s (r Lad% o' -eace 1*th M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace 15th M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace 16th M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace 20th M/,3h St *ndre0;s St *ndre0;s 21st M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace 22"# M/,3h (r Lad% o' -eace (r Lad% o' -eace

SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT )on'essions Marie )ha1.erlain >/- 5- D )6 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT "ho1as -al1er >/- 57ri11ette6 Lee ,ochert% >/- 5Ao0ron6 Lavina +ernandes >/- 5#st *nniv6 5,;So(Ea6 *lan >ose1e%er >/- 5-otter6 ST PATRIC& Eileen ?ac&son >/- D =ellie >ichardson >/-

-eppina )o(tinho >/- 5*l1eida66 ST 7OSEPH( H0s8/"# 49 th .- ss # %i,:i" M/,1 Service o' <ord and Bol% )o11(nion *doration o' the Alessed Sacra1ent 3athleen 7alea >/- 57alea6 -ersec(ted )hristians 5>osar% 7ro(p6 7erald +o4 >/- 5+o46 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT )on'essions -add% Bannon >/- 5M(rra%6 7ordon )a1p.ell >/- 590th Airthda% >e1e1.rance6 5)a1p.ell6 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT -eople o' the -arish >o.ert Mc)lintoc& >/- 56th *nniv6 5Mc)lintoc&6 =atale +(scaldo >/- 5*nniv6 5Ar(no6 Martin ,o0nes >/- 5)hris ,o0nes6

S0"#/1 9.00a1 9.!5a1 ##.30a1 6.00p1

2;,# M/,3h St 7il.ert;s (r Lad% o' -eace St *ndre0;s (r Lad% o' -eace

M4,"i": P,/1 , is +,/1 # 8 94, < ,1 w !#/1 M/ss /"# th R4s/,1 is +,/1 # /9t , M/ss= /-- /, w -34> t4 ?4i" 0s@ STATIONS OF THE CROSS n +rida%s d(ring Lent there 0ill .e Stations o' the )ross at St *ndre0s )h(rch$ at #2.30p1. *ll 0elco1e to Foin in this cele.ration.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS 0ill .e cele.rated each +rida% o' Lent at :.30p1 in (r Lad% o' -eace )h(rch@ ADORATION OF THE .LESSED SACRAMENT 0ith <orship$ Script(re$ Silence and ,ivine Merc% -ra%er at St *ndre0;s ever% "h(rsda% 'ro1 8.30a1 9.30a1. *ll 0elco1e. CONFIRMATION PRO$RAM "he second Session 0ill .e on "(esda%$ 25 th March 'ro1 :.00p1 to 8.30p1 and 0ill .e held in ST ANDREW'S. "he Sacra1ent o' )on'ir1ation 0ill .e con'erred .% Aishop -eter this %ear on "(esda%$ 2!th ?(ne at :.30p1 in (r Lad% o' -eace.

LENT FRU$AL LUNCHES each +rida% d(ring Lent 0e 0ill hold a 'r(gal l(nch in the Sacrist%. "he ne4t l(nch 0ill .e on +rida% 2# st March at #2.30p1 and 0ill .e held in the Sacrist%. /' %o( 0ish to attend +- /s /#<is 9vonne on 0#628 605:6! 81 Th0,s#/1 2@00+> -/t st$ or i' %o( 0o(ld li&e to help .% providing the so(p 'or one o' the l(nches also please let 9vonne &no0. *n% proceeds raised 0ill s(pport the St @incent de -a(l Societ% 5S@-6. ST %INCENT DE PAUL 1eet at 2.#5p1 on Monda%$ #:th March in the Sacrist% at (r Lad% o' -eace. =e0 1e1.ers 0o(ld .e 0elco1e. /' %o( &no0 o' an%one 0ho 0o(ld li&e a visit 'ro1 the S@- please advise 9vonne. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASSES "he ne4t session is on S/t0,#/1( 22"# M/,3h 9,4> 6@;0/> A 11@00/> /t ST ANDREW'S CHURCH@ -lease contin(e to pra% 'or o(r children so that the% 0ill gro0 in their appreciation o' the sacra1ents o' )on'ession and Bol% )o11(nion. SER%ICES OF WORD B COMMUNION >e'lection da%$ Sat(rda%$ 22nd March 'ro1 #0.00a1$ at ,iocesan -astoral D >E )entre$ 33 <est.o(rne >oad$ L(ton$ L2! 8?,. )ost 5 0hich incl(des re'resh1ents. "o .oo& telephone 0#582 :233#2 5e4t 66$ e1ail ad1inGnores.org.(& "he da% is 'or those 0ho lead Services o' <ord and )o11(nion$ and 'or those 0ho 0o(ld li&e to lead the1 in the '(t(re. /t 0ill re'lect ho0 these services are not the nor1 and clearl% lead (s to a deeper appreciation o' cele.ration o' the E(charist. FILM NI$HTS "he 'il1 night 'or #2C#! %ears old 52$ -7 or #2 rated 'il16 0ill .e on +rida%$ 28 th March. "his 0ill .e held in the -res.%ter% and start at :.00p1. /' %o( 0ish to attend then please eC1ail 9vonne at %vonneca''Gtal&tal&.net$ or telephone 0#628 605:6!.

NATIONAL .OARD OF CATHOLIC WOMEN * da% o' in'or1ation$ re'lection and disc(ssion 'or )atholic <o1en on HModern Slaver% and B(1an "ra''ic&ing;$ led .% Sister -atricia M(lhall$ cs.$

at Sacred Beart )h(rch$ 5 Aea(desert$ Leighton A(EEard$ L2: #BI$ on Sat(rda%$ 29 th March$ 'ro1 #0.30a1 3.00p1. -lease .ring a pac&ed l(nch. +or '(rther in'or1ation please contact Ma(ra -otter on 0#628 6662:8. CHESTERTON CONFERENCE Sat(rda% 29th March in Aorlase Ball$ St "eresa;s )h(rch$ Aeacons'ield JSanit% and Sanctit%K C the 1essage o' )hesterton 'or (r "i1esL. E1inent spea&ers point (p the spirit(alit% and co11on sense o' this giant$ and his relevance to (s no0. =ot to .e 1issed. Entr% .% tic&et. See notice .oards 'or details. COULD YOU HELP MA&E MOTHERIN$ SUNDAY SPECIALC "he )atholic <o1en;s Leag(e are holding a ca&e sale a'ter the 9.!5a1 Mass on S(nda%$ 30 th March. /' %o( are a.le to 1a&e a ca&e please .ring it along to Mass or contact Lo(ise ,ance 0#628 666223 'or collection.. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 1eet on Monda%$ 3#st March at :.30p1 in the -res.%ter%. THE WELL D LENT RISE are holding a )a&e M(iE on Sat(rda%$ 5 th *pril at :.30p1 in A(rnha1 -ar& Ball$ tic&ets 5 per person$ telephone -a(line on 0:8:5 :#::30 or e1ail in'oGthe0ellatlentrise.org LENTEN RETREAT DAY on Sat(rda%$ #2th *pril 'ro1 #0.30a1C3.30p1 at Bol% +a1il% )h(rch$ Langle%. Led .% +r -hilip )ald0ell$ St(dent +or1ation ,irector at scott )ollege. -lease .ring a pac&ed l(nch$ tea and co''ee provided. ST %INCENT DE PAUL AND THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEA$UE invite %o( to a cele.ration o' Bol% Mass 0ith the sacra1ental anointing o' the sic& at St *ndre0;s on Sat(rda%$ 26 th *pril at 3.00p1. "his 0ill .e 'ollo0ed .% a tea part%. "ransport can .e arranged$ i' re8(ired please contact Aernie on 0#628 6033#5. READERS B EETRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ROTA 22"# A 2;,# M/,3h Sat(rda% 6.00p1 9vonne )a''ert% and -ats% M(rph%. S(nda% 9.00a1 *lison. 9.!5a1 >eaders : E(nice EssienC*idoo and Martin <al&er. E(charist Ministers: M(dre% "r(1an$ Badrian Lo.o$ "ina 3oenig$ ,enise Mc)lintoc&$ +ran&a ,el(ca. ##.30a1 Mi&aela and Ed. S(nda% 6.00p1 Monica >ed1an and ?ohn =ash. 26th A ;0th M/,3h Sat(rda% 6.00p1 @ol(nteer please and ?ohn Aarr%. S(nda% 9.00a1 Marie. 9.!5a1 >eaders : )li'' <a%odi and Sa1(el 7old.erg. E(charist Ministers : >o.ert Ar%ant$ ?ohn =ash$ Ma(ra -otter$ *ndrea Aarr%$ Lisa Mennone. ##.30a1 ?ohn + and ,oroth%. S(nda% 6.00p1 Marie &e and ,enise Mc)lintoc&.

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