Work Breakdown Structure and Project Scope

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Work Breakdown Structure and Project Scope

Group Project #1
Done By: Jennifer Fellinger Professor: Clarence Borja [MGMT- !11" Due: 1!#11#$!1 2013/10/11 4:19 PM


GROUP PRO !"# $1 WOR% BR!&%'OW( S#RU"#UR! &(' PRO !"# S"OP!
P&R# 1: WOR% BR!&%'OW( S#RU"#UR!

Grow Growmagazine magazinecompany companyby by minimum minimumof of20 20% %

New product New product development development Design strategy Design strategy ideas and ideas and previous ads previous ads evaluation. evaluation. Choose most Choose most effective and effective and suitable, mgmt. ss suitable, mgmt. approval approval Increase sales by Increase sales by -5% -5% $ersonal selling( $ersonal selling(Direct Direct mail and promotions( mail and promotions( )aybe even new channel (( )aybe even new channel Increase Increase employee base employee base by 5% by 5% Inform us of Inform us of new additions new additions to our team. to our team.

New New methods, methods, and/or and/or products. products.

$hoto%shoot for new $hoto%shoot for new cover and images%& cover and images%& internal and e'ternal. internal and e'ternal.

,valuate old ,valuate old methods, i.e. methods, i.e. survey staff, survey staff, etc. etc.

"# Department to "# Department to interview and hire interview and hire employees. employees. .tili+e previous training .tili+e previous training programs brought in by programs brought in by franchise. franchise. Create team for pro!ect to increase Create team for pro!ect to increase sales . sales . ,mployee ,mployee reviews reviews 6N, 1or2 pac2age outlining re5uirements of new team for "#.

$roduction of ** new maga+ines. $roduction of new maga+ines.

Customer Survey Customer Survey 6N, 1or2 $ac2age for $roduction and Design departments

Sales reports Sales reports

0"#,, 1or2 pac2ages for lowest sub deliverables to include the following3 4udget, 0ime, and available as well as re5uired resources.


P&R# #WO) PRO !"# S"OP! S#&#!M!(#

Project Objective
#o /e*p 0row our 1a0a2+ne co1pan3 +n t/e a.pect o4 creat+n0 new product.5 /+r+n0 a *ar0er tea1 o4 ded+cated e1p*o3ee.5 and +ncrea.+n0 o,era** .a*e.6 t/ere4ore +ncrea.+n0 our pro4+ta-+*+t37

Project 'e*+,era-*e.
Sur,e3 cu.to1er. and re,+ew o*d e1p*o3ee 4+*e.5 c/oo.e -e.t po..+-*e ad,ocate. w/o can 1e./ to0et/er we**7 #/en w+t/ our 8nte* and po..+-*e .o*ut+on5 we take to 1ana0e1ent and pre.ent t/+. p*an7 !,a*uat+on. o4 pre,+ou. .a*e.5 cu.to1er re,+ew. a. we** a. e1p*o3ee. can -e done -3 our 1ana0e1ent tea16 /owe,er5 a** 4+na* dec+.+on. 1u.t -e 1ade -3 upper 1ana0e1ent7 Re4er -ack to pre,+ou. report. and cu.to1er .ur,e3. 4or -e.t 1et/od. and new tec/n+9ue. t/at cu.to1er. /ad enjo3ed or re9ue.ted w/en dec+d+n0 w/+c/ 1a0a2+ne de.+0n to -r+n0 to 1ana0e1ent7 !,a*uate o*d ad. and 4or1 new partner./+p. w+t/ o*der or new .pon.or. 4or ot/er 4und+n0 +4 re9u+red7 Br+n0 current 1a0a2+ne +dea. to t/e ta-*e and -ra+n.tor1 t/e -e.t po..+-*e .o*ut+on 4or new 1a0a2+ne:.;7 "ontact 4ranc/+.e re0u*ar*3 to 0+,e t/e1 pro0re.. report.5 a. we** a. 4or re9ue.ted tra+n+n0 o4 new e1p*o3ee.7

Mu.t co1p*ete project w+t/+n a ,er3 con.tra+ned t+1e*+ne5 and +t +. 1ana0ea-*e a. *on0 "ont+nued 4ro1 'e*+,era-*e.6 a. e,er3t/+n0 0oe. a. p*anned .o keep+n0 up pro0re.. report. +. 1andator37 Su-)de*+,era-*e.))Work packa0e. Re0u*ar contact w+t/ a** a.pect. and peop*e +n t/+. project +. a*.o 1andator3 and 1u.t done con.tant*3 +n co1p*+ance w+t/ 4ranc/+.e t+1e 4ra1e7 -e !.t+1ate. o4 t+1e5 1one35 and re.ource. 1u.t -e.tandard+2ed created and a,a+*a-*e 4or a** part+e. +n,o*,ed +n t/+. project7 Prepare packa0e 4or de.+0n tea15 w/at we are *ook+n0 4or a. we** a. t/e co.t5 t+1e and re.ource. a,a+*a-*e Pre.ent <u1an Re.ource. depart1ent w+t/ .pec+4+c re9u+re1ent. 4or new e1p*o3ee. a. we** a. a t+1e*+ne o4 1= da3. due to t/e e..ent+a* tra+n+n0 t/at 1u.t -e pro,+ded +n .uc/ a ./ort t+1e7


Project .tart date: %o&e'(er 1) $!1 %o&e'(er $) $!1 : "ontact 4ranc/+.e to +n4or1 o4 p*an. and keep 1+nute. o4 con, .o e,er3t/+n0 +. c*ear7 %o&e'(er *) $!1 : Re9u+re pro0re.. report 4ro1 tea1. de.+0n+n0 a. we** a. tea1. .trate0+2+n0 and cont+nue t/+. e,er3 = da3. to en.ure 1a>+1u1 .ucce..7 %o&e'(er 1*) $!1 : Rece+,e e1p*o3ee.? +n4or1at+on 4ro1 <R and p*an 4or +nte0rat+on7 %o&e'(er 1+) $!1 : (ew e1p*o3ee. .tart5 p*u. new tea1. ./ou*d a*1o.t -e 4+n+./ed .trate0+e.5 de.+0n .tructure. and p/oto)./oot date ./ou*d -e p*anned 4or (o,e1-er 20t/7 %o&e'(er $!) $!1 : P/oto)./oot .etup +n p*ace5 a** 1e1-er. ./ou*d -e prepared to e,a*uate and c/oo.e co,er.5 a. we** a. +nterna* ad,ert+.e1ent. -3 end o4 ne>t -u.+ne.. da37 %o&e'(er $$) $!1 : &n3t/+n0 re9u+r+n0 appro,a* -3 upper 1ana0e1ent 1u.t -e .u-1+tted 4or =p1 on t/+. da3 +n order to rece+,e +t -ack -3 .pec+4+c t+1e5 %o&e'(er $*t,: Secure a** appro,a*. -3 t/+. da3 to 0uarantee 1a>+1u1 pro4+ta-+*+t3 and po.+t+,e de,e*op1ent w/en +t co1e. t+1e to *aunc/7 Re9u+re <R to e,a*uate cand+date. 4or new po.+t+on.5 a. we** a. /+re t/e17 M+dd*e 1ana0e1ent to create tea1 -a.ed on a..e..+n0 pre,+ou. work e>per+ence5 and ana*32+n0 re,+ew. o4 e1p*o3ee to dec+de w/+c/ peop*e wou*d 1ake t/e -e.t project tea17 Product+on depart1ent to create t/e 1a0a2+ne dra4t once e,er3t/+n0 /a. -een 4+na*+2ed5 and a0reed upon5 t/en 1u.t dec+de w/+c/ one. to run and w/+c/ one. to cut7 P/oto0rap/er 4ro1 ot/er depart1ent 1u.t -e -rou0/t +n a. we** a. a** e9u+p1ent nece..ar3 :Ma3 re9u+re e>tra peop*e to /e*p carr3 e9u+p1ent;7 Product+on and our depart1ent 1u.t work to0et/er +n t/e end to 0et 4+na*. pr+nted +n an order*3 and t+1e*3 4a./+on7

#ec/n+ca* Re9u+re1ent.


@+1+t. and !>c*u.+on.

(o tra+n+n0 +. re9u+red -3 our tea1 a. 4ranc/+.e contro*. t/+.7 Wa+t+n0 t+1e. 4or <R and de.+0n depart1ent to do t/e+r part.7 (ew e1p*o3ee turno,er rate 1u.t +1pro,e w/+c/ cou*d -e detr+1enta* +4 +t doe.n?t5 .o attent+on to deta+* +. /+0/*3 reco11ended7 Pa.t data 1a3 not -e co1p*ete*3 accurate or re*e,ant to t/e need. o4 cu.to1er. +n toda3?. t+1e7 "reat+on o4 new c/anne*. take. 1ore t/an a 1ont/ .o t/at +dea wou*d -e 4or 4uture6 /owe,er5 co*d)ca**+n0 and a te*e1arket+n0 -a.ed tea1 can -e +1p*e1ented +4 nece..ar37 P/oto0rap/er. .c/edu*e7 Re9u+re upper 1ana0e1ent?. appro,a* on a** dec+.+on.7 Ma0a2+ne. 1u.t 1eet .tandard. o4 4ranc/+.e7

Overall Project Priority: Mandator3 pro0re.. report.7 High Medium Low


Approved By:


Project Manager :

---Jennifer Fellinger-------

Date: 11A#A10# 2013A


Project went we**7 "o1p*et+on under t/e t+1e con.tra+nt. +. a 0reat accent to our co1pan3 pro4+*e7 Bud0et wa. we** 1a+nta+ned t/rou0/out t/e *+4e c3c*e o4 t/e project6 /owe,er a 4ew 1+./ap. a*on0 t/e wa3 cau.e t/e end re.u*t to -e a t+n3 -+t o,er)-ud0et7 #ea1. a** worked con.+.tent*3 we** to0et/er7 (ew e1p*o3ee. are 0reat a. we**5 and 4uture product order. ./ou*d not -e a pro-*e1 due to our +1pro,ed c+rcu1.tance.7

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