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SISTER ACT is a compelling faith-oriented musical that imparts valuable lessons. Besides capturing the difference between those living for Christ and those driven by their appetites, the show provides an opportunity to discover the many ways in which we can challenge ourselves to more authentically live out our Christian faith and positively impact our world.


SISTER ACT is Broadways feel-great musical hit. Featuring original music by eight-time Oscar winner Alan Menken (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid), SISTER ACT tells the story of Deloris Van Cartier, a wannabe singer whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and hides out in the last place anyone would think to look for her a convent. Under the careful watch of Mother Superior, Deloris helps her fellow sisters find their voices, and in the process unexpectedly rediscovers her own. A sparkling tribute to the universal power of faith and friendship, SISTER ACT is reason to rejoice!

About the Production

With its direct embrace of Gospel values and themes, SISTER ACT exceeds expectations and improves upon the fun and joy of the 1992 Touchstone Pictures film starring Whoopi Goldberg. Importantly, the production in no way mocks or casts a cynical eye but instead tenderly affirms the Catholic Church, Christian faith in general and religious life in particular. SISTER ACT was nominated for five 2011 Tony Awards including Best Musical, Best Original Score and Best Lead Actress. It explodes with energy and exuberance and has an unmistakable Christian core that one rarely experiences on Broadway.

Exclusive Church Pricing

Exclusive church pricing at New York Citys Broadway Theatre begins at $38.50. Group sale fundraising opportunities are available for churches, youth groups and faith-based organizations looking to share in the joy of this unique and groundbreaking production. To purchase tickets and inquire about fundraising opportunities for your group please contact Cordelia Sklansky at Allied Faith & Family:



Deloris is resentful of those who under-appreciate her genius, from the nuns in grade school to the producers, promoters and club owners in her current life. She wants to be noticed, afrmed and loved on her own terms. Dont we all? Shes driven by a combustible mix of ego and insecurity and doesnt have a clue about humility, acceptance and submission to Gods will. Again, sound familiar? In short, Deloris doesnt know herself and doesnt know Christ. EDDIE: I Could Be That Guy Picture a guy, a knight in rhinestone armor, Gleam in his eye, a zillion-watt smile. Sharp threads, moves that get em starin. A turner of heads, cool beyond comparin. Bringin the pride with a spring in his stride And a stful of style! I could be that guy. I could be the cock of the walk, and the talk of the town. Leadin the pack when the action goes down! Yeah, I bet I could set the world astir. If I ever let myself try, well, I could be that guyfor her. I could be the dude in all white, bathed in light on the oor. Livin out loud as the crowd shouts for more! Time to step out, no more fear, no more doubt, Its time to grow some wings and start to y! Eddie the cop clearly suffers from the same ego and insecurity issues as his old schoolmate and heartthrob, Deloris. But his rst concern is protecting this vulnerable witness from a dangerous gangster-on-the-hunt so she can testify in court. Complicating matters is his desire to overcome the bad impression he made back in high school when he was known by all as Sweaty Eddie. Desperate to serve, protect and prove himself, this former king of uncool needs to believe that theres much more to me deep within. QUESTIONS: How do you dene success in the current circumstances of your life? Do you think this denition will be the same 25 years from now? Have you allowed yourself to become too materialistic in our materialist society, too xated on wealth, status and possessions? What sort of effort have you made to turn yourself around and change your heart? To whom have you turned for spiritual guidance or direction? READ : Psalm 1:1-6 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the LORD is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season; Its leaves never wither; whatever he does prospers. But not so are the wicked, not so! They are like chaff driven by the wind. Therefore the wicked will not arise at the judgment, nor will sinners in the assembly of the just. Because the LORD knows the way of the just, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin. READ : Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? LESSON TO LEARN: The moment luxury becomes a necessity to people, those with lesser wealth come to feel that they have not succeeded. They grow resentful, envious and covetous of others lives and goods. The psychological sickness affecting our world today is the endless pursuit of pleasure, which blinds us to the magnicence of nature with its sunrises, sunsets, seasons, clouds, thunder, owers, birds and smiles. These gifts from God should provide endless enchantment, just as great books, art and music can provide constant joy and gratitude. Let us vow to see with new eyes, love with new hearts and never again allow ourselves to sink into covetousness and boredom.

DELORIS: Fabulous, Baby! Ive been hearing Shut up and sit down! Since rst grade at St. Marys Im too this, Im too that Too wrong, too not-right. Well too bad if they think I should stay out of sight. Honey, open your eyes Lemme show you the light! Look right here Aint it clear where Im heading to? And look at the time Honey, I cant stay! Look while you can, cause Im on my way! Im fabulous, Baby!



Conversely, the nuns start out quiet and meditative, chanting hymns in low tones and with low expectations. But then they meet Deloris, whom God has put into their lives for a reason (and vice versa). Deloris explains to them that when you sing, its not just notes. Its rejoicing. If youre singing right you are singing to the Lord, and in harmony with others. We have to listen to each other, because were not a solo act. Were part of a group. Otherwise, as Deloris says, God cant hear you! QUESTIONS: What has been your attitude toward prayer thus far in your life? Is your approach to prayer haphazard or do you set aside a certain time each day to orient yourself toward God? Do you daily give thanks and listen for the still, small voice? Have you taught your children to pray and helped them make prayer a part of their lives? When you hear the inner voice and read the signs, do you cooperate with Gods answers or do you resist? MOTHER SUPERIOR: Havent Got a Prayer Dearest God. I know you move in mysterious ways, but this one is for the books. Im frightened. Everything Ive devoted my life to is falling apart. Please give me a sign so that I might have clarity and peace. I know my struggles pale in comparison to those who have come before me. Saint Anthony got visions in the desert. Saint Joan got voices in her head. St. Ignatius got beaten, then partially eaten, Then hung by the feet until dead. St. Stephen got stoned, and St. Francis disowned All got tested, and passed, as it were. And like it or not, just look what I got Her! I havent got a prayer! READ : Romans 8:28-30 We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the rstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justied; and those he justied he also gloried. READ : John 15:16 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.

MONSIGNOR OHARA: The bachelors who deal in antiqueshave struck a deal with the archdiocese and will be arriving, check in hand. It pains me to tell you that this church will be no more. MOTHER SUPERIOR: But what of the sisters? MONSIGNOR OHARA: They will be split up, sent to various parishes, the older ones will be sent to homes. MOTHER SUPERIOR: But this is awful. What of my prayers? MONSIGNOR OHARA: Mother Superior. Look around. God has answered your prayers. You just dont like the answer.

Both Deloris and Mother Superior get their worlds rocked by the course of events in SISTER ACT . Each starts out willful instead of submissive, shrill instead of silent, and as a result each misses the bigger picture God has in store for them until it unfolds plain as day before their disbelieving eyes. NUNS: Raise Your Voice Raise your voice! Lift it up to heaven. Raise your voice! Spread it cross the sky! Blast it! Blare it! Stand and share it! Help the world rejoice! Raise a sweat! Raise a cheer! Raise it to the stratosphere! Raise your strength, raise your spirit, Raise it so the angels hear it! Raise your heart, raise your soul, Raise your voice!

LESSON TO LEARN: Prayer is communication with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Prayer is listening as God addresses us, and then responding to Him as individuals and as a community. God speaks to us in many ways through others, through the liturgy, but above all in the words of Scripture. We respond to God in spoken words, in song and in gestures. But in order to receive the full effect, we must bring the proper disposition to individual prayer, Scripture reading and church services. We must participate knowingly, actively and fruitfully. And above all we must listen for the still, small voice.

After the thrilling reversal of the churchs nancial fortunes, Monsignor OHara brings more unbelievable news a miracle on the order of the sh and loaves! Because of the unique gifts that Deloris came to share with the nuns at the convent, the sisters have been invited to perform for Pope Paul VI! (The story is set in the 1970s.) The nuns are stunned. No one moves. But then they explode in celebration! QUESTIONS: To what extent have you been ignoring Gods call in your life? How many situations have occurred or people crossed your path that made you think about seeking deeper communion with God? How loud has your conscience become in telling you that these may have been Gods messages to you? Time is running short what are you waiting for? READ: Isaiah 40:28-31 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is God from of old, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny. He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint. READ: Ephesians 1:17-20 The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him. May the eyes of [your] hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe, in accord with the exercise of his great might, which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the heavens. LESSON TO LEARN: God made us free, intelligent beings and invites us to walk hand-in-hand with him through this life. Thankfully he doesnt get frustrated with our obtuseness and remains patient in leading each of us to the path of light and love. God offers us the possibility of faithful commitment in marriage and the privilege of bringing new life into the world. He asks us to use our freedom well, choosing what he declares to be good and avoiding what he declares to be evil. God invites us to govern ourselves and the world according to his plan. But the rst human beings rejected Gods invitation and the rest of us have repeated their errors over and over again, generation after generation. We are engaged in a loving walk with our Lord surrounded by the splendor of his creation if only we have eyes to see!

DELORIS: Okay, Mother Superior. Everybodys gone now. Lets forget the fast thing. MOTHER SUPERIOR: A fast will bring you an awareness of life that could do you some good. DELORIS: Hey, I dont need you to lecture me on my life. That wasnt part of the deal. My life is great. MOTHER SUPERIOR: Really? In a city with over one million people, you dont have a single friend who would take you in. In a time when success in the music industry is blossoming, you cant get a job. And when your married lover nds out what you have done, he will try to kill you. God has sent you here for a reason. Take the hint. Deloris now Sister Mary Clarence is blind to the state of her soul and to Gods will and plan for her life. Sin will do that to us. But the situation is

reversed later in the story when Mother Superior learns that those acquiring the church property have become enraptured by the new music at Queen of Angels Church and are now donating the money they were going to use to purchase the church! Far from charitable toward Deloris up to this point, Mother Superior must accept Deloris all-too-familiar words, God has sent me here for a reason take the hint! DELORIS/NUNS: Sunday Morning Fever Every priest, every deacon, Everyone who feels the beat starts freakin! Catch the bug, ride the groover, Boogie til you feel your spirit move! Come and get that Sunday morning fever! Give the Lord a try! Praise the Lord! Join the ock! Party til you make the cloister rock! Wont regret that Sunday morning fever Kiss those sins goodbyeSupernatural high! Mass appeal was never so real And cantcha feel that Sunday morning fever!



MOTHER SUPERIOR: Deloris, Deloris, you must leave at once. Ive just spoken with Officer Souther. Hes taking you away. SISTER MARY PATRICK: Deloris? Whos Deloris? MOTHER SUPERIOR: The patrol cars have blocked off Arch Street. Its time to get your things, Deloris. NUN: Whyd you call her Deloris? Whos Deloris? MOTHER SUPERIOR: I believe the sisters need to hear from you. DELORIS: Sisters I have something to tell you. Im not really a nun. Im not really a Catholic. You see, Im a singer. And I was dating a very bad man. And I saw him murder someone. And Im going to court to say that. But first I had to hide from him. Here. SISTER MARY PATRICK: So you lied to us. MOTHER SUPERIOR: You should leave now. DELORIS: Im sorry. (No response.) Well I guess this is goodbye then. SISTER MARY MARTIN-OF-TOURS: For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing; and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. DELORIS: Isaiah 55:12. See ya. (Deloris leaves.) The nuns are upset and confused by the situation. They love Deloris and recognize what a wonderful gift she had been in their lives. Their ire turns to Mother Superior who reminds them that theyve done the Lords work by protecting a person in her time of need. Mother Superior sits on Deloris cot and notices something under her pillow. She reaches beneath and pulls out a bookmarked Bible, making her blush with regret. QUESTIONS: Can you think of a situation wherein you seriously misjudged a persons motives or intentions? Have you ever been badly misunderstood yourself and thought, If that person only knew!? Are you aware of the fact that God needs people to serve as agents of his charity and compassion in the world? Are you aware of the fact that God has relied on people to serve his purposes from Biblical times through this very day? READ : Luke 19:41-42 As he drew near, he saw the city and wept over it, saying, If this day you only knew what makes for peacebut now it is hidden from your eyes. READ : 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. LESSON TO LEARN: We must not judge others because we cannot know what is in their hearts. It turns out that despite her brash exterior and smart-alecky street toughness, Deloris has been on a serious spiritual journey throughout the story. Forgiveness, tolerance, understanding and humility are priorities for the Christian. Quick anecdote: There once was a priest returning from arduous travel. Tired and with one final airport layover to endure, he splurged and bought a pack of premium chocolate cookies the best available from a duty-free store. Settled in a chair with a good book, he noticed the man two seats away reach over and take a cookie from the open package on the seat between them. He was shocked and indignant at the mans effrontery. A few minutes later, as he reached down to take another cookie, his hand touched the other mans. They looked at each other as each took a bite of their respective cookies. The priest was nonplussed. The other man just smiled. When the same thing happened a third time and the priests supply was spent, he got up, packed his things and walked back to the duty free shop exasperated and determined to replenish his supply. Upon opening his bag to retrieve his wallet, he discovered the pack of cookies he had originally purchased, unopened. He had been eating the other mans cookies. He hurried back to where he had been sitting, but the smiling man was gone.




MOTHER SUPERIOR: For all that youve done, I thank you. And may everything you hope for in life be yours. A white sequined gown with a white fox fur. DELORIS: I dont know about that, Mother Superior. But I got Eddie and my friends here, and maybe theyll help me get all that. MOTHER SUPERIOR: So will you come back and visit us? After the Pope gig? DELORIS: Pope gig. Check you out, gettin all show bizzy! Yeah, Ill come back to this church. A lot. MOTHER SUPERIOR: To pray? DELORIS: To sing. You know, sometimes when Im singing with these girls, Ill just decide to take it up a half step, and every one of them just takes it up with me. Without anybody sayin a word. MOTHER SUPERIOR: Perhaps one day you will know that that is God. DELORIS: Perhaps one day you will know that that is just being human. MOTHER SUPERIOR: Or perhaps one day we will realize it is both. And they are the same thing. (Deloris hugs Mother Superior.) DELORIS and NUNS: Spread the Love All things being even, heres what I believe in Nothing matters more than love. Friendship and affection real connection Its a gift from above Every song that we play, every prayer that we pray Makes a bond in a way thats profound. Were just here to spread all that love around! From emotional beats to musical crescendos, SISTER ACT hits several powerful climax points in Act II, but nothing compares to the last. Monsignor OHara emerges from a gaggle of singing nuns to humbly welcome to Queen of Angels Church the Bishop of Rome, the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, His Holiness Pope Paul VI! Truly our prayers are answered. Our dreams can come true. With Christs love in our hearts, all things are possible. QUESTIONS: What is one striking example of the providential nature of faith in your life of God closing a door but then opening a window? Have you heard it said that a surefire remedy for the blues is to get out there and be with other people, to be a rhythmic chord, a voice in a chorus, instead of a single note? Do you know that sharing your talents with others is a prayerful means of fulfilling your destiny, and helping others do the same? READ: John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. READ: Jeremiah 1:4-5 The word of the Lord came to me: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you. LESSONS TO LEARN: Despite what a lot of Christian celebrities now say, Christian life is more than just a matter of me and Jesus. We do not relate to Christ in isolation, but as members of a communion of saints. This expression, found in the Apostles Creed, refers not only to those with God in heaven but to all people who are united with Christ. Community is essential to us as human beings. Friends, relatives and companions are blessings who bring warmth and joy into our lives. To be around them brings out the best in us. Our lives are a great endurance test, an iron man race with heroes past and present cheering us on. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us! (Hebrews 12:1).





THIS GUIDE WAS CREATED BY ALLIED FAITH & FAMILY To get FREE copies for your church please call 212-819-8154

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