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GENERAL INFORMATION Name: DM Age: 20 years old Birthday: May 19, 1989 Civil Status: Single Sex: Female Religion: Roman Catholic Occupation: Vendor Address: Macabalan, Cagayan de Informant: DM Relation: !he "atient hersel# Admission Date: $"ril 2%, 2010 Discharge Date: $"ril 29, 2010 ime: 1:00 "m Chief Complaint: &Sa'it ()d 'ayo a'ong tiyan, Dani sa t)o da"ita*+ as ,erbali-ed by the "atient* .ointing to right lo/er abdomen ro City Attending !hysicians: Dr* 0orromeo Diagnosis"!resent Illness: % months .!$, on Febr)ary, client re"orted re"eated 1!2 /hich /as alle,iated thr) medication and rest* 1 month .!$, "atient noticed mild to moderate aching "ain on right lo/er 3)adrant o# abdomen b)t heeded no ad,ice #or medical cons)lt* % days .!$, client so)ght cons)lt d)e to s)dden e4"erience o# se,ere "ain in the right lo/er 3)adrant o# the abdomen radiating to her bac' and thighs* .atient admitted and sched)led #or .el,ic 5a"arotomy on May 26, 2010* !ast #edical"Surgical $istory: &Mao "a ()d )nta ni a'ong )nang higayon na ma admit og ma7o"erahan "a()d 'o diretso*+ $s ,erbali-ed by "atient

Objective Vital Signs !em"erat)re .)lse Res"iration 0lood .ress)re

April 25, 2010

April 26, 2010

April 27, 2010

%6*68C 110 b"m 2: c"m 110<80 mm=g

37. !" 112 b"m 2; c"m 110<90 mm=g

3 .5!" 99 b"m 2% c"m 110<80 mm=g

II. A"TI#IT$%RE&T &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? %sual activities"ho&&ies: &1s)hay mga trabaho sa balay og "ag tinda7tinda da)n*+ 'eisure time activities: &5inga/7linga/ og "agtabi sa mga silangan*+ 'imitations imposed &y condition: +Dili na gy)d 'o ma'a7himo sa mga trabaho sa balay og ma'a trabaho ')ng m)sa'it na ni a'ong tiyan >"ointing @ R5A?*+ Sleep: Num&er of hours: &'atong /ala "a 'o na admit 'ay mga 9 'a oras* Baron 'ay mao7mao ra man ("on "eroo ')ng mag sa'it 'ay di ()d 'o ma'a t)log+ Naps: &Cinagmay lang* Di "od ayo 'o ga 'at)log sa ha"on 'ay naa "od baya 'oy trabaho*+ Aids: &Mga d)ha 'a )nlan dayon habol* B)ng gi'a"oy na 'ay ma'a t)log naman 'o diretso*+ Difficulty in sleeping: &.ag m) t)'ar ni ang sa'it 'ay di ()d 'o ma'a t)log* .ero di man "od 'aayo siya ga t)'ar ')ng gabii* (eeling on a)a*ening: &Bat)lgon "a giha"on*+ Others"Comments: +0isan bita/ )g mag"ah)lay 'o, dili giha"on 'o ma'a"ah)lay )g tarong 'ay magsa'ita a'ong tiyan* Dili na dy)d na'o maag/anta )sahay ang 'asa'it* Caant)son lang giha"on na'o 'ay a'ong h)na7h)na /ala name mahimo t)ngod sa 'alisod sa "anahon 'aron*

Objective Observe Response to Activity: Cardiovascular

April 25, 2010 Minor e4ertion tolerated* =R and 0. /ere noted a#ter

April 26, 2010 =R and 0. /ere noted a#ter acti,ity* =R changed #rom 92

April 27, 2010 =R and 0. /ere noted be#ore and a#ter /al'ing #or ; ste"s

acti,ity* =R changed #rom b"m 88 to 92 b"m* Do change in 0. noted* Respiratory Minor e4ertion tolerated* RR ele,ated #rom 18 c"m to 20 #ental Status !osture 'O# c"m* Conscio)s and coherent Erect .atient can mo,e #reely

b"m to 98 b"m* 0. #rom 100<90 mm=g to 110<80 mm=g* RR /as ele,ated a#ter acti,ity* RR #rom 2% c"m goes to 2: c"m* Conscio)s and coherent Slo)ched 1nable to mo,e abr)"tly

#or/ard and bac'/ard* =R changed #rom 99 b"m to 101 b"m* 0. #rom 110<90 to 120<90* $#ter /al'ing, RR ele,ated #rom 2% c"m to 2; c"m* Conscio)s and coherent Slightly slo)ched 1nable to mo,e immediately beca)se o# the ne/ s)rgical incision in the R1A o# the abdomen* Done noted !he "atient doesnFt /ant to lie do/n d)e to the "ain e4"erienced )"on lying*

remors Others"Comment

Done noted .atient /as only able to tolerate mild e4ertion d)e to discom#ort and a""arent #atig)e*

Done noted !he "atient /as lying then ass)med to a sitting "osition, then amb)lated to/ards the chair then sat there*

III. "IR"(LATION &'bjective) >Verbali-ations gi,en by the "atient? $istory of $ypertension: & Gala man*+ $eart trou&le: &Gala man*+ ingling: &/ala ra man "od*+ Change in fre,uency"amount of urine: +Mga lima hant)d 'a7)nom 'o mangihi "ero de"ende ra giha"on ')ng daghan 'o mainom na t)big*+

An*le"'eg -dema: & Gala ")d biya+* Claudication: &Gala man ")d*+

Cough"$emoptysis: &.analagsa ra man 'o )bhon, 'asagara 'ay 'anang ma)lanan 'o "agmaninda*+ -xtremities Num&ness: &1sahay sa 'amot "ero 'aron 'ay /ala na")d biya 'ayo*+

R . Sitting

April 25, 2010 110<80

April 26, 2010 Dot assessed since the "atient is ad,ised to be #lat on bed #or 6 ho)rs a#ter the o"eration Dot assessed since the "atient is ad,ised to be #lat on bed #or 6 ho)rs a#ter the o"eration .resence o# 2VF Dot assessed Clear, a)dible, nondis"laced >le#t midcla,ic)lar line bet/een the #o)rth and #i#th intercostals s"aces?, lo)dness grade % >moderately lo)d, easy to hear?* Rate: 112 b"mH S1 and S2 a)dible Reg)lar, e3)al inter,als

April 27, 2010 110<90

R / Standing



' !ulse !ressure !#I

.resence o# 2VF 207%0 mm=g Clear, a)dible, nondis"laced >le#t midcla,ic)lar line bet/een the #o)rth and #i#th intercostals s"aces?, lo)dness grade % >moderately lo)d, easy to hear?* Rate: 110 b"mH S1 and S2 a)dible Reg)lar, e3)al inter,als

.resence o# 2VF %0mm=g Clear, a)dible, nondis"laced >le#t midcla,ic)lar line bet/een the #o)rth and #i#th intercostals s"aces?, lo)dness grade % >moderately lo)d, easy to hear?*

$eart Rate"Sounds Rhythm

Rate: 99 b"mH S1 and S2 a)dible Reg)lar, e3)al inter,als

Pulse Carotid Radial !opliteal emporal (emoral Dorsalis !edis 0ascular Bruit Breath Sounds 1ugular 0ein Distention -xtremities emperature Color Capillary Refill $oman2s Sign 0aricosities Color of Nail Beds 'ips #ucous #em&rane Sclera I#. EGO INTEGRIT$ &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? Report of stress factors: +Mga "roblema sama sa '/arta*+ 3ays of handling stress: &Ca"aning'amot lang mi )g "angita )g '/arta "ara ma'a"alit mi 'ifestyle: & Ba"oy 'ada7adla/ )g "aninda+* Recent changes: &S)'ad atong "irmi na mgsa'it a'ong tiyan 'ay dili na'o ma'alah)tay )g "aninda tiboo' adla/*+ (eeling of helplessness: &Dili ra man sad*+ $opelessness: &Gala ")d & !o)erlessness: &Gala ")d+ 110 b"m 110 b"m 110 b"m 110 b"m 110 b"m 110 b"m Done noted Clear, absent ad,entitio)s so)nds nondistended 1""er: /arm 5o/er: /arm 5ight "in' 1 second Degati,e Do ,aricosities noted .in'ish 2ntact, "in' in color Moist, intact, no lesions noted $nicteric, Red strea' noted 112 b"m 112 b"m 112 b"m 112 b"m 112 b"m 112 b"m Done noted Clear, absent ad,entitio)s so)nds nondistended 1""er: hot 5o/er: hot .ale "in' 2 seconds Degati,e Do ,aricosities noted .ale Dry and "ale Dry $nicteric, Red strea' noted 99 b"m 99 b"m 99 b"m 99 b"m 99 b"m 99 b"m Done noted Clear, absent ad,entitio)s so)nds nondistended 1""er: /arm 5o/er: cold .ale "in' 2 seconds Degati,e Do ,aricosities noted .ale Dry and "ale Dry $nicteric, Red strea' noted

sa amo mga 'inahanglan 'ada7adla/*+ (inancial concerns: &B)ng dili 'o maning'amot )g tabang )g "angita )g '/arta sa a'o mama )g "a"a dili dy)d mi ma'a'aon i'at)lo sa isa 'a adla/+* Relationship status: &Dili man dy)d na mali'ayan ang bi'il7bi'il )sahay labi na nga "irmi mi hago )g sa")ton sa 'a'a"oy+* Objective -motional status O&served physiologic response: Others"Comments April 25, 2010 Calm .atient is ,ery coo"erati,e and ans/ers 3)estion directly Done .atient #elt "ain on her incision site /hen she tal's #. ELIMINATION &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? %sual &o)el pattern: &'as7a ra sa isa 'a adla/, 'ada b)ntag*+ >Do re"orted changes )"on admission? Character of stool: &Iello/ man ang color+ 'ast B#: &ganinang b)ntag+ 'axative %se: &Gala man+ Diarrhea: &Dili ra man+* %sual voiding pattern:+ Sa /ala "a 'o naadmit 'ay i'at)lo sa )sa 'a adla/ 'aron 'ay dili na na'o mahin)md)man i'a"ila+* Incontinence: &Gala+ %rgency: &Gala+ Retention: &Gala+ (re,uency: &Gala+ April 26, 2010 Calm .atient cannot tal' clearly April 27, 2010 Calm .atient can tal' slo/ly in lo/ ,oice Done

$istory of &leeding: &Gala+ Constipation: &Gala+

!ain"Burning"Difficulty in voiding: &Gala+ $istory of *idney"&ladder disease: &Gala+ thers<Comments: & Da'alibang na'o ganiha "ero gamay ra 'ayo )nya halos isa 'a oras 'o sa CR+*

Objective) A&domen: ender Soft"(irm !alpa&le #ass Si4e"5irth Bo)el Sounds

April 25, 2010 !enderness noted* Dee" "al"ation a,oided* Firm Vag)ely "al"able mass on R5A 29 cm Dormoacti,e in all : 3)adrants and the )mbilical area* R1A: 2; bo/el so)nds "er min)te, R5A: 28 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 51A: 20 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 55A: 21 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, and )mbilical area: 29 bo/el so)nds "er min)te* Slightly "al"able Slight

April 26, 2010 !enderness d)e to s)rgical /o)nd* .al"ation minimal* none 29 cm Dormoacti,e in all : 3)adrants and the )mbilical area* R1A: 1; bo/el so)nds "er min)te, R5A: 18 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 51A: 19 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 55A: 16 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, and )mbilical area: 19 bo/el so)nds "er min)te* Dot assessed Dot assessed !he bladder /as not assessed d)e to the "resence o# the

April 27, 2010 !enderness d)e to s)rgical /o)nd* .al"ation minimal* none 29 cm Dormoacti,e in all : 3)adrants and the )mbilical area* R1A: 19 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, R5A: 20 bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 51A: 2: bo/el so)nds "er min)te, 55A: 2% bo/el so)nds "er min)te, and )mbilical area: 20 bo/el so)nds "er min)te* Don"al"able Dondistended

Bladder palpa&le Distended Others"Comments

incision* #I.FOO*%FL(I* &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? %sual diet 6type7: &')ng )nsa ang naa mao ra a'ong gina7'aon*+ D)ring $dmission: &'ana ra mang ginahatag sa os"ital+ Num&er of meals daily: &i'at)lo sa )sa 'a adla/, ')ng nay snac', magsnac'*+ 'ast meal"inta*e: &Caha"on sa gabii "a+* 'oss of appetite: &naa, 'ay ")ngahon 'o ')ng m)'aon 'o*+ Nausea"0omiting: &/ala man+ Dentures: + !ustiso a*o tanan ngipon sa taas89 Allergy"(ood Intolerance: + 3ala #an pud89 $eart&urn"Indigestion: +3ala man89 %sual )eight: &:9 'ilos man sig)ro 'o sa)na+ Changes in )eight: &nagni/anga 'o s)'ad atong nag'asa'it 'o*+ Diuretic %se: &Gala man+ Others"Comment: + Gala "a lagi 'o 'a)tot s)'ad nao"erahan 'o mao dili "a da/ 'o "/ede m)'aon+*

Objective+ Current )eight $eight Body Build S*in turgor #ucous #em&rane $ernia"#asses -dema 5eneral Dependent

April 25, 2010 :9 'g ;F2+ Mesomor"hic Cood .ale "in', smooth, intact, moist and /itho)t lesions Done Done Done

April 26, 2010 :9 'g ;F2+ Mesomor"hic Cood .ale "in', smooth, intact, dry and /itho)t lesions Done Done Done

April 27, 2010 :9 'g ;F2+ Mesomor"hic Cood .ale "in', smooth, intact, dry and /itho)t lesions Done Done Done

!erior&tal Ascites hyroid enlarged $alitosis Condition of teeth"gums Appearance of tongue Others"Comments

Done Done Don7enlarged Mildly )n"leasant odor noted Dent)res on )""er set o# teethH C)ms are "in' and intact Mo,able, intact, "in'

Done Done Don7enlarged Mildly )n"leasant odor noted Dent)res on )""er set o# teethH C)ms are "in'ish b)t dry Mo,able, intact, /hitish at the midline

Done Done Don7enlarged Mildly )n"leasant odor noted Dent)res on )""er set o# teethH C)ms are "in'ish b)t dry Mo,able, intact, /hitish at the midline

V22* =IC2EDE &'bjective April 25, 2010 $cti,ities o# Daily 5i,ing: Mobility J 2nde"endent =ygiene J 2nde"endent !oileting J 2nde"endent Feeding J 2nde"endent Dressing J 2nde"endent E3)i"ment<"rosthetic de,ice re3)ired: Done $ssistance "ro,ided by: Done Done mother Done Father and Mother de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent de"endent April 26, 2010 April 27, 2010

Objective 5eneral appearance: #anner of dress !ersonal ha&its: Body Odor: Condition of scalp: !resence of vermin: #II. NE(RO&EN&OR$ &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? (ainting spells"di44iness: &/ala man+ $eadache: &1sahay ra man+ 'ocation: &tanan "arte sa a'ong )lo+

April 25, 2010 .atient /as slightly )ntidy Cas)al and a""ro"riate Do dist)rbing habits noted Slightly )n"leasant body odor 2ntact Done

April 26, 2010 .atient /as slightly )ntidy Cas)al and a""ro"riate Do dist)rbing habits noted Slightly )n"leasant body odor 2ntact Done

April 27, 2010 Gell7dressed and neat Cas)al and a""ro"riate Do dist)rbing habits noted Slightly )n"leasant body odor 2ntact Done

'ast examination: &Gala man s)'ad+ 5laucoma: &Gala ")d+ Cataract: &Gala )y+ -ars: $earing loss: &Maayo "a man a'ong "agd)ngog+ -pistaxis: &Gala+ Others"Comments: +Dili na 'aayo 'o 'abasa ')ng dili na'o i"alayo ang "a"el+

ingling"num&ness")ea*ness 6location7: &adtong )na, a'ong 'amot, "asmado 'ay t)ngod sa a'ong trabaho tingaliH 'aron sa os"ital, /ala man*+ Sei4ures: &Gala man+ Aura: N"A -yes: 0ision loss: R7 &/ala man+ 57 &/ala man+

Objective #ental Status: Oriented"Disoriented ime !lace !erson Affect Delusions $allucinations #emory Recent Remote Speech pattern Congruence 5lasses Contacts $earing Aids !upil si4e"reaction R '

April 25, 2010

April 26, 2010

M,rc- 27, 2010

riented riented riented $lert and Coo"erati,e $""ro"riate Done Done $ble to recall $ble to recall 2ntelligible, o# moderate "ace Coherent Done Done Done .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation Done Cag re#le4 "resent, no dys"hagia ,erbali-ed

riented riented riented $lert and Coo"erati,e $""ro"riate Done Done $ble to recall $ble to recall Slightly )nintelligible, slo/ed "ace Coherent Done Done Done .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation Done Cag re#le4 "resent, no dys"hagia ,erbali-ed

riented riented riented $lert and Coo"erati,e $""ro"riate Done Done $ble to recall $ble to recall 2ntelligible, o# moderate "ace Coherent Done Done Done .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation .)"ils e3)al, ro)nd, and reacti,e to light and accommodation Done Cag re#le4 "resent, no dys"hagia ,erbali-ed

(acial Droop S)allo)ing $andgrip"release

R ' !osturing D R !aralysis Others"Comments I.. /AIN &'bjective

Strong, #irm Strong, #irm Erect .resent, 2K Done

Slightly /ea' Slightly /ea' Slo)ched .resent, 2K Done

Strong, #irm Strong, #irm Slightly slo)ched .resent, 2K Done

!recipitating (actors: &Balit7'alit ra man siya+ Aggravating factors: &B)ng m)'aon 'o og m)inom og daghan nga t)big*+ $o) relieved: +Mag"ah)/ay*+ Associated symptoms: Others"Comments: S: &Sa'it a'ong samad ')ng mabi'il sama sas ')ng m)ba'aod 'o sa 'atre o ')ndi gani 'ay ')ng ma'a"tan*+ S: .ain scale ; o)t o# 10 as the most "ain#)l* S: &Sa'it "a gya")n ')ng m)ngihi hangtod 'ar)n*.ero dili na 'aayo "areha 'atong niagi na mga adla/*+ S: .ain scale 2 o)t o# 10 as the most "ain#)l*

!resent sensation of pain in any parts of &ody: &Sa'it a'ong ')to7')to+ Onset: &m)'alit ra man siyaFg 'asa'it+ Duration: &Dili siya ga'a/ala+ 'ocation: &Dani da"it sa a'ong ')to7')to+ (re,uency: &Balit7'alit siya nga sa'it, nga halos dili ga'a/ala+ Intensity: &mga % sig)ro+ :uality: Cna/ing


Febr',r0 2 , 2010

M,rc- 2, 2010 M,rc- 3, 2010 7 5ying do/n d)ring the 7 $,oiding "hysical act

M,rc- 1, 2010 : Do rebo)nd "ain

day 7 $,oid "hysical act "rotecti,e manner 7 =olding or s)""orting the "ain#)l body area

7 Mo,ing in a g)arded or noted* "rotecti,e manner the "ain#)l body area

7 Mo,ing in a g)arded or 7 =olding or s)""orting

.. RE&/IRATION &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? Dyspnea related to: &Gala man ') gihangos**+ Cough"Sputum: Done =istory o#: $sthma, !0, E4"os)re to no4io)s #)mes >dala sa "ag"intal? S: &5ast na'o na gi7asthma 'ay 'atong Dobyembre, ta"os 'atong Lan)ary day)n gy)d ang last na gi7)bo24+ S: &Ci7resetahan 'o sa Doctor sa)na 'o )g Salb)tamol >tablet? "ara sa a'oang asthma* .ero /ala na na'o gat)mar ')ng m)to'ar a'oang asthma 'ay dili 'o ganahan sa lasa sa tambal* Ca "ah)lay ra'o* Ma/ala ra man ")d*+ S: &Dag'asa'it 'o sa 0aga >re#erring to .!0? 'ay a'oa man g)d trabaho 'ay "amintal* Ca'alangha" na'o ang chemicals sa "inta* + Smo*er: Do %se respiratory aides: Done Others"Comments: +Gala 'o s)'ad nagsigarilyo, "ero na'agamit na 'og mari()ana, "ero sa)na ra man to*+

S: &Dili "a lage 'o "/ede m)trabaho* De4t /ee' "a ")d m)solod a'oang asa/a sa iyaha trabaho* B)sinera man siya ssa iyaha gitrabah)an na balay*+ Smo'ing: S: &D2li 'o ga7sigarilyo* .ad)gang7d)gang ran a sa gastos* Sa)na ginahatagan man 'o sa a'oang mga amigo )g sigarilyo* Da/at)n ra man ")d na'o* $'oa ra ")d ibaligya 'ay mahal)n man na sigarilyo* Mga .hili" morris***&

Objective Respiratory Rate Depth Symmetry %se of accessory muscles Nasal flaring (remitus Breath sounds Cyanosis Clu&&ing of fingers Sputum characteristics Restlessness Others"Comments

Febr',r0 2 , 2010 28 c"m

M,rc- 2, 2010 2% c"m

M,rc- 3, 2010 2% c"m

M,rc- 1, 2010

: Do increased RR noted*

.I. &AFET$ &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? Allergies: &Gala man*+ Reaction: &+ $istory of S D 6date"type7: &Gala man*+ Blood transfusion"num&er: &Gala "a ")d*+ $istory of accidental in;uries: &Sa )na, "ero d)gay naman to*+ Objective emperature Diaphoresis S*in Integrity Scars Rashes 'acerations %lcerations -cchymosis Blisters Burns 6degree <7 Drainage 5eneral strength #uscle tone 5ait !aresthesia"paralysis Others"Comments .II. &E.(ALIT$ Febr',r0 2 , 2010 %6*68C Arthritis"unsta&le ;oints: Done Bac* pro&lems: &Sa)na ')ng hago 'aa) sa trabaho**+ Changes in moles: Done -nlarged nodes: Done !rosthesis: Done Am&ulatory devices: Done -xpression of ideation of violence 6self"others7: Done M,rc- 3, 2010 %9*0 8C M,rc- 1, 2010

M,rc- 2, 2010 %9* 9 8C

&'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? dose anyos sa am) '/arto+ !enile Discharges: &Gala man+

!rostate Disorder: &Gala sad*+ Circ)msi-ed: & o*+ .ractice S0E<testicles: &Gala*+ 5ast "roctosco"ic<"rostate e4amination: &Gala+

Sexually active: &Dili na 'ay t)"ad man g)d nam) am) ana' nga 0asectomy: &Gala*+

Objective -xamination= Breast !enis esticles Others"Comments

Febr',r0 2 , 2010

M,rc- 2, 2010

M,rc- 3, 2010

M,rc- 1, 2010

.III. &O"IAL INTERA"TION& &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? #arital Status: Married >ears in relationship: 20 years Concerns"stresses: Financial 'iving )ith: 2mmediate #amily Other support persons: &$'o igsoon+ Role )ithin family structure: =ead o# #amily Report of pro&lems related to illness"condition: &S)'ad atong nagsa'it 'o 'ay /ala na 'aayo 'o nagtrabaho*+ Others"Comments:

.I#. TEA"2ING%LEARNING &'bjective >Verbali-ations gi,en by "atient? Dominant 'anguage: &Visayan*+ 'iterate: &Ma'abasa man 'o )g Ma'as)lat*+ -ducational 'evel: =ighschool Crad)ate $ealth Beliefs"!ractices: Done (amilial Ris* (actors: $eart Disease: MotherFs side Stro*e: MotherFs side Dia&etes: MotherFs side $igh B!: MotherFs side %se of alcohol: &Sa)na, "ero s)god nagsa'it 'o 'ay ni)ndang na'o* 5ast na'ong in)m 'ay atong ne/ year*+ thers<Comments: S: &Gala man 'aayo 'o ga7inom 'ay daghan man 'o gastohan* Daa "a 'o est)dyante na D)rsing ")d diha sa S!2* 5ast na'o na nag7inom )g alcohol 'ay 'atong ne/ year* Mga t)lo na !he 0ar am)ang nah)rot* 5ima man mi tanan nag7in)m ato*+ .RESCR20ED DR1C<MED2C$!2 DS *r'3 *,te Or4ere4 *5+e%Fre6'e7c0%R5'te I74ic,ti57

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