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2 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 2009

Umno Annual General Assembly 2009

Reports: Husna Yusop, Maria J. Dass, Tim Leonard, Karen Arukesamy, S. Hemananthani and Eva Yeong. Photos: Raj Kumar, Saiful Hizam Mansur, Kamariduan Mohd Noor and Sharil Amin

Walk the talk, Dr M

tells party and govt
FORMER Umno president Tun Dr Keat to step down after a vote
Mahathir Mohamad said it is up of no-confidence against Ong at
to the party and the government the party’s extraordinary general
to deliver their promises to the meeting (EGM) last Saturday.
people as what they say and do “This culture of stepping
will be scrutinised now. down is not yet developed in
“It’s relatively easy to give this country. Everybody wants to
a speech and make promises stay on forever. After 30 years,
but after this, the people will be people still want to stay there,”
watching if you’re able to deliver said Mahathir, who was the
your promises. You must walk prime minister for 22 years.
the talk,” said Mahathir, when Although he did not name
asked to comment on Umno anyone, it was clear that he was
president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul referring to MIC leader Datuk Seri
Razak’s maiden speech at the S. Samy Vellu, who has been the
party’s special general assembly party’s president since 1979.
yesterday. Mahathir also said no party
Mahathir described Najib’s should allow itself to be split into
speech as “spirited” and felt two. He was relating his own
the prime minister realised the experience in 1986 when Tengku

Umno will change

change,, says Najib
problems faced by Umno and Razaleigh Hamzah formed Umno
planned to bring the party closer Semangat 46 after losing when delegates
to the people. he contested against Mahathir. show their
“He spoke about getting close “From my experience, when support for
to the people. This is important the president’s post is being the proposed
because many Umno leaders contested, no matter who wins, amendments
are isolating themselves from you’re going to lose half the to the party PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib rity and ethics of Umno leaders “Umno leaders need to revive
the people and are hoping that party. That happened to me in constitution Razak yesterday called on Umno continues to grow – it will be a this culture of service and volun-
by using their powers, they can 1986 when Tengku Razaleigh yesterday. to back his reform programmes, in- great factor that will cause the tarism for the party and the people
get support from the people. But contested against me. He lost cluding efforts to make it inclusive public to detach themselves from as a whole,” he said.
this is obviously not working,” but I lost half of the party as they and relevant to all the races so that us (Umno),” he said, adding that Najib said history has shown
he said. joined Semangat 46. So whatever the Barisan Nasional will be more an Umno leader should make an that the Malays have tended to
Asked to comment on the you do, never allow the party to acceptable to the people. effort to mingle with people at be inclusive and have embraced
MCA leadership crisis, Mahathir be split into two,” he said. Much of what he said in his the grassroots lest they be seen as people of other races openly. Thus
said it was vital for component Asked if the Umno constitu- two-hour-long opening speech at proud and arrogant. parties that accuse Malays of being
parties to work together as a tional amendments will get rid the Umno special general assem- racist should look in the mirror
split in these parties will reflect of the scourge of money politics, bly, themed “Upholding Tradition, and check the racial composition
badly on Barisan Nasional. Mahathir said the amendments Realising Changes”, including the We know the in their own parties first.
He said Umno cannot solely will make the party more
depend on the Malay community democratic but he was unsure if
call to make the party more serv-
ice-oriented, did not surprise the
rakyat still He also chided those who have
benefited from the New Economic
to rule the country.
“We need the component
money politics will be wiped out
completely. PPP
delegates as he had been articulat- loves Umno. All Policy launched in 1971, but failed
ing them since becoming the prime to distribute their wealth to those
parties. We have been work- “I am not so sure that you can
wants minister in April. they want is for the who still need assistance.
ing together, this country is a get rid of money politics but it is
multi-racial country, this country a little bit more democratic per- Maglin The loud cheers and stand-
ing ovation he received from the
party to change. We “They say they can stand on
their own two feet and no longer
cannot be ruled by just one race
even if they are in the majority,”
haps. I know these people, they
will try but I hope they will stop
to replace delegates at the end of his speech have heard them. need crutches but they failed to
he said. making use of money in order to
Murugiah were clearly a strong endorsement
We will change.” acknowledge the fact that there are
of what he is doing and what he others who still need the aid. Is this
Mahathir said MCA is a good get votes,” he said. pg 4 is going to do as spelt out in his – Najib fair?” he asked.
and strong component party but Mahathir was accompanied speech. “The issue here is no longer aid
called on leaders who are no by his wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Najib told the party members Najib said Umno is at a cross- but the question of how it is man-
longer wanted by the people to Mohd Ali. to discard the common perception roads where its aspirations should aged and distributed, because from
step down. However, former president that Umno is a party which people match that of the majority of the a wider perspective, the Malays are
Recently, he had urged MCA Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was join in order to make a living and rakyat. still seen as a community that has
president Datuk Seri Ong Tee noticeably absent. a party that promotes the interests Slow implementation of changes been left behind and in need of
of certain groups of people. towards matching what people aid.”
He said all members must try to want may cause Umno to be seen He said the recipe for success
be people with integrity and must as a party that is not grounded, ar- used in Bagan Pinang will be used
work to ensure that the party is rogant, ignorant and thus a part of elsewhere. Najib said the message
seen and trusted as an inclusive a problem rather than a solution. to Umno at the 12th general elec-
party that puts the interests of the He said past Umno leaders gave tion was loud and clear and the
rakyat above all else. their all to fight for the causes of party realised and regret-
“This is very Umno but this service above self ted its mistakes.
Datuk important in quality is disap- “We know the
Mukhriz convincing pearing. rakyat still loves
bows to kiss the people Umno. All they
the hand of to continue want is for
his father supporting the party to
as a mark of the party, change. We
respect at because if have heard
the Umno the negative them. We
general perception will change,”
assembly about the he said.
yesterday. integ-

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