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theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 2009 3

Umno Annual General Assembly 2009

BN components told to emulate Umno

UMNO deputy president Tan Sri “Umno is heading the process of ponent parties. “The role of component parties iddin said proper mechanisms and
Muhyiddin Yassin wants Barisan change and we hope component par- Muhyiddin said the process of cannot be seen as separate (from systems would be drawn up to man-
Nasional (BN) component parties to ties in BN would also follow suit with change in the respective parties Umno) as each had its own roles to age the “consequential changes” as
emulate Umno in initiating changes a similar process,” said Muhyiddin. should include changes to the leader- play,” said Muhyiddin. a result of the party’s constitutional
to their parties. He said changes in BN compo- ship structure, political programmes “If we (Umno) can change but the amendments.
Muhyiddin, who is also BN nent parties would make BN much as well as other aspects such as others don’t change, then it will be He said there would be no prob-
deputy chairman, said Umno as the stronger and more acceptable to the issues on integrity and relationship difficult to get the people to support lems in handling the large number
core party of the ruling coalition, had people. with the public. BN … because they will look at us as of delegates eligible to vote, as well
taken a significant step to be more “If BN is to be accepted by the “Umno has taken the first step to being unable to change,” he said. as other issues that may arise from
democratic by amending its party people, then a similar process of change, and component parties must On another the amendments, once the proper
constitution. change must take place in BN com- follow up. note, Muhy- mechanisms were in place.

Changes for a more open Hishammuddin

(left) and
with the

and democratic party

book on the
in Dewan


THE seven amendments to the party of Umno leaders’ openness and de-
constitution which were meant to mocracy towards the expectations of
transform Umno into a more open party members and the people.”
and democratic organisation were The amendment involves a
unanimously approved by 2,541 5,800% increase in the current
Umno delegates during an hour-long number of delegates. Previously, only
extraordinary general meeting. 2,510 delegates elected the supreme
All the amendments were passed council members but now 146,500
by a show of hands without debate, delegates will have their say.
except for the abolition of the annual Hishammuddin said the aboli-
membership fee, to be replaced with tion of the nomination quota system
a life membership fee of RM2.
The amendments were tabled
by vice-president Datuk Seri His-
would also include minimum re-
quirements for eligibility to contest.
Those aspiring must have at least
The amendments to
Umno’s constitution
hammuddin Hussein, who is also a term’s experience in the supreme
chairman of the party’s constitu- council or division committee or at
tional amendments committee, and least three years membership. » The number of delegates who elect the
seconded by Johor delegate Datuk He said although the supreme top party officials to increase from the 2,510
Shahrir Abdul Samad. council had suggested a minimum to 146,500.
Apart from the fee abolition, the
amendments involved increasing
requirement for eligibility to contest
as party president and deputy presi-
» The introduction of a registration system to
replace the nomination quota system. Those
the number of delegates, abolish- dent, the incumbent leaders – Datuk wanting to contest top party posts will have
ment of quota system, increasing the Seri Najib Abdul Razak and Tan Sri to be committee members at the divisional
number of Wanita representatives Muhyiddin Yassin – rejected it. level for at least one term.
in the supreme council, division and “They were of the opinion that
branch levels, setting up of a party they don’t need such protection and » The appointment of Wanita Umno repre-
election committee, authorising wing they would not hide behind the sug- sentatives to take up seats on committees at
chiefs to verify new memberships, gested conditions,” he said. the branch, divisional and supreme council
and recognising division secretaries Four members stood up to debate levels. This amendment raises the number
automatically as delegates to the the proposal on the fee abolition of appointed members, from 12 to 13 on the
general assembly. – Mohd Ridzuan Bakar (Bayan supreme council, from seven to eight on the
Earlier, in his speech, Hisham- Baru), Mohd Sharkar Shamsudin divisional committees, and from five to six on
muddin said the committee had been (Temerloh), Muntaha Kailan (Muar), the branch committees.
working on the amendments since Badarudin Ahmad (Rasah) and
May 30 by getting feedback from Adam Abdul Hamid (Kulai). » The elections at the divisional and top
the branches and divisions. These Mohd Ridzuan said the member- levels will be held simultaneously, and an
were then discussed in several man- ship list must be cleaned up before Umno elections committee would be set up
agement committees and supreme all of them were accepted automati- to supervise the elections in terms of logistics
council meetings. cally as Umno members because he and cost. The party president will appoint
He said the proposed increase claimed, in some cases, the names committee members.
in the number of delegates eligible of Parti Keadilan Rakyat members » The abolition of the annual membership
to elect Umno’s top and divisional were still included. fee and its replacement with a life member-
leaders was meant to make Umno Muntaha said the life membership ship fee.
more inclusive and democratic by fee should be raised to at least RM10
empowering grassroots members. to give it better value while Mohd » Umno Youth, Wanita Umno and Puteri
“Once approved, this will create Sharkar said party leaders should Umno chiefs given the mandate to verify new (From left)
membership at branch level.
history because no leaders, especially
those helming the country’s admin-
not hesitate to remove members
found supporting the Opposition. » Recognising divisional secretaries auto- Party must fight 3L Gerakan
president Tan
istration, were willing to change the Adam, meanwhile, raised the is- matically as delegates to the Umno general SABAH’s Putatan chief Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Sri Dr Koh
system which had actually put them sue of having to meet the quorum of assembly. Hussin said that while the public were concerned Tsu Koon,
in power,” he said. one quarter members during branch with Influenza A(H1N1), Umno members should Sarawak
“This is clearly a manifestation and divisional meetings. be worried the party would be plagued by a dis- United
ease called “3L” – lagak, laga and lagho (showing People’s
off, infighting and complacency).
Paving the way for ‘huge transformation’
“The public is worried about H1N1 but we president
should be worried about the 3L that can de- Tan Sri Dr
“THIS is just the beginning but it is a sign Hishammuddin said there were many would mean a wider-based participation stroy Umno,” he said during the debate on the George Chan,
that there is effort and initiative to change. changes in how Prime Minister Datuk Seri from party members in the selection of presidential speech. Parti Pesaka
There is a long road to travel in transforming Najib Abdul Razak led the government and leaders at all levels. “Arrogance and showing off can put off vot- Bumiputera
Umno,” said Umno vice-president Datuk Seri the party in realising this change. He further He also said the changes include gender ers, infighting can destroy and weaken us and Bersatu
Hishammuddin Hussein. said there should be different approaches in interests with contributions from Wanita, allow the enemy to penetrate, and complacency president
Hishammuddin was commenting on the dealing with the different amendments. Pemuda and Puteri wings. and lack of a sense of urgency can result in the Tan Sri Abdul
proposed amendments to the party consti- In response to former premier Tun Dr “This means regeneration of leaderships enemy defeating us,” he said. Taib Mahmud
tution which paves the way for the party’s Mahathir Mohamad’s comment that money in the party,” he said. Yahya said Umno members should learn and MIC
“huge transformation”. He also said that the politics cannot be eradicated with the Wanita chief Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil said from the party president and Prime Minister president
changes will make it more attractive to the amendments to the constitution, Hisham- the changes would give the wing strength to Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak who, despite hold- Datuk Seri
public. muddin said: “Of course, it’s true. It has been work hard in order to win big at the 13th ing the top posts, did the dishes during a recent S. Samy Vellu
“The strong unity in voting for the pro- said many times, but this is not just a change general election. gathering for party members in Janda Baik. at the AGM
posed amendments shows that the party in that sense but also change in attitude, “It also means about 22,000 committee “This is the type of service-oriented and yesterday.
members realise the need for change. There value and mindset of Umno in dealing with members at grassroots level will enter the humble leadership that will help us regain
was strong unity in accepting the amend- issues.” mainstream political arena. It is not just the support of the rakyat (people) in the next
ments and this shows members clearly Meanwhile, Umno vice-president Datuk Wanita’s fight in Umno but also Wanita’s general election which I think will be do-or-die
realise Umno’s needs to change,” he said. Seri Shafie Apdal said the amendments fight in the political arena,” said Shahrizat. battle for Umno,” he added.

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