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8  theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 2009

news without borders

Boost for Klang Valley rail network

KUALA LUMPUR: More trains
will be added in the Klang Valley to
(planning), Datuk Long See Wool,
at the national summit on urban
track per million population, rail
coverage in the Klang Valley was low
tric multiple units (EMU) for KTM
Ampang-Sri Petaling service would
be extended to Puchong and also end
meet the government’s goal to raise public transport. compared with other major cities For the congested Kelana Jaya in Putra Heights.
the use of public transport from 16% “Our immediate focus is to en- of the world and the existing three LRT line, the government plans to A new LRT line from Kota Daman-
at present to 25% by 2012, Transport hance the capacity, service levels, railway systems and stage buses add 10 new trains with four cars by sara to Cheras covering 42.8 km was
Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat coverage, and connectivity for all which handled 260,000 passenger end of this year. being studied.
said yesterday. modes of public transport, with trips in the morning rush hour were “We will continue to put into serv- “The LRT line extensions and new
The target for Penang and particular emphasis on elevating overcrowded. ice additional four-car sets in batches line will increase our rail coverage in
Johor Baru would be set later, he rail as the backbone of urban public “For our commuters living along until all 35 are operational by 2012. By the Klang Valley to 32km per million
said in his speech read out by the transport,” he said. the Ipoh-Rawang line, four new then, our current capacity of 25 trains population,” Ong said.
ministry’s deputy secretary-general Ong said with only 19km of electric trains sets (ETS) will be in- with 70 cars will grow to 70 trains Outside the Klang Valley, the
troduced between December this year with 210 cars,” he said. electric double tracking project from
and March next year.” By 2012, the LRT line from Ke- Ipoh to Padang Besar in the north,
He said RM200 million had been lana Jaya would be extended to Putra and Seremban to Gemas in the South,
allocated to purchase 10 sets of elec- Heights via Subang Jaya and the were being completed. – Bernama

Red tape hinders maids keen to

work in Malaysia
PETALING JAYA: Hundreds of (Asia-Pacific) Regional Conference Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Sin-
Indonesian women are willing on Domestic Workers, here. gapore and Malaysia are attending
to work in Malaysia as domestic She said since it was difficult the two-day conference which was
maids because they have heard and costly to get official permis- opened by the Human Resources
good things about the country from sion, women took chances and Ministry secretary-general Datuk
their friends and relatives who have entered Malaysia illegally to work R. Segarajah.
worked here – a senior Indonesian as maids. Human rights activist Dr Irene
trade unionist said yesterday. “Their illegal status then made Fernandez said the maids were
However, it was difficult for them very vulnerable and at the vulnerable as they worked in
these women to come here official- mercy of errant employers who homes “which are considered to
ly because of bureaucratic red tape took advantage of them,” she be private entity and no outsiders
back home, said Confederation of said. are allowed access”.
Indonesian Trade Unions treasurer She said the abuse of maids “This makes it difficult to reach
general, Aisah Teisir Abdat. was a common phenomenon in all them if they need assistance,” she
“These women had to go countries around the world due to said.
US plans through seven agents or authori- the nature of their job. This was why, it was important
new ties, beginning from the village “So it was wrong to say abuse to give these maids a day off a
strategy head to district and provisional of- of maids was only prevalent in week, she said.
ficials and agents, to federal level, Malaysia,” she added. “They can use their days off to
for before getting the green light,” she A total of 35 participants from seek redress from either the labour
Afghani- said on the sidelines of the Interna- Bangladesh, Hongkong, Bahrain, department or NGOs,” she said.
stan tional Trade Union Confederation India, Indonesia, Jordan, Nepal, the – Bernama
pg 10
Eight years for causing death of wife’s lover
KUALA LUMPUR: He caught his wife In handing down the sentence, Chong’s mischievousness,” he
and her lover in the act and out of Azman said a life was lost and Lee added.
anger hit the man with a piece of should not have taken the law into Lee was initially charged with
wood. his own hands. murder, but the prosecution amend-
The man died due to the injuries However, he said the court took ed the charge to that of causing
inflicted. Yesterday, Lee Meng Ching into consideration Lee’s condition, death after calling three witnesses.
was sentenced to eight years’ jail for where he had warned Chong twice In mitigation, Lee, who was
the offence. not to go near his wife, but on the represented by lawyer Andrew
Lee, 36, pleaded guilty to causing day of the incident, saw his wife and Davis, said he was remorseful and
the death of Chong Swee Sang, 49, Chong naked and having sex. wanted to take care of his children
at house No 7X, Jalan Dua, Jalan “The tool used was a piece of who were now under the care of his
Chan Sow Lin, here at 4am on wood which was taken outside older brother.
June 22, 2005. Chong’s house. Deputy public prosecutor Ah-
Judicial Commissioner Az- “Chong had challenged Lee as a mad Akhram Gharib, in asking for a
man Abdullah ordered Lee to man because of his wife’s infidelity. heavier sentence, said because of
serve the sentence from the Lee has no previous record, but he the incident, Chong’s wife was left
date of his arrest on June 22, was not able to control his anger alone to fend for her disabled child.
2005. because of his wife’s infidelity and – Bernama

Man charged with “We ask the Iraqi government to

move swiftly to bring him back to
double murder
briefs KOTA BARU: A jobless man was
Baghdad,” he said.
Malaysian police did not immedi-
charged in the magistrate’s court ately confirm the arrest.
here yesterday with murdering a Thai Daini, a Sunni Arab who has insisted
Deepavali reprieve for woman and her daughter last month. on his innocence, originally fled to Syria
Mazdi Muhammad, 31, is alleged to before moving to Egypt and then on to
cowherds have murdered Maena Ya, 36, and Malaysia, according to Modhi Awad,
GEORGE TOWN: The cowherds perse- her one-month-old daugthter, Nuna brother of Mohammed Awad, an MP
vering at the fringes of the demolished Nurasyiken, at an unnumbered killed in the April 2007 bombing, which
Kampung Buah Pala got some early house in Kampung Sireh at about also claimed seven other lives. – AFP
Deepavali relief when the Penang gov- 2.30am on Sept 30. No plea was
ernment told the project developer there,
not to touch an adjacent state land on
recorded. – Bernama Explosive thrown at
which the cowherds were surviving. DAP man’s house
Deputy Chief Minister (II) Prof Dr P. Fugitive ex-Iraqi MP SIBU: An explosive was again thrown at
Ramasamy said in a telephone interview ‘held in Malaysia’ the house of Wong Ho Leng, the state
yesterday he had told Nusmetro Ventures DAP chairman at Jalan Ipoh here.
(P) Sdn Bhd they were not to demolish BAGHDAD: A former MP, in hiding for
eight months after being accused of The CCTV camera at his house
any of the cowsheds on the state land. showed two men throwing the explo-
He said the cowherds have been given ordering a 2007 bomb attack in the Iraqi
sive at 7.26pm on Wednesday night.
two weeks to look for an alternative site. parliament’s canteen, has been arrested
“I was opening the door when I
The cowherds have been at a loss over in Malaysia, an MP said yesterday. saw a large flash of fire followed by
where to move their 200-odd cattle. “The Malaysian government has an explosion.
Ramasamy’s statement came after informed us through our embassy “The flares shot everywhere includ-
a stand-off on Wednesday between the that they have arrested Mohammed ing my house compound. The grass
cowherds and contractors hired by Nus- al-Daini, who was holding a diplomatic at the side of the drain caught fire,”
metro when workers tried to tear down passport,” Mithal al-Alussi, a secular Wong, whose house was similarly
the cow pen. Sunni deputy, told AFP. attacked on Sept 27, told Bernama.

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