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10  theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 2009

news without borders

39 dead as militants
US plans new strategy ambush Pakistan police

for Afghanistan
LAHORE (Pakistan): Militants academy on the city’s outskirts.
unleashed coordinated attacks on “They were very young – 19 to 20.
Pakistani police in which 39 people Three of them were clean shaven
died yesterday, storming offices in and one had a small beard,” Dildar
Lahore and bombing a northwest sta- Hussain, a 21-year-old police recruit,
tion to escalate 11 days of carnage. told AFP from his hospital bed with
The simultaneous assaults under- arm and collar bone fractures.
WASHINGTON: President a change of strategy including decision of his presidency scored the power of armed radicals Five attackers, including at least
Barack Obama held three the option of sending more thus far. to strike in the heart of Pakistan and one teenager, scaled the back wall of
hours of talks with top advis- troops to bolster security. Gibbs made clear Obama the weakness of poorly equipped the commando academy and security
ers on a new strategy for More than 100,000 West- was not considering a reduc- security forces, despite promises of nerve centre at Bedian, on the city’s
Afghanistan on Wednesday, ern troops are serving in tion in US troop strength in a new offensive against the Taliban outskirts, sparking a three-hour siege
with some aides emphasising Afghanistan, of whom 65,000 Afghanistan and that the only near the Afghan border. before the army announced it was in
the main threat to US interests are American. options under consideration Nuclear-armed Pakistan, which full control.
is Al Qaeda, not the Taliban. Obama gathered in the were maintaining current borders Afghanistan and is a key ally In the northwest town of Kohat
The administration’s White House Situation Room levels or increasing them. in the US-led fight against terror, is near Peshawar, police spokesman
analysis of the threat posed by with Vice-President Joe Biden He said the political situ- reeling from Taliban-linked attacks Fazal Naeem said 11 people were
the Taliban could play a role and other senior aides for a ation was discussed as well. in which more than 160 people have killed, including three policemen,
in whether Obama accepts fifth session about Afghani- Obama’s review has been died since Oct 5. after a suicide bomber rammed a
part or all of US Army General stan with another scheduled complicated by delays to the Minutes apart, between 9am and van into the outer wall of a police
Stanley McChrystal’s request for next week, as the president outcome of the August presi- 10am, gunmen armed with suicide station.
for 40,000 or more extra US takes his time in deciding the dential election in Afghanistan, vests and grenades stormed the Later on, a car bomb ripped
troops for Afghanistan. future US course there. A de- held up by elaborate efforts to Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) through a residential building for
Some of Obama’s fellow cision could be weeks away, wipe clean the widespread branch in Lahore, plus a police government employees in Pesha-
Democrats in the US Congress officials say. fraud that marred the vote. training school and a commando war, killing a child. – AFP
oppose sending more troops, A dominant theme of A White House official said
while Republicans favour Wednesday’s talks was how Obama was focused on the
deploying more and believe to speed up the training of Af- complexity of the situation and Rewriting
Obama should go ahead and
make up his mind.
ghanistan police and military
forces so they could provide
the need for a comprehensive
strategy with a security and history Report: Hunger levels still
pg 18
As US and Nato casualties
have soared, public support
for the eight-year-old war has
security for their country, as
well as bolster US civilian
efforts there, White House
civilian component.
Administration officials
have made a point of stress-
‘alarming’ in South Asia, Africa
eroded. spokesman Robert Gibbs said. ing in recent days that they do DES MOINES (Iowa): The world Worldwide.
In London, Britain said on McChrystal’s proposed not see the Taliban as a direct has made little progress in reducing “The current situation of food
Wednesday it is ready to raise increase – on top of the 65,000 threat to the United States on hunger since 1990, a new report crisis, financial crunch and global
troop numbers in Afghanistan US troops and 39,000 allied a par with Al Qaeda, a view said on Wednesday, pointing to 29 recession has further undermined
by 500 to 9,500. forces now in Afghanistan that some analysts have taken countries with alarming levels of the food security and the livelihoods
Worsening violence in the – and the broader strategy to mean that Obama might malnutrition, mainly in Africa and of the poor,” the report said.
eight-year, US-led war against review present Obama with not see the need for a sizable South Asia. The groups use the report to
the Taliban has led to calls for what may be the most difficult troop buildup. – Reuters Those countries also are most raise awareness of how government
vulnerable to the impact of histori- policies affect hunger by ranking
cally high food and energy prices, as countries. Past editions have been
well as economic recession – factors closely studied by governments, said
that the International Food Policy Joachim von Braun, IFPRI’s director
Research Institute said are not yet general.
captured in the data used to compile “That touches nerves of policy
its annual hunger index. markers and civil society organisa-
“After decades of slow progress tions, and that is the intent,” von
in combating global hunger, the Braun said. The report was released
number of malnourished people at the World Food Prize forum,
is now rising as a result of recent where researchers, policy makers
events,” said the report, published by and philanthropists are meeting
IFPRI, German aid group Welthun- to discuss how best to tackle food
gerhilfe and Irish aid group Concern security. – Reuters

time-consuming physical seller this week at two major

briefs therapy, a palace official

said yesterday after
concerns over his health
online ticket outlets.
That puts This Is It in the
same territory as next month’s
sparked a second day of highly anticipated Twilight
foreign selling in Thailand’s sequel New Moon and other
‘Colossal quake to financial markets. “His films that have generated high
Majesty’s condition is pre-release sales.
hit Sumatra’ improving and he does This Is It is composed of
SINGAPORE: A colossal not need further medical footage of the Thriller singer
earthquake may hit treatment other than rehearsing for a series of Lon-
Indonesia’s Sumatra island physical therapy which don comeback concerts just
within 30 years, triggering may take a long time,” said before his unexpected June
a tsunami and making last the official in the Bureau of 25 death, at age 50, from an
month’s deadly temblor the Royal Household. overdose of powerful medica-
look tiny by comparison, a King Bhumibol Adulyadej, tion. – Reuters
geologist has warned. the world’s longest-
Kerry Sieh, director of the reigning monarch at age Jakarta: No more
Earth Observatory of Singa- 81, has been in hospital maids for Kuwait
pore, said the next big quake since Sept 19 when he was
would last more than six times admitted with fever. His JAKARTA: Indonesia has indefi-
as long as the 7.6 magnitude health has raised concern nitely suspended the traffic of
quake which struck western among many Thais, who domestic helpers to Kuwait due
Sumatra on Sept 30, levelling regard him as semi-divine. to concern over widespread
the city of Padang. – Reuters abuse and exploitation by their
“We expect it will be about employers, the labour ministry
a magnitude 8.8, plus or minus said yesterday.
say 0.1,” Sieh, an American Jackson film About 500 women with
professor, said on Wednesday. scores sellouts complaints ranging from
He said last month’s Sumatra physical beatings to the denial
LOS ANGELES: Advance of pay are sheltering at the
quake lasted about 45 sec- sales for This Is It look set to
onds. Indonesian embassy in the
make the concert movie star- oil-rich Gulf emirate, awaiting
“This one’ll last about five ring the late Michael Jackson
minutes,” Sieh said. – AFP assistance to be sent home,
into one of the hottest tickets ministry spokesman Budhi
of the year. Laksana said.
Thai king’s Two weeks ahead of its “The suspension will go on
health improving opening, the singer’s concert indefinitely,” he said, adding
movie This Is It has generated that there are around 60,000
BANGKOK: The health more than 1,600 sold out US
of Thailand’s king is Indonesian domestic helpers
show times and is the top in Kuwait. – AFP
improving but he needs

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