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Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Chapter 7 Software Development

Why do companies req ire high!q ality soft"are in b siness systems, ind strial process control systems, and cons mer prod cts# What ethical iss es do soft"are man fact rers face in ma$ing tradeoffs bet"een project sched les, project costs, and soft"are q ality#

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Objectives &contin ed'

What are the fo r most common types of soft"are prod ct liability claims, and "hat actions m st plaintiffs and defendants ta$e to be s ccessf l# What are the essential components of a soft"are development methodology, and "hat are its benefits#

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Objectives &contin ed'

)o" can *apability +at rity +odel Integration improve an organi,ation-s soft"are development process# What is a safety!critical system, and "hat actions are req ired d ring its development#

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Strategies to Engineer / ality Soft"are

)igh!q ality soft"are systems
0 Operate safely and dependably 0 )ave a high degree of availability 0 1eq ired to s pport the fields of
2ir traffic control 3 clear po"er 2 tomobile safety )ealth care +ilitary and defense Space e4ploration

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Strategies to Engineer / ality Soft"are &contin ed'

+ore and more sers are demanding high q ality soft"are Soft"are defect
0 *o ld ca se a system to fail to meet sers- needs 0 Impact may be trivial or very serio s 0 6atches may contain defects

Soft"are q ality
0 7egree to "hich soft"are meets the needs of sers

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Strategies to Engineer / ality Soft"are &contin ed'

/ ality management
0 )o" to define, meas re, and refine the q ality of the development process and prod cts 0 Objective
)elp developers deliver high!q ality systems that meet the needs of sers

0 6rod cts s ch as9
Statements of req irements :lo"charts ;ser doc mentation
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition 8

Strategies to Engineer / ality Soft"are &contin ed'

6rimary ca se for poor soft"are q ality
0 7evelopers do not $no" ho" to design q ality into soft"are 0 Or do not ta$e the time to do so

7evelopers m st
0 7efine and follo" a set of rigoro s engineering principles 0 =earn from past mista$es 0 ;nderstand the environment in "hich systems operate 0 7esign systems relatively imm ne to h man error
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition <

Strategies to Engineer / ality Soft"are &contin ed'

6rogrammers ma$e mista$es in t rning design specifications into code
0 2bo t one defect for every ?@ lines of code

6ress re to red ce time!to!mar$et :irst release

0 Organi,ations avoid b ying the first release 0 Or prohibit its se in critical systems 0 ;s ally has many defects

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


The Importance of Soft"are / ality

A siness information systems are a set of interrelated components
0 Incl ding
)ard"are Soft"are 7atabases 3et"or$s 6eople 6roced res

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


The Importance of Soft"are / ality &contin ed'

A siness information system e4amples
0 Order!processing system 0 Electronic!f nds transfer system 0 2irline-s online tic$et reservation system

7ecision s pport system &7SS'

0 ;sed to improve decision ma$ing

Soft"are for ind strial se Soft"are controls the operation of many ind strial and cons mer prod cts
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition ??

The Importance of Soft"are / ality &contin ed'

+ismanaged soft"are can be fatal to a b siness Ethical q estions
0 )o" m ch effort and money to invest to ens re high!q ality soft"are 0 Whether prod cts co ld ca se damage
=egal e4pos re if they did

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability

6rod ct liability
0 =iability of man fact rers, sellers, lessors, and others for inj ries ca sed by defective prod cts 0 There is no federal prod ct liability la"
+ainly state la" 2rticle 2 of the ;niform *ommercial *ode

Strict liability
0 7efendant held responsible for the inj ry 0 1egardless of negligence or intent

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability &contin ed'

Strict liability
0 6laintiff m st prove only that the soft"are prod ct is defective or nreasonably dangero s and that the defect ca sed the inj ry 0 3o req irement to prove that the man fact rer "as careless or negligent
Or to prove "ho ca sed the defect

0 2ll parties in the chain of distrib tion are liable

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability &contin ed'

=egal defenses sed against strict liability
0 7octrine of s pervening event 0 Bovernment contractor defense 0 E4pired stat te of limitations

0 2 s pplier is not held responsible for every prod ct defect that ca ses a c stomer or third!party loss 0 1esponsibility is limited to defects that co ld have been detected and corrected thro gh CreasonableD soft"are development practices
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition ?.

=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability &contin ed'

0 2rea of great ris$ for soft"are man fact rers 0 7efense of negligence may incl de
=egal j stification for the alleged miscond ct 7emonstrate that the plaintiffs- o"n actions contrib ted to inj ries

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability &contin ed'

0 2ss res b yers or lessees that a prod ct meets certain standards of q ality 0 E4pressly stated 0 Implied by la"

Areach of "arranty claim

0 6laintiff m st have a valid contract that the s pplier did not f lfill 0 *an be e4tremely diffic lt to prove
Aeca se the soft"are s pplier "rites the "arranty
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition ?8

=egal Overvie"9 Soft"are 6rod ct =iability &contin ed'

Intentional misrepresentation
0 Seller or lessor either misrepresents the q ality of a prod ct 0 Or conceals a defect in it 0 :orms of representation
2dvertising Salespersons- comments Invoices Shipping labels

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess

=arge soft"are project roles
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 System analysts 6rogrammers 2rchitects 7atabase specialists 6roject managers 7oc mentation specialists Trainers Testers

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition

Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

Soft"are development methodology
0 Wor$ process 0 *ontrolled and orderly progress 0 7efines activities and individ al and gro p responsibilities 0 1ecommends specific techniq es for accomplishing vario s activities 0 Offers g idelines for managing the q ality of soft"are d ring vario s stages of development

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

Safer and cheaper to avoid soft"are problems at the beginning than to attempt to fi4 damages after the fact
0 Identify and remove errors early in the development process
*ost!saving meas re +ost efficient "ay to improve soft"are q ality

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

Effective methodology
0 1ed ces the n mber of soft"are errors that might occ r 0 If an organi,ation follo"s "idely accepted development methods, negligence on its part is harder to prove

Soft"are q ality ass rance &/2' refers to methods "ithin the development cycle
0 B arantee reliable operation of prod ct 0 Ideally applied at each stage thro gho t the development cycle
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition 22

Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

7ynamic testing
0 Alac$!bo4 testing
Tester has no $no"ledge of code

0 White!bo4 testing
Testing all possible logic paths thro gh the soft"are nit With thoro gh $no"ledge of the logic +a$e each program statement e4ec te at least once

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

Static testing
0 Static analy,ers are r n against the ne" code 0 =oo$s for s spicio s patterns in programs that might indicate a defect

Integration testing
0 2fter s ccessf l nit testing 0 Soft"are nits are combined into an integrated s bsystem 0 Ens res that all lin$ages among vario s s bsystems "or$ s ccessf lly
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition 2(

Soft"are 7evelopment 6rocess &contin ed'

System testing
0 2fter s ccessf l integration testing 0 Eario s s bsystems are combined 0 Tests the entire system as a complete entity

;ser acceptance testing

0 Independent testing 0 6erformed by trained end sers 0 Ens res that the system operates as they e4pect

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


*apability +at rity +odel Integration for Soft"are

6rocess improvement approach 7efined by the Soft"are Engineering Instit te
0 2t *arnegie +ellon ;niversity in 6ittsb rgh

7efines essential elements of effective processes Beneral eno gh to eval ate and improve almost any process :req ently sed to assess soft"are development practices

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


*apability +at rity +odel Integration for Soft"are &contin ed'

7efines five levels of soft"are development mat rity Identifies iss es most critical to soft"are q ality and process improvement Organi,ation cond cts an assessment of its soft"are development practices
0 7etermines "here they fit in the capability model 0 Identifies areas for improvement
2ction plans are needed to pgrade the development process
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition 28

*apability +at rity +odel Integration for Soft"are &contin ed'

+at rity level increases
0 Organi,ation improves its ability to deliver good soft"are on time and on b dget

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


*++I +at rity =evels

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


Fey Iss es in Soft"are 7evelopment

*onseq ences of soft"are defects in certain systems can be deadly
0 *ompanies m st ta$e special preca tions

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems

Safety!critical system
0 :ail re may ca se inj ry or death 0 E4amples
2 tomobile-s antiloc$ bra$es 3 clear po"er plant reactors 2irplane navigation 1oller coasters Elevators +edical devices

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

Fey ass mption
0 Safety "ill not a tomatically res lt from follo"ing the organi,ation-s standard development methodology

+ st go thro gh a more rigoro s and time!cons ming development process than other $inds of soft"are 2ll tas$s req ire
0 2dditional steps 0 +ore thoro gh doc mentation 0 +ore chec$ing and rechec$ing
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition %2

7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

6roject safety engineer
0 E4plicit responsibility for the system-s safety 0 ;ses a logging and monitoring system
To trac$ ha,ards from the project-s start to finish

)a,ard log
0 ;sed at each stage of the soft"are development process 0 2ssesses ho" it has acco nted for detected ha,ards

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

Safety revie"s
0 )eld thro gho t the development process

1ob st config ration management system

0 Trac$s all safety!related doc mentation

:ormal doc mentation req ired

0 Incl ding verification revie"s and signat res

Fey iss e
0 7eciding "hen /2 staff has performed eno gh testing
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition %(

7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

0 6robability of an ndesirable event occ rring times the magnit de of the event-s conseq ences if it does happen 0 *onseq ences incl de
7amage to property =oss of money Inj ry to people 7eath

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

1ed ndancy
0 6rovision of m ltiple interchangeable components to perform a single f nction 0 In order to cope "ith fail res and errors

3!version programming
0 :orm of red ndancy 0 Involves the e4ec tion of a series of program instr ctions sim ltaneo sly by t"o different systems 0 ;ses different algorithms to e4ec te instr ctions that accomplish the same res lt
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition %5

7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

3!version programming
0 1es lts from the t"o systems are compared 0 If a difference is fo nd, another algorithm is e4ec ted to determine "hich system yielded the correct res lt 0 Instr ctions for the t"o systems are9
Written by programmers from t"o different companies 1 n on different hard"are devices

0 Aoth systems are highly nli$ely to fail at the same time nder the same conditions

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

7ecide "hat level of ris$ is acceptable
0 *ontroversial 0 If the level of ris$ in a design is j dged to be too great, ma$e system modifications

+itigate the conseq ences of fail re

0 Ay devising emergency proced res and evac ation plans

1ecall prod ct
0 When data indicates a problem

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


7evelopment of Safety!*ritical Systems &contin ed'

0 6robability of a component or system performing "itho t fail re over its prod ct life

) man interface
0 Important and diffic lt area of safety!critical system design 0 =eave the operator little room for erroneo s j dgment

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


/ ality +anagement Standards

ISO >@@@ standard
0 B ide to q ality prod cts, services, and management 0 Organi,ation m st s bmit to an e4amination by an e4ternal assessor 0 1eq irements9
Written proced res for everything it does :ollo" those proced res 6rove to the a ditor the organi,ation f lfilled the first t"o req irements
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition (@

/ ality +anagement Standards &contin ed'

:ail re mode and effects analysis &:+E2'
0 ;sed to eval ate reliability 0 7etermine the effect of system and eq ipment fail res 0 Boal9
Identify potential design and process fail res early in a project

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


/ ality +anagement Standards &contin ed'

:ail re mode and effects analysis &:+E2'
0 :ail re mode
7escribes ho" a prod ct or process co ld fail

0 Effect
2dverse conseq ence that a c stomer might e4perience

0 Seldom is a one!to!one relationship bet"een ca se and effect

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


/ ality +anagement Standards

7O!?8<AGE;1O**2E E7!?2<
0 Eval ation standard for the international aviation comm nity 0 7eveloped by 1adio Technical *ommission for 2erona tics &1T*2'

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


+anager-s *hec$list for Improving Soft"are / ality

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


S mmary
+ore and more sers are demanding high q ality soft"are Soft"are prod ct liability claims are freq ently based on
0 0 0 0 Strict liability 3egligence Areach of "arranty +isrepresentation

Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition


S mmary &contin ed'

Soft"are development methodology
0 7efines activities in the soft"are development process 0 7efines individ al and gro p responsibilities 0 1ecommends specific techniq es 0 Offers g idelines for managing the q ality of prod cts

0 7efines five levels of soft"are development mat rity

Safety!critical system
0 :ail re may ca se inj ry or death
Ethics in Information Technology, Second Edition (5

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